C TAUGHT AT HO Y MAIL ImiteriialtioiniSil Comiseirvsitoff'y of Mtmsic 00 00 ME Conservatories at Portland, Ore., Dallas, Texas, St. Louis, Mo., Atlanta, Qa. Twentyfive Thousand PupilsLargest Conservatory of Music in America Who Are We The International Conservatory of Music was organ ized at Dallas, Texas, with a capital stock of $100,000, fully paid up. If you wish to find out more about just how we stand with the financial world, we will refer you to any bank or banker or to the commercial agencies of Dunn and Bradstreet. At the head of this company are some of the best known and most prominent men of the Southwest. Men whose business integrity cannot lie questioned. What we Teach The International Conservatory of Music teaches the following instruments, and none other : The piano and organ. This course consists of forty eight lessons, and in addition to all the instruction papers, special helps and the wonderful Tone Ilevealer, we give Free One Hundred Copies of Graded Sheet Music. The violin course consists of forty-eight weeks' work. Then we furnish each pupil enrolling in this course a com plete Violin outfit. This instrument is made in Germany and imported into this country especially for our students. If you were to purchase the outfit at a music store in the ordinary way it would cost you not less than $25.00. The violin is shipped you as soon as your enrollment is received. In addition, we give with this course 40 copies of graded sheet music. The guitar is pronounced by many to be the sweetest of the stringed instruments. This course consists of 48 weeks' work, and in addition to all the instruction papers, lessons, etc., we give you absolutely free one of our special I. C. M. Guitars. Worth at least $20. Forty copies of graded sheet music is also given with this course, The mandolin course consists of 48 weeks' work, and in every way is just as complete as any of the other courses. Included in this course is a handsome mandolin, one that would cost you at least $20. dded to the in structions are forty choice selections. Harmonic Tone Revealer The teaching of the piano and organ by mail is made possible only by the aid of the wonderful Harmonic Tone Revealer. This has been examined by some of the best known musicians in this country, and they all pronounce it the cleverest device ever conceived in music. By its aid the beginner can play pieces within twenty minutes time. It teaches the notes and chords. In fact there is nothing in the rudiments of music it will not show. It is placed upon the keys of the piano or organ and can be adjusted to any key in whicli the music may be written. Do not confound this with some charts you have seen, as this is the only complete in vention of the kind ever placed before the people. When W. S. B. Matthews of Chi cago, probably the best musician in the United States, was shown this Ilevealer, he said : "After examining Prof. McMaster's device, known as the Harmonic Tone Ilevealer, and the lessons that go with it, I pronounce them simple and complete. If I could have had such aids when I was young, I would have learned things that I did not know until years afterwards." " One of these Ilevealers is given with each scholarship on the Piano or Organ. Hood River Representative Mr. Jno. T. Hoye, our special class organizer, is now in the Hood River country. He will, no doubt, call upon you in the near future. We ask that you give him an opportunity to explain our methods of teaching. It will cost you nothing to investigate, and if you are interested in giving your children a musical training, it is a duty you owe to them. If you want to be sure that Mr. Hoye calls, drop us a card at Portland. If you will do this we will send you a popular piece of sheet music FREE. Results Absolutely Guaranteed Every pupil enrolling in the Conservatory is give a Guarantee that upon the completion of the course he will not only be able to read and play by note, but will understand the fundamental principles of music. If through any fault of the Conservatory we fail to bring about these results, your money will be refunded in full. Ask the Bank whether we are a responsible Company or not. ENROLL NOW IMPROVE YOUR TIME BECOME A MUSICIAN DO NOT DELAY WANT STATION AT UNDERWOOD A correspondent to the Skaiuonia Pioneer at Stevenson Buys that be has been informed that the railroad oom pany contemplate putting In a aid lug midway between Cook's and Din Ken saah midway point coming under tbo blnit far below Underwood land ing. Those Interviewed telliugtbat rather than tiy to get down the blulf or worry away down to and from Ulu gen, tbey will stick to the boats or ferry over to Hood Klver. Tbe White Halmon brings down much timber tor mills In Oregon, which timber, with a station at Underwood, would soon or later be worked up by mills there. No one has any fault to find with the company's plan of long sidings eaoh four miles to facilitate through trallic, but to Ignore tbe natural gateway of the W hite Salmon -valley soems strange of tbe P. & H. management, who iu time, upon finding much ot thut'trade going to Hood River, will aoooui Un derwood a station, when much of op portunity has been lost; wheieas, a station decided upon now would set tle the uuuhMou ot investment by those in doubt, is of vital import lo cally and more ur less interests ev eryone interested In our county and lu the White Halmon valley regard less of oounty Hues. For a station at Underwood means fruit growing mill ing and trade center, diawiug the ma jor part of the support of the White Salmon valley. With a right effort made to bring the matter to the at tention of the proper department of the P. A. 8. K. K. Co., we believe a station can be secured at Underwood lauding in time to afford her poople and the would-he investors opportun ity to make that place the lxnt town of the renouioetul White Salmon re gion. It's worth trying at any rate. Cougar Kept Coyotes at Hay. Jack Summers, of Prtneville, re lutes to the Madias Pioneer a story of a eougar hunt iu which ho paiticipat ed at Maui j", soutn of PrinoviJle, a few weeks ago. Ilia party was in formed that a cougar was eating on the carcuHB of a cow, so they armod themselves and cautiously approached the place. When they reached a poiut where they could see their quarry they weie afforded a rate and entt i taiuing sight. A large cougai was eat ing on the carcass and raugod around, sitting on their haunchex, were six coyotes. Tbe ccyotes would occasion ally send op a lonely, hungry howl of disappointment, but the cougar kept they away with jealous care. The coyotes bad the distance nicely mutts uied between themselves and the cougar, and whan the big cat would whirl around as if to charge them they would back accoidingly, tint would resume their old position and howl again as soon as the cougar turned his attention to eating. Attar watching this stiange drama f r a time tbe hunters opened fire and broke up the show. Tbey bagged the cougar and two of the coyotes. All the World is a stage, and Ballard's Snow Lini ment plays a most prominent part. It has no superior for rheumntixm, stiff joints, cuts, sprains, and all pains, liuy it, try it and you will always use it. Anybody who has used liallard's Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does, liny a trial bottle. 25c, 50c and 1. Bold by Chas. N. Clarke. .Roller Skating Rink. AT THE Every Eveningand Saturday After noons. Not open on Sunday STRICT ORDER PRESERVED Admission, 10c Skating, 25c G. W. GRAHAM, Prop. JUT To Heaf Cold Rooms Quickly ESTABLISH Kl) 1900 INCORPORATED 1905 Butler Banking Company HOOD RIVER, OREGON Capital Fully Paid, $50,000 DIRECTORS Leslie Butlkr, J. N. Teal, Truman Bdti.er, President Vice 1 resident. Cashier J. W. French R. T. Cox Your -- Health " A 'A V 'a V ' " Every house has Its colJ room. Abnormal weather conditions, inadeauate stove or furnace heat often result in some particular part of the house beine cold and cheerless. Yon can make home warm and cheerful with the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Carry it ahout from room to room. Turn wick high or low there's no danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke and smell. Easy to operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass oil fount beautifully em bossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and bums 9 hours. Gives intense heat. Two tinlshes nickel and japan. Handsome, useful, reliable. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's writs our nearest agency lor descriptive circular. Is your best Jasset. Proper health is most essential to your happiness and welfare. Pure air is an absolute necessity, and no effort should be spared to keep it so in every . house. Where open-flame illuminants rob the air of oxigen and turn it into carbonic acid gas, pure air is an impossibility. Air poisoned by the flame of h gas jet, or that of an oil lamp is unfit for breathing purposes and exercises a decidedly injurious effect upon the occupant of the room. Electric Light burning in an air-tight bulb leaves the nir of the room pure and fresh, and furnishes a better, brighter and safer light than any other medium. We furnish the current and a phone mes sage or postal from you will bring our representative. iclilt, a T. RAWSON. F. H. STANTON HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and J onathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit. Boys' Suits We are closing out a line of Boys' Suits, all wool long pants, Etc. $10.00 values reduced to $7.00 A full line Ladies', Misses' ocr and Children's Golf Gloves A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD IHVEU HKKiflTS The Lamp; In. Mil lame for all-round household usa yon can kuv. Eaulcoed with latest lBDrov.it burner. Given bright, eteady light l lowest cost. Mud. of brass throurhout and nlck.l Dinted. Suitable fur any room hetner HDrarv. am inir-rooro, ear or or bedroom. ar and satisfactory. Every lamp warranted. Writ to . nearest agency 11 not at your dealer , Standard Oil Company NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on A NEW RANGE The Big New and Secondhand Store is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable. Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOU MONEY. phoneys 0. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.