Tl.mieoaf wl XKItlUU . MOB. -. Wa Term ebelatoa LS a T wae F ' eaiBeE- jiii n THURSDAY, MARCH 14.1907. Sherman county expenses last year amounted to I13,OM.89.-Moro Ob- terrei. tv, t'.njoa l i jlatnrR this winter changed the n; me of Ceoige Denolf to Oeorge Beil, but neglected .Unia t)A nmH of Mrs. Uenolf. M to it. Denoll made so mooh trouble for M It. Bell that be cauie back to Topeka lobby for a bill to obange the name bia wife. to of i.v. itovsniiar Dn-i died at his borne In Zlon City, Marob , 1907 Tbe end baa no' been unexpected, m ha haa been iu a state of diaaolutioi for man? months, fieaten la bia fight for control of the propertiea he found ed. the prophet never reooeied bii vigor. Thua enda the earthly career of the biggest fakir in modern timet. Dogi have become aucb a nuisance on tbe atreeU of Pendleton that tbe city couooil baa taken atepa to elim inate tbe pests, especially from the business atreeta. An ordinance was Introduced providing for taxing male doga t3 per bead and female doga 16 Der head a year. Tbe ordinauoe also provides a fine for the owners of li oensed doga who permit their pets to run at large In the business district. Tbe action of tbe Miiwaukie nurse ry in burning all treea aent into tbe vallev thia Tear tor planting woiked a Lhardshio on that company but abowa that tbey have been willing to comply with the law, and have regard for the welfare of the valley Inspector Castner baa done a great gocd for the valley In condemning 1 footed trees, and bia vigllanoe w Ill aare the valley from much damage and expense later on. The question of tbe right tc move buildings and make repairs witbic tbe fire limits, la an important one, and tbe opinionsjof the business men, as printed on the first page of this is sue, are varied, running from one ex ti erne to tbe other. Eaob side baa ar guments that possess merle, yet the matter should be dealt with by the counoil that will appear to be for tbe beat interf sta of the city, for tbe fu tnre as well aa for tbe present. A campaign to get pretty women especially the piettiest of tbe femlo Ine students at colleges and unlversi ties intc tbe aooietiea that are work ing for woman suffrage has been start ed at tbe University of Chicago. If the plan sucaeeda the tralitional taunt burled ut suffragists that no pretty woman favors tbe movement, will be refuted for all time, and the propaganda doubtless will go forward triumphantly toward tbe goal of vio tory. An exchnng - remarks that tbe time is coming whi i the automobile will be a popular mode of traospoitation from tbe oounry borne to tbe city. Ho long as tnete rioh man's plaything oot aa muob i.ajn farm, and tbe ex pense of repairs and gasoline amount to aa much in a year as tbe wages oi a hired man, it wilt be some time be tore tbe average farmer, even the Hood Rlvei farmer, will take kindly to it. E. A. FRANZ RETIRES FROM BETTER FRUIT Owlnt; to the faot that E. A. Kianz, who haa been associated with K. 11. Shepard in publishing "Better Fruit. has made arrangements to retire from tbe fruit business and engage in au o'.her occupation, Mr. tihepaid hut purchased Mr. Franz'a interest iu that publication and will assume full control aud management of it. Sluoj the publication was started lens than a year ago it baa made a phenoiuiual growth in circulation aud has proved a suocess from its lucei) tion. Its circulation at preseut Is very close to 3,000 copies and it is being sent to almost eveiy part ot the Unit ed States, and also to Canada aud Englitud. In ita sphere it is looked upon by fruit men and growers as un equalled and the faculties of agiiouit urul colleges are loud in their en dorsement of tbe good work it has done in tbe interest ot what ita name Implies, "Beter Fruit." Mr. Shepard aays that while he re grets to lose Mi. Franz as a co-worker the publication will be conducted along the same lines that it has teen in the past with tbe same standard ol excellence both typogtanhioully and editorially and that the next issue will be larger than any that has yet been puuiisiieJ. it will contain .1: pages made necessary by inoreased advertising aud tbe lact that be does not want to i educe the amount of matter which he has been supplying to appreciative readers. "Better trait" is not only apparently tilling a place among the fruit papers that was long neglected, but it has also done some good work in advertising uregon and Hood Kiver, and has been tbe mean of bringing several invest ors and desirable residents to the val ley and to other parts of the atate also. . l'ut l'p Yonr MoBcy. Having nothiag elie at band to brag about Hood River is now laylug Claim to possessing tbe greatest artis tio taste in tbe state outside of Port laud, aud claims she aent tbe largest number ot people down to bear tbe grand opera. It's a small matter, but the Chrouiole is ready to wager Tbe Uallea lias double the representation tbere that abe lias. Ubronlole. Will Exh bit at White Salmon. Tbe Imported Koyal Belgian stal lian, Max I'e llorian (registered), will be on exhibition at White Sal mon, Monday, Marob 18. All parties loteiested in good horses wilil have an opportunity to examine him. Hood K.ver Belgian Horse Co. GROWERS TO MEET NEXT SATURDAY P...U mnA mAmhapfl rif the Horticultural society should not for get that tbeie will be a continuation of the meetng wnicn waa ueiu i weeks ago and mat a prut-raw una been arranged for it. Tbe meeting M ho -all attend i aa several questions will be brought up that are oi vital importance iu grBi uu ntkuia smouowl in the buSineM Of either growing oi shipping fioit. lbe eason oi me yeai iw myt-jt ia nnripmu-iiino Mini there are many questions in regard to this 1 art ot tbe .. . .i.-. -.Ill Aim. ouitivaiion oi irun -u " oussion. It is said that some of tbe sprays that have been used in tbe val iey bare been found ineffective and that they do not accompusu m pur nrwA ' h 1 V thA0 M ttlinflOld tO. If you can shed any light on this question or any otner tost wm ueiy mi ful'no, fruit ornonr it is VOUr doty to let it be known. Don't bug any knowledge to your oroast imi gives you au advantage over yonr u thoush it was a bag of gold. Come to the meeting aud eniignien ana uecowe euiiguwu ed. Tbe meeting will be held in tbe opera bouse next Kuturday afternoon at i a..IuI. anil nil BM InvltAll tO mt tend whether tbev are members ot tbe association or not. Attended Meeting at Irrigon. A. I Muann unit Chris Ureisen at tended tbe Horticultural meeting held at lirigon last week and report a large and enthusiastic meeting, rai. Mason addressed the meeting aa did also Dr. V ltbyoomb and others. Mr. that the audience in at tendance at tbe meeting seemed to be very much lmpiessed with Mr. Ma son's address aud that be auooeeded in injecting considerable warmth iu a meeting that would otherwise bava been apathetic. Ine visitors irom hnra flnnalr In the highest terms of tbi entertainment while at Irrigon auu that wonderful results bave al ready been obtaiued tbere, and that nthan inn anvarnmant ditch la finished thousands of aorea of land that has format lv been worthless will be brouuht under cultivation. Tbe soil ut Irriunn la aaiii to be admirably adapted to tbe growing of peaches aud melons, particularly me laner wbiob gtow to an enoimous size and are of Hue Savor. "COMERS" TAKE MEN FROM CONTRACTORS So keen has competition beoome be tween contractors on tbe Noitb Bank railroad that they are said to te en tioing men away from eaob other on tbe promise of higher wages, better tood or any inducement toat tney can offer. A captain of one of tbe river boats who was at Hood Klvrr Monday ald that in bia many years' exper ience on tbe river be had never aeen such a demand for laborers aa tbere is this spring, and in speaking ot It said : For some time we bave been oar rvluir all the passengers we aie allow ed to on our up-trlps. In faot i bave bad to leave fiom IU to lb people on the dock la PortJaud several morn ings. Moat ot the passengers bave been laborers for tbe North Bank rail road, who had (been tounded lip by contractors and sent aboard for vari cms points on the river. : 1 didnt' pay muob attention to where the men were going until we arrived at points well up tbe river, when contractors would meet tbe boat and inquire where i tbe men were who had been sent out that morning. - Ail I could say was that 1 didn't know anything about tbem. the contractor would reply tbat tbey bad started, because be bad been wired to that effect. "After this bad happened several times 1 took to watching .the men, and found tbat eaob day several fel lows came on board, got tbem to leave the boat before tbey bad reaob ed their original destinations, , One contractor who started 40 men from Poriland got six. 1 found out after ward that these , men are known among railroad laborers as 'coaxc rs, ' and make a regular buslneaa of get ting men for railroad oamps in Ibis way. "1 have put a stop to it, however, and yesterday put a man who waa en gaged in 'coaxing' .ashore at Cape lioin. lie kicked, saying tbat be bad U men on board, but asboie be went, it's tbe only fair way to alt" The river captain also remarked that it kept tbe ollloers of the boat busy watching the boatload of labor- era to keep tbem fiom carrying away anything that waa loose and tbat tbey oouid get tbeir bauds on. LAND OFFICE RUMORS ONCE MORE AFLOAT It would seem the general public is very inucb in tbe air as to wbo will receive the appointments lor register and receiver ot Ihe Dalles land ouloe. Many bave been named for these otU cos but as yet no definite conclusion has been ai rived at in regard to till ing them. Among those wbo have been said to be aspiiants for the places are J. H. Fish, C. J. Farley. Addison Bennett, li. J (Jinn and several others. It is understood that Malcolm Moody has beeu makiug dettneiate efforts to bave appointment made tbat would be luvorable to hiiu aud that ho journeyed alt the way to the national capital to preseut hia prefer euoe to the president. As Mr. Moody uo longer holds tbe office of a nation al representative from Oregon what influence he can bung to bear on the president in tbe matter is not known. It is reported however that both Sen ators Fulton and Bourne strongly re cent Mr. Moody's usurpation of tbe time honored privilege of senators controlling the partonaue of their dia- ti ids aud that they have so stated to tne president. Ihe latest rumor founded on a dis- patoo from Washington is to the effect that Edward F. Shnrce. of The i 'alios, wbo was a candidate for rep resentative to the legislature from thia district last spring has been rec ommended for the position of regist er by both Senators Fulton and liourue and that U. O. Butler. of.Fos- nil, has been reoomuiended by tbem for tbe position of leoeiver. It is stated that both Sharpe and Butlei are most decided anti-Moodv men and were selected tor thia reason. From tbe same aouroe it ia learned that should the president make sd- poiutmeuts to tbe oltloes during the recess of congress that are favorable to Mr. Moody tbeir confirmation will be mo 4 bitterly opposed by both Sen ators Fulton aud Bourne. Both Mr. Sbarpe and Mr. Butler are aaid to be blgbly qualified to perform the duties of the respective ottlcea and were se lected on that account. Deatk ef Everett A. Creek. j Everett A. Crook was born Novem ber 181 b. 1880. Id MiaeoniL and died at (tie Cottage hospital in thia city Marob 0, I'M, from pneumonia, hav ing been ill but Dine days. Ilia par' enta reaida in Leavenworth, Kansas, aa do also several brothers an a sis ter. Ha earn west In June, 19U& stopping In Idabo for a time, and came to Oregon last September aud entered tbe employ of Messrs. Newby A Kantx. Ha waa la tbeii employ when be waa taken aick. and waa by occupation a painter, but took up tbe work of a lumberman in tbla state. He was a general favorite amors those wbo knew him, being of a live ly and pleasunt disposition, a yoonv man oi good bablts and character. and a good citizen. Ilia lo-ts will b deeply deplored hy bis associates and be will be greatly missed from tbe cir cle In which be moved. He was i member of tbe Methodist church Tne funeral serv oea were held it tbe undertaking parlors of J. E. Nlcl ola on Sunday tbe lUtb instant at om o'clock anil tbe interment was ii ldlewilde cemetery. Merthants r'erm Orrani.ation. A special car filled with buJoetr men from Portland arrived yeaterda) on No. 2, and was switched to a aid log, returning this morning on tht early train. The delegation wen members of tbe Oregon Bosine, Men a association wblcb came t- Hood Kiver to assist to organizing a local association. lbe meeting waa held last evening at tbe Commercial club rooms and aocount ot wbioh will appear next week, it being beld too late to appeal ia this week's Glacier. Yesterday afternoon was spent in driving tbrougb tbe valley, and visit ing fi lends among tbe meiobants around town, lbe following gentlemen of the! par ty were registered at tbe Mount li tod and Wauooma hotels: t. J. uarney, Astoria, president, and Cbas. B. Met ok, secretary, of tbe state as ocia tion ; J. Slater, Grant Foster, li. K. Carr. C. B. Anderson, J. N. Olsen, F. E. .Oates, J. W. Breedong, Dan Kelllber, A. li. wiiton, a. a. nia derly, J. C. Casson, Cbas. E. (Jean, J. A. Eastea, W. T. Uieer, A. U Scboenfeldt and O. S. Cutler. Adaptability in Fashions. There is a new keynote In the spring fashions thia year which every woman who makes ber own clothes will be glad to know about. It is adaptability. This new adaptable featuie Is perhaps best illustrated in the jumper or guimpe dresses wbiob are to be so very fashionable tbrougb out tbe spring and summer, lbe jumper waists will be seen in pana ma, voile and ailk, and also In tbe oo'.tou fabrics, sucb as plaid and check gingham and silky mercerized madras. It ia this style of dress that will be worn in place of tbe sbiit wais. suit. Tbere ia no doubt tbat it bai many good points iu its favor. Take, for example, tbe jumper truck tor a young girl, ud let us look Into its possibilities for usefulness. The pattern consists of '.bree garments tbe sklit, tbe waist and tbe bib jump s' in making up tne gown it would be wise to bave at least to waists to wear witb it, and two or more jump er bibs. One o. the waists might match tbe skirt, and tbe other might be of sheer India linen or all-over lace. When the waist that matches tbe skirt is worn, then tbe bib jump er may be cf some other mateiial, For iustauoe, it tbe waist and the skirt are made of daik blue ootton voile, tbe bib jumper would look at tractive in all-over lace; and then again, if an entirely different sort ot a dress was wanted, tbe skitt and tie bib jumper could be made of plaid meioerized madras, and tbe waist be of all over embroidery or linen. vVoman's Home Companion for March. Changes la School District. A number of changes bave just been made in tbe boundailes of school d b- tiinta. In the Mnnnt Hnnri rllotrlnt. a small ttrip was taken from No. 6 and added to No. 16. Slight changes were also made in INos. s end 04, also in ntelODA. No. M. while the nrmtrn. versy between M osier and Hood Kiver -egaramg iioh. oi ana 1.1 uas not been settled. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Firebaugh, March d. a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Coe, Marob ii, a ooy. To Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Brooks, iu the Crapper district, Maroh 11, twin boys. To Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Friedley, Maroh 8, a girl. library Voting Con ext. The first week ot tbe library voting coutest has resulted in a good stait being made, tbe Bureau club leading off witb 1,000 votes, witb the Baptist cburob second on the list. Ihe fol lowing votes bave been oast up to yesterday : Berean olub, 11. K , 1000. First Baptist church, II. R., .15. Foresters, H. K , 20. pine (Jrove Orange, 14. Odell school, 11. rraukton Orange, 3. M. E. 8. S., H. R., 3. M. E. churoh, H. K., 2. Largest Apple Paper Sales. Noith Yakima, Marob li - Tho largest sales of apple paper ever le ported from this city occurred yester day when a papor oompany of Seattle took orders foi 10 ours ot tbe suit.U squares wbiob are used to wrap apples before packiug them for shipment. This indicates that tho ever gathered Is expected this tall, as uuijr seven canoaus weie.required last vear. Inn nf tha a.,, warn cii the horticultural union, wbiob is oomposed of growers, while the re maining eight were sold to looal deal ers. Each oar cotitalna nnnrnvtmutali. -ffi ...umivi j 30,000,000 of tbe paper squares of tbe usual dimensions of 10x10 inches. Each car costs in round numbers 11200. Spokesman-Review. The Place to liny Meat. Buv Vour mnnta nf MnHnira Th) most reliable mnrltat 1 fl tha i i t t. Ever order given our best attention. You don't bave to see our meats be tore you buy to know tbey are the best. Phone vnur nrdnr " l l.o r,- of the pudding is iu the eating," so it ia wnu our meats. Jry aud be con vinoed. Pure kaltlwl our own make. We would like to have tne ladlea make our sausage and lard rOOmS a Visit, as a Jlun Irlrnkan speaks well for the cook, we will let our .iiuueo apeaa lor us. If you bave not used any of our link saubage, try them and get a treat We are nnt fltrlit inn nrttv Kanf trust, but we guarantee your mon ey'a worth. "Cleanliness is next to Oodliness." Tbat is oar motto. Solioltina VOUr rintmnaaa aa aa always "Yours Witb Tbe Ooods." juouuire liros. Spring Hats Spring Oxfords and Slippers I A SWELL LOW CUT that individualises lis wearer as beintf exclusive. PRICE $3.00 Our line of Oxfords uiul SlijiiTH w:is never more complete tlmn now. Wo li ive anything you can wish for in this line for youiiself or the childn ii. Oxfords for Children from 50c a Pair Up. Oxfords for Ladies from $1.00 a Pair Up. All the latent and snappiest styles of the season. We can please you in both style and price. Spraying' Material Finest Ground Sulphur. 110 lb. Sack, Flowers of Sulphur, 110 lb. Sack -Blue Stone in Quantities over 10 lb. We also have Drugs, Chemicals, Drug Sundries, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Kodaks and Kodak Supplies Prompt Service, Courteous Treatment HALL . RSSON We Deliver Phone lOOl Negative Side Won. j Tbe principal feature ot the Litera ry fcoiety last Friday night waa the debate, which was: "Resolved, that Capital I'u u merit Should be Abol iahtid. " Ihe debate was ably argued both pro and con. Tbe judges were Misi Orr, Frof. Coad and Kev. Gil urora Tbey decided in favor of the negative side, lbe debaters on tbe negative side were El wood Lackey, Otis Trieber and Harold Hersbner; the debaters on tbe affirmative side were Burleigh Cash, Maude Merrill aud Prof. Crouse. MMK ABBOTT Will be pleased to show you tbe lat est designs in Easter millinery on Fri day and Saturday, March 15, 16 and following dava. UNDERWOOD AND LITTLE WHITE SALMON Land for Sale 159 acres. Fifteen in cultivation, 300 apple treea, 100 in full bearing, 100 peach trees, all kindi of other fiuil lor family, uao. Two acres in straw berries in full hearing. Urxwl hewed log houso, bam and other out build ings necessary to farmer's use, all good. Running water, no rock, 25 or 30 acres can be easily cleared. Two and half miles from Underwood, landing, f 25 00 per acre. Half down biilance on time. 40 acrea. Two miles from landing, 18 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in straw berries full bearing, 100 fruit trees, peaches and apples, 30 bearing, abundance of spring water, reservoir and pipe. More land can !e easy cleared. This cannot be beat for tomatoes. Can be bought for L',fHH). $1000 down balance on time to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. 150acrc8. Three miles from landing, 9 acres in cultivation, 4 acres grubbed. 1 6-roorn house, wood shed, chicken home and barn, 100 fruit trees, Mostly apples in bear ing. Trice for the 150 acres 14,000, or will cut it in 5 to 40 acre tracts. 1 here w one ) oi goou fir timber, will sell for $1,500. I have also a number of other places for sale, improved and unimproved. Some with good heavy timber, ranging in price from $18 to $100 per acres, wine vacant lanu ana renn- luishmentn. F. W. DEHABT, UNDERWOOD. ORE. HAVE A LOOK AT THE BEST Every member of the family circle comes under the influence of harmonl our decorations. Ask to Bee samples of ALFRED PEAT'S Prize Wall Papers D. L. DAVDISON, WILLOW FLAT. Tlhe Paris IF L7 W. I The Place to Dress Goods . We have taken special pains this waspn in selecting the most dainty and pleasing designs in the line of rieee Goods that the market af fords in Merceline Silks, Soie Pongette, Silk Radiants, Silk Pongee, Como Suitings, with prices almost pleasingly low. You must see them to appreciate their , value and loveliness. Come just to look, you need not buy. We are pleased to show you. Make this store your headquarters. You are always welcome. WEARE NEVER UNDERSOLD WE HAVE Prescription Druggists Read of Reeds and Bamboo Stuff We have never seen any household that had too many comfortable chairs. We have a fine assortment and would be pleased to show them. See our display of Reed and Bamboo Furniture ...NEW GOODS AND LATEST DESIGNS... S. E; BARTMESS. S. E. BARTMESS, LICENSED Undertaker and Embalmer. FOR OREGON AND WASHINGTON Notice Notice Is hereby given that tbe prtnertlilp heretofore extNimir neiween ine niiircrstKneii under the Dam' of the Uett r fruit Publishing i'oraptny ror ihe eotitfuot and pubhcAtiun of Heller r nut, nan mm any wen aiKwuvea oy mutual consent, Mr. K. H. 8heuurd having atwumed tbe entire control and IntereKt In said oompany, and to whom all moneys due aald oomiany should be paid and all claim presented. K. 11. KHKPARn. K. A. Kit A.M. APPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS. Notice t hereby given that all applications for permit to graae cattle, bum", and sheep within the Camcab Kanuk Kobot Kk skkvr (Northern Division) riurln tbe sea son of IW7, must be tiled In my oltlre at Port land, Oregon, on or before April 1st, !W. Full Information In regard to the grazing fees to be charged, and blank forms to be used In making application, will be furnished upon request K. B. WILSON, m-2i Acting Forest Reserve Supervisor. Wanted Three salesmen for our new county, township and railroad surveys of Oregon. These surveys are a splendid com pilation of facte, ft nres and drawings, aud of wonderful value. Counties and towns are fully Indexed, and populations of each are given; railroads plainly shown and dis tances between all stations also shown; con gressional districts outlined, numbered and population given, other features too nu merous to mention. A splendid opportunity for energetic men. Rand, Mc-Nally 4 Co., in L Uicago, HL Save Money FOR Men's Boys' Henriettas, Voils, Etc. barsains that to miss. IT $2.50 Sk. $3.50 " 15c Per lb. Don't be a Knocker Come Bay a Rocker Upholstered Rockers Sewing Rockers Willow Rockers Notice to Contractors Notice ls hereby given that the Board of Directors ortne Hood River Irrigation District iu v hoo county iuregon, win receive pealed bids for the construction of the Korden and Head Point Ditch from a point near what is hiiowu as ine ury rvinie 10 a point wnere tn Proposed ditch Interiects the present Dead oint Hitch, near the T. W. Ualb atth place, iroir,iiiiinjiui pians ana sp. anourous furnished by the Hecretary. Healed bids wilt be received for such wort at the office of the Board at the residence of u. Marnnam mi xnursday, April 5, at the hour of o'clock n. m. Bids must be accom. pnnied by a certified check for 6 per cent of nppnx mime amount or ine wora.orother security. The Board reserves the right to re ject any end all bids. Hald ditch to be twenty-fonr Inches on the uoiiom ana iweuiy inches deep. O.K. MARK HAM. Dated Hood River, March B, 1J7. 8ecretttry' For Rent - - - . ujim iiuui n(.ni liver depot, good buildings, well, running water, orchard, timothy, clover, strawberries and blackberries. Cash rent and recommenda. tions required. Also 1100 lb. mare for sale. Mrs. Ida B. Mercer. 6U6 Front street, Port land, Ore. Rlmll Vnr Hon IK mnram fan 1, Ti , Cash for your Tlmber.-We are In position to secure highest cash price. Examination made without delay. Have clients wbo want investment in timber and will pay value of property. List with as at onoe. Quick ser. vice guaranteed, icifle Coast Sscurlttes Co.. Portland, Oregon. 21 I For Economy A Clothing m i MEN AMD BOYS Suits for $3.50, $5.00 $6.00, $7.00 and up. Suits for 75c. $1.00 $1.50, $2 00 and up. On our Bargain TaMo are some except'onn' in by'r Hirir- you cannot oll'- i I wow-azalea Mumiwa Children's Dresses In a very large variety, made in the most tasty and neat styles at prices below what it will cost you for the mate rials to say noth ing of the time and trouble of making. W. B. STROWBRIDQE SIGN WRITER Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty Fetedenc next tn (Second Hand Store MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale Brown mare 7 yean old, 1100 lbs. True tn pull and good worker, f 125. Hecond hand farm wagon and set of work harness, ' cheap. Phone 1210. HhellyAson. niltal. For Hale Blue Andalnstnn eggs from pure bred, prise winning stork, Sl.M per setting, I). Lock man, Odell, K. F. I). No. 1. rnl-4-at For Sale About 300 rlcka of 16-Inch pine wood. Most of It has been cut two months. Will sell lor 2.f0 a coid If removed from the ground within :H0 days. Hee A. D, Moe, Hood River, or W. A. Lockman on the ranch at Odeli. For8le -One Registered Jersey Bull, one Jersey Hull Calf Will trade lor yonng stock, A. J. Emerson, Kepma place. Phone 1324, mill! For Sale BnrT Orpington eggs, lor setting' II. 00 for 15 eggs. Phone 12T5. Mrs, Anna An derson. nil4niay For Bale High grade buggy, freshlylpalnted, rubber tires, Ml in flrsuclass condition. E. O. Blsnchar. mlt-at. For sale White Wyandotte eggs from mated pens, 1 .Ml and 12.00. Two line cockerels left at tiancl St. prints for sale. Can be seen and ordered f om K' ir A Cass. Will be ready with a fine line of vegetable plants. Some choice roses lilscs and wistaria vines. Oak. dale. Fletcher & Fletcher. Hood River. f?tf For Sale ("lark's Seedling Strawberry plants from ynuHg, thrifty vines. Chas. Krans, adjoining Crapper school house. . m7-28 For Sale Pure bred Brown Leghorn eggs. Best laying Btrains, M.C. Carter, East Hide. Phone Farmers 1297. n7-28 For Sale New top buggy, chesp. A. 8. Blow ers. m7.2!f For Sale. Factory location, water power, building on ground, X2x48, two miles from town. Als" ipple and strawberry land In 9, 10, 15, and .6 acre tracts.. Reasonable figures. I. T. Nealelgh, Hood River, Ore., R. F. I), No. I. Kgtf For Sale Good set double heavy work harness, also single set buggy harness, only ued three months. Or will exctiange for set of light hnck harness in good condition. Address "Harness Account, Glacier. f28iii21 For Sale Timothy and clover bay, baled. Apply to G. W. Piles on former B. F. (Jerking farm, Barrett Road. iAMni2l. For Sale Farm Wngon In good condition, or will exchange for light back. Address 'Harness Account," Glacier. RSm2I For Sale-A light Studeuaker wagon with springs and spring seat. All complete and In perfect order: also a small one-horse road wayon. This will be sold very cheap aa we have no earthly use for it. Price 115.00. Will take lfi Inch wood or potatoes for it. Hockford store, Barrett district, Hood River. f21-ml4 For Sale A few fnllblooded Plymouth Roc pullets from prize stock Also eggs for seitlng. 11.50 per setting. Satisfaction guar, anteea. Wby not keep tbe best. It Is the cheapest. Blood will tell. We sold all our cockerels and won Id have sold more. Re member our guarantee. K. Brayford, Rock ford Poultry yards, Hood River, Ore. f21-mi4 For Hale Plymouth Rock Cockerels, 11.00 each. Phone (WB. L. E.Clark. f21ml4 For Sale Horse, 4 years old, sound and gentle. Weight 1200 pounds. G. D. Katlnger, Belmont. I14ml4 For Bale One-half doxen fancy Brown Leg horn cockerels. Birds from prize taking pens. Best laying strains. J. L. Carter, Phone, 1297 Farmers: Wanted. Wanted Party to run boarding house. Middle Va ley Mill, Route 10, Hood River. mutf. For Sale-Thoroughbred Wyandotte eggs. 50o per setting. C. A. Newman, across the street from Park street school house, in 14m 2 Wanted Msn to work In orchard. Perma nent Job. Good wages. C. T. Roberts, Meadow Farm. Phone farmers 341. m!4-a4 Wanted Gentleman or lady to travel tor Mercantile house of large capital. If desira ble the home may be used as headquarters. Weekly salary of 11,002 a year and expense!. Address Armstrong Alexander, 126 Plymouth Place, Chicago, 111. m!4-a4. Wanted Party or pnrtles with teams to contract hauling logs and lumber. Middle Valley Mill, Roule 10, Hood River, Oregon. m7tf. Wanted Team for logglug and lumber hauling. Middle Valley Mil!, route 10. Hood River, Oregon. f28tf Wanted To buv five or six voun? nlirs and also two tons of clover hay, delivered to any Mt. Hood railroad station. iMeasestate price. N. H. Nelson, Dee, Oregon. l2Km21 Wanted Man to work on an nnntn runch the rest of the season. Comfortable house to live In. Married man prelerred. Apply to Henry Avery, Eggennout, Hood River. Ore- Sn. 114-mU Wanted. Gentleman or lady to travel fo mercantile house ol lurve csn'tjil. Terrltorv at home or abroad to suit. If desirable the nome may be used as headouarters. Week I v salary of 11,000 per year and expenses. Ad dress Jos. A. Alexander, Hood River, Ore. Bids Wanted On 40 ton) rlrVsnf -rnnt wrwl Or, pine and oak. To lie delivered in base ment and wood shed of Pine Grove school house. Healed bids will he nralvori nnl.ll March 15, '07. Board of Directors reserve the rigui 10 reject am Lege, Clerk DIs. No. 7. f2S-m2l Wanted At Cottaire Hnanlim nwri Rim girls over twenty years to train as nurses Apply Id person or by letter to Mlsa Grace Taylor, Bupt. or Abble J. Mills, Matron. Jan28 Lost and Found Lost Pocketbonk on fcjut. HiHa mm taining 1270 In bills. Return to Percy Shelly for reward. mi-28 Found On East Side, shout Ian 1 hiM' blue plush hood. Owner ran Unit Mm. L Glacier Office. - fUsmZl . .. , ' .1 1.-1 g IUC UWDW cand rind same at Glaciet- office, m7-2S Fftlinrf tn tnwn .)!, 1 A