HOOD RIVEBOLAOIER: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1906 v i CORRESPONDENCE WHITE SALMON. From tlio Kutrirle. 'lhere am several raws of meshlfi or chicken pox, or something of that sort among the children of the town. Home call it one thing and some an other but it doei not seein to be very serious and none of the children are in bed with it. Mr. La Frank' child ren and those of Mr. liunaalrer are the ones attocted so far. A. D. Moe, of the Hood Hirer (ila cier, was in town this week, the first time for about a year, and whs sur prised at our growth during that time, lie went down on Wyers avenae, where he came near getting lost in the woods last year, but this year he got mixed up among the houses and could hardly Had bis way out. Gilbert' Kuutson has moved bis jew elry store from the window of C. M. Wulfard & Co. to llmicroft's building on Jewett avenue where he can now be found with a tine line of clocks, watches and jewelry. His business has enlarged so lapidly that be could not keep il in one window any longer, so he bas rented the llanoiolt build ing until such time as bis own build ing la completed. W. L. Jewell is q-iite sick at his home near Gilmer. Ilia affairs are be ing looked after by (iood Will lodge oi Odd Fellows, be being a member of thit order, holding his membership in Pennsyvania. Dr. Uearbart cslied to sew him last week, and A. li. Oros- bong went out on Sunday to see him, and found that Brother Jewell would need some further medical attention, and Dr. (Jearhart was engaged to look after the case. I Owing to the cootlnous heavy rains this week work on the new opera bouse has been greatly letarded and it cannot be finished In time to be used Christmas, but if a few days of good weaatber will give the builders a chanoe at the outside work, the hcuse will be ready for business by the mid dle of January. The Grand army will give a chicken dinner and camp fire and a general good time on Saturday. January 10th. This will be the date of the election ot officers and the meeting will be called at 10 o'clock a. ni. Dinner will be served between 12 and 1 o'clock. All members of the Urand Army are requested to be present, and all patriotic) citizens are invited to attend. A call meeting of the Commercial club was held in the 1. O. O. F. hall luesday evening which was the most harmonious and successful one yet hold. Tho various committees proved especially qualified for the work as signed them, and everybody seemed to catch the spirit of nh. The reg ular meet Hit' will l held at the I. O. (). F. hall I he last i humility in the month. It is hoped that everybody will be prsneut who is interested iu the A-elfaie of tho community in any wav. itie carpenters who have been work ing on the opera bou'e pnt the roof on last week between rains. Ih bull ling can now be finished as the plastering can he done. A lollop of Masons will be organized at White Siilrnon. i'be permission of the grand master of the sUte lodge has been secured and a meeting T '11 f oon be held to organize. J. T. lieyuolds has sold bis ranch and will conduct a store at Iiingen. He received a carload of merchandise at Hood Kiver lust week and will soon 1 ave it in place in the fctore building formoriy occupied hy Mr. Thomas. Mrs. Ijewis, who has b een visiting friends and relatives in the Puget Hound country for some time, bas returned home. Mrs. Swart, and daughter, bo have been at Portland for several days, bas returned home. Capt. Cook, J. Wyers, and U. Fields were at Hood Kiver Monday Bight to attend Odd Fellows Lodge. The annual b 11 of the Woodmen was held Weduesdav evening and was a great success. It was held in the new ball of the Odd Fellows and was largely attended. Everybody bad a good time and danced until a late hour. White Salmon bad the biggest hol iday trade Ibis year that it bas ever had. All the stores did a big busi ness. Wolfard & Co. had to have two extra clerks. DUKES VALLEY. Peope will wouder what has become of Dukes Valley. Well we waul to tell you we ere not dead by a long shot. We are coming to the front with rapid strides. Just listen, James Wear! bas just completed a flue house on top of the hill that can be seen from most any part of the valley and will have another building put up soon. Mr. Glascock is building a house on the bill. Mr. Dunn, Mr. Whistler, F. S. M annoy and others have bad bongos and out buildings dut up this fall and this wintei, be sides other improvements su"h as fencing, clearing land, setting out or chards, etc. Ho yon see we are not dead oi asleep. We are moving right aloug with the rest of the valley. Land is going up Jbert as well as in other places. James Weart was offer ed II, 0U) for bia homestead relin quishment of 149 acres, which bad no improvements oo it to apeak of, while others have been offered good price for their land, but we are a content ed lot op here and don't cat to sell oar homes, which we expect to reap a rioh harvest from in few yra, in the shape of big red apples, atraw ber ries and other fruit. Our bill land is proving to be the very finest of fruit land, besides being equal to any land in tbe valley for bay. grain, potatoea and otner crops, witn one bale less ir rigating water. Five or tlx years ago when these bills were supposed to be of.no value settlers were called orazy for taking up land in tbe bills, but now tbey begin to ling different song. Kev. D. D. Dodge la at borne to spend tbe bolidaya with bis family and will return to bis work as district elder tbe first of the year. A. T. Dodge and Ray Slooom have just completed a fine bouse for James Weart. Tbe boas is 21x21 with a 21 foot ell. From the front windows one ean obtain fine view of nearly alt the Hood River valley, Upper Hood River, White Salmon, a part of Mount Hood valley and In fact nearly every part. or me uooaitiver valley, It is well wortb the trip to go to Mr. Wearts and take a look at tbe valley. William Glascock, who bought the Gilbert Edgington homestead, will take a trip to Seattle aoon on bust neH. He will return aboa' tbe first of March and put in tbe summer Ira proving bis land. Oscar Cameron bas been kept busy for tbe last month hauling lumber from Kelley k Wisbart's saw mill to Dukes Valley for buiilling purposes, Oscar bas a fine tour horse team and is rigged up for such work. John Read and wife came out from town to spend tbe holiday witb Mrs, Read's mother, Mrs. M. L. Carnahan W. C. Dodge and family spent Christmas with friend and relative in tbe valley. We conclude by wishing every re id er of tbe Glaoier and others (which are few) a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ROSE HILL. Mark E. Thomas left Tuesday, the 18tb, for Alberta, Canada. He ex peels to spend a month or two look ing over properly, witb tbe intention of investing. Mr. and Mrs. Marie m. I'nomas an family and Mis Thompson attended surprise party given Tuesday night, By Hlhieir WorRs Ye Shall Enow I I Please compare the Goods and Engrav- 1 j j p A ings sent out irom LARAWATO with that of any large city ii Ilarawa I r the Jewelers We wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 1 0 KEIR & CASS Til BLOCK 3C DC RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We teli them all about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to. trust it Ask your own doctor. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold tor over sixty years." ill br. O. Ayw Co., tAwall, Mm. aim mt StltSAPARfLU. PILLS. HOt VHH)I. Wi fctv no Mertf W publish th formalM of mil our medicines. yers RAGG:& CO. iv-r'i pji.'i greatly aid tho Cherry f cttoial la breaking ua n cold. tbe IStb, at the borne of Cuas. Well at Pine Urove. Tho school board has decided on having three more months of school and have engaged the same teacher. Miss Thompson will spend Christ ma witb her parents in Portland. The people on Hose Hill have been kept awake for the last two week by a pesky coyote. Several have set traps for it but In vain. Ruben Elder bas watched bis trap closer than others and at lust his hopes weie realized. Tuesday morning be visited bis trap and to bi surprise found a good sized coyote "aught by the foot. It took all tbe lad's strength to drag it to tbe bouse At hint there s peace and quiet at night in ttie nelghb rhoo l. ODELL. After an illnoss of more than a year Lee Udell patted away Thursday De cember 20. llio disease which causttd bis death was tuberculoid. The de ceased was born in Hood River valley 13 5 ears ago and his life, with tbe ex ception ot a short time spent in Can ada some 11 yoars ago and a few months Kpent at Stai Iiuck, Wash., last year, has been lived in tbe valley which was bis birth place. Lee was a big hearted man and bia friends were many. In his last days hie thoughts were not of himself, but of the wife who has so faithfully cared for him and who would be left so alone at bis going. He leaves to mourn bis lost beside bis wife, two brothers and one sister. The sympathy of all is theirs. Funeral services were held at his late home Saturday, Ueoember 22, at 10 a. m. Rev. Troy Shelley oonduoted tbe sei views. Lee was laid to rest in Pine Urove cemetery where his dbf- ents and two brothers and a sister rest. Mrs. J II. Eetrert has been nnlt ill, but it I thought she will soon be well. Mrs. Mae Lhrok. who is a sis ter-in law of Mrs. Eggert, has been caring for her. Mrs. Khrck is Udell primary teacher and shows her kind ness of heait by lending her help In ine way sne is aoing. Austin Lot: It in an la vlsitins In Port laua auiing vacation. Everest Ghorinly. of Portland, is visiting his sister, Mrs. S. J. Ennes at Udell during the holidays. Miss Margiieiite Sbellev came home from Portland Saturday for a visit witb parents, brothers and sisters She has a position In St. Mary'i auauemy. Miss Margaret Raz left Hood River Saturday for Portland. She will visit ber mother and other relatives at Hillsdale and her sisters in Portland two weeks, when she will be gladly weiaomea in uaeu. The school meeting Saturday Ue oe ruber 22, was adjourned until Mon day, Ueoember 21 at 2 p. m. Mr. Plluhnnnt loaded two oars oi wood Saturday for shiciment over the Mount Hood railroad. Miss Mae Maaiker was borne for Christmas. She attends business college in Portland. A. D. Moe, editor of tbe (! lacier. accompanied by bis wife and son visited at W. A. Lockman'g Sunday v. i-f. wan ni , ui fvcieor, luauu, arrived here Sunday for a visit witb bis parents., Mr. and Mrs. O. W Lalrerty. Sunday was the fortieth anniver sary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Lallerty. The people of Udell were favored with three good sermons Sunday. Rev. Woods morning and evening and uev. Clark in tbe afternoon. Tbe C. E. neld a Christmas meet Inn Sunday evening. A special song by me xvetis, appropriate readings and refeiennes made an entertaining and instructive evening. Mrs. Voung leader. Violet Masiker is home for the hoi Idays. m. liawtnoine s deep well caved in and he tilled it up. Tbe formation was such that It was thought unsafe to work in the well or to leave it oren. Wedding bells two. The Ladies Aid of Odell wi'lgivean entertainment in the oburcb the night oi ueceuitier Jl. Uev. J. W. Jenkins will be there' with his stereontioou iews and illustrated songs will be given. Lunch will be served in the school house and a good entertain ment and line supper will be provided at reasonable price. A literary society was organized last Friday nlgbt witb tbe following omoers: reroy 1. sueiiey, president; Harry Conway, vloe president; Marie Lockman, secretary and treasurer. Meetings will be held every Friday igbt. Roswell Shellev reports that at the Interstate convention at De Moines, Iowa, be attended as a delegate from Oregon, tbe west, middle west and south were in favor ot tbe measure for which tbe convention was held hile the east refused to send anv delegates. This fact is significant iu as much as the east is the home of orporatious. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES' AID RAW GOATS SKIRTS Don't Miss this $ale A Texas Wonder. There's a Hill at Bowie. Tex., that's twice ss big as last year. This wonder is V. L. Hill, who from the weight of K) pounds has grown to over 180. He says: "1 eutlered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Con sumption. I was reduced to 90 pounds, lien 1 begun aklng l'r. King's New Discovery ior Consumption. Coughs and (.'olds. Now, after taking 12 bottles. I have more than doubled in weight and am completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by Chas. N. Clarke Druggist. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. FOR COLD FEET Dr. Reed's Shoes lor Men Strootman's Cushion Sole Shoes for Women If suffering with Cold Feet or Rheumatics you should wear these shoes, they will do you good R RAGG & CO Need a good oathartio? A pill is best. Say a pill like DeWitt's Little Early Risers. About the most relia ble on tbe market. Sold by Williams Pharmacy. E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, at whose labratory Kodol is prepared, assures us that (his remarkable dlges tant and corrective for the stomach con forms fully to all provisions of the Na tional Pure Food and Drug law. Tbe Kodol labratary is a very large one, but If all the sufferers from indigestion and stomach troubles could know the vir tues of Kodol it would be impossible for the manufacturers to keep up with the demand. Kodol is sold here by Wil liam's Pharmacy. Rl TAIL STRAY CATTLE About I wo .hundred bead of ray cattle scat tered and strayed from tbe mountains about the head of Bager and tbe head of Hood River that re likely to come out at Hood River, Moeier, Eight Mile, Fifteen Mile, Tygh Valley or Waplnltla, My mark la a crop offthe right ear and un deralope of the left. I think all my oattle are marked with this mark. My brand la a spear point or arrow head, generally on tbe hip. All of my cattle have this brand except a few of the "U" cattle hereafter referred to, Many ot the cattle were purchased by me rom other parties and have their brands In addition to mine. Among these are (1) "BM" brand, (2) "heart" brand, (3) "K" brand, (4) some bave the ''circle bar' on the aide, (,r) '-D" brand. Borne of these cut- "v urana aonoi nave my spear WHOLESALE THE DALLES NURSERIES R. II. WEBER, Fiop-. THE DALLES. OREGON. GROWER AND DKAI.KR IN FRUIT,SHADE TnCPC GRAPE VINES ORNAMENTAL KLCj SMALLRUITS Evergreen, Roses and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees are Crown Strictly Without Irrigation. WE CARRY THE FAMOUS RED JACKET PUMP "So Easy to Fix" AND FULLY GUARANTEED We can sell you a WIND MILL to run it too. NORTON & SMITH Opposite post office brand, generally tie with Ibe brand. (8) "mlrrup', brand on the aide, (7) "seven-op brand on the hlamr side. In addition to these brands and some oth ers not described, a good many of the young euuie are iiiHmeu wan two noicues or aew laps In the brisket. Ansone seeing- anv ot the above cattle will confer a favor by letting me know at The Dulles, Oregon, and I will gladly dh v for any tryuble In the matter. azi AbFKKU B. H&iNNKTT. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am Qualified and Dreoared to do all kinds oi nrm-cissa iana surveying. Accuracy guar anteed. Those who wlss first-class work done addresa R. F. D. 2., Hood River. Phone 60x1. LIGHT CONSUMERS TAKE NOTICE Beginning Oct. 1st, '06, all lay lighting will be charged or at the rate of 1 cents per candle power per month lours from 0:30 a. m. to 4:00 i.m. Hood Electric Light. Power and Water Co BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easv shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection GRAY & RUSSELL, Props. Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT THE Hood River Box Factory and Tatronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone Main 71 IIP A Present Which will be Appreciated Deposit One. Dollar to their credit in our Sav ings Department. Re ceive a Bank Book and .Savings Bank Free. 4 Per Cent We deliver without charge First National Bank