The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 06, 1906, Image 8

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i 1
Absolutely Fure
A wholeibraie cream of tartar
baking? powder. Makes the finest,
lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot
breads, cake and pastry.
Atom and alum-phosphate
powders are injurious. Do not
use them. Examine the label
Through th genaroaltjr of tba pa
trons of tba sooiotr wo ara able to au
Dooooo tbat tba following- prizes will
tffaiwd for trait exhibit at tba an
nual masting la Portland, January 8-9-10.
Ooaitfatltion open to all groweis In
Orafoc ad la apwilal oases, Washing
ton, fintranoa faa is paid by the to
eiaty for ail mam bars r non-membera
pay two dollars. Exhibits roust ba In
plaoa by 13 m.t January 8. Bequest
for spaea should ba filed with the seo
ratary'Or J. 11. Held, MUwaukie, not
laUrtUa January I.
OapftV Yellow , Newtown, Grime's
Golds, Bpitiwberg, Northern Spy,
Baldwin, Jonathan, wlnesap, Wagen
er, Lad, Hydas King, Arkansas
filaokv bef general display of wal
Duis catering all varieties of Fenian
Royal Ipsi Italian pronaa; first aua
aeoond for general display of stand
ard Tarlatles, apples; the nioat prom
taing new variety of apple; the beat
winter pear, any ariety. v,,
Awards. Rom Bsaaty, Ornren
stla, Ortley, King, Red Cheek, Ben
Dm la, Italian prune, Petite prone,
any varley winter pear.
SaawisA awards for walnuU are
offered by tba Oregon NoraeiyCu.
Not amfcibita as well as others must
be mads by the grower or growers.
And in this inatanoa as for the wal
opt cap the exhibit may be either
Vgaahlagtaror Oregon grown. These
awards oonalats of ten pounds of nuts,
named rariety, 1st ; and fire pounds,
, For aaoond best display of all va
siaitoar '
L First and seoond display of second
ganaration Franquetta.
Flrsr- and 'aaoond display of seoond
mention Mayette.
First and second display of named
varieties, seoond generation.
,', First and seoond for best pound of
any named variety.
Tela score governs this nnt exhibit.
Form; site, flavor, color of peliole,
thickness of shell, weight of meat to
First and seoond for collection of
Cbaberta, Parisienna, Pioeparturiea.
' First and seoond for collection of
soft shall other than French types.
Variety . Cups. Applea and peara
are for not lass than one box, com
mercial paofe , , . .
; Tba following soore will govern for
.applet and pears: Form 5, size 20,
qoality 10, free from blemishes 20,
uolformltjf 15, paek 10, color 20.
The sweepstakes caps will be given
for tba first and second best display
standard varieties, eommeroial pack ;
not lass than three varieties, not more
than five: and not to exoeed three
boxen of any one variety. ,
OfBoar's cup tor tbe best plate dis
play, commercial varieties; not leas
; tbaat three plates of each variety, and
-fan specimens to each plate.
This onp is to bo won three times
, by tba same person, firm or asaoela
i tiow ' before It becomes bis or their
permanent property.
Prunes ahali be commercial pack, 10
pound box, Q ponnd box, or cartons.
. For ftirtber particulars address the
secretary, E. R. Lake, Corvallis.
Prof, and Mrs. Arneson left for Jor
dan valley, Malheur county, Ore., a
' tew days ago. Tba professor bas tak-
en charge of a school at that plaoe.
They expect to be away from their
homo about six months. We rears'
their absence and ainoere hope that
the may not come in oontaot with a
peaky blizxard.
Mm' Dana baa moved to her ranch
op oath bill. Her father, Mr. Na
than Haaoke, expects to spend the
. winter with her.
Mra. P. H. Martin and daughters,
, Missea Dorothy and Lata, went to
Portland pa Wednesday of luat week
and returned on Sunday.
Tbe latest arrival in Crapper was a
wee laddie who piesented himself re
cently at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Uate&sIL -
Voyle Llndsey baa leased Prof. Ar
neson 'a plaoe.
Tba work ' on Conrad Franc's new
boose is progressing rapidly.
Miaa Thompson, the teacher at Rose
HU1, returned Sunday, having spent
Thanksgiving with her parents in Port
land. Scholars neither absent nor tardy
daring the month ending Novembnr
30, were Bvab Thomas, Rheuben El
der, Christian Saltman, rma Eldei,
Itzetta Thomas, Sylvester Salvzman
and Pearlie Saltzman.
Rhauban and Erma Elder attended
tba entertainment given by Miaa Kl
dar, the teacher of Mosier Ridge
E-rab aao Iietta Thomaa spent
Thanksgiving, vacation with friend
Mw Earl ' Thomaa"' leturned home
Wedneaday from Sherman county, after
an absence of aeveral months.
Mr. M. E. Thomaa has purchased a
new team.
Parties vera hare' this week from
Portland, looking over property with
a' view ; of buying. They were well
pleased with the plaoa.
Death at Ira. L. N. Ingram.
Mrs. "Martha Ingram, wife of L. N.
Ingram, of Home Vallpy, Waab., died
of nanaer and was liuried at Canon,
Wash., November 27th. Mrs. Ingram'a
maiden name was Martha Wheeler.
She was 42 years of ana last July,
has bef n married about 26 years and
leaves a buabaud and four children to
mourn ber Ions.
Dealer! say that those who have used
Chamberlaln'a Stomach and Liver Tab
lets are quite loyal to them and cannot
be persuaded to take any substitute.
Get a free sample at Keir A Cass' drug
store, give them a trial and you, too,
w ll want them in preference to any
other. They cure stomach troubles, bil
iousness ana constipation,
Largest Saw Mill In the World.
The largest saw mill in tbe woild is
that operated by the Port Blakeley
Lumbering company, Port Blakeley,
Wash., daily oapaoity anywhere from
350,000 to 400,000 feet.
SI 00 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will bepleued to
learn tbat there la at leant one dreaded
disease that aclence haa been able to cure
In all Its staffls, and that la Catarrh. Hall'a
Catarrh Cure Is the only poaltlveenre now
known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a oonititutlonal disease, requires a eon-
atltutlnnal treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure
la taken internally, acting directly upon lb
blood and mucous surface of tbe system,
thereby dlstrovlna the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution ana assisiiUE na
ture In doing lis work. The proprietors nave
an much faith In Its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any rase tbat
It falls to cure. Mend ror testimonials.
Address: F. J. I'll KNKY A Co., Toledo, O.
Hold by Druggists, 7fo
Take Hall's Kamily 1'llls for constipation.
V 5 s '
V 1
V 8
iOMF. to Radium
Snrinin and rati
Free yourself from the
worries and caret which have
worn vour nerve. Drink of
the wonderful waters here, whose
remarkable properties will bring wie
relief from rheumatism, chrome con-
stiptbon, mdgeftkm, kidney and
buckler trouble and many nervous
disorders. 1 tut splendidly equipped
sanitarium possesses every medical
resource, 'provides every luxury of the
noeA hotel and off en ail the comforts
of the home. Located amid the
mountains where magnificent scenery,
delightful walks, and hne fishing abound.
laftonawrtM as I 0eutpmt. awnau
awaT ra'M e$rfnitj lupputm
Come Te-Dsy.. ,, f .
I have now a large assortment of
everyttitnp you'd wish, ti it Watches,
Clocks or Jewelry, or- perhaps a cit
glaas duh. 'AMo a line of ailver in
Gorhams, " that's the isenr. Wtipii f
tart in to please tbe public there is n
mch word as rest. Don't pot off the
day of looking. Come tomorrow and
you'll find, Arthur Clarke will gladly
show you ; if yon don't buy he won't
mind. But of eonrse yuo know tbe ad
age, "Don't put off, but do today what
you might leave for tomorrow." But 1
aak you to come ToDat.
- A fine' Present.'..', r .
Tbe editor of the" Tribaoe wlabes to
thank a good flood River friend for a
box of "Wagner" applea and la In
position to testify tbat If other sec
tions of the atate succeed in raising
"as good as Hood River" aiplea
there will need to be some hustling
done all right Pendleton Xribone.
It is noticeable a cold eel Join comes
on when the bowels are freely open
Kennedy's Laxative. (containing)Honey
and Tar is the original Laxative cough
Syrup lastes a pleasant as niaplt-
sugar, Free from all opiates. Con
forms to the National Pore Food ami
Drug Law. Sold by Williams Phar
macy. . .. . . w
No. 1. ' 20 aOe; miles froiiS town!
Good bouse and barn. 1000 apple trees
40 in bearing. All cleared, ana in gen.
eral farming.' Price (6,000. This
place can be eecured by 1 1,000 cash pay
ment, and balance at 00 per cent.
No. 2. 8 acres, two miles from town.
7 acres in berries. Price $2,700. s(
No. 8. 14 acres, eight miles from
town, one mile from graded school, aud
lies upon- railroad. Uood frnit land,
no waste ground. Price $75 per acre.
No. 4. 40 acres 7 miles from town, 12
acres cleared and in hay. No other im
provements. Price 80 per acre.
No. 5. 40 acres, 7 miles out, 22 acres
cleared, 7 iu orchard. Will trad? for
dairy ranch. Price 8,600.
No. 6. 20 acres 3 miles out. Good
house and barn. 11 acres young or
chard, 2 acres strawberries, some
meadow land and about acre waste
land. If taken soon 8 tons bay in barn
and winter's supply of wood will go
with purchase price of $ 9,000.
No. 7. 15 acres mile from upper
town. 5 acre young orchard. 6 acres
strawberries, balance fertilized for gar
den truck. 11 inches water with place
No. 8. 20 acres, 4 miles from town.
10 acres in orchard. Small house aud
outbuildings. Price, $8,500.
No. 9. 30 acres 5 miles from town,
1300 tree , three and four years old.
This is one of the finest places in all
Hood River. Price, $17,500.
No. 10. 22 acres near Pine Grove
School House. 12 acres in orchard and
part of it in full bearing. Varieties are
principally Newtowns and Spitzen
bergg. House and outbuildings. Price,
No. 11. V acres 3 miles out. set
to trees, Newtowns and SpiUen bergs,
with peach trees set between rows.
Good 6-room house, Daily mail and
telephone. Price $2,500.
No. 12. 10 acres 4 miles out. No im
provements. No waste land. Price
$1,500.; .
No, 13. 43 acres 4 miles out 5 acre
in bearing, 2 acres young orchard. Only
3 acres waste ground. House, barn,
fruit bouse and fine spring situate to
pipe into house. Priee $15,000
Mount Hood Railroad Co.
Daily to ML Hood and Valley Points
8X leave Hood River Arrive MX)
m fowerdale 4:5
...Seam.. 4:48
: Van Horn 4:40
:H ...bents 4:36
8:.T7 Ottell. 4:27
8:40 Duke' s alley 4:
8:66.,;. , Bloucher 4:ll
Ir.lO , W I nans 4:05
:15 Arrive .....Dee Leave 4:00
Monday's Southbound train will run one
bour lata abava schedule, leaving Hood River
0.00 a. ni, Hutu rnlng regular schedule
, CHA. T. EARLY. Q. F. A P. Agt.
Department of tba interior. Land Office at
Tbe Dalles, Oregon, November 14, llxjti.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Hood River, Oregon, baa nteu notice of bis
intention to make final five-year proof in
support of blsclalm.vls : Homestead Entry
No. IC1G, made May , 1900, for the HVVS.HK':,
ESHWii. and lot 4 of section 19, township i
north, range 10 east, W, M., and that said
proot will be made before tbe Register and
Receiver, at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on December
11, 1W.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of the land, vis: Thomas W. Oalbreath,
Earl Bartineaa, r. E. Forsberg and K. O. Kher
rleb, all ot Hood River, Oregon.
h'U-i'JO Register.
No Morij
Cold Rooms
II you only knew how much coniiort'
can be derived from a PERFECTION
Oil Heater how simple and economical
its operation, yom would not be without
it another day.
Yon can quickly make warm and cosy
any cold room or hallway oo matter in
what part of the house. You can heat
water, and do many other things with the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with SmokcUu Device)
Turn the wick as high or low as yob co Ujsre's no dangar.
Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives
intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke
lesa device. ,
Made in two finishea nickel and Japan. Brass oil fount besuti-
iiuiy ciuouncu. jiuius 4 quarts oi oil and burns o
hour. Every heater warranted. If yon cannot get
heater or information from yonr dealer,' write to
nearest agency for descriptive circular.
aaaa and steady light, simple Con
struction and absolute safety.
Equipped with latest improved burner. Uada ot
brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to
any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed?
room. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest
agency if not at your dealer's. ,
Beautiful Home for kit
i Twenty acre, ten in fruit trees, I3g bearing:
40 cherry trees in full bearing. All cieaiud
batsu acre: 10 acre seed no in I gallon: some
tlmotby: i acres plowed leady tor uta:
Inatiaaof wawr gusa viUx plaoe; also S ton of
hay; wood all under shed for wlnir. A
II ,600, house, alx rooms, bath roo'n i ud
pantry; barn and other outhatldlngs, -ill n- r;
good water, fine roada and lon ,i ly x
mile: mail rtglitst the door every diy. fi iee
HW per acre; SiO per acre ehsatper toan 1h int
tu an Bruuuu uib pim. vwi i ffwnt "J i lis
I. V.
without seeing It. AUdr
rlmlta, K, f. I). No. 2.
Shop opposite O. B. Hartley's residence
U, .. Phone 571 , V
Leave Hood River 8:00 a.m.
Leave Dee 4:00 p. m.
jlAawKasrS rjnsstFlyst
nSeaaitf Srnnss.as9asssfrRavJ
On June 10th, and each Sunday there
after, M tint H d Railroad will run an
Excursion Train between Hood River
and D e.
k more pleasant trip than
, a few hours ride through the
Beautiful Hood River Valley
cannot be taken and the
"... Fishing in immediate
vicinity of Dee is unsur
- passed.
Trip $1 Round Trip $1
Tickets on Sale at Of fice, Mount Hood Hotel.
C. P. Re
Nert Door to MeOuire Brother.
Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired
AH work done with Electric
Iron and guaranteed .
I am prepared to furnish mill and slab
wood, also other kinds of wood.
I have a new steam wood saw and am
prepared to do sawing. Also do general
team work.
Phone 121.
BSTABI.ia.HID 1900
Butler Banking Company
Capital Fully Paid. $50,000
President '
,, . J. V.,Frbnch
J. N. Tral,
Truma.v Putler,
Vice President. Cashier
K. T. Cox
Is your best 'asset. r.roper health is most
essential to your happiness and welfare.
Pure air is an absolute necessity, and no
effort should be spared to keep it so in every
Where open-flame illuniinants rob the air
of oxigen and turn it into carbonic acid gas,
pure air is an impossibility.
. Air poisoned by the flame of h pas jet, or
that of an oil lamp is unfit for breathing
purposes and exercises a decidedly injurious
effect upon the occupant of the room.
Electric Light burning in an air-tight bulb
leaves the air of the room pure and fresh,
and furnishes a better, brighter and safer
light than any other medium.
We furnish the current and a phone mes
sage or postal from you will bring our rep
resentative. Hoofl Kiyer EledriG Dght, Power ana Water Co.
0 H l&ai saaZHal J
Staple and j0
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers
Special attention given to making and repairing
Grubbing Tools and Loggers Tools
a T. RA.W80N. I F. H. STAN TOM
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
, We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will hare and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, PeaAprlcot, Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitien
berjf and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
Stanley-Smith L
unioer to.
Wholesale and Retail
Lath, vShin&les, Etc
Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
a 4
nil iefg&s
Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit.
UUV3 31
8 Wfi nrpt nlnsinp- nnt. o
S,M .j, U W
II i line of Boys' Suits, all
&av' wool lonar Dants.
$10.00 values reduced to $7.00
A full line Ladies', Misses' or
and Children's Golf Glove s LoK.
ggatwaawa garjaaugS tmmrBrxr.m --asggFarraaaa MttBasi m
NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on
The Big New and Second-Maud
is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and
Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable.
Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOU MONEY.
Phone 1053
O, P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.