The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 11, 1906, Image 2

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ygy -- i-verv Thursday by
4liLK l. MOH, PuhH.b.
fnu ( ilcriptlo !. a rw wka
k 4ir." g)
THURSDAY. OCT. 11. 1906.
Tbe special feature of the fair today
will be tbe bub; show. We Lave not
yet heard who the judges will be, but
tbe opportunity ia at band for Hood
Kivers'g Solomons.
Hood Kiver in doing Itself proud in
the matter of ducnrations aud strang
ers who arrive without knowing that
there U a fair on band will certainly
not be left uninformed that something
is dclng.
Tbe refusal of tbe mayor and niom
bert of tbe oounoil to allow fakirs and
aide sliows tbe use of the streets of
tbe city during the fruit fair has mtt
with the bearty approval of Hood
River citizens, who think that tbe
t r fig are nut tor that u put).
The deoision of tbe executive com
mittee of the fair to allow LaUrande
to exhibit at tbe fair ia rightj in
line with tbe policy of Hood River for
better fruit, and while tbe fair is con
sidered uioie or less a local one, if La
Grande baa finer fruit than Hood
River we want to see it.
Tbe Hood River spirit is rampant
and everybody ia intent on making
tbe fair a suocesa from overy point of
view. Fruit growers and ranchers
have brought in their best for display
and tbe town people are untiring in
their energy to make the affair attrac
tive to visitors.
Everything ia ready for tbe Fruit
Fair and tbe boast that it will be the
greatest air ever bold at Hood River
ia no Idle one as can be seeu from the
exhibits already placed.
Editor Bennett takes exception to
the Glacier's statement that before it
will believe his advioe as to bow to
grow apples he will have to show It
and winds up with tbe shot at us
tbusly :
By the way. how many carloads of
apples did i'OU rutae this year,
Brother Aloe?
To be frank Brother Bennett we
didn't grow nary a carload, but we
live where they DO grow, and tbe dif
ference between New York sprayed ap
ples and Hood River sprayed apples is
about 12 a box.
School District fur Dee.
An Important matter waa settled in
the county court yestorday when the
district boundaiy board, oonsiHting
ot County Judge Lake, Commissioner
Ilarriuiau and btoughton and County
School Hupeintitndent Nett, decided
to divide scbool district No. 6 and
fixed the boundary line. A petition
naa Been presented asking for a divis
ion of tbe district, but much onposl
tlon waa made to the intended line
The new district consists of over two
thirds of a township, or '28 square
nines, inoiuaing me little town
IMe, where a school house is to be
built. Chronicle.
Fine Record of M osier Pnalls.
Tbe names of the following pupils
atendlug tbe Mosier publio school,
and who have been neither absent nor
tardy for tbe month ending October
0, are placed on the roll of honor:
Klgbtb grade Maltie Hudson.
BJxth grade Ora Waite, Anna
llaacke, Alice Mosier, Lewis Buriin
Fifth grade Irene Morgau, Oldlne
Hudson, Ulen Ward, Olive Fisher, Al
tora uaacice, Leodion llaacke.
Fourth grade-Willie Stewart, Wil
lie Depee, Willie Booth, Johnnie F.p
ping, Floyd Fisher, Mamie Union.
Second grade Oeorgia Waite, Km
ily Husband, Douglas Morgan.
First grade Jennie Cat roll, Jessie
Denuv, Charles Can oil. James Car
roll, Koy Ureeu.
There are 41 pupils enrolled. Some
did not enter the tlrst of the month
because the fall labor ou tho fruit
farms was not finished, and a few
hav been sick.
There is not one tardy mark for the
month. I his is an excellent reoori:
for somo of tbe pupils come a long
Tbe people of Mosier deserve ration
praise lor the deep and friendly in
terest they take in their publio
son ooi.
Elopers f anirht at The Dalles.
Floyd Dubois, who eloped with
Mabel Conrad, the li-year-old step
daughter of Homer Keeley, of Mar
cola, last Monday, waa arrested by
Hlierlir Chrtsmati and Deputy I
Wood bare at 10 o' clock last night.
Dubois ordered his mail for wanted
to ihe Dalles, and this gave the 111
oersaolew. At 10 o'clock last night
Wood discovered a girl answering the
description of Mabel Conrad in the
vicinity of the Commercial hotel, lie
shadowed her to tbe residence part
ot i no city, where she met a mau
answering the description of Dubois
Wood arrested them both. DuNiis
attempted to escape on a dark street,
but waa quickly overtaken by the
oilicer. Dubois escaped death hv
halting when ordered to do so, and
was locked in we county jail, await
mg the arrival of Sheriff Fixk, of
Lane county. Ihe girl is boiug cared
ror at the homo of Shorilr Chrlsmmi.
Uuliois Is about 25 years old. The
girl Is small wearing shot t drosses,
ana appears cnuutso..- Telegram
Meeting of Cascade Card Club.
n imiuBs meeting or me i asCHde
Card cub was held at the residence of
Mrs. A. . (1 rah hiii Saturday end
Mrs. Oaham elected president of the
club for tbe coining season of enter
taining. The Hist social meeting of
the club will be held at the home of
Mrs. Murray Kay, when the Jclub will
be entertained at cards. The mem
bers of the club this year are: Mis
Jayne, iMre. A. W. Oraliam, Mrp. Kav,
Mrs. N. Bone, Mis. C. R. Bone, Mrs.
C. N. ClHrke., Mrs. A. Clarke, Mrs.
Shaw, Mrs. Cram, Mrs, lirosiua, Mrs.
Watt, Mu. Stewart, Mrs. Sherman,
Mrs. Friday, Mrs. Otteu and Mrs. 1".
S. Davidson, jr.
A. King Wilson, secretary of the
State Irrigation association, arrived
at Hood River yesterday in older to
be present in time to familiarize him
self with the plans foi holding tbe
meeting of the association and taking
care ot tbe delegates. Mr. Wilson ex
pects a rousing meeting and says that
prominent citizens and iirigatiouista
from all over the state will be present
among them being W. B. Coman, as
sistant geneial freight agrnt of the O.
R. fc N., Jeffttrs o Myers, who waa
chairman of the Oregon commission
to the Lewis & Clark fair, J. B. Lab
er, secretary of the Portland Board of
Trade, John II. lewis, state engineer,
Tow Richardson, manager of the
Portland Commercial club, who will
speak on "Poitland'a interest in iiri-
gation." Benstor Fulton, ot Astoria,
who in down for au informal talk
Congressman-elect W. R. Kllia, Col,
Uelieu, ot Umatilla county and many
Tbe Portland Chamber of Commerce
is expected to send a big delegation
also. In all it is expected that over
100 delegates will be in attendance,
October Hi Apple Day.
Secretary Patch, of the Intermit
tonal Apple Shipper's association
sends out a card calling attention to
the fact that October 1(1 is "Apple
Day," on which every good citizen is
expected to eat at least oi.e apple,
There la no need to urge Fiuit Urow
er readers to do this we expect them
loeatseveial apples, not only tbat
day, but every day. But it is a good
iiluu to make ijomj ir tbe apple eat
lug habit, for it will result in good
to those who eat the aplpe as well as
to those who grow tl e lrult.
By the way. Secretary Patch's curd
baa a footnote to tbe effect I hut "the
yield of appos is estim .ted at 48,000,
000 barres this year." This ia vulte
a shrinkage from tbe original estl
mate of the A mile Shippers' associa
tion, and it is getting down to about
the right figures. Western Fruit
Death of John J. Cozad.
John J. Cozad, a resident of Hood
River, died at his home here Sunday
October 7, of Brighta disease. Mr.
Cozad was about 41) years old The
funeral was held from the chapel in
J. K. Nlohol's undertaking establish
ment at '2 o'clock Monday, tbe Rev,
W. A. Wood ootid xcted the services,
assisted by the Rev. W. C. luvaua,
ntlcr One Hundred Polliirs rewnnl for
ist'ot'Citttiirrli thHl "Hlim1 1m' CUtt'd lv
Hal fit I'aUrmh I'uiv. r J. IHKNp Y, rn..
Tolttlu, oimv
V. the uiidt'rslitnod, have known v. J,
riH-iii'V tur the lust 1ft yeau-K.Hiid believe him
ft ly til all luiKtnesn irhMNc
. itnd ihittiit'iMllv able to carry out any
obltuuiiou-s inrnle bv hltt firm.
U Ai.itiNt., Kin nan Martin,
WlioieciHle hrutfitiHt. Toledo, Mhio.
Hull' Ctitttrrh rure in taken tntertmlly,
u'liny dheciiy uton the blood mid imu-ous
"""yake advantage of a nmsi- rr Ilc. VS?tfff& ;
iai ivum ,wl niuvvr. laiMs. Tkkc la a fain I v P a lor const liat on
- -
For sale by Emporium. Twenty acres
on Methodist lane, four miles southwest
from Hood River, small house, smne
land cleared. Only .1)00.
Frank Chandler returned from a trip
to Portland Tuesday, where his fami
ly are at present living in order tbat
F. C. Campbell, one of Hood Riv
et1 expert apple packers announced
Tuesday that he had been ottered
big inducement to leave Hood River
and go to another apple raising dis
trlct in Oregon and pack apples and
teach o' here the method employed here
also. Mr. Campbell says that the
time is at hand for luoieasing the
number of puckers here, aud that the
matter should be taken hold of and
more men initiated into the secret
ot the excellent pack put up by Hood
River. The line pack put np here, he
says, has attracted so much attention
all over tbe noitnwejt that growers
are anxious to secure men from Hood
Uivei who are familiar aud competent
to instruct others. It is not a ones
tion, he thinks, that ought to be de
layed but should be brought to tbe
attention of growers at once.
It ia laid to be difficult to secure
enough packers this year and al
though the crop Is a big one it will lie
far larger next year as many more or
char's will come into bearing and to
maintain its reputation Hood River
must maintain its pack. To do this
requires the services of men who
know how to do the work and for
that reason they should be instructed
this year.
Thousiinds Coming to Oregon.
Assisstaut (lenoral Pasenger Agent
Scott gives the following Ikures of
colonists coming to Oregon over the
llarriman lines since the rates were
made effective this fall: Week ending
August .11, 1.4; week ending Septom
her 8, 00'.!; week ending September 15,
7,721 ; week ending Septebmer 2),
1,'JUi; week ending September ;), 8b I.
Football Star Man led.
Oeorge A. Oliarr, the football star.
Is married. It was accoomplished so
suddenly that tbe performance resent
bled one of his famous runs for a
touchdown. Miss F.thel Treat la the
young lady he has ohoa u for his
wife, and she la well and favorably
known here, The ceremnoy was per
formed by Rev. A. A. Luce. Opti
Simons' Kid Gloves
W S"iw f". ff3W Mw. piaw pk. mm tmm.. mmmm wm
Sta 'M-i U UJUalkslMwiVJ
i nc pans rair
The Place to Save Money
New Idea Patterns
Strangers Welcome at the Big Store
We wiali to extend a hearty invitation to all visitor to call and make the Paris
Fair headquarters during the Fruit Fair. .We have all the attractions in large
quantities in the merchandise line, large and well lighted store rooms. A store
where all may come and make themselves perfectly at home whether they wish to
make any purchases or hot. Our prices are always tlie lowest, and our assort
ments are of the choicest. Here are a few specials for the Barcrain Seekers:
lllggcst Mule In the World.
Large crowds at the Spokane fair
were d i.v attracted to the stall of
"Missouri Queen, " the largost mule
In th woilil.
She was U oil by Luke M. Emerson,
of Rowling (irawn, Mo., and waa foal
ed years ago. The Queen stands W
lunula high aud wighs 2,200 pounds.
She was showu at tbe St. Louis aud
Lewis and ITark expositions and was
awarded championship honors at both
fair j.
Property t
ping. Have :
I v in 1 1 otid
Salmon. Will
Wanted. -
sell, l y J. Adrian Kp-
2:1 purchasers for proper
Jiver, Mosier or White
be at the Mount Hood
Ladies' 10c Hose, 7c
Ladies' fust black, seemless cotton
hose, made with high spliced heel
and double soles, renular price 10c
8iecial 7c
Ladies' 8c Hose 4C
Odds and end- Ladies' and Misses'
fast black col ton hose. Hold regu
lar at 8c. While they last special
price c
Fleeced Lined Hose 10c
I-ii'lica' cMrs heavy fleec lined
f ut black cotton hose, made with
a double heel and toe, price . lOc
Children's Union Suits, 25c.
Children's extra heavy fleece lined
ribbed union suits. Material gray
with neck and front trimmed with
white braid. A garni lit that will
fit the form, l'lice only 25e
Aln Dnrm tmif Fs aa
No bulk.! no dn snnp. no hemf.
ripping of buting combinrt wild comtorl Ind
me wi(h fint lorm ind elcgam ippwftnc hi
(h W-on lh - !r Mtd4
in Kveril yl. Irom 1 vinny ol food
CU ha m S Ikt mtMtUI
(or ud lam Own do ml koM.
V will b pltucd 10 hive you coll ind
cmmiw (htm
Udies'$4.00 Skirts $198
A large selection of L dies' skirts
in colors, such as plain gray, mixed
green, blue or brown 7-gore, and
made from Columbia suiting, a
cloth tbat is dressy and servicable.
Sold regular at $4. Special 2.98
70cFlanneIlette Waist 59c
Ladies' bine, black or red flannel
lette shirt waist, in neat dressv
patterns, sold regularly at 70c.
Special price 59c
White Poplin Waist $L50
White poplin waist, made with a
tucked yoke and a handsome-pattern
ol em broidery down the front ,
all sizes and good value ...91.50
A choice line of Lidies' trimmed
or plain hats, all new designs and
piiucb iimi are extremely low.
34.5O down to 95c
Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley
Suggestions for the Men Folk
I Men's 150 Wool Hoso, 60 Men's 500 Underwear, 350 I
We have placed on sale about 12 dozen pair ol men's Extra heavy fleece lined cotton underwear. Nicely
I seemless, fast black wool hose. These hose are seconds finished. A perfect flitting garment that is a bargain
I and slightly damaged, sold regularly at 15c. Special at 50c. Special price . .25c
price 5c
Men's Sox, 3 pair 250 M , n M's 850 Shirts, 490
i i i- i i-. i '"'-li s UroEs blurts, new and neat desians irood wah
Men s working sox, heavy quality, t-old regulary at 10c. m ,iHri.. ..mi o,,i..,,.u,i ..Jv!. ? 'iK waso
M,,H,.ul nrirw 1P)i.iOr m iierui anu a splendid assortment to choose from, 1
Special price J Fair ZUe Bo!(1 as llg, a8 Special price 49c
Shoes and Oxfords lr0n'o tt7 7tT '
Odds and ends and broken lots of Men's tun hH-s, Jiiea S UnaerWear, 450
patent leather, oxford or tun oxford Shoes that sell as Men's Derby nbb-d underwear in gray, blue, pink or
high as $:i.(K) and $3 50 You can have while, ihev 'ant, brown, heavy weight and a soft, warm garment,
at special price of ,.2.23 Oiil , , 45c ,
$1.10 Shirt Waist, 79c
Ladies' mohair shirt wid-l
in colors, mch as 1,1 u k,
blue, brown, etc, made
with four large pliiits in
front and one in the back
A Sleniled bargain nt the
regular price fl.10. S)ecial
price 79c
Black Silk Waists, $5.75
Ladles' waiel, made from nil
exit;, heavy qunlily of Muck
taflela silk anil trimmed
with a row of rich embroi
dery down i lie fr uit and
plaited on ihe. fides. I'rice
only 95.75
Long Silk Gloves
l.n'lU's' long Hlk gloves in
black or while, made with
reinforced finger tips, mak
ing them a very servicable
and neat appearing glove.
Trice $1.15
$1.00 for 50c
A large selection of ladies'
gloves in most all shades
and sizes. Sold regularly
at $1.00. Special price 50c
liotel, room 4,j, from Wednesday n. in.
to Sondiiy p. in. of fair week. Htm
mill lust nock the Castner propett)
or i? I5,a HI, the Frank Chandler prop
el ty for ghVHHl, the II. II. Heuuett
property for ?;i,0iHI, the I'enderson 'JO
acres tor ty' titnl and nave eiglit other
nhIcs just closing. Kxpect to sell $50,-
(HHi to Jltm.tKHi of property during iaii
week. So for a quick sale list with
me. J. Adrian Kpplng, Mount Hood
hotel, for his week.
Iliooil l'olnmiinir
results f i otn chrouio coestipation.
which la quid ly cured i I 'r King's
New I.tfo l'ill . 'Key reiiiii all poi
sonous gerniF. r in. lie syxlom iinu In-
use new lite .ml vigor; ooie sour
toim .eh, iioaosia, headache, diiuess
id colic, without griping or ditrnni-
ort. ceutH. titiaranteed by I'has
Oscar Fredenburg, who drives the
slsge from Hood Hiver to tbe Mount
Mood post of line, a distance or anout
15 miles, is said to be the most re
inarkal.le stage-drivei In the United
Htates. He has but one arm, bis left,
nd can hardly lilt it ou a level with
his face. The right arm was amputat
ed some years ago. His right leg is
disabled, being shortened snout eigni,
inchef. Yet with his cri led left
arm ! red ou burg can drive eillier two
or four horses as skillli,lly as uiohl
mon can with two good i ins. liav
elois who take tbe stage ut I loci liiv
er are amazed and hoo.eutnt blanneil
when thev see Ihii mini who in ti
drive the team ocr the narrow grades.
that follow the itl , o I. " i ir-
er, but tile lc lei. i me 1,111111 ly tel hi
ro4 when I n denljiug nutluis I !'i'
reins aud starts out.
Hut their wonder increases, lu-
niilMiahle packages have be 11
era rineil into the stage, from a spool
of thread for some woman along the
road to a roaHt of mutton, all ol which
he delivers .v it limit a mistake. After
leaving the boundary of the Hood
River free delivery lonte, Hie itage-
(Iricer becomes the mail carrier, aud
leposits its mail in boxes along the
road. He drives his wagon up close
to the many mail boxes set in ft out
of the farm bouses aud there deposits
the papers and letters, He delivers
the Oregouiau in upper Hood Kiver
valley one day ahead of the rural tree
llviry carriers out ot Hood rlver.
After delivering the innumerable
packages and mail along the road,
redeuburg arrives nt tho Mount
Hood postottlce about 5 p. m. Up to
this time be has been stage driver,
express ageut and mail carrier, but
tlnit is not all. He ruus a large ranch
In the Upper Hood Kiver valley,
wheie his parents live aud which lie
is having cleared. He has more ener
gy thao two or three men notwith
standing bis crippled condition, lie
is cheerful and accommodating to tin
public aud is very popular. He im
said to lie paying court to a charming
young widow. Oregouiau.
jfSiiJ I CSajtihlalLl
f Middle Valley Mill
ELPPA ORCHARD CO., (Inc) Proprietors "
Fir and Pine Lumber
Ready for Business
All orders Promptly Filled
(). Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Aln.i. Mt. Hood Stage Road. 4 miles south of
Odell, Oregon.
1 ol
l(t'(iilciii of the Store Loafer.
Ihe stole loafer, aung in a thousand
minor keys, is a memory onlv in the
larger towns, and we should be thank
ful for that. In the smaller places he
still lingers. Every merchant kuows
that loafers buy little, and are noor
pay, as a rule. Thev also know that
the better class of customers i. voids
the store tiilld with loafers. You et
a better cihbs of cusomers. tetter rav.
better dealings and better satisfaction
lu business in every way. Trades
1'iwlnrs. Plenty of meadow panlure on the
Keiiip plHce hi oil, II. ia.ou T iiuiiuh. t'lmiie
No. Ul(l. M !,. . Urns. lo4
How's This?
Land Owners
The demand for lloml River properly
was never Uitter. Now in t lie time to
list your piO(ierty if you have anything
to sell. If you want quick action and
a square deal list your properly withna.
We ask the same commission 'as other
real estate firms.
Special Notice
Owing to lack of space, on account of
our largo nut increasing businew, we
have rented the Hone building, next to
the Ratnoiia Hotel, and are fitting up
the entire building into a First-Mass
Piano store, which will bo a credit to
Hood River.
We have two carloads of beautiful in
struments duo to arrive from tbe east
ern factories this week. This shipment
includes the groat Apollo Concert 11 rand
(like the Odd Fellows have), Rab
uranus, interior riano l layers aud
complete line of the very best Tpright
Pianos in t lie latest styles. Secondhand
pianos nini organs taken in exchange
and several on hand for sale. Lowest
prices to all. No agents or commission
men to make your piano cost you 50 00
more than it purchased direct from the
Soule Bros. Piano Co.
SILAS 11. SOI I.E, Manager
Phone Main U2S, Hood River, Ore.
In tbe Circuit Court of the Htute'of Oregon.
u,i vuo cuuiujr ui w .Meo.
Emma H. Bullock, Plaintiff,
vs. '
A. Buttock, Derenilnnt.
In the name of the State of niwnn V,,,,
re hen by required u appesr and answer the
ciiiiniHiiu nii againm you In the atmve en
titled court unit caune on or before the 2;,
day of November. Mm, and If yon fall to an
pear or answer, the plaintiff will apoly to the
riHi'iiur uie renei appneq Kir 11 her com
plaint, which In, (or a decree dlmolvtng Ihe
doiiiIh of matrimony xltiiiK at tlil time be-
iwieu inaiiiun and aeienitant Herein.
ThlHiKUiumons le Ddbllotied linrHiiant. tj nn
order ot the onurt made by the Honorable
w.i.. nrauHiiaw, judKin the Mrcmt court 01
ihe titate or ureuon for WHfieii mnmv uwi.i
order ben r In date 4th dav of October, jswti,
and which order directa thai the auimmins
in inia suit thould be served upon you by pub
lication thereof onceaweek tornlv einiiei'Miivi,
eeW In the Hood River (llaelw. nr-Waaen
umniy, tireunn, the nrst pub tea tion to he
lm on tne tun day or October, IH(i, and the
aat Duhliratlnn therwit to Ite'iha Wrt Sav nr
November, num. WALPKMAK HKTON,
oii-nai . Attorney lor P.alntiir
n the county court of the state of Oregon for
In the matter of the estate or Henry istef
lanmin, deceased.
To Stefanua .lohaaseu. Hteftnua MterTaniKm
mimuel Ntemin 01 Johanna Siina Wlrtenaii
i ndeiiaklri ola, furun laau, Kinland. and
ail other persons. Known aud unknown, I
(created In aald estate: (.ireelint;.
In the name ol the state Oregon, you are
hereby cited au4 required to appear In tlie
theoMnty court of the mate ot oieinm. fur
countjr of Waaco, at the Novemtwr term of
aald court, at the court room thernH, at The
pauea city, in mill county, on Monday, the
19th day of November, lues, al two n'clm k In
the afternoon ofiiiatday, tlica and there to
how cauae why an order alumld not be grant
ed to aald administrator to sell said real es
tate hereinafter described; Uiesonthweat quar
ter of theauuthwest qnartar of the MMihwt
quarter Of Hecllon biitwn In Towmfc'ln two
north of Range Ten. east ef tbe Willamette
Meridian. -
Wttneas, the Hon, A. E. Lake, Judire of said
Couuty fourt with the seal of said l'nrt atflx
ed this tnd day of October, Idus.
Alteat ; w, Bolton, Clerk, r4 i8
He Does Reliable Work
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
and Fatronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
For Sale
100 acre?. Little White Salmon land
for ealn four miles from river. Good
mad, also county Mad running across
place. Two houses, two bams, one
acre iri grass. Two streams of water
running across place. Kasy clear.'d.
liood apple and berry land,
ther particulars write F. W
Viento, Oregon.
For fur
. Dehart,
Jot Kent
Comfortable 8 room house on State
street neatly papered and remodeled,
with all modern conveniences. Perma
nent renter wanted at $15 per month.
3. II. HE 11,11 RONNER & CO.
Paper hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Phone 1313
For Sale
For Sale One of the best 20-acm irutii rr
apple laud In Hood Kver valley. Cull on or
addrea V. Wluchell, Hood Kiver, Ore.
ForHaleat a mare, win .irto
aliiKle or double, also two fresh cows, six
months old heller, one two ver nM i.ifu.
two yeurllnx srecra, one yearling pig, United
Statei! separator No. 7. M. liunias. simili
For Hale cheap- Household fnrniinn. kiki
amt-inutm ior oir.uu: ki.i much rF tuiin
i'.""""" aiuiige lor tn.uu; aewln ma
ciiine i;.ui; jid.uu dresser for SHo.tKI; 810.(
uit-nnci, pi.tin. i is), si.uves. lable. CIlH rs. n,v
mode, center tables, washing niu..hinu u,i
many oilier thiuea at-one half ih..,r
i Hiiat w eea ley a jewelry store. s.M-oll
For Sale The very finest of strawberry
planta raised on clover sod of this spring's
setting, lu larife or small orders by Uuignard
& Kosiger. Flume l"y.
For Hale Horse and wagon. Horse iaaoun't,
f;eutle, g(d worker and driver. Wagon is 1
lorse farm wagon, good as new at a bargain.
Am going away. ti. Johnson, H. F. 11. No. 2.
For Sale. One mountain hack, one single
buggy, 1 set breast strap harness, 1 man's sad
dle, 1 lady's saddle. iij0 grain sacks, 1 set abso
lutely new double work harness. NefTBros.,
Odell, Oregon. Fhone D73. sZT-olli
For sale cheap.-Sevcn-eighths Jersey bull.
Hure service. Very gentle. U. l'regge, Hood
Kiver. oll-nl
For Male. ml acres of timber land at the
mouth of Summit creek on o. B. N. track
near Weycth. For particulars write H- H
Woolsey, Waplnitla, Oregon. oll-nl
For Sale -Bay horse, weight i!4(XI lbs. Per.
fectly sound and gentle. W orks either single
or double. Children can ride him. A ou st
consistent driver, a horse that will give satis
faction. Will be sold cheap if tkcn atonic.
oll-nl Hockford Store, Hood Hiver
For 8a le.-
M. Kahm.
Fort V acres HnnH
fruit land, five miles from town.
Klver'a best
BHfi per acre.
Parties wishing to buy land In Wind
River valley would do well to call on C. C.
Wctlierell, ('arson, Wash. Jy26:mC
For Hale Rick wood on the gronad, K. L.
Kleiner, route Mo. 1. s27-ol8
Pot Hale A few amall i xa.
east side, phoue farmers IKX.
E. Clark,
For Rale or to let during the winter & rwi
arivmg norse. Also good for light farm
wuri. i.. uouuaru, rouie no 'J. synrf
For Hale Nice new rag caroet can he ihnn.t
at the l'arts Fair.
For Bale A Jersey bull. vmra tMi-
sure service, price, m. M. Dumas. Mount
llOOd. h-IT
For Hale-One horse hack, ell her one nr ti
seats; suitable for family driving or market
wagon. Also set of harness, o. H. Bobbins
Farmer' phone, Koute 1. i '
For Bale Two milk cows and a uH,li
J. Wlckham, 7
Fer Hale-Barn HSxlfi, 18 loot posts. Mood as
new. Inquire of U, ,1). Woodworth or n. H.
Hartley.. ., -
For Male Pine wood. Hi inch mi t r.
lengtrst. Price, 12. 10 per cord for Hi Inch and
2 wercord tor -Moot. the irn.nn.l .i
rtliicii at Odeih A. D. Moe.
For Hale Kight acres of land, V miles from
Hood River on Relmont road ; 5 acres lu
strawberries, 66 fruit trees, part full bearing
and part one year: balance in clover, potatoes
and vegetables, blackberries, red raspberries
and black caps on place. Three room house,
packing house ltixaO, barn 14x111 and other
buildtngs. Call at place for further pnrtlcu
J2(ltf L. J.Mulklns.
Vanted At the telephone office, tw young
ladles for operators. s27
W anted to exchange a nice K-room house
in Dallas, the county seat of Polk county for
an apple orchard. Address with full partic
ulars to C. A McCargar, Failing Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Wanted-Man or men to take contract for
clearing land. Liberal pay. A. N. Kahm.
.. s27
Wanted lmmedlately-Man to cut 15 ricks
of 16 Inch wood and S cords oft loot wood.
Mrs. Adams, Paradise Farm. r;
Wanteil-Uood bright boy to learn printer's
trade. F.nqulre attilacler otllce.
Wanted.-A mcs.wnger boy at the W sum
Union lelegraph ofnee at the o. K. & N. sia
tlon. Apply to CM. Smith, Mgr.
dress P. o. Ilox i
Team, harness and wagon. Ad-
..... ure. Oll-nl
rurnnie-rin wrier pii irom mv Drlje
a t
winner that took first Drixe at Port.iumf
Tlie pups are pure blood, very nicely maiked
bUx k and tan beads and ears, white bodies.
e very one win make a winner It put up for a
.c luc uesi oi (x
Rock lord store,
Wanted. Relialilsmnn ,, ". '. .
,wir.!!.,-i,K,"Kf Af '"ill"n fr Hood River
and the V al ley. Address Kd. ,1. Perk lis, ecu
SE&rS. !esrnorre?0n 1)e"arl""i'1(!i1t
show. Theae doga make tlie best of coimu.n.
iviver, vns.
Kor Sale-Two borw. weigh! about loot) ibs
ich; I one-lion spring wagon, cart aud hr.
ness. J, R. Klnsey. a;W-oi!
For Hale Reliable family bav hor i,i,.
to work, rldor drive slugle or double Also
harneas and twoealad rig. Will take cow
hay or farm wo k In mtchanire nni. hJ
mall or in uioruinga at farm on B Trett roaii.
r ' airs. 1. K. Mcrrr
Bulla lor Service I kee two hniia ,
plm-efor service. Aorone wishing Uieuse ot
same must pay at tlwllnieaervhv in r,,,ii
Service, II. I also do dehorning at 4ic net
head. Bruno Kmoi North Belmont, ai-novl
For Hale Bed loom suit, conk atove kir.
Msson fnilt Jars, back and harnaaa gand as
new. tt or write Henry siamm iwvun.
port lower planer, Kuthtoiij
and'Jn'Jwi 8e"- or Trde-Two lots. 11X100
and 40x1110, one six-na.m house and lour-r.m
Klve'r(r4o,KU't n M' H"
Lost and Found
k.V'7A dark.b"' ,hof. weight 9m ponrds.
V?1'H ".V f1" '"ne last .Saturday night.
Any nlormation will gralelully receivVJ
by Allen Hart, Hood Rivef. 3 oll nl
For Rent
bedry10",6 'P hoam eontalnlng
Ban?;,iTrKd,1iD,D,!r,,0,n' kllc,"-n '
pantiy and large hall space, all plastered and
In good condition. Inquire ot Mre. A. A.
-""y' sO
t- i . ... "
' '" ""-''igiii-room modern house
be complete Ocu 1 Apply atFlm Nat
For rent, lower storf of 8 rooms and hail,
with modern Improvement water in
Blowers Addition. Also 4ooTn1 tW,s'heS
6 '