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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
HCOD ftlVEB GLACIER, THUKrfDAt, OCTOBER tl, 1903 Fall Opening Sale Special Values This Week 1000 yards best 10o grade outing, all colors. Special 7J40 1000 yards regular Hc outing, 27 in ches, all colors. Special 50 Men's canvas gloves, regular 1 0c. va ues, Special 7C Ladies' fleeced vests, good weight fine quality. Special 230 25 dozen ladies fleece lined hose, good quality, double heel and toe. Special the pair 11c 2.1 dozen children's school handker handkerchiefs in plain and fancy borders. Special 20 200 yards, assortments of fine cambric and nansook, embroideries, beautiful patterns, wide width, values up to 35c the yard. Special 160 L. JL MUGGINS & CO. Fall Opening Sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings, Women's, Misses' and Children's New Fall Suits, Cloaks and Skirts, afford remarkable opportunities. ..iSpecal values this week in all Departments., 75 Humpies Shirt Waist patterns, bought at one fifth their actual value. Made of the very bent linens, handsomely embroidered froulH, collars and cuff h, values up to $4.00. Your choice w hile Aflp thev hiHt )y. Ladies' BlacH Petticoats Ladi a's Black Petticoats, made up in gosd quality sattivnH, in milled and plaited effects, values Cf up to $1.00. Special Uyt 50 pieces all-silk taffeta ribbon, Nos. 40, fiO, 80, val ues up to 20c. Hpecial lOc the yard Closing! out a large assortment of ladies' beltH, in kids, black and white taffeta silks, tinsels, etc. Values up to $1.00. Special 30c NEW Fall Suits Cloaks & Skirts You got what you want here at dis count from -tf.'l to $5.00 on the gai nient. 'iirtock is new, no last years styh h here. Pleased to show you through any time. New Autumn Dress Goods Just received a large shipment of Diess Goods. Those new plaid effects in car dinal, olive green, blue and brown. The lntest en .stern craze. Fancy Plaid Suiting Fancy l'laid Suiting, all color, good quality 15c New Plaid Suiting New I'hi (I Muting in woolen effects, 35c value, 19c ' 44-Inch Suiting 4)-inrli i-uit ng in gray mid plain i-H'cclii. regular tifli: value Special 45c Fancy Panama Suiting Fancy Pmmina Huitlng, i'i blue green mid cardi i ill plaid , regular $2.00 value. Special $1.68 Heavy Brown Suiting Hevay Hrnwn suiting, all xl, 38-inehes, regular (Me value 38c Cloaks Up-to-Date Line ...wl ,.i.;i i. dren's Croats from $1.95 up. Ju.-t received a largr shipment of Ali.s ses' Skirts in the latest styles and colors, $2.00 up. SEE THEM Fall Opening Sale Special Values this Week Extra heavy sanitary fleece, regular $1.00 and $1.25 the suit. Special price the suit 750 Men's Camel Hair underwear, heavy weight, close ribbed, $1 .00 and $1.25 values. Special the garment 850 Dr. Wright's Health underwear, regu lar $1.25 value. Best underwear on earth. Special the garment 980 Blankets, Extra heavy, lltf blank ets in gray and tans Spjcial the pair .'. 760 Extra Heavy Wool-mixed blankets, dark colors, Special the pair $1.65 All-wool blankets, whites, grays and tans.. The pair $4 to $8 Men's Hem-stiched handkerchiefs, full regular size, regular ten cent values Special 05c 25 dozen men's fancy hose, embroidered and lace effects, values up to 35c. Special the pair 15c See Our New, Clean and Up-to-Date Stock The House of Reliability, Quality and Satisfaction BE HIS FRIEND. Tfce Wife Who la Her llaeband'la Uomrade Ha a Little to Fear. Marriage Isn't a set of rules. It Is a condition of life made by tho characters of the two people who enter Into It. There are homes that seem of a deadly dullness, fit to drive any man abroad. There are women whose dally conver sation consists of nothing but com plaint about servants and housekeeping and nerves and the press of angnge menU and disappointing dressmakers, complaints of lack of money or com plaints of the strain of shopping with It There are women who aro too ab sorbed In their children to consider the children's fathers, women who have no knowledge of their husbands' business lives beyond the fact that those hus bands forget tho commissions given them In the morning and nre too tired lu the evening to want to go out any where, a scathing fact which somehow militates against a man. And there are women, a larger class perhaps than all of these, goad, unselfish, loving, who lack disastrously In some fine quality of humor, of appreciation, of friendli ness. The wife who Is her husband's com rade has little to fear. It Is one of the greatest factors lu keeping him always hers, that of being friends with him, Id being truly Interested lu all be does and plans and wishes for and having the comrade sense of humor that can always laugh at his Jokes and make merry by the way Instead of taking accouut of everything with terrlblo seriousness. . If you can smUo openly with him at his fancy tor another and even tease liliu a little about It, tho fancy Isn't likely over to amount to . very much. What Is forbidden Is, we know, always more tempting. Many and many a situation has been saved because a wife was so true a friend to her husband that she persistently refused to regard It seriously. Mary Stewart Cutting In Harper's Dasar. ODD WORK STAND. slhle for more Ills tliun all otlier causes put together. If a nurse cannot con trol her feelings or the exterior mani festations of tlieui her usefulness is turned into uselentneiw, and nnytlilug useless lu a sickroom Is positively harmful. The Jest has an Important part to play In the sickroom tut a rem edy for Irrlliiblllly. Don't tell long stories, don't tnlk about somo other person's trials and don't think up mis erable possibilities. The keynote to successful nursing Is order, observa tion and obedience; these qualities Joined with tact Uie want of which Is the base of nearly every sin which a nurse may commit make for the Ideal sickroom attendant. Dresalna- In White. Fran Llebrolch, a wealthy resident of Munich, Is convinced that girls who wear white dresses -get married Boouer 1 lin li girls who wear all sorts of colors. Accordingly she has organized a "leuguo of white women" among her friends, the members of which under take to wear pure white for all Impor tant and ceremonial functions. In her address to the first members of the guild, some twenty fair maids of Munich. Fran I.lebrelch Is reported to huvu said: "I loved my husband be fore lie loved me, ami be returned my affection only when he saw 1110 acci dentally In a white dressing gown. White Is n symbol of pure love and thus appeals to the better half of the mule creation. The plainest girl dress ed In white will conquer hearts more rapidly than a beauty who stoops to the meretricious attractions of a hun dred hues." BEAUTY SPOTS. It la Made of a Cheeee Boa Mounted oi Three Less. Every woman who has to do sewing should have a sewing table or stand of some kind, and no woman who has learned the advantage of order in sew ing appliances will be without one. A very Interesting and really artistic one is the work stand shown In the Illus tration. It Is nothing more or less than The hair needs to be washed only once In two or three weeks. Too fre quent bathing exhausts the nutrient elements of the glands. Don't polish the nulls too highly. They should have only a natural gloss. Don't cut the nails In points, but care fully arch. Ily resting for half an hour In a dark room and placing over the eyes a bit of old linen which has been saturated with rose water the eyes will be rested and will brighten considerably. Thin arms should be washed twice a day with a due lather of soup, rlused well, dried thoroughly and then rubbed vigorously. This treatment will bring the pores Into action ami Induce a healthy condition of tho skin. Keep a fresh lemon with a hole cut In one end uu tho washstand. Every time your lingers are stained turn them around in the lemon and the stiiliis will disappear and the sklu a round the nails will tie softened and pressed back. Land llargalns. Prloe and terms of the Doliusey lands three and one half miles cast of Mosior on Dalles road: 40 acres or over 'M an acre. M aoie tract W an acre. '20 acre tract $75 an acre. 10 acre tract tl(K) an aore. 5 aore tract $100 an acre. One half down, balance to suit pur chaser at at eight per ceut interest on deferred payments. Will accept as part payment team, harness, wugon, plows, harness, culti vators and other farm implements; cows, bogs, poultry eto. Also iartn work at ruling wages. See our new list uext week. W. J. 11AKKH & CO. OLD LINTY WASH CLOTHS. Should Not lie lard In Houaea Where There la I'lumbliia, Few things clog a waste pipe so readily as lint. Old scrub cloths and wash cloths are apt to shed lint and thread. These, going down the waste pipes with refuse water, lire apt to cling and twist around the Joints. They attach to themselves all small particles Unit but for them would pass through to the sewer, thus lu time clogjjiirj up the pipe. Well worn Ilnty scrubbing cloths should not be used lu a house where there Is plumbing. Dishcloths also, as soon as they become lluty, should be destroyed. Washtubs are apt to become either wholly or partial ly stopped up where there Is much Hut from the articles washed lu them. He cause the refuse pipe of the sink Is large tea leaves and coffee grounds are often disposed of by emptying them dowu It. There nre a great many cases where no harm ever re sults from this practice, but it Is bet ter not to do It. In a household whero the sink became stopped recently the plumbers, when they took the pipes to pieces, found the trouble due entirely to the gradual accumulation of coffee and tea grounds. Hel'ore the repairs were completed the plumber's hill amounted to a considerable sum. Grouse from dishwater Is also apt to accumulate lu time and harden in the pipes. After pourlug greasy water or anything that has greiiNc particles In It dowu the sink pour liollin;; water and snlsoda after It. Cold water care lessly thrown down helps to h.irden the grease that lias gone before It.--New York Tribune. IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS But Irrigated Fruit Lands at our new town of Attalla, Washington, located In the Columbia Mlver Valley in the weal im port of WUa Walla County, Waah lnpton, opposite ti. i K ar.-w nv ,at in canal, and at the junction of the Northern l-acifto, th.1) Washington ft Col mbia Kiver and the Oregon Railway Navigation i.o. i.ial'.vaju, a: te head of navigation on the Columbia Blver. This Is one of -the ric' 'it -.srrlc ttnral UrUlcts in the United States, and the soil is pcr-C;Uy f. Sf.,.- l i t' i a ling : ' ries, fruits ana V0o'etabl. whicli lipen eiuhei' ibaii in ur. uti-wi- part of t e ttnte. Owing to tli svpi.icr '..'. voa:l a vnntaget, " possible to sriVot pro-'uoe as late as 7 oYl-f'r. p. t li.-.v hi; nei:t in Seattle, Taiomu, tort land, Spokane and intermediate points in tho movninr?, traveling In the cool of the night, which means the largest income in t e Northwest ia received lrom theae lands; it being possible to CLEAK PROM 9500 TO 700 FEB ACBE PB ANITUM. Fortunes are being made every yar from Irrigated Lands. There are no crop failures, and price are always 1. h. T ore lands, with perpetual water rights, can be secured by making a an-nil payment in cash, and the balance on favorable terms. An Investment of this Kind Beats Life Insurance The amount of money paid as premiums Invested in irrigated lands will soon furnlah a splendid Income for th purchaser while he Uvea, and support for sis family after him. You do not have to Die to Win Tot further particulars, maps and circulars address I TJ. X. loose. President sad General Manager THE COLUMBIA CANAL CO. 609, 610 Marion Building, Seattle, wmu or Attalla, Walls, Wall. Co., W5"' wuolesa u: UKTAiL THE DALLES NURSERIES K. II. Wb'BER, Prop. THE DALLES. OREGON. GKOWkK AND DKALRlt IN FRUIT, SHADE AND TREES GRAPE VINES AND ORNAMENTAL SMALL FRUITS Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phone 931 IKK) I) KIVER, OR. BUYING A CLOCK. WOHK 8TANI1 UAtlE OH 4 ClIKHSB IIOX. a cheese box sot oil throe legs, with tho lid turned upside down for a tray. The !ki ami rests are palutod lu tlui k green, Willi ennmel tlnlsh. Cretonne In a gay, lirlxht colored pattern Is used far a lining, the under tray being fitted up With a aeries of pockets. Such a stand is really very dutuly nnd attractive In appearuuoe, but nat urally Is more sultnblu for a bedroom or sitting room than for a more formal iipartmeut. riilladelphia North American. A Three Cornered Tear. .V three cornered tear Is a nasty thing to mend neatly, If It conies where there Is no strain or wear whatever It may be best darned by simply sewing the edges together with a plain "lu and out" or adapted "herringbone" stitch. If the tear Is near a seam and there Is homo wear on the part put a square patch on the outside, baste It neatly ou, putting one side Into the seam. Hliteu It on with tho sewing machine close to the edge aud cut away the g mils underneath, leaving Just enough to overcast. This will bo a less ob tusions patch than the old fashioned one run underneath with the worn or torn goods hemmed dowu ou the outside. Taet and tiesd Cheer. Ths restorative power of gid cheer Is tar greater than medicine, and men tal depression Is the true physician's worst enemy. It Is the bane of a sick room and the shackle upon recovery, la fact, the mental attitude Is rcspou- Iteveragea For Children. It Is advisable not to give children tea or coffco imlil they are ten years I old, as oven the slight stimulant of I weak tea is unwise. Water aud milk j tiro the drinks proper -to childhood, and j these may be giveu freely. Most chll . dreu have milk at 11 o'clock In the : morning, and this Is a wise plan to i follow, as the hours between break ! fast ami dinner are too long for thf j active little liody V) 1)0 without sonv kind of sustenance. Meet One That Wilt ilarmonlae With Ita Sarroundlnera. When you've a clock to buy choose It with an eye to Its playing a part, no matter how small that part may be. In the furnishing of the particular room It U for. Crystal clocks In one form or an other come to suit almost every sort of room stunning circular ones, with their tiny floors paved with colored en amels In mosaic patterns, for parlor or drawing room; plain as a plpestem kinds, with a world of dignity lu their very plainness, for library or music room, and dainty little forms for liedroom or boudoir. For sitting rooms the colonial clocks mahogany cases, left almost plain to show olT the beauty of the wood are particularly good. Attractive bronze clocks aud pretty ones of clilna, usually Dresden, aud a thousand and one others more elaborate lu style. Indulging profusely, some of them, even In ornament, may seem to suit tho particular corner. Only be sure that tho one you pick does suit It so well that It Is hard to Im agine any other clock in Its place. A well ch.i.ic.i cl.i.'k is as great a re lief aud pleasure ; i tho eye as a vase or a bit of brlc-a-l'i ic Exchange. Fall Planted Bulbs Orders taken now for Kail Planted llulbs and Hants. Buy your Gladiolas from the grower. See Oakdate display i'i lielrt now. Gladiota bulbs from 50c to 7!ic per dozen. Wyandotte Cocker i Is, the white kind, for sale now, $1.00 nidi. J. 1. Ki.ktchkii, R. R. No. 1, Hood Rirer Arrival and Departure of Malls. HOOD KIVER. The niwtnfflce In open dally between 8 a. m. n ltd 7 . m.; Sunday tror 'i tol o'clock. MhIIi f,ir the KhhI olnwat U.Jt i m., 8.10 p. m. and p. in.; for the West, at ' 30 p. m. aud p. m. The currier on K. K. 1. routes No. I audi leave the piwtoitlce at 8.S0 a. m. Mall leaves Kor Ml. Hood, daily at 12 ru.; arrives 10.20 n. ni. iwrn,lurul U'utili rtatlv "esemil anil (hiv, at I-.' ni., Hrrlve at II a. in. Kor While HHlmon, Wash., dally at 12 m.; arrives lit II a. to. WHITK SALMON. For Hood Itiver rinllv at 9 a. in.: arrives at 2 p. in. Kor II iisum, Trout tjike and Unler, Wash., dally hi T.. a. tn.; arrives h p. ni. Kor i4Iiiiuimh1 Kiiltln and Ullmer. Wash.. dully at :.;m, ni.; arrives at A p. 111. Kor I'I lie Klut and Wnowcten, W ash., at 1 p. i. Tnesduvs Mini Miii.nrdavH! iirrivea same ilavs st 1.1 in. Km HiiiKi n, dully at 4.45 p. m.; arrive at 8 !o a. ni. L. M. WILSON PINE CROVE, ORE. ...General Merchandise... FLOUR, FEED, GROCERIES, WORK 8I1IRM, OVERALLS, NOTIONS, CIGARS. TOBACCO DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES MY GOODS ARE RIGHT, MY PRICES ARE RIGHT i A Bad romblaatloa. Scads Toil say be left no monayj Bam-No. You tee, be lost his health getting wealthy, and then lost bl( stealth trying to get healthy. . Rvalfnl llook. "Yes, I picked up his bo:ik last night, and I never budged out of my chair until 4 o'clock this morning." "Goodness! Was It that Interesting?" "No, but I didn't wake up until that tlma."-rbtladelphln I'rcss. True lletp'ulni'as. I waut It to lie xii i I of m. by th'.a Wlm know me liesl that 1 ' ; e 'I'.r-yn plucked a thistle nnd ' .' .! .-. !'. iwer la Its pHiv wher w ; ;: i . vonhl grew. -Aofu'.iam I.' PURE CRYSTAL ICE DAVIDSON FBUIT COMPANY I). S. Commissioner Notary Public GEO. T. PRATHER The Oldest Insurance and Real Estate Agent In town Insurance Loans Abstracting Hood River, Oregon Square Deal Store "Honest'Goods and Square . . Deal for Every flan" . . IS MY MOTTO The Ideal Weeder Is what its name implies, a Genuine Weed Killer and the nearest to perfection of any orchard tool yet introduced in Hood River Valley. Try one and be convinced.' Satisfaction Guaran teed or no sale. Osborn Spring Peg-Tooth Harrows Acme Harrows Plows and Cultivators Potato Diggers Wagons, Hacks aud Buggies Flour, Feed, and a Full line of Groceries at all Times Car Load Stumping Powder just received Yours for Business Phone 741 D. M'DONALD 3rd and River Street. Hood River, Ore. F. 8. STANLEY, Pres. E. L. SMITH, Vice-Pree. K. O. BLANCHAR, Cashier V.C. BROCK, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital $50,000 Surplus $12,000 AVe oftVr you the facilities of a well managed and well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive our careful attention. B J. E. NICHOLS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR I hold 'license from the State Board of Oregon and Washington, and am qualified to ship bodies 10 any point. Prompt service either day or night. Hearse furnished on all (M-c'Kfionn Parlor Phone Main 1513 Scliifller Building. RAsidmo Main 1511 I Hood River, Ore MANl'FACTl'MHd DELIVERY DAYS i Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday Mornings and Saturday Afternoons Order limt'froin Factory Hiono Main 71. "REGULTOR LINE" Steamers leave Portland and The Dalles daily, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock a. in. calling at Hood River, eaatbound, at about 4 p. m. ; westbound at about 8:30, p. tn. Direct connection at Lyle with the C. R. A ti. Railway to and from Go'.dendale and Klickitat valley points. For any further information address any agent of the company or M. TALBOT, V. P. A (3. M., J Portland, Oregon Lady Assistant Hotel Waucoma A First-Class House Moderate Rates Good Service Farmers' Dinner 25 cts P. F. FOUTiS, Hood River Prop. o o iNltiataWfiamn'aK.