The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 13, 1906, Image 2

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Men's Cravenettes, $I0.C0
Mimi'" "-nil iii imny elyl.-,
il.icMf iv n-te-l, MMijipy -l l
riiii- from
Men'i cravii'ett rain coat', 60 lnch
lone, thev emu in a dark wvicaMe
ij or
color, and are lined with a hpavi i"ul-
ity of nierifriz.'d ant:
lT: $10.00
$.r.50 tO $15.00
Ptiec 'v . . . . .
Men's Clothing
Mixed Chiviuts, $15.00
Meii'tt3-tiittim lmt li-i-lol i-lie-viot
auitu, iuare -ul, Joalile bieaateil,
lined with a heavy finality CIC flft
ofl.Wk ,ati., $IDMV
Worsted Suits, $8.50
Ml-ii'd 3 buH.-n fin-It cui'H in tlr' gray
effort, a very M-rviealile anl ktyli-h
p.,l,i,-. Ii.ih -.. hM.all in-'.tahlf phii !, lined
with lu-avy quality mercer- sat teen. 1'rires .
r; $8.50
cnrisirnas suwuuna
Men'i Combination Suependera and Garter to match. Are put up
in fancy holiday boxes. A gift that any man will appreciate.
Per Box, 75c.
Xmas Toy land
Display on Second Floor
Toy Department
Trains, Banks, Automobiles,
Horses and Wagons, Fire
Engines, Hook and Ladders,
Steam Engines, Rocking
Horses, Stoves, all kinds of
Animals, Toy Chairs, Ice
Cream Freezers, Air Ships,
Automatic Machinery and
Trains and other toys too
numerou8to mention
Small but Useful Presents
Fancy Work Boxes, Hand
kerchief Boxex, Photo Boxes,
Glove Boxes, Collar and
Cuff Boxes, Shaving hots,
Mnnicuring Sets, Photo
graph Albums, Fancy China
ware of all descriptions.
Large assortment of Photo
graph Albums.
Games for the Children
Table Croquet, Fish Pond,
Dollars and Cents. A. B. C,
Game of India, Cabin Boy, ,
Buster's Painting Box, The
Fortune Teller, Th Donkey
Game, Crokinole, Chossindia
American Jack Strans, Bus
ter Brown at the Circus,
Bicycle Knees and all kinds
of Building Blocks, Etc.
Mon'H Fancy Ties, in separate Imxes, any style and mont any color.
Prices range from
25c. to 60c.
Holiday Goods Display 2d Floor
Coming in a hurry too. Don't put off your
shopping until the last minute and suffer
the inconveniecce of the crowds. You can
take your time now and get just what pres
ents you need. Later on many of the nicest
things will be gone.
This store is chock full of Christmas goods
sensible and servicable, insensible and un
servicable. It takes all kind s of goods to
meet the demand of the gift-giving people.
Never was there a girl who did not love a
doll. We have lots of them. Come early
Tlhe Paris
Men's Overcoats, $4.75
Men' black Kersey clutli overcoat, -45
inches long, ha velvet Colar and is
lined throughout with a heavy C4 yC
quality sal teen. Price V4, 1
Men's Overcoats, $8.50
Men's black Kersey cloth overcoats, 50
inches lung, have velvet color, are
d mlile stitched and have bound feeuis,
lined with a haavy quality
mercerized satteen. Price.
hZ 1st' h Vrfjy
Christmas Suggestions m
Ladies Black Taffeta Silk Umbrellas, heavy weight, in fast colors,
the handles are pearl plated with silver or gold. The price is only
$4.00 and $5.00
tell line of writing paper for holiday gifts in fancy box trimmed
i Holly or other appropriete designs. Prices range from
15c to $1.00
A sw
Holiday Goods Display 2d Floor
Issued every Thursday tor
AKTHUB P. MOB. PafclUfcsg.
Sf.TrttTwipTlon--l4a a rw W
m sitsdm.
ei.ii i i pi
THURSDAY, DEC. 13, 1906.
A Riotous Party.
A tew of the friends of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. llaldrldge Invaded their
quiet borne hint Friday night with the
object of inflicting npon them a taate
of old time donation party, with the
usual feaxt of good things and a ploas
ant soeiiil time.
The programniB was sucessfally car
ried out, as all the old people and
sick ones stayed at home and there
were none present but young folks,
pulsing with health and happiness.
Remembering the pnplit statement
that "New York City put on extra
police when llarvatd students were
turned loose," we were assured that
Marshal Hanger was wlthiu call with
extra men as a precaution, because
the Unitarians were out. There were
no riotous proceedings, however,
though the duiigor line was on a con
stant strain and came neur breaking
when K. A. Franz performed his ear
flapping act, and E. U Hmitb related
his hazing experience, the hazing be
ing performed by the teaoher for mer
itorious conduc.
At a late hour the guests departed,
feeling richer in the real things of
life, and the minister and wife easier
in the thought that In receiving such
a valuable donation, the salary would
not bo decreased by its value.
Thos. J. Cunning.
Catholic Church Dedicated.
The new Cathollo church was dedi
cated last Haturdav with most Impres
sive and appropriate ceremonies by
the Very Kev. llishop O'Hoilly, of
Pendleton, assisted by the resident
pastor. Father Klein, and his aestut
..... If..- Wnmlil Mnknit fin Hnmluv
Ulllla . V . . . Hil. .uihu..i v- j
Bishop O'Keilly, who was introduced
by E. JL. Bmith, delivered a leotuie
at tbe opera house which be devoted
to a talk on the church and what he
hoped it would do fur Hood River aud
tbe surrounding country and said it
was the Intention to build a church
school here and said he hoped thut
the business men would contribute to
tlio cause. The bishop spoke well and
his remark were listened to witu at
Miss Hartley's Kecllals.
Two recitals were given far bor pu
pils by Miss Gladys Hint ley duriug
the oast week, both of which are said
by those who were in attendance to
have been Lmoat excellent. The llrst
was given last Saturday evening at
Miss Hartley's home to her younger
niinlls. twelve of which rendereu in
strumeutul eeloctious and at which
their parents and friends were prea
eut. On Monday evening the recital
was held In the U. li. church aud wuh
pttraupa given more by her pupilti
than Miss Hartley as they gave out
the invitatious, and their friends and
relatives responded to such au extent
that the ediPce was crowded to the
doors. In all thirteen pupils took
part in vocal and instrumental muniu
and the program consisted or music
that required both abUityand apitude
to execute. There were thirteeu num
bers as well as thirteen pupils and
that tho audience was much pleased
with their performance was indicated
by many haudlapplugs.
Offers Lower Kate of Insurance.
F.' A.- WatrouH, of Forest Orove
was in Hood River Wednesday in the
interext of a mutual Insurance rompa
ny which is meeting with much suc
cess in the state owing to the execs
sive rates of the old line companies,
-particularly since the Kan Frano'aco
tire. In many Instances the ratof
have been raised j per cent and poli
cv hodera are objecting very strongly
and have taken the remedy in their
own hands of tormina mutual compa
nies. The company with which Mr.
Watrous is identified has 3,000.01H
worth of insurance in force at Mo
Minville, aud other towns in the val
lev are takine it up. He is here ask
ing that his company be investigated
by tbe Hood River Commorctal club
and if they find it as represtuted to
c've it their endorsement, ibe mat
ter will be taaen up by the club and
if found satisfactorv will be endorsed
as it means a lower rate of insurance
combined with the safety of the old
Arretted on Serious Charge.
Last Friday A. W. Bishop was ar
retted on complaint of his sister ai:d
brought to this city where be was
given a hearing before Judge Hender
son who put him under $000 bonds to
keep tbe peace and appear before toe
oirouit court and answer to a charge
of assault with murderous intent, be
ing unable to ceouro bonds Bishop
was taken to the county jail at Tbe
ThlnkM We've (lot It.
"We've got it this time,' said A.
P. Moe, editor of the Hood River
lilacler, who is in the city today. He
referred to Cascade county, and said
tint tilt ( .dy Sm) imines were signed to
the petition, hi. ft llmtthoy were sure
f I,OW. JUr. ftii.e returned to ueod
River on the local this afl.ernon.
Christinas Weddings.
Santa CIhuh, t-ays the Chronicle, is
handing down his Christ inns presents
early, four couples tlndiiig man Inge
licenses In their stockings this morn
ing, i tie lucky parties are John
Obrlst and Hnrah Knima Craig, of
Dutch Flat; Demy M. Wool liar t and
Maiy E, Wooibart, of Hood River;
Walter E. Woodsido and fcjusan 10.
Walters, of Wapinila, Hnd Eluior E.
Smith an I Bessie Hbutei, of Dufur.
3 C
Wehavejustrecaiveda Fresh Supply of y
Nitrate of Soda,
Muriate of Potash
Hood River, Oregon
..,- o
' ' ! Sore Nipples.
An soon as the child is done nursing,
apply Chamberlain's Ralve. Wipe it
off witli a soft cloth before allowing the
child to nurie. Many trained mimes
use this with the best results. Price 25
cents per box. , For sale by Keir & Cas.
Car of Wood Wanted
Either pine, fir or mixed with oak.
In answering statu price on board car
and what U. II. & N. station. Can find
buyers for several cars. Address C. L.
Ireland, Moro, Oregon. n39tf
Steady Work.
Two girls wanted at the Hood River
laundry at onoe.
..Extraordinary Values in Head-Wear.. I
In order to make room for our Holiday line of Art
Goods, Richardson Wash Embroidery Silk
and Stamping Patters, Center Pieces, together
with many Novelties, just what you want for pres
ents, we shall sell hats regardless of cost. Watch
our ad for Holiday Goods.
KiiH'e 'U Stai' Lulge Fleets Ollloers.
At tho annual meeting of Hood Riv
er Chapter No. 25, O. E. H., held
Tuesday evening, the following cm
cers were elected: w. in., ans. u.
N. Clarke; W. P., O. I). Thompson;!
A. M., Mrs. Carrie Bailoy ; Coud.,
Mrs. 11. Ii. Dumblo; A. C, Miss Ada
Wright; Sao., Mrs. Theiesa M. Cast
uer; Trews., Mrs. Fanny Bailey.
Tuesday Evening Dancing Series
The first dance of the Tuesday even
ing danoiug series was given last
luesday evening in Odd Fellows hull
and those who were in attendance say
that no more enjoyablo dance was ever
held iu Hood River. Uoveuty-slx
dancers were preseut and every one of
them is said to have enjoyed thoin
seves to Hie full. Music for the dance
was ful'tilbhed lv the Hood Kiver or
chestra which acquitted itself most
creditably. Admission to these affairs
is by card only aud those who con
template attending the dance next
rtiowlny evening should see P. M.
llall-Lo.iK who is the committeeman
in charge of this matter. Those who
have curds ol admission should get
their tickets in advance and can do
so at Kier Sl Cuss drug store.
IMng Fertilizers Freely. .
S'raiiHliHii & Buglpy are doing a
largo busiuess in the fertilizer aud
Mirny trade. They are handling hi.
kinds of fertilizers and Bex aud Na
agiiru lime and sulphur sprays. It is
said that fruit growers are beginning
to use fertilizers very freely iu the
Krowing of fruit, particularly potash
nhich is considered most exseutiul in
giving npples both color and size and
that thin time of the year is the best
in which to apply it as tho rains drive
it into tbe soil.
Taken to I nlmi for llurlal.
llt-nnio Vuhs, aged a lilte over 19
years died at his home here Sunday,
December I), of tuben-lnsis. Ui
dome was orig'nally at Union, Ore.,
and the body was shipped there Mon
day n in lit by Undertaker Nichols on
train 0. Young Vuhs is survived by
his bi other and father.
Couohi, V i'. 1
h , ,. , ' Coldt. Croup, I.,''' i I
Whooping r " I
.4: Couoh. tie. JF 1
J N ationalPoro V 1
An eonrh syrups eonUinlnf oolatot eontl-
5 at. the bowels. Btw't Laiativ. Booty nl
u mare tn oowela and cunUiu aoopuU.
Sold by KEIR &. CASS, Druggist
Our own manufacture. Pure and
fresh in any quantity and at
prices as low as a first class article
can be sold ::::::::
in the city for the holiday trade.
Nuts of all Kinds, Oranges
and other Fruits : : : : :
T. L. THOMAS, Proprietor
In the Circuit Court of Hie Htuteof Oregon,
for the county of Wasi-o.
Kilr.a (Iruoe Watvrheusa, I'lulntlll',
Kred A. Wnlerhoime, Pcfunilaiit,
To Krnil A. Wttlerhouse, above nunieit ilefciid
ant: In the nnnie of I lie alale of Oivuon .you ur
hi-ri'hy rtMinlreil to Bpiwar and hiihwit on it
hefore the JXth ilv of Jaiiiiary.MHOT, the coni
pluint fllt-d BxnliiNt you In the sliove enlllU-d
i-oiirtnnit (iiho. mid you are hereby noli lied
that If you fall no Uiuppeur or aiiHwer herein,
the plalntitr will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for In the complaint, which In,
lhat the marriage heretofore entered Into be
tween the plaluilll'and yourself on September, r.nH, in Muunoman eoumy, euiie 01 urc
lion, be forever diKHolved ud act aside, and
for auch other relief as to the court inuy neeui
JuhI and eiullable.
This anininons la served upon you by publi
cation, or tn lieu of publication, by personal
servh-e out ol the state iiOrenon, by order of
the Honorable W. U Bradahaw. juttae of tho
alMive entitled court, whli-n order la dated thu
.St'th day of November, m.
The date of the ftrat ublleatlon of lhl sum
mons Is the mih duv of December. ltKH'.
iii:;j.M Krank Hcbleel, Attorney for l'latntlll.
Iu the Circuit court of the State of Oregon tor
the county of Wasco
Walter I'ike, I'lalntlff,
Julia PlkV, Defandanl,
To Julia Pike, above named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon ! You
are hereby required U apjiear and answer the
complaint filed aitainat you In the above en
titled eonrt and cause ou or before ;.Ianuary
3. W7, which laalx weeks alter December W,
19m, the dale ordered for the Hrat publication
of this notice, and Ifyou fall to so appear and
answer, the plalntitr will apply for the relief
prayed for In hla complaint, to-wlt: for a de
cree dlasolvln thebonda of matrlmouy now
existing at tills lime between above named
plaintiff and defendant, and for such other
and further relief as to the court seems meet
and Just.
This summons la published by order of the
Hon. W. L. tlradahaw Judge of the atvove
named court, made aud entered on the tith
day of December, MXi. K. J. Hukowskv.
dltytt Attorney for i'lalutllf.
Special Notice
Owii gto lack of space, on account of
oiirlarirc and iut-reasinif bucinnsK, we
have rented the building, next to Cul
hertson's real estate ollice and are fitting
up the entire building into a rirst-eiass
I'iano atore. which will lie a credit to
Ilnod Hiver.
We have two car loads of beautiful in
striimentfl due to arrive from the eaHt-
em factoricH this week. This ehipnicnt
includes IIih great Apollo C oncert lirand
(like the Odd fellows have), aD
tiratiiis, Interior Fiano I'layeis and a
complete line of the very bent TTpright
I'iunoa in l lie latest styles Secondhand
pianos and organs taken in exchange
Biid Hcveral on liand for sale. Lowest
prices to alt. No atroi'ts or com mission
men to make your piano cost you $50. 00
more than if purchased direct from the
dealer. Pianos tnneil and repaired.
Soule Bros. Piano Co.
Phone Main 1423, Hood Kiver, Ore.
To Mr. and Mrs. En il Pahlitzaoh,
on Monday, December 10th, at Me
nominee, a sou, Carl.
For Sale TO acres 8'$ miles from pood Klv.
er; ;v acres vouug orchard, small bouse; on
river road. S4 .sno. Half cash, balance 8 per
cent, See Tucker, Hood Kiver or address J. H.
Krary, 95: Williams ave., Portland, ore. dis)
For S ite-1.0 acres uu'iti proved land. Level
and all tillable. Uood orchard and straw
berry land. Two miles from lsse, Ore. l'rle
tiki tier acre If taken soon. Will divide. In
quire or address Allen Macrum, Dee, OrcOD.
! Clarke, the Jewejcr
I'W 1
f 1 j
The Cliticitmns season, with all Ms good
time of gift-giving, is nearly here. The
old problem, "what to give," faces you
again, and as a practical help in choosing
we present a few of the choicest things
from our Christmas stock.
Diamonds We have a nice assortment
of diamond rings ranging from $20,000
to $150.00.
Watches A 20-year gold filled case
with a 15 jewel American movement for
; from $10.00 to $17.00.
Fobs, Lockets, Crosses
Neck Chains, Gold
Beads, Kings, Back
Combs, Brooches
Cuff Links, Stick Pins
Clocks, Thimbles,
Bracelets- All Prices
cut Glass Sole agents
for the famous Lib by
American and Crescent
Cut Glass. Come anil
see this magnificent assort-i
ment, by far the largest a: nl most beautiful line ever displayed in
Hood Kiver. The price is right. All goods marked in plain fig
ures. You see the price. Come and see the swell line. No old stock.
CLARKE, Jeweler and Optician
Next Door to Post Office 1
f ..4
rt "'IHW PI- ,,w,'IM8autV, fl
- J"31via( . El
j inn r iir ' , , i nJfh r
For Saie A hlh grade hack with role. Has
not been uaed much. Cheap. Inquire at Ula-
eier. uooi. J. wiimou. amja
For Bale-Pec. 81, 82, 24, cnt flowers and pot
ted plant, suitable for Christmas decorations
and the holidays. Can be seen in tbe window
of 8. E. BartUMNUk . - C, Knudson, florist.
dl-20 , -
Wood Cutters Wanted-ll SO a cord for oak
and pine. F. L. Klemer, R. F. V. No. 1, Hood
River, Ore. dlJS
For Hale Cream separator. Good as new,
Kred Chandler. n'J-da)
For Sale Cahbase Id the field. TSc per hun
dred. Elbert Vaugbn, faradlse farm. Drills
For Sale One-half down fancy Brown Lea;
liorn cockerels. Birds from prize taking pens.
Heat laying strains. J. L. Carter, 1'hone, 1JH7
For Sale-One Hunt one-horse hack, also
top buggy In good order. Both will be sold
very cheap. Will take fire wood or potato
In payment. Call at Rockfbrd Store near Bar.
reti school bouse. . drt.d2T
For Sale Five acre poultry Place cheer, dmp
Salem. Box US Tomer. Oregon. nii-dlK
Lost and Found
Lost or Stolen Brown spaniel dog, about
4 months old, small stripe of while on breast.
W III give reward for Infor .ration or recovery
of same. B. W. Caldwell, Hood River. d6d;7
Tak en up-Light red helft r, about 15 months
old. .swallow fork In right ear and under bit
In left, owner can have same by tuivlnir
Charge W. R. Wlnans. 6i"&J7
Strayed From my ranch one cow and five
two-year old helfera. Cow Is red with l I. on
one or both hlpa, the rent are branded r' M
onhriht hJn; A" hftve h"g ring In 'the
S " in "P oa noiiiy ni'- and
1 will pay you foi your trouble. W. H Ro
denheiser. ML Hood, ore. dfCd"
Iost Ladles' smsll watch. Open face blue
enamelled back with 10 chip diamonds. ' Was
chatelain watch on silver pin with an Indian
head. Lost on steps to heights. Finder oiese
leave at t) lacier ofW Reward. n-5ao
W anted-To trsde a highly Improved 10.
sere suburbau home for suitable town prop
erty. Axel M. Rahm. d6,d-7
Wanted-Two men to help do clearing 214
mllea out on Eut Hide, near Oak Dale W V
For Sale-Figs-H. B. Larawsy, (km pine
Pepm-tment of the Interior, Land office at
The Dallea, Oregon, November 14, HHNi.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Hood River, tlregon, has filed notice of
her intention to make final tive-year proof In
support of her cinim, viz: Homestead K.ntry
No. !, made August 7. Iiil lor Hie NKl-4 of
section i, townahlp t norin, raiv;c out, W.
M., and that said proof will be ma!e before
the Keglsterand Receiver at The Dulles, Ore
gon.on December 17, lHti.
She names as wimesbes toprove her continu
ous residen-e upon nud cultivation of the
land vl.: Ralph Jarvls. Thomas Calbralth,
Harry Hackett, Krank Kosberg, K. Caldwell,
all of Hood River, Oregon.
n'22-dl3 Iteglater.
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Reisdenc! nest to ISecond Hand Store
For Hale Milk on Paradise Farm f2 00 per
month. Cyrus Vaughn. d-d27