HOOD RIVES, OBEGON, JANUARY 31, 1907. 38 VOL. XVIII. 8 i SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKR t'OMMERCIALCLCB Meets every necoiol Monday in em b month at p. m., lu ilia club iomu over Jackson's store. H. K. l vnwos, Pres. A. D. Mok, Hwrrtary. HOOD HI VfcU LolMlh No. 1(6, A. y. and A. M. Meets calumny evening; on or before each full moon. A. D MuB. W. M. I). McUonald, Hecretary. hood kiver ch aitkr no. yr. R. a. m.- Mecl Unit aud third Friday nlghM of each month, I. McDonald, H. P. A. 1. Mob, Hecrelary. HOOD UIVKR CHAPTER NO. , O. K. B. Meets swcoucl and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visitor! onrdialiy welcomed. Kva Clakkb, W.M. Mas. Thekisa CAHTXKK.bfecratary. IOLKW1LDKLO OE NO. 107, I. O. O. r. Meets lu Fra vrnal ball, every Thursday ntf lit. H- C. Harm, N. U. J. H. Fekouson, cretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, 1. O. O. F.-lU-anlar uiwling second and fourth Mondays of each inoiitii. R. J. Pahhott, a r. J. M. HI'll mki.tzkr, Scribe. KEMP LOIH1K, No. 181, 1. 0. O. F.-MeeU In oduil Improvement Co.'s ball every Batur dayuliitil. Visitors cordially welcomed. II. U. MA8IKEH, N. O. L. A. E. CLAHK, Keff. Beoy. lAi.cU-.L KKHKKAH DKUREE LOlKiE NO. l, 1. 0. O. F.-Aleets tlrat aad third Fridays 'ii each mouth. M ihs Zoka Day, N. Q. Ella Mav Davidson, tseoreutry. WAUCOMA LOIH1K NO. 30, K. OF P. Meeut lu K. ot P. hall every Tuesday night W. E. HH terra, C. C. J. K. Nicuols, K.of R. and 8. HOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets lu 1. O. o. K. hall every Wednesday night, E. H. Mayes, V. 0. C. U. DAKIN, Clerk. HOOD RIVKR CIRCLE NO. 624, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meet at K. of P. ball on the Brut aud Third Fridays of each month. Lou M KKVNOLU8, O. N, F. W. McReynolus, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODGENO. (18 A. O. U. W. Meets llrst and third Saturdays of each month. F. II. Blaoo, M. W. E. R. HKAriLKY, Financier CH kstkk bHVTK, Recorder. OLETA AHMKM BLY NO. 103, UNITED ART-lhans.-Mtx.-ia the iirsl and third Wednes rtvH, wot a: ni-ond and fourth Wednesdays Artemis' Hall. Mas. A. D. MctiUIBK, M. A. C. D. liKNauH, Secretary. COURT MOOD KIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS of America, Meets second and fourth Mon days lu each mou h in K. of P. hall. B. V. Aknold, C. R. F. C. BkosU'8, 0. CANUY POHT, No. lti.U. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. bull, second aud tourlli Satur day of each moutli at'io'clock p. m. All j. A. R. membtts invited to meet with us. A. C. Bui'K, Commander. 8. F. Blytiie, Adjutant. CAN BY W. R. C No. 16 MEETS SECOND aud lourth Saturdays of each Month In A. O. U. W. ball at 2 p. m. Maktha Riqby, President. A Lit) A HllOKMAKfcK, Secretary MOUNTAIN 110 ME CAMP No. 31U9, R. N. A. Meets at I. O. O. K. Hull on the second and fourth Fridays ol each month. Mas. SUSIE MAYES, O. Mbs. Ella Dakin, Recorder. . J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 81L 8UKOKON O. R. AN. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYKICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, Day oi Night. Telephones: Resiili nee, 611: Office, 013. . office In the Broslna Betiding. E. 0. DTJTR0, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence over First National Hank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office r hone 4(3 lies, phone 1181 M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence. No. 588. Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Bharp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School ol Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office and Keeidence Huxley Cottage, River street. Phone 25 Hood River. 0. BR0S1US, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'I'houe Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. and 6 to 7 P. M. M.; 2 to DR. . T. CAftNES DENTIST Office over Hnrt-mes Htore HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 31. H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Crown Bridge: Work a Specialty. Office over Kirnt National Bank Telephone Main 311 H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Tplpnhones: Oiriee283; residence 1045 fiHiiw over Butler Bank, Hood Rivkr, Orb. M. E. WELCH, LICESEI VETER1SARY SCRGE0S Is nreuared to do sny work In the veterin ary line. He can be fonnd by calling at or pb'ning to Clarke s drug store. A A.JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. win PruHtrpjn All Conrta. nifira wlrh (4. D. (;ulbertson A Co. Col lections. Abatrscts. Settlement of Fstates. HtH)l RIVKR. ORK 'N- A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. TOWN LELAND UENDEKSOa ATTOBNKY-AT-r-AW. ABSTRACTER. NO- TAKY ' 'Liu ana uc.i u W: i'''B AOKNT. For 2S vears a reh snt of Oigon and Wash ington. "Has had n.any years experience in Rel Kstate nistten, abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Baii-faction guaranteed or no charge There is Mone to be Made in Hood River Town Property During the winter season you can pickup bargains that will surely inhance in value. We have all kinds of lots, improved and unim proved, that will be money in the spring. There are opportunities all around you. The ques tion is : Do you want to make a few hundred dollars? Of course you do. It's easy. Come and see us J. H. Heilbronner & Co. H00D RIVER and PORTLAND, ORE. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S.H.C0X Contractor and Builder Flam ah Estimatm fmuau. FREDFRICK A ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates larniihtd on all klndtef work Phones: SIM0NT0N & SONS - Architects and Builders. Iteonrathe Painting and Papet Hangln Piling furnished. Estimate care- . fullv made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, E. A. JEROME, Arcbitoct Hsvlna had several years' experience In 1 K. i it 1 wnnlfl rasnectfullV solicit s part of the patronage of the people of Hood River who anucipsie ouuumg. reasonable, aid satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice at residence on Heights. ; ; ASSOCIATION of McMinnville. Oregon, will insure your property at 60 per cent less cost tuan any other institution. - J n . ma. AM ntlW i . Hood Rlter, , 0rer GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location tome cbolot apple lands and tlmqer claims; also relinquishment and land to script. Call on or address. Wm. f. rand, Rea. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and. Fishing Tackle BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy rillUVtitlllU unSL-VUlflB UttU tui , r 1 -L K jUUf BUUp 1PI lUetil iJiJUIltau 111 every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection GRAY & RUSSELL, Props. worth more rjB.HTAHt.ir, E. UHmitb, ITe. Vlee-Prea. ; V. C. Rbock, Asst. K.O. BI.ANCBA Cashiw. . Cashier. .: s The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREUON. 1 : Capital $50,000 Surplus, $12,000. MABLE E. PAULSEN STENOGRAPHER f Office: Room IS, Broslua Building, HOOD RIVER, ORE. ' P. H. HALL-LEWIS I CO. Civil and , Architeccaral Engineers ind Surveyors Mnk snrvevs. nlans and estimates for sew er, llnht and power and railway plants, and furnish, sabjeot to approval, plans, specifica tions and estimates for all clause, of buildings puhllo, private and mercantile. Hpecial at tention a-ivan to economic snd slow-burning construction. Accuracy and euonomy guar- auteea. DAVIDSON B0ILDINQ HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all ordenj for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and Quick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce ' Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. ; Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables, trie Delivery. Phone Main 35, JOE "WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 769 Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines from crapes and small fruits. Alcohol from cereals, vegetables, plants, fruits and wood and valuable recipes. Send $1 for book giving practical information bow to make them. JL.&U Z.ABt.1 P. O. Box 604, Portland.Or Shepard & Franz HO0O RIVER, OREGON. Art in correspondence with all parts of the United rv.ates and are in good posi tion to sen your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwesteri Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Ftre Insorance Co. " NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United State Land Office. The Dalles, Oretoo, January, 7, VUi. Nolle u hereby ftrea that to compliance with the provision of the act of Coo area of Jane S, UC. entitled "An act fur V. . ..... t ... I.. ..... .. r 1 1 I DC MM Of UlUOWr I. mr maicw ui 1 torn I a, Oron, Nevada, fcnd Waahlnclon Ter rilory," aa extended in all lb. I'ublic Ijind Ute, by act of Attaint 4, lttw, the followlui Darned penon b.ve fllMt intbl offlee their worn tatemenu, to-wlt: JOHN C. OWEN8, of lit. Hood, county of Waaeo, tate or Ore- Son, sworn .tatement No. WSI, aied October ), 1906. for the purchase of th. K'SK of section 'M, townsnip x norm, nang e n east. W. 44. IVY B. ARCHER, of Portland, connty of Maltaomah, state o Orefon, sworn statement No. HMD, filed No- emoer , isoo, for taw hi" wi u oc? NK.U. EVAKU oTseeUoa 8, and section i, township 1 north, ran re 9, east, W.M. And will offer proof to show that the lands sonant are mora valuable for the timber and .ton. thereon than for agricultural Durnoae. and to establish their claims to said Isndi before the Reftater and Receiver. st th. land offlee. In TU iMtiiea, Oregon, on March 12, 1W. They nam. as witnesses 1 C 8. Archer, F. L. BcbanU, Samuel B. Archer end John I). Kd wards, of .Portland, Oregon: H. Thomilson. Fred Ohsle, B. C. Owens and Rett Owens, of Mt. Hood, Oregon. Am and all oenons elalminc adverselv any of the above descrtbedland4are requented to file their claims in tbtsofttoeon or before said 12th day of March, MOT. JlO-m? MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Lsnd Offloe.Th Dalles. Oregon, November 7tb, lKUb. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of tneaol or tjoogreas or 1.. lUTtl .nil, lall Aai Mt ffir I h huIm nt limber lands In the stales of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all public land states by act of August t, usu, LORETTA T. BOOTH, of Hood River, count of Wasco, slate or Oregon, ht this day riled in this offloe ber sworn statement No. 3SN9. for the pan-bane of the NJiSEW of section a) and NSSWof sec tlon il. In townsblp 1 north, range 11 east W. and Will oner proof to snow mat tne tana sought w more valuable tor its timber or Mone than for agricultural purposes, snd to establish her claim to said land before the Register snd Receiver st The Dalles, Oregon, on the 1Mb day of March, IU07. Sue nimn H WIlWHa, I. y. nurai, fvuu West. M. A. Search and J. M. Culbertson, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming auverm;ij the above described lands aie requested to file their claims In this offloe on or before the smaayorMiu,ww. J10-m7 KeuiHter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore. gon, January ild, am. Nnilrw Is herahv aiven that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congrvss of Jones, ir79. entitiea "an act iur uw wio w timher lunds In the states of California. Ore. gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by set ol August 4. m. TilEBESA O'DONNELL of Portland, Oregon, county of Multnomah state or Oregon, nss wis uay mvu 111 uu office her swrn statement No. 87M, for the purchsseol theBNKH ana lots i ana x sec tion &. township I north, range II esst, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its tiinberor stone tnan tor agricultural pui jwiwr, Uu w lish her claiui to the ssid laud before the Keg. Inter and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 12th day of March, IU0T. Bhe names a witnesses : C. D. Morgsn, L., . VanNordwIck. J. OuVall, all of Mosler, Oregon, and Mary K. Brltier, of The Dalles Oregon, - ... Any and all persous claiming adversely the above-desert bed lands are requested to tile their claims In this offloe on or before said 12tb day of March, 1807. , MICHAEL T. NOLAN. I10-m7 . ' , , Register NOTiCfc For pOblication . Department of the Interior, Land Offloe at The imiies, Oregon, uroeiuuer , u. Notice Is hereby given that PERCY T. SHELLEY, or Hood River, Oregon, has filed notice ol her Intention to make final five-year proof In support of bis claim, vis: Homestead Entry No. Wit, made September 28, 1901. for the H8W of Beetion 1 and NHNW p! section la. township 1 north, range 10 east, . M., and that saia prooi win oe inn imt the Keeister sua Receiver at i'he Dalles, Ore gon, on February 2, 1V07. miia names as witneuHes uiuruvv inr wutiuu1 ous residence upon auu cuitivaiion oi io land, vis: L. M. Wilson, u. r. oaen ana n. n. Kemp, all of Hood Klver, Oregon, and lu H. Merrill, of The Da.les. Oregon. d27J31 ' Krglswr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Depai rtment of taa Interior. Land Office at Th be Dalles, Oregon, December 22, 1WM. Notice Is hereby given that HERMAN H. MEYERS, of Monnt Hood. Oregon, baa Bled notice of his Intention to make fital five-year mnf in snnnort or his claim, vis : Home stead Entry No. MB49, made Dee. W, IWJU, for ins south, range 10east,W.M.,and thatsald proof ml Tli It.llm oreeon. on Jailuary 31, 1X07. will be maae oeiore tne wntxmvcn kjiu mwi tia nmM ih fnTlowlna witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, the land, vis: W. H. RodenheUer, Robert jucaamey, a. n. iuraimu " " S. Oribble, all of Mt. Hood, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, dCTJSl Begtster. Timber Land Act of Juue 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UnltedHtst.es lnd Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, NOV. g, JKJ. nonce is mmuj i ". In compliance with the provisions of the act nirv...ViAf June . 1878. entitled "An act lor tne saie oi inuuwr muun ... -w.-. . .. ..... I ...... . In In. .I.tu lf T.r,in,.'' u extended to all the Public Land i ... 1 1 . i . tmtuwnn M.v.ns. .nil wun II.UIU states by act oi August , , iu. named persons hsve filed their sworn state ments in mis omce iowiv; GEORGE A. ULOUGH, of Arlington, county of Gilliam, state or Ore gon, sworn statement u. oi, h, W06, for the purchase ol : the W H W'4, MM HW at section Hi and SESE of see. tlOn 1, KJWUBUip I wuw,iii. "- " - GERALDINK B. CLOUOH of Arlington, county of Gilliam, state of Ore- Ts,lk,lbr the purchase ot the NEUNWH. NW!4NEtiofsectlon2S,snd the WJ-jHKH of . . , . . . L. 1 , .mill. nanvA 111 u.l ana aiirn ! Js Is ITlKI I L niu. Mil. uini VMf'iAll iV;n n tnwiuhin 1. south, ranee 111 east, W. M and will offer proof to show thsl the lands sought are more valuable for the tlm K.. .truia thereon than Hot agricultural nnnnses. and to establish their claims to r-..iA hfnre the Ken Is ter and Receiver, at the Land Office In The Dalles, Ore., on Jan. nary SI. 1M7. They name the following witnesses: unarm A. Wells, Edmoad O. Miller, James B. rneips and Joslak K. Batson, or Hood Klver, Oregon (wh. a rinmrh. of Arllnatou. Oreaon. anv .nd all oersons claiming adversely anyoi the above-described lands are request er to nie ineir ciiin i v,J. "v tore tbesald ust day oi jsnuary, . MICHAEL T. NOLAN, D29.JS4 Register, NOTICE OF 8 ALE. In the County Court of the Bute of Oregon lor Vf aauv tvuut; In the matter of the estate of Henry Hteflanson, deceased. vntin is herebv riven that the undersign ed.as administrator or the estate of Henry Ht.nwnann. deceased, will on Hatnrdsy. the second day of Februsry, 1907, at the bour of eleven o'clock, of said day, sell the follow ing described real property belonging to said estate, vo-wik , t Th. nth u nf the southwest W of the south west H of section IS, In Townsblp t north of Kange lu easv oi ins v. hwhivh. mn iu,.u, Wasco county, Oregon, at public auction to the highest bidder ana new oiaaer inereior. Said property will be sold on said described i .. .... M.h nr nut iw.li Ann nart credit, and will be sold as aforesaid pursuant to h oritur of the above named court, which order Is dated December 17tb. 1906, and sub ject to confirmation ny saia court. J JOHN HAKEL. Administrator of the estals of Henry Stef- ntnson deceased. TO THE INN ON SNOW SHOES CLUB MAKES FOURTH ANNUAL TRIP Interesting Account of Ihe Journey Written by One or the Members. iiy R. L. UlUao. Iu a snowstorm Friday mornlnir, Jan- tary 1H. the Snow Shoe cluh took tbe train at Union uepot tor Hood River on Its foiiitb hiiuuul rlmt to Uloua Cap lou, Mouut Hood. Tbe Laity oousirted ot J. Wesley Ladd, ptftidrnt, oruauizer and host; Jobn C. Caiso", Ilurbert S. Nicbols, Marion Dolub, Walter tloneyinau. Cbarlea E. tSarreus, Jordiiu Zan, Brandt Wlckersharo, Mot ton it. los sy and Rodney L. UIIhuu. Tbe view along tbe Lanka ot tbe Uo- utubia trom tbe train was excepti in- ily attiautive. Ihe palinados glitter ed in beuvy coats ol icy mail, a wbite uiantlol stretobHd acioss tbe river from batik to bank, broken as we ap proached tbe CitHOHiJes by da k rnsb log waters, while Ur'dal V'oll, Latour- He and MultiiotiiHli falls fell in dia mond sheets thiotigb icy curtains. Hood Kiver wus reached about 11 'clock and we were soon wrestling tb 14 oourne meal, comtiniug all the essential routines oi bieakiast, luuo J and dinner. Our overgeuerou host evidently thought we could, like tbe camels of the Habura, take i-everal days' provisions iu person. The built ot tbe four borse sleighs caused us to hasten from the dining room, omit ting one course, muob to the horror our superstitious members, wbo bjected to leavlug on Fiidtiy after a 13-oourse diuuer, with a party tbat would soon, witb the guides, numbt r 13. A telegram received tbe day bo- toie, etatiuif tbe thermometer regis tered six below zero uear tbe Mouut Hood Dos.ollloe. wbicb caused addi tional uneasiness, which wore away as we and tbe afternoon advanced. No sleiubiug cuulil be more deligbl- ful than tbat tiip of 18 miles over suow just deep enough to puuk well uder tbe ruuners, ami tbe sueuer) attractive eveu when smumei dust, was it its best iu winter garb. Just beyond tbe Mount Hood post- otHce we drew up about 5 o'clock al tbe homes of two of our guides, Bert Sandman and Bill Edick, where we peut tbe night. Improved methods of fastening suowsboes and skiis were discussed, to be cussed luter on, as expeiienoe exposod their weak points, ibe following morning we ounaiea nto sleigbs Hgaiu about 8 o cloak 1th fresh determination aud fresh horses, both neoessary for the grade and suow iuoieased as we approached our goal. Fire miles tbrougu forests ol tall or and redolent piue, by clearings, through aveuuea of young fir, weight ed and rent lots under their snow man tles, between sturdy chiukapiuarctusi nu to part with tbeir leafy covering, tbe sleighs finally made tbe grade ol Cbiua bill and drew up near tbe.bome of our guide. Mark Weygancir, where tbe snow plough bad eudtid its usetui nesa tbe day preceding. Leaving overoouts lu tbe sleighs, we plunged over waist deep into the suow, put on our snowsnoes ana were soon ploddiug ludiiiu tile up graae. At 11 o'clock, aiiotit hull au notir al ter leaving th sleigbs, we gathered in tbe open abed at tAk liens, to read just our shoe thongs and then push on. ibe snow was iu excellent oonai tion for snowsboeing and tbe trail breakers bud a comparatively easy time. The ruad was S'.iewn in places witb fallen trees, showing tbe fury of some recent storm, tbe trunks being buried sutlioieutly In tbe suow to al low passage tor our web feet. As we approaoitea tne gnosi ioresi on China bill below tbe inn. tbe wind was keenly felt, causing tbe loose suow to tilrt lu circles arouna us, About 1 o'clock we reached our debt! nation and weie soou enjoying the cheery blaze of large logs in tbe b'ige re mace la tbe main room oi tne lun. ProUtiLg by tbe experience of former years, we entered the inn tnrougo tne door of the east room, wheiethe wind bad swept the suow away. Ibe wlud ood became a gale aud, like an evil spirit, bowled aud shook tbe inn In its furv. but little did we care inside The door ouoe opened t ok tbe united effort ot three men to close it end tbe thermometer against the wiudow pane inside registered 20 degrees above ze ro, but tbe room itself was very com foi table. Ibe UreplHoe, however, was the most attractive place aud dinner was prepared by 13 oooks, each claiming special superiority over tbe others, Suow had worked and covered the fireplace, making an odd contrast witb the fire below. After dinner like In diana we stretohed out belore the tire and drifted oil in slumber. About midnight our medical advisor bad an Imaginary coutllct with three bold burglars and claims to have vanquish ed all three, but his yells for assist ance banished slumber and so stimu lated tbe irrepressible freshman that be gave vent to bis feelings In bis In imitable Chinese dmlect and It was some time bet ore ii coma De sup pressed. Hunday morning we gitiuerea can teens together and trailed down tbe canyon half a mile through tbe tim ber to tbe spring near tbe trapper's oabiu. A thread of smoke from tbe chimney emerging through tbe snow and tbe freshly killed body ot a pine martin iu tbe partly cleared space in front of tbe cabin door relieved our minds of tbe fear tbat something might have happened to the trspper. Sunday atfernoou aud evening tbe wind again assumed control, but blew Itself out during tbe nigbt. Monday morniDg we awakened just as rosy fingered dawn was putting a peach blow coloring on tbe cold white peak, towering above the cabin, plainly via ible from our resting place. lousing blankets aside we rushed out in tbe crisp morning ait and from tbe plat form ou tbe roof stood stunned and awed by tbe panarama around us. In front rose tbe peer of any inoun tain In America, bathed in a golden light, ocnopied in azure blue; to tbe right across dim valleys, showing for est ereen in gloom except for snow relief, the horizon showed bands of blue, indigo and violet, with varying strata ot er shitting shades of crimson above; to th left Lookout mountain was painly straggling to block the upward progress of the ris ing sun. and a w turned northward. Adams, Ualnier aud Helena, clear out as catueua, broke me even Horizon, while a winding abeet ot fog marked the Columbia river basin, impressed by nature's giaodeur, and our own insiguifloanro we turned to Hood, tbe pare ligbt atmosphere bringing out such wealth ot detail tbat our yea seuied endowed witb teiesoopic vision, rba ligbt was deceiving to tbe amateurs as our photo weie no derex posed. Monday was spent on and oft to boggan. tiying our skiis and our pa tienoe and several ventured up to th morain of tlliot glacier Tuesday proved another glorious day and gird ing our loin w piepared for tbe de scent. The trapper bad remarked tbat tb hole we made two seasons ago to tb road lasted until late spring and it is safe to say next sum mer' visitor will bav no difficulty iu fallowing our tracks. Skiu Im ported Irom Norway, where leaps oi 100 feet are notbtng, were furnished each member. W kuew, as we gin gerly plaoed foot on tbeii thorough bred, slightly arched surlaoe tbat bard times were ahead of us and tbe aiis locative our? ot their polished ex terior reflected tbeir haughty disdain for bungling amateurs. the steepest grade came nrst and live minutes attei leaving, the road lesembled battlefield. However, at ter many ups aud downs, we caught on figuratively, having caught on to evety thing else en routt and about au hour later 13 vision of grace somewhat bedraggled, overloaded with suow and enthusiasm, glided np to tbe sleigbs and ail aboard tbe bore es did tbe rest After lunch at Udick's we drove to Hood Giver and tbe icllowiug morning took tbe train for Portlaud. The Apple Show. Hood River did Us full duty in tbe uiHtter of making exhibits of applet at tbe fruit show bold by tbe Oiegon State Horticultural society in oonuac lion witb its teceut annual meeting. Ibis, of itself, made a fruit sbow s1 great success. Whenever or wbeievei Hood Klver now make an exhibition of apples it doe It woik so well that it is bard to determloe tbat one of lt shows is better than anobei, tut the display of apples from tbat place wm certainly one of tbe best if not the very best it bas made away from borne. Unfortunately other portion of tbe state did not do so well Southern Oregon showed some flue poles and pears, but did not realize the impnrtauoe of Ibe sbow until too late to make snob a display as it is oapable of. Mr. Asa Holaday, ol Soappoose, wbo bas beeu a faithful exhibitor for a dozeu or more years, aud long before any awards were made on exhibits, was on hand as usual and captured a cup on Home Beauty apples and one on P. Barry pear, ibe Willamette vauey tailed to make auytblng lite as large an ex hibition as expected. Mr. , L. I). Moulton, of MoMiniivillt, took tbe oud on Lady applet. Hood River took all tbe rest, and the ouly thing tbe grower there feel bad about is ttat there were not more apples from oth er parts of the state to compete with. Competition was keen, however, among tbe Hood River grower them selves The judges found it most difficult in many cases to determine which box in a given competition wag tbe best, so eveu were tbey in merits. Horticulturist. Will Operate Through t as.ade Tnnne by Electi lelty. St. Paul, Jan. 29. "The long talked of olan to ocerate trains through tne Cascade tunnel by mean of electrici ty Is alieady close to realization." Such is tbe statement ot President James J. Hill of tbe Great Norrtbern when talking over tbe problems tbat aie ooutronting tbe raihoada and tbe Urea Nortbetn in particular. Mr. Hill announces tbat tbe road already bai in oouise ot construction two large electric locomotive to pull the trains through tbe Cascade tun nel. There is a difference of 265 feet In grade between the two ends of the bore, which is ,13,000 feet lung, and theie have been long deiafys and loss, es of life through tbe accumulation of smoke and aases from locomotives. The use cf electric locomotives wl!) enable trains to follow one another closely, something that has, uever been possible with oral burners. But Mr. Hill sbvs that an Improve meut of this soil la merely local and does not bear particularly on the broader problem of equipping the roads of tbe country to handle tbe traffic. "I have known tbat the pres ent situation was coming for tbe last five veais: ves. and longer than tbat time, but I did not expect tbat It would develop so rapidly," was bis comment. "There .bas been no prob lem of greater importance since tbe Civil war. The progress and prosper ity of the country are delayed and re striated to handle the immense in crease In tbe volume cf traffic. It will require patience, time and labor, It must have Driver consideration. "1 wish tbe government nad tne railroads about thirty days. Tbe re is not a government department which bas vet been operated without fraud. lbere will tbe government get tbe monev to carry out tbe woik which nnnfronta tbe railroads? Five billion and halt dollars will only bring them to tbe comparative efficiently for handling tbe piesent volume of traflio tbat they were in 1870. Ihere are not rolling mills euoogb to pio duoe tbe rails; not men enonugb to h.illil the roads. And you must re mamiiar it reouires more work and more money to build tbe character of r.ranlrnffa now reuuired. mat is in uirinnina roadbeds, cutting down urarlns. straightening curves and all tbat goes witb the building of termi nals and Increasing ot trees cupaoi y." . A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the super intendent of Cart Service at Kingston, .lamaico. West Indies Islands, says iiiat ahM has for some years nsed tbam' berlain's Hough Remedy for coughs, 1 whooolmr couiih and has found it very beneficial, bhe has im plicit confidence in it and would not be without a bottle of it in her home. Bold I by Keif & Case. STOLE CHECKS AND CASHED THEM SNOW BLOCKADE PREVENTS ESCAPE Crook Lies la Walt fr Tlrtlm awl Steals Cheek from MU Breg Bound Over. The snow blockade was tb oanae ot tbe enforced lay-over in Hood Rvar ot the passenger on a tialo from the east Monday, and witb plenty of tint on tbeir bands the passengers killed time a bast tbey coul. Boom of them imbibed too freely and wan by the nan ot Mike lirogs mad tb ac quaintance of one Thomas Daly, wbo bas teen banging around towa lot week, and wbo had been ordered to leave by tbe marshal, aa be had no visible mean of support. Durln,. tbe day Daly robbed Br. of tw i cbeek for 140 esob, one for 180 and took wbut mouey be bad, amoiuit- mg to ue .rly 40, so iJroge claim. Daly tbeu went to a store, where be fitted himself out witb new ololbea, nd for payment tendered a 940 ot.eck ind t' iu gold. Tbe merchant gave him a oheoa tor I'll 40 for his charge. With thia check the fellow went to a jewelry store, where be bought a watch for 17 50, leeoWIng the balano in cash In the mean time Broge sobered up auHJclently to discover .his toss, and immediately made complaint to im marshal, wbo soon bad Daly ondei ar rest. Marshal Ganger found on Daly a check Icr 180 in favor of Mike Broge, a money order for 115, tb watcb. and U3 oeuta In money. See ing the name of the merchant on tbe nlotbea, he intormed him ot tb arrest and payment was stopped on toe check tbat was in possession ot tb jeweler. " ' ' Tuesday morning Mike liroge swor out a complaint of robbery against Daly, befoie Judge Henderson, with Deputy District Attorney Hartwlg ap pealing for tb state. Daly was bound over to the dlstiiot court for trial. Later another charge of furg- try was preferred by Hartwlg. and be ws also commuted to in county jau on this obarge. Befoi beiua arrested Ualy caanea a obeok foi 140 in th East bud saloon forf-l. Ihe Droni ietor of tb aaloon claims tbat he thought th obeok was for $4, and that the man mad no comment, but took th money and walked ut, and be did not Discover bis mistake uutil some time later. Daly endorsed tbe name of Mike Broae on all tbe obeok, and alao had a money orderlmade out in tbe sam uame, giving tbe nam oi w nroge as purchaser. JWbile it was the misfortune ot Broge that tbo delay ot tb train wa tbe cause of hi losing hi money, yet tbe blockade continued long enough to keep Daly from getting out of town until he was caught. Apple Club Is Latest Fad. "Apples breed optimism, energy, cheerfulness and ambition. ' There' no.mistakiug it. You hsve an apple analyzed ty a ohemlst some day and find out what it contains. You'll be more interested if you And out for youisell. Ask any pbysioian wbat be thinks about apples as food. Ask any mam hr ot Ibe Apple club of Ameri ca" says Charles Edmund Tcmlinson, wealthy young unieegoan, woo naa ooucelved tbe "apple club" Idea and bas been preaching it In New lora. Bofore be left that piao lor noston be raid tbat tbe literature be be sent out regarding bis particular nobby, togetbor with hi personal otforts, baa already gamea ituu new uemuera in tbe New York oity "orchard" for tbe Apple Club ot America, .wmon bad Its inception in tb Windy uiiy, w her he belongs. To be an appleite you must, aimer have or acquire an appetite tor ap ples, for you must tako a solemn oath to assimilate at least on apple a day. Yon also have to pledge your soil to urge a your friend to join tbe oity or village "orchard' to wnicn you navw worn allegiance. Tomlinson, leading spirit or to ap ple club, is a normal looking man or .10 or SC, wno wears gouu uiuium auu mhnsA ri resent UlisS'OU in life is to talk apples and the sure benefits to be derived from their consumption, j It one apple a day will make a person hanlths. Tnn.llnson's ruddy cheek and stalwart frame would Indicate tbat bis daily allowance is st least tore pip pins. No Oljmpla Oysters For Three fears. Not since tbe great freeze of 1888 bas tbe oyster industry of the upper Sound received such a blow aa tbe destruction to oyster beds wrought by the bard freezes cf tbe first three nights ot this week when tbe extreme low tides left the beds exposed for bouis. Except upon a few bed pro tected ty dikes, th loss bas been so nearly complete as to cut off farther supplies of tbe famous Olympla oys ter except for a veiy limited quantity for the next three years. At least It will take tbat long, the oysterroen say, to get tbekbeds back in the con dition tbey were before tbe freeze. Tbe financial loss to oysterroen ' on this part of tbe Sound is estimated at anywhere from $150,000 to 1250.000, or more. The loss comes as a bard blow to many of tbe oysterroen, wbo had most of their fortunes Invested in tbe bed and wbo, iu view of tbo growng value and yield ot the beds, bad oousideied themselves "well fixed" for life. As tbe reports of loss and deetruotion oontlnae to come in, tbe extent of tbe disaster to tbo great industry grow in mago-tude. : Hay Build Another Uigan tic Battleship f Washington, Jan. 2)-It is practi cally assured tbat tbe bouse commit tee on naval attain will recommend the construction of another glgautio battleship, iu addition to tbo ; ono decided upon at the last session. A tbe result ot a partial oanvas mad by member of tb committee, they are convinced tbat tbe bouse will , HP prove an additional battleship a rec ommended by Ptofessor Roosevelt and Secretary Metcalf. Get a fine roast at Bent' meat market. i j :