HOOD BIVER GLACIER THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 19Q7 TilK CU1TSE OF INDIA CASTE. WHICH FIXES THE STATUS OF EVERY HINDOO. Ita Maa Can Rl From imm Class, Howmr Vclai, la Wklek Ho Waa Bora Jiflthrr W.allh Hor Saw- ma Affects the Caste of Aar Omm. Tn tio flvod Bonlo of descent In India iomi classes are merely Inferior, whlla tome are "unclean" or "untouchable. but from whatsoever class a man be born In he has no escape but deatb. Children born In an "unclean" caste remain "unclean:" children born In an inferior caste remain as their fathers were. Nothing that they can do can in the sllchtest degree change their situation. They were born "unclean;" rtmir ancestors were "unclean:" ttelr descendants will be "uuclean" till the end of the chanter. Tn r1ve a few Illustrations from many, a weaver Is lexs "unclean" than a carnenter. a carpenter Is abova a house cleaner, a house cleaner Is above a street cleaner, and a street cleaner is ahnve nnriah or no caste man. Every trade or occupation has Its exact place, arbitrarily fixed, In the scale of degra dation. Above all the men that labor with their bands In whatsoever way are the tradesmen and shopkeeper, also with anhdlvlHlons into classes; abova the tradesmen Is the useless and now almost idle warrior class; above tne warrior Is the Brahtunn or priestly class, and with these grand division ho atniptiire of the system is com Wflnitii or material situation or sue cess has nothing to do with the caste of any man. You may hire for your cook or valet a Brahman of the purest strain serene, who for weeks before you en nired him may have been on the verge of starvation. The meager beggar to whom you tons nlms In the road may be of a very high caste, me wen iu irroom. resnUmdnnt In gorgeoua livery, flashing by on a carriage that covers the beggar with dust. Is very likely of a mate a mile below the beggar. Time no more than effort can break down oimo walls nt division. On of the wealthiest and most distinguished fam illea In Calcutta, the famou Tagor family, lost caste about two cenrurie ago. Members of this ramuy nave re ceived honor from the government, have conferred great benefits upon city and country aud have been noted for their numerous charities ana Denerac tlons. One exerted himself all his life to further native education. Another heined to endow Calcutta university All are enormously rich, and all bear enviable reputations for goodness, boa esty and philanthropy. But the wall of riiHtH has never fallen for them. They are atlll hated and avoided by their countrvmen exactly as they wer at the heeinnlns: of their exclusion. In the streets of Calcutta is many a ragged artisan that would not sit on tn same bench with a Tagore or touch the end of his robe. Pain, suffering, penury, even death lUelf, Is nothing to the Hindoo com rmreil with the loss of caste. Many a Hindoo that In the old day would yield nolhlng to the most fiendish tor ture oulcklv surrendered his secret when threatened with something that would contaminate him a plec of cowskln, perhaps, or a glass of water that had beeu touched by a pariah. In, I suppose, thousands of case person that have hopelessly lost their caste tinva nhnmliilllMl their linmPS and Wan dered1 miserably along the road until death overtook them. Thousand of others have thrown themselves Into th Cnnire or deliberately starved. Threw ltruhman elrls who bad been degraded by a Mussulman went befor a judge to demand vengeance and when the Judge declined to Interfere killed themselves In the courtroom At a town called BuJ BuJ a widow lout ensto bv falllnu In love with a man benenth her. As loss of caste by one member of the family degrade the others ulso, her eldest eon Imme diately swallowed poison and died, and bis remaining brethren fled th country. A husband shares n wife degrada tlon. A wife goes down the step with a husband. For more than 100 year n Rrnhmnn fnmllv of Bantlpur ha been outcaste because one member fell in love with the daughter of a shoe maker Charles Edward Russell In Cosmopolitan Magazine. Pronunciation. Ilere Is a curious couplet which lllua trstes In one sentence the various val e of the combination "ough" and haven how strikingly Inconsistent are the selling and pronunciation of some TCnir Is 1 words. Tne ues may oe sup- nosed to be the words of an Invalid who had a strong will and wa deter mined to llvo In spite of bis ailment: Though tha tough cough and hiccough v.i nrn'a louah my course I will pursuo. Tlot and Cold. Pete rerslmmon Yeas, Ah reckon Ah nm fated to be a bachelor. Ah iniwii n pal once, but she threw cold trotnii nn mnb suit. Henry Ham- Won riot's bett ah den cettln mahhled en bahln' ye wlfo throw hot watah on yo suit Dat's what mine does ebry time I stay out after 10. Chicago News. Tha Cause of Trouble. Kh'e-LX can't understand why Lord ' Ttnated wants a divorce. His wife had half a million when he married her. fie Yes. and she's got every penny of It still. Thaf the trouble.-Plck- Me-TJp. Constant complaints never get plty- Gormnn Proverb. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Wild dog never bark and so always bit. J V t i ' : A my horse live the longest, black one th shortest A coon's fur I so thick that It can rob bee without being stung. . A blue eyed cat I always deaf, but all deaf cat are not blue eyed. . An Asiatic squirrel climbs a tree Uk a te letrrtDh Dole cumDer. 11 dbs tmrgm horny scale on Its tall for th purpose. The flvlna: fox or tropical bat win naa tha nlutat drinking from th ves sels In which cocoa I distilled and go home Intoxicated In the early morning or sleep It off at the teot of the tree. The big snowshoe rabbit or northern hare Is something of a dresser. It wear a whit coat In winter and rrav one In summer, the better to con ceal Itself from Its enemies by looking a the ground look In the two season. ed on of bis nephew' little cigars Sua was about to light the other when be j cam abreast of Edgewortb' store on his wsv to see th milliner. No one ! was present Th fatal contriv ance was cleverly put In th right place, and th rictus's death resulted ta th manner described, i Esther's loud cry reached Edge worth's ears, and h guessed It mean ing. Momentarily panic stricken, he ran to throw the cigar cutter Into the canal, but the Ice wa much thicker than he supposed, and It upheld the fatal evidence for all men's sight Edgeworth tried to crawl out on the lc and crashed through. He succeed ed In linking the box and regaining the shore, but be dared not show him self In hi wet clothe, so be ran borne aud changed them and hazarded a re turn. This w conjectured, and Edge- rnrth'a confession confirmed It. He w rantnrad a week later In a . - Jlooler Irnlt Uad. -Just A miles east of Hood River, in 'heMosier vslley, 0. I. Morgan lis come excellent frolt land in la ge r small trait which be can sell i-lieap i aken soon. 'Parties wishim? to buy will lo well to write or see C. D. Morgan, Mosier, Or. Beautiful Home for Sale Twenty acre, ten In fruit trera, I3 bnriur. ', ) cherry Iws In full Wartur. All rlram.1 ml i acrwi: 10 acrws need uo Irrlgaikmt aumtj iiniotliy: 6 acrra pkjwwi tend f"C raa: a 'n' lies of water goes with place; also iou.nl 'uiv; wood all under nhrd ftr wlnir. A 'l.SOO. bnutw, nix rooms. blh room and ;mry; barn and otuer outbuilding, all new : d wuier, tine roads and town only f, mi lew mall rhflil at the dour every day. Prlr I O per ai-re; HI per acre cheapar limn land m..U aU around the place. Poii l ! by Ibn nee without (iug IL Addruaa, t. w tiltb, K. F. 1. No. i. MajrlJ Car of Wood Wanted Either pine, fir or uiixeI with oak. I'i at '-rini( state price on board car itdhai O. R. AN ftai.on. Can find buyer for several cur. Address C. L. Ireland. Moro, Oregon. u39tf Harl a BeaTSrara. Th philanthropist, handing the beg gar a dime, said: The world I In a bad enougn way, dear know, but I am not one of those men who ay that It goes back Instead of forward. Take your case, for In stance. You are practically unmolest ed, aren't you J A few month Is th moat von ever set for begging. And do you know what would hav been done to you In tne nrteenm century i Th first Urn they caught yon begging they'd have whipped you at the cart's tall. The second time they a nave sin your right ear and bored a hole In your left ear with a hot Iron. Catching you third time, they'd have put you to death as a felon." "Gee." ald th beggar, "who'd thunk Itr-New Tork Press. V I la Waaaaa'a Way. When a woman undertakes to decap itate a fowl or anything with an ax she grasp th tool close to th bead. raises ber chin, squints both eyes. clinches two rows of teeth and hacks atrsleht down, missing her aim by about two Inches. That was sufficient for s Batavla lady to sever her left thumb. Sbs was not a fainter and, rs-nifldna- the thumb, which bad been chopped at the first joint, bound the parts together and has excellent prom iiia f lt comnlet restoration. ! The gams Is not always lost when "thumbs are down."-Detrolt News-xriDune. Tlaaelr PrvMatleau , i "Maria." said Mr. Qulgley. entering hia home In some excitement 1 want you to promise m not to look at th papers for the next tnre montnar "What fbrF wonderlngiy asxea sirs. Oultrlev. "I have lust been nominated ror m public office," h faltered, "and I don't want you to find out what kind of man really am." Chicago Tribune. Shrew. Game 'Extryl" yelled the bright newboy. "All about th ter'bl wumpty er wnmn! Ehr asked the Inaulsltlv old man. "What did v say. sonny r I didn't ear It" reolled tns Doy. "Buy a paper an' s."-Mlnneapoll Journal Always arawllaar 'Blnka la always growling that h doesn't hav Jostle don him 'Tea. When be rets a halo He'll pron- ably aay It Isn't a squar thing." Nw Tork Tims. sttal In Wilmington. Del., where be died of pneumonia, resulting perhaps from his wetting in tne eanai. From Frank Clifford I obtained tne remainder of the story. Unknown to me, be bad fallen In love with miss Warren and secretly married ber. Then, with some wild idea of permit ting her charms and virtues to be known In Branford and thus winning hia nnnla'a mnaent to the marriage, he bad bought the little millinery store for her. But Uncle Duncan proved a hard man to win over. He guessed a part of the secret and would not hear of an alliance witn "Mrs. wnson. in this state of affair the foolish young Invars decided to confess to me and eek my advice, and that wa the rea son why I wa summoned to Braniora hi time to behold th catastrophe. Duncan Clifford died witnout a wui. HI death gar Frank control of his own property that bad been In trust tnd also nearly all of his uncle's large fortune. German Coach Stallion Monteur, the imported Oldenburg Coach stallion, owned by the Hood Biver Coach Horse company, will be on the stand at H. S. Galligan's ranch, Odell, until further notice. He is a dark bay, 6 years old, 10 hands high, weighs 1500 pounds, of superb style and conformation. j31tf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'tilted Htatea Land Office, The lalle, Ore- Kn, December IS IMS. Nolle U hereby given that In compliance with the provlmoiia of the act of Cmigm id t a 1 . i.l.l .. . .. .. .. ti.r I u,l I it hos- , timber land in the utateii of California, Or-- i-.n, Nevada, and Washington 'territory, tended to all Fublie Land Htatea b act of AuguaM, IHfl, WILLIAM FOSTER, i.fMimiiT. Oregon, county of Waaoo, atate of Oregon, hiia lhidy died In thla ofllce hw worn Htaftiient No. 7(M. for the parchaaa ( ; ' SW'4 ,t m- tt..n 10, Id tnwnablp 1 notth, lull W. and will offer proof to . ow IIimi ii,e t nd muKht I" mora valuable f M It tlii.U-i tlinii tor agricultural ..Mr., - .. nH p.. .. i ., . ., hiit elaiin to laid liii.l In l.liv ii i in ind Keceiver at The I filled, ei nn on II.' ':4th day of Man-h, li7. He imiii- wilney-.: eote Mce.v, iiiik .vli-V '. k' ll.v i nlle. Oregon, bum V 1 1 0 r i. I' S.i ki. i .riha odleraen, of MoBler, UKu... Anvand all n mini flmiiilinr adverelv the above-deacrlbed land are reqaealad U tile their claim in thla ofttceon or before said Win day of Match, 1J07. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, J10-m7 RiUr SUMMONS In the Circuit court ef the State of Oregon for luecouiiiy oi wmuu Walter Pike, PlalntlfT, vs. Julia Pike. Defandant. To Julia Pike, above named defendant. In the name of the Mate of Oregon ! You are beivhy required to appear and answer the couiiilHint tiled Biitilnul you In tha above en titled court and cauae on or before January nm, which la six wek alter ueoemoer u. ItilMI Ih. il.lu nrrfuiwl Air llifl Anil DUtllieatlOn of this notice, and if you full to ao appearand ailHwer, ine piiiiiiiiu wiiittpiiij i.'r k iwm prayed for In Ilia complaint, to-wlt: for a de cree diti-olvluu thejbonda of matrimony now existing at thla time between above named plalntUTand defendant, and for auch other and further relief aa to the court seems meet andJUHt. This mimmons is pnnnsnea oy oraer oi me II.., UL' I. Uru.luKuU, IllllvA nf thft StlOVe named court, made and entered on the 6th ily of liecmber, 1B06. It. J. uuaowsay. dlMU AUorney for flalntlir. ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at tbe very seat of the trouble, thus relieving almost instantly bleed ing, itching or protruding piles. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded, sold by keir A Cass, Druggets.. Will Stay In Hood River The temedy that makes vou eat, sleep 11 J T 1 IT - I. ...... and grow strong, cauea raimo lauieta will be sold regularly by Williams Pl.irmiKv Hnnil River. Tliptifl ffri'at nerve and constitution builders cost only 60c per box, six Dozes, z.ou. it WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. rhone 121. C. P. R. Next Door to McGuire Brothers. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired AH work done with Electric Iron and guaranteed MORES W 1 lOOlMen Wanted TO WHOSE ADVANTAGE? Continued from page three A Habit to be Encouraged. A MAX, BSD FACBD AXD BBIATHLBSS, BCBST IVTO TUB BOOM. which be dropped Into the yard. Bui why bad be fled! Tha clew that haloed na waa the wet clothes, for they auffsested tha canal. W e got lanterns and went out through the vard at tha rear of Bdi'eworth'a store and came to the canal's bank. There waa about naif an Inch of Ice on the water, but at one nolnt It waa broken for a distance of ten feet out ward, aa If some one bad planted In. A suicidal attempt? Then why bad the man come out again T The riddle waa not read until the next . day, when a thorough sxamlna tlon of this spot resulted In bringing up from the bottom of the canal a metal cigar cutter such as one m upon tobacconists' counters. The cigar la Inserted Into a little trap, and a knife blade, actuated by a spring, cuts on tne eno. To thla common contrivance Bdgs- worth had addad a anrt at arrtnM which his skill with tools enabled him to make in a manner that I am tenant ed to call admirable. Thla arrlnre In. 3 acted into th cigar a sufficient quan tity of a tasteless, deadly poison. Tha mnthi-r who lias acauired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness ... . vi : a I ehlna tnr man ilava willln tern frltr. quickly cured ly us use. inoumerauta i " -- anv tendency of a cold to result in pneu- nwu xo come to ms store atone, vouot - .,,,1 ,'f nivon aa uik in aa the first I loss a an he bldad tha tlma whan fill. symptoms of croup appear, it will pre- ford should ds fighting one of his own vnntthe attack. This remedy contains Irtrara bormhtln-aotna other nliM. nothing injurious and mothers give it to occasion served him weU on this . HUie ones im ictjiuib ui mum;,! paettnihu aWattfnaV. OtfSafd I lVf tTjoMplorUdnsn Wi Spangs and Iwt I ill VSiA Free yourteli mm the U 7 worries and caret which have i Drink el V M V 1 m woDxierful watert here, whose tanaikabw Mopernet wul brn refiai bom meumatiam. chron Sipaiion, ndigeAion, MUW IrnuhU and orrJcri. This splendidly equip aantaruao es'isasawa every mec raource, provides every luxury ot the ioefl hotel and off en all the comforts f tha home. Located amid the lwmt"M where magnificent scenery, delightful Walk,and fine fnJungabound. . f.ftii mm tm ammtammML aeaaai. aisatMMMS mm4 rm mmttrfullj aaaaea' DADICrl SPRING m . am aa at aaaat aa aaaseaBai ak 11. OANITAKIUM HAINCS, ONE. 181: BfifftT m Basilar Ceufhs, Cslds. Crs Wkaulaa Ceesk. tie. No OptatM Conforms 1 M.l.nn.l Food si Are You Being: Poisoned ? If our liver is working right you probably . are not. When the liver is overworked, as it fre quently is, I be system be comes clogged. It is then that sallow complexion, lui'l las in hi ni' iiili, halaclii , ilizzy i-imI , ci n'inooiis lunguor, elf.. iihUcate 'h t ihe juraon i- mtt'i't lil -h lionl I la- i-urrieil off h hlowiy tainting the bli ol. If not remedied at once tbia condition will cause se rious trouble. CLARLE'S PIL CASCARA COMPOUND provides just what is needed to quicken the liver into natural, healthy action. If you take these . pills when needed all danger of this slow poison ing is avoided. Posi tive cure for constipation. Price 25 cents FRED HOWE. Stanley-Smith Lumber CoJ Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath, vShingles, Etc Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley CLARKE THE DRUGGIST Square Deal Store "Honest Goods and Square . . Deal for Every flan" . . IS MY MOTTO R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. LlM raVii!" The Ideal W eeder Is what its name implies, a Genuine Weed Killer and the nearest to perfection of any orchard tool yet introduced in Hood Kiver Valley. Try one and be convinced. Satisfaction Guaran teed or no sale. Osborn Spring Peg-Tooth Harrows Acme Harrows Plows and Cultivators Potato Diggers Wagons, Hacks aud Buggies Flour. Feed, and a Full line of Groceries at all Times Car Load Stumping Powder just received Yours for Business Phone 741 D. M'DONALD 3rd and River Street. Hood River, Ore To call on us. WHO WEAR No. 9 Shoes We are overstocked in this size, have a large stock of Also Womens Shoes Sizes 3 and 4 We can save you money on these I goods lowers Bros. B CLEARANCE SALE ..Extraordinary Values in Head-Wear.. In order to make room for our Holiday line of Art Goods, Richardson Wash Embroidery Silk and Stamping Patters, Center Pieces, together with many Novelties, just what you want for pres ents, we shall sell hats regardless of cost. Watch our aa ior iioiiaay uooas. MME. ABBOTT AH aattk synat esataialif asutsa waitl fata tk.kaw.ls. Im i Laxatlv Boasr aa Tat awraa ta kowsis aaa aoataias aa opuitaa. Sold by KEIR & CASS. Druggists HOMESICK! Kl TQU GOING EAST? W't can save you money on fretphtins' household cromls. Writ at for met sn4 (hr ssnimKis. Harass liiTn.nrtDirru Tn it nasT sthit runm. iinoi 1 A i RECEIVING DAILY FRESH Flour and Feed CELEBRATED WHITE R1YER AND GOLDEN CROWN BRAIDS SUCCESSFUB BAKING PAD u cu MADE FROM SELECTED HARD WHEAT alwavs follows (lie use of White River and Onlden Crown flour. Whether you hake liroad, cakes, pies, or any kind of nnatrf von u ill ml thin flonr S Safe and reliHlilti standby. Try it once and you will never use anv other. STRANAHAN fc CLARK HOOD Kive-K, umihuj I F. S. STANLEY, Pres. E. L. SMITH, Vice-Pres.' E. O. BLANCHAR, Cashier V. C. BROCK, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital $50,000 Surplus $12,000 We offer you the facilities of a well managed and well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive our careful attention. Hotel Waucoma A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE Moderate Rates Excellent Service Farmer's Dinner 25c P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Hood R : m : ( J. H GILL, -DEALER IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, - - OREGON. J. E. NICHOLS UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR LADY ASSISTANT Prompt Service Day or Night ORDERS TROMPfLY FILLED FOR CUT FLOWERS Office Phone 1513, Residence Phone 1511 HOOD RIVER. ORE, D01U l)y JXOir a vans. . . P0CR FRINT