The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 11, 1906, Image 5

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L- -'- 111 -
Khnriir thrismnn cume to Hood
River trom The DhIIhs I'uettda; uud
arruateil living Duhoine, who lm ltnu
known here ax Jak White. Duhoiue
was wauled nil a charge of seduction
having enticed a young girk away
iium iicii uuuih, it ih unogea under
promuu of marriage and then desert
ed her.
Frolmbly the capture of Duboise was
about as euey a job as the sherilf hag
tackled since ho has been in office, as
JUHtead of havnu to go after his man
the man cane to him. Dubois has
been working for the Oregoi Lumber
company at Uee, but quit and wen
io ureeu roini across 'lie v lley on
foot where he succeeded in raising
some money on time onecks which
had been given him. He afterward
came to Hood Kivec and went to the
olfloe of tun Oregon Lumber oomna
nr hero for tne purpose of getting tie
ramainuer 01 tne oasn. wtiiio be a
iiegi.'tiutig for it the sheriff stepped
into me omce ana neaia tbe book
keeper address Duhoine as White.
Knowing that the man be wanted was
truveiig uuder that name the sheriff
licensed him of being Duboise and be
nnally admitted that was bis name
and he wag arrested. He was taken
to The Dalles on the local and the
Chronicle piiuts the following story
iiooui Dim :
Duboise is a brother of Fred Du
boiso, who ran away from Maroota
with Mabel Conrad last week and was
arrested by Sheriff Chrismau and
IJrputy Wood and taken baca to Eu
gene When the culprit was in the
hands of the Lauu county officers they
, discovered that IiIh half brother had
A hand in the dabtardly piece of busi
ness and that a young woman acocm
pauied him. They at once informed
the ollicors up here, who found that
the young woman, whose name is Sav
age, was employed on the bill.
Through her they determined that
Duboise, whoi-e real name is Benson,
Dnr, wno takes tne name of bis step
father, was at Green Point la Hood
River valley. Sheriff Chriaman left
this morning for Hood River, and
pboniug out to the mill, was informed
that a man who went by the name of
White, but who formerly was called
Duboise, bad quit- work the night be
fore Ci.'isni'iii tbeu confined bis
so.uuii to tbe town and soon found
bis man, who, when told what was
wanted of him, said: "They can't do
anything with me; tbe girt who came
with me was over 20 years ot age,
But Chrismau took bini just the same
and brought him to The Dalles on tbe
noon tiain.
Tbe trial of Duboise takes place in
Kugono tomorow nr Ihursday, when
Deputy Sheriff Wood, Irving Duboise
and the Savage girl will be on hand,
Wood Having been subpoenied as a
Wenatchee and Toppcnlsli Take P-lzes,
In a meeting which was one of tbe
most enthusiastic gatherings which
has ever beeu teld at Wenatchee, the
Wenatchee Commercial club celebrat
ed wiuniug tbe $1,000 prize for the
best fruit exhibited at the lusterstate
fair at Spokane. Business men pre
dioted tint WeuatcLea would have
20,000 Inhabitants. Speakers, local
and from adjoining towns, add reused
the meeting. Before adjourning the
meeting tendered to the committee
charge of the exhibis at at Spokane,
composed of Ueorge Far well, William
Turner and Charles K. Brown, a vote
of thanks for then successful work.
Tbe excellent quality of the fruit
raised in tbe vioiuity of Toppeuisb is
receiving recognition. Kichey & Oil-
Lett of that place, who are the largest
ehippeis from loppenisb, having re
ueived tbe "Silver urill, Urst prize
of 9100 offered by the Spokane hotel
for tbe finest disf lay of apples at the
Spokane fair.
There was considerable competition
for this prize by growers from North
Yakima, Wenatchee and Spokane;
tbe second piize being awarded to
Robert Johnson of . North Yakima
The vaiieties exhibited by Riohey &
Gilbert weie- Spitzenberg, Yellow
Newtown, Winesap, Arkansas Black,
Wagner, Grime's Golden, Baldwin,
Nortern Spy, Gano and Ben Davis.
Mule Thieves Captured.
If will bn remembered that a little
over a mouth ago Ed Fhiriau had a
span of mules stolen trom bis rancn
seven miles fiom the city and that
Hfterwards Officers Wood and Harper
traced the mules to Portland, where
they had beeu sold for Slot). Two
ciooka by tbe names of H. Brown and
Holier wilsou were the thieves aud
while the mules were returned to tbe
owner, tbe criminals were never
caught, ibey were not, however, for
gotten and Sheriff Chrismau and Dep
uty Sheriff Wood have been ou their
trail hntrinu informed officials in
California to be on tbe lookout for
them. A few days ago a message was
received fiom tbe sheriff at San Ro
Dion, California, saying two men had
been arrested there for stealing a
horse and buggy, wbo bad proven to
be the ones Wasco county was after.
Must Have Been Here.
Tbe editor ot The Dalles Chronicle
bas evi lentiy been paying Hood Riv
er a visit. As in a recent number of
that paper he describes tbe scenery
in and about this city thus:
To the north as far as the eye can
seo stretches a land dotted with pret
ty wbite farm bouses. Hood River is
a good town and a climb up along
streets shaded with oalf trees is wll
worth tbe effort. The panorama of
river and valley together with bun
dreds of well kept fruit farms is a
pleasing sight. Hood River valley
stretches away to the south, with au
average width of tJve miles. From
this valley of 50,000 acres of well
tilled fruit land ba6 jutt been shipped
ten trein loads of apples, that sold
for 3 a box of forty pounds, which It
the highest prioo ever received for ap
ples iu the West.
Jt is from the town of Hood River
that tbe trip of all mountain trips
mar be takeu. For miles and miles,
tbe mighty Columbia, is seen wil ding
its way through the great tection,
while In every direction, as lar as eyo
eun reach, etiotch productive fields
ud fertile valleje. rar up ou the
mountain slopes the dense, dark for
psla stand out in itetty contnat to
the crystal waters below.
Where Angels Fear to Trend.
The eJitor of the Optimst l
called upon to act as judge at the
fcttby show at the Pendleton fair, but
compromised tbe matter by acting
Lg clerk for the judges. There were
bout 70 babies entered, and if Solo
mon bad beeu the judg be oould not
iirnA nnf a hnmalv one from
UBVtF - i
tbe whole lot, annd tbe mother wtre
prettier thau tne aias. .im, wum
could a judge do under such oircum
stancea. Just ra it blind and sneak
off and leave the clerk to pin the rib
bons on ! And we ilve to tell of It
Wouiaa For Cascade Lojks la Distress.
Mrs. Nora Cannon, the poor woman
who was sent to St Vincent's hospital
Saturday night in an almost dying
oondition, is reported to be better
today. Dr. W. V. Spenoer, wbo is
Ktienaing ber, say that she will
probably recover.
The woman arrived on tbe Califor
nia train Saturday on her war to Caa
cade Locks, but owing to a mistake
in ner ticket, which was to Cascade
Junction, she and her three aaniU
children were stranded at tbe station
without friends or money. Before
time for the 6 15 tiain to Cascade
Locks thrt woman as too ill to travel
and at 9 o'clock in tbe evening tbe
was removed to St. Vinoeot't hospital
and the three ohildren, tbe youngest
beiug only about a month old. were
laiten in obarge by the Travelers
Tbe ohildren were taken to tbe
Boys' and Girls' Aid society for te
night, but the baby was afterward
laaen to tbe Florence Crittenden
home, wheie it will remain until rel
atues aie herd from or tbe mother, is
fully recovered.
What Mystery Is This?
Ibat was only a mistake; Hood
River is a great nlace but her laundrv
doesn't pretend to repair any kind of
piumoing tools, least of all blow
lamps. Yes, that waa only a mistake.
Mi. Rennie no doubt took the heavy
aruoie tor a mucn worn pair ;of nose.
Wasco News.
X olli lug to Fear.
Mothers need have no hesitancy in
continuing to give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to their little ones, as
ii contains absolutely nothing injur
ious. This remedv is not onlv ner-
fectly safe to give small ohildren, but
ic is a medicine of great wortb aud
merit. It has a world wide reputation
tor its oures of coughs, colds aud
croup and can always be relied upon
For sale by Kler & Cass.
Sick Headache Cured.'
Sick headache is caused by derange
meut cf the stomach and by indites
tion. Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets correct these disorderr
and effect a cure. By taking these
tablets as soon as tbe first indication
of tbe disease appears, tbe attack may
oe warded off. uet a free sample and
try mem. For sale by Kler & Cass.
If parties owning four rioks of 16
men wood on Columbia street, north
of Snow & Upson's baloksmitb abor
do not lemove same it will be sold to
tbe highest bidder.
W. Ganger, City Maishel.
If an article is imitated, the origin
al is always best. Think it over, and
when you go to buy that box of salve
to keep around tbe house, set De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is tbe
origiual and the name is stamped Ton
every box. Good for eczema, tetter,
boils, cuts, and bruises, and especial
ly recommended for piles. Sold by
wi'llam s Fbarmany.
When a horse 1b overworked it lies
down aud in other ways declares its
inability to go further, you would
consider it criminal to use foioe.
Many a man of humane impulses, who
would not willingly barm a kitten, is
guilty ot cruelty where bis own stom
ach is concerned. Overdriven, over
worked, when what it needs is some
thing that will digest tbe food eaten
and help the stomach to recuperate.
Something like Kodol for Dyspepsia
that is sold by Williams' Pharmacy.
In the county court of the Htale of Oregon for
w hhuu i-oumy.
I the mutter of the esta'e of I'hebe Jones, de-
Nolle UhereuyKiven tht Fiiina R. Jnnn.
adiiilnlntralrlx of IheexUite of Ftiebe June,
deceased, Iioh rendered and prexented for set
tlement and filed In Md court her final ac
accotint orher tdmlnlHtratlon of said estate,
and that Friday, I he 2d day of November,
of aald court, in the city of The Dalle, aatd
county ana suite, ima oeen amy appointed by
the nftld court for the settlement of said
account at which time and place any person
Interested In said estate roav nutiear and flip
exceptions In writing to the said account aud
corneal tue same.
8i neca Fouls, atty. for administratrix. o4nl
Are You
Poisoned ?
If your liver is working
right you probably are
nut. When the liver is
overworked, as k fre
quently is, the system be
comes clogged. It is then
that sallow complexion,
bad las'e in tin mouth,
headaches, dizzy ppellf,
continuous languor, etc..
i ml irate lint the o!snii
Otis matter which should
l rarried ofa is Klowly
taitiline the lili oil. If not
rem1 did at once this
i-omlition nill cause w
r- in inuil. I.-.
tt casus, coirao
provides just what is
i ci di'il to quicken the
lier into natural, healthy
action. Iyou take these
pills when needed all
danger of this slow poison
itif is avoided. Poei
. tivecure for constipation.
Price 25 cents
cjzz zl-o-id or1
interests you Iwcaurw of the variety shown for your sclt'c-
tion.'and the price inipoHSible under ordinary iuyin
V invite inspection
An Unconditional Guarantee with Efcry Stove
In selling thousands of these Universal in the past 22
yeas we have never beeeu called on to make piod the
guaransee on a sing-IB Universal
Hardware STEWARTS Crockery
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public
J. M. BCHMELTZKK, Sec.-Treas.
Notary Public
Vice President and Manager.
..Hood River Land
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and have
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home in the city.
With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop
erty advantageously and will be
pleased to have you list name with us
The president of the company is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engineer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
(pinions given on property titles.
Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141.
I wish to say to all our old friends and custom
ers who for so many years came to our shop for
their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce
Wood Bros., our successsors, as their 18 years in
the butcher business in Wasco county has made
them so widely known that an introduction is un
necessary. Being honest, capable business men,
they have the means and ability to rwn a business
as it should be run, and in a way that will be a
credit to our city.
I expect to stay with the new firm for awhile,
and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. 1
will guarantee that you will get just as much meat
for your money, just as courteous treatment and
just as prompt service as can be had in the city.
We will have a full line of everything good to
eat for the Spring trade.
Respectfully yours,
Walk-Over Shoes The Gordon Hat
This is the Popular Store
with Young Men
becaiiso it is imt a relic of i'oiiniT melbods but an every
day prai'liuiiner of the new way of doing a I'lnlliing busi
ness in lliiiil River, I lie One-Price way. Veiling men ap
preciate tlii" store with it h modern ideas its ability to
sell 1 1 1 in proper clnthiiij; with out a prohibitive price its
disinclination to assist a pompous manufacturer in taxing
extra fnrnn assumed sneriority of fabric and lit.
u.l i tin rilrvoiUw of the filittr of th Holy
N.iiKb f JesuH und Uarj. TUB 42d icbolutlfl
-. r pc ni Si ptfiuher 4, 1906, to rwldfot md
i In j pupil. AcM(1tmlo, commercial, (rtmmar
(i-iiriii urn) tntermedUU courses, Muilo !
la!ty. Bend for caUlogu, or addru BtaUt
GUIGNARD& ROSIGER, Local Agents. Hood River
We will have for tbe Kail trade r.ii.OOil i
one and two year end Yellow Mewtowu
Pippin and Spit.eiiburt: apple trees, j
also all the lending variedies oi Apple,
Pear, Plum, Prune, Peach, Cherry ainl
English walnut trees, ornamental trees,
shrubs and Hoses. Our trees are true
to name and (live good satisfaction. Kor
prices call on August, liuignard, Hood:
River, or address .Vl. Ilarvey, Milwau
kee, Oregon. Phone l'.'5'.l.
If You Would Crow Choice
Fruits BUY of the
Russellville Nursery Co
Cure fill and reliable attention given to
filling every order with lirst-class trees
and plants. Salisfacrion Guaranteed
(I. Jl, Wilson, Hood River, local agent.
Phono 11) lloxo(i2
ByloTalcum Powder
Wlit'tlicryon pay ITip or ."IOtjyou can got
Headquarters for all Toilet Articles
Trices lowest, in city on all sundries,
and quality t he best
Look at the Sponges in the Window
Registered Graduate Pharmacist
The Williams Pharmacy
HALL & ESSON, Proprietor.
Box Wood
Box Factory
IMioiio 71
(i. 11. lioBBINM
0. I). Tllo.MI'SoN
hood itivKi;, oi;k.
We offer Hood Liver grown nursery
stock and do all kinds of Orchard and
Nursery work. Lay oJC, plant, prune,
trim anil cultivate young orchards in
the most thorough and up-to-date manner.
To the Farmer
Kivt yen iuoucv to InvMC
jWfiftf tobtcutihtmtMUtn
lo be tOKttfti)
WM rour httMb ttm tod
uUM pan you to
(Urn prpptfTf d
Murt I
Yom gf hit A a&cfln
Mm ai arltac(d mra ll
Ai i&nagwBBflt d your later. .
Il !k rtutott itpottH
AIM to duck, ud nifes
wnni Iroa on doOar up,
ftjtot emmt bttrot tbertoa.
Ac m (MM to tl praptrrf
4tfiuMiiuli lu mJiMnrfcc
fciyi mi mSk boatk tfitdt eol-
b mm ahwwcr I etab
tawrtM. Cammuiotfm
1 te flptriflrgaw
7 Wash. tomAne
Do you know our Feed, Fresh
from the mill has Double the feed
ing valuo of stale feed ? All t he pro
gressive Dairymen are buying
feed from us. Beware of Bargain
Feed. It is worth LeSS t han they
charge for it. Wo will sell you the
right kind of feed for just what it
ih worth. Xo more, no less. Our
prices are the Market prices. Pa
tronize Home Industry, Ii'sto
your ad vantage and ours. .
Don't Forget
. lilK-
When you want first-class work
done at homo. All kinds of
Laundry Work and Cleaning
Lace curtains, 5Hc; blankets and
carpets, '-Tic to f)0e. Phone mt)U
Glen Fabrick, Prop.
Patronize Home
Our Work cannot be
The Club Cafe
Meals at all Hours from 250 up
Best TvoBit Meal in the City
T-Bone and Porterhouse
Steaks our Specialty
Next Door to Keed's Cigar Store, Hood Kiver, Ore.
Dealer In
Harness Sz Saddles
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
The Hood River Bakery pur
ased 200 barrels of our Golder
2 Crown Flour Oct. 1, 1905. They
Hood River Milling Co.
have just placed another order i
with us for 100 barrels more. At
Mr. Williams' Bakery can be found N
the best bread in the city, and it . jj
is made from our Golden Crown 0
flour. The bread speaks for itself, jj
Our White River and (ioldcn Crown Hour I
can he found for sale at all the leading gro- U
cers. Try-a sack. Once used, always used l
Job Printing at the Glacier Office
For Sale By
Hood River, Oregon