The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 07, 1907, Image 8

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, mtabubhkd 1900
$2000 IStock
Butler Banking Company
Our -Entire Stock of Freedman Bros.' Shoes
Capital Fully Paid, $50,000
J. N. l'ati,
Vitv I resident.
Tbumax Bctlkb,
Beinnin Saturday, January 19
Beginning Saturday, January 19
J. W. FaaKCB
R. T.
The Freedman Shelby Shoe Co. succeeds the Freedman Bros. Shoe Co. An entire change has
been made in the company. New trade marks, new labels, different lot No. and different
styles of shoes are to replace the former ones. Not wishing to have two different lines we have
decided to close out our entire line of Freedman shoes before our Spring goods arrive.
There are no better shoes manufactured than the Freedman shoe, being for fifty years the leading shoe house in the United States. They
use only the best skins from the leading tanners, and employ none but expert shoemakers in their factones, making good every wrong pair of
shoes to their customers. This is why they have accomplished such marvelous results
These shoes must walk. Come get your Share. Money Saved is money made. Be eco
nomical. All shoes marked in plain Agues. You see what you save on each pair
The Baa Jose scale la known to be
of Chinese oilKin, aayi C. L. Mailatt,
of the United States department of
agriculture, in bulletin on the in
sect just published. Its first point of
colonization in Aoierioa was in Ban
Jose, (Jul., in tbe grounds of James
Lick. Mr. Lick was great lover of
plants and imported trees and isbrobs
for tbe ornamentation of bis grounds
from foreign countries and it was in
bis orobaid that tbe scale first ap
peared. By 1873 it bad spreadton elgb
boring orchards. It bad extended as
far west at Ban Francisco by 1883 and
reaohed important fruit districts in
Southern California in 1886 and 1887.
It bad already slowly extended its
range on the l'acitlo count and In tbe
states west of tbe Kooky mountains,
including California, Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho on the aortb and
Nevada, Arizona and New Mexlooo on
the south. 1 roui the eaily IKJ's it bad
iienetiated into ilrtisb Columbia
ly tbe end of August, 1801, the scale
was known in Florida, Virginia,
Maryland, Indiana, Pennsylvania,
New Jersty and New York,
In capacity tor barm tbe Ban Jose
soale probably exooeds any other scale
insect known, aud itattacks'praotical-
ly all, both thiwe grown for fruit and
tbe ornamentals. Its eoonomio im
portance Is iucreiised by tbe ease with
whion it Is diHi rluuted over wide dis
tricts tbrougb. i do agency ol nursery
1'be practioa 11. ty of several means
of control an t partioularly tbe lime
and supnur w iah, has been demon
strated. In tbo case of certain fruits
as, for example, tbe peach, it has
been found thnt (he lime and suphur
wash' has a very groat value as fungi
cide, so muob so tuut some growers
are recommending Hs use whether tbe
Ban Jose scale be present in the oi
chard or not. Furthermore, tbe pres
ence of tbii soale bas led to much
more careful methods cm the part of
tbe nurserymen and in the planting
and oare, thus raising the standard
and giving intelligent and conscien
tious, painstuking growers a distl net
advantage over their oareleta neigh
bors. The necessity cf annual spray
ing of tbe trees la now clearly shown,
With tbe exoeptlon of a few hours of
aotlve lurvel eixatenoe aud an equally
brief winged existence in tbe case of
the mature mule, tbe life of this in
seot is passed under the protection of
n way scale. This scale covering con
ceals tbe real insect beneath. Tbe
winter is passed by tbe iuaeot in a
bolf grown condition under small,
black protecting scales, mere points;
just visible to tbe naked eye.
arrest to be shot. No Alton dates for
Caroio. .: :,
A St. Louis woman shot at a judge
on the bench and missed bluo. How
It happened that tbe old reliable in.
nocent bystander wat not right on
band to stop tbe bullet is a strange
auompanylng incident.
Willie Hoist bas reiterated bis pnr
pose to never again be a candidate for
publlo JotHoa. Tbe verdiot of Novem
ber 6, was too plain to be misunder
stood. It is bird to understand why so
muoh stress is laid upon tbe news
that Kmnia Goldman is in jail. It
would be rather startling news it she
were not.
There is a present sboitage of cars
and of oouree, that Is distressing, but
not nearly so muob as to tbe shortage
of passengers caused ty the numerous
Tbe publlo seems a little less en
tbusiastio than formerly for a train
that oan run so fast It will meet Itself
coming baok.
The boy bandit dreams of killing a
man. The boy operator kills forty
while be sleeps, and when be awakes
they aie still exceedingly dead.
A St. Louis bride kiseil four hun
dred guests, whlcb break both the
llobsoH and Carnegie records op to
date. .. ,, . .
Arguing for its new 100,000,000 Is
sue of stock, tbe Ureat Northern
management has strangely omitted
the real explanation; it needs money.
The Hon. Win. K. Hearst has elect
ed the Hon. Win. li. Hearst to be
state chairman of the Hon. Wm. R.
Hearst league.
'. All the oolored regiments have been
ordered to tbe Phtlipines. Senator
Foraker will not accompany them.
Kansas bas a man who is a minis
ter, a doctor, an undertaker, and a
tombstone dealer, all combined.
There is a man who is ready to staud
by you from stait to Mulsh.
Delaware presents the two extreme
examples of a man who can have tbe
United States seuatorsbip for tbe
asking and yet will not accept it, and
another man who is willing to pay
millions tor it, aud yet cannot buy it.
Judge Landis evidences a disposi
tion to make tbe Standard OU Co.
answer for its sins. We very muob
tear tbe judge stands in need ot a
course of Sunday school lectures from
John D. Jr.
Dr. Watson, who has discovered
that rats have a sixth sense, ought to
experiment on a few human beings
who act as if they haven't any.
For tbe democrats, the campaign ot
1908 appears to bold no hope of ex
citement except in the selection cf a
candidate tor tbe vice president.
A reoeut North Dakota divorce case
was called at 8 a. m. and a deolson
rendered one hour later, business
must be gettiug dull when they waste
all that time on one case.
"Do not borrow from the octopus"
advises a contemporary. So far as
the great majority is concerned, the e
is little danger of even getting a
"I do not r member tbe evil things''
I only remom er the good" says John
D. liookefellei ; a fact which cross ex
amina'ion ou the witness stand baa
'delnonetrated to be a dominant char
acteristic in all Standard Oil officials.
The chief kof police of Alton, 11L
has 'ordered all "mashers" who resist
The Coach Horse.
Dy request we reprint tbe following
article which appeared in a recent is
sue of the Daily Live Stock Reporter,
and which will be fully endorsed by
stookmen generally who are posted in
tbe matter:
"A good many of our readers have
asked us the difference between tbe
several breeds ot ooaoh stallions, and
bow they would cross on our southern
mares. The first breed of coach horse
we bad in this country was the old
Morgan horse known as the Vermont
Morgan. He weighed from 1300 to
1400 pounds, was short backed, round
barreled, big in tbe heart aud lungs,
well muscled, and was an ideal all
purpose horse ; but this breed is al
most extinct. Stiil a good many oi
our fastest race horses breeding con
tain some of tbe Morgan blood. They
were not noted for speed, but breed
ers of speed in the eary days contend
ed tnat a oross ot Morgan gave tbem
more stamina. A bone does net have
to be a coach breed to be a ooaob
horse Coach horse means a horse of
ooaob size, witb style and action ; full
made, witb good feet and bone. Tbe
American trotters are often used for
ooaoh horses when they have tbe con
formation, size and action that a
ooaob type requires ; tu" If you would
be sure to raise ooaob horses, breed
to one of the recognized ooaoh breeds,
Tbe Hackney la a coach breed rais
ed in England but is not a large
breed of horses, and when crossed on
small mares tails to produce size
enough. Tbe French coach are raised
in France. I'bey are inollued to be
narrow in front aud behind, heavy in
tbe middle, and very light boned for
their size, and do not reproduce
themselves Ilka some of tbe other
ooaoh stallions, and when crossed on
our small southern mares they do not
get size enough to bring good prices.
The ooaoh breed, in the writer' opin
ion, best suited to oross on the small
southern mares, Is the Uernian ooaob
stallion. They weigh from 1400 to
1500 pounds, have extreme action and
style, are mostly bays, blaoka and
browns in oolor, round of rib, short
In the baok, big in the heart and
lungs, have breedy beads aud neoka,
large intelligent eyes, well set ears,
olean rut at tbe throttle, broad fore
heads, and are Jot flue dispositii n.
When orosssd on common mares they
reproduces themselves to a wonderful
oertainty. This is not to be wonder
ed at when It la known tor bow long
a time they have been bred in one
line. History tells us that it was in
the beglnnlug offthe fifteenth century
(aooordiug to chronicle) when in tbe
marshes of tbejpreeent Duoby of Ol
denburgh a considerable number of
horses were bied. There is hardly any
breed of horses or cattle (bat bas
been bred for so many centuries for
the same type as the Oldenburgb Ger
man ooaob horse. For thia reason tbe
Oldenburgb borse bas acquired an ex
traordinary uniformity, and it is an
acknowledged fact that when crossed
on heterogeneous breeds, it proves it
self to be an impressive breed. Colts
sired by t he Uerman ooach horse from
Texas mares are selling readily at
weaning time from $150 to 1200.
There are a few of these colts at May,
De Leon, Panhandle and Amarillo."
Advertise Only In Papers).
Ibe Retail Merchants' association
of Richmond lias practically rooliei
to limit Its advertising to newspapers.
Commenting upon this decision the
Jackson (Mian ) Patriot say'
Tbe emphasis placed by the liicn
mond commercial club upon tbe su
perior value ot advertising in news
papers is be-ied not only on right the
ory, but also nu praotical experience.
A good deal of money is wasted in
Injudicious advertising, and many
varied and novel schemes which busi
ness men are solicited to adopt are
far more profitable to tbe promoters
than to tbe advertisers.
Any form of publicity may have a
certain value, but otten the method
is not suited to aid the bmineeg
which adopts it, and muo ' money is
thrown away on advertiuing which
does not reach tbe people for whom it
is mainly intended or meets their eye
casually when ibey are absorbed and
in no mood to give it cousldorutlon.
Muoh of the handbill adveitihiig
that is scattered in yards of residenc
es is sweot into the trash pile or
lightly thr wn aside as waste paper,
Peonle bare formed the habit of ty
sarding advertising circulars with
scant notice, and billboard advertis
ing la identified in the public mind
with the blare and extravagance ot
circus and vaudeville exploitation.
Advertising in tbe periodical press,
and especially lin tbe newspaper, has
a great advantage over any other kind
ot advertising for reasons that may
be understood.
Use Cable Tramway.
Peoole down on tbe river front y
terday and today thought they had
taken an "elevator" wbeu tbfa-r saw
queer looking contrivance, app..reutly
in the air going baok and forth l'itohn
the Columbia some distance Lelow
tbe mouth of Mill creek. Alter wttoli-
Ins It tor a time they discovered timt
it was a long bobsled, which was run
ning ou a cable, propelled by steam
generated in a scow on tbe Oregon
side. It is a patent of north bunk
contractors, contrived so as to carry
supplies back and forth to the rail
road oampa, and is certainly a good
scheme. Chron icle.
The Best Physic.
When you want a physic that is mild
and gentle, easy to take and pieauant in
effect, take Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents, hvery
box warranted. Get a free sample at
Keir & Cass's drug store and try them.
"Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from
resin from our PI lie Forests, used for
hundreds ot vears tor bladder and Kill
ney diseases. Medicine lor thirty day,
$1.00, Guaranteed. Sold by Keir &
Cass, Druggi ts
...Barber Parlors...
The place to get an easy
shave and first-class hair cut.
Our shop is metropolitan in
every respect.
Porcelain Baths in Connection
Tea Satisfaction
Golden Gate Jspan
Golden Gate English Breakfast
Golden Gate Ceylon
Golden Gate Oolong
Golden Gate Fancy Blend
Golden Gate Gunpowder
Golden Gate Black and Green
CEYLON f J. A. Folger & Co., s.
Knapp's Millinery Store will be re
opened March 1st. Mrs. Knapp will
spend January and February In the
wholesale markets preparing for tbe
Spring Opening. J2
Dad's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
clean tiie system, good for lazy livers,
makes clear complexions, bright eyes
and happy thoughts. Bold by Keir 4
Cass, Druggists..
It will be absolutely necessary lor all
persons contemplating the purchase of
new stock in the farmer's irrigating Co.
to make application within 30 days to
the secretary of said company if you
wish any water for the eeason of 1907,
UOtf M. H. KICKELSON, Sec'y.
Ranting for Trouble.
"I've lived In California 20 years, and
am still bunting for trouble in the way
of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts,
sprains, or a case of piles that Buck
len's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure,"
writes Charles Walters, of Allegheny,
Sierra Co. No nse hunting, Mr. Wal
ters; It cures every case, Guaranteed by
Cbas. N. Clarke druggist. 25c.
Is your best asset. Proper health is most
essential to your happiness and welfare.
Pure air is an absolute necessity, and no
effort should be spared to keep it so in every
Where open-flame illuminants rob the air
of oxigen and turn it into carbonic acid gas,
pure air is an impossibility.
Air poisoned by the flame of h gas jet, or
that of an oil lamp is unfit for breathing
purposes and exercises a decidedly injurious
effect upon the occupant of the room.
Electric Light burning in an air-tight bulb
leaves the nir of the room pure and fresh,
and furnishes a better, brighter and safer
light than any othei medium.
We furnish the curiYiit and a phone mes
sage or postal from you will bring our representative.
R, H. WEBER, Prop.
Evergreens, Hotel and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation.
The Club Cafe
Meals at all Hours from 250 up
Best Two-Bit Meal in the City
T-Bone and Porterhouse
Steaks our Specialty
Next Door to Reed's Cigar Store, Hood River, Ore.
"So Easy to Fix"
We can sell you a VlIND MILL to run to-
Opposite post office
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
. and Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
A Present
Which will be Appreciated
Deposit One Dollar to
their credit in our Sav
ings Department. Re
ceive a Bank Book and
.Savings Bank Free.
4 Per Cent
We deliver without charge
First National Bank
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let oar friends and patrons know
that for t he fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in an? number
Cherry, Pear,Aprlcot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitsen
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & BTANTON, Hood River, Or.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit.
We are closing out a
line of Boys' Suits, all
wool long pants, Etc.
Boys' Suits
$10.00 values reduced to $7.00
A full line Ladies. Misses' OCr
and Children's Golf Gloves d
NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on
The Big New and Secondhand Store
is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and
Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable.
Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOU MONEY.
Phone 1053
p. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.