The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 07, 1907, Image 7

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5 Wc Close at 6:30 p. m.
Sec Our Men's Tweed S
Comic ValewtkIp ?n -r
Butter BROWN
Beautiful Snowy White Goods
direct irom the looms of the
busy East. All the necessary
weaves and textures
...For the Spring' Wardrobe
Spring is coming soon. We
advise you to get your sewing
done now so you can work in
the garden then.
Newly arrived right from the
best shoe factories in the
world. Buy your shoes from
us and get the
...Style, Comfort and Wear...
20 per cent less than inferior
shoes at racket stores are of
fered you "as just as good as
Cram's." Once our customer you will
alway stay with us.
$20 and $25Sutis, Special $12.50
To-Bate Store
You arc Sure of New Goods
Freeh butter and eggs at Bent's.
Mr. Bartmesa is on a cash basis.
Get your hay orders in at Wait's. Get
it at the car and save cartaqe charges.
Get your chickens for Sunday dinner
l Mcuuire tiros.
Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
New Orleans Molasses in bulk and
cans at Jackson's.
Hazlewood creamery butter, 80e a
roll, at McUuire Bros.
Go to H. W. Wait's for your flour and
feed and save money. Barrel lots of
flour at the right price.
Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and
pickled million at Jackson's.
Our work guaranteed. Deltz Studio.
MeGuire Bros, make their own leaf
lard under their own brand.
H. W. Wait is agent for the Petalutna
. Incubators. They are the standard.
He can furnish you with any kind of
incubator thermometer.
Cnickens for Sund ay dinner at A. S
Wodchoppers supplies of all descrip
tions at llaynes. Wedges, saws, axes,
etc. Call and see us.
Orange, citron and lemon peel at
Ilanua'a Star Grocery.
Maple Syrup and New York State
Buck Wheat at Jackson's.
Fresh sausage made daily at Bent'
meat market.
It ia to your interest to refer to M.
Bartmesa' ad under the new Bystem.
The Diet Studio for photos.
Telephone A. S. Bont your meat or
ders at the City Market.
New and complete line of grooeriei
at the Star Grocery.
Dou't forget where to get oyster
shell. grit bine or any kind of chicken
feed, etck or poultry food. H. W.
Wait's is the p!ae.
If you want to buy or sell real estaie
go to Onthank & Otten. Money to
loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
Just received from the factory sev
eral beautiful pianos for the holiday
trade. Call and see them. Souls'
Piano House. Next to Culbertson's
real estate office.
Pine Salve c rbolized, acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Eczema, for chapped bands and
lips, cuts and burns. Sold by Keir &
Cass, Druggists..
Raisins, currants, sweet apple cider,
la fact anything you need to make
good in I nee pies found at Hauna's
Star Grocery.
Piles of people have pilea. Wby
suffer from piles when you can use
DeWltt's Carbolized Witch Hazel
Sal re and get relief. Nothing else so
good. Beware of imitations. See
that the name is stamped on each
box. Sold by Keir & Cass.
Beginning January 1st, 1907, the drug
stores will close at 8 o'clock, except
Saturdays. On Sundays will close from
1 till 5 and close at 7 p. m.
Hall & Esson.
Keir & Cass,
Chas. N.Clakkk.
Joe Wilson went up to Moaier Fri
day. , A. F. Campbell boarded the local
going east on Friday.
O. J. Smith, the Trout Lake mer
chant, was in Hood River Friday.
11. J. Hibbard and L. H. Huggins
made a tiip to The Dalles Friday.
Mrs. Fred Howe and mother return
ed from a visit to Portland Thursday.
A T. Zeok caught the local as she
was pulling out tor Portland Thurs
day. O. P. Dabuey went to Portland Sat
urday to look after his Portland inter
ests. Mrs. J. B. Fetcber, of Portland,
visited in Hood River the Brat of the
Judge Henderson and Roswell Shel
ley bad legal business lu The Dalles
Jim Hunt is out again being con
fined to the bouse for couple of
weeks with the grip.
Rov. J. W. Jeukins went to Mosler
Saturday, remaining over Sunday to
hold church services.
A. L. Stauffer, J. M. Hollo veil and
Frank Stanton weut to Portland
Thursday for a few days.
Mrs. Ida B. Mercer onme up fiora
Portland 'Ibursday to atteud to busi
ness matters at her ranob.
Mrs. S. J. Frank returned from
The Dalles Monday, where she spent
a few days visiting lelatives.
Grover Slusber, who came op from
Hood River with a sprained ankle,
is improving. Dufur Dispatob.
Peroy T. Shelley appeared before
the land office at The Dalies on Satur
day to prove np on bis homestead.
C. Sharp, of Walnut Creek, Gal ,
foster father of Mrs. G. D. Wood
worth, paid the family a visit last
L. M. Wilson, the former Pine
Grove merchant, went to The Dalles
on Saturday to close up some business
Mrs. Bertha Hemman has resigned
ber position with R. B. Bragg & Co.
and gone to Portland to take a course
in a business college.
Mrs. Mary Booth, mother !of J, S.
Booth, has gone to The Dalies to
make an extended visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Sharp.
Mr. Weber, brother of Mrs. W. Fer
rell, of Belmont, who has been here
for about three weeks, retruued to bis
home iu Iowa Friday.
I. J. Esbelman, of Los Angeles,
Cat., who has been visiting his
friend, riaipn caraway, tor a iew
days, left for borne Thursday.
Georae Cbamberlain.tbe MoBler real
estate and lumberman, was beld over
night in Hood River Thursday on ao-
oount of the wreck near Wyetb.
fitrahutian Ar. f'larkr Iiiva received A
large order of plant food, put up in con.
venient packages, for house plants.
Also lawn fertilizer. Give them your
The Hood River barbers' trust say
that toeir acticn in raising prioes is
in line with similar advances else
where, which is becoming general.
Many of the cities east of here
charge 25 cents for a shave, as well as
a general advance in prioes for all
tousorial work. The price of a shave
bas'pot been advanoed here, but tbe
advance is only in hair-cutting, wbiob
ia 35 cents, massaie, wbiob is now 50
cents, and ladies' shampoo, 11.
W. B. Strowbridge ia spending a
couple of weeks at Collins springs.
Tom Klnnalrd is glad that another
man baa got his .job at the depot
these days.
Hood River was four days without
mail from the. west this week, and on
ly one small' batch arrive! from the
east on Monday and one yesterday.
Judge Henderson waited a couple
of bonis on the sand bar waiting for
tbe Underwood ferry Saturday and
was about to swim tbe river when the
boat showed up.
A wreck near Wyeth Thursday
night, combined with washouts east,
caused No. 4 to be annulled and No.
6 did not go through uutil 2:30 the
next morning.
C. H. Stranahan returned from
Portland Friday, where he purchased
4000 gailons of spray material, and al
so plaaed a large order for fertilizer
and other goods.
Elder Steers, of Nooksaok valley,
Wash., is holding a series of meetings
at tbe A. C. obuiob In tb valley,
which are being well attended and en
joyed. .
J. S. Booth recovered sufficiently
to be out Thursday, and Mr. and Mis'.
Booth weut to Portland, where they
will stay with friends for a couple of
weeks for a rest.
J. E. Rand left for Portland Tbuis
day to resume bis duties with Olds.
Wortman & Kiug. Mrs. Rand is still
quite poorly, aod will remain with
her parents, Mr. anu Mrs. . L.
Smitb, lor a time.
Word comes from Arlington that A.
Smytbe, who is one of tbe largest
sheep owuers in tbe state, lost 2000
sheep which were caught by tbe sud
den rise ct tbe creek and drowned.
His toss is said to be 112,000.
Clarence Shaw went to Portland
Thursday, where be has a situation in
view with tbe telephone company at
that place. Clarence has been em
ployed as lineman for tbe telephone
company here and leaves to accept a
better position.
Tbe next date of tbe lecture oourse
under the ausploes of tbe ladies of tbe
Congregatioual oharch will be given
February 15th, when tbe male quar
tette ot tbe Midiand Lyceum Bureau
will entertain our people. Arrange
ments are being made whereby tbe
missing number, caused by the storm
delaying Lecturer MoClaiy, will be
supplied at a later date.
A coal shortage exists at the O. R.
& N. depot, and ir: the engines going
through were all oil burners tbey
would have a bard time to keep warm.
A oar of ooal has been overdue for a
month, and tbe Jap boys aiound tbe
depot are compelled to take ooal from
tbe engines to keep tbe depot fires
going. Several times they were com
pelled to let tbe flies go out in the
waiting room for lack of ocal.
J. T. Bagley has sold bia interest in
the firm ot Stranahan & Bagley, to W.
L. Clarke, tbe resident engineer at
Cascade Looks and tbe new Arm will
be Stranahan & Clarke. Mr. Bagley's
plans are indefinite, but he intends
leaving Hood River in search of a
change of scene. Jack leaves many
frienda here who wish him well wber
ever be my decide to locate. Mr.
Carke, tbe new partner, is well
known here, and will fill Mr. Bagley's
plaoe in the firm very acceptably. He
will spend moat A bis time here,
making regular trips to the Locks to
oversee tbe work there for the gov-eminent
Hundreds of them, large and small, Lace Valentines, Comic Valentines
Valentine Post Cards '
Men's laundried white
Books and Novels
All the popu
lar Authors
Gccd Reading
10c, 15c, 20c, 25c
Violins, Guitars,
with ten 10-inch Records
$20.00. 25.00, $36.00
Full line of Records. Come and
see them.
Boys' laundried white
shirts -
Legal Forms
The St. Mark's Guild will meet
with Mrs. Dano Wednesday .after
noon, February l.'i
Owing to tbe bad weather and lack
of lights, the council did not have a
quorum Monday evening, and ad
journed until last night.
O. Van NeS and wife left for Port
land Saturday ts visit fr ends. Mr.
Van Netf baa charge of Dr. Wright's
ranob near the Kookford store.
U. R. Cestoer bas moved from thu
farm to bin new boute next to A. S.
Blowers' residence and has lieoomo a
permanent resident of tbe city,
Mrs. W. C Dodge and three chil
dren left for Portland Monday, where
tbey will remain with Mr. Dodge, nhn
will be employed tbere for a couple of
months. '
Services at tbe Unitnran cburoh
next Sunday morning at 11 a. m.
Subject: "Human Lives Pbiloaophi
cally Considered." There will be no
evening services.
Tbe aooummulation of enow on flat
roofs made considerable shoveling
necessary to prevent leaks, and in
some oases tbe danger of roots or
slight porches from collapse.
The afternoon tea that was to have
been given by tbe Congregational
Ladies Aid society at tbe residence of
Mrs. Lsrawty tomorrow afternoou,
has been postponed on accuut of the
iuclemeut weather.
Revival services are being beld in
tbe U. B. i buroh, to be ooutinued in
definitely. Services begin at 7:30 p.
m. every evening except Saturday
evening. Rev. T. J. Merrill is tbe
evangelist. All are most cordially in
vited to attend. . -
Editor Ferguson, of tbe Helix Her
ald, who .is ohief clerk in tbe ways
and means committee of tbe bouse at
Salem, waa a passenger on tbe Bret
train from tbe east Monday, which
was held op here for a couple of
hours, and made tbe U lacier oUloe a
pleasant call.
If the weather prophets are to be
believed, February will be tbe storm
iest and worst month of tbe winter.
Jack Bagley says, however, that be
understand that the new weather
clerk at Portland got the storm dates
for Montana and Oregon mixed, and
that the matter will soon be fixed up
by tbe proper authorities. As Jack
is talking about leaving town soon,
be is a great deal safer iu making
weather predictions than the manjwbo
cannot get away when he don't make
I be heavy snow fall and sleet filled
tbe ditoh that supplies Joe Wilson's
reseavoir until it blocked tbe screen
covering tbe intake pipe that con
ducts the water downtown. Aa a re
suit the mill had to shut down Tues
day and Wednesday and also tbe pow
er of Snow A Upson's blacksmith
shop It also stopped tbe water run
ning into tbe rallrra i tank. On Tues
day 50,000 gallons of water were taken
from the tank by tbe snow plow and
engines, about 32,000 gallons being
used inside of an hour. To replenish
tbe tank a bose was run from tbe hy
drant near the Davidson building,
and tbe tank was again full ot water
early yesterday morning. Tbe thaw
yesterday melted the slush, and a
gang of men cleaned out tbe ditcb
and reservoir sufficient to allow tbe
water to run, and tbe flow was again
started into the pipes.
Among tbe few who were down at
the depot Tuesday to see tbe rotary
clean off snow from tbe aide track,
waa O. F Waldo, who saw aer vice on
a locomotive' for eighteen years on
the Northern Pacific. Mr. Waldo says
there were no rotaries in those days,
but that the snow was "buckea" frc m
tbe -track by tbe wedge snow plow
that towered above tbe smokestack on
tbe engine. It would start into a
snow bank witb a half dozen engines
behind, at a 30-mile gait, depending
on the weight behind to carry it
through, or to force a part of he drift
before becoming blocked, it was then
necessary to dig out the engines. It
would then, perhaps, be found that
tbe engine was off tbe rails four or
five feet. "I never bad much fear
while we tackled tbe big drifts in tbe
outs." said Mr. Waldo, "for while
the impact wben we struck tbe soo
would be terrilHo, yet tbere waa not
much danger of being smashed up,
as tbe snow would bring us to a stop,
but on an embankment, if tbe engine
witb tbe plow left the ails, it would
mean a pile-up over the bank, witb
tbe engines behind on top of us."
Nothing will relieve indigestion
that is not a thorough digestant. Ko
dol digests wbat you eat and allows
the stomach to rest recuperate grow
strong agaio. Kodol is a solution of
digestive acid and as nearly as possi
ble approximates tbe digestive juioes
that are found in tbe stomach. Kodol
takes tbe work of digestion off tbe
digestive organs, and while perform
ing this work itself doea greatly aselst
tbe stomach to a thorough rest. In
addition tbe ingredients ot Kodol are
such as to make It a corrective of tin
highest efficiency and by its action
the stomach is restored to ita normal
activity and power. Kodoi Is manu
factured in atriot conformity with
the National Pure Food and Drugs
law. Sold by Heir ft Cass.
The Jobn Dny river Is aaid to be r
solid sheet of ioe for ten miles akove
tbe dam, and tbe ioe is ao thick tbat
bands of sneep have been crossed at
tbe junction. A great ioe jam ia ex
pected when tbe weather moderates.
Spray Conrier.
Masonic Lodge Meeting Saturday Even
There will be a special meetlug o
Hood River Lodge No. 105. A. F. &
A. M., Saturday evening, February I)
Work in tbe B. A. degree. Vl-iitli g
brothers welcome
Notice of Annnal Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that tbe ai
nual meeting of the stockholders oi
the Mount ho d Telephone Co. wil
b bed at the Ar.isau hall, Moun.
Hood, Ore., on Wednesday, March f,
1007, at 2 o'clock p. m , for tbe pu
pose of electing five trustees, and
transacting such other business as
may properly come bef re tbe meet
ing. Signed,
K. U. Lafferty, Seoretary.
Dated at Mt. Hood, Ore., Feb. 6, 1907.
Kauiona Hotel Changes Hands.
N..J. Devoid has sold tbe furniture
ot bis hotel and leased the building
for three years to E. Uoldsobmldt,
of Portend, who will take possession
iu a few days. Mr. Devoid was
obliged to dispose of the business on
account ot the health of bis wife. It
bas been very bard to get competent
help and the work was too much for
Mrs. Devoid. Mr. Ooldsobmidt ia an
experienoed hotel man, and wilt no
doubt maintain a llrst-class house.
Mr. Devoid is undecided what Una of
business be will take up.
Heed-Alexander Recital Postponed.
Owing to the blockade the Reed-Alexander
recital tbat waa billed for
Tuesday evening at tbe opera home
bad to be oauoelled, aa the principals
could not reaob here.
Mrs. Dumble and Mlaa Hartley,
who have charge of tbe arrangements,
say tbat tbe recital will be given at a
lattr date, as soon as arrangements
oau be made, and those who have
puro jased tickets will bave a cbanoe
to, use them or money will be refund
ed if desired. Notice will be given of
tbe date ai soon as arranged.
Tbj First National bank baa recent
ly established a department for hand
ling loans secured by mortgage upon
real estate, nabling it to take care of
all desirable aplioationa ot this na
ture. Arrangements bave been p refected
whereby funds wll be furnished by
local and outside capitalists, at rea
sonable rates, upon request of the
bank und reoommendat'on of Ita dis
count board.
This feature baa a two-fold benefit
in tbat it not only will take care of
loan applications wbiob tbe bank it
self cannot bande, on aoount of tbe
long time and nature of security, bat
will also enable ita onstomera to loan
out their surplus fu?ds witb exoellent
security. E. O. Blancbar, cashier.
Resolutions of Respect.
Tbe following resolutions of respect
were adopted by tbe Modern Wood
men of Americ :
Resolutions of respect adopted by
Hood River Camp No. 7702, Modern
Woodmen of Amerloa, Hood River,
Oregon, January 30, 1907:
Whereas, death bas again entered
our camp and taken out our bel ved
brother, Jamea Wardell Tompkins,
who passed way January 20, 1907,
therefore, be it
Resolved, tbat we, tbe members of
Oamp No. 7702 do deeply mourn bis
untimely death and extend to bis
family our tender sympathy, and
while they mourn tbe loss of an affec
tionate husband and loving son, we
mourn tbe loss of dear friend and
worthy Neighbor.
Resolved, tbat out obarter be
d aped lu mourning for 30 days and a
oopy of these resolutions be aent to
tbe family, and to tbe home paper
and a copy be spread on the rewords
of our camp aa a loving tribute to
his memory. John O. Zolia,
J. F. Carnee,
Orville Lakln.
Chester Tkonpwn Acquitted.
Taooma, Wash., Feb. 4. - "Not
guilty by reason of insanity," waa
the verdict ot tbe jnry in the Tnonip
scn murder case Saturday nlgbt.
Tbere was only two ballots taken,
one at 8 o'clock, resulting in a vote
ot 11 to 1 for acquittal, and tbe other
at 9:30 o'clock being unanimous. I be
defendant wil) be kept in jail until
papers can be mad out committing
Llm to some asylum.
A liquid cold relief with a laxative
prinolple which drives oat the eold
through a copious action of tb bow
els, and a beaingjprtncipei'whloh ling
ers in tbe tbroat aid stopa tbe cougb
that is Kennedy's Laxative Coagb
Syrup. Safe and soie in it action;
pleasant to take; and conforms to Na
tional Para Food and Drag lair.
Contalna no 'opiate. Sold by Keir A
MEN I Wear Keith's Konquerors and be guarded against corns,
bunions, and tired, aching feet.
Konqueror shoe-making gives perfect foot comfort all the time.
Prices, 15.00, $4.00, 13.50.
PRESTON B. KEITH SHCE CO., Makers, Brockton, Mass.
Better than Ever
Another Lot of Fancy Stationery.
A Higher Quality, a Better Paper
Write .your friends about Hood River Fruit
But write it on the
Capt. M. S. Hazen, of the steamer
Maja, dropped into tbe Olaoler ollioe
Monday while waiting for Suow 4
Upson to make repairs to tbe rudder
ot tbe boat, aud said tbat in bia eigh
teen years' experience on the Colum
bia river, Iht present situation was
the worse be ever experienoed.
Tbe Maja's tun Is between Cascade
Locks and The Dalles, and tbey bave
made tbe run whenever It waa possi
bia to do so. Capt. Hazen said that
the main channel was open as far as
Lyle, but tbat tbe nortb and south
channels above Memaloose island were
oloaed. Tbe ice tbat ia running in
the river is from four to fifteen feet
thiok, caused by tbe ioe piling up
and freezing in chunks, and tbat
when the little boat hits one of tbe
large chunks it la like running into
a rook, and tbe jar about stops tbe
beat. It is impossible to tell of tbe
thickness of tbe ice tbat is running
down tbe river by tbe looka of it ou
tbe surface, as only tbe top shows.
the Dalles City is now running reg
ularly to Lyle, but that Is as far as it
oan go, at present. Tbe Kellogg cut
through a obsnnel as far as Crates'
point Saturday, but could not reach
Tba Dalles.
Tbe Maja bad a narrow escape above
Memaloose island Saturday. While
In tbe midst of floating ioe tbe rud
der broke, and tbe boat drifte t into
tbe blocked ice, wbiob lifted it two
feet Tbe situation was a critical one.
Tbere was danger of the boat being
crushed any minute in tbe ice, or
having a bole stove In her and aunk.
There was but little ohance of escape
by jampiug on tbe floating Ice and
reaching tbe island. There ia no
timber or shelter on tbe inland, and
bat a small obance of surviving until
help could arrivi. By bard work
temporary repairs were made and tbe
boat poshed out into tbe open chan
nel, afterwards fceiog beached at
Hewitt's, until tbe machinery oould
be fixed np In better shape. Monday
Snow 4 Upson repaired tbe breaks
and the boat proceeded on ita run.
Nona of the railroad camps are
offering now for supplies, Tbe Cap
ital City, Hercules and Kellogg are
"tramping" and looking after them,
and while some of tbe oampa are short
on some things, tbey are being kept
fairly comturtable. All outdoor work
has been stopped except tunnel work,
whloh is progressing as usual, tba
weather not affecting tbe work under
oover. It Is reported tbat work baa
been stopped on tbe Cape Horn tun
nel, tbe contractors baviug thiown up
tbe contract, and new bids are being
asked for to complete tbe work.
Death of J. W. Douglass.
J. W. Douglas died at his bom
south of the city at six o'clock p. m.,
January 31, aged 67 years last August.
Mr. Douglas came from Day, Missou
ri, to Hood River last April, and
while be waa an old soldier, waa not a
member of Cauby Post. He had been
an invalid for tbe pant six years.
Tbe tuneial was held at the resi
dence last Saturday, conducted by
Rev . C. Evans and tbe remains in
terred in Idlewilde. S. K. Bartmesa
bad charge of tbe funeral arrange
ments. Mr. Douglass leaves a wife, two
sons, S. E. Douglass and George
Douglass, of Hood River; four daugh
ters, Mrs. Ida Paiker, Visalia. CaL,
Mrs. Maggie Downing, ot Morrow
county; Mrs. Pearl Cooper and Mrs.
Katie Downing of Hood River.
Sad Death.
Mr. Margaret Dunsmore Dunn, of
Rupert, Idaho, died in this city on
Tuesday after several months illness.
She was tbe eldest daughter of the
late Robert Dunsmore of Mosler,
where shouts she bad lived until a
year ago. Optimist.
What Hood River Has Done For Smith.
C. S. Smith, for several months day
operator at tbe O. R. & N.. reporta
tbe arrival ot an eight-pound girl at
bis ranch south cf town last Thurs
day morning. It Is tbe first born,
and brings happiness to the home.
Chapter Meeting Friday Evening.
Tbere will be a special meeting ot
Hood River Chapter No. 27, K. A.
M., Friday evening, February 8.
Work in tbe M. M. degree. Visiting
companions weloome.
Use a litle'Kodol 'after your meak
and it will be found to afford
prompt and efficient relief. Kodol
nearly approximates the .digestif
juice u It digests wbat yon eat. It
ia sold on a guaranteed relief plan.
Sold here by Keir & Case.