DC DC DC DC 31 IC DC DC DC DC DC DC -1 0 - THE STORE THAT LEADS IN SERVICE C1RAMS THE STORE THAT DON'T OPEN ON HOUDAYS 11 - I OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL D AY THURSDAY, I 01. 29 Watch this Store for the next 30 days. There will be something: doinsr all the time. The Greatest Xmas assortments ever shown in Hood River 11 The Store that Closes at 6:30 p. m. Except Saturday DC DC DC DC We Never Misrepresent to Make a Sale The U p-to-Date Store The Store that Don't Sell Goods on Sunday. o DCDO HRIEP LOCAL MATTERS. Fresh butter and eggs at Bent's. Mr. Bartmess in on a cash basis. Uet your chickens for Sunday dinner at McGuire Bros. Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at Jackson's. Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu dio. New Orleans Molasses in bulk and en 1 1 t Jackson's. (iul a tine roast at Rent's meat mar ket Sait mackerel, eastern white fish and pickled salmon at Jackson's. Metiuire Bros, make their own leaf lu i ll tinder their own brand. Cuickens for SundiV dinner at A. S Bnt's. Frnsli su.-ase made daily at Bent' meat market. It is to your interest to refer to M. llHrtniess' ad under the new system. The Diet Studio for photos. Telephone A. S. lieht your meat or ders at the City Market. Our work guaranteed. Delta Studio. Maple Syrup and New York State Buek Wheat at Jackson's. Ask to see our assortment of new linens for Thanksgiving at Huggings' store. Just received from the factory sev eral beautiful pianos for the holiday trade. Call and see them. Soules' Piano House. Next to Culbertson's real estate ollice. If you want to buy or sell real estaie 10 to Onthank & Otten. Money to loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and legal papers carefully prepared. Nota rial work of all kinds. You will be surprised at the special values we are offering in our linen de partment for Thanksgiving. Iluggins. Notice. To the legal voters of the Hood River Irrigation District. If the voters of the Dietiiot wish to elect live directors at the annual election to he heH Tuesday, January 10, 1907, it will be necessary to pre sent a petition to the boatd of direc tors by Ueoeruber 15, 11)06, of a ma jority of the le.nl voters ot the Dis trict. The board will then order rive directors elected at said election. There are about 150 voters in the Dis triot F. O. Sherrieb. O . R. Castner. J. II. Shoemaker. Directors. "For years I starved, then I bought a 50 ceut bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cmv, and what that bottle beee litted me all the gold in Ueoigia could not buy. I kept on taking it aud in two months I went back to my woik as machinist. In three months 1 was as well and hearty as I eer was 1 still use a little occasionally as I Had it a flue blood purifier aud a good tonic May you live long and prosper. " O. N. Cornell, Roding, iia , Aug. 27, 1906. Kodol is sold here by Williams Pharmacy. Come To-Day. I nave now a large assortment of everything you'd wish, if its Watches, Chirks or Jewelry, or perhaps a cut uU-is dish. Also a line of silver in Gorhams, that's the best. When I fturt in to please the public there is no such word as reBt. Don't put off the day of Innkimr Come tomorrow aud you'll rind, Arthur Clarke will gladly show you; if you don't buy he won't mind.' But of course you know the ad age, "J)on't put off, hut do today what you might leave for tomorrow." But I ask vou to come ToDay. W. H. Peugh is In Wasco looking after bis interests there. Frank Chandler went to Portland Saturday to spend Sunday with big family. Miss Howe was a passenger to Port laud Saturday for short visit to that city. 11 Counaway, who recently bought tbe Little White store, was in towu looking after bis property last weeK. Mrs. Marcellus, of Portland, spent several days in town last week. Sbe was here for the purpose t visiting friends aud rel lives. W. II. Post, of Priueviile, who ba been visiting :elntives and fileuds here for the past tea days returned home Thursday. Mrs. Adelia Moe visited la Portland hint week with Mrs. R. D. Evans and Miss Faunie Glover and also with Mrs. Cantield at Milwaukie. McHane & Wright have the stooe ouudation for their new workshop in oonnoccou with their bnsuess aud are ereutiug tbe frame for the build ing. George Chamberlaiu, owner of tbe saw mill at Mosier, was a visitor at Hood River Saturday. Mr. Chamber lain reports that the Mosier country is forging ahead. A novel order for lumber was re cently reoeived by the proprietor of a local saw mill. It reads: "Thirty cracks, 9 feat wide, 8 feat long, C feat and 22 inobes high at upper aide, 5 foet 1 inches at lower side. Also 25 peaces battens 3 feet 15 inches." Joseph Frazier, sr., has been hav ing a siege ot the gi ip and was a very sick man for two weeks, tie is nnw convalescent, tlis daughter, Vina, who is attending blgb school in Port land, came up Sunday and is spend ing the week at home. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Hall left tewn Tuesday for a visit in the Willamette valley. They will be gone aeverl days and spend Thanksgiving out of town. Mrs. Hall expects to a.ipear at several concerts while away. A number of Elks went to Tbe Dalles Saturday to he present at tbe monthly meeting ot that organiza tion. Tbe Elks will bold a memorial service in tbe Opera House at The Dalles Sunday aud it Is expected tbat il will be attended by a big delegation from here. ManZau Pile Remedy put up in con venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may he applied at the very seat of the troulile, thus relieving almost instantly bleed ing, itching or protruding piles. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by Keir & Cass, Druggists.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thorutonen ter laiuod their friends Saturday evening. A good number from Hood River were present and also from Under wood and Cbenowitb. A very pleas ant evening was spent in social enjoy ment after which a bountiful supper was served. After a long siege of typhoid fever, Jobn Van Delleu, of tbe firm of Hug gins & Van Dellen, was able to leave the hospital today. His illness 0. me at an inopportune time, just as be was starting in business In The Dalles, aud bis friends will be glad to lorm of his recovery. Cbiooicle. ' Misses Gertrude and Nettie Kinney, of Waraio, came up fro Hood River on Monday and have returned, to their borne after several weeks visit in the valley. Mrs. Staata left last Wednesday for Hood River to visit her daugbt r, Mrs. Cbas. Clarke. Ben King r turned to his borne in Hood River la it Saturday. Optimist. A. A. Jayne has been at Portland for several days 011 business. Geo. T. Pratber went to Tbe Dalles Tuesday on a business trip. Rev. Troy Shelley wil preaob at tbe Uniou church Sunday. Tho service will commence at 11 :30 a. m. Harvey Wells, special ageut of tbe North wetteru, Phoenix and Hartford compauies, was a visitor in town re cently. Hurry Connaway, who recently bought tbe Little White Store, arriv ed at Hood River to tske charge ol bh property last week. Mr. Bolin, of tbe firm ot Uobn & via smart, job priuters, of Tbe DuIbs, visited Hood Kiv r for several days this week. A special Northern Pacific traiu containing a uuiiitier of tbe otUciais of tbat road passed east over the (3. R. & N. Wednesday. Jobn Cast iini' went to Portland Tuesday for the purpo.-o of 11 i.kii g arrangements fur transportation for an etxendea trip eat Mr. aud Mis. !..!. Komi up, ol Hollister, l ul, hare been visiting Mr. and Mrs. v. O. Ash Mrs. Asb aud Mrs. Kouiiue are sisters. Dad's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean the sys em, good for lazy livers, makes cleir coinplexinux, bright eyes and tiHiipv Miiinghls. Sold by Keir & Cass, Druggists.. "Religlo l or Today, " will be the subject of discourse at tbe Uni tarian church next Sunday morning; tbat for eteuing, ''The Law of becom ing." A cordial invitation is extend ed to sll. Grunville Lowther, of North Yaki ma, who Is said to have paid more money for e fruit ranob than any oth er man in tbe Noithwest was at Hood River this week. Mr.' Lowther was here he said to And out bow we got suck big money for our apples. James Simonson and family, of Tbe Delhi--, moved -to Hood River this week and will take up their residence here Mr. Simonson has rented tbe building next to Rogers' photograph gallery mid will soon open a restau rant in it He is having the building renoMtcd aud as soon as it is com pleted will opeu for business. A i"'i'i l uiuny Hood River people jpeut lLanksgiviug In Portland aud almost a ar load of passengers was taken iu h. re wbeu tbat tiaio pulled out Wednesday. Among those who went to the city were Mr. and Mrs. 10. L. Smith, Dr. aud Mrs. Watt, J H. lieilbionner, A. J. Derby, W. H. Sargent, E. K. Golf and Mrs. Dutia ble. Tbe ladies society of tbe Congrega tional church will serve a six o'clock dinner on Saturday, December 8tb at tbe Opera House, lu connection with tbe dinner there will be held a sale of useful and fancy articles, in cluding colonial rugs and quilts, dressed dolls and many other pietty and serviceable things. This will be an ideal opportunity to select Christ mas gifts. In order to have' something to thankful f r this Tnanksgiving, Cbailes W. Camp and Miss Bertha A. Smth, of Hoed River, and T.. Wilson and Clara Moore, of Boyd, this morn ing requested tbe permission of Was co county In t'et rmu rip. J. Of course the ol liglng clerk ot the u.atiimouial bureau could u't deny tbe modest re quest Chronicle ;.; Pine Salve c rbolized, acts like a poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively used for Eczema, for chapped handsand lips, cuts and burns. Sold by Keir & Cass, Druggists.. ri Go To Santa Clause has sent his advance man and he is here getting ready for his great show direct: from Toyland. We want you to come and see it. . Dolls, Doll Buggies, Go-Carts, Doll Shoes, Hats, Gloves, Coats, Fans, ; Rub bers, Stockings, and everything else for her house. ' Me chanical Toys of every description, a buzzing, whirling lot, Wagons, Hand Cars, Coasters, Carts, Sleds, Cutters, Air Guns, Foot Balls, Punching Bags, 'Printing Presss, Scroll-Sas, Tool Chests, Etc. Books; Games, Musical Instruments. Our Crockery department is , very inter esting. Just come and see. . .,,: ,;.;, 1 -J..'' t '. E. II. Sbepaid returned from a bus iness trip to Portlaud last Saturday. J. I. Miller, of Crapper, went to Portland Wednesday to speud Thanks giving. J as. Lacey made a business trip to Tbe Dalles Saturday where be was called on business. . J. T. Nelf, of The Dalles, was W Hood River Saturday- 011 hush. ess connected with his duties an school superintendent Mr. .1. B Nichols left We ne ''ay for Milt-on ip . to i""' Tluink'M ic ing with Mr Mi bo s' parents at t bat plica J B 1 1 1: 1 I rut urn r) from u tii o Portland TVo-day nigh1 niter ha', ii (. been hung up on the rond Muudny about all day on his wiiy down. Kd Rand, slier ill of linker ooumy, who is n son of Robt. Rand, of tins city, visited here last week. Mr. Rand It-ft for his home at Baker (,'itj on No. 2 Sal-urday. The members of tlm lodga of East ern Stat gave a supper Tuesday eei. Ing I'bo alfalr was an informal out and was ttended by a uuod many mouthers ot tbe lodge htid families. The supper was a good one and a very pleasant time was had. Mrs. Susan ' Crookshanks, aged 82 years, a led at. the residence of J. K. King at Cbenowitb, November 23, of diabete. Tbe funeral was beld Sun day November 25 and the services were conducted by Rev, F. W. De hart. Intermeut was in Cbenowitb cemetery. T Tbe roller aKating rink is proving a vry popular place of amusement late ly and many are nightly visitors there. Tbe sport is not only a pleas ant pastime but a recreation and good exercise. The managers of tbe rink nave decided to make a charge of 10 cents admission for spectators and 25 cents for the use of skates dur ing tbe afternoon or evening. The rink is open every niebt but Sundev and also on Saturday atternoon. Dr. Watt has purchased bo X-ray machine for use lu bis prtotlce which will undoubtedly prove of considera ble value in determining the lolcatiou of fractures aud other things tbat fre- qu: ntly battle tbose engaged in toe praotice or surgery, the Hist day it was reoeived the doctor had occasion to use it on tbe arm of one of bis pa tients aud had no trouble in discern ing the condition of broken bonis which were replaced in their natural position. Col. Jobu A. Morritt, of Niagara Kails, reoenty visited at. tlm home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Vau Uoru In this city. Mr. Meriitt was for several years postmaster at Washington, 1) C, aud until recently nag third as sistant postmaster general. He is now collector of customs at Niagara Falls.Ibaviug been appointed but a short time ago. Aftr speuding a week or ten days with Mr. and Mrs. van Horn wltb whom he bas been ac quainted for a good many years he returned east. Carborundum, tbe new material manufactured from coal and whioh is making oousiderahle of a stir among scientists of late, is becoming popular as settinus for stickpins. Ar thur Clarke, tbe jeweler, bas made a number of 'hem for Hood River cus tomers aud when set oa a gold pin they make a very handsome appear-' anoe. Carborundum contains many colors and in a bright light bas the brilliancy ot a rainbow. It is said to be harder than . diamonds but Mr. Clarke says he doubts tbat this is so in the crude eta1 e. It will however. out glass and bas been found very use ful in various purposes for which it bas been employed. Will (jet 300 Boxes of Apples. Through tbe persistent efforts ot J. II. Heilbronner and Jo. A. Wilson tbe car of apples for tbe poor people of Portland will he got on Its way to day, in all about SM boxes ol apples were contributed aud many more could have been secured if way could bave been found to bave them brought in. In tbe cat were also a number ot bags of potatoes for the Boys' and Girls' Society of Portland and a num ber ot otber things wblcb it isexceot- ed will be appreciated by tbem. Repairing Koad to Boat Landing. Marshal Ganger, in charge of a force of men, has been engaged for tbe past few days in repairing tbe road to tbe boat lauding. Council recently appropriated $75 for this purpose and oontribi tious bave been reoeived from tbe livery companies and teamsters who bave occasion to drive over tbe road. It is also expect ed tbat tbe steamboat companies will contribute. The road has been in bad shape for a loug time and the steep ascent just east of tbe bi idge is being out down and tbe dirt put In tbe sag. Tbe road is already in a ranob better condition but members of oouncil think tbey can induce the railroad company to pot enough of tbe dirt taken out of tbe cut whiob will be made at the east end of tbe new railroad bridge to raiie the grade four or Ave feet and make a much easier road for hauling. CITY CONVENTION MAKES NOMINATIONS A call which was distributed Tues day afternoon for a mass mepl.iug t be held in the commercial club looms for the purpose of nominating cum I dates for city olUcrrs was atleiiilfil 1 y about 100 citizens. The n eo 11 g w i.V culled to order by E S Ollinpn, v. Li noiniiinti'd A. D Moe fur i l.i irn ci "lid Mr Moe wus duly dliclu! .Iul liagley was de 'lared the choice of tin: conceiitio i for seort tiiry. 1 he chai.inau stated tlm1 the con tenl inn was ready for bin ini'ts hi i! the names of ('. 11. Slniuahan, Geoii 1'. Pralber, Ed Vayi'S, Joseph A Wil sou did L N. Blowers wr- e I'luci (1 in nomination for the oltlce of mayor Mr. Mayes' nam" vas af.orxiii'd with drawn as Hits also that of I. N. I lob ars, nod the ( cnveutioii tluti proien' ed to ballot for tbd other cuiulidatei. On the tlrst Imlkt Joe W'dn,i Received 20 votes, Pratber 15, and Hltiuiahan 11. The chairman declared Unit there was no election and on the second ballot Wilson received Zi votes, Pratb er 20 aud Strauaban i. Mr. Strana hau then withdrew bis name aud on the third ballot Prat her was elected receiving 25 votes to Wilson's 20. Mr. Wilson did not know that bis name was to be placed in nominption aud was unaware of the action of tbe convention until Wednesday mom lug. The nomination of oouuciJmen was next in order and J. L. llershuer, J. Otten and C. II. Strauaban were chos en by aoolamation Ou motion of A. C. Buck, tbe secretary was ins' ruct ed to oast a ballot for Truman Butler as tbe nominee of the conven tion for city treasurer and J. R. Niokelsen was nominated for the ollice of recorder by acclamation. K. of 1'. (jive Enjoyable Dance. Tbe first large dance of the season was given Monday evening by tbe lo cal lodge of Knigbts of Pythias and is said by those who were in attendance to have been a most enjoyalle affair. Fifty-four couples were pieseut. The large floor of the Upera House I. d been put in excellent condition si d the walls were tastefully decor. it id with evergreens and bunting The interior of tho Opera Homo luis ie- centiy been re-kalsomined iiir the wluter seasou of eutertumnih' aud with tbe stage decorated for the occa sion presented a very attractive ep pearanoe to tbe dancers. Music was furnished by Everett's orchestia of Portland whioh arrived 11 the Spokane train which wa uhout i n hour late. Some of the guests wcie getting a little uneasy before (he mu sicians appeared thinking that thoy were going to be disappointed The arrival of tbe orchestra however, fin ished their fears and after dancing was started the merry p trty kopt it up until about 2 o'clock. Tho gather ing was a representative one most of the members of tbe old dancing club being present and several guests from out of town. Supper was served in the banquet ball of tbe lodge on the flour above tbe daoclng hall and the guests were served iu parties of teu or twelve at a time according t. their inclination. Tbey are warm in their praises of the dance and congratulate its mana gers ou its sucoess. Two Alarms But No Fire. During tbe past week two alarms of Are bave been turned in, and iu both instances there was nothing doing. The tlist one was occasioned by the smoke from a tinsmith's furnace which was being used to repair the roof of Cram's store. Somebody yelled fire, an alarm was turned in and the fire apparatus arrived in less time than it takes to tU it. ' Wednesday another alarm was given for a flie iu the chimney of tbe resi dence of W. 11. Chipping. It was of no consequence, but tbe firemen re sponded promptly being able to move tbe new apparatus very quickly. Nominated By I'e itlon. A petition was circulated Wednes day afternon asking tbat another tick et be placed iu uoininatiou for oity officers, It was signed by a good many of tbe business men and others who were not satisfied with the one placed in nomination at the conven tion Tuesday night. In it L. N. Blowers is named as candidate for mayor, A. D. Moe, Ed Mayes and H. II. Bailey for meirbers of council, Trnman Butier was nominated for oily treasurer and J. R Nickelseu for recorder. The candidates uamed in tbe petition have accepted. For mem ber of council J. M. Wood was also nominated by petition. Mosier I rult Land. 6ost 6 miles east of Hood River, in the Mosier valley, C. D. Morgan has some excellent fruit land in large or small tracts which be can sell cheap if taken soon. Parties wishing to buy will do well to write or eee C. D. Morgan, Mosier, Or. KEITH'S KONQUEROR SHOES FOR MEN. Fall and Winter Shoes now ready. They com- prise shoes (of every occa sion, every pair of which is guaranteed to give complete satis faction. Examine them before purchasing your Fall shoes. Retail price, f 5.00, $4.00, $3.50. PRESTON B. KEITH SHCE CO., Makers, Brockton, Mass. Sold by FRANK A. CRAM, HOOD RIVER, ORE. CAN.D i9E 3 FOB THE HOLIDAYS WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Our own manufacture. Tureand fresh in any quantity and at prices as low as a first class article can be sold : : r : : : : : THE FINEST AND LARGEST LINE OF BOX CANDIES in the city for the holiday trade. Nuts of all Kinds, Oranges and other Fruits : : : : : .BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE SEE US... GEM HANDY KITCHEN T. L,. THOMAS. Pronrintnr 4 FLOOD DISASTROUS ON UPPER RIVER Referring to tbe cessation of tralllo on the upper river couueotiug with t'10 portage, igeut Hmtwood, ot tbe Bpenoer lino, said yoaterday tbat the recent Hoods had ixt:u the cause of 111 nc h grain being shipped over tbe O. R. & N., whioh wan intended for tbe portage Tub sued 1 2 iee of tbe riter look evt-rj tling wilbui its reach aud tbe bsuks ot fbe upper Columbia were strewn with wreckage. A cor respondent writing from Wallula Sat urday says: ''lh is morning tbe writer accompa nied CHptain Wrigley, in his lanuch, Island l lyor, on a toir' of inspeotiou up tbe Columbia. For some two miles the east shore was littered with lumber, timbers, baled bay wreckage ot all descriptions, much of which came from (be Wallula steamboat lauding. There was a rise of eight feet during tbe first hour of the storm. A strong wind from the west added to the terror of tbe siti ution. "1'be steamer Norma was moored to the wharf at the end of tbe railroad spur. She was so battered up tbat Captain liaugbmaii was compelled to take her to Ainswortu for repairs. She did not get into commission un til several days Inter. 1'be wharf was carried down stroaui and broke up on tbe rapids. Many tons of bay and ooal were destroyed Three cars of supplies for the North Hank contract ors, one ot groceries, were at the mercy of the waves, wbicb completely submerged tbem, damaging their con tents. The loss at this point is said to be about t:i,000. At camp No. 4, opposite Wrigley Island, a raft con taining 40,001) feet of lumber broke from its moorings. Captain Wrigley, with the Island Flyer, attached a line and made tbe raft fast to tbe island, but the angry waves caused the raft to break up and tbe lumber all got awsy. "Many carcasses of horses, cattle and 'sheep, supposed to have floated down tbe Yakima river, passed down toward the ocean." Wantdd To let contract to cut 100 cords of pine wood. A. IK Moe. Aa Bhutto ConuUae. "Here, my dear," said the husband, producing a roll of bills "here Is $10 I won playing poker over at Brown's last night. You may have It to buy that dress you wanted." Reluctantly the conscientious wife took the mon ey, then said, with an expression ot rigid rectitude: "I simply shudder at the thought of using money gained In such a way. Henry, promise me tbitt after you have won enough for me to buy the hat to go with the dress you will never again touch tbose awful cards. I don't want my husband to be come a gambler." Judge. Lunar Athletlea. The "man in tbe moon" must surely regard with amused contempt our much vaunted athletic records. A good ter restrial athlete could cover about 120 feet on the moon In a running broad Jump, while leaping over the barn would be a very commonplace feat II would find no difficulty In carrying sis times as much mid running six times as fast as he could on earth, all because the moon attracts bodies with but one sixth of the force of the earth. Origin of "John Bull" The origin of the term "John Bull" Is thus explained by a London journal: Dr. John Bull was tbe first Oresham professor of music, organist of Here ford cathedral and couitMser to Queen Elizabeth. John, like a true English man, traveled for Improvement, and having beard of a famous musician at ' St. Omer he placed himself under him as a novice, but a circumstance very soon convinced the master tbat he was ' Inferior to the scholar. The musician ; showed Jobn song which he bad com- ' posed In forty parts, telling htm at the same time that be defied all the world to produce a person capable of adding another part to his composition. Bull desired to be left alone and to be in dulged for a short time with pea and Ink. Ia less than three hours he added forty parts more to the song, opou which the Frenchman was so much surprised tbat he swore la groat ecstasy be must be either the devil or John Bull, which has ever since beea pro Terblal in England.