HOOD BIVER GLACIER THURSDAY, J AND ART 31907 . 20TH CENTURY METH ODS APPLIED TO MUSIC It la now recognized fact that a mimical education ia necessary. No young lady finishes ber .education without a knowledge of music, Ibe young men are also awakening to tbe fact that musical education is a great help to them all thiougb life. There it something in the atudy of musto that ia elevating and refining. One cannot take op the atudy without Improving their minda In a way that is sure to benefit tbem greatly. During the pant twenty years there baa been great advancement along ed ucational lines. 'Ibe past decade has aeen tbe development ot not only tbe colleges and oniversities, but tbe cor respondenoe schoolHihave taken a po aition second to none in tbe matter ot education. Today we have several large schools whose students are nam be red by the hundred of thousands. In Portland is located a branch of the International Consetvatory of Music, whose bead offices are at Dallas, Texas. This company is orifa nized under tbe strict laws of tliaj state, with a paid-up capital stock oi 1 100. 000. They use whut is known a the MacMafter system, and from tbe very first their business bas been a great sucoess. They have proven be yond any doubt that musio can be taught aucoesafully by mail. Tbe Paoillo Coast branch was open ed in Poitiaod tbe first of November, 1000. At tbe close ot their first year's business In tbis territory they bad en rolled nearly 3,000 pupils, and judg ing by the hundreds of letters they receive from tbeir pupils and grateful parents, tbe people who deal with tbem are more tban pleased at tbeir own progress Tbey are not only the largest con servatory of amnio in the world, but tbe only one having a commercial rat ing, liy lefetenoe to litadstreet we find tbey are rateed at $150,001, with first grade of credit. Tbis high rat ing certainly protects the public and gives you assurance that tbe oompuuy isjlable for any promise it may make. . Until tbe system Is expaliued to most peoplo there Is doubt as to their ability to teach musio by mail, but it seems ibe leading musicians of tbe country, who have taken tbe time to investigate, unite in giving the meth od tbeir hearty endorsement. It Is Impossible for many of our readers to give tbeir children tbe ad vantages of a conservatory education. The cost is too great. Here, bow ever, is a conservatory education placed within tbe reaoh of all. Tbe conservatory teaches the piano and organ, tbe violin, mandolin, and gui tar. Ibe cost is very moderate when compared with what you would pay your local teacher. Tbe courses have beeu piepared by not one, but many of tbe greatest musicians of tbis country and Europe Tbe student gets tbe "boiled down" results ot tbe study and research of centuries. In charge of tbe teaching department of tbe Portland branch tbey have an in structor who is in every way tbor oughly capable ot teaching these courses as intended by tbe authors. Some of tbe piinoij al advantages can be summed up in a few words: You study at home; no time Is lost from work or school: you have no musio or books to buy , you get one thing at a time, and you learn that thoroughly bef oi e you are advanoed; you got special holp on any point not understood; a reason "why" ia giveu for each step you take; you write your reoltations you know it before you write It, and each member of the family are permHted to study from one scholarship. Never before, have we heard ot an educational institution of any kind, giving a positive guarantee, that upon the completion of the prescribed course, certain results will be attain ed. This, th I. J. M. does, lhuy give you a guarantee, they biud them selves under tbeir corporate seal, that upon the completiou of the course you will be able to read and play by note and will audrestaud tbe funda mentals of musio. In case of failure, they promise to refund the tuitou paid. Ibe known responsibility of the company makes this guarantee good as gold. Practically all their business is done by traveling representatives who go into tbe dlllorent localities and form classes. Mr. John T. lioye, a special organizer, is now iu tbe Hood Kiver valley. Thus far he has mot with splendid success, demonstrating that the people of this section are de sirous of giving their children the benefits ot a conservatory education in music Mr. lioye thoroughly understands the method and we think it would be well for our readers to make an in vestigation when the opportunity pre sents itself. In another place iu this issue will be found an advertisement of the conservatory, which will furth er explain the scope of tbeir work. The 'ew Year. We believewe are not exaggerating when we say that there has never been a year since lialboa waded into the limpid waters ot the Paoillo and claimed everything its wators touched for Hpain, down to the present mo nient, when Its close has reflected no much commercial advancement fur the Paoillo Mortjhwett as the oar of 100G. Less than a week remains of it, and then it will be stored away with its predecessors wherever the powersl that, be put time that hat passed. A retrospect is made at tbis time, not bo much for the sake of boasting T pride over the achieve ment is done, as for the purpose of understanding the real causes for this phenomenal growth and in order that it may be continued, if possiblo, iu tbe future. The Northwest baa alwaysjjhoen here rich with unexploited wealth and re sources; it bas been known to some, and some have endeavored fur years to open to the world the way to for tune and greatness here; weary years were spent in trying to bring about the result sought atter so earnestly, apparently without sucooss. .Probably the discovery of old iu Alaska made tbe first opening. People saw what there was here, and while most of tbem were more interested in tbe y 1 low metal to be dug from the bleak and icy North, still many of them, espec ially on returning, after learning the bard lesson of uopreparedness, saw the beauties of tbe Paoitlo Coast and stayed, or returned later to make their homes in this country. As time passed more people came, but still tbe development was small. Then came tbe inception and roliza tion of tbe Lewis and Clark exposi tion. It drew thou muds wheie Booros bad come before. Ihey camo, they saw,ud tbey were couqueied. Here was something which they bad heard of vaguely, presented to them, per sonally, vividly, foroibly. The econ omist saw abundance and wealth ; the moralist saw educational and spirit ual possibilities; tbe idealist discov ered wondrous beauty ; tbe commer cial man found tbe foundings of an empire ready to nil band. It is not surprising that theri bas been an in (lux of population, of money and ot brains. Pew new countries have been built op so rapidly yet with the same solid and Uttiug foundations. First ot all, there bas to be merit for lasting growth, and we can take for granted that tbe Pacific Northwest bas that. It is no "flyer" investors are taking here; it is permanent in vestment they are making. (Second, there must be no pause in tbe work. We have begun well, but we most keep it up. Momentary ardor accom plishes something, but settled and en during enthusiasm, resulting in hard and unremitting work, is better, tor it builds higher and digs deeper. If 1007 and 1008 and other years to come are to see tbe work of tbe passing year carried on, there must be no lag King behind, no stops to re-t, no dis couragement. We wish no sound of discourage ment to make itself beard at tbis time but a note of warning is a necessary precautionary signal. Iu all our en thusiasm over what we know is a re ally good and great country, we must be wise. Common prudence, careful reckoning, are balance wheels, and, combined with determination to ac complish more will wa rant every con fidence in the future. Oregon Tradesman. )VaoU Roosevelt Again. Tbe Rosevelt Third Term National league ha been organized iu Chicago and an application for n charter was made at Springfield. Edward A. Hor ner, formerly of Leadville, Colo., wo says he is a "red hot" democrat driv en to the verge ot bankruptcy by tbe machinations of ti e "system" is tbe organizer and president of tbe league. According to the tentative plan out lined by Mr. Homer !n his headquar ters, 814 Tribune building, lest night, be proposed to make Chicago tbe na tional headquarters and to organize clubs iu every county aud city iu the United States. Ibe first meeting was held Tuesday night, at which the fif teen men to whom invitations bad been sent elected tbe following olH oers aud directors: President Edward A. Horner. Vioe Presidents Miltcn I'. Hosmer, Boston; Ueorge Noxon, Chicago. Secretary and treasurer K. C. Hayek. Assistant secretary (Jeoige P. Locke. Directors-!! M. Shane and Wil liam Prank Kobinscn, botb of Chi cago. "it Is not our purpose," said Mr. Homer, "to appeal to politicians. In fact, we don't want any of tbem.' It is to be a matter which is to come eopli self I don't care whether President Kosevelt likes it or not. To my mind be bas nothing to say about it. He is the only man in whom the people have absolute aud Implicit confldenco. We know he is honest; bis actions have demonstrated it beyond cavil." Maple Syrup and New York State Buck Wheat at Jackson's. Honest Goods L. H . HUGGINS & CO I Honest Prices This WeekS' Specials Outings Regular 72c outings. Sjiecial 590 Regular 10c. values. Light ami dark shades. Special price 7S Handkerchiefs Ladies' hemstitched handkerchiefs, (Jood quality. Regular 50c a dozen. Special Ten for 250 Plaid Belts Ladies' plaid belts. AH colors. Regular 25c valus. Special this week 100 and 150 Men's double Special.. Underware natural wool underwear, breasted. Regular $1.00 Shirts value. .. 790 Start the New Year Right. Trade with a store whose honest trans actions the past nine months have won us hundrees of satisfied customers, and built us up a permanent buisness in Hood River (Jiving our customers honest goods at hon est prices, selling for Spot Gash and One Price to Everybody. Backing up every thing we sell, making our word good in every instance. Giving a little better val ues at lower prices is the principle upon which we do buisness. This Weeks' Specials Ladies' Collars Large assortment silk, linen tab fronts, embroidered and lace effects. Regular 2."c values. Special 150 Wool Hose Children's Woolen hose, new fresh goods, good quality yarns. Regular 3oc values. Special 250 Pants Men 'a heavy cashmere pan Is, the famous May field Woolen Mills make. An excellent pant, an excellent value $2.25 Same in boys' $1.98 Shoes, Shoes, Shoes Men's medium weight. KangKid. Sewed and pegged sole. A shoe that will wear and give satisfaction. Special $1-U8 BE SURE AND SEE OUR LINE OF SHOES BEFORE BUYING Moeier i'rolt Land. JustB miles east of Hood River, in the Moaier valley, C. D. Morgan has some excellent fruit land in la:ge or small tracts which be can sell cheap if taken soon. Parties wishing to buy will do well to write or see C. D. Morgan, M osier, Or. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. Phone 121. C. P. R. Next Door to McUuire Brothers. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired All work done with Electric Iron and guaranteed Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Etc Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley H GILL, -DEALER IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. 11001) RIVER HEIGHTS, - - OREGON. 100 Men Wanted WHO WEAR No. 9 Shoes To call on ns. Wo are overstocked in this size. Also have a large stock of Womens' Shoes Sizes 3 and 4 We can save you money on these goods lowers Bros. Beautiful Home for Sale Twenty acres, ten In frnlt trees, 13b be.rlng: W cherry trw tn full bearlix. All cleared bat acreic 10 acrfw need no Irrigation: some tlmotny; 6 wren lowed rflmly lor Krww: 8 Inches nf water with plure; also 8 ton. of hay; wood all under shed for winter. A Sl.ftw. house, six rooms, bath room and pantry; barn and other outbuildings, all new: good water, tine roads and town only 2 miles: mall right at the door every day. Price (IU) wr acre; Ml ier acre cheaper than land sold all around the place. Hon I pass by this place without feeing It. Address, U. W. Smlih, u. F. I). No. 2. Mayl5 Car of Wood Wanted Either pine, fir or mixed with oak. In answering state price on bourd car and what 0. R. & N. fetation. Can find buyers for several cars. Address C. L. Ireland, Moro, Oregon. n39tl W. J. BAKER & CO. No. 1. 20 acred, 3J miles from town. Good houxe and burn. 1000 apple trevs 40 iu bearing. All cleared, aim in gen. eral farming. Price fti.OOO. This place can be t-eeured by (1,000 cash -ay went, and balance at 00 per cent. No. 2. 8 acres, two miles from town. 7 acres in berries. Price $2,700. No. 3. 14 acres, eight miles from town, one mile from graded school, aud lies upon railroad, (jlood fruit land, no waste ground. Price (75 per acre. No. 4. 40 acres 7 miles from town, 12 acres cleared anil in hay. No other im provements. Price (80 per acre. No. 6. 40 acres, 7 miles out, 22 acres cleared, 7 in orcliatd. Will trad; for dairy ranch. Price $8,500. No. 6. 20 acres 3 miles out. Qood house and barn. 11 acres young or chard, 2)4 acres strawberries, some meadow land ud about acre waste land. If taken noon 8 tons hay in barn and winter's ' supply of wood will go w ith purchase -price of (9,000. No. 7. 15 acres J mile from upper town. 5 acres young orchard, 5 acres Htrawlxrries, balance fertilized for ar den truck. 11 inches water with place No. 8. 20 acrec, 4 miles from town. 10 acres in orchard. Small house and outbuildings. Price, $8,500. No. 9. 30 acres 5 miles from town, 1300 trees ,',three and four years old. This is one of the finest places in all Hood Kiver. 'Price, $17,500. No. 10. 22 acres near Pine Grove School House. 12 acres in orchard and part of It in full bearing. Varieties are principally Newtowns and Spitzeu bergs. House and outbuildings. Price, $12,000. No. 11. fJ acres 3 miles out. 4 set to trees, Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, with peach trees set between rows. Good ti-room house. Daily mail aud telephone. Price $2,500. No. 12. 10 acres 4 miles out. . No Im provements. No waste land. Price $1,500. No. 13. 43 acres 4 miles out. 5 acres in bearing, 2 acres young orchard. Only 3 acres waste " g'ound. House, barn, fruit house and fine spring situate to pipe intohouse. Price $15,000 Are You Being Poisoned? o If jour liver is working right you probably are nt. ' When the liver is overworked, as it fre quently is, the system be comes clogged. It is then that sallow complexion, bad taste in the mouth, headaches, dizzy spells, continuous languor, etc.. indicate that the poison ous matter which should be parried off is slowly tainting the blood. If not remedied at once this condition will cause se rious trouble. CLARLE'S PIL CASCARA COMPOUND provides just what is needed to quicken the liver into natural, healthy action. If you take these pills when needed all danger of tbis slow poison ing is avoided. Posi tive cure for constipation. Price 25 cents CLARKE THE DRUGGIST CLEARANCE SALE ..Extraordinary Values in Head-Wear.. In order to make room for our Holiday line of Art Goods, Richardson Wash Embroidery Silk and Stamping Patters, Center Pieces, together with many Novelties, just what you want for pres ents, we slinll sell hats regardless of cost. Watch our ad for Holiday Goods. MME. ABBOTT RECEIVING DAILY FRESH Flour and Feed CELEBRATED WHITE RIVER AND GOLDEN CROWN A SUCCESSFUR BAKING always follows the us of White River and Golden Crown flour. Whether you bake bread, cakes, pies, or any kind of pastry, you will find this flour a safe and reliable standby. Try it once and you will never use any other.. . . BRANDS MADE FROM SELECTED HARD WHEAT TRA NAHAN & BAGLEY, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. J Square Deal Store "Honest Goods and Square . . Deal for Every Han" . . IS MY MOTTO The Ideal W eeder Is what its name implies, a Genuine Weed Killer and the nearest to perfection of any orchard tool yet introduced in Hood River Valley. Try one and he convinced. Satisfaction Guaran teed or no sale. Osborn Spring Peg-Tooth Harrows Acme Harrows Plows and Cultivators Potato Diggers Wagons, Hacks aud Buggies Flour, Feed, and a Full line of Groceries at all Times Car Load Stumping Powder just received Yours for Business Phone 741 D. M'DONALD 3rd and River Street. Hood River, Ore F. S. STANLEY, Tres. E.L. SMITH, Vice-Pres." E. O. BLANCIIAR, Cashier V. C. HROCK, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital $50,000 Surplus $12,000 We offer you the facilities of a well managed and well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive our careful attention. Hotel Waucoma Moderate Rates Excellent Service A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE Farmer's Dinner 25c P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Hood River, Or The Club Cafe C. C. HOLM AN PROPRIETOR Meals at all Hours from 250 up Best Two-Bit Meal in the City T-Bone and Porterhouse Stea s our Specialty Next Door to Reed's Cigar Store, Hood Kiver, Ore. J. E. NICHOLS a UNDERTAKER nd funeral Dirtcto: I hold license from the State Board of Oregon and Washington, and am qualified to ship bodies; to any point. Prompt service either day or night Hearse furnished on all occasions Parlor Phone Main 1513 Schiffler Building, Residence Main 1511 Hood River, Ore. LADY ASSISTANT '""Hi II