0 CD () O, ,8 o BCOtt croaa chlacibb, YZtaiuiY, October is, woe K'ODlluued liom page 1)0 1 .Mr ,liliii Ihlz-G Lojum, New to, AikHii)t:is liliick, Ortley, Spitz. liflMtiriuoiit."' nrelinrd, II. hikJ R fc" Atory--ln l.c xt'H. Itnq I)nvi, New tuu, Jo ml l.itt', lz. 0 $igwr?,-lo l)(,xi(, WoU River, K)itz, wtwoti, JoiiHtliHi) Wolf Kiver raroeua. I'. W. Annus 7 bo.esVi Winewp, uutBiowu, injuw litiinou'er, iialdniu, liliiifk Twig, llmi Davito. OiKour. & 'Porter 24 (tvoxee, f 'Spitz, Neivtowu Jouutliaii Mack Twig tlydt KjiiR Alexander Buidwiu Hed Cheek Arl(t)iH black. View In ml Orchard, C. Dethmiu 6 LIotV, Northern Spy, Jorihtbau, Hond ller, isojimmut, .-Spitz, INowtown. UiU Crust orolmrd, M. M. llill-16 uiixoh, Newtown, UaMwin, Kinu of Imupkius, ArkaiiHiM lilaok, Talpa iiawKiiis, AiKen lied, spitz, Iiin i)av- li King, H. F. Tuck r 11 lioxta King. New iowu, ThIuh Hawkins, Alexander. Kpitz, Arkmimis black, Seek No 1' eith er. ISenluh Laud orchHrdn, O. Jj. Van aerljiH 21 Iioxh, Delaware Hod, Jon- uthun, lilack ruin, Uriuiea Golden, iniio. Winter liaiiuna. Kav, Winesap. Aikaii8a lilack, ItusHian Hed, Wuiien- er, Newtown, Wolt Hirer. Hoxliurv. HiiHHct, Klickitat, Salome, two boxes or siilwRy peaches. Pomona Jurni -J. L. Carter 17 boxes, Gloria Mundi, Hbode Island Ureeuiuj!, Northern Spy, Iioxburj HiiHset. Spitz. Vaudeveer. Newtown. Hellflower, Wageuer, Hed Cheek, Jou- ucnnii J. A. WilHou-4 boxes, Northern Hpy, Newtown. J. JjHcoy 1 boxen, Newtowu and Spitz. Dr. E. H. WriKbt 9 boxes, Spitz, Hen Davit, Hxldwiq. il. D. Calk i oi 3 boxea, (Jano, Swaar. Fairmount orchard, L. E. Clark 15 hoxea, uiesap, Spitz, Hed Cheeked Pippin, Hen Davis, H. 1. (Ireeniiig. Jonathan, lialdwiu. Peter Mohr 4 boxes, Newtown, Spitz, Kay, Fall Pippiu, Haldwin, Ortley. Meadow brook furin 4 boxes, Arkan biip lUtck, Newtown, Spitz. Neal Crck Fruit ranch, Hawson & Ktautou 20 boxes, Hoxbury Huaeet, Swaar, Delaware Hod, lilaok Twig, Hed Cheeked Pippin, Newtown, Hald win, Spitz, Walorigde, Home Heautj Northern Spy, Missouri Pippin, Wag- oner, one box of quinces, one box of Winter Nellis. Crosooland 2 boxes, Jonathan. M. Diiigsetb 8 boxes, Greening, Swaar, Ortley liellliower, Wiuesap, Russet, Hed Cheek, .Spitz, Haldwin. Win. Khrck 10 box Jonathan, lilaok Twig, lien Davis, Aransas lilaok, liydes King, H, 1. (ireening, Baldwin, . S. F. Coppl elO boxes, Jonotban, IJnuown, High Top Sweet, Spitz, King of Tompins, Winterboro, Van deveer. J. W. Jeukigs ,r) boxes, Detroit Red, Hen Davis, Spitz. J. A. Kppig ti boxes, Arkansas lilaok. Wolf River, Red Cheeked Pip pin, Arkansas lilaok, Newtowu. N. W. liono 0 boxes, Wolf River, Hen Davis J. L. Mount 4 boxes. Unknown, Rome Beauty. King , Gloria Mundi. J. P. Carrol 9 boxes, Shackel ford, Missouri Pippin, Tulpehocken, Hen Davis, Lawver, Haldwin, Stark, Rod Cheek, Yellow Horse. The White Salmon display consisted of abuut 2o boxes of Spitz, Newtown, White Hellflower, Lawver, Arkansas lilack uud all the varieties that were exhibited at the White Salmon Fruit fair. Underwood was well represented with a display of non-irrigated fruits including peaches, apples aud pears. Plate displays wore also made by J. L. Carter, Chas. Chandler, Wm. Khrck., F Lutby, RawHon & Stanton, J. II. Filsinger. F. 0. Sherrieb, J. G. Jarvis, J. J. Ward, S. C. Wbeeler, Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Jones, Geoige Steinhoft, Dr. K. K Wright. Hood River. Of course a large number of Port land people will go to Hood River Thursday to attend the annual fruit fair ud the meeting of the iniga tiouists. As many as cau spare the time should go. It is but a short trip; it is a pleasant one, and un stinted hospitality of the enterprising people of Hood Hiver awaits all visit ors. The Hood River valley is famed for its apples and strawberries throughout the laod, and in oversea capitals. It's apples, to be seen there in gieat profusion this week, are con sideied by fruit epioures and connois seurs in various countries to be the best prodmier) in the world. If they cau be equaled any where it isjn southern Oregon. Hut the merit of tho Hood Rivet apples did not be come known far and wide . by silence and inactivity about them. Hood River too'ed its mellow born, aud the world listened, looked, smelt and tast ed, and to its surprise and delect tion found that Hood River was no fraud, that it was able to make good, "nod then some." Hood KUer valley is not only the best, or equal to the best, apple pro ducing region in the world, but it has other claims and attractions. He sides its also famous straw uuirieB, other fruits and berries can be raised theie, aud hay aud other crops. It is supplied with excollut water power, timber is not far away, the great Co lumbia flows at its feet, and better than all, its people are intelligent, progressive, enterprising and moral a commuuity of as good citizens as can be found in the couutry. The fair will b well worth attend ing, aud there (till be interesting nud instructive discussions of the very important subject of irrigation, by those who hav made it a study and in which Orlegon is so vitslly inter ested. So the tiip to Hood River should bo both leasurable and prollt able. Oregon Journal. Coe's Addition on the Market. AW have placed in our hands for sale, all the lots Ix-Iiuing to H. C. Coc in Coe's Addition to Hood Kiver. Hots will I sold at the price oi $2(K) and up for the next .'lOdays. This is the best opportunity to secure lots in this beautiful portion of Hood River ever offered the public. The number is limited and the choice should I made early. One lot with house, was sold last week. Five lots and boose were sold yesterday. Two more to-day. They will not last lorfg at these prices. For further information see W.J. BAKER & CO. A cold Is much more easily cured when the bowels aie open. Kennedy's LaxHve Honey and Tar opens the bowels and drives the cold out of the system in young or old. Sold by Wil liams' Pharmacy. Bl(r inrolUiaiit at igrlcisttiiral College rhe entailment at the Oregon Aari oulturaj college this- year it 655 tu tfcnts wblob is nearly 100 larger than ever before at, this time of tbe year. Tbe probabilities are that there will be at least 800 students in tbe institu tion during tbe school year. Tbe stu luts who have eu rolled from Hood River ra as follows: FJvera Allen, Hlins L, Clark, Clin ton O. Dickeu, Carl V. Ualligao, Klli rth H. II una, Annie L. Hill, Ar thur U Hill. Mux A. Hinriubs. Mar ion L. Sproat, Ivlilli M. Sproat, Irene li. Sproat, Geoige R. Itipp; L. Ho bart booth, Murtiu J. Gnbble, Mount Hood ; Clifford 11. Thomas, George II. Rbonies, Dee. (iold Excitement Contluuea. Tbe gold at Trout Lake la increas ing rather than diminishing as time goes on. John Wyers came in tbe other day and says that pack horses are at a premium out there, and that anything in tb shape of a horse will bring a good price. The country In which tbe gold is found is near a body of water known as Salt Lake and said to be about a day's journey, perhaps 25 miles from Tiout Lake. The niiues are described as rotten quulrtz from which tbe gold can be picked with the point of a knit. 'Xbere is also some plaoer mines being discovered. Fv erybody around Trout Lake are be coming excited over thejreports being brought in arid '.It is predicted that there will be a atompede forth mines yet this fall.; There is already quite a number of prospectors in tbe field aud tbe number is being ad Jed toj diiily. Enterprise. Sick Headache Cored. Sick headache is oMsed by derange ment cf the stointttb and by Indiges tion. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorder and effect a cure. By taking these tablets as soon as tbe first indication of the disease appears, tbe attack may be warded olf. Get a free sample and try them. For sale by Kier & Cfm. Advertised Latter List. Advertised letter list for week end ing Oct. 15, 1900: Blain, Mrs. B. F. ; liro n, Mrs. Emma; Spenoet, Mrs. 0. H. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor; Wells, Mrs. L. B. ; Bell, C. H. ; Bowerman, K C. ; Burton, Geo. R; Campbell, J. K. ; Hopkins, L. 11. ; Jampsa, Sakari (2); Marlay, Leonard; Monroe, Geo.; Robards, J. H. ; Swanson, S. Wm. M. Yates, P. M. Full stock of harness to select from. Fancy riding bridles, etc. Davenport Harness Co. Nothing to Fear. Mothers need have no hesitancy in continuing to give Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy to their little ones, as it contains absolutely nothing injur ious. This remedy Is not only per fectly safe to give small children, but it is a medioine of great worth and merit. It has a world wide reputation for its cures of coughs, colds and croup and can always be relied upon. For sale by Kier t Cass. When a horse is overworked it lies down and in other ways declares its inability to go further, you would consider it criminal to use foioe. Many a man of humane impulses, who would not willingly barm a kitten, is guilty of cruelty where bis own stom ach is concerned. Overdriven, over worked, when what it needs is some thing that will digest tbe food eaten and belp the stomach to recuperate. Something like Kodol for Dyspepsia .that is sold by Williams' Pharmacy. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE In tbe county oourt of the Slate of Oregon for w wwu euunty. I the mntter of the estate of Phebe Jones, de cerned. Notice Is hmeuyelven that Kzma R. Jones. HdinlnlKtrulrll of the estate of Phebe JeneH, deceased, ha rendered aud presented foraet I lenient and filed In suld court her flnal account of her administration of aald estate, and that Friday, the 2d day of November, l'JOii, at eleven o'clock a. in., at the court room of8Bld court, In the city of The Dallea, said county ana stale, has been duly appointed by the said court for the settlement of said Account at which time and place any person Interested In said estate mav atmear' and Hie exceptions In writing to the said account aud couiesi iue Name. KZMA R. JONES, Administratrix Seneca Fouts, tty. for administratrix, olul Are You Being: Poisoned ? If your liver is working right you probably are not. When the liver is overworked, as it fre quently is, the system be comes clogged. It is then that sallow complexion, bad taste in the mouth, headaches, dizzy spells, continuous languor, etc.. indicate that the poison ous matter Which should lie carried off is slowly tainting the blood. If not reindied at once this onditiou will cause se rious trouble. CLARLE'S PIL CASCARa COMPOUND provides just what is heeded to quicken the liver into natural, healthy action. If you take these pills when needed all danger of this slow poison ing is avoided. Posi tive cure for constipation. Price 25 cents CLARKE THE DRUGGIST sUNtEBSA iHtMVHts you lMMals of the vnrii'ty shown for vtnir selec tion, and the price impossible untlcr ordinary lun iii. We invite inspection oc An Unconiitiowl Guarantee with Every Stove In selling thousands of these U ni versa lso in the past 22 yeas we have never beeen called on to make guaransee on a single Universal Hardware Faints JOHN LKLAND HENDERSON, Pres. Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public j M. SCHMELTZEH, Sec.-Treas. Notary Public ..Hood River Land.. Emporium INCORPORATED Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts, Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying We are prepared in a special manner to handle all kinds of business in any of the above lines and ha ve a large list of improved lands and city property from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch, a stock farm or a home in the inity. With an Extensive Correspondence We are able to handle your prop erty advantageously and will be pleased to have you list same with us CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The president of the company is the city engineer, and is prepared to do surveying and civil engineer ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and opinions given on property titles. Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141 . A LETTER I wish to my to all our old frieiulw and custom ers who for so many yea i'H came to our shop for their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce Wood Bros., our successsors, as their IS years in the butcher business in Wasco county has made them so widely known that un introduction it un necessary. Being honest, capable business men, they have the menus and ability to rwn a business as it should be run, and in a way that will be a credit to our city. I 'expect to stay with the new firm for awhile, and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. 1 will guarantee that you will get just as muck meat for your money, just as courteous treatment and just as prompt service as can be had in tbe city. We will have a full line of everything good to eat for the Spring trad1. Respectfully yours, E. S. MAYES. Let Us Send You A POCKET SAVINGS BANK We send them fre, postpaid, to each depositor. The most novel bome bank ever originated. Put in your spare dimes ; when full, mail to us ; we'll open and place contents to your credit. We pay liberal interest, you'll enjoy absolute security, and the little home bank will help you save with surprising ease and rapidity. A single dollar wtjl start your account. Writ, about it today. MERCHANTS INVESTMENT & TRUST COMPANY I. FaUHX WATSOI , . L. DURHAM . . W. . PEAK . . . I. C. CATCH1R0 . . . President , Tic-President . . Secretary Asst. SccrtUry HI WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND, OREGON Capital, $150,000.00 or o. tin s Tinware Crockery 311 J. H. FUlitn soN, Vice President and Manager. To the Farmer Hood River Milling Co. Job Printing at Walk I'fiMUK it ihiv ii.ict lies hi 1 1 )i . liair 1 1. M'll lIlClll disiiicliiiiil exira f ir MILWAUKEE NURSERIES .MILWAI KKI", OKKtiON. N. B. HARVEY rmii'iuKTou GUIGNARDd- ROSIGER, Local Agents, Hood River Wo will bavo for tbe Kail t rutin 5o,0OU ono unit two year otil Yellow Now town l'ip)in iiml Siil,cnlitir( iiiiK) trees, also all tbe lcailint; varicilics ot Aiple, l'eiir, I'liuil, I'l'tine, 1'eacli, Cherry ami Knirlisli will nut lives, oriianieiilal trees, mIhuIis ami Hoses,. Our trees are true to imiiii! iiml iiiveiiooil satisfai tion. Kor prices call on Aiijiust ( I uiunuril, llooil Kiver, or lublress N. II. Harvey, Milwau kee, Oregon. I'lione IlTi'.I. If You Would Grow Choice Fruits BUY of the Russellvillo Nursery Co l'OKTl.AM). OliKtiON. GROWERS OF FINE NURSERY STOCK ! i V MllHI'IKS ol' SI'KOI M, MI.KI I' Careful ami reliable attentiiui niveu to lilliiiK every order with lirat-clasn trees and plants. Satiifdcrion Guaranteed i. II, Vii.sox, Hood Hiver, local agent. I'lione lL'J'.l llox ftti- (i. H. HolilllNM C. I). Thompson ROBBINS & THOMPSON NURSERYMEN, HOOD KlVKIi, OK V.. We offer llooil Kiver (irown nursery slock and dnlill kinds of Orcbard and Nursery work, l.ny off, plant, prune, trim and cultivate young orcliaiils in the most tlinroiiidi and ii-to-i!uto iiiai -ner. One Dollar will hi you to eye (,'lassei or spec laclfs. I'erfect fit guaranteed. Your eyes fitted at home. Write fur b ee booklet describing our method. Ucincinber, the glasses we fit you io are worth 3.50 any where on artli. Our price, only 1.00. I- i'IIH RF PAIRING lictiartmfnt Is most ' 1 1 iii eletp M sin 8iirmK$nw. Watch cleaned fl HI. Si-nd ynur work by regiatered mail. u ?2 .SO repairs any watch. METZGER & CO. Bl ill aiXTB 6TRBBT. PORTLAND, OBS. Have the 'Qlhcier do you job printing 1 VI Do you know our IVed, I'i-csIi from the mill lias Double tlit; i'cctl ingvalueot' tale fWi ? All tin- pro gressive Dairymen an' luyinr i'et'd from us. Dewan' of Bargain Feed. It is worth Less than 1.1 icy charge for it. W'u will hi '11 you the right kiml of fwl for just what it in worth. No more, no less. Our prices are the Market prices. Pa tronize Home Industry. It's to your advantage and ours. " the Glacier Office - Over Shoes The Cordon to Thus is the Popular Stpre with Young Men S Mill ; iv'ii-'ri'f .'(HUM li'iur i.f I he ifw way . .. Kiu r, I be Oiic-l'r met 'i I but mi every i ilniiu' a clutliiiiji biisi- ay. Youim iiicn ari- ix st. i! . MIHM inn to i il il ilS Hindi': II I Ir.l- ll 'alibi;! n ull out a I'H'liiliihvc it a ii"iiiMiiis n aniilaci nier an iis-uiued Hii'ori"i'ify i f 'uliric mid lit. VOGT BROS. LEADING CLOTHIERS Are You from Missouri ? 1 f you aro tfe can SHOW YOU the finest lino of Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Tooth Brushes Shaving Brushes, Strops, AND ALL KINDS OF DRUG SUNDRIES YOl' CAN KIND ANYWIIK.UK, Large Line to Choose From PRICES RIGHT The Williams Pharmacy Prescription Specialists HALL & ESSON, Chemists, Proprietors liono 1001 Don't Forget -in i:- When you want lirnt-clH.su work done at home. All kiuda of Laundry Work and Cleaning Lace ciirtaiuf, rHc; blankids and ciirpetH, 'J5c to BDe. I'lione mlMl Glen Fabrick, Prop. The Club Cafe Meals at all Hours from 250 up Best Two-Bit Meal in the City T-Bone and Porterhouse Steaks our Specialty Next Door to Reed's Cigar Store, Hood River, Ore. ! S. J. FRANK All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER 3 c jg The Mood River Bakery pur- j chased 200 barrels of our Golden Crown Flour Oct. 1, 1905. They have just placed another order 9 with us for 100 barrels more. At JJ Mr. Williams' Bakery can be found the best bread in the city, and it Jj is made from our Golden Crown j flour.. The bread speaks for itself. Jj Our White River and Golden Crown flour II can he found for sale at all the leading gro- U cers. Try a sack. Once used, always used fi For Sale By STRANAHAN & BAG LEY Hood River, Oregon .'V: ",",' !',..! Of "VI k 1 "" JIL 'IQ " o -x if Hat :llijl y III I'liec- lis in tnxiuir Wo Deliver Patronize Home ...Industry... Our WorR cannot be ...Excelled... C. C. HOLMAN PROPRIETOR 0 i4 i Y 1 it - . 'i.. it Ai i' - ft n ! Dealer In Harness Saddles OREGON 3C 0