HOOD OlXtZ OLAOIBR, THUMOAY. OCTOBER S6. 1900 CAPT. SHAW TALKS, BIG APPLE EXHIBIT The Irrigation Congress, of which l,e writer, among others, waa id ms - ore'littd dolugate, cloned ita aeseioos at llood Kiver on Friday last. While the attendance was not ao large, the enthnaiatiu and interest manifested liy tboee present, made up for the paucity of nunibeia. It waa voted to hold the next aesion at Grants Pass. The congress k as held during the Seventh Liieomal fruit fair of the fa mous llood Kiver valley, and of this, 1 partimialrly wUh to speak. The atteudauce from Clackamas county was fair, and yet as an object lesson for it certainly is an object lesson to visit these fruit fairs the attendance ought to have been great er. I have attended a number of these fairs, and at no time have I been ao impressed with the possibilities of .ap ple culture in Clackamas county as was brought to niiud at this exhibit. As is pretty well known, the fame of the Hood River apple is world wide, and justly so, therefore, it was expected that the attendance would be large, and from ail parts of the counti y. Buyers a plenty were there to auap up the exhibits, which sold at oo siderubl more than $U a box. The red on the Hood liivtr apples is a deeper red, and the yellow on a Newtown is a richer golden color than is found eluewbere. Hub your hand over a llood Kiver apple and you get u vurnisb like appearance to the skin that is marvelous. Nowhere else has the apple reached such perfection aa in the Hood Kiver valley. The cilmate in this little gem of a paradise is all that might be desired. 1'he air comes from the mountains ladeu wit'i sweet smelling fragrance of fir and pine, giving health to the Inhabitants as it spreads out over the little valley below. The precipitation, muoh of which is in tho form of suow, is somewhat less than that of Clackamas, the aver age being 42 inches, litis, ho evei, is being augmented by irrigation which is cariied on by t' e growers throughout the valley. Public owner ship being the rule, and has solved the water problem to the entire satis faction of everybody interested. The exhibits of apples were superlative grand ; more thau one thousand box ea, artistically arranged in a oanvasa pavilion 15U feet long by 50 wido, was a sight worth while to go to see, and while I have not talked to any of my fellow delegates. 1 venture to say that the display was a pleasing sight, if not a revelation to them. Our genial neighbor from Milwaukee, Mr. Kich ard Koott, was there, and to show his loyalty to old Clackamas, brought an exbibit with him. Yes, "Dick" was there all right and hud a line display of pears and apples just to show what Clackamas could do, when ouce she takes up fruit culture as a business. "Dick's" exhibits occupied a promiuent place among Hood Hirer's famous red cheeked beauties that were ouly rival ed by the bloom on the cheeks of the equally famoui Hood Kiver girls, and this is saying a great deal, foi Clack amas can boast of a goodly number of maidens with the poach blow on theit cheeks. Our fellow townsamn, Judge Ryan, was there viewiug the "Big Ked Ap ples," aud occasionally casting fur tive glances on the fair maidens as they paraded through the pavilion. Owing to a prev.ous engagement, the Judge remained but one day, much to his regret, as he was denied a 15 mile drive through tho valley to see the or chards, which are just now laden with fruits, aud joy to behold., If the Courier will grant the neoes Bnry space for a more extended article on the Hood River apple, the reasons why it has reached its present state of perfection, and what can be done along these lines in Clackamas coun ty, 1 will avail myself i of the oppor tuuity to point out a few facts, and oiler some suggestions to the farmers and others why the growing of fruits and especially applos should be taken up as a business in Clackames coun ty. Jas. P. Shaw in Oregon City Courier. Wanted A Master Mind. Hood Kiver and its applet, are in the publio eye. Many Oregonians jouruejed Hood Riveiward last week to see the apple fair. The display of fruit is said to have been beautifuL It was the talk in Portland that the exhibition, was as flue as the world can make in tho apple line. Great, indeed, is Hood Kiver and her apple industry. There is, howsver, something re markable in this story of apples and the beautiful valley up the Columbia. It is a valley known in the markets and busy stieets of New York City. It is known in the weatlhy homes of that great town. It is known in the London and to London apple buyers. "Hood Kiver apples" emblazoned on a box of fruit sells the apples without question on the part of the buyer. Three dollars and fifteen cents a box for Spitz nbergs aud f2 50 foi New towns, is the price Hood River n-ow- n.a . ir,r rhoir nnnlufl tlflifl HAAPOn. CIO t . . i ' "11' I be crop is all sold. Three dollars and fifteen cents a Diisuei-is a Beaut ifully profitable recompense loi tue trouble of growing apples. The snug sum of $4,5(JO is what a 20-acre or chard netted one mau, and there are dozens and scores of similar instances in the Hood River valley. The grow ers are all getting rich, just as bop groweis have made fortunes in the Independence district the past yeais. Yet st is a truth, a solemn, sacred truth, that great as is Hood Kiver, famed and fabled as are hor apples, it is possible to grow aud sell apples just as well in the Willamette valley. Equally good apples can be produced, and equally fancy figures can be se cured for them. A box of apples dis played for sale in the Corvallis market fast week and grown on Benton ioil were just aa fine apples-as the best ex hibited at the Hood Kver fair. That is the statement of a man Who eaw the box at Corvallis and saw the ap pl.D at the fair. He is an apple ex pert. He knows whereof be speaks. He bss uo motive that would cause hiru to misrepresent. What he aaya is not iu derogation of Hood Kiver, but in glorification of Benton and other Wiliamette vauey couuuea. lint why has Hood Kiver all this fume, and why are her apples clam ored f tr all over the world at fancy prices? The answers easy, according to this apple expert. It ia a case where one far-seeing mind and one ji'domitttble woiker lod bis communi ty up and on iu progress. ,Thia man taw tuat the world wanted perfect ap ple?, and ould pay liberally for them. There is nojfruit so standard, o stable, so all valuable in a borne as an apple, and ba knew it. But it must be au unblemished ppl. H must look right It mint be olean and attractively pacsed. All this the Hood Kiver leader understood and be began to preach it to bis nieghbors. Id season aud out he talked, explain ed, demonstrated. He proved It by what be grew. By degrees be con vioced bis neighbors. He induced them to spray, to cultivate and to adopt every method suggested by eoientitio Inquiry. Tbe trees now ere gone over when the apples are babies, an inch or two through. If too thick, the apples are thinned by picking. Ibey are not allowed to grow nearer than five Inches apart. That makes ao apple of prefect size sod shape. It lays tbe loudation for fame end Ian- cytlgare. A skilled association pecks and ships all the fiuit. Tbe private orchard l.t doeeu't do it. rJuligbt ment diroets every department of tbe industry. Experience shows that it is easier to do it thai way than by tbe old-fashioned, slipshod method. Tb consequence is that every grower is getting neb. It could be tbe same in tbe Wlllam et e valley. The soil is here; Bo is tbe climate. In all tbe nplands of the foothills is the place. That is what an apple expert who knows says. Tbe industry, tbongn, lies doramot, dead, unawakened. I here i no mas ter mind to arouse it There is no firm band to lead it There is no clear headed prophet like they bad at Hood Kiver to foresee end go ahead and blaze tbe way. There is no E. L. Smith, for be is the man who, more tban all others, is th maker of the fame and fast multiplying wealth of Hood Kiver. Corvallis Times. Nothing to fear. Mothers need have no hesitancy in continuing to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their little ones, as it contains absolutely nothing injur ious. This remedy is not only per fectly safe to give small ohildren, but it ia a medicine of greet worth end merit It has a world wide reputation for its cures of coughs, colds end croup and can always be relied upon. For sale by Kler A Cass. See Them Klght Is Baa Franeisee. Easterners who think San Franoiaoo is an abandoned heap of debris, should catch e glimpse of the army of men who are building San Franoiaoo, the new. To tell this story to tbe East for tbe first time, the San Fran cisco Examiner will publish a mag nifloent special edition on Sundsy, October 21st, entitled "San Franoiaoo Six Months After." It will be beau tifully illustrated and will contain all the things that one would wish to tell Eastern friends, concerning the reconstruction. Each person who malls a copy East will be doing mis sionary work for California. Exam UNIVERSAL STOVES' interests you because of the variety shown for your srlec tion, and the price impossible under ordinary buying. We invite inspection An Unconditional Guarantee with Every Stove In selling thousands of these Universal in the past 22 yeas we have never beeen called on to make good the guaransee on a single Universal "sssr stewarts as; 810 Reward. I have been informed that some person is pasturing bis cattle on my place at Crappef and that my young orchard baa been considerably dam aged in consequence. 1 will pay tbe above mentioned sum for information leading to arrest and conviction of the guilty party. L. N. Blowers. Advertised Letter list. Advertised letter list for week end ing October 22, I960: Ikirges, Mrs. Sylul; Carnes, Mrs. E. W. ; Oilla baugb, Miss Belva (2); Jones, Miss Marvel; Johnson,Mrs. Cbaa. ; McCart ney, Margaret; Reed, Mrs. William; Sharp, Miss E. E. ; Weals, Miss Elsa; Bayley, C. E. ; Bailey, R. M. ; Bailey, A. J. ; Billups, F. C. ; Blain, Frank ; Bowman, Ed. ; Caatel, C. ; Clinton, Kiabards; Cooper, John P. ; DeCan, Abe; Dierks E. F. ; Dodson W. 8. ; Douglaas J. R. ; Duffee M. ; Ewers J. W. ; Fletcher Allen C. ; Flue John ; Frakes J. H. ; Fowler J. S. ; Griffith John; Hepburn Jack; Jenkias C. & E. ; Knowles Sam; King J. ft ; Kirb son Mi. ; Littlefield S. ; Miller Albert; Mills William; Price U. P. ; Rioben baoherJobn; Sarron, David; Smith Herald ; Sullivan W. E. ; Sunnlson W. C. ; Wales Harry; Wbetzel E. L. ; Wilson L. B. ; Woods F. Wm. M. Yates P. M. May Have Smallpox. A message received by Dr.. J. A. Geisendorfler this afternoon from G. T. Parr, at Moro, says hia wife baa a light attaok of smallpox and he de sired tbe doctor to find some one who would go up and nurse her. She baa one of those light cases which were epidemic a few years ago. Chronicle. Are You Being Poisoned? If your liver is working right you probably are not. When the liver is overworked, as it fre quently is, the system be comes clogged. It is then that sallow complexion, bnd taste in the mouth, headaches, dizzy spells, continuous languor, etc.. indicate that the poison ous matter which should be carried off is slowly tainting the blood. If not remedied at once this condition will, cause se rious trouble. CLARLE'S PIL CASCARA COMPOUND provides just what is needed to quicken the liver into natural, healthy action. If you take these pills when needed all danger of this slow poison ing is avoided. Poei- . live cure for constipation. Ji Price 25 cents CLARKE THE DRUGGIST JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Pres. , MARION I. HENDERSON, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public ' Vice President J. M. 8CHMELTZER, Sec.-Treas. Notary Public ..Hood River Land.. Emporium INCORPORATED Keal Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts, Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying We are prepared in a special manner to handle all kinds of business in any of the above lines and have a large list of improved lands and city property from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch, a stock farm or a home in the city. With an Extensive Correspondence We are able to handle your prop erty advantageously and will be pleased to have you list same with us CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The president of the company is the city engineer, and is prepared to do surveying and civil engiueer ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and opinions given on property titles. Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141 . Walk-Over Shoes The Gordon Hat This is the Popular Store with Young Men because it is imt a relic of former methods but an every day practitioner of the new way of doing a clothing busi ness in llmid Kiver, the One-Price way. Youni men ap preciate this store with its modern Mean its ability to sell them proper clothing with out a prohibitive price its disinclination tourist a pompous manufacturer in taxing extra for au unsullied ouiHTiority of fabric and fit. VOGT BROS LEADING CLOTHIERS .WSJ MILWAUKEE NURSERIES j MILWAUKEK, OREGON. j N. B. HARVEY r-HOPRlKTOR. j GUIGNARD& ROSIGER, Local Agents, Hood Rive We will have for the Fall trade. 5(1,000 one and two vear uul Yellow Newtown j Pippin and Spitxeuburg apple trees, also all t lie leading vai ieilies of Apple, Pear, Plum, Prune, Peucli, Cherry and ; Euglish walnut trees, ornamental trees, i shrubs and Koses. our trees are inn to name and give good satisfaction. For prices call on AugiiHt (Juignard, llood Kiver, or address N. B. Harvey, Milwau kee, Oregon. Phone 11!.VJ. -NEW GROCERY S. D. Garner having bought the J. T. Holman Gro cery on the Heights, desires to call the attention of his' friends in the city and valley to the fact that he will have the store stocked with new goods, and intends to run a clean, neat little Family Grocery Give us a Call Phone 1401 If You Would Grow Choice Fruits BUY of the Russellville Nursery Co PORTLAND. OKKG0N. GROWERS OF FINE NURSERY STOCK VARIKTIKS Of BI'KOIAI. MKIIIT Careful and reliable attention given to filling eviry order with lirst-cliisB trees and plants. gatisfacrion Guaranteed G. H. Wilson, Hood Kiver, local agent. Phone 122',) Box 502 Are You from Missouri? If you are we can SHOW YOU tho finest line of Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Tooth Brushes Shaving Brushes, Strops, AND ALL KINDS OF DRUG SUNDRIES YOU CAN FIND ANYWHERE Large Line to Choose From PRICES RIGHT The Williams Pharmacy Prescription Specialists HALL & ESSON, Chemists, Proprietors Phone 1001 We Deliver G. H. RoniiiNs C. D. Thompson ROBBINS & THOMPSON NURSERYMEN, HOOD UIVER, ORE. We offer Hood River grown nursery stock and do all kinds of Orchard and Nursery work. Lay off, plant, prune, trim and cultivate young orchards in the most thorough and up-to-Uuiu manner. r One Dollar will SATURDAY ONLY A Beautiful 5-in. Pure Silk Washable Ribbon A 25c Ribbon for 15c a Yard For One Day Only KNAPP'S lit you to eye glasses or spec- acles. Perfect fit guaranteed. Yi 'ui eyes fitted at home. Write for fec booklet describing our method. Remember, the glasses we fit you in arc worth $3.50 any where on earth. Our price, only $ 1.00. UK IMPAIRING department li mint mm iilelr Main spring $m. Watch cleaned fl.KI. Send your work by reentered Bail. $2.5ij repairs any watch. METZGER & CO. Ill SIXTH STREET. P0ETLAHD, 0EB. Don't Forget -THK- When you want first-clasa work done at home. All kinds of Laundry Work and Cleaning Lace curtains, 50c; blanket and carpets, 25c to 50c. Phone m041 CUn FabrlcK, Prop. Patronize Home ...Industry... Our Work cannot be ...Excelled... YOU WILL ItKCEIVK PROMPT SERVICE FROM THE GLACIER'S JOB ROOMS Let Ut Send Ton A POCKET SAVINGS BANK We send them frw, postpaid, to each depositor. The most novel home bank ever originated. Put in your spare dimes; when full, mail to us ; we'll open and place contents to your credit We pay liberal interest, you'll enjoy absolute security, and the little home bank will help you save with surprising ease and rapidity. A single dollar will stare your account. Writ, about it today. MERCHANTS INVESTMENT & TRUST COMPANY inUVK WATS0I . , . rnatat . L. DORFiH . . , Tte-PiMifeat W. I. PEAK ..... Swntuy S.C. CATCB30 . .AMt.itcrUrr 14? WISEUGTOB ST. PORTLAND, OREGON Capital, 1150,000.00 To the Farmer Do you know our Fen!, pi-ecli from the mill has Double feed ing value of stale fowl ? Ail the pro gressive Dairymen are buying feed from us. lieware of Bargain Feed. It is worth Less than they charge for it. We will sell you the right kind of feed for just what it is worth. No more, no less. Our prices are the Market prices. Pa tronize Home Industry. It's to your advantage and ours. The Club Cafe C. C. HOLMAN PROPRIETOR Meals at all Hours from 250 up I Best Two-Bit Meal in the City...... T-Bone and Porterhouse Steaks our Specialty. Next Door to Heed's Cigar Store, Hood Kiver, Ore. S. J. FRANK Dealer In .' Harness Sfc Saddles All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON Hood River Milling Co. Job Printing at the Glacier Office chased 200 barrels of our Golden fVvum Flmiv Clot 1 1 0HS TKov U have just placed another order with us for 100 barrels more. At Mr. Williams' Bakery 'can be found the best bread in the city, and it is made from our Golden Crown flour. The bread speaks for itself. Our White Kiver and Golden Crown flour , cafi be found for sale at all the leading gro- cers. Try a sack. Once used, always used For Sale' By , STRANAHAN & BAG LEY Hood River, Oregon 30C 3 C 30