The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 11, 1906, Image 7

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Tl 0
his is Hood
With all its Conveniences, is at the
disposal of the SightSeeing public
Let Us All
iver Week
Make Yourselves at Ease Here
Use us just like you would your own home
P sj
For such is our desire to give everyone a good time, that the people can take complete charge of our store during the Fair
We are simply here to serve
your pleasure and comfort
3 C
At the Churches.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worth league 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially invit
ed. . (j. hvans, pastor.
St Mark's Episcopal Church. Holy
Communion at o o clock; morning
prayer at 11, and evening prayer at
7 ::).
U. li. Church Sabbath school, 10 a
m;: preaching, 11 a. m.j Y. P. C. E
7:1" p. m.; preaching, 8 p. m. Prayer
iiioi .iug at 8 p. ru. Wednesday. All are
cordially invited to attend all or any of
these services. Pastor, J. V. Sprecher.
Christian Church. Services at K. of
P. hall the first, third, fourth and fifth
Sundays of each mc nth. Services at
Odell the second Sunday of each month,
V. A. WOOD, Pastor.
ISaptist church Sunday school 10
a. in. ; preaching 11 a. ni. ; Junior li.
Y.P. U., 3 p. m. ; evening service, 7.30.
Riverside Congregational Church,
W. C Gilmure, pastor. Services Sun
day at 11 a. ru., Christian Endeavor
at 7 p. ni,, evening worship at 8 p. m.
Belmont M. E. Church. 11. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Helmont: Sunday
school at 10 a. in.; Class meeting at 11
a. m. ; Epworth League 7 p. iu. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at 11 a. m. ; Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:liU p. in. Services at
Pine Grove same as above except preac!.
ing, which is on 1st und 3d Sundays at
11 a. m. Crupper 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3 :30 ; Sunday school at 2 :30. Mourn
Hood. The 4th Sunday at U a.nt. J
Sunday school at 10 a. ni.
Unitarian services every Sunday at
11 a. ro. and 7. ISO p. ni., J. A. Hald
ridge, minister. Topic for Sunday
morning, 'The Ploa of Faith." Even
ing. "Purpose and Destiny." Sunday
school at 10 a. oi.eacb Suuday. All are
Catholic Church Regular sen-ices
every Sunday.
Children's Eyes.
We give especial care to cbildien's
eyes. Consult Dr. Hogg, the Poit
land specialUt with O. Arthur Clarke,
Jeweler and Optician. Hood Kiver,
Advertised Letter List.
Advertised letter list for week end
ing Oct. 8, 1906: Anderson, Knielia, ;
Elder, Miss K. ; Fuller, Maudie;
Green, Mona; Kettle Opal and Hazle;
Smith, Mrs. Hallie; Bailey, Roy M. ;
Coulter, Frank; Coulter, LewUClark;
Lyon, W. H. ; Nelson, Cbas. j Saun
ders, R. D. ; Voss, Hans.
Win. M. Yates, P. M.
Horses Ran A nay.
A fine team belonging to C. K
Marshall rau away Wednesday morn
ing, while left standing at tbe freight
station. They ran up the road toward
town at a good clip until near the Da
vidson cold stoisge plant where they
oollidod with a tree and weie brought
to such a sudden stop that the har
ness wag broken and tbe team loosen
ed from tbe wagon. Little damage
waB done eud tbe horses were caught
after running as far aa tbe Glacier
True and tried frenda of tbe family
- DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Rest
for results and best to take. Rosy
cheeks and sparking eyes follow tbe
ohp nf these dependable little pills,
"hey do not gripe or sicken. Sold by
Wiliiams' Pharmacy.
Get a eouvnir badgee.
Fine corned beef at McGuire Bros.
Mr. Rartmess is on a cash basis.
Finishing for amateurs at DeiU Stir
Souveuir leathei bags for sale at
oioooni's, too.
New Orleans Molasses in bulk and
cans at Jackson's.
Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and
pickled salmon at Jackson's.
Maple Syrup and New York State
Buck Wheat at Jackson's.
Hood River fair badges, In burnt
leather , for sale at Slooom's, lOo.
Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at
It is to your interest to refer to M.
Bartmess' ad under the new system.
The Dietz Studio for photos.
Our work guaranteed. Deitz Studio.
Full stock of harness to select from.
Fancy riding bridles, etc. Davenport
Harness Co.
McGuire Bros, make country deliver
ies Tuesdays and Thursdays and get
fresh eggs direct from tile ranches.
Orders for the country telephoned the
day ueiore win pe deliveri, H on route.
A cold is much more easily cured
when the bowels aie open. Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar opens the
bowels and drives the cold out of the
system In young or old. Sold by Wil
liams' Pharmacy.
For sale by Emporium. Five farms
in one body, 320 acres, 5 improvements
cleared land with each, 7 miles from
White Halmen on Uoldendale road,
plenty of w ater, $30 per acre. Can be
Hold iu separate tracts for M days only.
Terms easy.
Is Champion Fisherman.
P. M. Hall-Lewis is hailed as Ibe
champion fisherman at Hood River
so far this season, having caught an
va pound silvi rslde salmon in tbe
Hood rivei Monday. Mr. Lewis bad
a hard fight to land the big Hsb and
says there was one time when be was
contesting with this giant member of
the Honey tribe when he wished it
would nave got away. Having landed
him, however, he treated some of his
friends to a Hsb supper.
Married .By Father Klein.
Walter E. Silliman and Maggie K.
Owens were married at tbe Catholic
parsonage in Hood River Sunday, Oc
tober 7, 1906, at i o'clock, Rev. Fath
er Klen olllcating.
M iss Marie Owens, sister of tbe bride
was bridesmaid and Harry Silliman.
tbe grooms eldest brother, was best
man. Only relatives were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Suliman left on tbe
morning train for Spokane on a wed
ding trip.
Can you win? You realize that to
win in anything these days, requiies
strength, with mind and body In
tune. A man or woman with disor
dered digestive organs is not in shape
for a day's work or a day's play. How
can they expect to win? Kodol For
Dyspepsia contains tbe digestive
juices of a healthy stomach and will
put your stomach in shape to perform
its important function of supplying
tbe body and brain with strength
building blood. Digests what yon eat.
relieves lndisgastion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomaoh, Palpitation of tbe Heait aod
Constipation. Sold by Williams'
C. H. Stranahan was a passenger to
Portland Friday.
Ralph Savage went to Tbe Dalles on
a short business trip Tuesday.
Miss Stella Campling, of St. Johns,
Is teaching school at White Salmon,
II. Smith, of Wood &' Smith Bros.,
made a business trip to Portland last
A. N. Foley aud Mrs. Leona Hayes,
of this place recently obtained a mar
liage license at Tbe Dalles.
Miss Mayme Nichols, of Milton, is
here for a two weeks visit with her
brother, J. E. Nichols.
H. C. Johnson, of Winlock, Wash.,
is visiting at Hcod River, lie was an
early arrival for the fruit fair.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Adams, the
parents of Mrs. J. E. Nichols, are
here to visit their daughter and lake
in tbe fair.
Key. and Mrs. Merrill, who have
been visiting at Hood River for a
week or more, returned to Portland
J. E. Nichols bas purchased a fine
set of hearse harness for use on fun
eral occasions and used it for the first
time this week.
Bert Kerrigan, the well known ath
lete of Portland, in company with two
other gentlemen, took a drive over
the valiey Suuday.
Dr. Cooper went to Portland Thurs
day aud visited bis daughter who is
at present living iu that city where
she is taking a course iu amnio.
S. D. Garner, who recently sold out
Mi rauch to Capt. Craudall, baa pur
chased tbe store of J. T. liolman aud
will couduct it in the future.
F. A. F.emlng bas struck a good
thing teaming out of Hood River. He
bas a four in band rig and a VZ mile
route. Sherman Couuty Observer.
niug a side show to the fruit fair and
your visit to tbe apple sbow will not
ue cuiuptete uuiess yuu tane lb iu.
B. E. Johnson, the well known drug
clerk, who is now in business at Tbe
Dalles, it occupying the position of
druggist a1 the Wil iams Pharmacy at
Tbe subject at the Unitarian ohuroh
next Sunday morning will be: "Spir
itual Intuition"; that for evening,
"Fnllv Equipped." All are cor
dially iuvited.
O. W. Hills, of Wall Lake, la., is
visiting at Hood River. Mr. - Hills
owns property in tbe valley and, came
ere to loo after it and also to at
tend tbe fruit fair.
Oskar Hubr, a. well known engi
neer and arcniteot of roitland, ac
companied by his family, came to
Hood Kiver Sunday and will spend
two weeks at Wau-Uuin-Guin.
Frank A. Cram bas uad an eleotrio
light sign placed in fioot of his store.
Besides being a most efficient ad tor
this enterprising merchant It is a
great help in lighting the street.
J. D. Gray, state agent for the Des
Moines Life Insurance Co., whose
headquarters are in Portland, is In
town for a stay of a week or ten days,
and will visit tbe fruit fair wbile
Ray liubler, formeily of Hood Riv-
oi, but who is now located at wmte
Salmon, was a visitor at Hood River
Fr.dav. Mr. I m bier reports tne ad
dition to bis family of a son, who was
born la-t week.
Fair WeeR Special
OUTING FLANNEL Solid an.I fancy
colored laisy cloth, soft and
heavy, fine quality. 12'C grade,"
Special, the yard lOc
Cream and Kcru Egyptian cot
t n, Verv finely maid garuienls,
Regular 75c grade. Special th
garment 50c
CHILDREN'S HOSE. The g ...d wear
ing kind. It will pay you to lay
in a good supply now. pairI2)c
Children's Vdvctecn Caps.
Tain O'Shanters, white, blue, gur
net and brown, 75c vploe . . 5Q1
Fair WeeR Specials
FRAMED PICTURES. Beautiful works
of art, prices especially low fr
this week. Wee window displa y.
saucers, plates, salad bowls,- etc.,
wuli Hood River fruit decorations
See our attractive windows.
SOUVENIR BOOKS, containing beauti
ful views o' City and Valley. Ap
p'e Post Card, a beautiful repro
duction of the fruit that made
Hood Kiver famous.
just come and see it. Little prices
Fair WeeR Special
FIVE and TEN CENT counters
NEW SHEET MUSIC All the latest
ipular inu-ie. Come in and try
over. l.iltle prices
rrytliinn von could want for use
nr und ymr home. Little prices
WHY NOT -ee alxjut a new sewing
mi.cliii e when ynu are in town
I hiii wwk. We sell the very best,
niiAttrri nur A snecial disnlav of machines and new iccords this week. Come
in and hear thero, they are notxpensive and are an endless sou ret
of enjoyment In the home. Sold on easy payments if you like
Make Our Store your Headquarters, . Dressing Rooms at your Disposal
A. A. Jayue was a visitor in Port
land this week on a business trip.
Sherman Young made a business
trip to Tbe Dalles and return Satur
day. Gen. Supt. Campbell passed through
Hood River in bis private car Satur
day. Jas. Strauahan went to Eastern Or
egon Saturday to look for a team of
draught hoises.
S. F. Fouts went to Portland Thurs
day to attend a social function of the
Elks held in that city.
F. S. Stanley, sr., was at Hood
River last Thursday to attend a uieet
iug of tbe direotois of the First .Nat
ional bank.
Miss Martha Wbealdou is at present
teaching school at Mosier. where she
has aocepted a position thinking her
health would be benefited.
Mrs. F. E. Dauo arrived at Hood
River Tuesday afternoon from The
Dalles and will spend several days
here with relatives.
Tbe Ladies Aid society of the Valley
Christian church will give a 1(1 cent
tea on tbe afteruoon tf October 1H at
tbe home of Mrs. Lee Morse.
Mrs. A. M. Kelsay, of Myrtle
Creek, is visiting her daughter, Mrs
Geoign 1. Siocom and also her many
friends in Hood River.
Mr. aud Mrs. E. P. Matthews left
today for Chicago where they will re
main tor some time visiting friends
aud relatives.
Miss Mabel Caiter and Mrs. Wirt-
uiaii came to Hood Kiver Tuesday
eveuiug aud will remain at tbe resi
dence of Miss Caiter's parents, Mr.
aud Mrs. J. L. Cartel, during the
fruit fair.
Alien Hiokey, of Des Moines, Iowa.
will preach iu the K. of P. hall Suu
day morning and evening in the ab
sence of the pastor, W. A. Wood. A
coidial iuvitaitiou s extended to all
to oouie and bear bim.
Rev. Ray Palmer, who is related to
the Clarks, reoently visited at Hood
Kiver and conducted a service iu the
M. E. Church. Mr. Palmer is said to
be a gifted preacher and those who
heard him were much pleusud with his
Mrs. J. H. Wright on returning
from her visit to Hood River, was a
passenger on the steamer Kellogg
when it ran upon a rock, which disa
bled too boat so badly tbat the pas
sengers weie obliged to complete
their journey by rail. St. Johns Re
L. H. Huggins was ca'Ied to The
Dalles last week to fulfil the duties of
his partner, J. Van Dellon, in tbe lum
ber outguess there. Mr. Van Delicti
was taken with an attack of typhoid
fever aud it is expected tbat It Kill be
some time before be is able to resume
Mrs. E. L. Smith and Mrs. W. M.
Stewart went to Portland Thursday
n company witb Airs. U. J. .Nelson,
who was on her way to Uelliugham,
wash., and wno lias been making an
extended visit to ber parents here.
Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Smith return
ed borne Saturday.
At a meeting of the local horticul
tural socioty delegates were selected
to represent that body at tbe meeting
of Ibe state sooiety to be held next
January. J. L. Cartr, G. D. Wood-
worb, L. E. Clark, C. Hproat and F.
G. Church are the delegates chosen
for Hood River by tbe local sooiety.
A bear hunting party loft Hood
River Monday for tbe Trout Lake
coun'rv in quest of bruin. In it were
Cecil Holiimn, R. A. Brookings, a
well known traveling man, Len Reed,
W. O. Ash and Ed Wrigbt. The par
ty expert to return o Hood River
either today or tomorrow.
J. L. Henderson, having found the
quartets which he has been ooupying
for some time too limited for bis in
creasing business, bas taken the house
next to bis roimei otnoe and fitted it
no for bis use. Tbe Judge uow has
spacious and convenient quarters for
bis library, abstract work and other
matters in connection with his busi
ness aud profession.
Mr. F. Brayord, of Hood Kiver,
Oregon, father of Mr. K. C. Bray ford.
one of Franklin' county's substantial
citizens, is here on a visit to his sou.
Both gentlemen were callers at the
Reigster ottlce last Tuesday. Mr.
Bray ford, sr., left an apple on our
desk which measures 11 inches in cir
cumference and weighs 11 ounces. The
apple speaks more eloquently than
words of tbe qualifications of tbe Hood
River country for fruit raising. Con
nell, ( Wash. )Register.
County Superintendent J. T. Nctt
returned Monday from a two days'
meeting of educators at Salem aud
this week will be busy holding a
teachers institute at Tbe Dalles. All of
Hood River's teachers will be present
ad tberi will be no srhool here for
three days. Tbe inetiug will be held
Wednesday, Thursday und Friday
and not including Saturduy as was at
first rer orted, so that Hood River's
scboolmams will fcuve an oppoituuity
of attending the fair which they at
fiist thought would be impossible.
Frank Davenport wont to Poitlaud
on a business trip Wednesday.
Miss .Willie Mills, matron of the
Cottage hospital here, is attending
Mrs. Charles Adams, of The Dulles,
who is seriously sick.
A. P. I'atehain of Mosier, arrived
at Hood River for the fair Wednes
day. Mi. Hatolmm reports that Mu
ster's exhibit will be about 110 boxes.
The concert given by the Bridges
company Tuesday evening was well
attended and its members made a very
favorable impieshiou on their aud
ience. Roy Burgett, who has hail charge
of the Spencer dock in this city for
some time, left yesterday afternoon
for 1 he Dalles wIhto he will tako a
like position at that place.
The delegates appointed from the
Commercial club to the convention o
the Stale Irrigation association are A.
S. Blowers, C. R. Bone, Roswell Shel
ley, W. S. Gribble and A. 1). Moe.
The ladies of tho Christian church
will give a dinner and supper the last
day of the fruit fair in tho Dallas
building. All invited to come mid get
a good moid at a reasonable price.
A large party of ladies and gentle
men went from Hood Kiver Inst even
iug to Crusueland by special train
over ttie Mount llood ruuroau to at
tend the 5(H) party given by Mrs. Sher
man and Mrs. 1' inlay, iuo guests
were entorta;ned by both Indies
jointly and report a most delightful
evening both at the homos of their
hostesses and in going und returning
on tho obaerva'iou car piovided by
the railroad.
Fakirs Nut Allowed lo Use Streets.
Fakirs and amusement men who
said they hail permission from the
city authorities to put up tents and
establish booths along the streets
commenced erecting them today, but
were orerod to desistt by the mayor
and council who say that they had
nut given them permission and that
they did not intend to allow them to
use the public streets for this pur
pose. They say that they havo no ol
jeotion to them being allowed space
on private property for their exhibit
ions provided tho shows are legiti
mate, but that the public streets must
not be blocked up.
Were al Convention of . f. T. U.
Tho W. C. T. U. of llood Kiver whs
represented .-tt the state convention
held at Newheig, Ore.. October 1 to
4, by Mrs. Hartley and Mrs. Edging
ton. Tbey report an enthusiastic
meeting. Delegates In attendance 7(i,
new recruits dining tho yeai 2!7.
Much cf the increase is due to the
untiling efforts and enthusiasm of our
state president, who has for the third
time been re ejected.
The singing of "God bo with you
till we meet again" marked the close
of a convention perfect iu its ar
rangements aud fill of promise tor t' e
tutu re.
Fine I 'm it aj The Dulles.
Whilo Hood River Is having her
apple fair, ibe Dalles should be hav
ing a peacii fair, with grafles, pears,
raspberries and all her numerous
fruits thrown in. Never in the his
tory of fruiti ailing were the peaches
more beautiful. Whilo in many
years large peaches are si'atleri d
among the medium sized, this year
entire boxes of immense sized fruit
are common. Today the Chronicle
has iu its window two immense Sal-
wavs raised by Frank Taylor on a
three-year-old tree in bis garden on
Alvord avenue, where a rock pile was
formerly located and where thn soil is
shallow. The largest measures 1.1
inches iu circumference, Iour inches
through and weighs ounces - Chroni
cle. Wonderful llooil River Valley.
Great, wide, wonderful, beautiful
With Hood Kiver stream upon you
Aud Hood Kiver valley upon your
World you are wonderfully blessed,
Mt. Hood peak towers over me.
And Mt. llood glaclors are grand to
Aod the little streamlets down the
Do good seivice for lumber mills.
You friendly valley, not far you go,
But apple trees nod und strawbenies
And are sent to cities, towns and
Aud all through tho country for
thousands of miles.
Ob, world, you are great aud llood
River small,
But piices go up aud don't seem to
And when 1 was tall iug in town today
A stranger came to me and 1 heard
him say,
"Hood River's the valley, the ONLY
To raise good fruit, otboi places cau
- not." M. A. B., City.
School Books
School Supplies
For this your's uVniuinl I havo received tho
best lino of Tablets, l'encils, Inks, in fact
everything for School Use, over brought into
the city. It costs no more to ploaso tho
children with a Fancy Cover fit
The Depot for School Books
You need one of our Up-to-Date
Hats. Our prices are especially
low, quality and style considered
Millinery Display
Latest Designs
in Pattern Hats
At Mme. Abbott's
S. I), (iiirner having bought the .1. T. IlolmanGro
cery on the Heights, desires to call the at tention of
his friends in the city find valley to the fact that
he will have the store stocked with new goods, and
intends to run a, clean, neat little Family (irocery
Give us a Call Phone 1401
Cliauifc in Local Train. I
Humors are circulating which say
that the local train, which Iihs iieeu
such a convenience to 1 he Dalies dur- :
inK the few months that it has been
running, will be changed to a through :
train from I'oitliind to Walla Walla
instead of from l'orllainl to liis. ,
Whun asked Saturday if ho thought :
the chunk'" would be made, an O. li. j
& N. employe who is in a position to
jude, said he believed it would; that
Walla Walla has been clamoring for ;
athiouKh daylight i-orvice aud oue
that would do away with changing at j
Wallula. As it is now, only a sleeper
Koes through. If the change is made
the train win Id leave I'lirtlaud iu thoj
morning, reaching Walla WaJIa in the
afternoon. Another would leave Wal
la Walla 'li the morning, passing
through The Dulles about ,'! o'clock
and leaching l'ortlaud in the evening.
To Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. 'iboruton,
of Underwood, on Oct. 7th, a girl.
To Mr. and Mr-i. John Armstrong,
ot Mosier, on Oct. hth, a girl.
I'rune Crop a l allure.
Theie is general complaint through
out the valley of loss iu the prune
crop For some reason not entirely
clear the fruit failed to ripen up in
gooil shape this season and the hot
weather immediately following the
rains, that came about the time dry.
iug began, caused much of the fruit
to spoil. Hie amount saved will
probably tail af least oue half short of
what was expected a month ago. Tbe
price is sHIfeuing up a little. New-
burg Graphic.
Fine corned beef at Mediiire l'.ros.
Steamer Kellogg Ilailly Damaged.
Injuries to the steamer Kellogg
from the accldeut which ocouneii
Tuesday, proved more serious than at
Hist anticipated, and she is stiil in
the "hospital" at Portland undergo
iug repairs.
No orders will lie delivered after
10.00 iu the forenoon and' 4.:WI in the
afternoon, commencing Monday, .Sep
tember 17. Moliuiie liros.
Kd. Mayes.
A. S. ISout
Portland Property to
Trade for Hood River
The manager of our Portland office
will be here during the l'ruit Fair with
several good pro'rties to trade fur
llood Kiver farms. Here is your
chance to move to Portl'iid. Better
call and let him tell you about some
of the pretty Portland Louies he haaOto