The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 31, 1907, Image 2

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u jJ ttervlkartrUr ky
AU1HUR D. MOK. PaMtthar.
tarn t abeortptloa ILM a j
THURSDAY. JAN. 31, 1906.
Argument of the Opposition.
Ilbe Dallea Chronicle, In a column
and a half at tide. In opposing (be
creation of Cascade county, among
olber things, denies tbat tbe Interests
of tbia end of Wasco county are ad
Terse from tba rest of tbe county.
It claims tbat around Tbe Dalies
and Dufur they can raise "just a
good" applet a Hood River, and
tberefore tbe east end of tbe county
ia aa much of a fruit country ia tbe
Hood Kiver valley. It admits tbat
we bave no representation in tbe leg
islature or In county atlalrs, claiming
it is because tbe Issue of county di-
viaion was raised at tbe time of leo-
uon. it admits tbat tbe minds of
4 the Wasco county delegation were
made up before band, and tbat the
" arguments of tbe dlvisionista bad io
weight with tbem, and that It was
, useless for tbem to confer with tbem.
It claims tbat Mr. Jay ne refused to
bear their side of the naso two years
ao. It denies tbat Senator Wheal
don was not present at the conference
of tbe Hood River delegation owing
to a pretext It denies tbat be was
seen on tbe street a few minutes later,
and claims tbat the committee lied
. aliolously when they said they saw
him. It denies tbat theJr opposition
to the oieation of tbe new county is
' at tbe dictation of tny boss. Tbe
. Chronicle further says:
Messrs. Knowles and Heudrlolc
were nominated and elected because
fot tbeir declared opposition to ooun
' ty division, and tbey know tbat a
large majority of the people of the
county are strongly opposed to the
division, hence while it Is entirely
proper for tbem to listen to all tbe
uBuweuis put rortu by the able and
QAmcrican Gentlemen Dress Shoes
Jtmmean YM
jady o .
Price $33.50
Style 6003
A via kid bkicher lacs
boot, with patent Isce
stayt and bed foxing
welted nit, military
bed and patent top.
TEe Paris Fair re Shots
The Place to Save Money
Men's $l.QO and $1.25 Underwear 83c
Men's $1.65 Flannel Uederwear $1.25
lifornla Flannel Underwear in
thade, heavy weaigbt and a
McnV C;
wearer. Sold reeularlv at 11.65 the
garment. Kpecial price, the garmen
; $1.25
Men's Worsted Derby Ribbed Underwear, pink
or blue colors. Lambedown, natural gray or
brown underwear. Odds and ends and broken
lots, good assortment of nize i''you come early.
SolJ regularly at 1.00 and f I 25. Spe
cial price :
Children's Shoes
Children Shoes in heavy
box calf, quilted soles, just the
nut? to wear the boy or girl,
size 6 to 12. Sold regularly
at 1.35. Si-wial $1.23
Children's Hose
Children's Fast Black l'l.
ton Hose, iinavv ribbed and a
(food weaier. Reinforced heel
and toe. Trice the pair.. .lOe
Children's Caps
ante assortment of h.vt,'
and girls' caps in all the latest
shapes and patterns, prices
range from lOc to 45c
Hen's Shirts
Odds and ends of Men's
ilrexft sbirts, made from a
trood quality of shirting.
Sold regularly at 50c. Hpe
ial 23c
Work Shirts
An immense assort
ment of Men's work
ing shirtK, all colors
and sizes.
Men's Shirts
Men's shirts with
soft color attached, in
plain or figured white.
colored pongee, mo-
nair, etc.
Men's Shirts
Odds and ends and
broken lots of men's
shirts, valued up to
80c. Special . ..39c
Men's Shirts
Men's plain or fancy
dress sbirts, all the
latest and best pat
terns, light or tfork
Ice Skates ;
Klipper Club Ice Skates,
made of cast steel, hardened
and polished, boiiow ground
and sharpened. Hold regularly
at f 1.50. Special 73c
Men's Handkerchiefs
16x16 inch Men's Silk Hand
kerchiefs, hemstiched and
have one inch hem, initial em
broidered in the corner.
Price..-...! :,..25c
Large assortment of school
tablets, pen or pencil. Prices
range from 4c to 20c
'.'.V, J
Style 6001
A patent kid button
boot, dull upper with
seamlea nutep, weked
sole, military keel
perforated dp.
Price 53.00 4 $3.50
- a- wr-jLJtTzrN.'NJLyTTTXJ-rvr--7v
irwnnriimw hwmih i :
What Oregon wants at Salem is not
so much quantity as quality iu legis
lation. It is not tbe number but tbe
character ot bis products that gives
dhtinotion to a solon. A safe rule in
persistent delegation from tbe city of t , ,U 8pp,e Brow,D " if
Hood River, yet until tbey are advis tbe P'oduo' " too thick thin tbem ;
ed that tbe people whose vo'.ea sent " mU kill tbem. Tbat Is tbe
them to tbe legislature bave obanged
their views with respect to county di
"7. n' tbey oannot consistently favor
i V Kaot true that tne'' oon is
dictated by any boss, nor is it true
that the opposition to county illvi
SiS? Pfitloal In nature; the
s !. K m tDe '"'payers
-wt iud cNBkerii nnrLinn nr rriA nnn
feel tbat inasmuch aa for mu
wiy they do at Hood River and Hood
River knows bow. Journal.
Chairman Shontz, of the Isthmian
ft . ...
ianai commission, bas tendered bis
resignation to tbe president, effective
at his pleasure but not later thnn
March 4. President Roosevelt fin pant.
ah. xi i r .. r "
f. i . 'T vaiJeJ Laa been a the lesignation with extreme re-
..B,jr Boreu uy ioe oounty In the luotannn. ThBnAn, p
i matter nr rnurli om.1 i..lA.. ti I
. , . . I sioniwl tn
Sudden Death of Everett Hand.
The community was shocked Satur
day morning to learn of the sudden
death of Everett Rand, aged 11 years
and 3 mouths, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
. Rand, at the home of bis grand
father, E. L. Smith.
Siuce tbe removal of bis parents to
Portland, where Mr. Rand la employ,
ed in the store of Olds, Woitmuu &
King, Everett had been staying with
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and finishing
bis schooling here. He was becoming
m.k ........ i. I -
ujuuu cuuuurt ana company tor hi
granaparents, and tbe future for him
was full of promise. In the past year
u jjobbbu uuicKir irom
hn. In . n . 1 . . . . .
wjr u B uiMu a Biuture, ana ins vorv
biuwiu may oave maue linn
weaa to Wltnstand tha uuil.Ho,, oft,.,.i.
wmcn suaiiped
Shontz n. r" . "UMrPeu ' lire-cord without
VIGS1UDU, Ul LMM l 1 n IPfiflUt, 1. . I
r,.,,. . , . - ,,. i ----j uo was taaen
.u.oiuUiuuKu jueiropontan company wun a severe uillious attack, after
wnion controls tbe Rapid Transit eln." nearty supper, but it was an-
lines and many surface lines in New PBtZ1 , f10,' Uiore1ui than hejhad
York f"w uLutiBi uuuuy, uemg suu-
It """iramiu ni iimes. Friday
An occasional huskv. aI.U hni . , " uome, out was feeliuu
, lainy well. Xhat uisht he was tnkn
teen begaloff at the with f,rin V1 ,eu
hHftk Hnnra In !.. U- ' i . H.7 .T. UmUO' "UUipiBlUing
. u ,ug uiby. yob wora or i bug uhiu whs an mdapa hut h..
, '..Tn Ple tbat Hood River valley bas mna klnds is "taring them in the 00"1(l bard'y endure it. Dr. Watt was
.peen largely, favored by tbe oountv in 1806 00 every coinei. If the house- i" . ' 'uu,Bul an4 uooeeaed
; the buildino n rnA i..,a'',7. wife would nntif, th. . ..... 1V ei,ov u .lne Pala left medi-
. . " - nuu uriuUS W III J J ...... cudi it j fcDio
puone every time one of those gentry
appears, tbey would be takeu care of
n a suitable manner.
. penae of tbe bnlnnnn nt tha nr.n-
that now that Hood Birer is more
prosperous it is only right and fair
that it should temain with the ooun
ty and assist la caring for and sus-
taining the large portion of the ooun
K, u ..,ts eoo'liern border from
wnicn little rerun 11 a li Ani-nA i
taxation, but where the matter ol
"u" "u oringee is a large expense.
be a surprise to the taxpayers of this
, aeolon, espeolsUy to those who bave
: helped to build so many of them by
private aubsoiiDtlon and special tax
es, while a t gnardly appropriation
was doled out hy the oounty. It will
. te a surprise to the taxpayers of tbe
. city. pf Hood Kiver, wbo are annually
Paying a three mill tax for oounty
road purposes and not receiving one
cent of tbe money In return. It will
uoaaurpriBe to hear how well the
roads are taken care of, wheu it is
known that tbe east aide grade out
aide of the city limits has been in
uoh a dangerous condition foi a
month that it is piaotioally dosed to
. .trafflo and our resident commissioner
. bas made
- Hinao jw
ti . 1 1 v . . .
unuea Htates Senator RusseJl A.
njger aiea January 24 at his home in
Washington from heart disease, fiom
which he had suffered for some time.
lue end came suddenly. He had at
tended the senate regularly. Ill health
had caused him to deoline to enter
the race for teeleotlon and William
Alden Smilb was elected to succeed
him on March 4.
The Dalles Optimist
A ' be 8ivea la 0888 ot renewal
ui me mi a. a, nut it was apparently
not needed, aa hn
desire to sleeo. and tlm furr.ilo
ed. He was beard to cnt nn mma
twice shortly Bfter that, and thtu
went to sh ep. When the family aro,e
be was sle tiIiid unA m... .. .1
d'BtuMed. Dr. Watt called at 9:31
and he naa uminrfiiitlv in n nufum
and all th
- . r w vuo uiuij
hie was oer. Mr. Smith nam i,n,
shortly before noon, and upon en
quiring, was told that t.h hr,
still sleeping. Thinkimr r.lmt if.
time he should awaken. Mra M.i.iH,
went up to his room and discovered
that he had passed away.
urn. watt and lirna na
Have You Lost Your Phone Directory?
At the Williams Pharmacy
can get the handiest Directory
to Hood River ever put out
at actual cost 85c, or
given away with $5.00
cash purchases as long as
they last.
...HALL & ESSON, Prescription Specialists..
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Keisdence next to Second Hand Store
KorSale or Trade-Town property, houne
and four lots, for apple land. Odell property
preferred. Kuquire li. H, Mahaney. Ji72m
.ww'T1.111.'11"1 Hr W1 on the ground
atgl.OU rick. ir Is dry, pine partly sea
soiled. Lee U. IStroDK, Odell, R. t.ii. No. 1
Wood for Sale V ne wood, 1(1
la?e ordi rs at M. J. Krnnk'H.
Inch length.
Kor aale Cream separator and miich cows
John V autbrles, Ml. llood, Ore. jn.f?
.8';i'trA y"Vn ,n,ra- Standard bred,
weiijht, 10(10 poiiiKlH. Price S135. A. M. Blowl
ei"- J17.Q4
Dukes Valley.
Hay for sale. J. o'Oonn r,
For Male oak and nr wood.
Epping. Phone r anner.s, 1278.
Apply to J. A.
For Nule.-A single barrel, l gauge shot gun,
almost new. A bareain at ftr. mi iw.
cert roller organ wild records. Price 16.00.
jiu-.u. Lt. i. strong, odell. R. F. D. No. 1
II t ,
nnn,1 .... M...-' . T,I . WOtBBOOU
iuuua iiu a LimiH. Mini l r ia rhom x . : : i i
-wUU.u oiauo tKiubi uouaiiiau u "um congoHtlon of the bruin in
Uouma laat week, with the question 8 oonvulaion. This ia an acute form
n oapitala, "Who put up the moiW .""f,, v i?Bl '! ue,n8 met oc
forBourne'aoarnnnn? h pM. r""."."1 ' 'uoun not oen lesuJt-
Thn RnonPil
' tfitnnnrArf Iw nauuuhu n.ii i. t . I hamn a ,,.,i .... '
. -r-r -v uuiiij it, UUU1U DA I w uujttlUHI UUHH. WOUid Ilk A tn XUB UBWa WHR hmkan f rt M... .n
rt i . -l. v.vuuu iu tun ill i v
Jixea peimanently. It will be a aur- who is putting up the monevfor 10 1 ?rnd, and thoy airived ou the
Mr. Bennett to fluht Mr, Bourne?- rR,n- f.he Bad 8ff8ir
oaBionally, thoiiKh
iur raiauy.
"own wbb uruaen 10 toe
prtae to tbe people of the Mount
llood section, who have had to build
most of tholr bridges by private sub
scription, and do muoh of their road
work in thej same way. We believe
their aorrow is siuoere, however, when
mcy view with alarm the rapidly
growing wealth of this part of the
oounty, when the taxes can be rapid
ly increased until we will pay the
largest share of the taxes of the ooun-
f an1 I. .. . l ..
t4". u uu vjioe in tne manner
in whloh this mouey shall be spent.
Ah t there's the rub.
Arlington Record.
uuyers wbo paid 12.25 a box for
Llood Elver Newtowns, bought the
beat grade of Rogue Rivers for 11.65
It t
nugue mver is one fit the places
wnere tney raise "just as good" ap
ples as Hood River, to hear them tell
oast a gloom over tbe oumrauuity and
sympathy is expressed upon ail sides
ui iud uruiccnri ones.
ue tunerai was tin il nt. fha u,;n,
residence Mon inv
iiuui inuies or tne deoensed were ul
lowed to attend, one of the rooms d is-
'"K or mat puipose, and tbey
..v.w tuulD IU M I 1 1 1 1 I V tiUT'Q Mi n,
.,,! iii.ji j . 7.7 ""'
uu uruurioge omoiaterl. Dr. Eliot
oaptised Kverett. and is nn .,1,1
The bill to oreate Cascade oounty
was Introduced in the senate Tuesday
by Smith, of Marion oounty, aud is
S. B. No. 148. This is tba only bill
in which Hood River is intorested. as
looai matter. . "
a " Prospects of
Kepresentatlve Connels has offered
a bill that provides for turning into
the oounty treasury of the different
oountiee such fees as may be collect-
u,- any ana an county ollioers in
tne preparation of abstracts of title.
im small amount of wood that is
oeing cut in the valley this wintr
mill . . . . . I ."y
"... um Bo ur nowaras suDDlvincr th Mmith nr rai h.,ii it
hom A . " " ranKion
uoujnuu. ami inarn
9ml 1 .. t . t ' 11
...un ui me lamuy, expected to l e
present, but was unable tn DBr hnra
h7 7. r lDe at)lay traiiiB. The
u"' -uurilll7fl u-ntA niui.n n.,.i
elaborate Iho itrrangemeuts wore in
charge of S. K. Bartmess, aud the pall
bearers were Roger Moe, Klwood
buckey, Howard Hartley, Fred Bell.
Raymond F.arlu mwi ai,. '
ifie runeral services were opened with
a song by Miss Hartley.
xiid remains we. a inrrr,i i n...
a fuel shottge
good j
Hood River Newtowna gold in I.nn.
don for 11.12 a box more than Call.
A Curd.
To all thriso
tears with our own, to the kind
friends at Frankton hn ...m
..u, .omim-ii tne aeen snnir
is said, intends to introduce a bill for
a uormal school, to be Jooated at
Hood River. Tbia bill has not been
asked for by Hood River, and its iin
troductlcn by Wbealdon is evidently ,orn Newtowns sold the same day, to 1 the '"ads and around the , bur?nJ
for the puipose of making enemiee 'ne mm buyer. linour private cemetery, and to
ior UQod Klver among those who . -
would oppose such a maH .L.tewuer81 W" marshal
Wd a month and tbe night watchman
bill. It would be follv for Ilonri hi. !r' Dut the buiness men contribute
Kinirof ill Congh Medicines.
Mr. 1!, G.Cusn. mail carrier nt Pi.i,.
' . - . . . f. i 1 1J
VR!r! wonn., who has beeh in the U
h. Service for about sixtpfn win
'H'e have tried many cough medicines
km croup, Dut (Jhamberlain's Cough
Remedy is king o( all and one to be re
lied upon every time. We also find it
ucbi retiietiy ror coughs and colds,
volutin resuiis ana leaving no
uan auer ettects." . For sale by Keir &
To Mr. and Mrs. Wm
January 14, a eirl.
lo Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
January a girl.
To Mr. aud Mrs,
January 4. a girl.
lo Mr. aud Mrs. Bernie
January 24, a girl.
To Mi. and Mrs. John H
January 27, a boy.
io Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Kessi, Janu
ary 11, a girl.
Wm. L.
to ask for two such imnr.n " " montD t0 er's salary
measures at the same time, and while nu. t "..... , 7.
any additional educational facilities, IIl OTJSl,
or other Improvement, would be a PWPril,e r children, no opiates or
nice thing, the people would much J?18on ' any character, conforms to
rather see a court house here than a l'!wiT i ma ,ot N,io" 1'nre
normal anhnol hi,,,l 1 ' i'!.J . Juno 30, HKKi. For
wMwuiuji, o-uo uiiiiviuuii. v nooninar inn.rii i
would have no show of passing if In- P'" Coughs and Cold by gently moving
eaon and everv nun u-hr. ,.,.. ..
wth precious svmnuthir ....i...
.In.!.. . 7 ' nortlHLHUCe
"""' uur oereavenieut. we Bvtn,i
tbe sinceie thauks of stricken hearts.
iur. ana Mrs. .1. K. Kand.
Mr. ami M, I.' i
Hood River Jan. 30 1907.' '
J ,
- iruuuoea, ana our people should not
oe misiea as to its purpose. There
should be no endorsement from llood
River of the bill, but our whole at
tention and influence should be cen
tered on the Cascade oounty measure.
tne bowels. Guaranteed.
reirot tass, Druggists..
Sold by
Card of Thank.
ttv 1 .
e aesire to express our sincere
1,0 one ana all of our good
neighbors who were with us New
lears morning and worked so hard to
. uur oeuar ana wood shed when
our bouse burned : nln tnr th .....
- - - - -' iuau v
roras or sympathy which ha
oome to as from our fri Allrla in f
valley and elsewhere.
Mrs. Wm. Soobee and family.
A Willamette valley nurseryman
was in llood River a few days aeo kind words of svmrmth.
anlllrt.. I. T i- . . I 4. . -
no, ia cis argument in fa
vor of the quality of his stock, he
said that tbe Willamette valiey could
raise apples "just aa good" as Hood
Rivei, but thit the peoplejdown there
were slow and behind tbe times. Tbe
pbspaotive buyer remarked that if
the people were of that kind, peihaps
the.treea possessed tbe same qualifica
tion, and he did not buy.
Cnt this out and tako ft to Keir A
( ass s drug store and get a free sample
of Chamberlains Htomach and Liver
tablets. Thean tahlut. f : ..
to pais, being earner to take and more
pleasant in effect. Th.-v correct dis
orders of the Btomach, liver and bowels.
Keir & Cass.
1-onjr Tenueasee Fight.
For twentv venra v i
He 1h, Tenn., foneht nasal ratrPi,
writes :"The swelling ...,.i ' IC
side my nose wag fearful, till I Ih,,
applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the
sore surlace: tl.ia panA ti. .
r,?fn ?,we'llK to dinappoar, never to re
A - .st k"1 1,1 t'"istence. 5o at
Chas. N. Clarke. Druggist.
Carrie Nation.
certainly smashed a hole in the bar
rooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup has smashed all ramrH. ..
a cure for coughs, bronhitis, influenca
and all pulmonary diseases. T. CVH ,
ioiioii, rvansas, writes: "I bave never
ound a med icinn that wmiM mm a
fouh 80 quicklv as Ballarrl'a H..
'm'i'i'1 Svru''- nave UBe1 11 for years."
i, Jfif iht.rfby f 1 ven that lhe ondenilgned
has i u v tiled her final account and report u
mtmlnlrtratrlx of ilia u...rn,. i
d..e..M,.,i i.,..rii;":.r:,rj .,:viori
gon. and that the Judge of said oourt bat fixed
l- riday, the eighth day of March. 107. at n
o iiK-K a. M. oraald day, aa the time, and tli
Si' i, yn,li,irt 7.7,m ,n lhe county oourt houae
u l 1)Rl ,'s 'ly. Oregon, aa tbe plaoo for
h -Hring wild flnal account and report. All
Ih'isoiin Inierf sled In nald el-ate am hereby
notified to apih-ar at nald time and plaoe, and
"how cause li" any there be, why said account
and re port ahould nolln all things be allowed,
rat l fled, approved and confirmed, and rwla
iidmlmstratrix dlajharged, and her bonds
man pxhnnorated.
Hated Hood Kivor, Oregon, this SOth day of
.lam.Hi-v W07. :)KA nfcl,US KLAUb.
Adiiilnisiralrlx of tba eslala ol Koba J.
1 ticker, Deceased.
John uland Henderson, attorney for said
Don't be a Knocker
Come Buy a Rocker
Sewing Rockers
Willow Rockers
Read of Reeds and Bamboo Stuff
We have never seen any household that had too many
comfortable, chairs. We have a fine assortment and
would be pleased to, show them. See our display of
Reed and Bamboo Furniture
For Male 3 horses, fresh milch fnw A hsow
young cattle, (food mountnin back. 1 brand
new wavon. l owum s...rutn. zz
i r i , , . . '-i'wst una, tlUIIU
"mi ifc. r, u, j.o, i.
KKKK WOOD-W1U give pine sapling for
wotKUor the cutting, u. Heurichi. J17
For Sale-Onc-half dozen fancy Brown Leg
horn cockerels. Birds fmm prize Uklng pens.
Best laying strains. J. L. Carter, 1-hone. m
vHl! w"'",rt-'' do general honsework.
rermanent emnloi nieut. Annlv u I. H
J31-H17. "
A. Johnsen, R
Wanted Good cows by W.
r . l. .No. 2.
Wanted A second Imn
Slnte miiliHr and price. A. T
sier, Oregon.
subsoil low.
Baetbarn, Mo-JS4.fH
v anted A responsible party to clear about
urrnaru iana in
Address l
laud, Ore.
L. House 280'
Hood River.
Park street, Port-J17-H
Hijod River alley Restaurant and Bakery
combined, on the Heights, next door to
1 weedy . M alsat all hours from ISc up.
Mrs. M. U. Stutu. J10-31
Wanted. -Bids will be received nntil ten
days from date for 90 cords of 4-foot fir wood
1. 11. V aughn, (School district o. 8.
Wanted Gentleman nr lnriv with rnrH rr.
ereuce to travel by rail or with a rig lor a
linn of capital. Salary 81,072 per year
anil expenses, salary paid weekly and ex
penses advanced. Address, with stamp, Jos.
A. Alexander, Hood lliver, Ore,
Wanted- partiesto cut liO ricks ot wood.
Mouse on place In which cutters can live
Wanted-A woman as housekeeper. No
hard work and will be helped with washing.
Willing to pay 810 a month and board the
year around. John W. Jones. Rhone K87.
w antea-At t'ot tage Hospital, Hood River
girls over tweniv v.ri ri . .....
Apply in person or by letter to Miss Grace
"pt- or Aooie j. Mills, Matron. jan23
Btraved lied helfor fair Dwi m n.k.
h'' i J!lh ei""M Sfllt 'l"rter circle, A on right
ftrnLlbrHl w'ir'i ,ot Information for Its
return. Mrs. A. Mobr. im-ji
- j w "
Lost and Found
Undertaker and Embalmer.
German Coach Stallion
Montour the imported Ol.lenl.nrg
Kiver toai-lt Horse company, will lm on
llmmLu Utf' Gall'Kn' ;h"
v'lieii, until furtjipp nt i..
weighs 15(H) pounds, of superb stvlo an
"W'U'T."1 "f ,he Interior, Land Offlo at
I he Dalles, Oregon, January 22, W07. J
",HI hereby given that .
f Mt. llood, Oregon, has Hied notlo of hla
v i v mini, TIB
NO. UlltA, niHdtf Uw. W,
Here is Your Chance
to buy land and make
the crops pay for - it.
Jersoy Cattle for Salo
One bull, t hree v..ui.l ..
eighteen months old, ft, ',),,- hu .r'
months old. smim t ,V..unibelr 'n
old. 110.0.) One heifeV one'm.inVh old'T,V;r
LI-,"01'"1. ow Karmn-hone".
NW '4N'4 of section 26, township tlouth
., W. M., and tbat aaVl o
"l be made hetnrs u.,.. .."i The Dallea, Oregon, March 1.
He llniniM it... li i.
.in- HiiHiwing wnnosaea m nmv
his continuous residence
i Vw V..1 '"" VI! 0orge P. Weygandt.
W. weygandt. Henry . OrolT mnd Jol
sepl, J.
J24 fi8
mors sti,
rm. l'hone Inrl
Joseph A. WILSON
Wire Wound Wooden
Water Pipe
40 acres. 15 Beret cleared reaiiv far
liomestri Kntrv ! tje". BalancB nurllv 1mpi,I t ruvi
KOI, for the 8Seu' ' " r "J . " "
& Tana' iwncrre. acres cleared readv for
treea. Balance partly cleared. $4,000.
40 acres, including valuable water
power. fS.OOO.
'10 acres, including valuable water
power. 2.000.
. ah mis land is within five miles of
t-own on ramus ol Hood Kiver under the, sheltered trota wind, liicli soil
for apples, early berries or hay. Two
or more tracts can be sild together or
farther subdivided. .Kasy terms and
long time given. , -Enquire
of DR. J. F. WATT.
For Sale
For 8ale-I have tbe agency for th i.
Sprayer, and also taking order, tn, Kagm
sulphur solution sprang rn.?e, a? "?,"
me your orders. O. i,. WtSfdCr b nata
n,n neJ? T e8 . purse ""ntain'ng some
this oftice and paying for ad. jio-31
CanT?hTrt.C!?!i? nihf"ldered blanket.
10-31 lhts;ofllce by paying for ad.
weeks oi,,'V;VOW a1d cnlf- Calf Bb"h toar
fe L nthr,l,!l'1 p"r an(l rowluek on
me rigtit hip. tio white and man hut
ri!ilUe' e hornTObnrkeUn
oir. UttnercHi, hav. uuma ..i i
Paul Atlhert Mt llii...i n.f. yn3 1 " uiiarges.
'-,icj J3J-ni7
npoa and enltlva.
Urotl, all ot Mt. Hood, Oregon
itog later.
Horses Kor Sale Six head three year old
past fimr In sue: weiirli tisn t.i !:, t nr..
era, White Balmon. ' da'fT
and all persons hsvtn, piafnr rT"1''.
estate are hereby n",t H?d to D?eV,f, V 8,1111
tonic, duly verified at ?.PI.T " lhe"ne
Jayne, InW hV, X?.!', , A'
months from the H.i.;.tT!' within six
ort his notice. nnl Publication
Late of first publication January n idot
Exeenfrl. or ih- .... A.M.AN l,A H KXKY.
ceased. - "uca Henry, de.
DZeri',1,fi,U i ,,,e Interior, Land Office at
i he Dalles, Oregon, January '24, iW.
Notice is hereby given that
Sirims?' '.'.!8,;,l",!? vlL Hmesa,reaTnftr?
N KUof ZU, .,r. V ' ""rr for the
He names the following witnesses to nrova
T. W. Cnlhreath, li. W. Caldwell Fr.nV
'"' Hoadf'of HRood
Notice ts hereby
iiB o en o;
vt aaco county, Oregon, annotntert , k
nilnistratriT thL.."'."rrc!nlea n he
deceased T, ?Z "ll?m H. I
-r..- ... urinin. imv iid
against said estate ire herehv J 9
wii.iiii ia ruonrns rrrnn the iin. ,i ,r 5
publication of this not ! ol tne rM
Department of the Interior, United State.
Und oitice. The Dalles, Ore'.,
Police is hereby given that
of .Mosier, Oregon, has filed im.,.
. .'" sei-t,on 4, lownshln I
'"IIKf II r... W 1 u.l
of first publication' Jannary 17, isrr
Aiiniin:stratr ix or the estate rV. ""j
Bond, deceased. of j'fi'
his con i , . : " witneaeea to
ti..., .j . '"reuce
tinn of i ".. "T""' opto andcnltlva.
Alhett Norder j ',h V NlTnt VU 'oan
Register, "