The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 21, 1907, Image 4

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Everett Laffeity and B. O. Board
mau were ia tbe Willamette valley
last week and Everett came home Bat
uiday. It wm expected tbe deal would
be made Monday of this week where
by these gentlemen would beoonie
owners of about 100 aores of land near
Carlton, Ore.
Mr. and Mra. W. C. Ehrck left
Oiell last Friday evening via tbe
Mount Hood railroad. They expected
to leave Hood River Saturday for
their new borne at Medford, Ore.
R. 8., Albeit and Ellen Shelley
eame .in from Portland Suturday. K.
8. retained to Portland Saturday. Al
bert visited his parents a few dayi be
,,. -t ,,,lnr In PnrtlADd and Ellen
remains here and will be in school
Mia. 3. L. Tousey took her position
u nrimarv teaober in our sobool
Monday morning.
One can but poorly expresa tbe aat
LfunHnn full whan rnmnkfinff th
Davidson bill aa it now ia with tbe
nnndition of the same hiil before tbe
good work done under tbe aupervlaon
Wall HipAnt.ftd work
and gravel have accomplished wonder
BnI nma If tha onnii mark oould be
extended so that tbe bill on this aide
might be ao greatly improved, bow
thankful wa should be.
- I. U. Lafferty and family, of Mount
- . . , , . . i . . t A
liooa. viaicea nis parent, iur. uu
Mra. Q. W. Latterly, of Odell last
week. - s t .- .
I IT unnvfi wlfA anfl nthAr mfttar
J . iv;u.vb " " -
l. 1 nn n.nnml tn avfcArlflivdl WOrk
on tbe Mount Hood telephone line as
aoon aa conditions are suoo tun wun
can be done.
Miaa Male Mapiker bai been engaged
. ! . - J V. 1 1
lo teaon spring lerui vi iuuuui
Dukes Valley beginning Marob 3.
1 L. D. Boved made a business visit
to Portland last week.
i O. L. Rogers was buying apples
around Odell last week. Mr. Rogers
ship to customers in Portland.
Thna. Lanv la busr directing
gang of Japs at work on the Mount
Hood railroad.
Eliza Billen sold her property In
Ilnnrl Rivor to Hnrt Stranahan. Con
aideration. $1,700. A good sale and
good buy.
. Mra. .1. M. Johnson was operated
on for appendioitia Thursday of last
week and at last reports sue was no
Ins nioolv.
Rev. Troy Shelley p readied one of
nis gooa sermons ounaay morning.
The C. E. was 'good Sunday even
ing. Topic, "An easy life versus a
hard one.'' Albert Shelley sang a
solo, "Tbe Homeland." Mabel Kemp,
In the early Lours of Saturday
morning, Februnry 10, at the Hood
River hospital, Airs. J.Pa. Barnet
quietly paused away after few days
of sickness. She leaves a husband and
six childien to mourn her loss. Fun
eral services were held on Sunday at
teroon at 2 o'clock. Interment was
made in the Hood River cemetery.
We extend our smypatby to tbe be
reaved husband.
Tbe little son of F. W. Angus, who
has been under the care of Dr. Mills
and wife at tbelr home, has now suffi
ciently recovered from a serious sick
ness to be returned to tbe home of F.
W. Angus and wife. Great praise is
due Dr. Mills for hla skill and careful
wa'ohlng over the little one.
J. II. Groff has been somewhat un-
der tbe weather for the past week.
Suppose the grip had a strong bold
on J. II., but he is on tbe improving
line again, having broken its rgip. -
Comrade Skinner has Invested mon
ey in a very nice gray borse, aaddle
and bridle, also a fine buggy and hai
ne?s. What may happen in tbe near
future, who can Ml?
Rev. J. W. Sprecher, pastoi of tbe
United Bret he re n church, made a
pastoral call at the Rookford on Fri
day of last week. Brother Sprecher
skeaka very highly of tbe revival ser
vice bolng held in Hood River and
feels encouraged with the assistance
of the Rev. Merrill.
The new board of directors for tbe
Hood River Irrigation ' distf tot ate
considering, the ittnatlon of putting
od a building in tbe Kockrord neigh
bo r hood foi tbe purpose 'of holding
their meetings in place where ail
books and documents can be kept ao
tbat tbe books can be inspected at
any time without intruding upon any
one's home. A step in ite rignt ai
Tbe Rock ford merchant baa just
fmt on tbe road one of tbe finest de
iverv wiffona In tbe valley. It's I
dandy, capable of delivering all kinds
and quantities of goods. Just call
bint up 891 give him a small order,
and take a look at the ne wagon.
Some friends of W. A. Johnson
have come up from Calif ore la and
wilt make their borne on land pur
chased from F. W. Angus, adjoining
W. A. Johnson. We will obtain tbeir
name and write them up later on.
We are informed tbat Charley Camp
and wife bave rented the bouse and
land adjoining tbe Bariett school
from Mr. Countryman, and will
shortly move onto tbe premises.
We bave got some snow yet and it
is still good , sleighing here. Hansen
& Tbomaen are making good use of
tbe snow. They are logging and In
tend to start tbeir mill next month.
They bave got out about 100,000 feet
of logs now.
We ate havlog some trouble In get
ting out mail, aa the oxrrier does not
come any furtber than Udell, and la
order to set tbe mail it ia neoaessary
tbat aome one should meet him tbere
and get it. w .
Our school waa out February 1.
Miss Laura Ciandail taught five
montba on a permit and the directoia
did not aee nt to bire ber any longer
Mias May Maalker will teaob thru
months, beginning tbe first Monday
In Marob. It la hoped tbat we will
bave a flood school aa the children
are in need of anob. Mias Msy bolds
a first grade certificate and baa bad
the experience. We pay her $50 per
month and expect a good school.
Tbe childien are enjoying their va
oation n tbe way of coasting, as tbe
crust will bold them np. They are
having lots of fun on tbe sleds.
Leonard Dodaon and wife were
itlng at John Dodson'a last week.
Milton BIngermau waa seen In
valley tbia week.
We understand that Cbaa. Murphy,
who aold out and eut to Missouri
and returned, then went to tbe W il
ls me' te and bought property tbere, is
not very well pleated. He said tbe
oblggers and tiers nearly eat tbem up
In Missouri and tbe fleas were finish
ing tbe job down there. We would
advise them to come back to Dukes
Valley where tbere is nothing to both
er tbem.
James I. Weart, who has a home
stead on tbe bill west of here, is
snowed In, as we have not seen him
for some time. Mr. Weart has a re
ceipt tor living cheap here in the
winter time and tbia receipt he does
not give away, but if you want it be
will aell It to you and let yon work
for him to pay for it. It ia a good,
cheap way to live in winter but more
oxpensive in summer. He has been
keeping bis stock on tbia receipt
this winter and you can look at them
and judge for yourself as to bow it
works. A. T. Dodge, J. (). Cameion
and Roy Slocom have purchased this
reoelpt and It might be you oould get
it from tbem oheap. aa I don't think
either of them bave need it.
Mrs. MoCnrdv la at the present
time suffering 'from an attack of
Mr. and Mrs. Wolhart moved to
their borne on Rookford street last
Mrs. P. II Martin is on the sick
The Crapperite organized a Grange
at tbe sobool bouse on Monday even
ing ot this week with 64 obarter mem
bers. Several others have signified
tbelr intention of becoming mem
bers of the organization in the near
future. "..; i ;
Brother Barker filled Rev. II. O.
Clark's appointment at, the school
bouse on last Sunday afternoon.
Come again, Brother Barker.
Tbe anow Is giadually going off in
tbia neighbor hood. We hope to aee
the ground again by tb- first of
Marob. 1
In a recent letter to ye scribe Al
bert Anson Graham, former Hood
River newsboy, but now at Ocala,
Florida, writes tbat be ia determined
to oi me baoa to Hood River. He han
a coutinnhl hankering for Hoed Riv
er apples.
- Tbe election held Saturday to de
termine whether or not an irrigation
district ahould be established, wes
carried almost unanimously, only
three votea being oast against it,
while 53 were for tbe pioject. A nma
meeting will now be called, ao engi
neer employed to prepare plans end
submit an estimate, make aurveys,
etc, after which bonds will be voted !
on and bids invited for tbe construc
tion ot tbe ditob. Tbere is a good
deal of enthusiasm manifested In tbe
new ditob, and practioally no oppofU
tion ia expected. Water is badly
needed to irrigate tbe land and dou
ble the crop output.
The petition for tbe incorporation
ot White Salmon will be presented to
tbe county court at its uext meeting,
wblob will be held next week, and it
ia expected tbat a vote will be order
ed by tbe court on tbe question.
Tbe new opera bouse is being plea
tered and tbe upper room will be
ready tor a masquerade ball tbat is
advertlaed to be held February 28,
and which is to mark the opening
date of tbe new opera boute. Tbe
store rooms below will nt be finished
for a month yet, tbe bad weather hav
ing delayed work on tbe building.
' Mra. Hyting waa brought over from
Gilmer and is now at tbe rebidenoe f
J. Wyers, sr., uuder tbe care of Dr.
(Jearbart. Mis. Hyting is a sUUr of
Mrs. Wyers.
Tbere are a good many cases of the
grip in tbe neighborhood. Mr. Wol
fard ia just getting out utter beliiy
laid up for two or three weeka, Judge
Field baa Just reoovered, and Mrs.
Field and Mra. Geo. Thomaa are still
confined to tbe bouse with tbe di
F. L. Thomas Is expected back in
White Salmon to make his borne, al
though his plana are indefinite. He
baa a ranch near town and may con
clude to move on to it.
Tbe Women's club bave purchased
two lots on the main street and will
erect a club house.
Tbe obinook wind tbe first of the
week bas taken off about all tbe snow
In .the city, but on the higher eleva
tions it is still in eidence. Tbe roads
are softening op and make bard tiav-
John Wyers returned from Portland
Tuesday and reports bis wife as get
ting along very nioely.
Is It Your
Own Hair?
General dissutlsfaotion is expressed
on acoounl or the exorbitant in
crease of taxes, due presumably to an
lnoreased valuation. At any rate, I be
move is making converts to the cause
of county division.
I. C. Nealeigb started for tbe upper
oountry Saturday, to purchase a heavy
draft team.
btate Organizer Jaoob Vorhees was
present at tbe Frankton Grange on
last Friday evening. A large number
of oandidatea were made acquainted
with tbe mysteries of the order, ef ;er
which a sumptuous feast was enjoyed
ny ail.
J. P. Barnet departed last Monday
for bis home near Eugene, Or., where
ne will leave nis oniidren. Mr. liar
net also reoeived a message stating
that his mother is critically ill.
Rev. Ashley B. Cash, a former
teacher in the Barrett school, and
now pastor of tbe Christian church at
Richland, Ore., supplied tbe pulpit
of the Valley Christian cbuioh on last
Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Cash ia
man of pleasing personality aud
pleasant address.
Mrs. C. I.. Morre bas been confined
to her bed with a spell of the grip,
but is bow convalescent.
Rev. II. 0. Clark made a business
trip to Portland during tbe week.
The funeral set vice of the late Mrs.
Cora B. Baruet, was held n the M.
E. church on last Sunday at 2 o'clock
Bigger output, better facilities, busier.than ever before.
As we become better known our customers
are coming from greater distances for our
.Watches, Clocks and Jewelery.
Our Special Departments are increasing, and we are Busy
LARA WAY, The Jeweler
0 Not
What it
is Like?
Our La France Rose Cream
for chapped hands and rough '.Kin is the result of
careful study and' experiment? in putting together
the Iwst ingredients for making a euceessfnl ami
thoroughly reliable toilet cream
La France Rose Cream
Sudden changes of temperature freequently cause
the face and hands, to chap and the lips to become
dry and sore. A few applications of this lotion
promptly relieves all this, stops the burning and
chapping, making the skin soft and velvety.
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can't do it?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here's an Intro
duction ! May the acquaint
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich, thick, glossy hair!
Use this splendid hair-food,
stop your falling hair, and get
rid of your dandruff.
The beat kind oi testimonial
"Sold lor over ixty yaar."
iW iuuaJhoturrt of
Oi k :
r. m., Rer. II. C. Clark officiating.
1'be church was Oiled with aympathiz
iiiK friends. Cora Ji. Ilayes wai bora
ia Texas September 11, 1876, married
to Jengle P. iliaruett March 31, 1897,
and died at Hood Hirer, Oregon,
February 16, 1907. Six email children
and a sorrowing husband are left to
mourn tbe Ions ot a faithful wife and
mother, lnteruieut waa iu the Idle
willo cemetery n chirge of S. E
BurtmesB, undertaker.
Fire whs discovered in tbe real
Jeoce of Holli Fhelpa in Uanvtt last
Monday nt noou, Tb ' (tore pipe bo
ctime uujniuted nef.r the roof and the
Humes anon ignited tbe dry si
Aird Hi(l:. Hiif Ht bon e Hlm.e with
bei two small cl!)i"rM As t bey vere
sitting at the tiiuuit lull . r .
Phelps detected tbe smoke and at oi i a
caried ber children to a place of safe
ty and then began to empty the boune
of its contents. The pupils of tbe
Barrett school discoveied tbe red
tongue of tire and at once responded
en muss, and fighting tbe fire witb
snow and water, succeeded in saving
the property.
J. E. Reynolds is doing fine busi
ness in his now store lie carries a
line of general merchandise, as well
is a stock of hardware, wagobs and
tainting implements.
S. O. H ml ley lina increastd the size
of his store building and doing an
Increased butiiuess.
Sevon new buildings are now nndei
construction iu biugen.
Ibe Swan-Hammond Lumber Co.
are erecting a donbie store building,
the lower part of which will be used
by the general store ot tbe company,
witb the offices of tbe sompany np
stairs, ljinen will be tbe headquar
ters of this concern. They recently
bought three acre across tbe track,
on wbicb tbey will erect a planing
mill and box factory. 1'he oompany
recently bought 26 claims on tbe
mountain duck oi riingen, ana win
erect one of the largest sawmills in
this section of the country. Tbey
hare increased tbe output of the Mo-
Coy mill which they purchased, and
are getting ready to do a big business.
lhoy started in Monday witb a crew
of 40 men, which will be iucieased as
the work progresses.'
C. D. Moore has commenced tbe
building of two new cottages.
Mr. Stadle is constructing a build
ing which will be used for a drug
store, and will also have a room for a
baiber shop, it is nearly ready lor
Mr. Chapman, a Portland Capital
ist, bought four lots last ween and
will erect four cottages on tbem as
soon as material oun be put on the
ground. &
J. E. Reynolds put up thirty tons
of ico during the ould snap, which
will be a boou to the bustling city of
Uiugen in hot weather.
Judge Byrkott is finishing tbe con
struction of a very large barn.
Portland parties were petting op
tions of ground last week for the pur
pose of erecting a large canning fac
tory. This is an industry tbat is much
needed, and would be a paying in
L. M. Fisher is clearing off bis lot
preparitory to erecting a roomy store
bu'ldiiiK. Mr. Fisher will put In
stock ot hardware and furniture.
Tbe depot grounds are soon to be
leveled oft and graveled Tbe side
(rack at itiuaen ia over four mUea
I nig, aud the depot grounds will be
tixeii up in good shape. Tbey will be
nioely graded, and covered to a good
depth with gravel, well tolled down,
and a Hue passenger and freight de
pot erected during tbe summer.
II TT to (Jet It In the Paper.
For the benefit of the public, par
ticularly uou subscribers and persons
wbo persist in sending anonymous
romumnicntions to The Citizen, tbe
following is recommended for the:r
guidance: "How can I get an article
in yon paper? ' asks a correspondent,
It all depends on tbe article you want
to not in the paper. If tbe arlole it
small in bulk, like a hair brush or
tm unddy, spread paper out upon the
floor, and. placing tbe article in tbe
center, wiap It up by careruiiy roid
lug the edges over it and tie It witb a
string. This will keep tbe article
from Hlippine out of tbe paper. If.
Oi toe other baud, the article ia a
threshing machine or a gang plow,
you tetter not try it at all. Center
ville Citizen.
aPinnlllpa,, nnn.alpnhntii mucin from
resin from our Pine Forests, used for
nuiuireiiH oi years tor Diauuer ana r.ia
ney diseases." Medicine for thirty days,
SLIM) CimruiilAo,! Srtl.l hv Keir A
r 1-v : .
jjruggi is..
Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed,
while wintry winds whined weirdly.
Willie wriggled while Winale wheezed
wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win
ter winds work wbeesei. Wherefore
we writ. "Use Kennedy's Laxative
i ougn hymp. Nothing else so good
Sold by Keir & Cass.
Notice. "
Having sold my htotk of merchandise
at Odell to II. Connowav. all persons
owing me will please call and ettle at
once. Settlement can be ni;le witb
Mr. Connaway at the store. T. Lacey
Piles of Deonla have " Dilea. Whv
utter from pilea when you can use
DeWitt'K Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve and set relief. Nothlna else so
good. Beware of Imitations. See
that the name is stamped on each
box. Sold by Keir Sl Cms.
Ready to Wear and Made to Order
a Evolution brings economy to the con-
- The individual shoemaker and watch-
"""""'- maker are practically a thing of the past
But people continue to use watches and wear shoes,
but the watchmakers and shoemakers by doing their
work in large shops have reduced the cost to the
consumer 50 per cent.
The little tailor with his antiquated ideas and methods
is passing. Master minds with great organizations
in large labor centers are bringing the price of tailor
made clothes, made to individual measure, within the
reach of every man.
We are the sole rspresentatives of Ed. V. Price ty Co.,
the Chicago Merchant Tailors, the best in their class.
Their work is beyond criticism and their fabrics
$20 to $35 for suits made expressly for you.
Samples of their cloths lie on our front counter
drop in and look them over, all new, nobby patterns,
no old chestnuts.
Ask to see our fabric Nos. 3220, 3262, 3280, 3297.
j Exclusive Local Representative of Ed. V. Price k Company, Merchant Tailors. Chicago j
Our New Spring Hats for
Men and Boys are now in
Neighbors (Jot Fooled.
"I was literally coughing myself to
death, and had become too weak to
leave my bed; and neighbors predicted
that I would never leave it alive; but
they got fooled, for thanks to Uirti, I
was induced to try Dr. King's New Dis
covery. It took just four one dollar
bottles to completely cure the cough
and restore me to good sound health,"
writes Mrs. Kva TJncapher, of Grover
town, Stark Co., Ind. This King ot
cough and cold cures, and healer of
throat and lungs, is guaranteed by
Chas. N. Clark DruggiBt. fiOc. and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
Lame Hack.
This ailment is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles and may be
cured by applying Chamberla n'B Pain
Halm two or three times a day and rub
bing the parts vigorously at each appli
cation. If this does not afford relief,
bind on a piece of flannel slightly damp
ened with Pain Balm, and quick relief
is almoft sure lo follow. For sale by
Keir & Cass.
No. 1. 20 acres, 3s miles from town.
Good house and barn. 1000 apple trees
40 iu bearing. All cleared, and in gen.
eral farming. Price $,000. This
place can be secured by $1,000 cash pay
nient. and balance at 00 per cent.
No. 2. ' 8 acres, two miles from town.
7 acres in berries. Price $2,700.
No. 3. 14 acres, eight miles from
town, one mile from graded school, aud
lies upon railroad. Uood fruit land,
no waste ground. Price $75 per acre.
No. 4. 40 acres 7 miles from town, 12
acres cleared and in hay. No other im
provements. Price $80 per acre.
No. 5. 40 acres, 7 miles out, 22 acres
cleared, 7 in orchard. Will tradi for
dairy ranch. . Price $8,500.
No. 6. 20 acres 3 miles out. Good
house and barn. 11 acres young or
chard, 2 acres strawberries, some
meadow land and about acre waste
land. If taken soon 8 tons hay in barn
and winter's supply of wood will go
with purchase price of $9,000.
No. 7. 15 acres I mile from upper
town. 5 acres young orchard. 5 acres
strawberries, balance fertilized for gar
den truck. 11 inches water with place
No. 8. 20 acres, 4 miles from town.
10 acres in orchard. Small house and
outbuildings. Price, $8,500.
No. 9." 30 acres 5J miles from town,
1300 trees ,1 three and four years old.
This is one of the finest places in all
Hood River. Price, $17,500.
No. 10. 22 acres near Fine Grove !
School House. 12 acres in orchard and
part of It in full bearing. Varieties are
principally Newtowns and Spitzeu
bergs. House and outbuildings. Price,
No. 11. 6 acres 3 miles out. 4 set
to trees, Newtowns and Spitzenbergs,
with peach trees set between rows.
Good 6-room house. Daily mail and
telephone, Price $2,500.
No. 12. 10 acres 4 miles out. No im
provements. No waste laud. Price
No. 13. 43 acres 4 miles out. 5 acres
In bearing, 2 acres young orchard. Only
3 acres waste g'ound. House, barn,
fruit house and fine spring situate to
pipe into house. Price $15,000
Cupid Flour I
In the recent Baking Contest, in
Portland the lady receiving the
prize, in describing how she made
the bread, said: "I first bought a
sack of Cupid flour, made by the
Hood River Milling Co." If you
want that nice white, flaky bread,
buy Cupid flour. If your merchant
is a knocker, and dont want to fur
nish it, we will tell you where to get
it. Whv use Trust-made flour
when you can get the best there is
at home and not made by the
Trust. Neither is our flour artifi
cially bleached. It is generally
conceded that carbonic acid
gas, that is used in bleachiug
flour, is injurious,
Hood River Milling Co.
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture and
vVe do everything horses cau do.
; interests you because of the variety shown for your selec
j tion, and the price impossible under ordinary buying.
We invito inspection
!An Unconditional Guarantee with Everv Stove
In selling thousands of these Universals in the past 22
yeas we have never beeen eulled on to make good the
guaransee on a single Univeival