HOOD BIVEIt QLAOIEII'lTHUESDAY, DECEUBER 6 , 1906 CORRESPONDENCE WHITE SALMON. From the Enterptise. Mr. James Cox, of Cook's addi tion, baa returned from Portland, where lbs underwent a most difficult and dangerous operation at tbe St. Vionent'a hospital. She is now much improved in baeltb and well along on the road to complete recovery. Tbe turkey shoot beld at Blngen Tuesday wat not so much of a success at it would bave been bad tbe day been better for that kind of sport. Tbe pig and eevetal turkeya were won by a Hood River man. Tbe tear wa not shot off ai there were not enough present wbo wanted that kind of a pet. Everybody who attended bad a good time. Several members of tbe Odd Fellows lodge went to Toe Dalles Wednesday evening of last week to see tbe team at that place pat on tome work in tbe degrees. They report a Jolly good time and a grand entertainment by tbe boys of that olty. They also tay that Tbe Da ties boys bsve a splendid team and do tbe work in fine shape. Thanksgiving day has passed and a large nnmbei of our people did not eat Turkey either. Only a few tur keys were in tba market and tbey told for 60 oents per pound. Rather too steep for ordinary mortals. But it was a pleasant day and everybody bad all they wanted to eat and plenty to bo thankful (or In spite of the price of gobblers. Tbe Tbanksigving dinner given by tbe Ladies Aid society in tbe banquet room of the Odd Fellows ball was well attended yesterday, about a hun dred taking dinner there. Miss Fay Oearhait returned from Portland Wednesday to spend Thanks giving with tbe old folks at borne. Miss Fay Is much taken up with her school work, but then its nice to get back borne to visit once In a while. The new trestle on the Trout Lake road near oamp 15, of tbe Menominee Lumber company, is finished and is1 said to be tbe best piece of load work done in the county. It was put In by A. L Riobaidson. Tbe local oamp of Modern Wood men have decided to continue meet ing in Lauterbacu's ball but bave change! their meeting night to Mon day instead or Saturday, uo mod day evenirp, December , tbe Wood men and Koyal Neighbors will bold their flr.t family social of tbe winter and socials will be given every two weeks until spring. Ibe Artisan's ball which was given in the Odd Fellows hall Wednesday night was a most pleasant and suc cessful affair. mosierT Tbe trees are o it of tbe streets. Wonder why it came to lie soT Road Dintrict No. 9 voted a five mill tax on tbe 24th to Improve our roads and we are in hopes this money will be used ou tbe roads to some ad vantage, as it will amount to over tlUO, as some of our roads now are said to be impassable for lack of work. Land buyers are of daily oocurenoe nowadays, and sales are being made by our real estate dealer, C. D. Mor gan, wbo has tbe bargains, or it seems so from tbe sales aud tbe priors being paid for our land. Ibe old timers can hardly realize where tbey are at times aud tbink 'bey must sorely 1)6 in Hood Kivei. W. J. TlourHon, ef Portland, has finished nutting in tbe furnace in out new school bouse and leturned to his borne on Thanksgiving day. Joseph Frazier, of Hood River, was up Sunday to visit witb mends ana also to figure ou some contract work. One of the most enjoyable masquer ade balls ever given in this valley took place Ibankt-givirg night In Lambs' hall. It was an iuvitatiun affair aud was oouducted in tbe most gentleman ly manner. Some of tbe costumes were very Hue kui well represented. C. D. Morgan rerports the sale ot 80 acres of laud of Mrs. Alice Leo nlnger to P. L. Huffman, of Spokane. Ibis laud is located three miles south east of Moeier and is the making ot a lovely borne. Mr. Huffmun will move on to It at once. The price Mr. Hi f man says was right although he did not state what be paid. J. Weliberg is building on to bis Cottage hotel which when completed will add greatly to tbe appearance as well as comfort to the increasing bus iness. C. D. Morgan has sold bis cosy lit tle Oreen Spring farm to Mrs. W. K. Coughlin, of Viento. Ibis is one of tbe loveliest homes to be bad la this country and Mrs. Coughlin was very tortonate to get it. BARRETT. On Wednesday of last week at the Valley cbuich parsonage, by Rev. El kins, a marriage oeremony was per formed. Tbe contracting parties were Mr. Harry Bennett and Mias Veni Muipby. Both parties aie well known in tbe valley. J. J. Gibbons mast be having a pretty hard time getting bia teeth fixed as be rans down to Portland ev ery Saturday, returning on Monday morning. We wonder sometimes it it is all tooth business or is there some other attraction at Portland? But time will telL Well, yea, I do not know. Charley Camp and Miss Bertha Smith were quietly married on Wednesday last and bave started bouse keeping having rented a bouse at tbe Davenport upper planer, where Charley is teaming. We report donstlona of goods for tbe Boys and Girls' Aid which were too (ate for last week's Issue: L, Dart, saok spuds; John Wilson, sack spuds; P. H. Martin, asck spuds; F. (J. Cbarcb, sack spuds. ! Henry Hackett soil 15 sacks of spuds o tbe Rookford man and they are just fine. B. F. Shoemaker sold a Una barrel of turkeys to Davenport'a logging oamD and the same were delivered in good shape alive by P. Davenport & Hon. Emil Fritz is down from tbe Oieen Point lumber came spending a few days with bis family. Andy Beatty baa put on an addition to bis bouse. Andy will be making Improvements. Advertisement. Rookford baa a one-seated small back for sale cheap. ODELL. Thanksgiving day was observed In a quiet war about Udell. Several small dinner patties gathered for a pleasant day.. There was no sohool Thursday and frlday. Maslker Bios, bave bought H. M. Poole's lease on a portion of tbe Kemp place and bave moved into tbe bouse vacated by Mr. roole. jjGhristmas is Coming a We are here with the largest stock of Xmas a Goods ever brought to the city. "Wo Solicit "Z"o-u.r Trade. High Grade Watches from all the Leading Factories WE CAN MAKE THEM KEEP TIME Solid Silverware fThe largest stock to select from. Please make your II selections early. It Quiets the Cough This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoril is so valua ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more it controls the Inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. The best kind of a testimonial "old tor over sixty yeaxa." p k . O. Arr O... twn. Htm Ai Mtutetaftn f f SAtSAPAHLU. PILLS. All VKJOt. yers uat MiMra bv keeDlns the towels regular with Ayer's Pills. Odell Improvement Co. gave a U. u. r . nau ai uueu Our stock of Plated Ware is the kind that wears; we buy direct from the factories and can give you the lowest prices. Cut Glass is always in order for u fine Xmas present. Our stock h complete. Our Umbrellas a,f 6 something new Please call and examine A pair of Gold Spectacles makes a last ing present. We can fit the eyes any time LARAWAY, the DOC Lend Us Your Ear D So we can tell you of our fine new lot of Combination Syringes and Hot Water Bottles Just received they are of the bet quality and workmanship, Eyery Piece Guaranteed Hot Water Bottles $1.00 to $1.75 Combination Fountain Syringes ( Itapid flow)... 2.25 to 3,00 Fountain Syringes (Rapid flow) 2.00 to 2.50 Bulb Syringes (Rapid How 75 to 3.00 Our line is new and fresh rubber stock that is not old and shelf worn. We posi tively Witt not cary an inferior grade of rubber. LET U8 SHOW YOU KEIR & CAStS SMITH BLOCK 3C DC RELIABLE DRUGGISTS The danoe In tba I last Friday sight. U V. Bovad and daughter, jNaomi, spent Thaoktlgviog day with telatlves In Portland. Tbey went down Wednes day and returned to their home in Odell Monday. Everett Gbormley, ot Portland, spent last week with his sister, Mrs. S. J. Enntl. This plaot is ' to bave an np to date poultry yird owned by A. D. Moe, of tba Ulaolar. Douglas Lock mau, who has made a study of tbe care and , management of poultry, is to be man igor and will nee tbe knowl edge gained hy resdiog and ex per ienoe to get best results. We expect to see this paying business ventuie. Frank Mtttee and a force of men bave been at work cleai log the land along tbe lna betteeu Win Hibbard's land and tPtt owned oy uooper A Walters, also along Wm. Ebrck' west line, in order that people may use the road wbiob it ouly a straightening of tome cut vat in toe old road. The four months old baby ot Mr. and Mrs. ilobntop died in a Portland hospital Tueidav nigbt ana tbe fun era! waa bald Thursday. Truly it was a aad lbankslgvlug day lor tbe be reaved ones. Tba little one had been sirk some five weeks, stomach trouble being tba oause of its death Rela tives from Portland and Moro bave been with tbe grief stricken patents in this time of trial and tbeir friends also exjeeod heartfelt sympathy. Koawall gbelley left Hood River Friday at delegate to a national oonveotlon in DesMoines, Iowa. Said convention being for tbe purpose of formulating a plan whereby united States senators shall be elected by di- reot rote of tbe people. H. M. Poole also received a commission authoriz ing him to attnnd tbe asme conven tion. We understand Mr. Poole has given Dp going, Rev, Troy Shelley pieaohed in tbe onuron at Odell Sunday morning. Kev. Bbellsy always has a message and tells it In a way at tbe aame time pleasing and convincing. We are ever glad to bear bis sermons. Tbe O. K of Odell expects to - Quite With Odell school in a Christmas pro gram to be given Cbrietniaa evening. Don Crosby is borne from Portland, Beanie and xacoma. The Ladles Aid will meet at the borne of Mrs. S. J. Ennea Thursday afternoon MOUNT HOOD. Mr, Charles Hood River. Thomas has gone to Mrs. Carrie Comstock, wbo baa been visiting her brotbei, Mr. S. A. Helmer, leaves Thursday for Cbioago, Mr. T. M. Larwood went to The Dalles last week on business couneot ad with the division of tbe sohool roperty between tbe old and new istriots. Thanksgiving waa a quiet day at Mount Hood. Most of tbe lonely "bachelors" were remembered by thoughtful friends and thus made to feel tbe comforts of a real home. There were several reunions "going to grandas , etc ibe most note worthy being tbe reunion 01 theUrib ble family. Tbey held the dinner in tbe Artisan hall and report such a good dinner and a good time all arouud. Tbe schools Lad appropriate Thanks giving exercises. The Literary society beld another interesting meeting Thursday evei ing. Election of otlloers was held and the following were elected. President, welter Uribble; Vloe President, Mies Josephine Blddlnger; Secretary, Hat tie Cooper; Treasurer, John Cooper. A snort Thanksgiving program was rendered, after which tbey took up tbe Hrst lesson with Jrving's sketoh book. It proved a very interesting lesson with Mrs. Walter Uribble as leader. of a very much interested class. Sev eral new members came in and tue duly initiated. The membership is now av. There was a very pleasant gathering Saturday evening at the residenoe of Mi. . A. Helmer. in nouor of bis birthday. In answer to invitations quite a uumber of frienda and neigh bora gathered In. Tbe evening was spent in conversation and games. Af ter tbe games a bounteous supper was served then all departed w'sbing the host many happy jeturns of tbe day, The directors have a 'ded scnio new blackboards and wall maps to tbe school rooms, and tbeyjjare much ap pieciated by tesobers and pupils. Advertised Letter List. Advertised lettet list for week end ing December 3, 1906: Beverage, Mia. ; Keld. Miss Aita: Shook. Olite; Bent- ley, Frank D. ; Brookings, A. W. ; box 732: Cblok and Caston (3): De Can, A. (2) Uardeur. T. K. Hastings, D. Hast nsa. Fred : Harris. 1. N. : Knowles, Sam; MoNell, Joe; Murphy, E. L. ; Nelson, Ole O. : Parrott, Geo. ; Rathbooe. Herbert: Rash. Russell: Redman, Z, M. ; Rogers, (1. F. ; Smith. John B.: Stewart. A. M. ; Swan, Ralph; Thomas, O A. wm. latee, r. m. R BRAGG & CO OUR LINE OF HEAVY SHOES Sheos for Men and Boys We can recommend to our trade with the assurance that our line of Shoes will give the best wear and most satisfaction of any line of shoes on this coast. Ask to see the Grand Rapids Shoe. We carrry them in high, medium and low tops for loggers, cruisers and general purposes. Underwear El Real Underwear for women and Children are exceptionally nice flitting and wearing garments, as well as mod erate in price. We have it in silk and wool, Fleece-ribbed, Cotton and Wool ribbed, both in 2-pieceand Union suits, from 25c a garment up ELITE Underskirts King of All Conga Mediclaea. Mr. E. G.l'ase. a mail carrier of Canton Center, Conn., who has been in the U. . service lor about sixteen year1, says: We have tiied man v count) medicines for croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is kins of all and one to be re lied upon every time. We also find it the beet remedy for coughs and colds, Buy Elite underskirts. They have all the qualities of silk and wear much better at less than half the price. DrPW fiOftfK as are extremely popular. We are UUUuj 0ffering. exceptionally low prices in all Dress Goods, and we invite your in spection. We are sure you will readily appreciate the values we are offering. flble Linen you are n nee( some rea' ce Table Linen and Napkins see our line. We can please you. R.e RAGG & CO CASCADE LOCKS. Postmaster Sitnlord visited Hood Kiver liiosdny. We are pleased to have another spell of Hue weather. W. a Taylor Is about finishing his roomy hense. Mr. MoElany is loading a car of wood, with the assistance of Cbas. Gray. Our blast. Mrs. Butler, mill is again running in full L. Farrington came np from Wash., last Saturday and spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mis. N D. Sanford. Mike Ostergard and family, of Vien to, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Os tergard ' mother, Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Hatch is running the hotel. She is very popular and has a big trade. T. Mitchell, our section foreman, has just moved to tbe Sound oountry. Exposition Note. Tbe Alaska- Vukon exposition to be held at Seattle will cover 250 aores and will cost approximately $10,000, 000 when the gatea are opened in 1909. Eleven large exhibit palaoes will form tbe main picture of tbe exposi tion. Many natiooal convention will be beld at tbe exposition in 1909. Tbe management has appropriated $100,000 for a live stock show. One of tbe objects of tbe Alaska Yukon Pacific exposition is to make known and foster tbe vast trade of the Pact Ho ocean. An inter-muial railway will be pro vided for tbe comfort and conven ience of visitors. It will be two miles long. Henry E. Reed, director of exploit ation, is now oairiyng on a campaign to secure state participation. Advic es already received from governors assure tbe representation of man; states. It is estimated that 7,500,000 per sons live in tbfc section of oountry in the United States and Canada within a radius of 1,000 miles of Seattle, wbo are directly interested in malting tbe expositlou the trm exponent of tbeir material weaitn and development. Majur T. 8. Claikson, special com missioner for tbe Alaska 1 ukon expo tition, who la visiting tbe different states in t interest of tbe fair, is an experienced exposition man. He waa director general of tbe Omnha fair and waa promiuently Identified witb tbe expositions held at Buflalo, St Louis and Portland. Tbe Association of Traveling Pas senger Agents will Ibold Its 1908 meeting at Seattle, ibis will give tba agenta an excellent Idea of the exposition, so that they can work in telligently for business to the coast in 1900. Short of Fuel. As an indication of the shortage of wood in Houtoern Uaiirornia, tbe E. K. Wood Lumber company yesterday sent three loads of wood on tbeir steam aobooner to tbe manager of the company's affairs in Los Angeles, Tbe report coming from the tooth Is that wood is praotically Impossible to get in tne eoutnern Uaiirornia oity. In tbe state of Washington the sup ply of coal is exceedingly short. The demand tor ooal has gone np oue hun dred per cent while tbe "output bas not inoreased in the least. So soarce has the looal supply of good coal be come that a prominent business man of this city will get a carload of an tbraoite from Cbioago forfjbis private use. Tbe excessive amount of busi ness done by tbe railroads and tbe steamship lines bas taken up nearly all of tbe available ooal on tbe Wash ington market, leaving what practi cally amounts to a coal famine. For chapped and cracked hands noth ing is quite as good as an application of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. Put it on before going to bed, use an old pair of gloves and see what a difference the morning will bring. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy, A Texas Wonder. There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex twice ss big as last year. This that's wonder is W. L. Hill, who from the weiuht of 90 pounds has Rrown to over 180. He says: "I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Con. sumption. I was reduced to 90 pound, when I begun aking Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Now, after taking 12 bottles, I have more tl.un doubled in weight and am completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by Cbas. N. Clarke Druggist. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection CRAY & RUSSELL, Props. R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. Dad's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean tbe system, good for laxy livers, makes clear complexions, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold by Keir & Casa, Druggists.. It is a mistake to use a violent cathar tic to open the bowels. A gentle move ment will accomplish tne same result mlthnnt isknainiv riintrA. nr Mkrinrm pnti. giving certain results and leaving io sequences later. De Witt's Little Early bd after effects." For sale hy Keir 4 Rimn m nmmmndHl. SnU hv Wii. Cass. Ilami Pharmacv. Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT THE Hood River Box Factory and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone Main 71 STABLE' ..Livery, Feed and braying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, soldf or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture ant pianos. .' We do everything horses can do. '