The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 18, 1906, Image 8

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Leave Hood River 8:00 a.m.
Leave Dee 4:00 p. m.
I II i I 1 I I X vl j li
Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from
grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active
principle of every pound of Royal Baking
Hence it is that Roval Baking Powder
renders the food remarkable both for its fine .
flavor and healthfulness.
No alum, no phosphate which are the
Erincipal element of the so-called cheap
airing powders -and which are derived
from bones, rock and sulphuric acid.
The llimiueea Met'n DHBoeiation of
The Oullm undoubtedly made a move
In the nbt direction when they en
tabilHhed permanent exhibit of Waa
oo oounty prodiiota in their rooms
iu the Vo(jt block. A few diiya bo
Mr. Jamea de Uonlay, Jr,. an Austral
ian plena oorrepondontatopped over
in The Dalle ,on a trip around the
world, and beinR shown the exhibits,
expressed the greatest surprise that
we had fruit, melons, vegetables, etc.,
u exhibit, raised iu and around The
Dalles, which be said were as line
specimens as he had ever seen.
A few days ago C. L' Schmidt, sen
rotary of the association, mudo it
known through the Ohionlole Hint be
was ready to receive fruit, vegetables,
gialn, etc, for the exhibit, to which
our friends and neighbors nobly re
spuded. Among the products leoeiv
ed and on exhibition are:
Stalk of corn, 12 feet high, earn Vi
tnuhot long. 10 inohes iu oireuuifer
enoe, by U. T.;OoilIus; potutoes, wax
begins and dill'erent species of grasses,
J). P. Ketohom A Sou; water melon
and cussaba, A. Scoliler. i wheat, oats
aud gravses, J. L. Kelley; flue speci
men of planed yellow pluo lumber,
Hansen A Thompeu; whito aud yellow
corn iu Btalks, Mr. Roberts; wheat,
oats, barley, corn, Paul Limrotli;
(ample block of hops, 1 looser & Mortz,
Tyg" valley; grapes, Mr. Parpins; six
vailetles of applet, Mrs. U 1''. Ban
do, Mill Creek; eight varieties ol
apples, squashes, quinces, onions,
peaches, Alfonso Bandoz; live platos
Halway peaches, J. P. Thomson ;
peaches, peais aud prunes, John Phs
Lek; pound pears. U. Moll; oheiries,
three dilterent vailetles, George Coo
per; Crawford peaohes, Mrs. Ma
Ward; grapes, three varieties, A.
Flwk; water melon, Hoy Cooper;
burnt day and mineral exhibit, T. C.
Klothley; peaohes, three varieties,
and grapes, Ueorge lliinu ; telephone
peas, A. Y. Marsh; apricots, aud Ear
ly Crawford peaches, It, P. Keys; nec
tarines, George lirace; Plums, Ureen
Gage L. lloeriug.
All of which shows that the people
of The Dallos'and surrounding coon
try are taking an interest in this un
dertaking. Chronicle.
Fine Fruit to be Sold at Auction.
Sgobel St, Day announce that on
Tuesday next they will auction on
the Erie pier a oar of Cornice pears In
half boxes, paoked by J. VV. Per
kins, Medford. Ore., same being a
duplicate of the oar of this brand
which they sold last year, and which
made higher prices than any car of
pears ever sold iu the United States,
ltihaving grossed :?, 42!. Mr. Peiklns
writes that this fruit Is liner than it
was a year ago. At the same time
they will offer one oar half boxes Win
ter Nellis, A. lilaok Fruit Co. brand,
and one car limine D'Anjou peats
from Medford, of the E. J. Dellart
braud, said to be very handsome, and
iluer than a oar of this same fruit
which last season brought up to
5.37. Fruit Trade Journal.
An I'niiHiial Apple Siniallun.
The apple sltuiitloti for the past two
weeks 1ms been unusual and auoniol
ous, New York aud other eaateru
markets showing an increase and un
expected strength, while Chicago ami
other western markets were weak al
most to demoralization. This marked
(inference may coutiuue a little (while
louger, as the east shows increasing
firmness, especially for fancy thl
varieties. There is also en export de
maud for certain kinds of rod fruit
which are iu limited supply thus ear
ly in the season.
Present, conditions, however, must
not be taken as an indication of the
aituatlon which apple dealeis will
have to meet later iu tho season, for
the reason that the sources of the
present supply for the east all end
about the ustml quantity oi truit
shipped at this season. The middle
west, iu which the Jarge increase iu
pioduotiou is to be found, loes not
produce early kinds, except Jona
thans, only a limited quantity of
which has reached eastern markets,
aud some of these have arrived wormy
aud generally below expected coudit
iou, and it wus found the fruit would
oot carry, and that much of it re
quires refrigeration. This couldjnot
be bad at all times berause'of cc r.'ity
of ice. This chock on shipments iroin
the west coupled with the partial fail
ure of the Hudson lilver crop which
usually supplies tho New York market
at this time has kept the market here
stiong for a longer period than the
shrewdest operators had expected. It
we had received what ndiuarilr
would have oome to us from the west.
New York would have had no si'di
market. The cHeet of the enormous
increase in the apple crop through .tr.
the country will oot be felt iu the t'tist
until the general movement of lien
Davis and other red varieties begiiiH.
These kinds will come in strong com
petition with the red varieties grown
In the east, aud the western stork be-
On June 10th, and each Sunday there
after, Mount Hood Railroad will run an
Excursion Train between Hood River
and Dee.
A more pleasant trip than
a few hours ride through the
Beautiful Hood River Valley
cannot be taken and the
Fishing in immediate
vicinity of Dee is unsur
passed. Round Trip $1 Round Trip $1
Tickets on Sale at Office, Mount Hood Hotel.
ing of superlative quality this J ear,
will have preference for exporj I d
the southern shipping tiade. tl w
not likely that the great diflerence
between the Chicago and Now York
markets will continue after next week.
Prioos here will probably glow gradu
ally higher until something like a
parity has benn reached. Dealers here
must not look for a long continuance
of the present strong market. Fruit
Trade journal.
Making ( liler on the Farm
It Is essential In the making of
good cider and cider vuioge.r that
clean sound apples be used ; rotten
dirty apples, leaves, trash and gruss
will allect the flavor and quality 1111
favorehlily. Small apples are all
right if matured, and the dropped
ones can be utilized, but cnie should
be taken in assorting them. The
juice of early apples is deficient iu
saccharine matter, and will uot make
older that will keep, or vinegar of the
ueceusary strength. Hut it can be
mixed with that from late apples for
Cleanliness is an Important foatnie
in all processes of cider and vinegar
making, and oare should be taken to
keep all utensils clean aud in good
oondition. Cider and vinegar should
uot be allowed to stand in metal ves
sels. All barrel and kegs should be
thoroughly cleaned ns soon as emp
tied. A small chain is very conven
ient for thin purpose, putting it In
the barrel with a pail or two of water
and Bhaking thoroughly so. as to reach
all parts.
If barrels are to lie uued Immediate
ly they should be i laced with the
bunghole down, so that they may
drain out thoroughly dry, or they
may lieoome musty, and a musty bar
rel will soon spoil its contents. Ap
ple Specialist.
Notice of Filing of Tonushlp Flat.
Notice is hereby given that plat of
survey of township 11 north, tauge IU
east of Willamette meridian, will be
nlllcially filed in this oltlce on No
vember 27, l'M, at the hour of
o'clock a. m., 'and that on aud after
said date the lands embraced, therein
will become subject to entry by bona
lido settlers showing residence there
on prior to date of establishment of
the Pnolfio Forest Kesorve on March
:t, 18IU. N. C. Phillips, register.
A. J. Cook, receiver.
An Awful Cough Cured.
"Two years ago our little girl bad a
touch of pneumonia, which left her
with an awful cough. She had spells
uf coughing, just like oue with the
whooping cough and some thought
she would uot get well at all. We got
u bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kent
edy wh'oh, acted like a charm. She
stopped coughing and got stout and
fat, " writes Mrs. Ora liussard, Hi a
balter., ill. This remedy for sale by
Kier & Cass.
True and tried fronds of the family
- HeWltt's Little Early Kisera. Host
for results and best to take. Kosy
cheeks aud sparking eyes follow the
use of these dependable little pill'.
hey do not gripe or sicken. Hold by
Williams' Pharmacy.
We Prove hut W e Say.
We don't claim to know everything
but we do know oue thing well. W
know how to fit spectacles so as to re
lieve nibiiy ills ami ailment that will
nevei be relieved iu any other way.
I)i. Hogg, the Portland spe lull -it
with (i. Arthur Clarke, Jeweler and
Optician, Hood liiver, Ore.
Torments id Tetter anil F.cxema Allayed
The Intense itching characteristic
of eczema, tetter and like skin diseas
es is iustautJy allayed by applying
CbainherliHu's Salve aud many seveie
cases have been permanently cured by
its use. For sale by isier & Cass.
For wile by Emporium. Twenty acres
on Methodist lane, four miles fouthwest
from Hood Ki er, smull house, -amc
land cleared. Only $LDIK).
9 acres, one mile from town, all in
bearing orchard, strawberries and
clover. Price per acre, f-UM).
20 acres, one mile from town, all un
der cultivation and in berri is anil clover,
Price per am-1:100.
H acres, two wiles nut, two acres bcr
ricH, and about 4 hitch yonnn orchard
set to ripit.enbeigH and Ni;wtowiiH. Four
room house and i" trees in fu'l hearing.
Price fJ.liOO.
IS acres 4!-,)' miles from town. Four
acres of three year old slaml'inl varieties
apples, eight acres In allium, u hirli in in
line Condition for setting to orchard.
Small Iioiimo and barn. Price fur :i short
time, 13,000.
30 acreB 6 miles out. Twenty acres
in orchard, and five of it in full benring.
Can be divided to suit purchaser. Price
t 10,000,
b acres miles out. All iu hemes
and a few full bearing fruit Decs. Price
K0 acres four HiIImb from town. 1100
SpiUenliurgs and Newtown trees planted
liiwt year. 150 healing trees. About
two acres In berries, tin acres ready to
et to trees or berries. $15,000 for all or
w ill sell iu 20 acre tracts.
311 acres 21 miles from town, three
acres berries, 800 pencil trees will be in
liearing next year. 200 apricots, 300
pears. 500 staiiuiteit apples, all two and
Ihree years planted. Price-per acre
20 acres, near the hIhivo place for
5,000. Improvements consirt of ten
acres In New towns one year out nod
ten acres iu walnuts, panic age.
40 acres 31 miles out on the Fast side
Ten acres in ui chard one yt-ur planted.
27 acres in Alfalfa winch is r ady to set
to orchard. Three acres uncleared.
Price f.r a short time, 7,500.
20 ai res 31 miles out on Kai-t side. 17
acres injorcliiiid, 3 and 4 veurs old
32 acres 5 miles from town. 1.' 00 trees
3 to 0 years old. Price I2,OCO.
22 acres 5 mile out. N-arly all eel
to fruit. A boot bull in hearing, io
barn and outbuildings, price 10,000.
20 acres 4 miles out on I be Kant side.
10 acres set to trees, llalance cleared.
Price fViOO.
VJt ""- . a M m O imlii f jf
need not
b a cold
room In the
hotiM If you own
Heater. This is an oil
beater that give satisfaction
wherever used. Produces intense
beat without smoke or smell because it is
equipped with smokeless device no trouble,
oo danger. Easily carried arounJ from room
to room. You cannot turn the wick too high
or too low. As easy and simple to care fur
as a lamp. The
(Equipped with Smokeless Device.)
is an ornament to the home. It is made in two finishes nickel
and Japan. Brass oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds
4 quarts oi oil and bums 9 hours. Every heater warranted.
l)o not be satisfied with anything but a PERFECTION Oil Heater.
If you cannot get Heater or information from your dealer write
to nearest agency foe descriptive circular.
A M.r V I JlTTin bright. Is the safest
makes the home
ltd best lamo for
all-round household use. Gives a clear, steady light. Fitted
with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and
nickel plated. Every lamp warranted. Suitable foe library,
dining room or parlor. If not at your dealer's write to nearest
sfirsP&PAC I Fit
Study telegraphy and fit jour
self for salaried position, with
unparnllPleil oip"""nlty for ad
vancement. Hallrond construc
tion now under way makes
irreat demand for trained oper
ator Takes only I to S months
to learn. Tuition. I mos., W4
Wrlle for ontnloK. Pacific Tsl
ffrnp'i 'nHi Mh floor, Com
n,iniiil"i l.lil-r.. Portland. OA
'IF. Or. COE
" 4 ' ' I
O SflCES, o
wnt, rtA.
AMolufc Purlh. nnmtrltw.
F k. -V. vcwv sbsssC
Shop opposite O. B. Hartley's residence
phone 571
I am prepared to furnish mill and slab
wood, also other kinds of wood.
I have a new steam wood saw and ain
prepared to do sawing. Also do general
team work.
Phono 121.
Is your best "nsHttt. Proper health is most
csHcntifil to your happiness and welfare.
Pure air is mi absolute necessity, and no
effort should be spared to keep it so in every
Wher" open-flame illuminants rob the :iir
of o.ivn and tuni it into rarboiiio .itiJgas,
jnire air is an impossibility.
Air poisoned by the flame of a pas iet, or
that of an oil lamp is unfit for breathing
purposes and exercises a decidedly injurious
effect upon the occupant of the room.
Elect ric Light burning in an air-tight bulb
leaves the nir of the room pure and fresh,
mid furnishes a better, brighten and safer
light than any other medium.
We furnish the current and a phone mes
sage or postal from you will bring our representative.
Blacksmiths and Waon Hak ers
Special attention given to making and repairing
Grubbing Tools and Loggers Tools
... Apple Trees ...
All standard varieties grown from selected scions of the
best bearing orchards in Hood River valley. Guaranteed
true to name and free from disease.
J. H. G
Staple and j& j&
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Butler Banking Company
Capital Fully Paid, $50,000
Lkbur Rdtlkr, J. N. Thai,, Thilman 1',
President Vice President. Caeliier
J. W. Frknch R. T. Cox
3 l Caw
Phone Your Orders to Us
You are not getting value received
from your telephone if you do not use
. it in telephoning your drug orders
...Call Up Main 821...
and leave your order and we will
Deliver it Promptly
We will call and get your prescriptions and deliver
them when tilled.
The Glacier Pharmacy
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Aprlcot,Peach& Plum Trees.
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitien
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fruit Boxes
Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit.
I still have a few LADIES' TOP SKIRTS
$0 to $6, 1" $5, f 5 to $4. Come and examine these goods
Will cost you nothing. I also carry a full line of
Royal Blue, $3 50 Perfecto at .$3.25
NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on
The Big New and Secondhand Store
is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and
Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable.
Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOb MONEY.
Phone 1053
Q. P. DABNEV & CO., Proprietors.