Is- 41 4 mtt VOL. XVIII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, DECEMBER 13, 1906. 1r SOCIETIES. HOOU KIVEK COYIMERCIALCLUB-Meeta every second Monday lo each month at p. m.. In tlx elub ranis over Jackson's Mora. . r. w H.K.lMvtDsoa-.I'ree. a. u. mvK, necreisry. HOOD R1VKK LOlHiK NO. 106, A. F. and A. as. Meet Haturday evening on or before rarn lull moon. A. B. BLOWERS, w. M. D. kt ebon alu, Hecretary. UUOD KlvfcR Ch AFTER NO. t7. R. A. M. MeeU drat and third Friday nights of each jmonin, v. MCDONALD, li. V, A. D. Mob, Secretary. HOOD HIVEK CHAPTER NO. , O. E. 8 -Meets second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. MRS. T. J. KINHAIHD, W. M M as. Tb bbbsa C auth Secretary. IDLEW1LDELO GE NO. 107, I. O. O. F. Meeta In Fra rual bsll, every Thursday uigut. 11. u. uoe, n. u. J. K. Rbksk cretary EDEN ENC AMPMENT. NO. 48. 1. O. O. F. Kegnlar meeting second and fourth Mondays oi eacn monin. n. j. uook, u. tr. U I. i-buth, Scribe. I V UKL REBEKAM DEGREE LODGE NO. i. '.. O. O. F.-Meets flrat and third Fridays u eacn montn. Mrs. E. W. Udeix, N. Q. Mrs. Doha Thomson, Secretary. WAUCOMA LODGE NO. 30. K. OF P- . Meets In K. of P. ball every Tuesday night. Thus. r. Johnson, C. C. V. C. Bhock, K. of R. and 8. U(K)D RIVER CAMP, NO. 1,702, M. W. A. MeeU in K. of P. hall every Wednesday DlKDl. a. B. MAYES, C. U. Dakin, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 524, WOMEN OK Woodurafl-Meela at K. of P. balnon tbs first and Third Fridays of each month. Lou McKeynolm, G. N, F. W. McRkynolim, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODGE NO. 68 A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month. F. H. Ulauu, M. W. K. R. Bkadi.Vy, Financier Chkhteb su ute. Recorder. OLETA ASSEMBLY NO. 10. UNITED ART lkans. MeeU tbe first and third Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' ball. G. W. Thompson, M. A. C. 1). Hen rich. Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS of America, Meets second and fourth Mon days in each mouth In K. of P ball. Seneca F. Foutb, C. R. it. v. BBoeius, tr. u. CAN BY POST, NO. 16,0. A. R.-MEETd AT A. O. U. W. hall, seoond and fourth Satur days or eacn montn at 2 o ciocz. p. m. ah CI. A. K. members invited to meet with us. S. A. Skinneb, Commander. Thomas Uohs, Adjutant. CAN BY W. R.C., No. 16-MEETS SECOND ana lourtn Raturuay s oi eacn Moniu in A. o. u. w. nail at x p. in. Ellen Blount, President. Gertrude B. I.noLkh, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP NO.S4D9. R.N.A Meets at the K. of P. Hail ob the seoond and fourth Fridays ol eaeb month. Mkh. Carrie Bbobius, O. Mbs. Ella Dakin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. SURGEON O. R. A N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered in town or country, xtty or nigm. Telephones.- Kesldenoe, 611: Office, 613. Otrtoe in the Broslus Building. E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon - Office and Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 1433. Res. phone 76X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office In Jackson Block. Offloe phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 5U3. Dr. M. II. Sharp Dr. Edna B. shabp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office and Residence Huxley Cottage, River street. Phone 25 Hood.Rivkb. p C. BR0SIU8, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to and to 7 P.M. H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Cbown Bridge Work a Specialtv. Office over First National Bank Telephone Main 311 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Office 283; residence 1046 Office over Butler Bank, Hoon River, Ore. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SURGEON Is prepared to do any work in the veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke a drug store. A. A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOO RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Courts. Offloe wlrh Geo. D. Cttlbertaoo 4 Co. Col lections, Abstracla, Hettlement f Ktates. HOOD EIVKK. OKK N. SENECA F. FOUTS Attorney at Law Broslus Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HQOP RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY'-at-law, abstracter, no tary Pl'RIiICand REAL ESTATE AOKNT. For a years a resident of O -egon and Wash ington. Hhs had many years exporlenee In Real Estate matter, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Malisfaotion guaranteed or ! no charge BARGAINS IN Fruit Lands All of these tire good buys. Look them over carefully then come and see us. This is a good time to buy. Don't Wait. Act now. No. 256. Six acre, only one half mil from Hood, River, all in clover, in cheaof water stock. Avery desira ble location for a nice borne near town, and the price it only $3,000 No. 261. Seven and one half acres 2 miles from town on the Belmont rosd, 40 bearing apple trees, 350 apple trees i wo years old, a quarter of an acre of blackberries, small house and barn, well and spring water. Price 2,700. No. 257. Ten acres, two miles from town on the Mount Hood road. Seven acres cleared but not plowed, all un der the Bone ditch, lays fine for irri gation, the very best of orchard land, north slope. One half mile from Odell station on the Mt. Hood R. R. Co'sline. Price $2,600. No. 254. Fifteen acres 1 miles south of town, six acres in strawberries 3 years old, 1 acres in strawberries one year old, 5 acies in 6pitzenbergs and Newtowns 1 year old, balance in general farming. Eleven inches of ter stock. Price $5,000. This snap, look it up. wa isa No. 245. 80 acres uncleared. 40 acres good apple land, balance in timber and good for pasture. Price only f.i.noo . 228. 20 acres unimproved, 6 miles i oiu town on East side. All first i t h- apple land. Beautiful site for l 'me and right among some of the lavct orchards. Price $2,100 No. 249. 10 acres 21 miles out. 5 acres in two year old Spitzenbergs and Newtowns with strawberries between trees, 6 acres clover and vegetables, new house and barn, 6 inches water stock. Here is a money maker. Price (4.600. No. 178. 121 icres, 3 miles out on East Side, joins the largest orchard in the valley, 6 ui e in trees two years old, good house hii 1 barn, 6 acres slashed, all first class apple land. This is a snap considering the character of the land, improvements and nearness to town. Only $4,000 No. 170. 6 acres 2 miles out. 4 acres strawberries, second year plants, 600 Kpitif nberg and Newtown trees one year old, small house and barn, 4 inches water stock. Price $2,500 No 224. 18 acres 5 miles out. 11 acres in alfalfa, 660 thrte year old Spitien berg trees, 400 bearing trees, good varieties, I room house, good barn and apple house. Here is a property that will pay for itself in three years. Price $5,250 No. 235, Here is a chance to double your money in two rears. Don't over look this, 203 acres in upper valley, 12) miles from town, 55 acres in cultiva tion. I acres in bearing orchard, 4 acres in straw berries, 40 acres in hay, produced 90 tons this year, 140 acres uncleared land suitable for apples, good slope and best soil. The timber on uncleared land will pay a good share of clearing costs, etc. 2 I a rye springs, pleuty of water for irriga tion, 3 large barns, two modern houses, chicken, house, cold storage house and all improvements found on firi-t cla s farms. Everything In go d rt pair. Will pay better than 15 per cent on investment right from the start Think of it and then read this over agaiu. Price $16,000. Remember you are doing business with a reliable firm when you deal with us. Nothing misrepresented everybody gets a Square Deal. J.n.nEILBR0NO&C0 HOOD WYES Ik MCTUffl); 0S0N K-LBarra, CO. Blakcbab rrea. vice-rraa. Cashier. V. c. Bbock, Asst. Cashier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON, Capital 50,000 Marplus, $12,000. MABLE E. PAULSEN STENOGRAPHER Office: Room 15, Brosiua Building, HOOD RIVER, ORE. P. 11. HALL-LEWIS & GO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors -J',?!.tarZy' pUln "b estimates for sew. IV,'1 ,Dd. P"w' d railway plants, and .u,u..o,.uojeciio approval, plans, speclnna- " -- iw ail ciaanos Ot Buildings publle, private and mercantile. Special at. Motion riven to economic and tnmn...i- construe itlon. Accuracy and economy mar - an teed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAYENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder turn An BatniATM Ptiistm. FREDERICK A ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estfatatos tarnished oa all kinds ef work SIBIONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Decorative Painting and Paper Hanging Plans furnished. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect . Having had several years' experience In drafting and building. I would respectfully solicit a part of the patronage or the people ol Hood Ktver who anticipate building. Terms rawuaiw. a ju sauHiaciion guaranteed, or floe at residence on Heights. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 709 Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. 1 mn UT ASSOCIATION in., in i FJS.BTABLBT, rzrmrr. u.rnnt N- im rr the purchase of t""K' "J ti mui, iobb 1,-uet limn any otner institution. C. P. ROSS, Special Agent, Hood River, Oregon OVER TMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choloe apple lands and tlmqer claims; also relinquishment and land to scri pt. Call on or add ress. Wm. f. rand, Res. Phone 876. Hood River. Ore. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United HtateS and are in good dorI. tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Motoal Life Insurance C. Aripnt Fie Ineneaae. T- wiiviii rhv iuuihii VVo JAS.McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and mar Die work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and quick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce. Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. rnee Delivery. Phone Main 35. BE is s war datr to auks roaruir sttrsetlve as saaalhU. If .. .... DCAIJIIMII -r. "how. wrlskM, anslgtatly bWtWi. Issra sow skla hr asrailsas. ausrsstrsd mth.i. i will yoa. a frn aasiiiblst. la a elite eanlsee, "" " ssrtlrslsrs. If roe K S . wtt-!Tl rr eslsMlsbed. tAAAia kTmoM (or U,ri,,r Bids., Wsaklastaa at.. PtirtlssS Or.,J. ' Issd. Orygoa. Oder, Champagne Cider, Genuine Champane, Vinegar, Wines from grapes and email fruits Aleo'.ol from cereals, vegetahlen, plants, fruits nd wood and valuable rei-ines. Ft-nd tl for book giving practical information bow to make them. LKO ZABEL, P. O. B.) 604, PoHland.Or S T1! I II 1 . I . . . 3, ney diseases. Medicine lor thirty daya 1.00. Guaranteed. Sold by Keir 4 cess, uruggi " CITATION In the county court or the state of Oregon lor Wasco county. In the matter of tb estate of Henry stef- hhhui, un inn 4. To Stefan os Johansen. Htefamia Hir.n.n Samuel SteOanson Johauna Sofia Wlrtenan I'ndeilaalr Cole, furnn laan, Finland, and ii utuer persons, auuwn auu unanowu lll terested In said estate: Greeting. In the name of the stale Oregon, you are hereby cited sud required to appear In the the county court of tb stale oi oinron for county oi waaco, at in liwvniber term of nm wun. h m, wnn iuto tnereor, at The Dalles city, lo said county, on Monday, the mil amy ui Mecemoer. imn, ui two o ctock In the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause why an order should notbegranu vu mjjuud naaei, aaminmirauir, to sell said real estate hereinafter described : the south iiuarier oi me soutnwesi quarter of the south. ,ur ui muui miiwo IQ township ,wo north of Range Ten, east of the Wlf I lamette MerldlHU. we quarter oi necuou nixuwn In Townslili 1 Witness, the Hon, A. E. Lalt ln.U. l..u Couuty Court with the seal ofaaiii i ....n .m. w iuh vmu uar ui ucwuvf. DM, Attest: S. Bolton. Clerk. The dale of the It rst aubliration or ihi u. mm is novemuer i, iiw. nl.dU NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Offioe,The Dalles. Omon. Notice Is herebv sieo that in nnnniiBn with the provisions ot the act of Congrww of Junes, ltfis, enlltied "An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe stales of Califoruis. Ore gon, Nevada and WashinifU n Territory " as eileuded to all the publle land slates by act JOHN M. CULBKKTSON of Hood River, county of Wssnn. aiui nr n (on, has this day (lied In this office bis sworn statement No. SMI. tor the mir,imA n,u urn, W"fajiu n r r.'i oi section No. 20, in Township No. 1 north, range No. 11 east, W. UT M.. and will offer orool lo Ihnw ih-i tiTT'i.r.rf' sought la more valuable for Us timber or stone than for ag:rloultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the nqimwr auu neoeiver at i ne iiriimi. iirMMin nn lha ttk 1 1 xi - He names as witnesses: Will Davis. J. w Davis. M. A. Searoh and U. Ik iniln.n .n I of Hood River riravnn . ' Any and all Demons clalmlnir the above described landaare requested to Hie 16th day of January, 1U07. .Tr.c'","i".,u ..L" on or belore said nlJlO MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Estelle Van Denial, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel Van Denial, Defendant To Samuel Van Denial, Defendant. hereby commanded to annear In iii in ine name or ins aiataor iirpffn vnn entitled oourl on or before Monday, the Zii day of December, 1D0K, and answer the com plaint riled against you In said court and cause, and for want of such answer the plain- m-iTO.'ti.l0'.!118, re"f ae- dissolving the bonds ol 1 maTrlmon plaintiff and defendant, and nir such other tZ:?.:!- , Hon. W. L. Bradnhaw. inriu. ,,r 11 .iU entitled court, made and entered on the 7th usjr oi novemoer. ihm. MtAnfUnil n.l.llMilr.M V. o nlMM J. h. I!Pton i mm.. h,,i ITnliul U. n r .... .1 .n mL.n ... U .,:.C.7;, . """"W!'u"ei oregon, affitt .'.? dortek0rZck.t?bat t'Z Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale .if states or California, Ore. kuu, nevaaa auu wasnillfflon Territory " iu. extended to all publle land states by act of nuuni,im, " - , FLORENCE H. BAKER,' of Hood River, county of Waoo, state of Ore- tn, has this day fllei ed In this offloe her sworn onwc, oi section no. zi, in township No. 1 north, range No. 9 east. W. M., and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for IU timber or stone thun uri cuuuisi purpoHes, anu toesiaoiish her claim u, saiu laua berore the Keglster and Receiver i. i ne 1'Hiies, uregon, on tue ith day or Jan uary, 1DU7. Hhe names m wltnenses: Arthur D. Moe, William K. Hand, lewls K Morse and &eueca V. Fouts, all of Hood Klver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file iiitur claims in mi nm oe on or before said aviu uny oi January, isui. Dl-JlU M1CHAKL T. NOLAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Offle, The Dalles, Oregon. Msy 8lst. 1WM. ' ' Notice is hereby alven that In noinniinnne with the provisions of the act of Comiress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of umoer tanas in tne sta-es or ca trornia. Dra gon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended 'o all the uubllc laud states h ant ui august , ihvz, CHAHLKH H. BHOLE8, orrortland, county of Multnomah, slate of I Iru.II.I. riai, HI...1 . .. . 1 . I .. ..mi .. i aworn s'tatement No. W21 for the Durchase ,r t m8011",? S4.t.u,wn"hP norti, range .iie.ianu songnt is more vaiuahie ror Its tlm- "L -ber or stone than for agricultural niirmum AUK. 17. same auuuiesuioiisn nisciaiiii tosatd land before th. UwHmw anil Uuul... VU. 1 v.. 1 1 I iron, on the lKlh (lav of iHiiimrv inn I tie names as witiieNHes: riwi Frautschy, of $ZV$L an1 w K- sicklier, of Portland, Ore- Hood River,Oregon, KmllFrautschy.of Hood son. Any and an persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to Die their claims in this offloe on nr heiOre saiu istn nay or January, im. MRMAkl, T. NOLAN. n8-)17 JWlRipr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, November 14, MUK. Notice la hereby given that THOMAS W. I ALBREATH, of Hood Klver, Oregon, has filed nolloe of his Intention to make flLal five-vear proof In BUDoort of his claim, vie ll, ,.... stead Enlry No. USA, made May 24. lutlO. for the NEW of section 86. townsliin i uurm, range cant, w . m will be made belore the Register and kMoivm atThe Dalles, Oregon, on December!, IWh. He names the roitowiiiff wtinMtaAfl i. nm.. uis coniiuuous resiaeni upon, and cultiva tion, of the land.vlx : Harry A. Hackett, R. J. Jarvls. K. C. Hherrleb. all of Hood Hivar iir. gon, and J. J. Hecker, of Bigss. Oregon. .M MlUHAKl, T. NOLAN, P22-20 Register. Timber Land Act of June 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. un ted Mtstes lund orflce. Th iiiu, gon, Nov. s. 1HU6. Notli Is hereby given that "Jl'lY'L",!1 oroonsressof June 8. imH. entitled "An or tne sale or limber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Lnd HI.Im htr u.. . ......... A law, the followliig namea pinions nsve niea nents In this office towlt : their sworn state- GEORGE A. CLOUQH, or Arlington, county of Gilliam, suite or Ore gon, sworn statement No. 8121, filed August 27, UK, for the purchase of the Wij H(4, Ht,i4HV of section ii snd HKV.SEVof sec! i..n 'Nt tnwn.hl.. 1 ...n,k .. ... i k 111 mijrv am vast, w . m. UEKALDINE B. CLOUQH, of Arlington, county of Gilliam, state of Ore- !;nu, sworn siaiement no, 47i, nied October ft, 1906, for the purchase of the NEaNWX, NWNK or section HM, snd the WKWKli of section 21, township 1, south, ranae 10 east. W. M.,and will offer proof to show thst the lands sought are more valuable for the tim ber or stone thereon than ;lor agricultural purposes, and to establish their olaims to aaia lands oerore the Kegister and Receiver, at the Land Office In The Ialla.(ir.. on tun nary 81, MOT. They name the following witnesses: Charles A. Wells. Edmond C. Mllfe er, James B. Pbel ps and Joslan K Batson, of Hood Klver, Oregon : 1 1... a . 'l v. , . .. ' George A. Clougb, of Arlington, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely anyol tbe above-described lands are request ed to Die their claims In this offlce on or be- lore tne aaia sisi aay oi jsnnsry, 1W7. mil j ICHAEL T.NOLAN, H2S-JM Register, ' OLD BOARD ' IS RE-ELECTED HASSALO CLUB ELECT OFFICERS Held al the llnb Rooms Monday Even Ing lUsnlU In InanlmoBS Eletv lion of Presoot Board. Ihe aiijourned inuual meeting of m1 ouinierciai cluD was neld at tbe club room Mono: y evening, with a small tendance Presid.t.t DHTidKOo was In the chair, ai d stated ihn object of tbe meeting hi tbe cUition of seven trustees to o.rve for one year. Ibe minutes ot the last annua meeting were read and approved. Tbe treasurer's and seoretarv'a r. ports for tbe year were read. nonnnt. ed and placed on file A committee consisting of Brook. Watt and Heilbronuer was annnintmi to audit tbe reports and report. P. S. Davidaou moved that tlm preseut board ot trustees be nominal. ed and unanlmoualv elentarl. whii-h was carried with no opposition. . , ' l""" w" uisousi I savisability of putting xne matter was discussed as to the some of the oountry members on the board, but as tbe business of tbe trustees is to transact routine buisness matters, it was thought that tbe oountry mem bers would Bnd it inoonvenient to lattonH Ana ....... t .1 ,L I "7 ""P." 1 suai arise are brouitbt before a Dennral meeting of tbe club called for that purpose, to wtiiob a eeneral nnHon la given to all members, and thus in all Important matters, eaob member has a voice In tbe proceedings. lu matter or a banquet was dj I OUSsed, and all agreed that the SUO- Oess Ot the banauet a vear aim nar, ranted the club iu making it an an nual event, so it was decided to hum the seoond annual banmiet hh nmr tbe date of tbe first one as would be found oouvenient. and the arrange ments were left to tbe board. r. Javne stated that hennnHiiiAmi! tbe word "Hassalo" a detrimoiit tn tbe name of tbe club, inasmuch ns it was generally enoken of aa t.h Ilnnd River Commercial club, aud that the name Hossalo signified nothing as to the purposes ot tbe club. He thought tbe name could be changed without very much trouble end volunteered bis nd. It was voted 'nat Mr. Jayne be appointed a com imittee of one to make the desired cnange in a legal way. I President Davidson being called Ii.a, il thli limn rull 11..H,.. I 'J - " " xjui,ici was o toe ouair. mi. nan lavoreu tne seonring OI larser anartera. tr it nnni.i ha rinna I . 1 oy imaKing arrangements to oocupy I me spring. It would allow tbe turn lsbing of suitable quarters for so- oitl gatherings, as well as a plane to bold publio meetings, and would al low tbe development of tbe: social features of tbe organization. Treasurer's Report. Receipts. Balance on band Deo. 6. 1900. It M 1 1 1. f Ilntilinn f :n ' ui 53 55 5 00 29 50 57 40 70 20 128 JO 1309 31 Balanoe First Natnal bank, Feb. 11, Sears & Porter, April 9, Reo'd from Sec. .. V . V. . I ..... n 1 11 K VU.a July, 14, same Nov. d, same Deo 5, same Total, Disbursement i. Den, 8. janitor. f 5 00 5 (X) 3 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 3 01 2 50 9 00 Feb. 15, same March 26", electric light March 27, janitor, April 13, siime May 9. same May 18, electric light June 12, janitor, July 2. J. B. Hunt. July 3, F. A. Cram, July 14, secretary, July 14, Nullen & Lucky, 3 1 41 2 2 (Hi (K) 75 (35 50 50 July 14. 1'" hi. Jaokson, rent. July 24, jauitor, 1 00 2 20 2 50 2 00 3 30 2 50 2 00 57 40 4 00 Aug ' 22, eleo'rio light, IB, janitor, 8, electric light, 3, janitor, 3, same 10. J. M. Smeltzer. 006. LJCt, Nov Deo. Deo. 10, printing and stamps, Deo. 10, livery. Total $104 CO 205 36 Balance on hand, Total Respectfully submit' ed. tm 3i John Leland Henderson, Treas. Secretary's Report. Hood River. Deo. 10. 1916. To the trustees and members of the Hassalo Commercial club: The year just closed has been ono of niuoh good acot mplished by the olub. but more thrnnuh n unnmnl nun throush the triiateea. Hut fw nnl.lin . . . . . . t- meetings have beeu held to take up new matters, tbe most impotant beina the work now in progress ot canvas sing tbe city and valley in tbe inter est of tbe division of the oountv. This matter Is proKressina verv satis factorily, there having been about 800 signatures obtained lo date, with the prospect ot running tbe list up to 1,0UU. The benefits of work done in tho past, and especially last y ar. In a systematic advertising of Hood River valley, is being felt evciy day. There is scarcely a mail but v. ha' brinus in quiries about Hood River from all over tbe Unit' d States. To answer these inquiries takes oousiderable time, but in nearly every cat the geueral information sought can bn answered along general lines, and to this end use is made of tbe pamphlets issued by tbe olub. Tbe books that were issued last year, of wbicb 10.000 were printed, nave all been distnbut- ed, and a new issue was eotten out in tbe early fall. These were put up in convenient form for mailing in an or dinary envelope, the descriptive mat ter covreing our resources, and ad vantages, witn a lew cuts, ibeee are being used to good advantage. Many of tbe business places have tbem on hand to give to strangers who visit our city, and they are also placed witb tbe information bureaus at Port land. Tbe result of this work alone bene fits every member of tbe club in au indirect way, and amply'repays tbe i-oai ui maintenance oi Ibe club, commercial club have become a nec essity aud a permanent organization of every live city in these streDuouS times, anu tne largely Increased mam iiersnip of this body the past year snows cuouuenoe among our own peo ple of tbe good that cao bo aceomn. lished. It affords most convenient organization to act promptly in tak ing np publio matters of vita) inter est to tne community. In presenting t'owtiuiiB iu u.tviunai, or state legisla tive bodies, or to railroad or other powerful commercial corDoratlnna it gives suon petitions weight that can not easily be ignored. i . . . . .... . . . - - Tbe sooisl feature of this onranl. tion nave Deen neglected owlns tn narrow quarters. Insufficient fnrnUh ings or the club rooms, and a minor! ty among tne members who have more time lor social pastime than the average busneaa man. It Is to he hoped that this feature nan ha mn ruiiy developed. Tbe country members have resnonrl ed more willingly in keeping op their auea toan la generally tbe nana in most cities, as thev cava hmi. nnnnr. tunny to attend meetings or take part in the discussion of business I . a n .. V. . I . . 1 . . . . uiouKin ueiure tne citio. But nnr progressive farmers realize the oanar si heneuts of tbe organization and are wining to Help bear the expense. xne panquec Held last January was mi unq-jniiuea suooess. resnltlna in much good as social feature, and ot ueueut in tne exonange or Idaaa h the speakers of the evening. If this oanqnet were an annual affair, it wonid ao tuuen to promote vomt fat jowsblp and awaken renewed interest in tne ciun and Us objects. The dues collected bare been sufflo lent to pay IJ current expenses and leave a substantial balauce in the treasury, and tbure are but a few de linquent members on tbe books. It is to be hoped that every member will have bourne his share of tbe burden aud be in good standing by the end oi tne year. Respectively submitted, A D. Moe, Seo'y, Canby Post Elect Officers. Tbe following list of officers of Can by Post were elected Saturday, De cember 8, and will be installed witb tbe offloers elect of Canby W. R. C. at tbe first meeting In Jnuary: Commander, A. O. Buck. Senior Vice Commandar. H R Castner. Junior Vioe Commander, Rlohard Mills. Chaplain, W. II. Perry. Quartermaster, Geo. P. Crowell. OHioer of the Day, H. H. Bailey. Officer of tbe Guard. O. 1 Htrana. ban. Delegates to deparment enoamn. ment, U. R. Castner, L. H. Niohola. Alternates, R. T. Mills, C. J. Daken. fatrlotlo Instructor, M. P. Isen berg. By uiianlmotis choice A. a Blowers was Canby Post's candidate for de partment oommander. Railroad Men Bay YYenatchee Land wenatchae, . .Wash.. Deo. 10. An other large ot chard has been planned for tbe new Irrigated lands aoroes tbe Columbia river from Wenatohee, to contain 180 acres, all to be planted to trees next erring. The land has been acquired by Klmer Relobendeback. of CI AA. I A t . . Hume, hh irusstee, ana is purohaced to r new lor Alexander Stewart, dl vision enigneer of tbe Great North. em; Judge Uurke, for years Ureal Northern western legal representa tive, ana li. u. unman, coast attor ney for the road. The aoquisition of t nose ianas on tne east side of tbe Co lumbia river shows it is the intention of the Great Northern to make of this place a division point and a scene of railroad aotivity. The list of Great Northern offlolsls who have purchased and in this lonal. ity In the past few weeks warrants tbe beuer that tbe railroad oomoanr con templates a great future ror tbe We- tialctre valley. Amend Fruit Tariff to the East. James E. Hood, superintendent nf tbe Great Northern, has lamed tbe following oiroular in regard to fruit shipments and carloads of vegetables to oe snipped east : "lbe tariff on fruit and veaetablea irom Washington nolnts to eastern points will be amended to oover tbe transportation cf a man in obarge of one or more oanoans during the months of December, January. Febro ary and March. Last year there were heavy losses on shipments of anolea wnion arrived in norm Dakota dur ing tbe Urst cold weather and tbe above arrangement has been made for the purpose of obvlatinir such claims." Read Siwa.h Is Found. Jim Ctmrl'ts, an old and resDeoted Indian nf tbe Yakima tribe, was found dead a few days ago sitting tn bis btig;- uear a tree at tbe summit on tbe road between Uoldendale and Yakimu. Death is supposed to have resulted from beart failure. Jim Charles had been to The Dalles witb two cbidlren to be placed in sobool. lie bad driven all tbe way from Toppenlsh and was returning noiiio, ins norse was round tied to a tree by tbe roadside. Tbe body, wbicb was in tbe vehicle, was oold and rigid, indicating that be had been d.'ad a long time before discov ery. The remains were buried on the reservation. Bickelton News. fine ;aive cartxiiizea, acts like a poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively used fur Eczuma, for chapped hands and lips, cuts and burns. Sold by Keir & Cass, Druggists., Long Tennessee Fight. For twenty years W. L. Rawls, cf Bull", Ttmn., fought nasal catarrh, m writes :"The swelling and soreness in shle rny nose was fearful, till I began applying Buckltm's Arnica Halve to the sore surface; this caused tbe soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Rest Halve in existence. 28c at Cha. N. Clarke, Druggigt. Open the bowels and get the cold out of your system. Kennedy's Laxative, (containing) Honey and Tar opens the bo els and at the same time allays tbe inflammation of the mucous membranes. Drives out the cold and stops the cough. Absolutely free from any opiates. Con forms to tbe National Food and Drug Iaw. Pleasant to take. Hold by Wil liams Pharmacy. DOING MUCH F0R0REG0N POSTAGE BILL IS $50 A WEEK Oregon DeTflopneat Leagas Can-jUg 0i Aa Effective Kvertlslag Canpalga. Fifty dollars Mr week in nnatao gives some idea of tbe enormous joint correspondence of tbe Oregon Devel opment League and Portland Com meroial olub. Tbe present interest in Oreoon naaa et all precedents and tbe inquiry ex. ceeds by at least on band red per cent that of tbe Lewis and Clark ex position period. me above refers onlv to tb norma. pondenoe oonduoted by Tom Riobard son, and for several weeks past each and every ono of the aixty-two com mercial bodies throughout Oregon which compose the Oregon Develop ment League have been furnished with the uamea and addreaaea of en. quirers sufficient to keep a well equipped office busy in disseminating inrormatioo about tbe different tiona of tbe state. The enauiriea are ohleflr eonflnarl to four lanffusees. and whila thnaa na. ing English in their oorrespondenoo predominate, there aie many (Jer mans, Swedes and Poles writing lor information, and all will be supplied. The Oregon Development League haa been doing some very extensive advertising throughout tbe Dakotaa, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illi nois, Iowa. Kansas. Missouri. Mebraa. ka, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, In diana and Ohio. Naturally, tbe range of enauiriea eovera almost ever narc of tbe United States, but tbe oreat majority of them are oomina from what is known as the Middle Wast. thst region wbicb includes the Missis sippi valley and embraoee ell tbe ter ritory between tbe Rookies end tbe Allegheny mountains. livery subject la touobed noon in these communications, but those rel ative to dairying seem to bs In tbe majority, and fortunately for Western Oregon, especially, it teems to be geneiaUy understood that in tbia oar- tloular section tbe dairyman baa green pasture tne year around. uost ot living expenses ii asked in many letters, ollmatio oonditiona form tbe chief note of others. There are those who want to engage in bee Keeping, others wno wlsa to raise poultry. Angora goats, oattle aud sheep all receive their share of atten tion. Fruit growing ia of oourse, a subject of special promlnenoe in many letters, bat remarkable aa it may ap pear, while a majority of tbe letters come from wheat .growing disti lots. very tew, if any of tbe writers, ask regarding thia important oereaL ibe Oregon Development beasue. through Its oeatral office at Portland, has placed in the band' ot the aixty two organizations forming its mem bership, an opportunity t o get direct ly in touob with people already enough interested in Oregon to have written letters asking about "The Beaver State," and this opportunity should be improved by eacn and ev ery communication, for when a farm ery interest in any portion of tbe oountry is sufficient inducement for him to write a letter it shows be ia pretty muoh in earnest. He should not be allowed to forget Oregon and ita special advantages until be be comes a resident of tbls state. It is during tbe winter months that the farmers of tbe entire Mississippi valley, and especially the section rep resented In the statea mentioned above, do their greatest amount of reading, and they ought to bo given obanoe to learn all about thia state. Ibe foundation of an aotive campaign by any commercial body is first of all to determine (wbo shall be written to for best results. This question is an swered amply by tbe lists furnished by tbe Oregon Development league. Never was so splendid and economical an opportunity presented before for every community to advance its.inter- eats. North Bank Railroad Matters. Oil burning locomotives will be used exclusively on the new North Bank road, aoording to Information that comes from Taooma. The princi pal storage tanks will be located f.t Vancouver. Ibe first shipment of oil ill be made within 10 months, by which time tbe Northern Paoiflo ex pects tbe new road will be ready for operation. It Is stated that tbe com pany has placed orders for 15 passeu- ger and freight locomotives for nee on the North Bank road, all of which will be oil burners. Orders have aluo been placed for nearly 1,00C freight oars of all kinds and 150 passenger ooaohef- and sleeping oars. Can Loan Money on Seal Estates Washington. Deo. 12. The bousv. waiting on bills, began ita legislative grind by passing three measures among tbem the bill amending tbe natioual banking laws, permitting national banking associations to make loans on real estate as security aud limting tbe amount of such loans. ibe banking bill has been one of tbe west's favorite measures, and the leaders in tbe bouse from that sec tion lined up generally in favor of tbe legislation, wbicb, It was assert ed, would go far toward popularizing tbe national banks. Ibe opponents of the bill, Democrats and Republi can, insisted that real estate was not proper security for a loan eveu though a limit was placed ou tbe loan. Tbe advocates of tbe measure were too strong, however, and the bill was passed two to one. I'ne bankers in tne bouse urged tbe passage of tbe b'll, while tbe oppon ents of tbe measure contended that tbe system bad proved a failure wherever there bad been trials. "Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup, con taining Honey and Tar is especially ap propriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure L' 1 ....I 1..... T - 1 ...... 'J A Kim L1.. - rtMlAUU LflUlAIW.UUUVtl0W. A UI Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It ex pells Coughs and Cold by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by Keir & Cass, Druggists.. J