4 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FEBRUARY 21, 1907. VOL. XVIII. 1r Lai SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKR COM MERCIAL CLUB MeeU very second Monday In each month at p. m- IB lb elub roorua over Jackson's Mors. H.K.DAlUBO,Pr. A. D. Hoi, secretary. OOD RIVER LOIK1K NO. 105, A. F. and A. H.-MMU Haturday evening on or before each full moon. A. D. Mob, W. M. D. McDonald, Hecretary. HOOD RIVER CH AFTER NO. 7. R. A. M- MerU Aral and third Krtday nl-ht of caush nnnlh A. D. Mos, Secretary, HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. tt, O. E. 8 -Mmta seoond and fourth Toedy Teniae of eaeb month. Visitor cordially welcomed. EVA CLARKE, W.M. Hu Thekesa Cast KB, Bocrtttary. IDLKW1LDKLO GE NO. 107, I. O. O. t. Meet in Kr ,rnal ball, Ter Tbnraday night. H. C. BsUTH, N. U. J. H. FbbgusoS, crctary tt,i.-ki VKl'k JUMKXT NO. tf. I. O. O. P. fteanlar meeting second and fourth Monday ufeacn inoutb. R. J. FABRoTr, 0. P. J. M. Hchm K i,T7.R, Scribe. KEMP LODOE, No. 181, 1. 0. O. K.-MeeU In Odell Improvement Co.' ball every hatur day ntsut. Visitors cordially welcomed. ' K. U. MASIKSB, N. Q. L. A. E. CLARK, Reo. Becy. LA KEL REBEK AH DEGREE LODGE NO. 1. 0. O. F.-MeeU flrt and third Friday iii each month. Miss Zoba Day, N. a Ella Mat Davidsoh. Hecreuu-y. W ACCOM A LODGE NO. 80, K. OK P. MecU In K. of P. ball every Tuesday ntgbt. J. K. Nichols, K. of R. and 8. " HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,102, M. W. A. Meet in 1. 0. 0. K. ball every Wednesday night. C. U DAEIK, Clerk. DivkU inii'l.K Kit. hit. WOMEN OF u ....d.rafi-Mw-m at K. of P. hall on the Dr-tand Tblra KrlUays of each month. LOU MOKEY NOLIM, U. N, K. W. MoKbykolus, Cleric. m KKHIliK miMJKNO. Do A. -O. U. W. iiri and third Saturdays i f each ,uiiub. K. H. Blauu, 16, K. UUAbLKY, Klnuucier t MutTKH Hiii'TK. Ucorrter. , M. W. rki L"r. ikvlKI.V NO. KB. UNITED ART- lkana..MeeU Hie Itrxt and third Wednes days, work: seoond aDd fumih Wednenlajs Artisan' balL Mrs. A. D. AtoUUlUK, AI. A. O. I. HbnbicR, Becrttary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS or Amenca,-meeu! muuu T" J ,, days In each mouth In K. of P. hall. ' H. F. Hbnbbick, 0. R. w. C. Baosius, F. C. imiav poht. NO. 16. 0. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and lourth Satur days of each moutu at zo cioca p. ui. aw il. A. R. members Invited to meet with us. A. C. Buck, Commander, f. F. BlYTHB, Adjutant, CANBY W. R. C, No. 16-MEET8 SECOND and fourth Saturdays of each Month in A. O. V. W. ball at 2 p. m. Martha Rigby, President. ALIDA Bhoemakbr, Becrelary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 8469, R. N. A. Meets at 1. O. O. K. Hall on the second and fourth Fridays ot each month. MRS. SusiB MAYES, O. MBS. EllaDakim. Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. BURGEON O. R. A N. Co. H.L.DUMBLE, PHYBICIAN AND SURGEON. Buccesaor to Dr. M. F. Hhaw. Calls promptly answer 3d in town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 818, Office In the Broslus Building. E. 0. DUTR0, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 . DR.J.EDGINGT0N, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 403 Res. phone 1184 M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. H71. Residence, No. 598. fm. M. H. Sharp Db. Edna B. Bhabp Osteopathic Physicians CradaateB of the American School of Ojrteopt.hy, Kirksville, Mo. Office aod Besidence Huxley Cottage, River street. Phone 25 Hoop Rivkb. C. BR0SIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Offiee Honrs: 10 to 11 A. and 6 to 7 P. M. M.J 2 to DR. . T. CARNES DENTIST Office over Bartmes More H000 RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 81. H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Cbown Bbidob Wobk a Spbctalty. Office over First National Bank Telephone Main 311 O. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Tnlenliones: Office 283 : residence 1045 Office over Butler Bank, Hood Rivkr, Ore, M. E. WELCH, LICENSED TETERISARY SCRGEOS Is prepared to do any work in the veterin ary line He can be found bycatllna at or pb-ninj to Clarke s drug store. A.JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. nrni PmMIni In All Hnnrtl. aam -irh (to. I). Culbertmn Co. Col lections, Abstracts, Hrttlement or Fitates. HOOD RIVKB. ORK-'V A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LELAXD HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO- XAKI runui u ucau ESTATE AGENT. v-m . i-Miriont nro.eron and Wast .T u h.H manv vmn ezoerlenoe In Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles end sfenu siibuhiuuu s"""-"" IT'S TIME TO GET BUSY The best known summer resort In Hood River for sale cheap, this place enjoys a large patronage, Is completely famished an-1 Is making money, The location is Ideal and plenty of room to grow. Every year people are turned way on account of large business. It's a winner. See ns for full particulars. No. 255. Six acres, only one half mile from Hood, River, all in clover, 6 in ches of water stock. Avery desira ble location. No buildings. Price $3,000. No. 270. Two acres on the edge of town all cleared and cultivated. ' 60 fruit trees, some raspberries and blackber ries, fi-room house and pantry, small barn, chicken house. Price $1425. No. 272. Ten acres in Barrett district' 6 acres cleared, balance timber and rock, 3 acres hay, 135 trees one yar old Spitzenuergs and Newtowns and Aikansas black. Small house and good well. Price ,2250. No. 178. 12 Mrea, 3 miles out on East Bide, 5 acres in two-year o'd tree", SpiUtnberg mid Newtowns. 8 hlashed. balance uncleared, houte and barn. Price $4WX). acre Good No. 184. Tweuty acres tie miles out, 8J acica cleared, 8j acies 3-year old tivr, 2 Bcres in sirawberriee, 5-rooin houte, good burn, tine t il, 5 liichr of waier paid for ilnee years in tut vance. Price $1000 No. 196. Twenty-two acres 9 miles out on East Side, all under ditch, all un cleared, mostly brush land, sloping, good orchard land. Price 175.00 an acre. No. 245. 80 acres uncleared, 40 acres good apple land, balance in timber and good for pasture. Price only $.1,000 il .1.228. 20 acres unimproved, 5 miles iiom town on East side. All first clitsi apple land. Beautiful site for home and right among some of the lat tut t orchards. Pi , $2,100 No. 170. 6 acres 2 miles out, .4 acres strawberries, second year plant, 600 Kpitsenberg aud Newtown trees two years old, smalt house aud barn, 4 i nches ater stock . Price $2,500 No. 224. 18 aores 5 miles out, 11 acres in alfalfa, 5B0 tlm year old Spitzen berg trees, 400 bearing trees, good varieties, 6 room house, good barn and apple house. Here is a property that will pay for itself in three years. Price $5,2")0 No. 2.15, 203 acres in upper valley, 12J miles from town, 55 acres in cultiva tion, 5 acres in bearing orchard, 4 acres in strawberries, 40 acres in hay, produced 90 tons this year, 140 crp uncleared land suitable for apples, good slope and beet soil. The timber on uncleared land will pay a good share of clearing costs, etc. 2 large springs, plenty vof watr for irriga tion, 3 large barns, two modem houses, chicken, houses, cold storage house and all improvements found on first cla farms. Everything In good rtpalr. Will pay better than 16 per cent on investment right from start. This is one of the best bargains put on the market in Hood River valley, Don't miss it. Price $16,000. No. 269. Forty acres J miles out on East Side, all but 5 acres in cultlva tion, 1900 trees in bearing, SpiUen- bergs, Newtowns, Arkansas Black, Johnathan, Ben Davis and Ortleys Five acres in meadow with free'water from Odell creek, house and barn, water in house, apple house, chicken house and wagon shed, near 4-room school, church apd two stores. Price $20,000. This place will pay for itself in five years. Twentv acres 7 miles from town, a acres in bearing orchard, trees mostly ten years old SpiUenbergs. Nine acres Svitenberg and Jiewtown trees two and three year old, One we cleared and ready to plant. Five acres, uncleared. An abundance of free water from large spring both for irrigation and home use. Price $7000. House and barn. Here is a rare bar- vain that is earn l UK 11200 or more o - yearly now. No. 278. 160 acres in Willow Jrlat district, 9 miles from town. AH good apple land, 5 acres cleared, balance easily cleared, brush and willow, all under ditch line. Will sell in 80s for $100 an acre. Remember you are doing business with a reliable firm when you deal with ms. Nothing misrepresented everybody gets a Square Deal. J.H.HEILBRONNER&CO. HOOD HIVES & PORTLAND, OREGON rjB.BTAm.BT, ICUBMrTH, K.O.HI-AI.WlAa rea. vioe-frea. V. C. BaocK, Asst. Caxhier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital $50,000 Surplus f lg,QW. P. M. HALL-LEWIS k CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors u.b. mrirvi nlans and est btates for sew er, light and power and railway plants, and rurnisn, suDJeciw approval, pin, ! .. -Uons and estimates for all clsssea of bolldlBKS publie, private and mercantile. Hpeelal au Untlon (Ivan to economic and slow-burning construction. Accuracy and economy guar anteed. ... , HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder FLAX! AH KtTIKATM VVBsTlimu. PREDFRICK & ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS BatlasaUs furnished oa all kinds of work Wknnoi' Arnoia, mam ss. X IlOIlcB. rndarlak. Mate ass SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. lecorallr Painting and Papr Hanging Plans furnished. Estimates care ful I v made, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had several years' experience In a in. hniiriinv i woniti rosneciiuny solicit a part of the patronaieor the people ot Hood River who anticipate building. erm reasonable, a id satisfaction guarantees flee at residence on Heights. Of- ASSOCIATION of McMiimville. Oregon, will insure your property at 60 per cent less cost than any other iiis.itutim. Hood River, Oregon GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location soineoliolce hu1p lands and timqer claims; also relinquishments and land to script. Call on or address. Wm. F. RAN I), Res, Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle lii'.e of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Joseph A. WILSON ANENT FOR Wire Wound Wooden Water Pipe J AS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble WorRs Am prepared to execute all order for granite and marble work, monumente, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Promot sales and quick returns Wholesale dealer in ail kinds of First and Produce Consignmenta solicited J 29 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Eureka Meat Market McGUIKE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh aud Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Uriee Delivery. Phone Main 85. Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines from crapes and rniail fruiis. Aleoliol frooi cereals, vegetable, plants, fruits and wood and valuable rei'ipes. Send $1 for book giving practical information bow to make them. Lr,u z,ahi-.j, P. 0. B x 004, PortlatMl.Or H, SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am qusllfled and ii.-epxred t do all kinds Of Brst-claH land surveying. Accuracy guar anteed. Those who wis" brut -class work don address R. K. D. 2.. Hood River. Phone soil. Hood River Studio FOR First-Class Photographs We bave the latest in mounts and can en large J"iT fhousi In I rsyoa. Platinoid or Bepla. " )lon guaranteed. vv. D. ROGERS, Prop. NOTICE "Beginning January 1st, 1907, the drug stores will close at 8 o'clock, except Saturdays. On Sundays will close from 1 till 5 and close at 7 p. m. Hall a Kshom. KkirACasb, . Chas. X. Clarke. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United state Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January, 7, lMff. NoUee la hereby rlTea tbat In compliance wltb Ibe provisions of tbe scl or Con rress of Jnn t, 1K7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands la the Htates of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Ter rllory," as ei traded In all the Public Land states, bv act of August 4. ll&i, the following named persons have AIM Intbls office their sworn statements, towttt JOHN C, OWKNH, of Mt. Hood county of Wawo, state or .Ore gon, sworn statement No. itb.1. 11 led October 30, mutt, for the purchase of the Khk oi section , township 1 north, Kangs H) east, W.M. IV B. ARCHER, of Portland, county of Mulinomah, state o Oregon, sworn statement No. 35y, Hied No vember 'J, laoa, lor tbe purchase or the NKVi, E'4SK4 of section , and 8W)W section township 1 aorth, rang , east, W.M. And will offer proof to show tbat the lands sought are mora valuable for thr timber and ston Ibereon than for agricultural purpose, and to eatabllsh their claims to said lands before lh Register and Receiver, at the land office, In Tbe Dalles, Oreguu, on Marob VI IW, ''., Tbey name a witnesses: C. 8 Archer, F. I. Schauls, Mamusi H. Archer and John D. Ed wards, or Portland, Oregon: H. Tbomllson. Kred Ohsle, K. C. Oweu and Kelt Owens, ol Mt. Hood, Oregon. Any aud all parsons claiming adverse! any of the above deserlbedlanlHsre requested to file their claims la this office on or befort said 12tb day of Marob, SU7. JlO-rnT MICHAEL T. MOLA V, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Htates Land Office, The Ualles. Oregon, NuveinberUh, 1W0. ; , Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol Junes, li78, entitled "An set for the sale oi timber lands In tbe stales of California, Ore. gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all publie laud alstes by act ol August 4, mi, LORETTA F, BOOTH, of Hood River, county of Vaeo, stnte ol Oregon, bss this day nled In this office hei sworn state ii ent No. ShN, for the purchase ol the NBEM of section snd NSWof sec tion il, In t&wnsblp ) north, range 11 east W. and will offer proof o show that tbe land son fill la more valuable for its timber or stoue than for agricultural purposes, snil to establish her claim to said luud before the Register snd Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on tb mU day otU-troh, W. Him names as wtlnessest E. C. Miller, John West, M. A. Hearch and J. M, Culbertou, all of Hood River. Oregon. - Any and all persons claiming adversel the above described lands aie requesteJ to file their claims In Ibis office on or before the 2lh dsy of Marob, 1S7, MICHAEL T. NOLAN. J10 m7 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Htates Land Office, The Dulles, Ore. gon, Jauusry ?d, 19U7. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress ol Junes, lr7H. entitled "An act lor tbe sale ol timber lands In tbe states of California, Ore. gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all tbe public land stales by act ot August 4, iwe THERESA O'DQNNELL of Portland, Oregon, eo"ly of Multnomah, state of Oregon, bss this day filed In this office her swrn statement No. 8744, for the purchase ot the 8XNE and lots 1 and t sec lion ft, township I north, range 11 east, W. M.. and will otter proof lo show that the land sought is mure t uluablefor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to eslab I sh her claim to tbe ssld land before tbe Reg. ister and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on tbe 12th day of March, 19(17. Hhe names ss witnesses: C. D. Morgan, L., L. VanNordwick, J. DuVall, all of Mosler, Oregon, and Mary K, Brltter, of Tbe Dulles Oregon, Any and all nersous claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this office on or before aaid yilh day of March, 1907. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. JlCinT Register NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has duly filed her liual account and report as administratrix of the estate of Roua J.Tucker, deceased, late of Wasco county, state of ore- on, and that the Judge of said onurt has fixed 'riday. tneelghlb day of March, 1M7, at II o'clock A- M. of said day, as the tim.t,and tbe county court room In the county court bouse al l lie panes i:ny, uregon, as vne piace ioi hearing said ntnil account end report. All persons interested In said estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place, and show cause, if any there be, why said account and report should not In allthings be allowed, ratified, approved and continued, ana salu administratrix discharged, and ber bonds man exbonoruted. Dated Hood River. Oregon, this sotn day or January, 1H07. CORA HELMS KLAUS, Administratrix oi me estate oi noua J. '1 miliup llwmuul John Leisud Henderson, attorney for said estate. Jl.m7 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Departments the Interior, Land Office at 1 lie Danes, Oregon, January a, iwi. Notlee is hereby given tbat AUGUST C. HAQEMAN, Of Mt. Hoot), Oregon, has filed notioe of his Intention to iuhkb ujiat iive-ytmr prtioi hi support of bis elaim, vi I Homestead Knlry No, lull, made )eo. iU. J901, for tbe lH8K'4, of section 19, MWiHWW of section !J0. and NWUNWii of section -ft, towusntn t soutn. range 10 east, W. M and that said proof will be mane Deiure we Register ana Receiver, at Tbe ualles, uregon, on Mari n i. Mil. He uames tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the land, vis: George P. Weygandt, Mark W. Weygandt, Henry J. (iron and Jo seph J. Urotf, all ol ML Hood, Oregon i'ih iiwvu, rguii. MICHAEL T. OL,AN, Regiater. J24I28 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice is hereby given that thenndentlvned has been by t tie order of tbe county court of Wasco county, Oiegon, appointed lobe exec utrix of the estate of Lucas Henry, deceased, and all persons hsvlng claims against said estate are hereby notltled to present ,ne ame tome, duly vended, at the office of A. A. Jyne, in Hood River. Oregon, within six months from the da(e of he first publlptttiou ofttbis notioe. Date of first publication January 17, 1 W. AMANDA HKNKY. Executrix of the will of Lucas Henry, tie. ceased. ju-m ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Notioe is hereby given that the undersigned has b-en by the order of the county court of Wasco county, Oregon, appointed to be ad ministratrix of the estate of Thomas H. Iloud, deceased: and all person having claljn against said ex tale are hereby notified to present the same to m duly -verified, at the office of A. A. Jayne, In Hood River, Oregon, within six months rrom me data or tbe first publication of this notice. Date of first publication January 17, 1907 SARAH BOND, Administratrix of the estate of Tbomos H. Roqd, deceased. Jl7-fU NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tbe Interior, Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, January lis, 1007. Notice I hereby given that RALPH J. JARV18, of Hood River, Oregon, ha filed notice of bis Intention to make Anal five-year proof In BUDDOri Ol lllivuiiKi, tib: nvium u cuirj No.TIiim, made December l, itl. for the NE'iofacetlonK, township J north, rsnge Oregon, on March s, 1907. his continuous residence upon, and onltlva- ll, n of the lxnd. vlx: T. W. Calbreatb, ft. W. Caldwell, Frank gosaberg and Alving Ilaadly, all of Hood Kiver, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, JSln7 fyMet BIDS WILL BE OPENED TODAY TO BUILD NEW ELIOT BUILDING With 0icnlti(r of Spring MaoT Buildings Will bel adi r Way. Bids for the construction of tbe new Eliot building, to be erected on tbe corner of Oak and Second streets, will be optoei today. Work ot clear ing off the old shucks from the ground ha been rayietciiiK, aud Is nearly oompleted. Tbe small building tbat has been on wagons, waiting tor the roads to improve, was moved up the bill last week. The new building will be tbe best business block, in point of size and cost, tbat has been erected in Hood Eiver. P. M. Hall Lewwis Is the architect, and bas iutroduoed some new featuret into ..the plan ot con srtuct'Ou tbat will add to the stabili ty and conveuieuoe of the building. Tbe building will" lie 50x100 leet in size, tio atones high and a full base ment with a uiue foot ceiling. As tbe grouud elopes tap idly to tbe no 'tb, tbe door ot the basement on Seoond street will be on a level with tbe sidewalk. The basemeut ceiling will be flush with' tlie lloor joint, without the ueual heavy girder beams stiokiug dowu below the ceiling. This arrangement ia affected by means of the steel giidot hangerar Iron posts will support the girde. from a solid foundation. Tbe room be left without partitions, a'ak ing a lurgo, well lighted basement 50x100 feet, or will be divided to Bull tenants. The Urst floor, as now iaid out, will conuUt of one large stoie loom, but will bave two entrances aud complete appointments lor two separate stores, by running a partition through tbe oentar. Tbe front will be plate glass, with niokel bars. Tbe transoms over tbe trout windows will be three way prism glass, which will reflect tbe light stiaight back into the roo n. A steel awuiug, extending over tbe side walk on Oak street, suspended on bruokete, will protect the walk from sun as well as alu and snow. Hit prism glubs will bo above tlie awuiug, so as to light the interior, uud not be shaded by tbo awuiug. The Oak and Second street iron1 will be buff pressed briok, with terra ootta keys in the second story arches. The oaps of pilasters will be of orua uieutnl brick. A emei't walk will ex tend on both sides of the building, suspended over sidewalk vaults by stsel 1 beams, with ootrugated gal vanized irou arches. Tbe roo ing will be cart led up to tbe full height of the Bra wall, which will be protected on top by galvanized ' iron, ' preventing moistuie from soaking into tbe wall, Tbe seooud story as laid out ; at present, wilt bave lifteen office rooms. Negotiutious bave been pending to make the upper story, oi at least part of it, into quarters tor tbe use of tbe Oouitnerciel club, but if this is not done, tbe office rooms aiaugemeut will be carried out. The wulls will be strong enoi!gb to carry an additional story, in which case au eluvatoi can be put in very easily. Whether the'main walls will be con structed of briok or bollow cement blooks will depend on the market prioe of cement. Tbe price tins been advanciug ou cement, until it is in creasing the cost ot concrete con struotlou very materially. At the old prioe for cement, the wails would cost about twelve ie. cent loss ot concrete than of tnick. Arrangements . have bieu paitly made for creating sevurtl ttbei business Uouks in tbe oitj this year, several promiueut corners, whiob now contain some of tbe old original wooden buildings to be replaced wltb modern structures. Amoug those who will undouliedly btiiiJ soon ia J. R. Niokelsen, wbo will put a two story brick on the ooruer of Fourth and Cascade avenue. There wUl be a full basement to this building, with an entrance on Fourth street on a level with tne basement Hoot. . Tbe Hist floor and basement will be used by Mr. Niakeseeu for bis cariingeaud implement business, mid tbe lucation is very desitable r'm it. Three othe- bricks bave been pro posed, but nothing definite ban boeu deoided at th i rest-n'. time. 'Ibe re plannig of be old shacks, which are bad tire ttapg and defiant so much from tlie appemance of the city, with substantial modern structures, Is but in keeping wltb the giowtti and en terprise of the city. Amon tbe new buildings which Mr. Hall Lewis bas under way, nr t making clans fin, are several fruit bouses of concrete construction (or the East Hood Kiter Fruit Co Ht Mosler. which will be about 21x00, aud of modern const ruction. Two oouoiete bdsiuees clonks tor Moiser are also ooi tenipinted, but no . dolaija arransed as vet Tbe linnet residence in tne vaiioy or oitv of Hood liner ii nenrirg com pletion. it is iioing mint uy Willi Van Horn on tbo sightly butte near Van Horn station oq tbe Mount Hood railtoad. Finishers and paint era are putting ou tlie finishing touch es to tbe place, aud it .will be ready for occupanoy in about 30 days. John Zolls went out the last of tbe week to build tbe mammoth Are-place in tbe living room. It will be of white gran ite and brown 'stone trimmings, all out trotti native stone, tbe white gran ite being found on the butte. Tbe house will ooutuin lOjrootns, with a large litiug room 15x:!9 feet. Tbe house will be a model of convenience and beauty, modern in all its opi ii'.t ments, lighted from the plant of the Hood Kiver electric light plant, and a maaniflcieut home. Water will be supplied from a large spring, forced up to th grounds fioru tbe foot o( the hutU. The top of tbe butte is ovei 200 feet above tbe load way, aud reached by a winding drive of easy I , . , 1 . . , (trade. A large veranda oo throe Bide of tbe bouse will make a plea-taut I of the valley tlie Inrer part OI WUIOO can be st eu from this sightly place. In addition lo the tesidenco, a Urge laundry buildi g hai been ertoted and i also a modem stable Itrge enough to accommodate 10 bead of horses. 1 Another fine country residenoe whlob Mr. Hail-Lewla It conpletloa tb pUnt tot is tb bom of C. VV. 1'botupeou, of Caoad Looki, vioe preaident of tbe Wind Rlvtr Lombar Co. It la to be bona ot 24 rooma, at an estimated ooat of 915,00a It will be 05 feet long and 50 feet wide iu tbegreatest wtdtb. Twelv aleep. ing rooma, four bath rooma, ton fire plaoea, a aobool room, large play room (or children, library, elaborate dining room and kitchen, wltb a very large living room, are among tbe details of tbla magnificent country borne. It will be located oo a very algbUy.benob south ot tbe mill of tbe company, and juat far enough back so tbat tbe mill oo tbe bank ot tbe Columbia will not be visible from tb) rooma, while tojthe north, aoroas tbe mighty titer, near tbe anmmlt of the Cascade mountains, looma up the north abutment of that ourioa rook formation, tbe (Jirden r( the Uoda. Tbe view from this plaoe of river and mountalnt cannot be ex celled. It will he a borne tbat ahould surely make life worth living. The largest building project wbiob Mi. Usll-Lewit baa under considera tion, aud what ia probably the larg est contemplated tor thir locality tor the totulug season, Is tbat for which be recently sent sketches east. These plans call tor an all year round hotel building, "T" shaped in plan, 125 feet, 10 inobea long, and 02 fe it, 8 dnobea deep. 2H stories and a basement 8 twit, 6 inobea, 9 feet, 6 Inobea, 10 feet, 5 Inobea and 9 feet re spectively in height. In this building will be eighty sleeping-rooms, 16 private baths, housekeeper's quarters, la the upper quarters, and oooupying a portion of tbe ground floor. Ibe hotel parlor will be on tbe second floor. On the ground floor will be tbe toy er, with large grilled aloovea for office wilting room, and waiting room, a ladles' reading and ret li lug room, dining hall, two private dining rooms, smoking r iota and buffet com bined, aud sleeplug rooms en suite with two batba. Arouud threw aides of tbe ground floor there will be a sixteen toot ve randa, whiob by to unique arrange ment of laige openings in tbe walls of the foyer, can be combined with the latter for auob oooaaicna as hops, and entertainments on festival oooasiona. Ibis will admit of dancing in tbe open aii, yet under roof in tbe sum mer, aud within tbe glass enolosuies In tbe winter. Floors of foyer and vrandaii aie to be flush, so tbat there a ill be no "trip" over thresholds. The kitoben and pantry auauge meute (nu tbe ground floor) are an adaptation ot tlie very latest princi ples of couveuienoe aud ventilation, iu vogue throughout the great resorts In tbe east, where Mr. Lewis' clleutb are interested heavily. Ibe basemeut will be given over , to billiard loom, house laundry, steam and storage plants, and servants' buths, fuel, etc. . On tbe second floor, over tbe foyer, there ill be a son parlor, steam heat ed In wiuter. aud in summer this will be enclosed wttB netting, as ma; also be tbe luwer veraudaa. ' Tbe servants' sleeping quarters will be in a detached building, lu wmob space la provided lor sample rooms iiud some machinery. i There will bi a stabli in connec tion with the hotel, large euough to dcoomuiodate auy requiiemeuts whiob may deveijp. in which will be quar tered all tbe male help, and tbe teams required to operate the stages to the mountain lodge, and tbe auto wblob will bo used for depot service, ibe mountain lodge, a log .building 41 feet by 00 teet. will . be erected ; iu tbe viclulty of LKiet utke, and toe management piopose to ran tally jo" ,tr ps regularly between the hotel i ml the louge woere sleeping ana eat ing aud stabling accommodations will be provided), thus enabling their rfuostg to see tbe rare scenery ot the mouutaius and valley. , i ' The plans oonteuiplate an outlay1 of something like 00,000 to 105,000 for building alone, and it la hoped to bave tbe woiks completed and opened (or busiueas tor tbe season ot 1908, Mr. Lewis declines to divulge any names, or tbe deunite locations oi thejseveral buildings, belngjorbidden by bis instructions, until tne Dual negotiations for property, eta, bave completed. ibe bote! is so planned jtnaa a por tion of the rooms, if not lequired for wluter bunt ties, tan tis closed up, tbe heating aud plumbing pipes drained, and tbe working siae of tne hotel re duced to meet tbe business in sight. The sites selected as atlernative , for the hotel ,ie both within fifteen min uti'S motor ride from tbe O. K. A N. depot, and each embraced several acres, auo tne site ior tne mountain lodge, l npon a 100 acre tract of pic turesque timber, overlooking Lost Lake, and but a short distance tbete from. To reach this considerable new roHd will bave to be built, and as soon s tbe snow leaves those sltl tudes, Mr. Lewis Is going to tackle ttti iirnt letn, ot a feasible grade from a point on tbe present road and is ooking foraa'd gleefully to the out Ing wliicb tbia work promises. Ei entials of t Perfect Apple. The dualities now In demand tor an ideal cr perfeot apple, not including productiveness of tree, may be sum uiarlzed as follows: 1, A bright color ; 2, a gcod shape ; 3, a moderate and nninrorm size; 1, a richness; 5. a spicy flavor: fo smooth, tbin akin; 7, a firm, melting flesh ; 8, a small core ana few seeds ; 9. good cooking qualities, and 10 flood keening qualities. Wltb our present standard of taste In oolor a bright red seems to be tbe favorite, and tbere is no reason why our ideal apple abould not conform to this demand. In all markets red apples sell better than thise highly colored. Form is one of tbe most permanent characteristics of tba apple, forming one of tbe most distinguishing feat uree of a variety. All things consid ered tbe round, or globular, form la '. most desiied. Such apples paok more closely and are leas liable to bruising than if oblate conical or obloog. i Professor Lazeny, . "Itee'a Laxative Couiih Syrup, con. taming Honey and Tar is especially ap propriate for children, no opiates or poi-ons of any character, conforms to tbe conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1900. For Cronn. Whooping Couiih. etc. It ex pells Coughs and Cold by gently moving tbe lowei. uuaranteea. sold oy KeirACass, Druggists.. MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL THE SNOW ORDINANCE IS PASSED Preliminary Ordinance for Second Sewer ie ssment Passes Its First Reading. Tbe regular meeting ol tbe Com mon Council was beld Monday even ing, with all present except Council man Morse, who waa out of the oity Tbe minutes of the previous meet ing was read and approved. The chairman reports! tbat be bad taken up the matter ot tbe fence aoroas Front street with tbe agent of tbeO. R. A, S. Co., and tbe latter bad informed him that tbe company did not acknowledge that the city bad any rights to tbe ground whiob waa fenced in. It was not tbe fence tbat the city objected to, but as It might bave a bearing on tbe title by giv ing the ralroad company tbe property by right of adverse possession, it was well to establish tbe city's right to tbe premises. Judge Henderson waa pieseot and stated that he thought the fence might bave a beating on the oase if left without objection by tb oity. . He intended to go to Portland lo a fow days aud if (tbe council wished, be would interview tbe offic ials ot tbe O. It. & N. and endeavor to show them where the city's rights were paramount, as be bad dona iu a similar case opposite the Mouut Hood hotel. Mr. Heudersou waa authorized to do so. Tbere was ouly one bid submitted for a bell tower of steel. Norton & Smith submitted a bid of $80 for the delivering of a steel bell tower, 48 feet blab, on tbe ground, and $95 tor 60-foot tower. Two other dealers ia windmills in tbe city stated to tb committee tbat tbey were unabla to And anything but a windmill tower In Poitland, and did not submit bids. A motion to accept Norton k Smith's bid for a 48-foot bell tower waa withdrawn, as it did not include the cost of erecting tbe same, and tb matter was laid over until tb next meeting to get bds for tbe furnish ing of the tower, electing the asm aud banging tbe bell. . Tbe ordinance tequiriug pioperty owners or tenants to remove anow and ioe from sidewalks within 24 hours, which has been in tb bands ot t e ooinmitee, was reported back, pasted Its seoond reading and final passage. The ordiuauve will be in force after being signed by the mayor. An ordinance preliminary to cor recting bouudaiies, errors, etc, ot tbe first sewer assessment, and to the making ot tbe seoond , assessment, was Introduced by the sewer commit tee and passed Its first reading. Marshal danger repotted to tb--council that the present system of giving a common receipt for road tax, waa meeting witU objection, as there was nothing to indicate tbat tbe receipt aa now given was official. Un der the state law, a workman going to auotber city in the state and exhibit ing a leoeipt (or road tax, is exempt rrom paying anotber tax tbe same year. It was easy for a man, if so dosposed, to make out a receipt him self, on a cotuuiou blank form, aign- ttig a name as street commissioner. and pussing it aa au official receipt. If receipts were provided wltb print ed headings, it would not be ao easy (or a man to obtain a blank and till it out himself. Tbe oomtnittee on po lice aod publio printing were ordered to bave receipts prlutd. .. Uu motion, tbe oounoil adjourned. Tb following ia ibe anow ordinanoa aa passed : Ordinance iNumner ill. An ordiuanoe requiring owners and occupants of property in the oity of Hood Kiver to keep tbe sldewalka along tbe same clear of snow and oth er obsti notions, and providing a pen- Ity for neglecting bo to do. : Tbe city ot Hood Kiver doea ordain aa follows: Section 1. Every owner or occupant of real premises in tbe oity of Hood Kiver, wbetber said premises m used for residenoe or business pi. f poses, shall keep tbe sidewalk or sldewalka along oi iu front of or pertaining to aaid premises free aud clear or snow and ioe. and it any occupant of any lot or real premises in said city shall allow any sidewalk along or pertain ing to sjald lot or premises to be cov ered or obstructed with anow or Ice tor 24 hours at one time be shall be puulshed by a flue of not less than $6 nor more than $10. Seotion 2. In case any such lot or premises shall be vacant and tba own er thereof shall allow any sidewalk along or pertaining thereto to be cov ered or obstructed with snow or lo for 24 hours at one time such owuer shall be puuished by a Bne of not less than 95 nor more tban $10. Losses MTU Be Over $500,000. A belt million dollars will not cover tbe losses sustained by the O. 14. & N. railroad during the recent block ade of tratUo according to tb esti mates of the officials. Aside from tbe enormous expense ot opening the line there baa been praotioally no income for several days, all freight and paceengera trains having been tied up and the passen gers kept at the company's expanse. The officials dread to think of tb rush of business and tbe congestion whiob will follow the opening ot tb blockade. Every terminal point ia filled to overflowing with loaded oars for which shippers are loudly clamor ing. Tbe ordinary supply ot moti. powei (will be inadequate to move the volume ot aooumulated traffic,'1 and tbe line will be almo.t as badly block aded with trains as it was with slide and washouts. Tbe Blue mountains have given tb oompany no trouble tbU winter, tb mountain division being about tb only seotion ot tbe road wblob baa been operated without Interruption. Itching Piles, It you are acquainted with anyone who ia troubled with this distressing ailment, you can do him no greater fa vor than to tell him to try Chamber lain's Halve. It gives constant relief. This salve also cures sore nipples, tetter and salt rheum. Price 25 cents. For sale by Keir & Cass. steeharne