The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 27, 1906, Image 7

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    1 M Iferp
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Fresh butter and eggs at Rent's.
Mr. Bartmess is on a rash basis.
Uet your chickens for Sunday dinner
hi nieuuire uros.
Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at
Jackson s.
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
dio. New Orleans Molasses in bulk and
eaiis at Jackson's.
(Jet a fine road at Bent's meat mar
ket Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and
pickled salmon at Jackson's.
Our work guaranteed. Deitz Studio.
McGuire Bros, make their own leaf
lard under their own brand.
Cnicken for Sundiy dinner at A. S
Orangit, citron and lemon peel at
Hauua's Star Grocery.
Krush sinairo made daily at Bent'
meat market.
It is to your interest to refer to M.
Bartmess' ad under the new system.
The Dietz Studio for photos.
Telephone A. S. Bent your meat or
ders at the City Market.
Maple Syrup and New York State
.Buck Wheat at Jackson's.
New and complete line of groceries
at the Star Grocery.
If yon want to buy or sell real estaie
go to Onthank & Otten. Money to
loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
Raisins, onrrants, sweet apple cider,
in fact anything you need to make
good mince pies found at Elanna's
Star Grocery.
Just received from the factory sev
eral beautiful pianos for the holiday
trade. Call and set! them. Souls'
Piano House. Next to Culbertson's
real estate ollice.
"Significance of Christmas Tide"
will be the subjeo. of discourse at the
Unitarian ohnrch Sunday morning;
for evening, "How We Know God."
All persons of the liberal taitb ar
especially invited.
The entertainment of the Midlnnd
Opira QuinUtte is said by those who
have hoard it to he tbe best of its
character on the toad.
M. Knipt.rutn end wife nrrved at
Hood River for a visit Saturday.
Parties ktio viiii! themselves to he in
I'clited to me arc reine-t"d to csll st
iiiv nlfiVe and set'le 'v January 1st as I
am very much in ne 'd of inonev.
d!3-3t D. H. I.. Dcmiii.e.
Tbe workana engaged in construct
ing the appioacb to the new O. K. &
N. bridge are making rapid progress
and onoe the piei are reached theap
pearanoe of that neighborhood will be
very much changed. Durng the year
more changes have taken place in this
vioinity than in aiy other part of the
That's It!
Couah yourself into a fit of spasms
and then wondei why you don't get
well. If yon will only try a bottle of
Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup your
cough will be a thing of the past. It
ia a positive cure for Coughs, Influen
sa, Bronchitis aud all Pulmonary di
seases. One bottle will convinoe you
at your druggist, 25a, 50o and tl.
Sold by Ones. N. Clarke.
Father Klein left on the local Satur
day for a trip up the road.
Jaa. Wallace came to Hood River to
spend the holidays Saturday.
Jas. Stranaban went to Portland
Thursday for a few days visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Frank went
to Tbe Dalles Saturdy for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Long were passengers
to Portland on the local Saturday. "
J. A Byrne, of White Si linon, was
a visitor at Hood Giver hut week.
Mr. and Mrt. Chas. T. Early and
son went to the metropolis Monday.
Mrs. Uiwaid Iseoberg, of Capsule
Locks, came op to Hood River for a
visit Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Young, of Albany,
spent the holidays at tbe lesidence of
Kev. Spreoher.
Miss Adele Goff, who is attending
school at Kugena, can:e home for tbe
holidays Saturday.
Mr aud Mrs. A. A. Jhvqu and fam
ily went to Portland or the local Mon
day to spend Christmas.
C. R. Bone went to Portland Satur
day to stay over Christmas. He will
be joined there by Mrs. Bone.
Mrs. Adelia Moe left Sunday nigbt
for Daytou, Wash., to visit ber son,
il. G. Moe, for a few weeks.
A. H. Jewett was called to San
Francisco Satirday by tbe critical
illness of bis sister who resides tbero.
Miss Pearl Eocles, who is well
known here, was married recently at
Ogdeo and is now residing at Salt
L. J. Fritz, of Tbe Dalles, game
warden for this district, was at Hood
Rivei this week for two days in con
nection with bis duties.
Miss F. Cooper who is spending tbe
winter in Portland where she is
studying music, returned home Fri
day for tbe holidays.
Mies Mabel Paulson, stenographer
in tbe office of S. F. Fonts, went to
ber home at Oiegou City Saturday to
spend Christmas.
R. S. Smih has suoceded to the po
sition of night operator at the O. R.
& N. station. Mr. Smith came here
from Pendleton.
John Grove, of St. Paul, and II. W.
Tbnmpsuu, of the Wind River Lum
ber Co. wero at Hood River last week
on a business tiip.
John S. Pinney, wbo is connected
with the American Type Foundry Co.,
and is located at Seattle, was at Hood
River for seveial days last week.
E. II. Shepard loft town Saturday
for Poitland nli-re be will spend
Christmas with Mrs. Shepard wbo is
staying there for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eooles an
Mrs. Netties Eccles left Thursday
nigbt for Ogdeo to spend Christmas.
W. E. Eccles and wife left Wednes
day for tbe same place.
Virgil Winobell took bis little
daughter, Margaret, to Portland
Thursday, where she was placed in
the North Pacific Sanitarium, suffer
ing with pnnmonia. She is leported
doing as well as could be expected.
Duiing tbe flood wbiob took place
last week the boom of tbe Menominee
company at the mouth of the White
Salmon river broke and several hun
dred thousand feet of logs are leport
ed to have been lost. An effort was
made by a crew of meu on a tug to
capture some of tbem but tbe current
in the river was so swift that little
was accomplished in the work of sav
ing them.
Clay Brook, who Is attending school
at Oorvallis, is home for tbe holidays.
G. J. Uessling aud family left Sat
urday to spend Christmas with rela-'
tivea at Taooina.
Mr and Mrs. John llodgkins left
Tuesday morning for Albany where
they expect to speud tbe holidays.
Louis Hendersou, wbo Is attending
college at Eugene, came home for
the holidays Monday evening.
A marriage license was issued Mon-
ll tn Ph H Unnifuf nf PlaLltinl.
and Dora F. PfUugbaupt, of Hood
Wm. Frazier, or Trout Lake. 72
years old, was brought to tbis city
Monday suffering with a factored kg
and plaoed in tbe Cuttage hospital
Miss Amy Walton, of Portland aud
Mrs. K S. Watlou, wbo have been
staying for tome time in that city
sreut Cbristams i.t tbe home of Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Kay.
"Tbe Score of Our Days" nill ho
the subject at the Unitarian church
next Suu'lay morning; for eveuing,
"The New Man " All persons of tbe
liberal faith are especially invited.
Mr. and Mrs R H. Wallaoe went
to Portland Suuday to spend Christ
mas and New Years witb their daugh
ter Margaret, who ia taking a course
at St. Helen's Hall.
Coming up from Hood River, says
the Chrouicle, last evening William
W. Pojt gave up his seat in tbe car
to some l i lies and upon returning to
get his suit case after the crowd had
left the car, found it bad been oarried
away through mistake.
Mrs Sharp came Bp from Hood
River today. Her sisters, Miss Car
rie Brown, wbo teaches in Hood River
valley, and Miss Gertrude, wbo at
tends tbe business college in Port
land, are also at home for the holi
days. Chronicle.
Mr. U. S Loughary, of DbIIbf,
Ore., is spending tbe holidays with
his i-ister, Mrs. J. L. Hersbner, and
firmly. He is acoonpanled by bis
three daughters, Misses Gladys, Helen
and Luoile. Mr. Loughary is state
senator from Polk county.
Miss Clara Blytbe went to The
Dalles Wednesday eveuing on theSpo
kana train fur a visit of several days.
Shu was aooompanied by ber aunt,
.Vis. Leslie, who had been visiting at
tlm IMythe homestead and wbo was on
hoi way to ber home at Spoaane.
Invitations are out announcing the
coining marriage of Marie Agnes. Lof-
ley to Seaman Henry Cox, on Janu
ary 10th. Tbe event will take place
at the hoie of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Rand, 916 East Taylor street, Port
land, who are intimate friends of
Miss Lofley.
8. F. Fouts, who has maintained a
law office here for about a year, has
decided to seek a wider field of opera
tion and will on tbe first of January
go to Portland, where be will resume
his connection with the law firm of
Long k Sweek, 600 Chamber of Com
merce building.
Wm. T. Merrill, tbe efficient mana
ger of tbe Pacific States Telephone
Co., in tbis city, will leave Hood
Rivet tbe first of tbe year to take a
iosition witb that company in Port
end. Mr. Merrill will be succeeded
by Harry Bailey, wbo baa been con
nected with the company in tbis city
for some time. Miss Nettie Buck
wbo has been superintendent of the
ottloe here will also leave tbe employ
of tbe company tbe first of January.
For the New Year may all the good things come
to you is our hearty wish. A thousand thanks
for your generous patronage during the past year.
We are thrice glad to live in such a community
as this where a generous and progressive spirit
prevails. Our aim for the coming year is to work
w fViP n'Hv5mo.flTnent of our citv and vallev. and
to put forth every effort to make the Big Store
.... "w rw -m t ft
h owr and better. duu in o
-o c?
C. P. Ross and family spent Christ
mas in Portland at tbe home of rel
at Ives. They returned Wednesday.
Fred Bell and Wm. Bakei, who are
attending eonooi at Hill's Military
Academy in Portalnd, are borne for
the holidays.
Chas. Cochrane, of Hiownville, is
visiting nis tatner, u. tl. uoenrane,
ho is employed by the O. R. & N. iu
tbis city.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rand, of Port
aud, came to Hood River for Christ
uias with Mis. Rand's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Smitb.
John T. Hoye, representing the
International Conservatory of Music,
has been at Hood River for several
days in the interest of that concern.
The danoe of the Tuesday evening
aeries oluu b .s been postponed tbl
week on account of Christmas and
will be held on a date to be annouuo
ed later.
George T. Pratber, wbo is ageut for
the Troy laundry here, ia distributing
some very handsome oaleuders which
that oompauy has plaoed at bis dis
posal. R P. Orr, accompanied by bis son-in-law,
Mr. Dunbar, of Portland, re
tained to that city Wednesday, after
having spent Christmas at tbe Orr
borne here.
E. 11. Davidson, of St. Paul, who
Is related to P. S. Davidson, of tbis
city, has been at Hood River for sev
eral days visiting with tbe tatter aud
taking in tbe valley
Tbe joint installation of tbe newly
elected otfioers of tbe Masons and
Eastern Staia will take place this
evening and will tie followed by a
chicken pie supper.
Miss Josephine Jenkins, of Poit
land, visited at tbe borne of ber
brother, Dr. Jenkins, in this oity
Sunday. Miss Jenkins went from
bere to Tbe Dalles Sunday evening to
visiii frlendj.
Robert Dunsmore, an old and te
speoted citizen of Mcsier, was found
near bis borne there Friday slnio. t
I town to pieces by what Is though to
have been a pieuiature explosion of
Mr. Dunsmore was working about a
mile and a bait from bit home nml
was engaged iu building a private
road to his ranch. Friday morning
be was blasting out t-on.e bi rocks
that were in the path of the now roi d
and it whs wiiiie doing this that I e
as kill .i. ills tmtuglcd body whs
diecovereil iy his l o sous wiio wtie
on tbeir way to town unci was mo e
than 1011 feet from where it was evi
dent be bad been working, 'lie
npper part of tbe body was literally
blonn to pieces and pi.its of it are
said to have been scattered over an
acre of ground
The accident ia considered a strange
one as Mr. Dunsmore was an old mill
er and familiar witb tbe use of pow
der and other explosives aud had
handled them for years. Mr. Duns
more was one of tbe pioneer resideuts
of Mosier, and came to Oregon more
than 30 years ago. He was highly re
spected by all who kti-w him and at
oue ti was road supervisor in his
district. The deceased was about 50
years of age and leaves a wife and five
children several of whom are married.
Frank Chandler, wbo went to Port
land Saturday to be with his family
for Christmas, returned Monday ao
conpauled by bis son, William, wbo
will remain beie for a few days be
fore resuming his musical studies.
J. J. Jordan and family left for Mo
Minnville Wednesday morning, where
they will reside in the future. Mr.
Jordan has purchased a farm quite
near that place on which be expects
tn go into general farming.
A. M. Kelley, of the firm of Kelley
& Wlsbart, returned from Dale, Ore.,
last ween there he proved up on a
homestead. He was accompanied by
bis parents, who will reside witb bim
in the new home which be recently
built at Mount Hood.
C. S. Park, member of tbe State
Board of Horticultural, and Paul
IL'allnnA t Koliiin mm viuifrtra at
Hood River Wednesday. Tbey were
bere looking over tbe town and re
turned on the local.
John Cochran stopped off between
trains Sunday to visit at the home of
Mr. and Mis. Cbas. Hall. Mr. Coch
ran was for met iy fiom Oregon City,
Oik knmA a M Hall MnpAunl.
Iiuo uuiu Vft will uwii . v. i,iimvur
ed tbe Oregonian and Telegram there.
He is now in Portland on tne Tele
giam staff and went to that city Sun
day evening.
R P. Oir, who has been here from
Portland to spend Cbrfstmaa with
his family bad the misfortune to lose
watob obaim that be valued quite
highly Monday nigbt. Tbe cbaim is
one representing tbe Odd Fellows in
signia and was given bim just a year
ago by bis daughters as Chiistmas
present, lie will be very mucn
pleased to have the finder return it to
tbis offloe.
Shot His Playmate.
A special to tbe Oregonian of yes
terday tells of a aad accident in
which Myron Eardley. tbe 13-year-old
son of J. W. Eardley, an employe of
tbe Oregon Lumber company at Ba
kei City, was shot and killed Wednes.
day afternoon while bunting, about
six miles soutn oi town Dy tne aoci
dental discbarge of a 4 caliber line In
tbe bands of bis palymate, Harry bell,
wbo is nearly crazed by tbe affair.
and who for hours was left alone with
tbe oorpse by careless passersby.
Tbe ooroner's lory returned a ver
diet of accidental shooting.
Christmas at Hood River.
Christmas day at Hood River was I
quiet one and it was evident that
most people spent it at nome. me
unpleasant day and rain made visit
ing or outdoor pastime uncomforta
ble. Many went to Portland to spend
tbe day, going down the day before
Christmas. A good many also came
up from that city lo be with tbeir
families or relatives and went to vari
ous plaoea in town or in tbe valley.
Saturday and Monday were the big
gest days for merchants and their
stores were crowded witb shoppers
from early morning until late at night
and many Christmas gifts were not
purchased until Tuesday morning.
The Christmas tiade Is said to have
been better than ever before and a
greater supply of holiday goods dis
posed of.
Former Wasco Sheriff Strike It Rich.
Friends of George A. Herbert, says
tbe Chronicle, who was brought up
in Tbe Dalles and served a term as
sheriff of Wacso county, will be more
tban pleased to hear of the rich stake
be has made in the Cornucopia mines,
east of Raker City, where be lias been
mining for some years.
Toe news is contained In the follow
ing from tbe Baker City Democrat'
"A pedal phone message from tbe
Cjiiiii opia mining camp sixty miles
east ot liaker Ulty lu tne hiHgle moun
tains, lo tbe Democrat, slates the en
tire camp is in a state of gieat ecxite-
nient over tbe dtscvery on li' older
ore k, two miles from Coruucopi , l,y
Herbert, Underwood and ilia r of
pl.icer gold that rivth tl.o days i f '40
iu California
"While drifting ou their elai.i s they
struok gravel every I. . i i . (i ll ol
A review of points that make Keith's
Konquerors popular:
Linings moulded to lasts no wrinkles.
Lasts built to distribute body weight
evenly no tired, aching feet.
All leathers selected. Prices, $5.00,
$4.00, and $3.50, within reach of all.
PRESTON B. KEITH SHCE CO., Makers, Brocklon, Mass.
whiob goes better than five dollais
and meu from tbe big quartz mines
near by are flocking to the scene to
look at the yellow nuggets and stake
out claims near tbe holdings ot tbe
lucky miners.
President Spends Quiet Christmas.
Tbe president and bis family enjoy
ed a Christmas tree at Captain
Cowles' home Christmas eve, and
spent the day at tbe White House.
Their Christmas dinner was served in
tbe eveuing. All were present includ
ing the Lougwortbs.
I'liDtared by Officer Wood.
Last Monday a man by the name of
Ueorge w. rou neia up ana rooiiea
Henry Johnson at Hilgard, Wash,
securing a watoh, a time check for 110
aud some change. A message was
sent to the sheriff's office at The
Dalles, with a description of Polk.
Deputy Sheriff Wood baa been looking
tor him aud Friday morning arrested
bim on Third street. Polk at first
was inclined to deny t: cha-ge, but
finally oo ifessed and said be would
plead guilty.
Presentation to Rev. VY, C. Q llu ore.
A Christmas tree was given at the
Congregational church Monday even
ing. A program bad Deeu arranged
consisting of musio and recitations,
after wbloh there was a distribution
of gifts. During tbe evening a very
pleasant feature was the piesentation
to the psstor of tbe church, Rev. W.
C. Uilmore, witb a gold watoh, chain
and charm. Tbe presentation speech
was made by E. E. Uolf, superintend
ent of tbe Sunday sohool, and was re
sponded to by tbe rui prised recipient
of tbe timepieoe. Ou one side of the
charm attached to the watob chain ia
a large old English "U" artistioally
engiaved by Laraway, und on tbe oth
er side the words "From your
Frieuds." It Is said to have been
difficult to tell wbo was the most
pleased by tbe gift tbe frieuds who
gave it to Mr. Uilmoie or tbe hard
working and popular pastor.
To Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hloweis, on
December 21, a girl. '
To Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wodwoilh, on
December '21, 8 boy.
Slocom's BooK Store
New Books
We ha ve a large stock
Coniston, The Spoilers, The Doctor
Silas Strong, McDonald of Oregon,
Sir Nigel, Dob Hampton, False
God, Jungle, Fighting Chance, Fet
tison Twins, Jane Cable, Whispering
Smith, Long Ann and many others
Popular Books
Crisis, Graustark, Wings of the
Morning, Castle Craneycrow, Slier
rods, Virginian, Gentleman from In
diana, Castaway, Sky Pilot, Sea
Wolf, David Harum, The Pit, Calu
met K, Brewster's Millions, Little
Minister, Man on the Uox.
A Good Gift.
For the Boys
Henty Series, Merriwell Series,
Alger Series Boy's Own Library
For the Girls
Louis Alcott Series, Dod Mead Series
Martha Finley Series, Abott Seiies
For the Children
A Complete line Toy Books, Linen Books, Paint Books, Picture Books,
Cloth Bound Story Books and Handsome Gift Books
Large Reference Bibles
Teachers' Bibles
Scholars' Bibles
Children's Bibles
Testament and Psalms
Red Letter Testaments
Pocket Testaments
Fancy Bound Testaments
A handsome line of Etchings, Photos, Colored Prints, Water Colors, Little Gift
Pictures, Unframed Subjects. Remember we do picture framing in an up-to-date