i HOOD EIVEB, OREGON, FEBRUARY 14, 1907. VOL. XVIII. 10 SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVER COMMERCIAL CLUB-MwU Tery second Monday In eacn montn Hip, an.. 1b Ihm club numi over Jarkaon's Mora. H. IT. Da vidso. Pre. A. p. mob, (Secretary. OODRIVEHIiUOKNU. 105.A. T. and A. M-MscU Haturaay evening on or Deior each fall moon. A. l. Mob, W. M. I. McDohald, Hecrelary. HOOD RIVER CH APrER NO. 7. R. A. M. Meeu first and third Friday night of cack montn, u. mcuohai.d, a, r, A, D. MOB, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. , O. K. 8.- M U second and lourin Tuesday evening oleaeonioulu. Visitors cordially welcomed. Eva Clarke, W. M. MM. Tbbbbba C abtbeb, Becretajy. im.KWll.DKl1 (iENO. 107. I. O. O. P. Hnli In Era ernal ball, every Thursday labl, H. U. (SMITH, . u, J. H. riKol'Bow, -cretary Knr.H RNCA MPMKNT. NO. 48. I. O. O. F.- Megnlar meeting second and fourth Mondays of each inontn. R. J. Pakkott, 0. P. J. M. OCHM ELTgBB, BCTIDC. KEMP LODGE, No. 181, 1. 0. O. F.-Meeta In Odell Improvement Uo.'a hall every batur day Hiatal. Visitors cordially welcomed. K. U. MABIKBB, N. G. Lj. A. E. Clabi, Red. Becy. LAUKKL REBEK AH DEGREE LODGE NO. 1, l. O. O. E.-Meets first and third Fridays lit each month. Miss Zoba DAT, N. a. Ella Hat Davidson. Heoretary. WAUCOMA LODGE NO. 80, K. OK Meet In K. of P. hall every Tuesday night W. E. Bhkbts, 0. C. J. K. Nichols, K.ofR. and B. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets In I. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday night E. 8. Mayes, V. C. CU. DAK W, Clerk. MOOD RIVER CIRCUS NO. 524, WOMEN OK Woodcraft-Meets at K. of P. ball on the tlrst and Third Fridays of each month. Lou McKevholus, G. N, F. W. McReymolds, Clerk. B1VERHIDE LODGE NO. 68 A. O. U. W. Meeta first and third Saturdays of each month. F. H. Blauo, M. W. K. R. Bbadlet, Financier CBBHTEit Shuts, Recorder. OLETA ASSEMBLY NO. MB, UNITED ART-itans.-MeU the first and third Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. Mas. A. D. McGuikb, M. A. C. D. Hen rich, Mecrbtary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS of America, Meets second and fourth Mon days la each month in K. of P. ball. H. F. Hbmokick, C. R. r. X Bbosius, F. C. OANBY POST, NO. 16, G. A. R.-MEETB AT A, O, U. W. ball, second and fourth Satur days of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A, R. members invited to meet with us. A. C. Buck, Commander. B. f, Blythe, Adjutant. OANBY W. R.C..NO. Id MEETS SECOND and fonrtb Saturdays of each Month in A. U. U. W. hall at t p. m. Maktha Rioby, President AUDA Shoemakkh, secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP NO.J4S", R. N. A. Meets at I. O. O. K Hall on the seooud and fourth Fridays ol each month. Mkh. Sutua Mayes, 0. Mas. Ella Dakik, Recorder. . J.F.WATT,M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. BURGEON O. R. 4 N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw, Calls promptly answer 3d In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 613. Office in the Broslus Building. E. 0. DUTRO, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 403 Res. phone 1184 M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Offlee phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 593. Db. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Shabp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, KirkBville, Mo. Office and Residence Huxley Cottage, River street. Phone 25 Hood Rivxa. p C. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hoars: 10 to 11 A. M.; S to I and 6 to 7 P. M. DR. E. T. CARNES DENTIST Office over Bartmess Store HOOP RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 81. H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Crowm Bbiixib Work a Specialty. Office over First National Bank Telephone ain 311 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Office 283; residence 1045 Office over Butler Bank, Hood Rivir, Obi. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED YETERI5ARY SURGEON Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke s drug store. A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E.H.HARTWIQ, LAWYER. Will Prafltlna In All flnnrta. Office wlrh Ueo. D. Culbertson A Co. Col- lections. Abstract. Hettiemeutor rataiee. HOOD RIVER. OREv-iN. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LEXAND HENDERSON ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO TART PUBLICand REAL ESTATE AGENT. w naM h. iiUnt rf niwnn and W.ah 1 Ua ma n v wmm Himrl.nM in Heal Estate ms tiers, as abstractor, searcher of titles ana afenu oaiuouon wmm m sweaawyv IT'S TIME TO GET BUSY The best knowo summer resort in Hood River for sale aheap. This place enjoy a large patronage, it .completely furnished ani la making money, The location it ideal and plenty of room to grow. Every year people are turned way on account of large business. It'i a winner. See na for full particulars. No. 255. Six acres, only one half mile from Hood, River, all in clover, 5 in' chesof water stock. Avery desira ble location. No buildings. Price $3,000. No. 270. Two acres on the edge of town . all cleared and cultivated. 80 fruit trees, tome raspberries and blackber ries, 6-room house and pantry, small barn, chicken house. Price $1425, No. 272. Ten acres in Barrett district S acres cleared, balance timber and rock, 3 acres bay, 135 trees one year old Spitae&bergs and Newtowns and Aikansas black. Small .house and good well. Price 12250. No. 178. 12J cres, 3 miles out on East Side, 5 acres in two-year o'd . trees, Spltzenberg and Newtowns. 0 acres slashed, balance uncleared. Good house and barn. Price $4000. No. 184. Twenty acres six miles out, 8 acreas cleared, 3J acres 3-year old trees, 2 acres in strawberries, 5-room house, good barn, fine well, 6 inches of water paid for three years in ad vance. Price $4000 No. 196. Twenty-two acres 9 miles nut on East Side, all under ditch, all un cleared, mostly brush land, sloping, good orchard land. Price $71.00 an acre. No. 245. 80 acres uncleared, 40 acres good apple land, balance in timber and good for pasture. Price only $3,000 N j, 228. 20 acres unimproved, 5 miles iiom town on East side. All first clitss apple land. Beautiful site for home and right among some of the lai gx'tt orchards. Price $2, 100 No. 170. 5 acres 2 miles out, ,4 acres strawberries, second year plants, 500 Hpitzenberg and Newtown trees two years old, small house and burn, 4 iuclVes water stock. Price $2,500 " No. 224. 18 acres 5 miles out, 11 acres in alfalfa, 560 tune year old Spitzen berg trees, 400 bearing trees, good va'oties, B room house, good barn and apple house. Here is a property that will pay for itself in three years. Price $5,2o0 No. 235, 203 acres in upper valley, 12) miles from town, 55 acres in cultiva tion, S acres in bearing orchard, 4 acres in straw berries, 40 acres in hay, produced 90 tons this year, 140 acres uncleared land suitable for apples, good slope and best soil. The timber on uncleared land will pay a good share of clearing costs, etc. 2 large springs, pleuty of water for. rriga. tion, 3 large barns, two modern houses, chicken, houses, cold storage house and all improvements found un first c!a s farms. Everything In good rtpair. Will ;pay better than 15 per cent on investment right from start. This is one of the best bargains put on the market in Hood River valley. Don't miss it. Price $16,000. No. 269. Forty acres 7 miles out on East Side, all but 5 acres in cultiva tion, 1900 trees in bearing, Spitsen bergs, Newtowns, Arkansas Black, Johnathan, Ben Davis and Ortleys, Five acres in meadow with f reejwater from Odell creek, house and barn, water iu house, apple house, chicken house and wagon shed, near 4-room school, church aid two stores. Price $20,000. This place will pay for itself in five years. Twenty acres 1 miles from town, 5 acres in bearing orchard, trees mostly ten years old SpiUenbergs. Nine acres Sitzenberg and Newtown trees two and three years old, One acre cleared and ready to plant. Five acres, .uncleared. An abundance of free water from large spring both for irrigation and home use. Price $7000. House and barn. Here is a rare bar gain that is earning $1200 or more yearly jiow, No. 278. 160 acres in Willow Flat district, 9 miles from town. ; All good apple land, 5 acres cleared, balance easily cleared, brush and willow, all under ditch line. Will sell in 80s for $100 an acre. Remember you are doing business with a reliable firm when you deal with us. Nothing misrepresented everybody gets a Square Deal. J.H.HEILBR0NNER6C0, HOOD KIYEB k PORTLAND, OREGON rjS.BTABUT, K.L.HMITB, K. O. BLABCBAB V. C. Brock, Asst. Cashier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREUON. Capital $50,000 Surplus, $12,000. P. II. HALL-LEWIS k CO. Civil ud Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Make snrvevs. Diana and estimates tor sew. er, light and power and railway plants, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, specifica tions and estimates for all elassea of build I an public, private and mercantile. Mpeclal air Motion (Ivan to economic and slow-fcurninc construction. Accuracy and economy (uar- anveea. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. -. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder lLAm ABB ESTTatATBS TVBJnSBBB. FREDERICK h ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS BstiaaUs furnished on all kinds at work Phones: SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. tecoratlre Painting' and Paper Hanging Plans furnished. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect iTivin. HaA iuvtrui vMirs' eiDerleoce In drafting and bulldlnc.I would respectfully solicit s part of the patronage of the people of hom Kiver wno inunpn. uuuuiuk- MAnnl.lA mtA SB t tufa t t ft1 U II lirM 11 lASd. Of- Bee at residence on Hellitii. OREGON FI ASSOCIAT ON of McMlmn illf. Oregon, will insure your propert)' at 60 per cent less cost than any otht r ins.itiitinn. C . THOMPSON, Ag.nt. Hood Hirer, Oregoi GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location nonie choice spplo lands and tlmqi i nlalnH: also rAlinqulilimeula and land to script. Call on or address. Wm. f. rand, Res. Phone S7H. Hood River. Ore. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Joseph A. WILSON ANENT FOB Wire Wound Wooden Water Pipe JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and ouick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, fruits and Vegetables. Knee Delivery. Phone Msin 36. Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines 'from grapes and mall fruits. Alcohol from cereals, vegetables, plants, fruits and wood and valuable recipes. Send $1 for book giving practical information bow to make them. l.b.U Z All EL, P. O. Rx 604, Portland.Or H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am Qualified and wvparMI to do all kinds of Brstla land surveying. Accuracy ffuar anteed. Those who wis'j nrM-class work dons address R. F. D. 3.. Hood Kiver. Pbona WxL Hood River Studio -FOR First-Class Photographs W have the latest In mounts and can en large your Photos In Crayon, Platinoid or Bepla. 8 m Zrtfon guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. NOTICE . Beginning January 1st, 1907, the drug stores will close at 8 o'clock, except Saturdays. Un bunaays win close from 1 till 6 and close at i p. ni. Hall k Esson, Kbib&Cass. Chas. N.Clark t. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Osles, The Dalles, Orrfon, January, T, Wai. Notice is hereby c Ivea that la compliance with the provisions . 1 the set of (Jou creas of Jose I, 1S7S, entitled "Aa aet for the sate of timber lands la the states of Call- Simla, Orsgoa, Nevada, aaa nasnmr ton Ter ritory." as extended to all the Public Land sistes, by set of Aufost 4, ItH, the following amed persona Dare niea minis oraos their sworn statements, to-wlt! JOHN C. OWENS, of aft. Hood, eonaty of Wasco, state or Ore roB. sworn statement No. SbiS. filed October SO, 1MM, for the purchase of the KVfci of section a, wwnaoip a mwi m, iuut. east. W. at. IVT B. ARCBKK, - I , Ma .OU IU.I vember 1, 1 wit, tot the purchase of the 8KU NKH, EK ofsscUoa , and HWHWH section 2, township 1 north, range s, east, w. at. And will offer proof to show that the lands sought are more valuable tor the timber and stone thereoa than for agricultural Durnoeea. and to establish their claims to said tanas nature tue negisier eae neoaiver. st tne land omoe, ta tae uaure, uregoo, on naron u, iw. Tbev aaaae as wlmssais; C . Areher. F. L. Schauta, Hamuel B. Archer and Job 1). Ed- warns, ofrortiana. urraoni n. inoutisen. Kred ohsie. E. U uwenaand BetUt Oweas. of Ml. iiooa, orcgoB. - Anv and all Deraons elalmlBJt adTarselv anv of the aboe deaerlPedlaadahre reaneated to file their claims In tlilsoSlceoa or bale re said 12th day of afersh, WOT. JlO-mT MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Htatee Land Offlee, The Dalles. Oregon, novemoer 7iu, inue. Notice Is herebv alvea that la com si la ana with the Drovislons of the aet of Ooaaresa of janes, i7B, entiitea sat nr tne saw oi timber lands In the states of California, Ore. gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all pnblie land states by aet of August 4, 18K, LOBETTA r. BOOTH, of Hood River, eonaty of Waaoa, state of Oregon, his Ibis day lied la this office her sworn state it ent No. SMS, tor the parchaae of the of section 80 and N',fift ot sec tion 21, in township 1 north, range 11 east W. M., and will eflor proof to show that the land sought is more valaable for iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the HeglMer end Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 12th day of March, 1907. tine names as witnesses) c v. Miner, John West, M. A, Hearob and J. M. Cnluertaoa. all Of Hood Kiver, Oregon. Any ana an persons claiming aaverseiy the above described leads ate reaneated to die their claims in this offlee on or before the iiln day of March, 107, MiHAEL T. NOLAN. J10m7 Heglstsr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Htates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore. gon, January 2d, 1SOT.; Notice is hereby given that la compliance with the provisions of the aet of Ueagress ol Junes, 1C78. entitle "An aet far the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Ore. gon, Nevada and Waahlngtoa Territory," as extended to all the pabllo land state by act ol August 4, 1HS. THERESA O'DONNBLL of Portland, Oregon, eonaty of Maltaomah, staui of Oregon, haa thia day lied In tbls omce beraw rn statement mo. 1744, far tne purchase ol tbeSHNEHand lots 1 aad t sec tion b, township I north, range II east. W. M.. and will ofer proof to saow that the land sought Is more valuable tor lu timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, aad to estab I ah her Claim to to ssld land before the Keg. IsU-r and HeoeiveratThe Dalles, Oregon, oa the lith day of March, 1OT. She names sa witnesses t O. IK Morgan, L U VanNordwick, J. DuVall, all of Hosier, Oregon, aad Mary K. Britier, of The Dalies Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-deecrlbed lands are requested to file their claims la thia eCee oa or aster said 12th day of March, Its;, MICHAEL T. NOLAN, J10-m7 Register NOTICE OF FINAL BVTTLEMBNT Notloe Is hereby riven Ibat the undersigned ha duly died her Baal account and report as ad m I n 1st rat rl i of t lie estate of Boba J . Tucker, deceased, late of Waaeo county, stste of ora tion, and that the Judge of said eeart has axed Friday, the eighth day of March, M7, at 11 o'clock A- M. of said day, as the tinvt, aad the oonnty court room in the county cosrt hone at The Dalle City, Oregon, a the place foi hearing said final aoconnt aad report. All persona Interested In said estate are hereby notified to appear at asid time aad Place, aad show cause, If any there be, why said account and report should not In all things be allowed, ratified, approved and confirmed, and said administratrix discharged, and aer bonds man exhonorated. Dated Hood Kiver, Oregon, this SOth day of January, MOT. CORA BELLE KLAUS, Administratrix of the estate ot Roba J. Tucker, Deesased. John Leland Henderson, attorney; for said estate, j3Ln7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I) part men t;of the Interior. Land Otloe at The Dalles, Oregon, January 22, 137. Notloe Is hereby given that AUGUST C. HAQEMAN, or Ml. Hood, Oregon, has flies nolle of his intention to make final five-year proof In support of bis claim, via: Homestead Entry No. 101, made lec. 20. 1481, for the ttJn of section 19, BWUBWX of section SO, and NW'NW of section W, township 1 south, range 10 east, W. M., aad that said proor will be made before the Realster aad Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, oa March 1. 1I7. He names the following witnesses to prov bis continuous resldene upon and oullive tlon of the land, vis: George P. Weygaodt, , . ir urA.....rf Hon. r Am . sepb J. Oroff, all ol Ml. Hood, Oregon, J24I38 Register. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that theunderslsned ha been by tbe order of the oonnty court of Wasco county, Oregon, appointed to be exec utrix of tbe estate of Luoaa Henry, deceased, and all nersons hsvlnc claims acalnst said estate are hereby notified to present the asm torn, dnly verified, at the efno of A. A. Jayne, In Hood Kiver, Oregon, within six months from Ihe date of the first publication of!thls notice. Daw of first publication January 17, IS07. AMANDA HENRY. Executrix of the will of Lucas Henry, da. ceased. JI7-fl4 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Notloe la hereby given that tba aadenlcned has b en by tbe order of tbe county court of waseo county, uregon, appniniea 10 oe aa mlnistratnx of the estate of Thomas H.Bond, deceased; and all person having elat a against said estal are hereby notified to present the same to m dnly verified, at the office of A. A. Javne, in Hood River, Oregon, within six month from the data of th first publication or this notloe. Date of first publication Jannary 17, 1907 SARAH BOND, Administratrix of th estate of Thomas H. Bond, deceased. J17-M4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Laad Offlee at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, January at, 1W7. Notice 1 hereby given that RALPH J. JARVIB, of Hood River, Oregon, haa Bled notice of bis intention to mate nnai avw-year proor la UDBortof his claim, vtai Ho ran lead Batrv No. 10112, made December IS, 11, for the NVMof section 2R, township 1 north, rsageS east, W.M., and that salt proof will be mad before the Realster and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on March S, 1W7. He name tbe following witnesses to prov his continuous residence upon, aad nklva tlon of the land, via: T. W. Gel breath, R. W. Caldwell, Frank oasherg and Alvlng Heartily, all of flood Hiver, uregoo. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. jaim7 Register A REVIEW OF YEAR S WORK REPORT OF COMMISSIONER WEBER Hood Kiver Lrads la Iacrease aad In Value of Its Frnlt. The Dallas, Oreaon. Deo. 1. 1906. To the lluuorabls State Board of Hor ticulture: Great is our natural aoeneiv: there la tbe fornoii trip down the CoJutu- bla, riraUna, u not surpssslng . la soenlo beaoty, tbe Hudson or ,the Rhine. I be Cascmles. with its snow capped fuaks are uurlvuled. Hut better than all tuo eranJeur of soeoery. Is our fertile soil and equa ble climate, so admirably adapted to fruit culture. : It would be difficult to choose a better plaoe for engaging In tbe fruit tusiness than Orvgon. Its productive valleys and fertile plateaus appeal by nut orb to have been desi&ued for fruit oulture; bere all varieties adapt ed - to tne temperate zoue reach their greatest perfection. As a lesiili fruit growing is malting more rtpld strides than any other industry,- t.ud at do distant date its oommercial val ue will equal, if not surpass, that ot any other product. Unequalled in quality, ' our fruit commands top prices, and is lu great demand Id ail the leading markets of tbe eastorn at-safAis an4 1 at i r, aa. sulinaa as Ansa, tea creasing consumption readily absorbs all e are able to produce. Hood Kiver Is a splendid example of what ct.n be accomplished by sys tematic and thorough work; and it would be well tor other sections to emulate the work of her - people, a bo are today producing fruit of a quality uosui passed anywhere, and tbelr re ward is, higher prices and better net return with a sieatei demand tor their product tbau cat be shown else wbere in tbe state. The several "Btticjes" by experts in their respective lines, herewith submitted, should prove interesting and profitable r-adiug to old f nut growers as well as bogiuuers, andsbua bow, from au iuBiguiUcant begiunlng not many years ago, tbe people ol flood Klvei, by turiit and constant application, have made their produot famous tbe wot Id over. Ibey are an energetic and unselfish class, being ready to Impart to others tbe knowl edge by which tbey gained their prominence. lnaveiv able ani inott compre hensive paper, Pi of, C. D. Thompson desoiibes tbe strawberry industry from Its very incipiency to its piee eut splendid m ignitude. Mr. U. K. Castner, county fruit Inspector ot Wasco oouuty, tens in ms paper how thev raise the uiaoniflcent snonl men of Spitzenberg and Yellow Nw. town Pippin that have made Hood Kiver famous. Mr. (J D. Woodworth, who is an authority 00 the subject, fully describes bow au extensive cher ry orcbaid is oonduoted in Hood Kiv er and bis article abould be carefully read by those who contemplate going into the cherry business for commer cial purposes What has been accomplished so suc cessfully by Hood Kiver people can be done elsewhere with peiseveranoe and systematic work. AH soils are not adapted to apple culture, but tbla need oat be a detiiineut, as cherries, peaches, aprioots, pears, grapes, and other small fruits can be giown very profitably on the right kind ot soiL Tbe Dalles growers are displaying greater euergy tbau ever before, and maoh planting of young orchards is In evidence. Cherries, however, seem to be much in tbe lead, and large or chards of tbe valuable fruit will be aet out during the ensuing- plauting season; 35,01)0 tre s appears at this time a conservative tlguie of tbe number that will be planted, tho'ugh this may be exceeded by several thousand if nurseries can supply tbe stock. With the already large aoresae In cherries in the vicinity, her claim to the title of tbe "Cherry City" does not appear to be misplaced. Large planting ot peaches, aprioots, peara and grapes will also be made,, and many 01 tne old and neglected orchards are being renovated and brought into a state oi productive ness . Tbe Mosier community haa passed through a prosperous season, and shows reoord ot a bumper crop, and a rapidly increasing acreage in or chards, many thousands ot treea are being planted, consisting mostly of apples and cherries. Upraying Is, at tne present time, one ot tbe principal requisites . to fruit culture, a fact of which every fruit grower is fully aware, and that regular and systematic spraying is practiced is demonstrated . by tbe largely Inoreaeed quantity, of clean fruit being put upon tbe merkets. Tbe San Jose scale has become so generally distributed in all ftuit growing sections tbat most growers have become acquainted with Us de structive effects. It attack! all kinds of fruit trees, and may be found In many instances on native trees, es pecially on willows along creek bot toms adjacent to orchards; even pine trees are Infested with this most In satiable of all Insects. When piesent on bearing trees, it always attacks the fruit, causing oonspioloiia rod blotch es. It has lost many ot its former terrors, however, as it Is not dittloult to control, and even., eradioate tbis pest from tbe orchard entirely by us ing tbe sulphur and lime spray, prop erly prepared and thoroughly applied during tbe dormant eeason. Arsenate of lead has become recog nized aa tbe leading remedy for com' batting oodlin moth. (Several well known brands of equal effectiveness are now upon tbe market. Tbe first spraying for Ibis insect should be ap plied after tbe blossoms have fallen, and before tbe calyx cups nave closed. Tbls first sprsyLg la by far tbe most with much f.iroe and without allot of material, using a coarse spiay until the treea and fruit are i thoroughly drenched. The second aprayiug should be given two weeks after the first, In tine mist, with as much pressure behind tbe pump as pose! ble; sabeeqoent epiaylnga shoold be applied at Intervals of from three to lour weeks dnrlng tbe season. Peach Worm Tbls Insect seems to have invaded 'Oregon' orchards to some) extent, and aooording to Bul letin Mo. 114. by Prof. Warren X. Claike, of the California Experiment snation. can neat be lent in cheek by spraying witn soipnur, lime and ptaJt, applied eany in ins spring, as indl oated by extensive 'experiments con duoted on a large scale in a number of California orchards, and Is teoom vended to Oregon erowera. That tbe fruit Industry Is a healthy and growing In condition will be seen by tbe increased quantity ot fruit produoed in tbe fourth district. All varieties abow an increase over tbe previous year, with tbe exception of cherries and strawberries; these were materially Injuied during tbe Mann -freeze op. Tables attached w ill vbow product of the different unit sections In tbe district. Hood River. Apples, 330,000 boxes, 1315,000 reai. uuyu boxes. G.0OO Pruuea, 0,000 boxes, 3,500 Peaches. 3,500 boxes. 1 .!Ei0 Cherries, 1,500 boxes 1.750 iti aw berries. NMiuo crates. 125.000 Blackberries, 2,000 crates, 4,000 xotai W 80,500 Mosler. Apples, 20,000 boxes, 128,000 rear, i,tju boxes, 1,000 Plums. 4,000 boxes. 2.000 Strawberries, 1,000 crates 2,500 Prunes, 15,000 lioxes, 6,000 Peaches, 3,000 boxes, 1,600 Cherrea, 2,500 boxes, ' 3,125 J-oiai 34,I25 Tbo Dalies. Apples, lfi.000 boxes, 115,000 Aprioots, 6,000 boxes. 3.750 Strawberries, 3,000 boxes, 6,600 Peaches, 40,000 boxes, 20,000 Prunes, 1,200 tone, 24,000 Plums. 300 tons. 6.000 Cherries, 150 tons, 21,000 Grapes, 120 tons, 12,000 Peers. 226 tons. 6.750 Small frolts, 2,000 orates, 4,000 Total, 1119,600 Sherman oounty, eilmated . 8,835 Gilliam oounty, estimated 7,500 morrow oounty, estimated 7,500 Wheeler oounty. estimated 6.000 Crook county, estimated 5,000 Grand total ' 1666,560 Tbls shows an increase of 1203.649 over 1906 in tbe value of tbe fruit orop of tbe fonrtb district. Tbis in crease is attributable to several caus es, but mainly to tbe largely Increased number or young trees coming Into beat in-, and tbe fsnov Dflcee realized for all kinds ot fruit. Prices on ' ap ples, peacnes ana onerrlea having ruled exceptionally blgb. K. H. WfclHEK Commissioner Fourth Districts Apple Cnltare. By Q. R. Castner. In tbe snrlnfl of 1894 I landed In Hood Kiver, on the 29 tb day ot Match, having even tbe apples on dis play at tbe Columbian World's Pair at Chicago in tbe fall of 1893. . I quit railroad work and came to Oregon to eugage lu trull growing. After look ing aboot the valley for two weeks' I deeHed on my present location, there being six acres or clay loam that bad been lately cleared, having had ode oro ot corn, followed the same fall by a crop of winter barley, leavina tbe ground In rerfeot shape for set ting trees. '1 made my selection b! trees as follows: Three hundred aud fotty .Newtowns, 50 Spitzenbergs, 60 Ben Davis, eli ven King of 4'ompklns County, and a few other home varie ties, t he trees arrived and 1 set tbetn tbe last week in April, and bate leatned siuoe that tbey were watched oloHy by my neighbors, aa -they ex pected to tea me lose a great portion of tbetn by setting so late. , fcnt strange to say,- 1 did not lose one, and ton nd only one at bearing 'time not trne to name. I need oar In set ting, digging the holes nearly three feet acioss and two feet deep, carry Ing a large tobacco nail of water wnd dipping the roota of erery tree before setting. ' 1 set them 22 feet apart eadb way, bot now wish I had made tbetn 25 feet. I planted corn between the rows for five years, raising plenty of corn to fatten bogs and feed a'ook; since tnen i nave grown notblng in tbe orchard, but praotioed Clean oultl ration. The tree were good yearling t -eos, snd 1 beaded tbem down to three feet, having set tbem aboot three inches deeper tbaa tbey were set in tbe nursery. Tba following winter we bad qaite a deep snow, and many ot the lower limbs ware stripped by saow settling, so I waa obliged to u-ake toe nead oi too tree from branches tbat were left near the top. I would prefer to commence bead about 20 inches or two feet fiom the ground. 1 beaded back all trees tbe second year, but slno then have pruned to balance trees aga ost the wind only and to take ont orosees. (1 bad some fruit the fonrtb year, more the fifth, and the sixth year bad a good crop, and have bad an ' increase each yeat since, selling the Newtowns last yeat for about $1,600. in setting toe oronard 1 set the Newtowns on tbe wesl, tba Spitzen- oergs next, ana tne Men uevli next, In tbe winter of 1896-7 I lost 28 New towns from tbe November freeze, and replaced tbem with Baldwins and bpilzenoergs, and since then I bate replaced until I bave only 308 cf tbe original Newtown setting left; of this number 'CM bear eaon year, thnaa bearing heavily the previous year retting the succeeding year, and vice versa. Tbe Spitzeabeige have never borne neaviiy, as too location Is some wbat exposed to tbe wind, and my ex perience is tbat Spltzen bergs should be well protected from tbe wind to get tbe best result. Tbe Ben Davis bave borne each year since the fourth yeat, and only one yeai baa tbelr yield been a light one. Tbe location of tba orchard is weet or tne r ntips' creek on a north east slone and well drained natnraiiv ine stio sou is ciay ana underlaid with voloanio reck which slank aa soon as exposed to tbe air. I spray once a year witn lime and sulphur and ooraeanx ior protection from scsle aud fungus and Ave times each year for oodlin moth, tba flrat snrav as soon as tba bloom bas nearly all rauea ; toe wvuou ton aays later, and tbe other three thirty days apart, us ing tbe arsenate of lead spray, which baa proven tbe best spray foi rjroteo- tion against tba oodlin moth ot any ever used In this valley. Sinoe using It bave only about one per cent wormy doit. MEETING OF lilE COMMON COUNCIL SECOND ASSESSMENT ORDERED Other Important Matters Come Before the Adjourned Meet Inf. Tbe adjourned meeting of tbe Com mon Couuoil wa held Wednesday evening, February 6, altb all piesent exoept Conncliimii liersbner. CounoJinati Mayts - presented tb matter of Ltiiluiug a tower tri bang tbo new Ull urtbud by the fire department, mid aloo recommended building it blth tuougb aud ot suita ble proportins to hang up the bese, requiring a beisht ot Hltv feet t'hiar Sheets was also preset t and ad ir eased tne council 'lb u-alter was rtierred to tbe ootumltleo c u streets and nab- lio proptrty, to report at tbe next meeting. 1 ouucliuau Ulaucbai asked to b telieved from the sewer committee. stating that h uew member in tba oouno'l slionld be put on Ibat com mittee, so as to ramiliarize Lituaelf with tbe woik. Ihe piesent commit tee, wete appointed a year tio, and bad to take up tbe work altera th old commutes lft oft, wl'.bout any pievious suukIouhb of I be-n atters, and It bad I ueu t,uu.ehht ut it handi cap. Ihe uihj or took the matter un der advisement. The quest iou of baring the fenoe across Front street retuoted was dis cussed. It deteloped tbat tbe oouncil wanted mainly to protect tbe rishta of tbe oity as to the street : tbat there was no objection to tbe fenoe, provided tbat tbe O. K. A N. Co. rec ognized the city's rights, but tbat it would be advisable to widen out tb stieet lu the near future. The matter was left to the street committee. It being reported that tbe snow had broken in tbe root of tbe sbed over the Ore engine, tbe same was ordered xed. Tbe city treasurer asked for a re duction in his bund of $15,000, as tb amount ot money to be bandied now, tbe sewer money helug mostly collect ed, did not justify the Itrpce bond. A resolution tu out llv hiu..i!t to 17,500 was found to be out ot otuer, tb amount bud been iUud I y ordinance. Tbe bonds lur marshal aud street Commissioner, for 1250 In each case, were accepted. J. tie sewer committee repotted tbat tbe engineer lu cboige of the sewer bad made certain errors iu grades la tbe sewer, and recommended tbat tbe Dalai) oe for engineer's services unpaid be held back until tbe errors were corrected at the engineer's expense. The recorder waa maul oted to pur chase 100 do, tas. ibo following utlts woie allowed: J, It. Niokelsea. clerical servioea. 27. J. R. Niokelsou, stove for jail, 93. J. H. Mlddleton, refund ot overpaid sewer taxes, $9.65. Davidson Fruit Co.. 200 sidewalk cleats, II. iransfei Co,, cartage, 15 50. A. D. Moe, complaint blanks, tl. Fied Uoae, Hauling gravel, 922. Wm. Ganger, eulury, tOO. A. C. Stuteus, tiuuliug lumber, 25o. Eleotrio Light Co., lighting, 934. Title Guarantee Co., refund ol sew- ei tax, 912. m Puce, labor, 93.90. Fashion Stable, callage, 98.50. Stauley-Smith Lumber Co.. lumber. 921.40. Nigbtwatobman Taylor, salaiy, 950. Report of the Hewer Commit ee. To tbe Com in ou Counoil of the ''City or uood Kiver: We. your committee hate completed the ooustiuotion of the outfall sewer and the system in division No. 1, ot tbe oity of Hood Kiver, Tbe specifi cations foi construction of this sys tem bave beu toiluwed with the ex ception of a few deviations therefrom wbere tbe Interests of tbe oity requir ed, towit: 1. Lessening the depth of the sew er wbeie its etilciency was not im paired. 2. lnclauiug tbe tracts of a tew residents adjoiuiug ou the outside ot boundary of ine tliat duiston on the east wbere connections properly be longed in this division in ordei to be dialned. 3. Umitttiug the tracts of thre residents located aloug the iuside of tbe western boundary of first division wbere connections oan only be mad with sewer system in division No. 9, when same may be constructed. Ihe petitions of owners ' ot these tracts which bave been included or omitted . bave been passed upon by this committee and approved. Witb tbe exception ot a section of sewer located on Oak street east of First street of from 50 feet to 100 feet In length, we believe tbe system to be well oontructed and operating satis factorily. The defect above refeared to consists in tbe eeuer pipe having been laid oue to five inches below regular grade aud tl ial settlement witb tbe engineer in charge baa been deferred until the matter is adjusted wblob will be as soon as weather per mits. Ihe estimated cost of tbe sewer for division 1, a .d outfall sewer as esti mated by tbe eugiueer of tbe oity and wbiob was uted as a basis lor tb assessment, was 925,560. The actual cost completed wai .Hj,451.04. Thia inoreased utst Is due to th faot that tbe engiueet tor tb oity based bis estimates upon certain pro portion! ot r ck and dirt work in ex cavation and tbe contract for con struction wai let ui uu a classified basis of fifty cents upward per Cublo yard for excavating dirt and 92 and upward per cubio yard for ejoavat ing rook and cement grave), tbe prlo ranging upward from these figure ao oording to the depth of excavation. Ihe actual estimates during tb construction of the sewer and tbe final estimates by the engineer tot th city, as approved by tbe oity inspect or of sewer work and tbii oommttt and filed with tbe city tecoorder, show that tbe proportion of rock work encountered in aotual construction, was more than double tbat of tb en- Concluded on page S.