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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
J 1 HOOD RIVER GLACIER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,-1906 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS i 1 w Ribbon All-silk Taffeta in 40, GO, 80, nil colors, 4 valuer up to 20c. Special, the yard I UU Hose Ladies' fleece lined Lose, double heel and toe, Q regular 15c values. Special while they last, pr. V Wool Hose Ladies' all-wool hose, good quality, double OCm heel and toe. Rurson fashioned. Special.. Children's Hose Children's all-wool, heavy ribbed hose, regu- OCt lar 35c value. Special Men's Flannel Shirts Heavy flannel Shirts for men, blues, and4 4C grays, good weight and quality. SjM'cial ' ASK l?OR Premium Trading Cards THAT BOY OF YOURS can look as well (that is be dressed as neatly and in as good taste) as any boy in your neighborhood if he wears clothes bearing the "KNTVEAROUT" brand. Boys' "Kantwearout" clothes are not high priced, neither are they as low priced as those made of shoddy materials, poorly tailored and with nothing to recommend 'them but the price. When you buy a "Kantwearout" Suit for your boy you can feel that you are getting good materials and good tailoring at a price you can welT afford not a penny too much for the quality you receive. For this Autumn and Winter we show several novelties in the new double breasted sailor (also the regulation sailor model as illustrated) in many attrac tive weavea of Cassimere", Cheviots, Wonted and Serge, CO CA A tflA ages from two and a half to eight years dj.OU lO'aJMV If your boy Is a little too old for a Bailor Suit you can find just what you want in our line of Jacket and Pants Suits for boys from six to tto CA M1 it $J.5U 10 $ l Boys Yoke and Double Breasted Norfolk Suits for bov t A CA tfiA from six to sixteen .. A4.dU 10 3)IU In Our Boys' Clothes section you will find every style, every make of garment that is entitled to your consideration, not only in Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats but the other articles of Boys' apparel such as furnishings, hats and shoes. - We are exclusive agents fonhe"Hercules" in Hood River Jit THIS WEEJi'S SPECIALS - Boys' Double-knee Sweaters ic cardinals and fiftf blues, a good garment at a facial price DUC Boys' Underwear, a nice Derby ribbed in good 6C weights, a regular 45c garment. Special wJC Dr. Wright's Health Underwear for boys. Good weight, 3ilk finish. Regular 85c and 1.00 QC retailers. Special this week wJC Nice all-wool camel's hair, heavy weight, soft EC smooth finish. Special WWW Misses' medium heavy fleeced union suits, sizes QQ a 10, 12, 14, a 50c retailer. Special each. wOC Underwear for All. These nrices are onl v a few that we have picked at random from our large assoit- iuenD. We are giving with $5.00 pur chases a beautiful picture in 18x22 gilt frame, FREE. Fifty different scenes to select from. The Store that is Growing More Popular Every Day We Sell Honest Goods at Honest Prices Tkclr rirat Mtnnnti la Rrola tloa. Are U.aallr Geaeroaa. I know the men of the people In Tor Is too well not to know that tbelr first movements In times of revolution are usually generous and that they are best pleased to spend the days Imme diately following tbetr triumph In boasting of their victory, laying down the law and playing at being great men. During that time It generally happens that some government or oth er Is set up, the police return to their posts and the Judge to his bench, and when at last our great men consent to step down to the better known and more vulgar ground of petty and mall clous human passions they are no longer able to do so and are reduced to lire simply like honest men. Be sides, we have spent so many years In Insurrections that there has arisen among us a kind of morality peculiar to times of disorder and a special code for days of rebellion. According to these exceptional lawa, murder Is tol erated and havoc permitted, but theft Is strenuously forbidden, although this, whatever one may say, does not pre vent a good deal of robbery from oc curring upon those days for the simple reason that society in e state of rebel lion cannot be different from that at any other time, and It will always con tain a number of rascals who as for as they are concerned scorn the morality of the main body and despise Its point of honor when they are unobserved. "Recollections of De Tocquevllle." TIDAL FLUX AND REFLUX. Complicated MoTcmamta of the B1U lawa of the Oeaaas. Those who see the rise and fall of the tides In our Atlantic harbors sel dom think of the wonderful course of the ocean waves which cause the tidal flux and reflux. Such billows not only cross the sea, but flow from ocean to ocean, and In this way complicated movements are set going. Thus, for instance, once In every twelve hours the moon raises a tide billow In the southern Indian ocean. When this billow passes the Cape of Good nope at noon Ita successor Is al ready born, and by the time the first billow has reached the A sores Islands at midnight the second Is rounding the cape, and a third baa come Into ex istence In the southern ocean. By 4 o'clock In the morning following lis passage of the cape the tide billow reaches the English channel, and there the shallow waters delay It so much that It does not arrive at the strait of Dover until 10 a. m. Here the nar rowing channel causes the tide to rise very high and almost puts an end to the wave. In the meantime another branch of the billow runs around the western aide of the British Islands, rounds the north point of Scotland and moves lowly down the eastern coast of Eug land until It finally flowa up the Thames and lops the wharfs of Lon dniw Philadelphia Record. The This uplift of volcaulo matter, rest ing on baked sandstone and Inclining westward at a gentle slope, presents in Its river ward aspect the columnur or palisaded appearance that bo Impress ed the early voyagers a gray wall beetling from 300 to COO feet above the tide, shagged with trees at the sum liilt, half burled behind a. scrap of talus, that Is also verdurous. At Ny nck It bends Into the amphitheater where that pretty town has nestled, surges rlverward again to form l'olnt-no-Polnt and, still ascending behind Ilaverstraw, reaches hi High Tor a lift of 820 feet. As the dike extends southward also to Bayonne, Its total length is forty miles, but the Palisades proper front the river for half thut dis femoo. Charles M. Bklnner la Century. Nothing- bat Frail. 1 ay, I'd give anything to be as strong and healthy aa you are," re marked the lacy man. "What do you live on?" "Nothing but fruit," answered the other. "What kind of frultr "The fruit of Industry," was the brief I but significant reply. INDIAN REMEDIES. P.oallar Medical Methods tied la taa Far Gnat. Great virtues are ascribed to the claws and horns of certain animals Tigers claws are in great demand with tue common people. Land Bargains Price and terms of the Dellusey lands three and one'balf miles cast of M osier on Dalles road : 40 acres or over 950 an acre. 30 aoie tract 8(10 an aore. 20 aore tract 175 an aore. 10 acre traot tlOO an aore. 5 aore tract f 100 an ann One half down, balance to suit pur- " A. I ireuyio. uui ur iwo ciaws uu u" uuwu, uHittuce 10 suit pur may be worn near the loins, but should, chaser at at eight per cent interest atl-lA nnoama aa 1n.Mna a,.. 1 1L M a... l fill fl Af AfT Afl nDVmanifl one possess a larger number the fortu nate owner makes a srarland of thn and wears them around his neck. Deer's horn ground Into the Daate Is an A more curious use Is found for the same substance; It Is sometimes made Into a powder which la supposed to aid the growth of stunted women. The Joints taken from the long and slender tail of the black scorpion are supposed to keep Illness at arm's distance when children wear them on their waist thread. A red or swollen eye Is cured by hav ing it touched with the bolt or chain of a door. A remedy which I have seen applied with considerable effect In more than one epileptic fit ta to place a bunch of keys in the palm of the suffer er. I have heard It said that the fit passea away as readily If the keys are placed on the head. A rather quaint remedy In the case of a sprained neck is to use nn iron measure for a nlllow Bore throat Is cured bv anlttlmr nn redhot Iron, quite the simplest and least expensive cure known to the native doctor. Peacock's flesh and plg'a ghee are tne best medicines for acute rhew matlsm. Madras Mall. on deferred Dsvmenls. Will accept as part payment team, harness, wagon, plows, harness, culti vators and other farm implements; oows, hogs, poultry eto. Also farm work at ruling wages. Bee our new list next week. W. J. BAKEH & CO. The First Strain Powar. The power of steatn was known to uero or Alexandria, who exhibited what seems from the descriDtion to hava been a small steam engine to Ftolemy Fhlladelphus and his court about 150 a. u. may describes a small boat built by a "magician" of Rome which moved by means of a wheel "driven by a pot of hot water." Watt's Invention of a rotary steam engine was Datented In 1700. The first railway locomotive wae built by Trevlthlck in 1804. The first practical locomotive was perfect ed by Stephenson in 1829. As early as 1707 Denys Papln built a model of a steamboat, which was destroyed by a mob of boatmen. The first practical steamboat was built by William Bym Ington in 1802. In 1808 Robert Fulton In connection with Chancellor Living ston built a steamboat, which was tried on the Seine. In 1807 the Cler mont began trips from New York to Albany. No Iaflaenee With Hlaa. During a municipal election In a town in the west of Scotland a young lady who was canvassing on behalf of one of the candidates called at a bouse, the door of which was opened by the goodwlfe. "I have called to solicit your vote on behalf of Mr. said the young lady. "But it's not me that's got the vote. Ifs me man," replied the woman. "Yes." said the young lady, "but I thought you might perhaps use your Influence with hira." "Me Inflooenoe him?" said the good wife. "I hiv nae Innooence wl' him. Only this morning 1 asked him to wash the floor afore he went out and he wadua dae It" KITCHEN HLPS. When the heat of the oven Is slow It may be Increased by putting hot stove lids under the pudding or dish which is baking. If you will always set the dlshpan with the handles at the front and back Instead of at the sides as you face It you will have fewer nicked tea sets. If when covering a kitchen table with oilcloth a layer of brown wrapping paper is put on first It will prevent the oilcloth from cracking and make it wear three times as long. To prevent bright pans from being blackened by smoke, rub with fat be fore putting them on the fire. Wash with hot water and soda after using them, and they will be quite bright In order to keep the odor of cauli flower, turnips and cabbage from per-1 meating the house, lay a cloth over the top of the pot in which they are boiled and then sprinkle a little anlt over the cloth. This Is a simple remedy and is said to be effective. IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS i. JlUJ?nrl??t.TTUli ,'naf our B,w wa of Attalla, Weshtarton, located in tha Columbia Blv.r Vall.jr in taa part of Walla Walla County. Waah inrton, oppoaita tha Xann.wick Irrigation canal, and at tha junction of tha Northern Pacific tha Washington Columbia River and the Or.e-on Railway Kavig-atlon Co. Railways, and also at tha head of navigation on tha Columbia This Is one of tha richest agricultural districts In tha United States, and the soil la perfectly adapted to the miaing- of berries, fruits and vegetables. Which ripen earlier than in any other part of tha state. T.geiaoiea, Owing to the superior railroad advantages it is possible to market produce as lata aa 7 o'clock p. m. and have shipments arrive in B.attle, Tacoma, Port land, Spokane and Intermediate polnta in the morning, traveling In the cool of the nlghtt which meana tha largeat income in ti-.e Northwest la received from these lanaa; it being possible to CI.EAJ TROK SSOO TO $700 FEB ACRS PER Alt A u K. Portunes are being made every year from Irrigated Lands. There are no crop fallurea, and prices are always high. Theie lands, with perpetual water riorhta. caa be aacurad a mavinir L .n.u ... r. v . 7 wi favorabl. term.. ' " ' " " " An Investment of this Kind Beats Life Insurance - rr. ynuA mm yiuuaiUB IBTWWO HI UTlgm.a lftndg Will UOOU family "aftas ita. ' ' ' You do not have to Die to Win or further particulars, naps and elrenlara address! " . - V. X. loose, president and Oenaral Xanagea THE COLUMBIA CANAL CO. B0, 610 Marlon Building, Seattle, Wash, or Attalla. Wall Walla Co.. Wa WHOLESALE . RETAIL THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. WEBER, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. GROWER AND DIALIK lit TREES GRAPE VINES -AN Patti'a Good Look.. England's most famous singer, Mme. Pattl, although over sixty-three years old, still enjoys the best of health and good looks. Her beautiful rose pink complexion, which has ever been her most striking attraction, she attributes to fresh air, careful dieting and rain baths. With respect to the latter curi ous recipe she says: "By all means let the rain beat against your face as often as you have chance. The rain has a wonderfully freshening effect on the Dores of the akin. Of course you must otherwise wrap up well to prevent taking cold." Mme. Pattl takes over three hours' daily exercise lu the open air, which ahe considers should be a regular fea ture In the dally life of every woman. FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL 1 SMALL FRUITS Cvergreens, Rosea and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. Keeping a Skillet Shiny. A dark brown, greasy skillet is a trial to a neat housekeejer. Unfortun ately, though, the cleansing process Is so disagreeable that it Is too often slighted. It will be found comparative ly easy to keep them in good condition, however, if they are first rubbed with a chain scraper and afterward with brown paper before being washed. It Is also well to fill the skillet with wa ter and lot It boll on the stove while the rest of the dishes are being wash ed. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phone 931 HOOD KIVEIl, OR. Box Wood . FOR SALE AT THE Box Factory Phoue 71. o Hurry, The minister was shocked when the young woman declined an introduction to some of his parishioners. "Why, my dear young woman, did you ever think that perhaps you will have to mingle with these good people when you got to heaven?" "Well," she exclaimed, "that will be soon enough." Life. Another War to Pot It. "After all," said the moralist, "the almighty dollar la man'a greatest ene my. It" "If that's so," Interrupted old Rox ley, "I guess that young wife of mine merely loves me for the enemies I've made." Philadelphia Ledger. Knee Protestors. Excellent knee protectors for chll dren muv be made of women's atoeir Ings that are worn In the feet and of practically no further use. Cut off the upper part of the stocking a piece about eight Inches long, nem the top and bottom and run In elastic bands and you will have a serviceable pro tector ror stockings and drawers. Rot Intended. lie (after Introduction) Allow me to Inform you that I am the last of tha great family of the Van Slltena. Sht (thoughtfully) Delighted to hear 1 I'm sure. Le Hire. Brief Mentloa. Reporter Now that I have described your dress and those of your maids, the house decorations and the presents, what shall I say of the bridegroom when we print the account of the wed ding t Bride Elect-Well, I suppose bis name must go In. You might say that he iwas among those present Woman's Home Companion. I ' Aa Expenelve Luxury. Hewltt-These ,-ikhis I am suikhu are pretty expensive. Jewett That" true enough; the lust one you gave s:. coat mo a doctor's bill -,ev.' Yv Press. Arrival and Departure of Mails. HOOD RIVKR. The nratnfflrw 1annn A And 7 n. in.: Hnndav fnir 12 tol o'nliwrk. Mulls for the Kuxt clfMA Al II in K in n n. ami 9 p. m.; for the West, at 30 p. m. and t p. m. i no camera on K. r . u. rouiM o. 1 ana g leave the poBtofflce at 8.S0 a. m. Mall leave i-ui mi. noou, aany ei iz m.; arrive, ju.zu 4. in. For Underwood, Wash., dally 'except 8nn lay, at I.' m., arrive, at 11 a. m. For White Salmon, Wash., dally at 12 m.; trrlvee at II a. m. WHITE 8ALMON. For Hood Klver, dally at a. m.; arrives at ! i. in. For Huaiim, Trout Lake and Guler, Wash., (ally at 7..1I a. in.; arrive. B p. m. For tllenwoort, Fulda and Ullmer, Wash., .ally at 7.30 a. m.: arrive, at IV p. m. For Pine Flat and Snowden, Wanh., at 1 p. in. Tuemtaya and Saturday.; arrlvea aame Inya at 2 in. For Rimrt'n Hall., A a iK n m a-pl.o. at a- PURE CRYSTAL ICE DAVIDSON FRUIT COMPANY MANUFACTURERS " L. M. WILSON PINE CROVE, ORE. ...General Merchandise... FLOUft, FfiED, GROCERIES, WORK SHIR f 3, OVERALLS, NOTIONS. CIGARS, TOBACCO DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES MY GOODS ARE RIGHT, MY PRICES ARE RIGHT U. S. Commissioner ' Notary Public GEO. T. PRATHER The Oldest Insurance and Real Estate Agent in town Insurance Loans Abstracting Hood River, Oregon ' : DELIVERY DAYS. Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday Mornings and Saturday , Afternoons Order Direct from Factory . Phone Main 71. Tlie Dalles, Pnrtlanfl &Astoria "REGULTOR LINE" , Steamer, leave Portland and The Dalles daily, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock a. m. calling at Hood River, eaatbound. al about 4 p. m. ; westbound at about 8:30, p. m. Direct connection at Lyle with the C. R. A N. Railway to and from Goldendale and Klickitat valley points. For any further information address any agent of the company or f M. TALBOT, V. P. A G. M., Portland, Oregon Square Deal Store "Honest Goods and Square . . Deal for Every flan" . . IS MY MOTTO The Ideal Weeder Iswhat its name implies, a Genuine Weed Killer and the nearest to perfection of any orchard tool yet introduced in Hood River Valley. Try one and be convinced. Satisfaction Guaran teed or no sale. Osborn Spring Peg-Tooth Harrows Acme Harrows Plows and Cultivators Potato Diggers Wagons, Hacks aud Buggies Flour, Feed, and a Full line of Groceries at all Times Car Load Stumping Powder just received Yours for Business Phone 741 3rd and River Street. D. M'DONALD f ci Rrver, Ore. F. S. STANLEY, Pres. E. L. SMITH, Vice-Pres. E. 0. BLANCHAR, Cashier V. C. BROCK, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital $50,000 Surplus $12,000 We offer you the facilities of a well managed and well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive our careful attention. J. E. NICHOLS, Lady Assistant UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR I hold jlicense from the State Board of Oregon and Washington, and am qualified to ship bodies to any point. Prompt service either day or night. Hearse furnished on all occasions Parlor Phone Main 1513 Schiffler Building, Residence Main 1511 Hood River, Ore Hotel Waucoma A First-Class House Moderate Rates Good Service Farmers' Dinner 25 cts Hood River. Proo. V