The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 27, 1906, Image 2

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AU I HLR U. MOB. PaMsbar.
Terns ! ubsoripUoa-l.M ism itu U
ts aaana.
THURSDAY, DEC. 27, 1900.
The Wronjr Kind of Patriot font,
Patriotism has always been thought
to be fairly good virtue by moo wbo
hare given tbe subject some thought,
Some years ago a statesman wbo
noted for hid advocacy of principle i
preference to tbe almighty dollar d
liveied an address on tbis subject,
ilia ideas were ones which called for
tbe loyal adherence not only to tbe
flag under which a man was born and
lived, but bIho to the state and town
in which be tesided.
While manifestations of tbe pa til
otic spirit to the two former issues 1
no doubt admirable, it is to tbe lat
tor that any town or city must loo!
for success, loyalty to your home tow
and the peoplo that live in it. Tb
keynote of tbe success of Hood Iliver
has bfeo attributed to the ttoadfut-t
ness with which its residents bav
worked together on all importau
issues. Further suocees necessarily
means that tbis spirit must coutiuue.
An issue is now before the residents
of Hood River and surrounding terri
tory to which every loyal man will re
spond, as it means a step toward
higher development of the couuti
than can be obtained in any other
way. It means the iutensivo cultira
tion of an area that has no equal as
fruit raising territory anywhore, at
a lower cost of taxation and the shak
inff otf of shackles that have beeonie
As in every movement there are a
few who are bound by punt or subser
vieut to present conditions so there
are on the question of county divi
sion. No patriotic mun, no man who
pauses to oonsider tbe best interests
of tbe community in which he lives,
provided he has tbe intelligence to
grap it, can be againnt a movement
that is for tbe greatest good to the
gieatest number. Only tbe man who
has his eyes turned backward will op
pose progress and development for his
fellow man. Only the few, who are
shackled to a political boss or wed
ded to ideas that are in direct oppo
sition to the spirit that has made
Hood Kiver one of the most prosper
oils and progressive towns in the
I'aoiflo Northwest will be found
placing themselves iu the ranks of an
opposition that has never done any
thing for their home town but futten
themselves on its revenues.
This is not the charactor of patiiot
ism that will make for the rapid and
far teaching development of the terri
tory of the proposed new county or
any other community and can easily
And substantiation in a town that fo
not far distant and where business
and other Interests have beon at each
other's throats so long that tbe town
has practically come to a standstill.
The man or men who alienates him
self from tho interests of his home
town iu the behalf of others outside
of It has ceased to be entitled to the
further consideration of bis fellow
townsmen and lost to tbe instincts of
that patrioiim which is necessary to
the success of every prosperous com
The Helix Herald very probably
comes pretty near expressing the idea
of the majority of the people oi Ore
gou when it remarks that the nnpre
oedeuted privilege of being admitted
to the floor of the U. B. senate before
being elected thereto, is now enjoyed
by Jonathan. Bourne, jr., He has been
elooted, but the election has not been
oou finned acoordiug to the old red
tape system. The pvoplo have elected
him, and if the Oregon lt'ginltitiiie
does not ooulli'iu that election the
flrBt day of tbe session, thou every
objecting mother's sou of those ob
jecting should be taken out of the
capltol building and treated to u
small coat of tar and fuatbeis, even
whether they were pledged to ".State
ment No. 1" or not. The will of the
majority should rule and be reflect
ed. The Dalles Chionlolo reprints an
article recently published in the (-Under
over which its puts the head
"Now What Do You Think (if That."
We beg to call the attention of the
Chronicle to tho fact that its use o
the above is not only bad grnuinier
but slang as well and indooorouH for
its staid columns. In order to carry
out the idea conveyed iu the lew pre
liminary lines it should have wtid
"Now What Do Yon Think of It."
Our osteomod contemporary also re
maika that the Uluclcr sprung
something new In county division uiul
asks to be enlightened. Again the
Chroniclo is wrong for tl ore is noth
ing new in tbe ideas expressed In the
article which are as eld as two and
two tuako four, and that three aud
two do not make six. A little kuowl
edge is a dangerous thing and too
much is said to bo equally hazardous
Thirst for luforiution often loads to
dire results, but unless the conscience
of the editor of Chronicle is troutr
ling him he need not worry.
We are in receipt of a copy of a
special edition of the Kast Oregon iuu.
It is illustrated aud contains much
descriptive matter that is interesting
about Umatilla county and its re
sources. Tbe number is well gotten
up and is a credit to the management
of that most excellent paper.
The Dooember number of "tetter
Fruit' is out aud if possible it is a
better number than those preceding
it. Some of the most valuable articles
and techinal information thai has yet
appeared in it are in this number and
it can not but help prove of interest
to tbe fruit grower.
An AwaLrnlng at Xooit Hood.
Pursuant to tbe call of President
George M. WUhurt tbe ranchers of
Mount Hood gathered in tbe Mount
Hood ball last Ibursday afternoon
The league bad not met sinoe the
rairloud agita' ion laet spring and tlmy
decided it was time there was some
thing doing. A heavy rain was patter
in? outside, but it did not check tbe
arder nor dampen the enthusiasm of
the 'nen who are conquering tbe
.V mi nt Hood forests.
The first thing was the election oi
olficers and an entire new set were
elected. 1'. Larwood was the uuaol
in ous choice for president, K. Leas
ure was elected vice president, R. J.
Mcisiiacs, recording secretary, 1. U,
Lafferty, corresponding secretary
and w. 8. Uribble. treasurer.
The most urgent needs of the neigh
borhood were then dii-C'Ssed W. S,
(jribiile spoke at length on tbe need
of a blacksmith at Mini- t Hood. He
wax followed by Messrs. Laogille,
Lalferty and (iarwood along tbe same
line. A blacksmith is undoubtedly
needed and it would lie a paying pro
position from the very start. A large
amount of laud Is being cleared and
many things need repairs. A black
smith at Mount Hood could do tbis.
Kunchers driving to lirod River do
not have tune to get their horses shod
mill drive buck home in one day,
With the opening of spring tbis kind
of work uioue would keep one man
busy. Tbe rancbeia will go far to
ward guaranteeing a good blacksmith
all he cun do.
Juke Lentz spoke of the work tbat
had been done towards building a
wsgou road mi Neil creek, thus doing
Away with I tie steep grade up ucoln
hill. He said the right of way bad
been tlaahoi lor a considerable dis
tance and that it would be a fat bet
ter road for the people of Mount
Hood than the one they are now us
Messrs. Lmigillo, Leasure aud (Jrib
bin were appointed a committee ot
thtee to go with bupervisor Lentz,
look over the proposed new road and
report at the next meeting. It was
decided that the meeting of tbe
league should be held every two or
three weeks and matters of common
interest discussed.
The next meeting will be beld on
January 10 at 1 o'clock in the Mount
Hood hall at wblob time Messrs. (Jar
wood and Luflerty will have selected
seme topic for discussion and wlU
have papers upon it read.
Ibe .Mount llood Development
league has done a great amount of
good. A year ago it placed a number
of Ms. Hood products on exhibition
n Hood luver. Among them was a
box of three tier NewtuwnB. It was
oominonly supposed at that time that
Newtowns could not he raised success
fully at Mount Hood, but that theory
has been exploded and il Is now con
ceded that Mount Hood apples are
second to none. More apple trees will
be set out next epiing than ever be,
fore. Oue nurseryman alone will ship
a oar load or young trees to tie plant
ed by ranchers there. Tbe Mount
Hood Development league brings tbe
ranchers together. Tbe exchange of
ideas causes them to be more suooess
ful and letting the world know about
it makes the country boom.
Van Auker Hill Itring Suit.
C. S. Von Auker. ex-cashier of
the State Hank of Kenier, who at one
time lived in this city, has deter
mined to seek vindication for tbe
barges brought against him by the
.National Surety company, The bank
was robbed on Labor Day of about
'1000, and after a fruitless search for
the I audits, who Van Anker said beld
im np, the cashier was accused of
embezzlement, and arrested on a war-
ut, signed hy Ueorge W. Allen, of
Seattle, manager in the state of Wash-
ngton for the Surety company.
Proula could not be secured of Van
uker's guilt and he was released.
The suit for exoneration was died
late Monday afternoon by Judge D.
II ay ties and L. C. (iarrluas. The
ompluint alleges false arrest and im
prisonment aud consequent HI treat
ment and abuse, coupled witb damage
to reputation end defamatiou of char
acter. As redress from tbe Surtty
company, represented by Ueorge W.
Allen, the payment of r.5,000 is asled
Iroin the court.
The arrest of the cashier of the bank
followed an Investigation by detect
ves in the employ of the National
Study company, who unearthed the
fact that the cashier was in tbe
f playing faro in 1'oitluud and As
toria. It was tbe theory of the otO-
t'M of the company, in canning the
arrest, that the cashierapproriated the
money to make good his gambling
Vim Auker was sweated for a day
and a night before his nrrest. but
leitlier at that time nor later did be
change his story of the tall aud short
man who held a pistol to his head and
tooled the bank, after tleing him in
he hack-mom. Detective LiOti Hart
mil, of Portland, led in making the
uvoKtlgalioiis or Vau Auker s past,
anil in sweating ti I m. Upon tbe casb-
r s arrest, at Hauler, he was taken
to St. Helens, aud confined in the
oliiinbiu County jail for several
weeks until tbe county grand jury
met. District Attorney Allen pre
sented the facts that had been secured
detectives to tbe grand jury, but
that body refused to indict Van
Selbvooil Denied Jiew Trial.
The Poitand Join rial savs T. R. A.
hellwood bus been denied a new ttial
n his damage suit against Fruit Com-
issiouer ,) times H. Reed, which was
tried at the November term uf the
rcuit court. Reed cut down a num
ber of prune trees in Sellwood'a or-
mrd because of neglect to sray after
repeated varuings. Reed won the suit
before a jury. Sellwood has been
ivcu f.U days in which to prepare and
rue a tilll or exceptions.
Tbe bigb water which prevailed hero
last week again washed oat tbe bridge
of tbo Farmer irrigating ditch en
tailing considerable loss and patting
tbe ditch company to the expense of
again rebuilding it Tbe bridge waa
usd for tbe purpose of carrying tbe
flame of the company across tbe west
fork of tbe Hood river and will have
to be rebuilt before tbe time comes
for irrigating strawberry plants next
spring. The truotore waa valued at
At tbe mill of tbe Oregon Lumber
company at Dee tbe water waa so
bigb tbat it was impossible to operate
the mill on account of tbe current.
The logs became so tightly jammed in
tne vicinity or toe dam tbat it waa
considered uec-ssary to attach a cable
Co tnem and haul them to a place of
safety witb a donkey. Other alight
damages are reported from tbe high
water, but notbing serious. Ibe
Hood river is said to have been hieh
er than It was) during tbe flood thatoc
ourred several weeks ago. and baa
cut a new channel near tbe mouth of
tbe river tbat baa taken oat pirt of
tne island mat formerly existed there
Produces Carnations Any Color.
Hood River has a resident wbo can
discount Luther liurbank in produc
ing carnations in colors tbat tbat pop
ular flower is supposed not to assume.
He recently sent to Portland for some
red carnations for tbe holidays but
there were noue to be bad. Thinking
tbat tbe order had been mislaid or
bad not reached its destination he tcl-
pboned a florist tLere, but recel ed
word tbat noue could be secured. So
be ordered some wbite one and next
morning bad red carnations on dis
play. Ho be accomplished tbis is a
sec tet. Last year tbe same man as
tonished his friends by exhibiting
some green carnations which were
thought not to exist anywhere out of
Mr. Uurbank's hothouse. Anvwav
those wbo insisted on getting red
carnations for tbe holidays got them.
r or further particulars see Sam Bart-mess.
K. or P. Election.
At the meeting of Waaooma Lodtre.
K. of P.. beld at Its rooms last Tues
day evening new officers were elected
as follows: W. E. Sheets. C. C. :
Burt Strauaban. V. C. : M. M. Hill.
prelate; L. A. Herman. M. of W. :
J. K. Nichols, K. of R, and S. : Tbos.
F. Johnson. M. of F. : V. C. Hrock.
M. of Kx. ; O. P. Ross, M. of A. ; J.
M. Bobmeltzer. I. O. : W. W. Pickett.
O. U. ; J. L. Henderson, trustee.
elected for three years. Tbe installa
tion will take plaoe Tuesday. Jauuurv
Chapter Election.
Tbe election of Hood River Cbait
No. 27, R. A. M.. took plaoe Friday
evening and tbe oflloers for the ensu-
ng year will be: D. McDonald. H.
P. ; U. R. Castner, K. ; R. Savage, a ;
E. L. Smith, treasurer: A. D. Moe.
secretary. The installation will take
place Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
rostofiice Box Kent Increased.
Postmaster Yates has received a new
regulation from tbe general powtotllce
department to tbe effect tbat com
mencing on January 1st a uniform
box rate will be pat in effect wbiob
win be sngntiy nigner than tbe one
now in force. Tbe rates here will be
45 oents, 60 cents and f 1. Tbis rate
applies to offices where tbe receipts
are between $5,000 and 810,060.
Hood River Apples 00 Cents a Dozen.
11. J. Miller, traveling agent for
the Cbioago and Northwestern rail
road, wbo has just returned from a
trip to Baltimore, and was in tbis
city Monday, reports that he saw
Hood River apples selling for DO cents
dozen In tbe tormer place. Mr.
Miller also states tbat apples are ly
ing on the ground rotting in the
Eastern states witb no market for
them and tbat farmers there tre offer
ing them for five oents a bushel with
the provision that tbey be taken
from tbelr premises.
Henry E. Aukeney Dies.
Henry E. Ankeney, one of Oregon's
oldest and beat known pioneer resi
dents, died at Portland last Saturday.
Mr. Ankenoy bad been ludentihed
with some of the most important
events in the history of the state and
was looked upon as one of the fore
most men in it. His funeral was
beld Monday and was attended by
many of tbe most proitnneut men iu
Long Tennessee Fight.
ror twenty vears W. L. Raw Is. t f
Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh, ire
w rites :"The swelling and soreness in
aide my nose was fearful, till I begau
applying Uucklen's Arnica Halve to the
sore suriace; this caused tne soreness
and swelling to disappear, never to re
turn." Best Salve in existence. 25c at
Chaa. N. Clarke, Druggist.
r - I
111 I
I 9 Many styles to choose from I
I A ami range oi patterns is I
I U wide. Prices from I
I -A BJ.JU to I).UU I
1 f M
the famous
for men.
Start tee New Year Right
Here are a few suggestions tbat will
help yon:
Men's Hose
Men's black cotton hose, all sizes
and a splendid wearer, made with a
high spliced heel and double sole.
Price. IOc
We have a splendid allowing of Um
brellas In black or fmcy colored, with
a large assortment of h.tndles.
Prices range froiu 33c to 95. OO
Red Hot Values
Shoe Department
:i it?.?
".v t
4 -f&tp&hA
When you see the
American Lady,
American Gentle
-damp d on a shoe
t means the Fame
is "Sterling" does
m silver.
Shirts Special
Odds and ends of M. n'. fancy dress shirts,
made Irom the very ti' est of shirting, such
as Gingham, Percale, French Madras, etc.
Light or dark shades and all sizes. Shirts
valued as high as Hoc. 1(p
Special OyK..
Odds and ends of Men's Pattnt leather
and French enamel shoes, welt soles and
all good values at the former price of fli.oO
to 5 50. To close them out we have
placed them at the Special price
Ladies' Suit Department
Styles unquestionably the
latest and a wide range of
patterns to he'ect from
The Place to Save Money
. til 00 Reward, 8100.
The r .dent of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there la at ennl oue dreaded
disease that science Iihh been able to cure
In all it stHKCH. and that Is Catarrh. Hall's
t'Hlarrh t'ure Ik the only poHltive core now
known to the nirdlral fraternity. Catarrh
belnn a ronxiitutinnal dlseaae, requires a con
atltiitlonal treatment. Hall's CaUrrh Cure
ta taken Internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous aurtHcea of the system,
thereby distniytnn the foundation of the dis
ease, and Hiving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting na
ture Id doing its work. The proprietors have
so much I'Hitli In its curative powers that they
oiler One Hundred Hollars for any cose that
It fulls to enre. Wend for testimonium.
Address: K.J. CHUNKY A Co., Toledo, O.
Mold by Drugglsls, 75c
Take Hall's Family Finn for constipation.
Beginning January 1st, 11)07, the drug
stores will close at 8 o'clock, except
Saturdays, vn Sundays will close from
1 till o and close at 7 p. m.
... Ham. & Eshon
Kkik & Cass,
Chan. N. Clarke
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
ReUdence next to Hecond Hand Store
Horses for Hale Mix head three
past r'r In spring; weight 1150 to 1
ers, n niieBuimon
ear old
T. Wy-df7
For Bale 70 acres 6U miles from Hood Klv.
er: '? acres young orchard, small house: on
river road, ll,500. Half cash, balance 8 per
cent. Kee Tucker, Hood River or address J. H.
Vrary, &2 Williams ave., Portland, ore. d30
Bobertlne gives what every woman
most desires a perfect complexion.
It 'brings tbat eott, smooth, fresh,
clear tint to the cheek that denotes
youthfulnesfl. It will bring' beauty
to those who lack It; It will retain
it for those who already possess It;
It will enable you to successfully
combat the ravages of weather and
time. Don't doubt don't argue. Just
try Jlobertlne. . Your druggist will
give you a free sample. , All drug
gists keep Robertlne.
ordon Flowers Iu December.
"Weclome pretty primrose flower"
Is a song which can be sung in few
plaoes other than The Dalles on the
20th of December, but it is not in
appropriate here, as this morulu Mr.
S. L. Brooks picked several of the
pretty little blossoms from a bed in his
flower garden. In many gardens
roses aro also found on the bushes.
Christina Candle Causes Death.
special dlHtiatcb to the Tekuram
says Mis. hnean Kelley. sued 00. was
burtied to death and her husband
barely escaped with his life in a fire
yesterday which destroyed their
lmrtineuts in W. tSOthSt., N. 1. city,
nd iirive other tenants of the build
inn to tho roof, from whloh they were
arried to the si reel tiy llienien.
It is cclloteed tint Mrs. Kellev's
liesH caiikjlit fire from a Christmas
ctindle. She ran through the (lames
to the l.eil where her husband lay
sleeping. Kvery room she passed
through caught Are. Her charred
body was tound among the debiis in
her apartments.
LnH Was Onty $tifH).
A. C. Staton, manager of the Farm
er's lrngatiou ditch, states tbat the
damnge to the bridges which was re
cently washed away, was not as great
as currently reported. He states that
WKl will cover it and that the ditch
company baa not suffered the heavy
loss reported.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to express my sincere thanks
to the people who so kindly assisted
during the illness aud death of my
deal husband. Airs. Lee OdelL
Kinr of All Cough Medicines.
Mr. K. (t.Case, a mail carrier of Canton
Center, Conn., who has beeh In the U.
S. Service for about sixteen vears. savs:
We have tried many cotnih medicines
for croup, but Chamberlain's Coutrh
Remedy is king of all and one to be re
lied upon every time. We also find it
the beet remedy for coughs aud colds,
giving certain results and leaving no
bad alter effects. ror sale bv Keir&
(irai d liall New Year's Eve.
A grand ball will be given bv Prof.
Wal Wilson on New Year's eve iu Odd
f ellows' ball. The affair will be un
der the auspioes ot tbe llood Kiver
Dancing club and will be by iuvita
tiou only. Musio for the affair will
be lurniahed by tbe Hood Kiver or
chestra of seveu pieces aud tickets of
admission have been placed at 1.
Dancing will be continued until after
1'2 o'clock so tbat all who attend can
dance the old year out and tbe new
oue in . Tickets can be secured from
13. F. llutohinson.
worth doing Is worth dolus well. If
you wish to be cured of rheumatism
use Mallard's Snow Liniment aud you
will be "well cured,. "A positive cure
for sprains, neuralgia, bruises con
tracted muscles and all the ills that
tlestit is heir t . A. U. M. Williams,
Navasota, Texas, writes.
1 have used Snow Liniment for
sprained aukle and it gave the best of
satisfaction. I always keep it in the
house." Sold by Chas. N. Clarke.
Snecial Notice
Ow ing to lack of space, on account of
our large and increasing business, we
have rented the building, next to Cul
bertson's real estate oflice and are fitting
up the entire building into a First-c.lass
Piano store, w hich will be a credit to
Hood Kiver.
We have two car loads of beautiful in
strutnents due to arrive from the east
ern factories this week. This shipment
includes Hie great Apollo Concerturand
ilike the Old Fellows have), Bab
Grands, Interior Piano Players and i
complete line of the very best Upright
Pianos in the latest styles. Secondhand
pianos and organs taken in exchange
and several on hand for sale. . Lowest
prices to all. No agents or commission
men to make your piano cost you f50.00
more than if purchased direct from the
dealer. Pianos tuned and repaired.
Soule Bros. Piano Co.
SILAS H. SOULE, Manager.
Phone Main 142,'t, Hood River. Ore,
Department of the Interior, Land Offloe at
The Ilalles, Oregon, December 22, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that
of H. Hid Hlver, Oretron, haa died notice of
her Intention to mnke ttual rive-year proof In
support of Ills claim, vlr.: Homestead Kutry
M,. un-a,w. io e,.m. .....
or Mention i ana N'rnw or
tion is. townsiiln I north, ranee lb east. w.
m., ami mat said proof win ie innae Derore
the Itecister and Keceiverut The Dalles, Ore
gon, on fcoruary x, IS n.
She naiiDM us witnesses toprove her contlnu
ous residence upon and cultivation of the
land, vlr.: L. M. Wilson, U. V. Odell and II. II.
Kemp, all nt llood Kiver, Oregon, and IS. H,
Merrill, of The Da. lea, Oregon.
d-'T-.CIl Keglster.
Department of the Interior. Land Office at
The Dalles, Oregon, December 22, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that
of Mount Hood, Oregon, has filed notice
of his Intention to make fti.l five-year
proof in suiiport of his claim, vis : Home
stead K.nlry No. XM9, made Dec. IS, 1900, for the
NK'.SW1. and Lot 6, of section A, township 1
south, range H)east,W.M.,and that said proof
will be made bclore the Keglster and Kecelver
at The Dalles, Oregon, nn Jsnuary 31, 1907.
He nanus the fo lowing witnesses to prove
his continuous resident- upon, and cultiva
tion of, the land, vis: W. II. Hodenheiser,
Kola-rt McKamey, H. H. Tom Union and W.
S. 'jnbl.le, all of ML Hood, Oregon.
dJ-JJl Register.
For Hale A 40-acre fruit farm two miles
north of Camna, Wash. Improvements a
chicken house, hog house, a No. 1 well and
pump, seven acres of prune orchard, all In
bearing, fruit sold for m. Will give sll In
formiilii n to anyone writing, or come and see
it. w in sen ror n.unu. kmi or more cash, bal
ance on time, lleason ror selling- Father
gi t hurt In railroad wreck and w s me to
take charge of his raueh In Nebraska. A. 0.
wo, I'atnas, wash. . aiwu
For Hale 8 horses, fresh milch cow, 3 heavy
young ciiine. good mountain Hack, I linind
new uugin. I cream separator. Mra. John
Lf'iii, It. r . u. No. 1. Jl7
wood for the cul ting. P. D. 1
lne saplings for
lenricna. JI7
For Bale One-half dozen fancy Brown I eg
lioru iM'kerels. Birds from price taking pens,
Heal luying trains, J. L. Carter, Hbone, 1397
not teen nwd much, cheap,
oer. Robt. J. Wilinolt.
l P'
ulre at Ola-
For Kale 100 acres uulmproved land. Level
and all tillable. Uood orchard and straw
berry land. Two miles from Dee, Ore. Price
tot) pu acre If taken soon. Will divide. In
quiiu or sddresa Allen Macruiu, Dee, Oregon.
Wood Cutters Wanted-l.S0 a cord for oak
and pine. If, L. Klemer, R. F. I). No. 1, Hood
River. Ore. dliija
For Hale Dec. 21, 22, 24, cut flowers and lot
ted plant, suitable lor Christmas decorations
ana tne holidays, can oe seen In tbe window
of 8. K. Bart mess. C, Knudson, Florist.
For Hale Milk on Paradise Farm J2.00 per
month. Cyrus Vaughn. d6-d'
For Hale Ferns, potted plants, and a lew
choice perenials. Also white Wyandotte
cockerels from f 1 to ft), J. D- Fletcher, Oak.
dale Greenhouse. dll
For Sale Beagle hound pupa. For ten days
they will go at S2.50 apiece. Dr, Broatus.
Phone, iSi. dl9
For Hale-UUnch pine wood by the load or
car. Also limb wood by tbe load. A. O. Her.
hey or F. O. Ulagg. dlSJlO
For Bute Cream separator.
Fred Chandler.
Uood as new
Wanted To trade a
acre suburban home for sulta
erty. Axel N. Rahm
highly Improved 10-
.oie town prop.
Wsnted-Oentlem&n or lady with eood ref
erence to travel by rail or with a rig ro- a
nrm or sao.wu capital, salary l.u per year
hiiu expenaca, saiury paid wecmy ana ex
penses advanced. Address, with stamp, Jos,
A. Alexander, Hood River, Ore,
OneTIhird Off
on all Cut Glass in our Store
Now is the time to complote your assortment of lliis
the prettiest of table ornaments. Bejnnniiio;
Monday, January 7th,
and continuing all week, until
Saturday Jan. 12, we will give
...One-third off on all Cut Glass...
All goods marked in Til.iin figures
You See the Price
ARTHUR CLARKE, the Jeweler.
Next door to P. O. Watch for next week's Snwi.n!
us nrrrvi : . .m
Want d -Several men to cut cordwood. J.
. 11 anna. dl9
Lost and Found
Lost A nocketboi In town or on road tn
Mt. Hood. Finder will please return to this
office or Sarah K.Fawoett, Mt, Hood. d27-17
Loat A registered Dackare addmuwd t
Mra.Nuby. F inder plfeaae leave at this oftloe
or notify T. Davenport, Jr,
Lost or Stolen Brown ananiel do. about
4 mouths old, small stripe of wbite on breast.
win give reward for Infor .nation or recovery
of same. R. W. Caldwell, Hood River. td7
Taken up Light red heifer, about IS months
old. Hwallow fork In right ear aud tinder bit
In left. Owner can have name by ravine:
uunnfc. tc.. vy mans. ao-OU
uon l Dt a MOZMT
Come Buy a Rcder
Sewing Rockers
Willow Jttockers
Read of Reeds and Bamboo Stuff
We have never seen any household that had too many
comfortable chairs. We have a fine assortment and
would be pleased to show them. See our display of
Reed and Bamboo Furniture
Strayed From my ranch one cow and five
iwo-year ota Deirera. uow rea with ., i,. on
one or com hips, the rest are branded R. M
on right hip. All bave a hog ring in the
ngni ear. raae tnem up ana notny me and
1 win pay you rot your trouble, w. H It...
denheiaer.MU Hood, Ore. diwd.7
UMt A pair of gold bow spectacles between
Mre. Canlleld'a and my home. 1' lease leave at
nraggi store. Mrs. jas uranam. dl9J10
Lost ldies' smsll watch. Own face, bine
enamelled back witb 10 chip diamonds. Was
chtel!n watch on silver pin with an Indian
head, l-ost on steps to heights. Finder plese
leave at Olacier offloe. Reward. n'AHh'u
For Rent
For Rent Housekeenln rooms at Raft r
lnmbia Avenue. Partly Ifurnlshed. M i
Ji. Taylor. d-jirg
Undertaker and Embalmer.
rsEa:ioivT stable"
..Livery, Feed and Dravins..
Hood River, Ore.
Horxes bought, Bold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture ana
We do everything horses can do.