The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 22, 1906, Image 4

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    HOOD SHTEft OLACtEtt THURSDAY, HOtElrDER:22,' 1006
W. A. Lockman has a new phone.
Ilia Dumber is Mxl Mouut Hood Hue,
Frauk lioerdmsu in at boiue in the
Chat, Davis bouse.
Mr. Wilson, father of Guy and Den
ver Wilion, ia here from Yaquina
Miss Laura Clelaud, of .Portland,
visited Mis. John Kroeger a few days
last week.
The farewell party glveu at tbe home
of tbe Nefft for Mrs. Crockett and
family Thursday evening was a success
In every way. About 05 friends of
tbe family attended and tbe evening
was passed la games, recitatious and
tuusio. Lunob was served and all
went to their homes glad to have been
there. At tbis writing it is expected
a cat Is to be left at Dukes Valley sta
tion Monday, November 19, to be
filled witb personal property belong
ing to Mrs. Crooket. Fred Crockett
will accompany tbis car to Bnpert,
Idaho, tbe remainder of the family
leaving here on Thursday bound also
for itupert, wbere they mil', reside.
Mrs. Crockett and Fred expect to se
cure homesteads near Kupert. Host
wishes of a host of friends go with
tbis family to their new home.
Frank Ken returned Friday from
Goble, Oregon.
Hazel Rebekab Lode was invited to
visit Laurel Rebekab Lodge, of Hood
L'iver, last Friday night, but owing to
bad roads and weather but few at
tended. Mr. Eanes and Miss Ray attended
institute in Hood River Saturday.
Thos. liaoey went to Carson. Wash.,
Friday where be assisted in institut
ing an L O. O. F. lodge.
John Kroeger returned home Satur
day from jury duty at The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Boardman went
to Portland Saturday for a business
People bare are sorry to learn of the
Injury jeoeived by P. 11. Joohinsen.
Either the futber or brother of the
injured man will go to him in Walla
Walla where be is in a hospital.
It Is evident no signal service roan
need apply at Odell sinoe Ulva Collins
predicted that snow. He said two
weeks befoce it would snow November
17th and tbe snow earn right onetime.
A beautiful home wedding waa sol
emn1 ted Sunday, November 1H, at tbe
home of tbe bride's mother, Mrs. H.
M. Poole, wIipii Claire Crockett and
Nettie Kemp were uuited In marriage,
Kev. Troy Shelley officiating. Ibe
oeremony was very impressive, their
vows being plighted upon the bible.
Tbe bride wis atlirdd In white and
her usual happy self. Ibeee young
people are well known here and their
friends are many. Tbe bride baa been
one of Udell's stars in entertainments
as she is au elocutionist of high rank.
The groom is a son of Mrs. Hattie
Crockett and Is liked for is many
good quult itif sl Tbe young couple
attended Eudeavor Sunday evening
and reoieved congratulations of a
large number of Mends. Tbey will
lie at home near Rupert, Idaho, wbere
Claire has a homestead, as they in
tend leaving Hood River Thursday
for tbat place. My health, happiness
aud prosperity follow them tbiough a
long and useful life.
C. K. was very interesting Sundsy
wight. Ten para nee meeting. 11. T.
Yoang leader. Next Sunday is mis
sionary meeting aud will begin as
near 7 p. m. as possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Roberts returned
to their home in Tbe Dalles Monday.
Tbey attended the Crockett-Kemp
wedding Sunday. Mrs. Roberts is a
sister of tbe bride.
Miss (Catherine E. Davenport, of
Mosiur, was he "e for tbe wedding and
returned to her home Monday.
Monday evening about 40 of the
friends f Mr. and Mrs. Claire Crock
ett gathered at the home of Mrs.
Crockett's mother, Mrs. 11. M. Foole,
and made their presence known by
singing. Tbey were Invited in and
Frank Nell entertained the oompaay
with many beautiful selections ten
dere by his grapbopbnne. Ibe bride
aud groom treated tbe guests witb
bon boos and cigars and after a most
enjoyable evening tbe sereuadera de
parted to their homes happy to have
spent this time with these young peo
ple who have so pleasant a place in
their thoughts.
1 philanthropic peo
aa valley who always
Tbe liberal and
pie of our town an
so readily respond to all oalla for aid,
let us not forget that Thanksgiving
day will soon be here and bow can we
better retrun thanks than by contrib
uting to the Portland Boys and Girls
Aid society, to help In the rescue and
borne placing of needy little ones ever
dear to tbe heart of our Lord. It will
be a wonderful appropriate expression
of gratitude to Him who gave bounti
ful barrets and crowned tbe year witb
His goodness. Tbe year Just closiug
has been one of tbe beet evei known.
Bountiful crops bare rejoloed tbe
f aimer. Fine bnslnees eonditions
have gratifled tbe merchant Plenty
of work and good wages have made
life bappy for the laborer. Therefore
there should be a universal and gen
eious expression of deep gratitude foi
these abuodant temporal blessings,
therefore let oar Thanksgiving for
190(5 be especially large and geneious
for tbe Boys and Girls Aid society, so
tbat tbe Master will say "inasmuch
as ye did it onto one tbe of least of
tbeee litlJe ones, ye did it onto me."
Leave your thanks offering at tbe
Rookford store; if you cannot possibly
do that pbone liookfoid and be will
call on yon, but do not wait nntil tbe
last day, November 29.
A. O. Johnson, of Moont Hood,
bought tbe Jersey cow and calf from
tbe Rookford merchant. He says the
cow will make a good one.
Joseph Groff, from Upper Mount
Hood, wss a caller at tbe Rockfoid,
doing considerable business. Joseph
says it is a little tough batching it,
but hope inspires bim tbat it will not
be always so lonely. Well, burry up
and get tbe matrimonial knot tied.
Mrs. Brayford has Installed a Mann
bone cotter on tbe chicken ranoh and
expects t) get good returns for tbe in
vestment, as bens will pioduoe more
eggs from being fed' on bone scraps
ground up.
Ed Watts put In one week plaster
ing tbe Mosler school house and re
turned borne on Saturday last.
Roy Ellis purchased a piece of land
on tbe Potter estate aud baa moved
bis bouse from his old homestead.
We are informed tbat tbe late
storms bare caused considerable dam
age to the new dltob belonging to tbe
bonded district. Rooks bave slid into
tbe ditch and a few places washed out
pretty bad and men were sent op- on
the ditch to turn tbe water out so as
to save tbe ditch.'
W. F. Smith sold tbe hundred sacks
of spuds to tbe Rookford man and we
need more good spuds
Fred Chandler was over in Washing
ton one day last week and pu rob used
Ciiristmas is Coming
We are here with the largest stock of Xmas
Goods ever brought to the city.
"We Solicit TToiaj: Txad.e.
High Grade Watches
from all the Leading Factories
Solid Silverware
The largest stock
to select from.
Please make your
selections early.
8 C3ua
wp gim
Our stock of Plated Ware is the
kind that wears; we buy direct
from the factories and can give
you the lowest prices.
Cut Glass is always in order for a fine
Xmas present. Our stock ia complete.
OuT.UmbrellaS ?,fe something new
1 lease call and examine
A pair of Gold Spectacles makes a last
ing present. We can lit the eyes any time
ifii;mm ft
the Jewelers
Lend Us Your Ear
My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
genuine hair-food you can
buy. It gives new life to the
hair-bulbs. You save what
hair you have, and get more,
too. And it keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Bold tor ov.r sixty year."
aud hr J. o. att o.. umi, it".
AIM BinaiMwrnt
So we can tell you of
our fine new lot of
Combination Syringes and Hot Water Bottles
Just received they are of the be 4 quality and workmanship, Every Piece Guaranteed
Hot Water Bottles $1.00 to $1.75
Combination Fountain Syringes (Rapid flow)... 2.25 to 3.00
Fountain Syringes (Rapid How) 2.00 to 2.50
Bulb Syringes (Rapid How 75 to 3.00
Uur line is new and fresh rubber stock that is not old and shelf worn. We posi
tively Will not cary an inferior grade of rubber. LET US SHOW YOU
h span nf uioe bright bay horses and
clothed them with a brand net set of
karoos. Fred has m uood eye tor a
horse. ,
A. M. Kelley ha 4 gone to spend
some time with his family on bis
homestead Id tbe Blue mountains.
T. M. Larwood returned Saturday
from a trip to Tbe Dalles where be
has been on jury duty. Mr. Larwood
has become so popular as a juior that
be can hardly Ret time to attend to
his auairs at borne.
.There was a light snow full Friday
evening, really tbe first down in tbe
valley, though tbe surrounding bills
nave worn a a a u tie of white already
tbis fall.
Ten new book" bave been added tc
tbe sehool library. These are from
tbe allotment purchased by school
funds, tbe first to be sent under the
new law.
Tbe Johnson baby waa getting
much better, wben Sunday night, it
bad a relapse ana U quite III again.
It Is uot pleusaut to be a telephone
line man at Mouut tlocd tbeee days,
1 be wind storm Tuesday night tore
things up (or down) generally. In
many places trees bave fallen across
and broken the lines. Mr. Latterty
and a force ot men are at work and
will get tbe lines in working condit
ion as soon as possible.
Tbe Literary society held an inter
eating meeting Thursday evening
There are 22 members now, with more
coming. Toe members bave decided
to take up a course of reading for tbe
winter and bave sent for books which
they expect to bave by next meeting,
Tbe Initiation of tbe new members
proved quite Interesting at the last
The football boys are making great
plans for tbe social next Saturday
night. They an going to bave a luncb
oounter aud sell candy also, so no one
needs to go . hungry If tbere are not
baskets enough to go around. They
expect to bave a good program and
will do their' best to see tbat every
one bas a good tVme. Program begins
at 7:30. , -:
A surveying party consisting of fl.
U. Tomilnsou, Owal Knox, Joe l'eltli-
ier aud John Cooper, staited up to
Mouut Hood Monday to do some sur
veying from the-Inn on up tbe moun
tain to a point above Cooper's Spur,
ibe work is being done In tbe in
terests of the Mazamas, Tbe party
expect to be gone three or tour days.
Our branch of Hood river, tbe East
Fork, bas been on tbe rampage tbe
past week. It : was higher than it bas
heen for several years. It was quite
exciting to see tbe turbid stream go
rushing and dashing down at a fur
ious rate and bear tbe rooks rumbling
and tumbling over each other In tbe
resistless curteut Situated as it is.
most of tbe ootnse being between high
banks, it did not do much damage,
Tbe bridge ou the Inn road, however.
was washed out TLursday. People
from tbe upper settlements in-order
to reach the post office mi st go
around by the bridge at the school
Mr. F. Cbaudler and two real es
tate agents spent Sunday looking over
Hose mil property.
The Uolkery plaoe baa been recently
sold to a party from Portland.
Jay Elder bas purchased Mr.
Lund's place.
The Fulton place bas been sold.
Mr. Saltzman has improved bis
place, having completed bis bouse.
Mr. Hansen Is exteniavely Improv
ing bW place.
Mr. Hansen and Mr. Thomas, the
ohairmao of tbe board, visited tbe
school last week aud both were well
pleased Kith tbe progresa tbe obildren
were makiug in their studies. A Miss
Thompson, trom Portland. Is teaching
toe scbooj.
Miss Lizzie Elder, the teaober at
M osier Ridge, spent Saturday ai d
Sunday with her parents on Roe
Hill. .
Mrs. M. E. Thomas spent several
days lust week visiting ber daughter.
Mrs. r . K. Jackson, and friends at
Fine Grove. .
Mr. Frank and Chaa Mr. Tiout and
family spent several days last week
with fi lends at Rose Hill.
Mr. Cba. Wells and family, of Pine
lirove, spent Saturday evening and
Sunday witb tbe Thomas family at
Rose Hill.
The Rose Hill people are eurreyiog
for a new grade over the bill. Several
of the citizens bave oontiituted to
ward toe expeuxe.
Miss Llzize Elder, teaober of Mo
sler Ridge and Miss Thompson, It each-
er of Rose Hill, ateoded tbe Institute
at Hood River Satuiday.
Unptist Church Appoints Mr Stark.
Ibe Baptist church board held a
meeting Saturday at 2 o'clock to rea-
nlnrly install Rev. V. A. Stark as res
ident pastor, Rev. Spigbt of Hood
River having resigned the charge on
acouunt of ill health. This selection
meets with universal satisfaction In
M osier as Mr. Stark's less residence
and kindly demeanor baa won for bim
tbe love aud esteem of young and old
as tbere is hardly one family here in
wbinh Rev. Stark bas not figured, be
ing tbe first to give tbe hand cf con
gratulation at marriages, as well as
the one to otter comfort in tbe .hour
of sorrow - Optimist.
J as. Laoey has let tbe contract to
grub 15 acres which be own ou tbe
East Side. Tbe wotk will commence
at once.
Shoes for Men and Boys
We can recommend to pur trade with the assurance
that our line of Shoes will give the best wear and most
satisfaction of any line of shoes on this coast. Ask to
see the Grand Rapids Shoe. We carrry them in high,
medium and low tops for loggers, cruisers and general
purposes. 11
El Real Underwear for women and
Children are exceptionally nice flitting
and wearing garments, as well as mod
erate in price. We have it in silk and
wool, Fleece-ribbed, Cotton and Wool
ribbed, both in 2-piece and Union suits,
from 25c a garment up
Buy Elite underskirts. They have all
the qualities of silk and wear much
better at less than half the price.
Drt?W finrifK P'as are extremely popular. We are
offering exceptionally low prices in all
Dress Goods, and we invite your in
spection. We are sure you will readily
appreciate the values we are offering.
If you are in need of some real nice
Table Linen and Napkins see our line.
We can please you.
Table Linen
Are You
Poisoned ?
If your liver Is working
right you probably are
not. When the liver is
overworked, as it fre
quently is, the system be
comes clogged. It is then
that sallow complexion,
bad taste in thi- mouth,
headaches, dizzy spells,
continuous languor, etc..
Indicate that the poison
ous matter which should
be carried off ia slowly
tainting the blood. If not
remedied at once this
condition will cause se
rious trouble.
provides just what la
needed to quicken the
liver into natural, healthy
action. If you take these
pills when needed' all
danger of tbis slow poison
ing is avoided. ' Poei
cure for constipation.
J Price 25 cents
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
...Barber Parlors...
The place to get an easy
shave and first-cla8 hair cut.
Our shop is metropolitan in
every respect.
Porcelain Baths In Connection
All freight consigned to points on
line of Mt. llood Hood By. must be
prepaid. Shipments must be regular
ly billed at least fifteen ulnutes be
fote learlBg time of train.
J. w. west. Agent.
They are going to be big fat ones, too. This ad is
to serve as a warning for those folk who buy turkeys
in a hasty fashion. These people pay exhorbitant
prices and get little quality.
See our Turkeys and Prices
We will have an immense 6tock of them. You
make no mistake in buying one at our market.
McGuire Bros.
i-.ssi03T STABLE
Livery, Feed and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture an
We do everything horses can do.
Don't Forget
When you want first-class work
done at home. All kinds of
Laundry Work and Cleaning
Lace curtains, 50c; blankets and
carpets, 25c to 60c. Phone m941
Gla rabrtck, Pro.
Patronize Home
Our Work cannot be