The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 07, 1907, Image 2

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iMutd terv 1 avnday T
AkTHLK D. MOB. Pabttehar.
nkesTlpUea V-M a r M fU
THURSDAY, FEB. 7, 1907.
made in all
leathers and
styles. .
A bill appropriating KS.OOO for tb
Jamestown exposition u killed
last week In the senate by vote
of 15 to 12, after a aplrited de
bate The Multnomah delegation
atood together in voting for tbe ap
The bavoo (bat tbe atorm played
with tbe telephone and telegraph
wirea In Portland Uat week la another
aigament for tbe underground wirea
In tbe congested business districts of
tbe large oiliea. Tbe oompaniea can
afford to do it, as tbeir proflts are
large, and tbe aafety and eonvenienoe
of tbe pnblio demanda it.
Tbe bill that baa been proposed In tbe
legislature to place tbe atate printer
on a flat salary on tbe plea that he la
mskiag too much money oat of tbe
office, is but a a abifting of tbe ques
tion, without any material advantage
to the atate. The best way to settle
the question la to let out tbe work to
the lowest bidders, dividing tbe work
in sections, so that any fairly well
eouiDDed office can handle it, and
ooeu competition will put prloes
where tbey belong. In states where
this is done, It is found to be tbe
most satisfactory and economical.
The postofSoe department baa been
trying to prove that tbe low rate of
postage granted to nesspapeis and
neriodioala is responsible for tbe
heavy deficit each year. Bat the de
partment got a bot jolt the other day
when tbe American weekly Publish
er's association produoed figures to
show that the department is paying
to tbe railays for carrying tbe mails
132,000,000 a year more than tbe ex
rjreaa oumnaniea would obarse for
hauling the fame amount of tonnage.
There Is a big graft In tbe postal bus
iness, but it Isn't worked by tbe
newspaper publisher. Polk County
Apple eating, especially before re
tiring, is very beneficial, for tbey
contain more phosphoric acid than
any other fruit or vegetabe. It eaten
before retiring the brain and liver are
. benefited ; undisturbed sleep Is pro
duoed ; tbe odor of tbe rooutb la dis
infected ; tbe superfluous acids of tbe
stomach are restrained; hemorrhoidal
disturbances are paralyzed ; secretion
of the kidneys is accelerated, and tbe
formation of stone is prevented. Tbe
eating of apples la also an exoellent
preventive of indigestion, and of cer
tain forms of throat troubles. Na
turopath. The bill lati daoed by Representa
tive Knowlei, bloh is said to be a'
the request o Senator Whealdon, to
refer all coun y division questions to
a vote of the joople In tbe districts
Interested, shoul 3 have been entitled,
"A Bill to Prevent the Formation of
Cascade County." Tbe provisions of
the bill are so rank and manifestly
unfair bi to forever atop tbe division
of any county in Oregon. Ibe bill is
probably unconstitutional, and we
are informed that Mr. Knowles was
told by tbe attorney general, who
drew up tbe bill at tbe request of Mr.
Knowles, that he did not think it
would atand if passed, but that Mr.
Knowea told bim that he wanted to
introduce the bill anyway.
pmct: $3.50 4 $4.00
American Gentlemen Shoes
Made in many styles and leathers, al
ways gives satisfaction. Price
, Boys' Shoes
Boys' high top shoes, black or tan,
shoes that are soft and pliable. Price
I2.50 and $3.35
Boys' Socks
Boys' heavy weight wool so, ribbed,
Iust the sox to keep your feet warm,
'rice 15c. 15c 25c
Boys' Sweaters
Boys' heavy weight wool sweaters in
plain or fancy colors. Hold regular at
60c. Special sale price 37c
New Idea
TMe. Farfs Fair
. The Place, to Save Money
id Gloves
Ladies' 50c Felt Slippers - -
Ladies' $1.65 and $2.25 Velvet, Felt Slippers-
Men's Shoes
Men's high top shoes, heavy ' lt
soles, hand sewed, tan or bli .-k.
Prices from . . . $3.35 to SO...O
Men's Sox
Men's heavy weight wool sox In
blue, brown or gray. Double heel
and toe. The sock for satisfaction.
Price the pair 25c
. Men's Gloves
Men's gloves and milts in all Style,
suitable for cold weather or hard lin
age. Prices from 15c to $1.35
Men's Hats .
n'a hats in all stvles and colors
st all sizes, hats valued at $1.50
$2.00. Sale price 98 o
Ladies Hose
Ladies' fast black beavy fleece lied
cotton hope, seamless. All ixe.
Price the pair 20c
Ladies' Handker'fs
Ladies' pare white linen handker
chiefs, plain hem or lace edge, few
colored borders, sold regularly at 25c.
Special price 15c
Ladies Union Suits
We have ladies' winter underwear in
endlesa variety, all sixes and any color.
Prices range from 25c to S2.50
a suit.
Ladies who appreciate tbe value of
a aervicable warm hones slipper will
not fail to take advantage of the
prices q do ted above.
Men's $1.25 Underwear 83c.
Odds and ends and broken lota of men's underwear
in colors, each as gray, pink, blue, tan, etc., and
valued up to $1.26 a garment Most all go at the
rediculonaly tow price of 83c the garment
Men's Underwear
Men'a flannel underwear In dark brown shade,
valued at $1.60. Special sale, the garment. .$1.25
Men's Hose
Men'a Matchless black ro't'i hoi,
ribbed ton and good value at 7c. Our
price only 5c
Boya' sweaters in plain or fancy col
ors, all sizes and styles. Prices from
25 to S1.5Q
Boys' Pants
Boya' knee pants in large assort
ments, snappy patterns and heavy
weight. Prices fom .25c to 95c
Boys' Underwear
Boys' heavy weight, silky fleeced
lined underwear in servicable shade
of brown, a sensible gar.nent for
winter weather. Price the gar
ment...... .....20c
'BLUE- a
Tor Boya
and Girls
;X eft
IV" - V'VM
Boys' Shoes
Buster Brown shoes for boys or girls.
Good servicable shoes and very stylish
last. Prices $1.35 to $2.50
Shoe Specials
Boys Box Calf shoe', heavy weight and
a splendid wearer, has heavy quilted
soles and sold regular at $1.35. Special
sale S1.23
6 hoes may be found here for the family,
anv kind of a shoe from a ladies' or
gent's full dress shoe to a heavy kip
logger, and our prices as usual always
tbe lowest
We hear much about reciprocal de
murrage these daysvand attempts are
being made to pasaVuch a bill In tbe
Oregon legislature. Tbe people have
a just grievance from the manner in
which tbey have been treated by the
railroads iu handling freight, but
there are two sides to every question.
A reciprocal demurrage law suob as is
proposed by the lumber inteiests
would be the means of putting every
small railroad out of business, and
the email roads are doing more to
build up tbe atate than the large
ones. While it is true that lumber
mills and large concerns shipping im
mense quantities of freight want oars
and not demurrage, yet the opportun
lty would exist for the unscrupulous
manufacturer, when he found that a
shortage of cars eixsted, to order ten
times the oars he needed, when he
knew they could not be supplied, In
order to oolleot heavy damages. Yet
a law that would be just to both sides
should be passed, but not one that
will make tbe situation worse than it
(Jem Randy Kitchen Changes Hands
F. L.lhomas has disponed of tbe
Uem Handy Kitchen to Hamilton &
Adolph, of Salem, who have taken
cnarue and are now running tbe bus!
ness. Mr. Thomas is looking for a
new location, aud Is undecided wbeie
be will looate.
Tbe new firm are practical men in
tbe business, Mr. Hamilton being i
candy maker of considerable ex per
lenoe, having been in business for
merly at Salem, where be conducted a
fine confectionery store. Tbey will
make all tbeir own candies, whloh
will be of the highest giade, as well
as iue cream aud other items of tbeir
business In season.
Tbe (Jem Kandy Kitben has already
a fine trade, and its patrons will be
pleased to know that fresh home-made
candies can still be obtained at tbe
same place.
"Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup, con
tainino Honf hiii) Tnr is potipcinll v an
propriate for children, no opiates or
jkhbuub ui tuiv i:iinntcur, IXHIIOIUIH to
the conditions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1U06. For
Croup, Whooping Cough, etc It ex
pells Coughs and Cold by geutly moving
the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by
Keir & Cass, Druggists..
After being tied up since Saturday
night, a tiansfer of trains from tbe
vest was affected late yesterday and
the first mail from Portland came
through. The train that went down
Monday sot aa far as Shell Kook, but
oould not proceed any farther and
came back Tuesday afternoon, ibe
passengers were fed at tbe hotels and
made as oomtortabie as possiole, and
tbe train again proceeded west yester
dav afternoon.
The locks were closed nntil late
Tuesday on aoount of tbe running ice
in tbe river, but two boats passed
through and arrived at flood River in
tbe evening. Passengers for tbe east
were transferred on tbe boats and
want as far as Lyle, wbere tbey were
CrnnarnrrAfl thulnillrt nflV. A BlfriA hn
tween here aud Mosier Tuesday closed
the railroad east until yesterday.
Mails oame through from the east yes
terday forenoon, and western mail
leached here last evening.
While tbe train was stuck In tbe
snow Monday and part of Tuesday
two mil: s this side of Wyeth provis
ions ran short, and the trainmen
waded through tbe drifts to Wyetb
and secured provisions enough to last
until tbe train was run back. Dan
Meara was on tbe train aud remem
beied seeing a box of bread loaded on
the train by tbe Royal Bakery at
Hood Klver, consigned to Cascade
Looks. Tbe trainmen then passed
out tbe bread aud it was soon dispos
ed of by tbe passengers.
I tier e was some luooivontenoe, but
no suffering. Tbe passengers made
tbe most ot the time in playing cards,
reading and in various wars. A ooon
was sighted near tbe track land soon
all tbe guns on the tralu, consisting
of severul revolvers and a couple of
shot guns, were brought out. After
several shots had been tired, a mauby
tne name oi Murphy (nought down
Mr. Coon with a revolver, lie theu
waded aoroBS a creek and secured bis
prize, taking the skin along as a sou
Many of the 'passengers bad been
several days on tbe' road, those from
Spokane having been since Thursday
on tbe way, and were getting anxious
to reach their destination, but accept
ed the situation with good grace.
No Log Drive on the Grand Rondo.
This season for the first time in 20
years there will be no log drive for
tbe Perry sawmills on the Grand
Ronde river. Hereafter tbe logs tor
tbe season a run will be hauled irom
tbe Blue mountains by trains.
Tbe company now has about 2,000,
000 feet in the dam at tbe mill, wbioh
were run down during tbe nigh water
of tbe fall months, but tbis is perhaps
tbe last drive that will ever be at
tempted on tbe (Jrand Ronde river.
For 20 years tbe aunual spring log
drive from the Blue mountains down
tbe Grand Ronde has been the most
Importaut industrial rvent in tbe
mountain districts. Hundreds of
skilled log drivers from all over tbe
Paoitlo coast have made Perry and
Uilgard tbeir objective point in tbe
spring months and for two and three
months braved tbe waters of the river
In bringing down miles of.iogs for the
b'g mills at Perry.
Now this wora will be done by a
railroad tralu wbtob will be kept in
turvloe every month in the year. The
log road has been built up the river
ror lo miles and will be ,exteuded ev
ery season as tbe supply of logs be
oomea scarcer.
A large number of teims are now
employed in tanking out the logs at
the dumpa along the railroad and em
ployment of several hundred men is
still furnisbed by tbe logging Indus
try iu tbe mountain! as well as at tbe
ferry mill.
The mills will start this year about
February 15, a month earlier than us
ual, because a supply of loga will be
on hand through the operation of tbe
Plan a Vigorous Campaign.
Corvallis. O.., Feb. 2. -Plans are
perfected for a vigorous and uniform
ca.npaigo In cleaning up old orchards
aud generally improving conditions
tbrougbout the fruit districts of Ore
gon during the coming season. Most
of the fruit inspectors aud two of the
commissioners have be n here for a
week attending short course lectures
at tbe oollege and confer ing with Pro
feasor Cordley for perfecting methods
to be used in tbe coming work. Tbe
lectures were attended during tbe
day, and eaob evening tbere were con
ference sessions with Professor Cord
ley at wbioh methods and plans were
Among those in attendance were
Commissioner J. 11. Reid, of the first
district, mauager of tbe well known
Wallace orchard at Salem; Inspector
Castner, of Hood River; Inspector
Goodrich, Vamhill; Inspector Lewis,
of Clackamas county; Inapt ctor Nun,
Polk county; Inspector Armstrong,
Marion county; Inspector Meserve,
Josephine oounty, aud the following
prominent orobardists: Mr. Panksy,
manager of tbe Olwell orchard at Ceu -tral
Point; Mr. Harris, manager of
tbe Lewia orchard Table Rock ; Mr.
11 olio way, who is plintiug a large or
chard near Lebanon, and mauy oth
ers. As a result of the oonfeiences, an
attempt will be mtde to get all the in
spctors in the state to alteud the lec
tures next year. For tbe present year
an enlbusiasMo spirit is aroused and
an energetio movement Is tifoot io
bring order out of chaotic orchard
conditions, ibe inspectors have le
quested Professor Cordley to deterin
ine tbe treatment to be applied to
trees covering requirements and giv
ing directions to be distributed by
the Inspectors amobg orohardls s iu
tbe various localities.
Fire Department Purchase New Hell.
The Hood River fire department
bave purobased a new McCbaue fire
bell, and it Is now in the engine hone
adjoining tbe city hail, awaiting a
tower to hang it. It is a first class
bell, weighing 450jpounde, has a fine
tone, and can be easily beard in any
part of tbe city, aa well as distin
guished from tbe oburob and school
Tbe bell cost (150, aud it it to be
paid for by tbe fire department nut of
their own unda, the city net having
been asked to conrtibute towards iU
purchase. Tbe council will be Baked
to put up a tower about 50 feet blgb
in which to hang it, as well as a place
to drain bose.
Tbe action of the Ore department is
commendable, showing enterprise and
a willingness to assist tbe city In get
ting fitted out to fight fire as soon its
Patents Held Up.
For several weeks past newspapers
have beeii publishing accounts of
President Roosevelt 'sj latest ordei,
through beoretary Hitchcock, to bold
up all homestead, timber and desert
proo a and not issue final certificates
or receipts tbereou until the land is
personally examined aud lopoited up
on by a special agent.
Kven after the president's special
message on tbe subject to congress, it
was doubted looally that euch ruling
wdull be put into effect ; but doubt
was removed last Tuesday when an
order was received by the register and
receiver or tbe local laud otlice in
structing them to issue no final re
ceipts or certificates upon homesteads,
assert laua or timber proors until
land bad been personally examined by
a special agent and favoiable report
maae tnereon.
From persons familiar with tbe pro
ceedings of special agents it is learn
ed! tbat tbe time of tbeir reports will
be uncertain, aud flora tbe great vol
ume of business before tbe lend de
partment, a congestion of final proofs
will follow and for some time the
work of local land offices consist of
reoeiving testimony aud pigeon hol
ing all final proofs.
Thii co'iditiou of aQans may be
very satisfactory to tbe theoretical
Ideas of Secretary Hltobcock, but to
tbe homesteader aud timber applicant
it will be a great injury and result in
an indefinite suspeuse; also compli
cating land affairs to a greater extent
than at present. Chronicle.
Timber Supply is Uone.
The following dispatch from Minne
apolis shows tbe alarming sitnntion
of the country with regard to timber
supply. Tbe dispatch says:
The big timber mill of the liovoy
DeLaittre compauy, loottted at Cam
den plaoe, thir city, will cease operat
ing after two more seasuns, accord
ing to the statement of John De
Lulttre president of tbe company.
"We have now exhausted all our
own timber," said Mi. DeLaittre,
"and we will be obliged to abut down
unless we are able to buy timber to
keep us going. There are no pros
pects at tbe present time tor securing
logs to keep our mill going for more
than two seasons at tbe most three
"We are now using up a few strips
of timber alud in tbe northen part of
tbis state, but tbey will not last long.
We are hauling some of tbe logs
from these isolated pineries a dis
tance of 12 miles to a waterway. "
1'. M. DeLaittre, manager of the
company, said that while definite
plans had not been made regarding
tbe closing down of the big mill heie,
at the same time it was expected tbat
tbe mill would shut down iu a very
short time, not exceeding three years:
The Bovey-DeLaittre mill at Cam
den place has now been in operation
tor 111 years It turned out 2t, 000,000
feet of lumber last season.
All our meAta ai-a iiiirphuutil in Port
land from the Union Meat Co. and are
government inspected, which is a guar
antv of its wllolHSOlnenens. M Cnii-u
Willie walled and Winnie wheewd,
while wintry winds whined weirdly.
Willie wriggled while Wiuaie wheezed
wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win
ter winds work wheezes. Wherefore
we write, "Use Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup. Nothing else so good.
Sold by Keir Cass.
Kf ton Ktx was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We
doctored aomt months without Improvement. Then I began giving
Dr. King' Hew Discovery, and I toon noticed a change for the better.
1 kept this treatment np for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly
well and work every oy. MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo.
50c AND $1.00
Not a JImm B Laroir Me!
For th J u a lor Muaaror.
A man who wanted to lecture r alios!
nt a bureau presided over by two naan-
He aroused their Interest with a ktc
turer's art, says tbe Lycenmlte, but
unfortunately tbe senior member was
just starting on a trip and would not
return for at least a month.
The senior partner called the yoong
mnn to one side and exacted a solemn
promise that he would not vlalt an
other bureau or read his lecture to
anybody until after he had given tMa
particular manager a reading and a
chance to make him an offer a month
The Interest of the Junior member,
however, was at white heat, and be
kept sending for the yonng lecturer. In
sisting that he come down to the ottco
and read his lecture. The young man
refused with as much tact aa possible,
but this only Increased the anxiety of
the Junior.
At last tbe young man told of the
promise made the aenlor partner. In
tead of quieting the Junior manager,
the announcement made blm tbe more
anxious, and finally the young man
The reading ended, the Junior part
ner snld:
"Now, your reading this has saved
us all much valuable time. I'll toll yon
frankly, my boy, It won't do. There's
no message In it; It la loosely construct
ed; the diction Is poor. It wont do.
Burn It and try again." '
When the senior partner returned ho
called up the young lecturer and sound
ly berated him for breaking faith.
"now do I know you have not been
to every bureau In town? Ton promis
ed me on your honor you would read
the lecture to nobody not oven to my
The young, man protested that he
had not done so.
"Why," exclaimed the senior man
nser, "of course you havel Ho tells mo
that you came down here to the office
two weeks ago and read htm tho ent!ro
lecture and that he told you It was B
"Yes." replied the young man; "after
much persuasion 1 did read blm a lec
ture which he told me was no good,
but It was not my leoture-Mt was Wen
dell rblUlps" 'Lost ArtsH
Worst Storm in 20 Years la Alberto,
Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 4. Another
ten i tile blizzaid is sweeping the west
ern ranges, cattle are dying thick and
fast, trains are stalled everywhere,
nud famished wolves and coyotes are
pursuing etook. The storm is tbe
worst iu 20 years.
To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B Mid
dleswart, at Mltohells Point, Jsn. 9,
a girl.
To Mr. and Mrs. Carroll & Smith,
January 31, a girl.
Don't be a. Knocker
Come Buy a Rocker
Sewing Bookers
Willow Rockers
Read of Reeds and Bamboo Stuff
We have never seen any household that had too many
comfortable chairs. We have a line assortment and
would be pleased to show them. See our display of
Reed and Bamboo Furniture
Undertaker and Embalmer.
Feed Becenlnf Scarce at Shanlko.
From tbe Interior comes word that
tho cblnook Is geting bnay and the
entire country is flooded. A message
from Shanlko saye tbat this wind aud
rain storm oamo jast In time to pre
vent a. big loss of a beep as some own
ers are entirely oat of bay and are
feeding grain until hay can be
shipped in. A few have feed enough
to tide them over, bot otter a have
only onoogb for a few days. Tbe loss
so far In tbat 'Section is small, but
with no outside communication the
situation is critical. Some stock has
been driven in (or shipment and
started foi TheiUalfes in tbe hope
that the blockade will bo - broken.
Stage lines are making heroic efforts
to keep tho roads open, bot get
through wick much hardship. Yes
terday a Prineville stage drawn by
four horses pulled iato tihaniko hav
ing . been tour days ia coming sixty
miles. Cfcroniole. ,
All boadaoboa go
When you crow wiser
Aad kr to aa
Aa "rtv &iwr "
DsWitt's .Little JSarly Bisers. safe.
sure pills. Keir & Cass.
Here is Your Chance
to buy land and make
the crops pay for it.
40 acres. 15 acres cleared reaily for
trees. Balance partly clearad. $7,000.
40 acres. 7 acres cleared ready for
trees. Balance partly cleared. $4,000.
40 acres, including valuable water
power. $3,000.
40 acres, including valuable water
power. $2,000.
All this land is within five miles of
town on banks of Hood Kiver under the
ditch, sheltered from wind, kicli soil
for apples, early berries or hay. Two
or more tracts can be sold together or
further subdivided. Easy terms and
long time given.
Enquire of DR. J. F. WATT.
How f or Bale-x heart tbree year old
past tar In gppr; weight 1160 to 1380. T.Wy.
ere, White Salmon. aw
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Reindeuce next to (Second Hand Store
KorKHla or Trade Town property, houxe
and fnur lot, tor tipple Intnl. odell properly
preferred. Enquire E. S. MMhuuey. Jl'im
For HU v good Jerney nit lob cow. Otv.
InK milk iiv,r. C. K. Rogers, Miuonunee.Ore.
For Wale tiladioU bulbx now remdy, 50c, 60o
aud 7.V p r dozen. A few more while W an
doi te cockerels left at ft! and $1. J. VV. Fletcher,
Oukdale. fTtf
For 8n le A good milch cow. Address J. (1.
True, Cascade IxK'kn, Ore. T7-2H
Wood for 8ule rine wood, 1(1 Inch length.
lave ordirs at 8. J. Krnnk's. J 17-114
For wile Cream mparulor and milcb wa.
John Vauthrien, Ml. Hood, Ore. J17.17
For dale A young man1. Standard bred,
weight, 10K) pound:, l'ricc il'.'.'i. A, H. Wow.
em. J 17.1 H
Hay for nale. J. O', Dukes Valley.
For Hale 3 horses, IVchIi milch cow, S heavy
young entile, good mountain hack, I brand
new wagon, 1 cream Hepnrutor, Mr. John
Leni, 11. F. U. No. 1. Jl7
FREE WO! D-W'lll give pine aapllbga for
wood lor Ihe cutting. 1'. 1). Henrietta. J17
For Hale One-half dozo fancy Brown Leg
noru cockerels. Hilda Irom prize taking pens.
Beat laying strains. J. L. Carter, Fhone, ISff
Girl Wanted To do general housework.
Permanent employment. Apply to L. H.
Huggins. J31-ru7.
Wanted Uood cows by W. A. Johnsen, R
F. I). No. 2. Jan23
Wanted A aeoonrt hand subsoil low.
State milker and price. A. T. Baetham, Mo
sier, Oregon. JH-IU
Wanted A responsible party to clear about
eight acres on-hard hind In Hood Klver.
Address E. L. House $0'i Fark Btreet, Port
land, Ore. . J17-17
Wanted. -Bids will be received until ten
days Irani date for !W cords of 4-foot fir wood,
(J. 11. Vaughn, Kchool Iristrlct So. 8.
Wanted Gentleman or lady to tiavel for
Mercantile house of large capital. Territory
at home or abruad to suit. If desirable tbe
home may be used as headquarters. Weekly
alary of fl.Uoo a year and expenses. Address
Jos. A. Alexander, iiood Kiver, Oregon. 16-28
Wanted A woman as housekeeper. No
hard work aud will be helped with wasbing.
Willing to pay (10 a mouth and board tbe
year around. John W. Jones, Rhone 8H7.
Wanted At Cottage Hospital, Hood River
girls over twenty years to train as nurses
Apply In person or by letter to Miss Grace
Taylor.Hupt. or Abhle J. Mills, Matron. Jan23
Lost and Found
Lost-Red bald faced steer. $5 Reward.
Phone am. n-28
Flatray Black Jersey heifer, yearling, with
white switch and white ring above switch.
No marks or brands. J. C. Porter, KdBt Hide.
Taken op-Cow and calf. Calf about four
weeks old, the cow about six years old, baa
upper slot in the right ear and rowlock on
the right hip. Color white and roan, but
mostly white. Half of one horn broken
oil. Owner can have same by payingchargeg.
Paul Aubert, Mt. Hood, Oregon J31-in7
For Sale
ForBale-I have the agency for the Niagara
Sprayer, and also taking orders for lime and
sulphur solution suravlng material. Give
me your orders. G. b. Woodworth. n2-20
Department of the Interior. United State
Eand office, The Dalles, Ore., Jan. '22. 1UU7.
Notice is hereby given that
of Mosier, Oregon, has filed notice of hli In
tention to nnike final five-year proof In sup
port of his claim, via.: Homestead Entry No.
vm, made June liKit, for lot 1, SENVV
and KyjEi of section 4, township 1 north,
range 11 E., W.M., and that said proof will be
made before the Register and Receiver at Tbe
Dallej, Oregon, on March 1st, 1!P07.
He names UieTollowing witnesses to prove
his continuous resliKiuce upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz.: Vincent Young,
Albert Norder, John P. Knyder and George
Bigler, all of Mosier, Oregon.
I24f23 Register.
Joseph A. WILSON
Wire Wound Wooden
Water Pipe
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