HCOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1907 S CTM . i, , II cr - 1 1 mm wmmi M AM frr '1IE3 FB In England and France the Salt of Alum Baking Powder is pro hibited by law because of the in jurious effects that follow its use. The law in the District of Columbia also prohibits Alum in food. You may live where as yet you have no protection against Alum The only sure protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is fo $ay plainly- BAKING P0VJB2B ROYAL is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar. a cure Grane Vproduct Aids digestion adds to the healthfulness of food AT THE END OF HIS JOURNEY The Indianapolis Star eaya of the arrival of Eza Meeker at thai, place after having marked the Oregon trail: "Pioneer" Meeker baa ariived at bis destination at Indianapolis with bis ox team, having retraced the old Oregon trail the entire distance of 2600 miles. The Star devotes an entire page to cuts and an interview with the cour ageous pioneer, which is entitled, "Oregon Trait lilazed Anew After Fifty Years." The illustrations con sist of (ii fiord 's "Dedicating Monu ment at The Dalles, Oregon." Moor-1 house's pioture ot the pioneer himself' In buckskin suit, gnrbed as a typical mountain man, seen in the last Pa cific Monthly. Also the Meeker home on Puyailup as Camp No. 1, and "Chimney Rock" on old Oregou trail, in North Platte valley, with Meeker and ox team in foreground. Io a reporter "Pioneer' Meeker eald be lett his home at Puyailup, Camp No. 1. January 29, 1900, and had trav eled 2000 miles to return to his fprm tiome seven miles west of Indianapo lis, which be left iu the fall of 1851 for an early start the next spring to Oregon. As a result of his land marking journey, no less than 20 markers have been set along the trail already, and other cities are planning to ootuniero orate the historic spots. Among the cities along tha historic, roadway are Grand Island, Neb. ; North Platte, Neb. ; Casper, Wyo. ; Pooatello, Ida bo; Boise, Idaho; linker City, Ore., and The Dalles. In many places magnificent monu ments have beeu created, one of hand some design being placed in the court bouse yard at Laker City. In one city a granite shaft weighing over five tons and more than 12 feet high was placed. "I am satinfled," said the old pio neer. "The work ingoing on and it won't be long before the old way will b marked with shafts suitably in scribed. It was a long jounery for an old man to make, but 1 feel repaid. Sometimes while iu the Rocky moun tains we never saw a railroad for days, then again, we came out into fertile territory, dotted with comfort able bomes, which in the etrly 50a was the nun' lug ground of the In dian. ' "Pioneer ' Meeker will remain in Indianapolis this winter in the inter est of bis two books; one, "Ihe Trag edy of Leschi," or a history of the Indian w r and Governor I. 1. Stev en's administration. The "ther book i entitled, "The Ox Team, or the Old Oregon Trail." In reply to tbe question as to what literary (raining be bad bad, Mr. Meeker said in bis early years be was araployed on the old Indianapolis Journal. . "A writer on the Journal, were you?" asked tbe interviewer. "No," was the old pioneer's reply, "I was the devil." Absence from Homesteads. A Inint resolution by Senator Hans brougb of North .Dakota, which has just been adopted by r.oongress ror tbe relief of settlers in the arid re gioni of the United States, s as fol lows ! Rnanlved bv the senate and house nf renresentatives of the United Ktatun nf America in congress aseem hlari That homestead setters upon tbe nnhiie domain, in those sections where oilmatio conditions and other causes of an unatural nature eixet, raanlrino in rjersonel hardships are hereby granted a leave of absence mm itmir I mid for a period ot three mnntha from date of the approval of this resolution. All homesteaders seriously affected by such conditions or causes shall make application, sup ported by an affidavit, setting forth tbe facts justifying the leave or ab ind for to the register and reoeivar of the district in which their land is situated, and eettlers granted auob leave shall forfeit no rights by the absence allowed bereun der. Provided, That the period of arm h nntiifil absence shall not be de ducted from the full time of residence required by law, Even from tha Mountains. Ballards Snow Liniment is praised for the good it does. A sure cure tor kiiu n..t;.m and all rutins. Wrieht W. Lov i., c.n1 Jnnci.inn. Colo., writes: used Ballards Snow Liniment last win i for Rheumatism and can recom mend it as the best Liniment on the niptsl T thnnaht. at the time I was with this trouble, that it unnld Via a week before I could gt about, but on applying your liniment airoml times during the niuht. I was .font in 48 hours and well in three ' days." Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. reaches From South Africa. Peaches r arriving on tbe New V'ork market from South Africa, and are selling at S3 to $4 a box. There were 500 boxes in tbe first cargo, the boxes containing 15, IS and 21 peach es carefully packed in wooden boxes, each being wrapped in a separali wrapper containing tbe name ot tbe packers. Tbe fruit in each box was of uniform ize and it arrived in ex cellent condition. Tbe paoking cer tainly did credit to the South African growers and was quite an improve ment over much ot that which iidone in tbs oouutry. Railroad Again Blockaded. The seoond bad storm of tbe winter oocnred Saturday and Sunday, and the deep snow that fell, driven by tbe east wind, was sufficient to tie up railroad traffic Sunday and part of Monday. Trains 3 and 5 got as far as Ibe Dalles Sunday, and laid there un til late Monday. The first train into Lloou ICiver since Saturday night was Supt. Campbell's speoial car, which came through from The Dalles at nine dock Monday morning, with two engines, and proceeded west. A trans fer was arranged on tbe boat at boo neville, which contiuued until the track was clear. A freight train was caught iu a deep out below ticnnv llle, by a snow slide, and it bad to be dug out. Tbii was naturally slow woik, as the euow plow could not be operated. Cold Weather (food for Crops. Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 5 Ibe farmers of sunny Alberta claim they do not mind tbeir forty-below-zero weather. They claim it is good for the crops. Frederick Engen, who is here fiom Saskatoon, claims that tne temperature there is not felt so severe as ten below in Pritish Columbia. Tbe prairie farmers see nothing but obeer n tbe cold weatner, lor tn deeper tbe frost goes the better next year's crop will be. WiHam Ingram says: The frost rising over tbis longer per iod will keep tbe ground moist most of tbe summer and with one or two raius iu May a tine yield will be as suied The fall wheat, which will be high euougb to shade tbe ground aud therefore hold the moisture a little louger, will benefit the most, but the spring wheat will also reap muob ben-etlt. PROTEST AGAINST THE WATER BILL Pleasant and moxt Effective. . .1. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, Lib. erty, Texas, writes Dec. z, 1SMB2: w mi pleasure and unsolicited oy you, 1 Dear testimony to tne curauve power of Mallard s llorehound syrup. have used it in mv family and can heerfullv affirm it is tbe most effective and best remedy for coughs and colds I have ever used.'" Sold by Chas. N. Clark. Salem, Or., Feb. 5. That the en :ctment of tbe Perkins bill, providing a new water code, would cost tbe peo ple of Oregon from 150,000 to 200,000 a year, and would open tbe way for many grafts is declared in a protest tiled in tbe senate today and signed by count v Judge Dunn, of Jackson county ; Circuit Judge 11. K. llanna, Gus Newberry, 8. C. Minniok, W. R. Coleman, J. C. Pendleton aud others. The protest is addressed to the Jack son county delegation, and asks I hem to vote against tbe bill. Tbe petition says amou; other things: It tbis measure should pass every owner of a water right in the sttate woud be uiadn a party defendant, wbo must deieud the right of tbe use of tbe water hioh he has employed In watering bis btock and irrigating bis premises, even though be may have used the light for a period of 40 vears, aud nl.nl her he establishes bis rigbt or uot he oi Id be required to pay tbe expeuses of tbe litigation nee essary uuder tbis measure. It seems to us that the measure is calculated to open tbe way tor some corporation to aoquire tbe lights of tbe small water user tu tbe state by fieezing biui out through the avenue of tbe expeuse which this measure must necessarily eutatil upon tbe water users of the state. Should tbis bill pass, in our judg ment, (he small raucher in tbe moun tains of tbe state wbo depends for bis livelihood on irrigation of his prem ises could not meet tbe expense neces sary to defend bis rigbt to the use of water on bis land, aud the passage of tbe measure would meau confiscation of bis property interests. In short, lurking iu tbe bill there seems to be a scheme to get for some corporation, or corporations, tbe wat er rights that now beloug to private individuals. We respectfully urge you to vote against tbe measure. The Perkins bill is tbe water code drafted by a committee of the Port land Board ot Trade. Great Olive Grower Dead. William Crump, once the largest ol ive grower in America, died Febru ary 1 at bit home near Aoampo, Cal, He Jeaves a large estate. Itching Piles. If you are acquainted with anyone who is troubled with this distressing ailment, you can do uim no greater fa vor than to tell him to try Chamber Iain's Salve. It gives constant relief, This salve also cures sore nipples, tetter and salt rheum. Price 25 cents. For sale by Keir & Case. West Side FrtpertT Brlnp.tioo Prtcw R. R. Albee, of tbe Al bee-Ben bam Co., Portand, wbo purchased tbe Caftoer and Chauder ranobea on the west aide, was In Mood Rii ver the lat ter Dart of the week. Mr. Albee re ports tbe sale of the north 30 acres of the Chandler place to F. S. Leverett. of Portland, for 12,000. Tbe balance of tbeii property will not bo placed on tbe market. Jonn Castner baa signed contract for three yra to manage tbeir ranohea, and the places will be kept in a nign state ot culti vation. This sale of 30 acroa la an indication of tbe upward trend of prioes of Hood River property, and will servo to stiffen prioes on the west side especially. Ibe Albee-Beobam Co. also report tbe sale of 20 acres from A. S. Bowers to 0. R. Davis, of Portland, for 6 000. How Did She Kuowl Ibe local Woman's club bad ottered a prize for tbe best essay, by any member on "How to Make a Husband Happy." It was a cash ptize, and summer expenses were in tbe near distanoe, and tbe competition was large and warm. The winning paper was just three worda long, and, stranger even tban that, it was submitted by a spinster ot fifty seven, tier dictum was mere ly tbis: "Feed the brute!" Feb. Lipplncutt's. neighbor dot Fooled. I was literally coughing myself to death, and had become too weak to leave my bed; ana neigiiDors predicted that I would never leave it alive; but they got fooled, for thanks to God, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Dis covery, it too jusi tour one dollar bottles to completely cure ine cougn and restore me to good sound health," writes Mrs. fcva Uncapher, of Urover town, Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by Chas. N. Clark Druggist. 60c. and $1.00. Trial bottle f ree. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications,: they rsnriot reach trie atKemwu portion 01 me ear, i nere is amy one way to cure detuexs, and (hut la by con atltullonal remedies, IH-adifwi ia cauwd by an Inflamed i-oniltllon of Ihe muras lining of the Kimtaclilan Tube. When thla lube la luname-J you have a rumbling aound or moerlwt tit-arum, ana wneu u ia entirely clotted, deafness is the result, and unless the Innanimatlon can be taken out ana tins tube rexlored to Ita normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever. Nine caaea out ot ten are canned by L'atarrb, which la nothing but an tutlamed condition ot the ruucaa Bur-facea. We will s-tveOne Hundred Dollar ror any caae of Deafnem (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Mall a uaiarrn. send lor cir culars free. Addreaa: F. J. CHENttX & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by uruftglala, 75o Take Hall'a family Pills for constipation. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE 1. 7 acres two miles out at 375 per acre. Ail In hearing orcnara, gooa lo cation, under ditch, small house. 2. 40 acres, three miles out, S acres cleared, most ly in hay, some fruit trees, good timber, itnder ditch, some (ree water. iLWd. 3. 20 acre I ix miles out, 5 acres in apples, rest easily cleared, under ditch nearly all good apple laud. Price fl800. 4. 40 arret- fix miles out at $75 per acre, nearly all gooa apple land ana easily cleared, under ditch. 5. 25 acres 7 miles nut, all choice apple land and lies fine, 7 acres cleared, acres in orchard one ana two years old, rest easily cleared.. 6. 20 acres seven miles out, choice apple land, no wast, 7 acres cleared and 5 acres In apples of best varieties 7. 40 acres seven miles out, also good fruit land, 5 acres cleared, small house and barn. The above are only a few samples of the bargains we have to 'offer. A vari ety of city properly for sale on reason able terms. OntKank eft Otten Hood River Oregon STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON At the close of business, January 26, 1907 RESOUUCES - Loans and discounts 1206,248.05 Overdrafts, secured and un secured i,BtJ 1 U. 8. bonds to secure circu lation . lZ.oOUiw Premiums on U. S. bonds 437 50 Bomls, affinities, etc 10,J07.j Kank'iig hoiiHf lurniiureana fixtures a.oci.w Due from National Hanks (not reserve agents) 1,111.8 Due from Slate Banks and bankers 4,1.0 Dim from approved reserve amenta fio.femia Checks and other cash items 247.15 Noteaof other ational Banks au.uu Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 71 112.882.40 Leeal tender notes 1,750.00 14,632.40 Redemption fund with D. 8. Treasurer, (a Der cent cir- rnlationl 625.0 Total 1313,853 98 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in foO.OOO.OO Surplus fund 12,000.00 Undivided profits less ex penses and taxes paid 1551.17 National liank notes out standing 12,500.00 Due to State Banks and bankers 244.94 Dividends unpaid 50.01 Individu.il deposits subject to check 175,660.70 Demand certificates of tie- pofit 11,862.20 Tune certificates ol deposit and savings department... Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding Liabilities other than those above Btated 47,691.54 50.00 1,786,43 450.00 Total 313,853.8 State ol Oregon, County of Wasco, sa : T E. O. Blanchar, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tbe best ot my knowieoge ianu " x. E. O. BLANCHAR, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis 31st day of January, 1907. Geo. T. Pbathkb, Notary Public Cobbkct Attest: E. L. Smith, Johs W. Hhsrichs, A. S. Blowkkh, Directors. The Modesty of Women Naturally makes them shrink from the Indelicate question, the obnoxious ex aminations, and unpleasant local treat ments, which some physicians consider essential in the treatment of diseases of women. Vet, if help can be had, it is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. 'Ibe trouble 1 that so often the womaq undergoes all the annoyance and shams for . nothing, TbowandsSjf women wbo have been cured bDr. riprce's Favorito Prescrip tion wrif In appreciation or tne cure which dlaiWwXNi the examinations and local treatment TJimJsuiflOlhjx medicJnso "" "d aafw for ri women as "Favorito Prescription J ASA It if r-t I It r V i fl PI n Gordon Hats Walk Over Shoes Well Dressed Half Progressed That's the twentiety century version of the old adage "Well begun ia half done." Nowadays the man who is not well dressed is handicapped in the race of life. And it costs no more to go through the world well dressed if 'you patronize our store. Good clothes here at the price of cheap clothes w--cp elsewhere. I VOGT BROS. LEADING CLOTHIERS PIANOS Special Notice Owing to luck of space, on account of our large and iniTritfintj Iiupiiicw, we have rented the building, next to Cul bertson's real estate ollice and are fitting up the entire buildm into a l irat-'Ma"- , Pin lin utnrtt U'lni'h uill h a criirlit tf. Hood Kiver. We have two car loads of bountiful in struments due to arrive from the east ern lactones this week. This shipment includes the grout Apollo Concert Grand (like the Odd Fellows have), Babv Grands, Interior I'iano Players and a complete line of the very boat Upright 1 lanos in Ine uuest styles, becoml hand pianos and nrguns taken in exchange and several on hand for sale. Lowest prices to all. No agents or comuiinmon men to make your piano cost you $50.00 more than if purchased direct from the dealer. Pianos tuned and repaired. Soule Bros. Piano Co. gILAS II. SOULE, Manager. Phone Main 1423, Hood Uiver, Ore. 1 CONTKST NOTICE united Mates Land Ollloe, The Dalles, Ore, January 10, im. A Kiiflii'lt'iit contest atlUlHvIl hnvinii been filed In thiH oflloe hy IVarl (llasNCOi k. eon. teHlant, hhkIiihI homestead entry No. 147M, made wovtmioery, m, ror toe JMv.. mmuioo Ed. L. W'liliKcll, cjinlcMce, In which it 18 aliened that wild Kd 1.. Whltzel linn entirely abandoned tmld lai.d and haa done no Im- Drovement on the laixl only to iinrlly con struct a lojj cabin : I Imi lie Imx not been on aaid land since April llKHi ; that said alleged baence lias not been due to ins employment In the army, navy or marine corps or the Untied Mini, h In time of war, aald parties are hereby nottlted lo appear, respond and oiler evidence touch IhhuM alleu;atlon,at Hlo'clcH-k a. ni. on Ke'iru iry at, 1IKI7, before the KcKltiier and Kecelver at the Hulled HLatea Laud Oltlce In The Dalles, Oregon. The said conleHlimt hnvlnir, In proper affidavit, tiled January il, 11107, set lortli facts which show IIihI Hlur dnu dillKence peraonal service of tins notice cunnot be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be iflven by due and proper tmhlli'iitlnii. jn.tU 411C11AK1. T. NOLAN, llcglster. cures debilitating a rains, irregularity ana female weakness. It always helps. It almost always cures. It Is strictly non alcoholic, non - secret, all its Ingredients being printed on Its bottle-wrapper; con tains no deleterious or bablt-iorming drugs, and every native medicinal root entering Into Its composition has the full endorsement ot those most eminent in tne several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of IU ingredients, will be found in a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also In a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. E. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. Si. i. inese proiessionai en dorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-Drofessionai testimonials. The most intelligent women now-a-days insist on knowing what they take as med Icine Instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever Is offered them. "Favorite Pre- scr lotion" is of knows composition. It makes weak women strong and sick womnn WfllL Dr. fierce s Meaicai Adviser is sent jree MOSIER .Fruit Lands. arge or small tracts. Some very good land at low prices at preeent. Good growing cnmmui.ity. Six miles east of Hood River. Also homesteads arid re- linquishmei'ttj. Parties wishing to buy will do well to writs or see GEO. CHAMBER LAIN, Mobier, Oregon. on receipt of stamps to pay expense of matllnt mill. Send to Dr. B. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. V., 21 one-cent Stamps for pa- ner-covered. or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. If alck consult the Doctor, free of chartre by letter. All such communications aro held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invla-orate and regulate stomacn, uver ana bowels. Geo. T. Prather CARRIES THE BEST LINE OF CANDIES Tobaccos and Cigars IN THE CITY The Oregonian, Telegram and Journal ON SALE 8UNDAYS Hood Elver. Oregon For Good Reliable Watch AND Jewelry Work goto ARTHUR CLARKE THE EXPERT Watchmaker and Jeweler Next door to Postoffic r Don't Forget THE I Ttr WO-."'. Robertine gives what every woman jnost desires a perfect complexion. It brings that pnft. smooth, fresh, clear tint to the cheot: that denotes youthfulnes. It will brln beauty to those who lack It; it will retain It for those who already possess It; It will enable you to successfully combat the ravnRe.i of weather and time. Don't doubtdon't arRue. Just try Jtobertlne. Your drugrjlst will give you a free sample. All drug gists keep Rohertlne. VACLE5AM as engine service Uncle Sara nse the DNI0H GAS ENGINE (or Bia Held outfit in the artillery and wireleaa telegraph ' service. This rough treatment it a true practical teat of efficiency and dura bility. The UNION GAS EliGINB 11 con structed in such a superior manner and of such fine material that it starts easy, works easy and runs easy under ordinary, every day, rough farm usage. Before you Invest a cent in a gas engine write for our free catalog Union Gas Engine Co. 62-66 First St., Portland, Oregon F. P. Kendall, Sales Agent V When you want first-class work done at home. All kinds of Laundry Work and Cleaning Lace curtains, 60c; blankdti and carpets, 25c to 60c. Phone m941 Glass Fabrtck, Prop. Patronize Home ...Industry... Our Work cannot be ...Excelled... JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phone 931 HOOD III V Kit, OH. Increase Your Profits What's tht us. of tolng to all tha eiixia. of spray 'nn and than hav. poor fniltf Ths secret of securing clean, fain v ( iiit Is In spraying thoroughly with hisfh. .rssittrv. 1.1 l-.'eJ men have reldom done this bscauM ths pump. 11. mv H.IU mjr s- Aans Using Bean Kuk Spray Pumps b.cau.t tnry sev i it! on. -thirl th. lak.r. Ii l. Kests the Secret T, I : i feci recurinc fancy fruit wfll sMne.) '. .R.'.hi.Mi.ct ilif ritsy-running, notroubl. t. ati.j-. I ..l K1 .i;vc ' i.t ile two sizes of Bsa Xd,';ic uiniu li.cnt .rj- immediate investigation. 't set 1 nx.'ant too kc ilij Lc true thnt all the new Ir.ipruv. ir.nlf ccn be huu ii one pump, but it ft.tru. a. id y. ii v ill Liitit.u..t! why wl.en you ace a Matgie in op r: i .i. W - I jve sao-itlts i f tb. pumps la stacK and Ut us puuvd io show them U yom. J. R NICKELSEN" White Salmon Bargains 100 acres unimproved land 11 miles out for only fl,G00. . 160 acres unimproved, G miles out. About 10 acres cleared balance hilly, house and barn, for only $1,800. 10 acres, 2 miles out. Little cleared. House on it, for $ 1,000. 13 acres, S miles out. 7 acres cleared, bearing orchard on it, .f 2,000. , See R. FIELD, The Rustling Real Estate Man WHITE SALMON, WASH.