mtt 1 . - , ; J ' L -' ' I. -si VOL. XVIII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, OCTOBER 25, 1908. 24 SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVER COMMEFW IAI.CLUB-sfeets venr second Monday Id wh month alt m.. In tne club room over Jackson's it tor. H. F. Daviijooh, Pro. A. . mom, Becretary. HOOD RIVER LODGE NO. 106. A. F. and M. MeeU Haturday even I or on or before twn roil moon. a. a. bujwjbi, w. js. D. McUohald, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CH AFTER NO. t7. R. A. U MeeU nrat and third Friday night of each montn u. ncuokaui, n, r. A. ii. mob, secretary. - HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. . O.K. 8 MeeU second, and fourth Tuesday evenlni of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. UBIt. 1. J. KINNAIBD, w. Mas. Thbbbsa cast bb, Secretary. IDI.EW1LDE U)IHiENO. 107. I. O. O. F. MeeU In Fraternal ball, every Tbnraday . night. H. U. uoa, W. U. J. it. KBKHB, Heeretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT. NO. 48. 1. O. O. F.- Recnlar meeUnf second and fourth Monday! oi eaco montn. n. u. tuu, v, r. H. C. baiTH, Bcrlbe. LAUREL REBEKAH DKURKE LOItUK NO, HI, I. o. O. F.-MeeU Oral and third Friday! in eacn montn. Mrs. E. W. Udell, N. O. Mb. Dora Thomson. Heeretary. WAUCOMA LODGE NO. SO. K. OF P - MeeUlnK.ofP. nail every Tuesday night THIN. e. JOUNSOB, U, M, V. C. Brock, K. of R. and 8. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A.- Meeu In K. of P. hall every Wednesday DlKht. E. tt. MAYBI, V. U C. U.DABIK, Clerk. BOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. Hit, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-MeeU at K. of P. ball on the first and Tblrd Fridays of each month. Lou McKryboldoj, U. N, F, W. McReyhoum, Clerk. RIVKR8IDK LODOENO. 68 A. O. U. W - Meeu nrat and tblrd Haturdayi of eaeb month. F. H. BI.AUO, M. W. E. R. Bradley, Financier ChicstkuHhutb, Recorder. ' OLETA ASSEMBLY NO. 11B. UNITED ART- isans.-MeeU the flntt and tblrd Wednes day!, work; second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans- nan. u. w . iHoanwn, at. a. V. I). Hen rich, Heeretary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. , FORESTERS . of America, MeeU second and fourth Mon days lu each montb in K. of P ball. Hbnbua F, Foutb, C. R. F. C. Brosiuu, F. C. CAN BY POST, NO. 16,0. A. R.-MEETsJ AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and Inortb Hatur dayi of each month st 2 o'clock p. in. All U. A. H. members Invited to meet with us. H. A. hxinhbk, commander, Thomas Uoss, Adjutant. CAN BY W.K.C., No. 16 MJSET8 SECOND and fourth Haturdayi of each Month In A, O. U. W. hall at 2 p. in. Ellen Blount, President. Gebtbudb B. I MULES, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. SMS. R. N. A, MeeU at tbe K. or P. Hall on the second and fourth Fridays of eaeb month. . Mas. Carrir Brosius, O. Mrs. Ella Da it in, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 81L BURGEON O. R. A N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Hbaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, isay or nigni. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 613. Office in the Broalus Building. E. O. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. ' Phone Main 871 DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 1433. Res. phone 16X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block.: Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. WS. Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. sharp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office und Incidence Huxley Cottage, River street; Phone 25 Hood Riven. p C. BROSIUS, M. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. - . Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; 1 to J and 6 to 7 P.M. h;d. w. pineo.d.d.s. DENTIST Crown Bridgr Work a Specialty. Office over Fire. National Bank Telephone Main 311 C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Office 283; residence 1045 . Office over Butler Bank, Hood River, Ors. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED YETERI5ART SURGEON Is prepared to do any work la the veterin ary line. Ue can be found by calling at or ph-nlnf to Clarke s drug store. A, A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. HOOD RIVER, Money Loaned. OREGON. E. H.HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Courts. Office wlrh Geo. I. Culbertson A Co. lections. Abstract. Hettletnent of Estates. HOOD RIVER. OKEU.IN. Col- SENEGA F. FOUTS Attorney at Law Brosius Building t HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON . ATTORNEY-AT-l AW, ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AGENT. For a years a resident of O.'egmt and Wash I nylon. Has bad many ysar experience In Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. BatisfacUou guaranteed or no charge LAND .BARGAINS. Look tin's list over care fully . and if you don t see what you want call or write 'for complete list. We have anytnineryou want irom o . fa a a) acres up to 300 acres. No. 248. 60 acres of first class land, 8 acres bearing orchard, 18 acres three year old trees, all Bpitsenbergs and Newtowns, 8 acres strawberries which netted $1200 last rear. 10 acres hay, 10 acres ready to be set to trees, 600 chickens with first class chicken houses, incubators, and entire poultry raisins equipment, good team of horses, harness, wagons, etc., all tools required to work the place, good house, large barn, apple house, 8000 gallon tank and wind mill, Im provements on place cost $3500. Total crops this year earned $2500 net. In two years more the 18 acres of three year old trees will be in bearing which will mean a revenue of several thousand dollars thereafter. The price for this entire farm is only $18,000. This Is a rare opportunity to buy one of tbe best farms in Hood River valley at a bargain. No. 221. 80 seres in Beulah Land dis trict 70 seres cleared and ready for trees. This land lias been (armed for years and is in prime condition. Large baru, good house with home orchard. Creek runs through the place. Will make an ideal fruit farm. Price $17,000. Will sell in 10 or 20 acre tracts at 250 an acre. No. 246. 80 acres uncleared, 40 acres good apple laud, balance in timber and good for pasture. Price only (3,000 No. 228. 20 acres unimproved, 5 miles from town on East Side. Alt first class apple land. Beauti ul site for home and right among some of the largest orchards. Price $2,100. No. 185. 20 acres 2 miles from town 8 acres in three year old Spitzenbergs and New towns, 2 acres in strawberries, 10 acres iu ctover and timothy. Good tight-room liout, large baru, spring water and good well on place. 8 shares of ditch slock. Till is is a rare bargain. Price $8,000. No. 249. 10 acres 'Ik miles out, 5 acres in two yar old Spitzenbergs and Newtowns with strawberries between trees, 6 acres clover and vegetables, new houce and barn, 6 inches water stock. Here is a money maker. Price $4,500. No. 178. 121 acres, 3 miles out on East Side, joines the largest orchard in the valley, 5 acres in trees two years old, good house and barn, 5 acres slashed, all first class apple land, This is a snap considering the char acter of the land, improvements and nearness to town. Only $4,000. No. 170. 5 acres 2 miles out, 4 acres strawberries, second year plants, 600 Bpitzenberg and Newtown' trees one year old, small house and barn, 4 iuches water stock. Price $2,250. No. 224. 18 acres 5 miles out, 11 acres in alfalfa, 560 three year old Spitzes berg tires, 400 bearing trees, good va rieties, 5 room house, good barn and apple house. Here is a property that will pay for itself in three years. Price $5,250 No. 235. 203 acres in upper valley, 12) miles from town, 55 acres in cultiva tion, 5 acre! in bearing orchard, 4 acres strawberries, 40 acres in hay, produced 90 tons this year, 140 acres uncleared land suitable for apples, good slope and best of soil. The tim ber on uncleared land will pay a good share of clearing costs, etc. 2 large springs, plenty of water for irriga tion, 3 large barns, two modern houses, chicken houses, cold storage house and all improvements fouodon first class farms. Everything in good repair. . Will pay better than 15 per cent on u vestment right from the start. Think of it and then read this over again. Price $16,000. Remember you are doing business with a reliable firm when you deal with us. Nothing misrepresented everybody gets a Square Deal. J H.HEILBRONNER&CO. BOCD RIVER k FOSTLAND, CSEGOil tUHHITa, K.O.BLARCSAB Vice-Pre. CaahMr. V. C, Bbock, Asst. Cashier. The First National Bank OF MOOD RIVER, ORKtiON. Casttal $50,000 Ssrplas, $12,000. MABLE E. PAULSEN STENOGRAPHER Office: Room 15, Brosius Building, HOOD RIVER, ORE. P. 11. HALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Make sorvevs. Diana and eat I males tor sew er, light and power and railway plants, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, specifica tion! and estimates for all classes of buildings public, private and mercantile. Hpeclal st unt Ion given to economic end slow-turn lnf construction. Accuracy and economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAiN & SUYENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder PlAffS AJTB KSTIKATM PREDFRICK ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CttiairrtM raralshad oa all kinds of work SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Decorative Pal-tins; and Paper Haag-lnt; Pluns furnished. Estimates care- fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Hsvlnr bad at-veral vears' experience In drafting and building. 1 would respectfully solicits pan of the i atnmase of the people ol Hood River who anticipate building. Terms responsible, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of- joe at residence on Heights. JOE WEIGHT t'ARPKNTKK AND BUILDER Phone 709 Figures and wtimates furnished on all kinds of building and contracting. F ASSOCIATION of McMinnvllle. Oregon, will insure your property at OU per cent less cost tuan any other institution. C. P. BOSS, Special Agent, Hood RlYer, Oregon GOVER IMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and llinqer claims: also relinquishments and land to script. Call on or address. Wm.F.RAND, Res. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of tne United Miatee and are in good posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Uasvhu.a.a I tm Umhhm ! ivi iisuki u piuuiai uit iidui am IV I Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marole work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. HcEWEN & KOSKEV GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and auick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce. Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props, Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, b ruiU and Vegetables, r nee Delivery. Phone Main 35. J. A. TILLMANY Violin Lessons Inquire at MT. HOOD HOTEL Cider, Champa sne Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines from grapes and small fruits. Alcohol from cereals, vegetable, plants, fruits and wood and valuable recipes. Send f 1 for book giving practical information now to make them. LEU ZiABKL, P. O. Box 604, Portland, Ore rjB.8TAKLsrr, Pres. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. United States land Office, Tbe Dalles, Ore coo, Aug. W, lM. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance vlib tbe provlaious -f tbe act oTOniujressor June I, I7H, enticed "An act tor lb sale of timber lands I'j tne stales of California, Oregon, Nevartt, and Waalilngutn Territory," as estenuad load Hie Public Land (Mates by act of August 4, bwl, PAUL M. HALL-LEWIS, of Hood River, count; of Wasco, state ol Ore gon, baa Uils day Sled In lb la office n la sworn statement No. for tbe purchase of the !4KAJi W U and NESBW;,.,of llon a, town sbip 1 norlb range lu a., w. M., and will otter proof to snow tnai tne tana sought Is mora valuable tor tbe Umber or sloue thereon tbsn for agricultural purposes, and to eaiabllab bis claim to said land before the Keglster and Receiver, at me i-ano. utile in The Uallee, Ore-, omftovemotr za, iro. He names as witnesses wil'lem F. Kand L. K. Morse. J. H. Hellbronner, A. J. Derby ail of Hood River, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely anvol tbe above-described lands are reautwi- i ea to me ineir raaims in iuis omue on or De- son tbe said Ski oay of November, I WW. r MICliACX X. PiOLAN, se-nS ' , Register. NOTICE. FOR PUBLICATION United HUleLand Office. Tbs Dalles. Ore. Aug. &), lime. Notice Is hereby glveu that In compliance with tbe provisions of the set of Congress of Junes, IK7S. entitled "An act for Ibe sale of timber lands In the males of Cali fornia. Ores-on. Nevada, and Washington Ter rltory." as extended In ail the Public Land states, by ectof August 4, 1XM, the following namea persons nave on a urn 5. ivun. niea in thlsomoe tneir sworn statements, to-wit: MAUDK A. FAIRBANKS, of Heattle,. county of King, In the state ol Washington, sworn statement No. swti, for tbe ourcbaseof ineBK&or section Sf. town. snip 1 nonn, range eaa. w . m. CHARLES J. FAIRBANK8 I of Seattle, eoonty of King, ,stste of Washing- ton, sworn statement ro. jgni, lor tne pur- and NWV4HWU section Si, lownaiilp 1, nortb rangeSe., W. M. i nattney win oner proof to snow mat the lands sought are more valuable for the Umber and alone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to I said lands belore lue Hegisier and Receiver. at tbe land office. In Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on noveuiuer a, uw, Ther name the following witnesses: NIIsC I Olson, or roruena. uregon, Maude A. f air- banks ana urie j. fairoanss, or Heattle, wasnington. Anv ana an persons claim nir adverse v any of the above described anda are reauexted to file their claims In tblsottloeon or bsfore said tb day of Novemoer, iwn. t6.UA MICHAUL, i. NOLAN, Register, CITATION In tbe eounty court of tbe Htate of Oregon for wasoo county. In tbe matter of the estate of Henry Htef- lauson, oecuasea. To Htelanns Johanaen. Btefnnus Hteffanmn Samuel HteOantoo Johanna Hona Wirtenan Undellaklr Cola, furun laan, Finland, and all other persons, Known and nnkuown, in terested tn said estatet Ureetlng. In tbe cam Of tbe state Oregon, vou are hereby cited and required to appear In the Ibe county court of the state ol Oiegon. for county of Wasco, at the November term of axia court, at me ouurt room tnereoi, at l lie liaueaeiiy, in aaia couniy, on Monday, the Istb day or November, 1UU6, at two o'clock In tbe afternoon of that day. then and thereto show csnae why an order should nolbegranu so to aaia administrator to nen said real es tate hereinafter described; the soulbweM quar ter of the sotilhweal quarter of the southwest quarter of Hectlon alxteen in Townxhtp two north of Range Tan, east of the Willamette Heriainn. Witness, the Hon. A. K. Lake. Judge of said uouuiy court win tne seal oisaid uuriamx ed thin 2nd day vf October, Mini. Attest ; 8. Bollon, Cleric. oi-vt NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In tbe matter of the estate of Harvey J. Byr- aett, aeoeaseu. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled bis final report and Recount as ad ministrator, of the estate of Harvey J. Hry- kelt deceased, and that tbe oounlv court of tbe Htate of Oregon, for Wsjtoo.oouniy, has appointed Monday, the 6th day of November, two, at tne nouroi ten o cioca a, ni. or said day as the time, and the county court room in tne county court oouse in wanes Ulty, bearing of said final report. All persons hav- vvasoo oouniv. uregon. as ine Diaoe ror tne S oujectlons to said report are hereby no- present at sain time ana pi present such objections. If any there be, Dated tbletftti day oi September. lvXW. IS. O. BLANCH Alt, 813 Administrator SUMMONS in tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, or iue cuuuiy ol vr asou. Emma M. Bullock, Plaintiff, vs. A. Bullock, Defendant In tbe name of the State af Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Bled against you in the above en titled court and cause on or before the 2d day of November, 1WJ8, and If you fall to ap- pctitrur iinwvr, lue piuiuun will apply to the court for the relief applied r in her com plaint, which Is, for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony exlstlnc at this time be tween plaintiff and defendant herein. Tbtslsummons Is published nursusnt to an order of the court made b the uonnnhi. rr. i. orausnaw, judge or tne circuit court of tne Btaie oi uregon lor wasco oonntv sa d www ueariiiK uai iiu uay oi uciooer, lyutt. dl which order dlrecU that the summons in mis suit snouia Deserved it nnn von hv iintw licallon thereof onoeaweek tor slzconaecNtiva weeks In tbe Hood River Glacier, of Wasoo County, Oregon, the Oral publication to be gin on tbe lltb day of October, iwx, and the last publication thereof to be the 22d aav of November, 1W6. WALDKMAR 8KTON. ou-nai Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for TV aOMI W UUV t Emma Robinson, Plaintiff, -vs. Chss. O. B, Robinson, Defendant, To Cbas. O. B. Robinson, defendant above named. In the nameof the state af I iramn inn am hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in ,ihe above en titled cause on or before tbe expiration oi six weeks after tbe dale of the nrat of this summons, as hereinafter stated, and In case you fall to so Japiw and answer said Complaint, tbe plaintiff will apply to the court for tbe relief craved fur Ilk liskP wim. plaint, namely t for a decree of tbe court dis solving the marriage contract between the plaintiff and defendant and granting to the plaintiff tbe care and euatndv Ui. nin,.p child of plaintiff and deleudank This summons Is served upon you by pub lication thereof for six weeks in the Hood River Olacier. by order of tun tbe 1st day of September, 1900, and you are required by said order of the oourt to appeal and answer the plaintiff's complaint on or be fore six weeks from the date of the drat pub lication, wuicn date Is the 6th day of Hepiem- her. Mm, w. rf . W1IXON, stuns Attorney for Plaintiff. DR.JONES.Dentist Crown and Bridie Wort Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of diseased teeth and gums. Office Brosius Building. Pbone 1033. AN INTERESTING STORY OF FAIR NEWBURG GRAPHIC MAN TELLS IT A Ureat Fair With Everybody Talking Apples and No Time to Look at Babies and Vegetables. On arririug in Portland lest Suu day niorniug on tbe return trip from tbe Hood Hiver tair, tbe Graphic serine lu company with . .N. Welch, went to tbe First ConKreKxtiouul church to bear Mrs. Koce riloob Mauer sihk and to hear a sermon by William Sbaw tbe (treat ChriHtiuu En deavor worker of I lost on. Da enter ing tbe cburcb we were bsuded a printed progiatn by tbe usher and glancing at it we read under tbe bead of "i'ta.i minute mens topic" tbese words: "As we meet and touch eaoh day Tbe many tiavelers on our way Let every such brief contact be A glorious, helpful ministry." Our tli ut thought was that Dr. Douse, tbe pastor who arranged the program had no doubt recently made a trip to Hood luver where everv man, woman and ibild engages in "a glorious helpful ministry" for the enlightenment of the stranger within tbe Kates, and at tbis season of tbe year tbe text is always taken from tbe one theme "Hood Kivei applet),." Uu 1-riday we went to Hood Hiver, arriving at a lute hour in tbe night and owing to tbe niauy people lu town we considered ourselves fortun ate iu being able to secute a bed at tbe Mount Hood hotel. Hon. l A. Crawford wbo was on tbe same train was unable to secure lod.ugattbe same place wben be applied and be proceeded to make binibolf as com fortable as possible in the hotel lubby and entered into a discussion with two of tbe residents of tbe city on tbe relative merits ot latiibul county and tbe iiood Kiver valley as fruit giow- iug diHtriots. ibe uisouesiou waxed warm and it 1b conceded that Fred was getting tbe bent oi tbe argument. for, along about two o'clock iu the morning the hotel clerk, who is loyal to Hood Kiver tapped tl)4 newly elected member of tbe legislature from Yamhill on tbe shoulder ami told bitu he bad f jund a guest who would share his bed with him. pro vided Fred would pay the cost of tbe bed for tbe night. Fred aouepted the offer at once and that is where tbe Hood Hirer fellows floored him, so to speak. At a very eirly hour iu tbe morning we heard a map baugiug around in an adjoining room and we soou recognized the voioe of Mr. Crawford when he said to bis bed fel low "i tbanW jou for a place to las down auring tne night," never men tioning sleep. Later he told us thai wben be went to tbe too in be found tbe fellow wbo made him the gener oils offer had pre-empted a claim in the middle of tbe bed, from which he was unable to move him, and all be was aoie to ao was to plant blmseii on the bed rail next to the wall, lie fore be got to sleep th fellow beg'n to snore aud although be jabbed bim iu tbe slats and yelled at him iu be sawed away like an old time corn stalk flddel, and the Yamhill man slept not a wink. Ibis little aooouut of the trials ol Mr. Crawford is thrown in to show how tbe Hood Hiver people :.. ud to gether to bold their own with an out sider in an argument legunlirg i; pie growing, but bad tbey known u.ut their guest would be in a position to cast a vote iu tbe legislature m.vt winter, either for or agaiiibt thru in their county division tight, t.hi y would have given bim a loom wish two beds and free batb. Few tjwns that class with Hood Hiver have butt r bote! aooomniodntious and owing to tbe rush on tbe occasion of tbe many of tbe citizens oeiind tho r homes in order to give additoual u commodatious. Tbe fair was a great suoccss and while it was supposed to thuA ti e different products of their valli-y it was in reality an apple show. .An eld resident said to Cy Vaugban, a tt. rul er resident of New burg, "Cy, dh fal lows wbo are raising vegetables are not iu it here. Why, I see here cu exbibitiou as big, tine sweet pointing as ever grew iu Calioruia and they won't look at them." And so it was. Tbe people were there to talk Ohiio.j, Yellow Newtowns and Hpitzcnhergs and while in a few instances Hiruh Ann may have been heard to ask if tbe baby bad finished cutting its teeth and if Johnny bad started to school, she was soon switched off to enagge in tbe one theme of conversa tion, apples. Apples, well yes some apples. Ini- agiue a mammoth tent filled with HiO boxes of such apples as would deligl.t tbe eyes of the orowued beads of any ountry. Nut little bous mind you, but tbe regulation 45 pound box jtirt tbey are put up for sbipmei There was not a poor box In fV l , nd since tbey pride tlnn.i.i f on their packing as much m mi the qual ity of tbe lrnit., theie was not a poorly packed box aiuorg them. Of course tne fjllow was there wbo as serted that his part of tbe counrty could produce just as flue apples if the people wculd turn their attention to fruit growlug, but he was met with smile mingled with pity and con tempt, as be failed to show up with tbe goods. For sti icily a show apple tbe Wolf River is a great success with its enor mous sizes and fine color. I. N. Campbell, of Campbell Dros,. who own an oiobard on the east side ut tbe valley. Informed the writer tbat tbey recently made a shipment tf 100 boxes of tbis variety which tbey pick ed from eigbt trees and for wbicb they received II per box. l'bey went to a New York man wbo wanted tnem fot decorating purposes at a big ban quet. Of course tbey were labeled Hood Hiver apples aud tnis la tne way to make a reputation. Home men in business say it don t pay to advertise but Hood River people will tell you it does. Few if any of tbeir apples are selling for less tbau $1 per box and tbeYellow Newtowns and Spitzenbeigs run as high as $3 per box. Ibe Hbeubes wbo never lail to show up at tbe agricultural horse trot were not in evidence here. The fact is the successful apple grower is man ot intelligence aud culture and Hood Hiver seems to be tilled up with tbis class of people. So far as we could see in one short day's stay, tbe one thing tat tbey ought to be ashamed of is the saloon. Many ot them, in fact very nearly majority of them are ashamed ot it as a vote in tbe part lias sliown. lint we must not forget tbe one box of fruit which to uiauy was a great curiosity, tuougn not so to tbe writ or. It was a half-bushel of paw paws an tne way iroui Indiana, iliev bad tbe smell o the real thing and had tbe watchman kindly turned bis back. something might have happened. men mere was nyerlee, a newspaper uiau of Hood Hiver, aud he was tempted also, aud might have fallen bad conditions been favorable. He came from "back east the borne of tbe paw-paw, aud It was touching to see bim liueriug arouud tbat box wben taps weie sounded at tbe clos- iu bour on tbe last night aud he must go. Our sympathies were wltb him. I'o one wbo ciniio up by the paw-paw route, tne smell of tbe tru brings sweet uieiuoiies of boyhood days tuat mane tne words ot tbe song, iuoiiie come drive tne cows home." seem very real, and we could almost hear tbe rustle ot tbe autumn leaves under our feet. Hon. K. Li. Smith was in evidence everywhere, and what would Hood Kiver be without himr lbeu there were hditors Moa and Bradley who were ou baud ready to give the glad nand to visiting newspaper men. among wnoiu were Albert lozier, sec retary of tbe State Press association and Timothy lirowuhill of tbe Heaver State Herald, 'lozier keeps constant ly on baud a well selected stock ot newspaper yarns aud Timothy, well he la uot exacty an Irish comediau hut he is a past master at telling stor ies aud be was at bis beet tbat night. It will pay you to visit bis deu if you evre go to Uresbam and if be don'l get your name down ou bis subscrip tion list we shall miss our guess. ibe travelul passing Hood Hiver by rail has no idea ot a valley in tbat niouutainous district, situated as it is between the suuw capped peaks of Hood aud Adams, but when one gets out on the bill above town aud looks away toward Hood ou the south he imaitios tbe valley was made to order, by the courtesy of Jud Ferguseu, a real estate man we took a nine mile diive out through the valley, where much of tbe way we found splendid roads and saw many fine orchards oaded down with apples. In the evening we were invited out to the Potter far.n, two aud a hall miles to tbe south-west aud by tbe klndnoss of Mrs. Potter were loaded down with a couple of baskets . ol great led apples to carry away as sou venirs of our visit. It mutters uot how good tbe locality is in which you live, it pays to get out from borne occasionally and visit other sections of tbe country. It en larges your vision and gives you a cbauce to learn many I esons of val ue.' Oregou' has such a varletv oi soil, cilmate and varied landscape, go iu any direction you may, that it will keep you busy to see ali tbe points of interest, but you don't want to leave Hood Hiver out of the list. When you go there you will do well to leave your money aud your credit at home unless you want to invest. They will show you tbe goods and tbey will not hesitate to tell you there is no other spto on eartb like it. l'bey tell it just as though tbey believed it and in an ongarded moment you are liable to be tompted to Invest in some of theii dirt. It seems to be in tbe atmos phere. Newburg Graphic. New York Apple Market. Apple receipts have been heavy here this week from the middle west amounting to from 25 t.i 35 cars per day, but uutwithetanding the liberal receipt tbe demand has been good when tbe fruit showed the liuht quality.- A great many of the western apples were ot fine quality, and if tbe westerners continue shipping fruit of this kind it is predicted that it will sell better lu this market than tbe ap ples from New York state. There is some of the western apples wbicb are arriving though tbey are cloudy, and those detract from tbelr value on tbis market. A considerable quantity of tbe western apples are being export ed, the estimates being that tbe for eign shipments tbis week will exceed those of tbe previous week. ibe adviobs from foreign markets are tbat tbe demand oontiuues good at unchanged prices, but that fruit arriving laoks color, and exponers.are advised : o see that their fruit la of tbe right color if they want to obtain tbe best prioes. ibe report of tbe storm in western New Yoik have caused farmers to be even firmer lu tbeir views, and while buyers aie inclined to tbink tbat the reports of tbo damage to apples has been exaggerated, and tbat theie will still be enough fruit to meet all re quirements, that thre are some, how ever, who admit tbat it is probab e tbat Haldwius will be bougbt at prio es wbicb were higher than anticipated during tbe early part of tbe season. ibe market here sbows no weaken ing for tbo best quality of fruit. Western Jonathans are selling at $3.00 to 95 per barrel; (ianos at $3 to $3.50 aud lien Davis at 2.'25 to $3. Ordi narily at tbis seasou fruit has to com pete with fine varieties of eastern ap ples -inch us Snow and Mcintosh, but these are now extremely scarce. There is oue reason why tbe fruit is selling to such good advantage, aud there is another iu tbe superior quality o the best or tbe western ollerings. For medium grade apples tbe trade is quiet and easier, huid winter fruit being especially weak. 1' ruit irade Journal. Hemes Scarce. Government buyers wbo have been iu tbe interior of Oregon in search of several carloads of cavalry borseslliave returned with but three bead. Form erly it was an easy matter to purchase from one to ten carloads of good cav alry horses in tbe iuterior counties within a short time, but horses are so scarce and high-priced now tbat tbe government buyers return empty handed. lieppuer Gazette. A cold is much more easily cured wben tbe bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar opens the bowels and drives tbe cold out of the system in young or old. Sold by Wil liams' Pharmacy. STILL BUYING APPLE LAND MANY INVESTORS SINCE THE FAIR w Purchasers Coining In and Those Who Own Want More Other Sews of the Apple Situation. Events in the wake of tbe fair show that it did muob to stimulate busi ness and that Investments of manv thousands of dollars was tbe result of strangers coming here to witness it. investments hare been made not only by strangers, but by those at home wbo already have property at Hood Hiver and bavins idle moner deem it tbe best place to put it for profitable re'uiuB. No better indication of faith iu the continued prosperity aud profitableness of the Hood Hiver ap ple can be found than in the fact tbat tbe laudowner is willing to buy ot his owu waies aud put tbe profits of his earnings into still more apple land. iiuyera are still comma to look for apple land aud almost every train brings in several who are here with a view of purchasing. Most of them are getting a piece of the famous Hood Hiver land and there are many wbo come here on other business in tent wbo become so interested tbat they either purchase or become pros pective purchasers. Sunday is becom ing a most popular day with landseek- ers particularly those from Portland woofoauuot got away dun iug tbe week, but slip up Saturday u in lit. start ouu early Sunday morning aud, taking lu the valley, are able to return on tbe atternoou tralus. Tbe apples ahown at Portland tbla week nave been attracting muob at- teutiou and, despite tbe ettorta of one arm to disparage tbe excellence of fruit by placing a big placard over 150 Doxes of wormy fruit announcing that tbey were Hood Hiver apples, tbev are reoeiviug nothing but commenda tion by all who see tbetu. i'be at tempt of the firm above meutioued was quickly put out of business by a Hood Kiver man wbo saw tbe apples and telephoned to II. F. Davidson, presi dent, of tho Commercial club, wbo gave orders to have the dealer prose cuted lu tbe name ot the Hood Hiver Commercial club, as be was prefeotly sure that tbey were not Hood Hiver fruit. Another Hood Hiver man, wbo happened to be in Portland saw tbe apples and questioned tbe man who bad them for sale. The dealer claimed that tbey bad been leoeived from Hood Hiver and that tbe name was on the box. The Hood Hiver man offer ed to wager tii before looking tor the name tbat tbey were not from Hood lver. but tne dealer wouldn't bet. Wben tbe boxes were examined no name was on them and tbe dealer then said he hid bought tha fruit irom a Front street commission man, wbo said tbey came from Hood River. Tbe name of tbe firm is understood to be L. Mayer & Co. Since tbe announce ment to prosecute bim nothing more has been beard of wormy apples from Hood River. Tbe soarioty of apple piokeu oon tiuues and growers are . experiencing considerable dltlioulty in getting help to pick tbeir crops. Suuday about 'Hi mnn and women from Hood River, who have other duties during tbe week, went out on tbe Mount Hood train and helped to harvest tbe orop of one grower wbo was sadly ia need of help. Since the fair apple ship ments have commenced to move rap idly and much other fruit is also be ing seut out. The uuderegtimatelng of theii crops by growers bus oaused something of a box famine aud was it not tbat Hood Hiver has a box factory of its own for the manufacture of these necessary recetaoles to fruit growers, it is doubtful it tbe big apple crop at Hood Hiver could be shipped.. It is estimated by the Davidson company tbat tbey will manufacture in the neighborhood of 125,000 boxes. Tbeir ' first ordar was for 50,000 which they completed. Many growers placed their orders for boxes with an out of town firm which tbey secured. Wben they oommenoed to pick tbeir fruit, however tbey found tbat it in most instanoes was double what they first estimated it at, aud would bavo to bave more boxes.' As there is such a demand tor them in all tbe fruit growing distriota tbis year it was dis covered tbat outside firms wbiob bad been furnishing boxes for Hood Hiver growerso could not fill their orders. ibe Davidson company was appealed to and baa been supplying tbe demand as fast as possible although they have been handicapped somewhat for lum ber. There are at present 20 bands employed in tbe box factory wbich bas proved tbe salvation of Hood Hiver fruit growers tbia year. Making Apple Day Popular. Chicago, Oct. 22. At tbe meeting of tbe Hranch League Saturday, a oommunioation was roeieved from W. W. Joy, feature editor of tbe Cbioago Duliy Journal, offering tho coopera tion of the Journal iu malting Apple Day, Oct. 10, popular with the peo ple, and to make it possible for each obild 2 in every sectarian or publio institution , in Chicago to eat a nice, big, red aple. It was directed by the members present tbat a reply be sent. advising tbe Journal that tbe Nation al League of Commission Merchants of the U. S., through its Chioago branob, would contribute tbe required number of barrels. Tbe Journal esti mated that it would require tbhty barrels to give eaoh child an apple. I Fruit Trade Journal. Cue's Addition oa the Market. We have placed in our hands for sale, all the lots belonging to 11. C. Coe in Coe's Addition to Hood Hiver. Lots will be sold at the price of 1200 and up for the next 30 days. This is the beet opportunity to secure lots in this beautiful portion of Hood Hiver ever offered the public. Then umber is limited and tbe choice should be made early. One lot with house, was sold last week. Five lota and house were sold yesterday. Two more to-day. They will not last long at these prices. ror further information see W.J. BAKER A CO, T7-