H60D RIVBR QLAOlER, THtJRSDA? ftOtOBEB 6,1908 DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKIMO POWDER Royal does not contain an atom of phosphatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sul phuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) substan ces adopted for other baking pow ders because of their cheapness. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW VOHK. MT. HOOD RAILROAD MAKES IMPROVEMENT Work tbat is being done by a large force of men on the Mount Hood mil road will toon have the line In Que shape and permit of good time being made over the line. Gangs have been working from both enda of the road have done much to improve on the first and hurried ooustraotiou of tbe road and when tbeyare.tbroOgb it will be in good shape." A great deal of lumber and other freight is being hauled over tbe road and the passenger business Is increas ing also. In addition to tbe.station at Hood River three other stations have reoently been completed. -They are at Van Horn, Odell and W inaus and combine a waiting room for pas sengers with a compartment,, for freight also. At Van Horn tbe.Uavid son Frnlt company has erected a sub stantial and commodious waiehouse for shipping apples and another has just been completed at , Odell. Siae tracks have been laid alongside of them and it is evident that apploe will probably be both paoked and shipped almost directly from tbe or chards in the near future. In fact several carloads were shipped over tbe Mount Hood line to their destination this year. Several sidings have been laid at othei points on tbe road for the aocommodution of patrons, and platforms have been built at all the stations on tbe line. The big mill, one side of which Is in operation is cutting many thous ands of feet of lumber, but its fullest output is not possible owing to the scarcity of men. Electric power is being found most successful and is employed in every part of tbe mill except in operating the "nigger" where it oouid no very well be used owing to the jaring and jolting na ture of tbe machine. A conveyor for carrying oif tbe ref use from tbe mill has been elected and is about 500 feet long taking the stuff far enough away from tbe big building so there Is little or no dan ger of Us takin Ore from tbe burning pile of refuse. A glanoe into the powet bouse shows how smooth its machinery runs as tbe fouduation for It is so substan tial tbat there is no vibration from it. Loading platforms, piled up lumber and oars being switched back and forth give tbe lumber town au ail ot hustle and business. Tbe new store and olHoes of tbe Oregon Lumber oompany are fast being put in stbape. The oompany has moved its stock of goods from its store at Hood Klver ' and will soon have them in condition for a speedy transaction of business. Ibe offices will adjoin tbe store and as soon as they are completed the gen et al office of the lumber company will be at Dee. A sidetrack extending from tbe main line to tbe store building makes it possible to unload freight direct from the cars. A good many small bouses .and many tents are in evidence and with tbe building of a school bouse the town baviug been made a school dis trict, and tbe establishment of apottt ottioe Dee will have become a full fledged town in something lent than a year. Buffalo Kill's I'lans. A special from Cody, Wyo., to the Cheyenne Tribune. Bays of the plans of "Buftalo BUI": CoL W. b Cody ban arrived a bis home in this oity from his Jong tour of Europe and is beiug royally wel comed by his many Hi lends here. . Tbe veteran fiontiersman says he cannot express his delight at his le turn to is uative land and while his recent continental tour was tbe most Booessful in the history of his wild west show, he is glad to have tbe smell of sagebrush once more in his nostrils. Cody brings back with him many gifts from royalty and says that the recent trip ot his show was a wonder ful one, thousands beiug turned away at many performances, llejhas creat ed somewhat of a sbnsaiion by an nouncing tbat instead of another year's tour in the United States he has planned a long four years' tour which will include every state in America. After this tour, be says he will retire. Colonel Cody does not look a day older than weu he left Amei ioa for his Eurpean tour, and in speaking of his age, said: "1 expect to live years yet." a runaway and tbat if they didn't confess he would put them all In jail. Tbe fellow then told a straight stoiy and said that they met the boy at Jo bla and that be bad run away from bis home in Portland. The boy also made a clean brent of tbe aitutlon and said bis mother Jived at 640 ftortbrup street, lie claims he la 16 years of age, but looks about 14. Ibe marshal took tbe boy to jail and telephoning to the Dolioe in Portland, received in struotions to hold tbe lad untilan nfllner came UD tor him. Later, when tbe jail was emptied of it nruouers tbe oov called tne mar sbal and said he was so lonesome and broke down sobbing. Sexton gave him a good lecture, which made tbe tears flow faster and extracted promise tbat bis first runaway. would be his ast. Chronicle. Tie Kind of Boys That l'r. Someoody has figured out that the average boy who is dependent upon bis parents for a livelihood until be Is 21 years of age costs them in the neighborhood of M,0UO, says an ex change. On this basis of calculation a brood, for instaooe, of six boys would represent an outlay of 121,000 by the time tbey get away from tbe home roost. Tbe question arises, does it pay to raise boys aud sis there no other crops that would prove more proiltablef If a boy turns out to be a cigarette fiend with a breath like a turkey buzazrd and a laugh tbat would make the untutored donkey feel perfectly at home in his society, and with an nntramnieJed and nnoonqured deire to avoid work, It is safe to say that his parents might have invested their fl.OOO at a much better advan tage. But if tbe boy grows op to manhood with tbe lesson well leaioed tbat wealth and suooess grow only on bushes watered by tbe sweat of one's trow, tbe parents need not begrudge whatever tbey have spent on him, for be will be a source of increasing pride and joy to tbeir hearts, and when tbey grow old and tbeir bauds trem ble ana their legs watble and their steps is slow and faltering, tbey have two strong arms to lean upon and to help them over all rough places that lie in tbeir twilight. Condon Globe. Kills Many Bears. Allan locorn has a fine Boat ranoh southwest of Sheridan, and bears like goat meat, often ooming for milos around with evil Intent. Mr. Vooom is a good bear builtei and trapper. and tbe bears he has killed would make a big pile. In the last two years he kept count, and has forty notches on his stick, representing 40 dead bears since November 1U04, when rre'ldent Kooaelvelt was elected. What a plonio it would be for Teddy. juominnvieiie Reporter. CARPENTERING SCREENS , Shop opposite 0. B. Hartley's residence Phone 571 Torments of Tetter and Eczema Allayed Tbe intense itching characteristic of eozema. tetter and like skin diseas es is instantly allayed by applying Cbamberlian's Salve and many seveie OHeg have been permanently cured by its use. For sale by ruer & (Jass. Jiotice of Filing of Township Plat. Notice is hereby given that plat of survey of.towuship 11 north, range 10 eBt of Willamette meridian, will be oUlcially tiled in this office on No. veinber 27, l'JOti, at tbe hour of o'clock a. m., land tbat on and after said date tbe lauds embraced therein will become subject to entry by bona fide settlers showing residence there on prior to date ot establishment of tbe PaclUo Forest Keserve on Maroh , 1801. JS. C. Phillips, register, A. J. Cook, receiver. An Awful Cough Cared. "Two years ago our little girl had a touoh of pneumonia, whiob left her with an awful oougb. She had spells of coughing, just like one with the whooping oougb aud some thought she would not get well at alL We got bottle of Chamberlain's Cougb Rem edy wh'ob, acted like a charm. She stopped coughing and got stout and fat, " writes Mrs. Ora Bustard, Biu baker., 111. This remedy for sale by Kier & Cass. True and tried freuds of tbe family -DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Best for results and best to take. Rosy cheeks and sparking eyes follow the use of these dependable little pills. "hey do not gripe or sicken. Sold by Williams' marmaoy. Runaway Boys .Numerous. Runaway boys seem to be numerous about these parts. Marshal Sexton having one! In his care at present, whom be is holding until otlicers in Portland come to take him back to his home. Yesterday Sexton and Constable Harper saw a boy in oompany with two hobos on First tttreet and suspio- lomng tbat something was wrong, got him to one side and questioned him. Ho gave his name as Alexander Grant and said he was traveling with tbe men, one of whom was his half broth er. Interviewing the men, one of them said his name was Mooie and tbat he was a cousin of the boy. Sex ton told him he oould not deceive him, that he felt positive the boy was W. J. BAKER & CO. v acres, one mile irom town, all in bearing orchard, strawberries and clover. Price per acre, $400. acres, one mile irom town, all un der cultivation and in berries and clover Price per acre $300. 8 acres, two miles out, two acres ber ries, and about 4 acres young orchard set to Hpitzenberes and Newtowns. Four room house and 15 trees in full bearing 1 1. i'i ,i i rite m,iiuu. 15 acres miles from town. Four acres of three year old standard varieties apples, eight acres in alfalfa, which is in nne condition for setting to orchard Small house and barn. Price for a short time, $3,000. 30 acres 6 miles out. Twenty acres in orchard, and five of it in full bearing. Can be divided to suit purchaser. Price 1U.UUU, 8 acres 2 miles out. All in berries and a few full bearing fruit trees. Price $2500. 80 acres four milss from town. 300 Bpitzenburgs and Newtown trees planted last year. 150 bearing trees. About two acres in berries, UO acres ready to set to trees or berries. $15,000 for all will sell in 20 acre tracts. 30 acres 2 miles from town, three acres berries, 800 peach trees will be bearing next year. 200 apricots, 300 pears. 500 standard apples, all two and three years planted. Price per acre $250. 20 acres near the above place for $5,000. -Improvements consist of ten acres in Newtowns one year out and ten acres in walnuts, same age. 40 acres 3J miles out on the East side, 1 en acres in orchard one vear planted 27 acres in Alfalfa which is ready to set to orchard, lliree acres uncleared Price for a abort time, $7,500. 20 acres 3 miles out on East side. acreB in orchard, 3 and 4 years old $8,500. 32 acres 5 miles from town. 1300 tree 3 to 6 years old. Price $12,000. i acres o miles out. JNearly all se to fruit. About half in bearing, bonne barn and outbuildings. Price f 10,000, 20 acres 4 miles out on the East eide 10 acres set to trees. Balance cleared Price $8,500. f rtffcvMrt"o'J s No More Cold Rooms If you only knew how much comfort can be derived from a PERFECTION Oil Heater how simple and economical its operation, yon would not be without it another day. You cau quickly make' warm and cozy any cold room or hallway no matter in what part of the house. You can heat water, and do many other things with the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick as high or low as you can there's no danger. Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke less device. Made in two finishes nickel and jspan. Brass oil fount beauti- iuuy cmnossea. moiqs 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. Every heater warranted. If you cannot get heater or information from your dealer, write to nearest agency for descriptive circular. r and steady light, simple con struction and absolute aafetv. Equipped with latest Improved burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed room. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD Oil. COMPANY A ar. a-, cob 5 VY, V Si. 0 SPICES, corntTEA. MKIMePOWOn. njfloiNoixraafl F. K. STRANG J. W. WILSON THE ODELL NURSERIES DEALERS IN ... Apple Trees ... All standard varieties grown from selected scions of the best bearing orchards in Hood Itiver valley. Guaranteed true to name and free from disease. I INTITUTB H U Study telegraphy and fit toui elf for salaried position, with unparalleled opportunity for ad rancemenL Railroad oon.true tlon now under way rnakaa irreat demand for trained oper ators. Takes only t to I months to leam. Tuition, t mot. HO. Writ, for catalog. Pacific Tel rraph Institute, 6th flxr. Com monwealth bide. Portland. Or. Leave Hood River 8:00 a.m. Leave Dee 4:00 p. m. - - - , V ' m On June 10th, and each Sunday there after, Mount Hood Railroad will run an Excursion Train between Hood River and Dee. A more pleasant trip than a few hours ride through the Beautiful Hood River Valley cannot be taken and the Fishing' in immediate vicinity of Dee is unsur passed. Round Trip $1 Round Trip $1 Tickets on Sale at Office, Mount Hood Hotel. We Prove What We Say. We dou't claim to know everything but we do know one tbin well Ws know bow to Bt spectacles so as to re lieve many ills and ailment tbat will never be relieved in any other way. Dr. Hogg, tbe Portland specialist with U. Arthur Clarke, Jeweler and Optician, Hood River, Ore. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. Phone 121. ESTABLISHED 1900 INCORPORATED 1905 Butler Banking Company HOOD RIVER, OREGON Capital Fully Paid, $50,000 LkSI.IK BllTI.ER, Preflident DIRECTORS J. N. Teal, Vice President. J. W. French R. T. Tmuts Butler, Cashier Cox Your Health Is your best Jasset. Proper health ia most essential to your happiness and welfare. I'ure air is tin absolute. necessity, and no effort should be spared to keep it so in every louse. Where open-flaino illuminants robtlie tiir of oxigen aud turn it into carbonic acid gas, pure air is an impossibility. Air poisoned by the flame of gas jet, or that of an oil lamp is unfit for breathing purposes and exercises a decidedly injurious effect upon the occupant of the room. Electric Light burning in an air-tight bulb leaves the nir of the room pure and fresh,, and furnishes a better, brighter and safer light than any other medium. We furnish the current and a phone mes sage or postal from you will bring our representative. v. 1, :18 J. H. GILL, -DEALER IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic ,& Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, OREGON. O 0 DC HC 0 SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers Special attention given to making and repairing Grubbing Tools and Loggers Tools EXPERT HORSESHOERS O. T. RAWSON. I r. H. 8TAKTOH HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will hare and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot, Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitien berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. Phone Your Orders to Us You are not getting value received from your telephone if you do not use it in telephoning your drug orders ...Call Up Main 821... and leave your order and we will Deliver it Promptly We will call and get your prescriptions and deliver them when filled. 0 The Glacier Pharmacy CUAS. N. CLARKE, Prop. Q 3IC 3C DAVIDSON FRUIT CO FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit oxes Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit. I still have a few LADIES' TOP SKIRTS REDUCED TO COST $9 to $8, $7 $5, $5 to $4. Comeand examine thesegoods Will cost you nothing. I also carry a full line of ....SETZ SHOES FOR MEN.... Royal Blue, $3.60 Perfeoto at 33.25 A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on A NEW RANGE The Big New and Secondhand Store is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable. Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOU MONEY. Phone 1053 O. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.