The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 21, 1907, Image 2

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Aklill'K b. MOB, PWUlw.
to unm
( subscription-HM f f Ma ftti
THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1907.
The Place to Save Money
At lat reports the Ilood
County bill was a lively corpse.
The meeting of tbe Hood River I
ficiticultural society Saturdsy,Marob
2, vtill be full of Interest to every
fruit grower of the valley and should
be well attendeil. Read the program
in another column.
Tbe Dalles Utitlinint iuseits a I
"death notice" of the Cascade coun
ty bill in its last issue, with a black
border around it. We suggest that in
its next issue it change tbe name to I
read "Portage ISill."
KfHiiilth County Bill Killed.
Special to Olaoier.
Salem, Feb. 20. Senate Indefinitely!
postponed Neeraith county bill this!
The new pension law that has just
gone into elfect gives every old sol
dier who served ninety days or more
in tbe Mexican war or civil war, and
received an honorable discharge, and
wbo is not les than oU years old, a
pension, whether disabled or not
tbe new rates are 112 a month for a
soldier 62 years old ; 70 years, 915: 7i.
years, (20, Any soldier of tbese ages
now receiving a less pension than tbe
above, may have tbe Increase, and
any old soldier wbo comes within
these requiiements, whether disabled
or not, may have this pen don npon
application in proper form.
A. O, Buck bas been interesting
himself In tbe matter, and bas tbe
regular blanks on baud to make ap
plication for the pension under tbe
new law.
Tbe following is the text of tbe law:
lie it enacted, etc., Xhat any per
son who served DO days or more in
toe military or naval servioe of the
United States during the late oi 11
war or CO days In tbe war with Mexi
oo, and wbo bus been honorably dis
Obarged therefrom, and wbo bas
reached the age of 62 years or over.
shall upon making proof of suob facts
aooording to suob rules and regulu
tions as tbe secretary of tbe interior
may provide, be placed upon tbe pen
slou roil ana be entitled to receive a
pension ns follows: In case suob per
son has reached the age oi Hi years,
Viz pur mouth; vu years, uo pel
montb; 75 years or over, 20per
montn; and suon pension shall com
menus from the date of tbe filing of
the application in tbe buteau of pen
lions after tbe passage end approval
oi ibis aot: provided, Xhat pension
ers woo aie tiii years of age or over
and wbo are now receiving pensions
under exiNtiug laws, or whose claims
are ponding iu the bureau of pen
ions, may, by application to tbe
commissioner of pensions in suob
form as he may prescribe, receive the
Denerics or tnis act; and nothing here
in contained shall prevent any pen
siouer or person entitled to a pension
rrom prosecuiiug bis claim ana re
oeiving a petition under any other
general or si i oial act : Provided.
lbat no person shall receive a pension
under any otbur Jaw at tbe same time
or for the same peiiod that he Is i
oeiving a pen don under the provis
ions of this aot: Provided fuitber.
lbat no person wbo is now receiving
or shall boreal ter reoeive a greater
pension under any other general or
' special law than be would be entitled
to .receive under the provisions here
in shall be pensionable under this
Heotion 2. That rank In the servioe
shall not be considered in applica
tions niea hereunder.
huotion 3. lbat no pension attor
ney, claim agent, or other other per
son suaii no entitled to reoeive any
compensation for seivioes tendered In
presenting any claim to tbe bureau of
pensions, or seouring any pensions
uuaei cms ace.
Y t V M
Oi V ady
Z Style 6001 . 1 V
! I A patent kid buttoa I
WfM boot, dull upper with
teamleN instep, weked
IJ sole, ailiury heal "
perforated tip. N 1
M "Vtnar"
y : Price "
Ladies' $4.00
Short Coats, $1.98
Sale Ends Tuesday Feb. 26th
Men's Sox
Men's heavy weight wool
sox in blui , brown or
gray. Dotil.'e heel and
toe. The si k for satin
faction. Price, pair 25c
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
Ladies' pure white linen
handkerchiefs, plain hem
or lace edge, a few col
ored border-, -old regu
larly at 2hc. Special
price IJe
Men's Hats
Men's hats in all style
and colors, most all sixer,
IihIh valued at $1.50 ami
$2.00. Sale price-. .98c
Ladies' Union Suits
We have ladies' winter
underwear in endless
variety, all sizes and any
color. Prices range from
25c to $2.50 a
Men's $1.26 Underwear, 850
Odds and ends and broken lots of men's underwear
in colors, such af gray, pink, blue, (an, etc,, and
valued up to (1.25 a garment. Muxt all go Q'lf
at the rediculously low price, per garment 00 L
Special Sale of
Boys' Clothing
Boys' $10 Black Suits. Special...
Boys' $3.10 Manjshclot.i
Suits. Special...$1.50
Boys' $5.50 Cheviot Suits,
Special $2.55
Boys' $3.10 Worstered Suits
Special.. ..: $2.45
Boys' $5.00 Worstered Suits
special $3.33
Others too minit'i'
ous to mention.
Boys' Underwear
Hoys' heavy weight, silky fleeced lined underwear
in servii-able shade of brown, a sensible garment
Price the garment
Style 6003
A vici kid blucher lac
boot, with patent lace
ttayi and heel foxing
welted sole, military
heel and patent top.
Masquerade liall.
The Tuesday Evening Dancing club
will close its series of dances with a
grand masquerade ball which wilt be
Held next luesday evening in I. O
O .b. hall. Musio as usual by Dray's
urouesira. uiana march at U:3U;
musio until one o'clock. Those wish
ing to attend who are not regular
meiuoers can secure ciokets from any
m tue loiiowing: 11. w, uoyle, t Jfi,
Urosius, O. A. Cass, E. O. Dutro.
Kay Dean, V. K. Dabney, Nelson
f,mry, 11. U. Kason, tieo. Emry, J. C.
Franz, H. O. Ferguson, R. E. towel.
Olen Uillote. J. E. Hall, 11. F. Ilutoh-
lsou, Unrland Jlollowell, A. L. Jones,
rt. a. jior, u. 11. .ueipoid, r. M
Hail Ltfwia, A. C. Lofts, B. A. Mo-
Outohan, Uheste MoReynolds, M, M
KusseU, A. J. O'Neil, U. H. Htelu
holt, Frank Reynolds, il. F. Smith,
o. i. nenmeuzer, iiarry wooa.
News received here yesterday that
tbe poitage bill had been tabled In
the home, with but slim prospects of
getting through, was good news to
Hood Rirer people, wbo were feeling
sore because of tbe uusuoessf ul efforts,
as yet. in passing tbe liood River
county bill,
... . i l mi 1
It was niniea to tsenaior wneaiuou
several times that it would be better
to compromise with us, If be wished
to pass the poitage bill, but be ex
piessed confidence In being able to
defeat tbe Ilood River measure, and
also to oarry tbe portage biU through.
Among opponents of tbe biU to taka
part In tbe debate were Newell, Cof
fey, Jackson, Barrett, of Washington,
and Purdy. iney oonientea mai ine
objeot for wbiob the portage road war
originally constructed, the adjusting
of railroad rates on tbe Upper Colum
bia around I be obstructions at the
Celilo Falls, bad been attained and
they questioned both tbe necessity
and tb practicability of further ap
nronrlatiiiff for tbe support of tbe
road, which was but a temporary
expedient, Inasmuch as the govern
ment bas appropilated VoUU,uuu lor ie
moving the obstructions from tbe Co
A dispatch from Salem luesday
Senators Fulton and uourne ate
trump cards being played by friends
of tbe Hood River county bill to force
its passage through the leigslature,
The bill was killed In tbe senate,
bearing the name of Cascade county,
by indefinite postponement it was
resurrected in tbe house, where Cof
fey bad Moore and Bakei present the
bill under the name of ilood River
oounty. Tbe bill was tabled on its
second reading and tbe enort failed
to take it from tbe table last night.
Ibis morning telograms are being
leceived by members of both bouses
from Fulton, saying in substance
It Is tbe belief of both Senator
Bourne and myself that the best in'
terests of the state demand the crea
tion of Gao'tade county. Vote for
the bill"
A strong effort is being made to
take the bill from tbe table in tbe
house as soon as tbe state university
and compulsory pass vetoes are out of
tbe way, and force it through the sen
W. E. Burke, oampalsn manager tor
Bourne la working for Hood River
oounty. Coffey and Drisooll are work
lng with liurke.
Meeting of Hood River Horticultural
1'B S V
. ne noon itiver Horticultural so
niety was organized one year ago,
witb a mem bership of 100. The otHo-
ers or me sooiety Deietiy announce
that the second annual meeting will
be held lu the K. of P. hall Saturday,
iuarcn , uegiuuing at 1 0 clock p,
ui., with the following program:
Inspection of orchurds and its nec
essity, (). R. Caatuer, to be followed
cy mil disoussiou.
Importance of the grower in the
methods of gradiug apples as to size
ror me packer, u. 1. Saraent. Fur
ther discussion of the subject to be
oontinuoa uy Uharles SStrauahan, Sam
Strawberry culture and plant grow
ing, E. N. Benson. Disoussiou.
Conclusions from paxt and present
year s experience, Bhepaid.
Culture of orchards, dry methods
or Irrigation, J, C. Porter. Dis
"Eternal Vigilanoe" the prioe of
our harvests of good fruit, B. R.
Utilization of the produots of the
orchard, A. F. Davidson.
Importance of maintaining the
hig bent standard in grading and pack
ing, II. A. Franz. Discussion.
j'.ieouoH or ouiaers tor ensung year
will follow.
A full attendance of the members la
desiied, and a cordial invitation is
extended to all fruit growers of tbe
vaney to be present and to unite with
tbe society.
To Mr. and Mrs. Jag. Lovell, at ti ,
Amnion, reuruary 10, a gin.
There was a trood attendance at
Sunday sobool last Sunday. People
are beginning to get out again.
The many fi lends of Claude An
dtosa were glad to see htm returning
to Mount Hood Saturday. He will
stay only a week however, but be sayi
oiu Mount iiood is a good place.
There will be exercises celebrating
Washington's birthday next Thursday
afternoon at tbe school house Friday
ine ana is a Holiday.
Miss Bidd inner, one of tbe teachers
at Mount Hood, went to Tbe Dalles
last luesday to take tbe teacher's ex
amlnation, and returned Saturday.
:Tbere la still about two feet of snow
at mount iiooa. ine snow was so
p when the crust formed that In
melting the crust breaks off the limbs
or fruit trees, doing muoh damage.
A party of vouua and oid folks
gathered at D. R. Cooper's home Sun
day evening witb tbeii skis and . went
ooasting. A good time eud some sore
spots are reported.
lhera will be a masauerade ball at
the Mount Ilood hall Friday evening
reoroary Everybody invited.
Tickets and supper $1.25.
Meat is oomins down at Mount
Hood, to judge from tbe unset Mr.
O. A. Kuox had Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Knox can console himself witb
the thought that he did not have the
only runaway in tbe neighborhood.
lbere are others.
Tbe attendance at school has been
light the past three weeks, but the
roads are beiug broken and the kchil
dren aie getting back to school.
Catholics services were held at
Mount Hood Sunday.
I. U. LaSertv returned home from
Monitor Tuesday tbe 12th. where ha
bas been tbe past montb. He reooita
seeing plowing down there.
Tbe effort to start a crance In this
nieghborhood have been veir success- i
ful. The petition contain id about
thirty names. The very Intereatins
speech of Mrs. Waldo stirred m op to
me neeas or sue a an institution.
A meetinfl of the Dnrelnnmant
League a cajjed for Thursday after
noon at 3 o'clock to discuss matters
of public Interest.
Uettlng Ready For (Spring Opening.
Mme. Abbott left for Portland this
week to attend a speolsl opening of
lmportedpring millinery. Millinery
customs have become changed frrm
former methods. Heretofore milliners
could take their advanced styles from
dialogues and fashion plates, but
now the wholesalers and .obbers with
hold all imported and advanced styles
until opening day, this year
comes on Febiuary 26. This is done
to enable them to work off oairied
over stock on country milliners,
Strlotlr speaking, none knows wbu
tbii latest styles will be unti the im
ported patterns are displayed, lhl
worki a hardship ou the retailer?, h
they are not able to copy early twMn
for tbe Eaatei trade.
Ther la one way. and one way ou
l?t ito get In touch with tbe exclusive
advance styles, and tnat is ror a mil
liner to go to tbe wholesale tiimming
rooms and trkn either for tbe bouse
or for their own trade. Mme. Abbott
will spend tbe balanoe of ;tbe montb
selecting and trimming bar spring
stock, Sbe will return March 1 with
a fnll line of strictly fiesb spring
soods. Watob for tbe opening an
nounoement. -
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank the kind friends
and neighbors of Hood River and vi
oinity for the kindness shown to
wards me and family in the sickness
and doatb of my loved one, and
peoially tbe Belmont neighbors for
their k induces they showed for my
little motherless children.
Jesse P. Barnet and family,
Notioe is hereby ."given that on tho
7th day of February, 1907, a warrant
waa regularly Issued by tbe recorder
of the City of Hood River and to me
directed and delivered and command
Ing to forthwith advettise tbe proper
ty mentioned and descrioed in said
warrant against which tbe assessment
for tbe oost of construction of Section
No. 1 of tbe sewer system of tbe City
of Hood River waa made, and to sell
said property of suob part tbeieof as
can be aold separately to advantage,
sumoient to pay such delinquent as
sessments, together with interests,
oosta and disbursements, In the man'
ner provided by law, and to return
the proceeds of ruoh sale to tbe city
treasurer of said City of Hood River
Tbe following is a list in tabular
form of said delinquent assessments
and describes eaob assessment wbiob
Is delinquent, gives the name of tbe
preson to whom assessed, and tbe
partioniar description of tbe property
assessed, and tbe amount of tbe as
sessment thereon now due, which are
as ioiiows, to-wit:
Towoora Description Atweiwment
AHMaaea of Property Due
O. A. Rlnebart, lot 1, block 2, A. S. Blow-
en Aaaiiiou to Hood Klver 819 50
Hood Klver liavelopnient Co., lot ,W,
block a, Hood Klver proper S SO
N. C. Evani, truatee, lot 6, block iHI, Hood
River proper 6 00
naiufi ux. il, DtOCK 9b, iioou Klver
Proper 6 00
Same lot , block s, Waucoma
. Park ft oo
nooa Kiverusnt, fower a Watsr Co.,
Bui. of lot t. block 4. 121 feet. A. 8. Hlnw-
ra' Addition 520
Therefore, under and in Durauance
of said said warrant for tbe purpose
or sausryiog toe assessments men
tloned in said warrant. 1 will on the
lotb day of March. 1907. at tbe hour
of 10 o'clock a. m., at tbe front door
of tbe city ball, in the City of liood
River, in Wasco county, state of Ore
gon, proceed to sell at pubilo auction
to tbe highest bidder for cash iu band
tbe several tiaota and parcels of land
above mentioned or so much thereof
as can be sold separately to adf aut.tge
sufficient to pay suoh delinquent as
sessments together with interest, costs
and disbursements.
Dated at Hood River. OrAsnn. thU
7th day of February, 1907.
was- uainuk,
Marshal of the oity of liood River.
Common Colds are the Cause of Mam
Merloni Diseases.
Physicians who have trained a uniimi-
al reputation as analysis of the canee of
various diseases, claim that if catching
cold could be avoided a long list of dan
gerous ailments would never be heard
of. Eveiy one knows that pneumonia
aud consumption originate from a cold.
and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, ami all
throat and lung trouble are aggravated
and rendered more serious bv each frexii
attack. Do not risk your life or take
chances wben vou have a cold. Cham
berlains Cough Remedy will cure it be-
iuro uieoe uiseases ueveiop. rnis rem
edy contains no opium, morphine or
other harmful drag and has thirty years
of reputation back of it. gained by its
cures under every oonlliton. For sale j
by Jyeir 4 Cass. " 1
Paper- Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
ReHlence next to Second Hand Store
Will Lease or Hire-1 will leiwe my fruit
rami to kooiI reMnible mu, or will blre by
tliemonlh. Call or wrlle C. K. Copula. I'hoiie
l-i,rmern2,,l, It. K. I. No. 2. f21inll
'Two years ago severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I waa
unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, tad
after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was."
W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn.
AND $1.00
A liquid cold relief with a laxative
principle which .drives out tbe cold
throt gh a copious action of tbe bow
els, and a heaing prinoipe which ling
ers iu the throat and stops the cough
that is Kennedy's Laxative Couab
Syiup. Safe and suie in its action;
pleasant to take; and conforms to Na
tional ru re Food and Drug law.
Contains no opiate. Sold by Keir 4
A Stich In Time
will save nine. So will a bottle of Bal
lard's llurehound Syrup always kept on
hand save many a spell of sickness. A
sure cure for Coughs, Colile, Bronchitis
and Whooping Cough. Mrs. S . Hot
burings, Ark. writes: "1 keep a bottle
of Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup in my
medicine chest, and thank my fore
thought ninny times. It has prevented
many severe f pel Is of sickness." Sola
by Chas. N. Clark.
Department of the interior, Land Office at
The Ualltn, Ure.,Keb. 11, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Moxlnr; Oregon, ha filed notice of bis in-
imiiton to make Html Ave year proof In sup.
on oi niHcinim, vie: nomeRteaa entry io.
YM2, nmile Anrll 22, 1901, for the E'-,8E'4 of
section 21, HW'iN nd NWSW of sec
lion us, towimlilpj, north, range 11 etwt W. M.
mid tluii wild proof will be made before the
ttfKlKieraiid Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on March iHU. Mf7.
lie nnnieH the following witnesses to Drove
his conllnuoiiH residence npon and culllva-
ion or sniu lund, vl :
William W. Stevenson. Charles Prather.
KIIJu lltiKkeVsnd Ueorire Chamberlain, all
of Mosler, unvon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN,
f.'lmUH Hetlter
Department of the Interior. Land Ollloe at
The IMlles, Ore., Feb. 15, 1D07.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Mood Klver, Oregon, has filed notice of his
imenuon to make nnal nve year proof lu sup.
IKiri of lus c alm, via: Homestead entrv No.
81'-'1, niiide April 10, 1S00, for the NKUNK1 of
section m, aim nw;-4nw!4 oi section vi, town.
mi, . norm, mnue il east w. in , ann mat
30th. 11KIT.
lie niinit's Hie follow n witnesses to Drove
Ins continuous residence upon and eultlva-
toii oi ine iMiiu, vn:
Mark Thomas. Karl Thomas. Jerome Wells
and l'eti'r iSnltiuiau, all of Hood Klver, Ore-
feoii. BtlJUACiLi 1. KULAN,
Kiinai Register.
Don't be a Knocker
Ccme Buy a Rocker
Sewing Rockers
Willow Rockers
Read of Reeds and Bamboo Stuff
We have never seen any household that had too many
comfortable chairs. We have a fine assortment and
would be pleased to show them. See our display of
Reed and Bamboo Furniture
For (Sale or Trade Town proierty, house
and four lots, for apple land, odell property
preferred. Kmiuirc K. .. .Mnlianey. Ji7Siii
l-orHale-A lit lit Mndeeiiker wagon with
pnnxs ii nd s( linn sent. All complete and
:n peifeet order ; also a small one-hoise road
wai.n. This will he sold verv cheap a we
hsveiioeBrllilynM'i. i it. I'rlceSlfiOO Will
lake Ii; Inch wi od or potatoes for II. Itoekford
l..'"""' 11 district, II i mI Hiver. (U lull
Kor Sale-A I'eiv lu lblooded l'lynioitlh
RM' pullets Iniiii pi i.r slock Also rjfKK for
eitii. J..NI K.'tliiijc- siiitiidi.ctinn Knar.
HiiKeil. Wry not keep lli.i best. It Is the
ehuipesi. lius'il iil Pll. We sold all our
L-oik.-iels ni.ii uiiitid have sold more, lte
incmtier nur KiiHimitie. i:. liiavford, Kock
lord I'ointn .mho-. t-,m ihv.t, (re. 121 niH
'indmlll r.nd t :i nk. coniil.te,
IJ'"!! P' ice. ,. , ICoivess. If'.'l
u'..i t'.oclt Cockerels, SI 00
I- lv ' I irk Kl.nll
Km S.i!.
neniii ii.
For Hail .
e'l. I'll Ml-
Kot .-a..
in;. . . . i
i inn
olu, sound mid
tv. I). Ki lllier.
1 : 4
Inn- .-..i, ,,,, ), ,,..
lng milk nun. i.. i. !;,..;. ,.
inilih cow. t;iv.
!. Vi lhllliill"e.0.e.
For Hale filiwllnl hnlha ...... ...... ,1.
flml 7:u nnr rl,,v...t A A..., . .i...'' ' 1 '
dotte cockerels left ul and jtt. J. W. Fletcher,
UII.UUIB, fr.f
For Sale A poiwl itiin.h
True, Cascade Locks, ore.
Address .1. O.
Kor sale A young mare. Standard bred,
weight, 1000 pounds. Fricc SllM. A. M niowl
ers. n7fn
FKKK Will Ill-Will DIVA ..I..O .,n......
wood lor the cutting. P. U. Henrichs. J17
Kor Hnle I ltie.linll' ,lv.. f
horn enckerels. Birds troin prize taking pens"
llest la vimr striiins. .1 I., i-m-iu. pi, ...... i..w
Farmers: ' ' "
Wanted Man to work on nn nnnia-ni,.!.
the rest of the season. CoiiiroriHhin imnau t.
live in. Msrried man preferred. Apply to
Henry Avery, KgKennout, Hood River. o-.
Wanted (lent
mercsnlilp hmiwA ,,i' .,..ti..i n, i
at home or sbroad to suit. If desirable the
home may be used as headquarters. Weekly
salary of 81.(100 per yesr and exiens8. Ad
dress Jos. Alexander, Corvalls, Ore. f UmM
Wanted Three salesmen for our new
county, township and railroad surveys of
Oregon. These surveys are a splendid com
pllailon of facts, ti juri s and drawings, and of
wonderful value. Counties and towns are
III 1 1 V Indexed, and im.i. ninth. ..r a.UAi, .
given; railroads plainly shown and dis
tances between all stal ions also shown; con
gressional districts outlined, numbered and
populations given, other features too nu
merous to mention . tmlonHOI n...i.,t...
for energetic men. Hand, McNally A Co.,
Chicago, 111.
ml Kcciver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on March
Department of the Interior, United States
otilec, 1 he Dalles, Ore., .fan. 1. JSU7.
Notice Is hereby given thai
if Mosler. Oreiton. bag filed notice of his In
lenfloti to make II mil flve-year proof In shut
pon oi ins ciHiin, vtct Homesieaa r,niry mo.
inrj, liiadc June sfi, 1901, for lot 1. BK'W1''1.
mm r.;..r.'a oi seciion . lowiisiiip i norm.
rsnge 11 F.., W. M., and that sa d proof will be
msde before the Register and Receiver at The
niiiM, uregon.on Marco isu luui.
lie imlins IheToltowlllg witnessea to prove
his continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion of snld land, vis.: Vlneent C, Young,
Albert Norder, John P. Bnyder and Oeorgs
niKier, an ui .Mower, uregou.
. I'-'tr- Begtster.
For Sale, Timber Land
The SE of NWJ, SWJ of NE, NWJ
of SE1 , NE1 of SWJ of Section 11, Town
ship 1, north of range 9, Wasco county,
Oregon. Add reus
K!l-3iii 400 N. 2d St., Ashland, Wis.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
For Sale
Seventy acres three-fourth mile from
Underwood landing. Two and a half
acres pleared for cultivation, three acres
p?ady fo grub, jevpn acres plashed,
partly burned. One good 4-room house,
one wooa fiouse, one cincken house,
good cellar and good barn,
for particulars call on or write.
Veatch & Dehart,
if2l UxiiERWixn,, VTAsn,
Properly selected Wall Paner adds
more than all else to the harmonious
furnishing of a home, cottage or mansion.
Sella Alfred Peats' PRIZE Wall Paper
Three piocks fropi Depot on Principal
Conducted First Class with
Second Clags Jlates
When in Town Make Yourself at Home
Girl Wanted To do
Permanent einploymeut. Apply to L. H.
Hu8ln. ' i3im7.
Wan ted-Good cows by W. A. Johnsen, R
Wnte.i1 kiriu nrlll ha unnt...i .....i,
n.,, v.j IDIC,CU iiuill M3E
ys date for 90 corits of 4-foot flr wood,
... -nuKiin, f-,enoijt insirici o. 8.
wnted-t,entlcmnn or lady to travel for
MftriUnlllP lutn.. nf l.,n.a n. i. A
: . .......... ... .iu npiini, aerriiury
at liome or Htinrnd to miit. If desirable the
borne lllav he iim,, ou l,.u.i..i. iir
salary of ll.aio a Tar and expenBea. Addretm
- ttnivui, j.uviu iviver, uregon.
Wanted At Cottaite Hospital, Hood River
girls oyer twenty years to train as nurses
Apply In person or hy letter to Miss Grace
Taylor, Bupt. or Abble J. Mills, Matron. Jan23
Lost and Found
Lost Klk's tonfh etielr nln
eler ottice for reward,
Return to Ola,
Lost Gold locket wnlch nli.,Pn. iuui tir
engraved on inside. Kinder plea'se leave at
mi. noou uallroad depot, fUml4
IarIKtll'nVAlnA nnnt..l..l - . .
" Ji, ""i in u ring, airs,
Clyde Scrinner, Inrterwood, tire., on envelope.
Inner n euiae lu.'.a ..i n vi..i..... . r
. ..v i. .uuijiiiiuiu h Hturu,
la-uut Hail l,.M r. , ... a..
" ' Meer. jo itewara.
For Rent
For Kent 15 ncres S miliw i ii...., tia.M
depot, giKiri bulldiiigg. well, running water,
orchard, timothy, clover, strawberries and
blackberries, cash rent and recommenda
tions required Also 111) lb. mare for sale.'
Mrs. Ilia H Mereer IIIK lv.,, .....
land, Ore. A.mU
Till Hfllt Tttrr. fii.,)l.4 a i. ...
-....... . iuiiiim.-u nw us 10 lei WHO
hoilKl'kiwmi.iaj iiriviiw, ?.r ' yn
Hanna house opposite McDonald 8lo,rj.
white Nwitoh and white rinjf above swlh.
Ta,ken,?,V:Cow nd Mlf- "boot fonr
weeks old, the cow about lx years old bas
nnper slot in the rluht Mr mnr -,i,L '
the right hip. Color white and roan, but
mostly white. Hlf nf k.,P"1
oil. Owner can have same hv vinh.
Paul Aubert, MV. Hood, Oregoi I31-in7
NOllCP Vntla. la l ..... ....
ftai.i. j V. l '""'"j ptivtju mat on ine
Wtb d.Vnf phrnup,. .. 1... j
f mil S o (,l'eb- h tl,e f"owlng described an
imal will be sold at public auction, at my
place a Mount Hood: one red, two and a half
yers old steer, liight ear clipped and left ear
Pnu h. M. Baldwin.
For Sale
For Snle-I have the agency for the Niagara
Sprayer, and also taking orders for lime and
sulphur solution spraying material. Give
me your orders. G. D. Woodworth. n29-i