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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
O O 9 : o Vv" o L '0 3- 0 VOL. XVIII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, OCTOBER 11, 1906. 90 SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKB CoMMKHClALOLlIH-MeeU f very second Monday In each month at I p. m., In t lit- Hub rooms over Jackson's more. II . K. It a v I imoN , Pre. A. I. Mok. Wecretary. HiiOU KIV1-.K LuimK Nu. 1U5, A. '. nod A. M. Meet Saturday evening on or before each full moon. A. 8 Hlowkbh, W. M. 1). McDonald, Secretary. HOOD KlVMt CHAPTER NO. 27. K. A. M. Ml tint and Iblrd Friday nlKhlsof eack niontti-. 1, McDonald, H. P. A. D. Mok, Secretary. HOOD HIVER CHAPTER NO. 2, O. E. 8. Meets second and fourth Tuesdsy evening of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. Mil. T. J. KlNNAlKIl, W. M. Mks. Tiikhksa Cahtvkii, Secretary. IDLEW1LDE UlllUK NO. 107, I. O. O. C. Meeta In Fraternal hall, every Thuraday nltfhl. H.C.Cok, N. O. J. K. Kkhsk. secretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, 1. O. O. K. Keanlar meeting second and fourth Mondays ofeuch month. H.C.Cooa.C. P. 11 C. mitii, Hcrlbe. LAUREL REBEKAH DEGREE LODUE NO. 81, 1. 0. o. K.-Meeta first aud third Fridays In each month. , Mm. E. W. Uuklu, N. 0. Mas. Dora Thomson. IsecreUtry. W ACCOM A l.ODUE NO. 80, K. OF P. Meet In K. ol P. hull every Tuesday night. Tiios. F. Johnson, C. Ii. V. C. BROCK , K.ot R. aud B. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,708, M. W. A. AleeU In K. of P. hall every Wednesday nlnlil. E. rj. MAYKS, V. C. 0. U.DAkin, Clerk. ' HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 524, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets at K. of P. hall on lb first and Third Fridays of each mouth. Lou MckKVNOLlw, U. N, F. W. McKkVNOLDs, Clerk. RIVKUH1HE 1A1DUENO. 8 A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month. F. H. BtAOq, M. W. E. R. liltim.KY, Financier Chkhtku HiiL'TK. Recorder. OLETA AHHEMMLV NO. KB, UNITED ART-Isan.-Meej. Hie first and thlro Wednes days, wink: second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. U. W. Thompson, M. A. C. D. il k.n mi u, Secretary. COURT IK 'Oil RIVER NO. 42, FOREHTERS of Anieruw.-Meets second aud fourth Mon days iu eiich month in K. of P, ball. Bknkca F. Foum, C. K. F. C. Rkosius, V. C. CAiNBY I'OMT, NO. 16.G. A. R.-MEETs) AT A. O. U. W. hall, second aud lourth HatUl daysof each month sfi o'clock p. m. All U. A. R. members Invited to meet with us. 8. A. Hkinnkb, Commander. Thomas Uoss, Ailjutant. CANBYW. R.C., No. 16-MEET8 8ECOND aud lourth Saturdays or each Month In A. O. U. W. ball at t p. in. Blount, President, Ukktbuuk B. ImoLks, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 3411, R. N. A. Meets at the K. or P. Hall or the second and fourth Fridays oi eaeh month. MK8. Cahkik Brosius, O. Mas. Ella Dakin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. BURGEON O. R. 4 N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE; PHYHICIAJS AND SURGKON. Successor to Dr. M, V. Shaw. Calls promptly auswer;d In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Kesldence, 611: Office, (13. Oltlce In the Brosius Building. E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 DR. J. EDGINGT0N, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 1433. Res. phone TtiXl, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Ofiice in Jackson Block. Office phone. No. 1471. Residence, No. WS. Dr. M. H. hhaui- Dr. EdnaB. sharp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School o( Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. OHice and Residence Huxley Cottage, River (treet. Phone 25 Hood Rivkb. F. C. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hoars: 10 to 11 A. M.J 2 to I and6to7P. M. H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Crown Brums Work a Specialty. ephoi Main First National Bank 311 C. H. JENKINS, D.1I.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Office 283; residence 1045 Ollii-e over Butler Bank, Hoon Rivkr, Ork. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERTNARI SURGEON prepared to do sny work In the veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or ph-nlng to Clarke (drug store. A. A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIO, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Court. Office wlrh Gen. D. Culbertson A do. Col lections, Abstract. Hettlemeut of Fatataa. HOOP RIVER. OKE.i. SENECA F. FOUTS Attorney at Law Brosius Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DEBBY Lawyer HOOD RIVCA, OREGON. JOHN LELASD HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT LAW". abstracter, NO TARY PlHLICsnd RISAL ESTATE A OUST. For SS yearn a resident of O agon and Wash i..ri..n Has had manv vears einerlenoe In KhsI Estate m Iters, an abut retnr, satrctier of Miles and aftnt. Hhlixfci'Uon (aarittteed or ' o caaige LAND .BARGAINS. 203 acres in Upper Hood River Valley, 55 acres in cul tivation, 5 acres in orchard, mostly iu bearing, 4 acres in straw berries, 40 acress hay, produced 90 tons of hay this year, balance in clover and vegetables. First class im provements, 3 large barns, chicken houses, storoge house, etc. New 11-room house, just completed with bath and all conveniences, also 7-room house. Over 2,500,000 feet of good tim ber. This place will double in value in two years. Price, if 16,000 120 acres in Upper Valley, all first class apple land, even slope, plenty free water. Will sell 40, 80 or 120 acres at $25 an acre. This land is easily cleared, being mostiy brush land. ThiH is listed at one-half present valuation. Don't miss this opportunity to get a good tract of laud cheap. 40 acres, 12 acres in bear ing orchard, all good varie ties. 1000 trees one year old, house, large barr, chicken house, sheds, good large spring. All tools, cows and horses go with the place. A snap at $15,000. Easy terms. If sold right away purchaser will get half the apple crop valued at $4,000 10 acres all in cultivation, Five acres Spitzenbergs and Newtowns 3 years old, strwaberries between the trees, 5 acres in clover and vegetables. Good house and large barn. Good buy at $4,000. Half cash, balance easy terms. Improved and unimproved land in all sized trHClg Call and gee our list. You are dealing with a reliable firm hn you trade with us. Nothing misrepre sented. We have some desirable Port laud property to trade for Hood River farm. J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO. HOOD BIVKR OR PORTLAND, ORE. Hood River Studio First-Class Photographs We have the laUtst In mounts and can en large your Photos in Crayon, Platinoid or Hepta. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. B. GRAY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. )R.JONES,Dntut Crown and Bridge Wort Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of dineaaed teetb and gums. Oltlce Hroniui Building. Fbuue 1033. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am quallrltd and prrparnd ta do all kind, of flrat-elaia laud surveying Aocuracr ur auteed. TlMae who wish Brat-class work don, d4rM H. f. I. 2.. Hood River, fnone Wxl. F.8.HTAKLIY, K.L.HMITH, K. O. HLANCHAB Pres. Vloe-I'rea. Cashier. V. C. Brock, AshI. faultier. The First National Bank . OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital $50,000 Murplus, $12,000. MABLE E. PAULSEN STENOGRAPHER Office: Room 15, Brosius Building, HOOD RIVER, ORE. P. I HALL-MIS & CO. Civil and Architectural SEE Engineers and Surveyors ' Mak. surveys, plans and estimates for sew er. Unlit and Dower and railway plants, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, specifica tions a a estimates lor an classes m uuiiuiokb public, private aud mercantile. Hpecla) at tention ( Iv.n to eoononile and slow-burning construction. Accuracy aud economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder flsVIt AKB EsnMATB PCUUBIB. FREDERICK & ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS IitiaittM farnlibad oa all kinds of work Phoneo: jJSJS: SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Itocorttlfe Painting and Taper Hanging Plane furnished. Eutlmate" care fully made, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEKOME, ArcKitact t i 1...J i i.&uh vrKirlAnfA In l ftin. mnA Kii i ti i na 1 wmllli rHMMf t HI 1 1 V solicit a part of the patronage of the people ol Hood Hlver who aiittolpnUs bulUIin. Terms reaouuie, a ju HauMitti'iioii uunrnniwu. vi floa at reilaence on Uel(htB. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Plume 7li Figure and estimates furtiislied on all kind- ol building and contracting. ASSOCIATION f McMiniivillf. Oregon, will insure your property at 60 jier cent lena cost than any other iiiH.ttutinn. V. I'. KUn, special Agent, Hood River, Ortsfan GOVER. TMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and tlimi'-r Halms; also relinquishments and land Ui script. Call on or address, Wm. f. hand, Ites. Plume 376. Hood River. Ore. Shepard h Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of ine unttea n:aiea anu are in rikiu iiubi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Go. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works all ordorH for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for il! kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and quick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce. CotisiitiimentH solicit d 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Eureka Heat Uarket . Mi-iUIRE BROS., Props. Dealera in Fresh mid Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetable. rnei- Drlivery. Phone Main 35. J. A. TILLKANY Violin Lessons Inquire at MT. HOOD HOTEL Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines from graphs and mall fruits. Alcohol from cereals, vegetable, plants, fruits nil wood and valuable recipes. Bend 11 for bonk giving practical information how to make them. LEO ZABEL, P. O. Box 604, Portland, Ore WANTED Urlirlit yomiK men and wonu n of kckmI stsnd Inil to prepare lor lusln inMitlons, as stciin giaphers, W)kkwiers, iimi ti IikiiiIi oprin tors at ((ood salaries. Wntf imlny tor fr cstaloKiie to Polytechnic College, 806 13th St., Oakland, Cal. The largest nnd best (quipped school of busl uess trainiUK, HIiortliauil.TyiH'wntliia, Mor. Teleirraptiy, Civil, Eleotruui, .Mn-lianieal and Mining Kiinlneerins, Mei'linnual and Archi tectural drawli-g west of New York. 44-(Note) Young men and women of this vlclulty should nut fall to write rnr catalogue, staling what course they prcicr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States 1B Office. The Dalles, Ore gou, Aug. 10, WW. Notice is herehy given thst ui 4iUKionnui humviw, . i,.i,i.i nil nu ..r I a. .a 9 IwrM ulill...l . Kir 1116 sale Ol lllliuer imiiuh hi hip KIHirsol CHlUOrnia, WrrKOH, nciim, nun nniiuiKiiiii TMrrllnrv " an extended to Hi I the I'nlihc I. nnd Htates by act of August 4, im, PAUL M. HAI.U.KWIK, of Hood River, count' of Wiwti, hinte ol Ore gon, has this day filed In this ulllcc Ms sworn statement No. ;HiH, for the purchase of the WK'.N aud NKH8W4, of section 11. town slup 1 north range ltie,, Vi M., ami w ill oiler proof to show that the luml miught Is mon vsluaMe tor the timber or Mooe thereon ttiiin for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Kcgister and Receiver, at the Land Utile In The luilles. the', on.Noveiubtrli, lHKi. lie names as witnesses "irmni r . lumii, L. K. Morse, J. H. ilellbi'oiini r, A. J. Iieiljy, all ol Hood lilver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely auyul the alHive-descrlbed liuuls ure ri misl ed u Ulu Uielr claims In Ibis otllce on or be fore thesald id day of November, lli. Allt'HAKL 1'. .NOLAN, sii-n8 Register. NOTICK FOR PUHLICATION ITnlted Htates Land Oltlce, The Halles, Ore.. Ami. ai. iMM. Nolle Is hereby given that In compliance with 111 provisions of Hie set ui Congress of J uiKiH, IHIS, entitled "An act for the sale ol tininer lanus in inc niaies oi t uu fornla, Oregon, Nevada,and Wiishiiigiiiii Tcr rltorv." as extended to all the Public Luml stales, by acl of August i, 1'.I2, the folluwing named persons buveon Airil 2, Hum, tiled In this utile their sworn statements, lo. It : MAUDE A. FA1RHANKH, of Heattle, county of King, In the stale ol w asiiingioii, swum ""iii o..., i,,i ship 1 north, range east W. M. CHARLES J. FAIR11ANKS of Meattle, county of King, .state of Washing ton, sworn statement no. n, ior the pur chase of the W)aHK', NK'HK'4, sw'tlon .A, sud NW'MWseetlunto, township 1, north range B e., W, M. That they wilt oner pnsu io snow iiihi uie lands souirht are more valuable fur the timber and stone thereon than for iwrlculluuil purposes, and to establish ihrlr claims to said iHtids before the Register and Receiver. at the land oltlce, in me Danes, ureguu, on November A, Wtto. Thev name the following wllnesses: Nils I'. Olson, of Portland, Oregon, Maude A. Kuli- liailKS ailU l.llHIIca a'inmn, yit nvnuic. Wasliinglon. Anv and all nersoiis claiming adversely any of the above described amis ure rciiuested to file their claims in this office on or before said nth day of Noveintier, in ay of November, Wos. .MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. sti-n". SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon, for Wasco county. Emma Robinson, Plaintiff, vs. Chas. O. H, Robinson, Defendant. To Clias. O. It- Robin.)!., delendaut above named. In ihu iiuniAor the stalA of Oreiroli. vou sre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against yon In ,the above en titled cause on or bt lore the expiration oi six weeks alter the date of the first publication of this summoiis, as 'lerelunflvr staled, ami In case you lull to so ..ipper ana answer nam Complaint, the iiliiintitl' will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, namely : for a decree of the court dis solving the inarrlsge contract between the piaintiti ana oeienumu sou graining io me iilHinilH the cure and cuslody ol the minor child of plaintm and ilelendanl. This summons is surved upon you by pub lication thereof for six weeks In the llood River Glacier, by order of the court, made on the 1st day of September, l!K).i, and vou arv required by said order of the court to apis ai and answer the plalntllf's complaint on or be fore six weeks from tlie date of the first pub lication, which date is theiith day of Hcptem ber, HUM. W. H. WIKSoN, sii.olH Attorney for 1'ialiillll. NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the mutter of the estate of Harvey J. Hyr kett., deccasen. Not lea is hereby given that the undersigned has filed blsflnal resirt and account as nil mlnlstrator of the esisie ol narvey J. iiry keit deceased, and that the coumy court of the Slat of Oregon, for Wasm county, has appointed Monday, the Mil day of November, ItHlil. at the hourof ten o'clock a. in. of said day as the lime, and the county court room in 1110 couniy eou:t uouse in I'aucK i.h.y, Wasco county, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of said final report. All persons hav ing objections to said report are hereby no tified to be present at said time and place and present such objections, if auy there be. latea tllisiitn aay 01 neinwniuer, ns. K. O. HLANl llAR, sl3 Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned lias tiled tils final account with the County Court for Wasco county. Oregon, In the n atlerof the estate of David v isliari., aeceaseo, aim nonce is nereoy given to all persons interested in said estate ttmt the court has appointed Monday, October aid. PHi, at i o clock., ai i ue court, House at J lie la es. orckroii. as tue lime ana place lor hearing objections to said final account and tor the settlement thereof. H. I). IIKSH, Administrator of the estate of David Wlsbart, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been, bv order of the Honorable Countv Court of the suite of Oregon for Wasco cm nty, apiHilnted aaininlsiruioror tne estate oft has. Husey, aeceasett, anu all ersons liavlng claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the Little White Mtore at Udell, or the office of Jayne & Derby n Hooa River, uiegon, properly verinmi. wltliln six months after the date of the first publcatinn oi this notice. imsiWb'T r. u ii li i w Administrator of the Estate of Chas. M. Busey, tle(!ease. Dated Mept. lr.ili, IWM saUilS For Bale One team of horaea, weight 1100 pounds each, well broken, single or double, 9 and i years old. iood harness and :t', Haln wagon, wide tires, with rack. Price fM Terms. Will take two or three good milch cows as part payment. Write to or Inquire of C. W. Pearsons, Cascade Locks, Ore. JJttf BARGAINS IN REAL FJTATE. A variety of (food residence property ty at prices and terms to suit. Hood buys for $500, 'sK), $700, $H.ri0, $1,000, $l,-i')0, $1,300, $1,400, $1,500, $!,7o0, $1,800 or any price you want. Two-story house near high bcIhhiI for only $1,00. Several good residences close to busi ness for sale cheap. Fine two-story residence with two loU, choice location, only $2,000. New two-story house, six rooms be sides pantry and bath, only $000. Whole blocks and acreage proa?rty for sale on easy tcrniB. Finest residence lots in the city cheap. Good investment. I.arfe list to select from, including good orchard land and farm proerty. Come and e-e us. OnthanK eft Otten Hood River Oregon HOOD RIVER FAIR WILL OPEN TODAY EVERYTHING READY FOR VISITORS Knots Will Mriutf Untttartl ut 1:.'I0 O'l'lm k HJiile Hand Plays ami Rabies ('urgle. Hood River'B Seventh liiunnlal Fruit fair will opon toiiay umler more favotable cii'Ciiinstaiice.i aud with a Utter display ut fruit tl.uiiever betote. Visitors lroni fur und iivur hitve al ready ni'iivul mill mine are expected on each train, The oily i.i t nwtof till v decorated for the ocoHHiuii, iiicirii.inta, business houses unci p ivate dwellings viting vitb each other to sea who can irmke the mngt uttiattive disfliy. The fair builtliuK, witu its neatly hitewashetl trout, on which is a laro sign iiii uoiiiioiiiK the pluue of exhibit, has lent itself very nicely to the hund ol the decoiator uud p.-eseuts mi uttruu tive aud gnlu appearancu both inside aud out. All day yesterday uud this inorniiiK ranchers have been busy liiiiiKinK ii. their apples nnd plaoitiK them on dis play. Exhibits can be uoeu from White Siiluion, Mosier aud Lrtllriniclc as well as llood River, the uiaiiagor of the Fruit (.'rowers' union frntu the latter place asking permission to send 4 display which was granted. The Indies who nave charge of the diuplny of fancy work Hint other things, per taining to their part of the lull' Inn t been bustling about getting things in shape to muko a compiest, and prima mothers have been polishing their youngest born for tho buby show, tin prize for which will be awarded this afternoon, daily ducoiated booths, smiling faces and boxes of red applet accompanied by a burst of music will greet the fair patrons wliou the dour ate opeueu ut L :.i0 today, fot ovory body is iu good humor oret the line nhoAlug of fruit und tho sure indica tions of a big attendance to gaze up on the apples that have ttiiidu llood liiver fatuous. Tltu rrittatiou association will be oalled to order at the same hour that the fair is opened and it is expected that there will be iu the neighborhood of 100 delegate ) present. Some ot them have already arrived and more will come iu today and tomorrow. An attractive and varied program has been ai ranged for entertaining them and it is expected that they w ill hold a busitiesj session, both this nttcr noou aud eve .itig uud be eiitertiiinod tomorrow and tomorrow evening. The program for the fair ami Irri gation association so tur as is known Is us tollows: Til USUI) A V, OUT. 11. 1 p. in. Fair opens for admission of visitors. 1,M p. in Oregon State Irriagtiou association oalled to ordot iu the Op era House. Address of welcome by lion. A. S Hloweis, mayor of thtj city of llood Kiver. Address of welcome to irrigationists by KeproHontutive of llood Kiver Irri gut.iouists a, O. Stiiton. 'espouse by the president of the lr rigation association, S. A. Lowell. "Irrigation uuder the Carey act in the Deschutes valley, " Jesse Stums, ittorney for I). 1. & I'. Co. "Need of legislation in Oregon on the subject of waters," John 11. Lew is, state engineer. "litigation tor humid regions," Professor F. L. Kent, dairy instructor Oregon Agiicnltiir I college. "Fruit growing on in igatedituds, " Judd (ieer, Cove, Ore. "Some legHl phases of irrigation," John It. Lawrey, 1'otidloton, Ore. "Irrigation in the Willamette viil ley,' ('rant It. Dimick, county judge Clackanius county. "Irrigutlon in Hog no Kiver valley," J. W. Perkins, member of legislature, Jackson county. "The duty we owe water," K. N. Smith, county surveyor , Ontario, Ore. "Sugar beets raised by it rgation, '" F. W. Shelli dd, Nyssa, Ore. "Irrigation in tho Willamette val ley," A. L. Stover, United States ge ological survey. "Irrigation legislation," It. A. Johnson, Umatilla Hivor Waterosers' association. Kvening. Continuation of the program ol State Irrigation association during which solos will be rendered by Miss Gladys Hartley and Mis. C. II. Slot ten. FKIIMV, OCT. 12. 8.30 a. ni. Delegates of the State Irrigation association will meet at t tin Mount Hood hotel for ft drive ove the valley. 2 U'J liaby exhibit nnd nwanl of prizes. Kvouing. ti.'.H) p. in. (iittnd eiitei'tninuiout in the Opera House nuclei the manage inent of J. Adrian Kppiug, pinciptil of the Western Academy of Music, Elocution und Dramatic A' t of Port land, and the entertainment commit tee. Programme. Loudon Concert Hall song The Misses Shut p. Heoittttioti selected Miss Nettie Kemp. liallad "Clung of the Forge, "- Murray Kay. Piano solo from Itigoletto, Verdi Miss Alita Arnck. Heading "The Soul of the Violin" Win. M. Hasinas. Baritone solo "A May Morning," Denza J. Adrian hoping. Heading-" The Milliner's Hill"- Misa M. liodo. Violin 8olo-"The F'vening Star"- Miss Oamelin Darker. Scene from "The School for Scan dal" with Miss M. lioile us Lndy Teazle and Win ,M. Uasuius as Sir Peter. SATURDAY, OCT. IU. 8.10 a. in. J. Adrian Kpping and party will be given a drive over the valley. Kvening. Piano solo Val te impromptu, Lizt Miss Alita T. Arnck. liuritoue solo "The Bell of St Marys," MaHoy J. Adrain Fjpping. Reading "Summit O'lirieu," Con tiers Wm.. Rnsmii s. Violin solo "lierseuse, " Uoddiird Miss Camelia llaikei. Reading "How Sulvator Won" 1 1. Lester Paul. Mezzo soprtiuo solo "Sun Toy," De Hurdelet Miss Bertha Royal. Playlet "The Littlest (ii 1"-Iin- porsnoutions by Messrs Wm. Kusuius ami (J. Lester Paul. The Hood River baud will be iu ev idence dm itig the eutire Hood River fair. lOverything will be done for the convenience ot aud entertainment of our visitors. All are welcome. The town is yours. The piano used at the entertain ment lias been kindly furnished through the courtesy of the Liters Pi ano company. Hudson Kiver Apple Season Over. The Hudson River apple export sea son bus uow pructiully closed aud the expoiters who have been looking to that district for supplies will sltortly tutu their attention elsewhere. This a a situation which has not presented il.selt at this time of the year for more L tut ii ten years. Ordinarily, the Hud son Rivet apple season is just iu its height dining the latter part of Sep tember and shipments ere going fm- ahkI in large volume Now the sup plies ate about exhausted ami theie .v ill practically be no fresh shipments to arrive lot export until Newtown Pippins put iu then appearance which will be about November l.'i. During a normal seasou the ship ments ol apples from the Hudson River amount to about u00,000 huirols but lut ing the pi t sent season some of the receivers think they will not reach "i0.iH.i0 barrels or about one-tenth ol he ttormiil crop. The shortage ot the crop is attributed to the fact that t icre have been very heavy yields in tins section tor several years ami that ha trees are sum ly taking a rest. the shortage is viewed philosophical ly by the orcuardlsU who expect that ue.xt season will sea a larger supply of iruit of a euperloi quality. Kveu lie small shipments which have come foiwnrd from the Hudson River valley ilns seasou nave tieeu largely of an interior duality and bail the crop been larger it would have brought but mall re.tirus to the snippets as it Aouid have come iuto competition with the large crops of good quality which tire pioduced this year iu the middle west uud also with the apples of other section of New York state and of New England and Canada. While the Hudson River apples are practically eliminated as an exporta ble factor this season, this will be more than ovrecume by the large otierings of western apples ot line jtiality which are uow coming for ward and therefore the almost unpre cedented shortage of tho Hudson Rivur valley crop will tint be greutly missed as the export seasou advances. Produce INews. Wormy Fruit Cause fur Arrfi-t. "In addition to the opinion ot the deputy county prosecutor, A. L. Laugnon, uuder which i propose to u ro see ute merchants for selling wor my fruit in WaHliiugton" said A. F. Ciowell, county lruit inspector last veiling, 1 desire to call the atten tion of the fruit growers, commission men and. re ail dealers to section 14 of the horticultural law ot this state, which reads: 'Any perso or persons who shall bring into the state or liuve in their possession or oiler for sale or distribute or give away fruit trees, shrubs, lruit or other material infest ed with any kind of insect post injur ious to lruit, lruit trees or plants shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be pun ished by a tine of not loss thau $50 n oi more than $500, or by imprison ment iu the county jail not less than 00 days nor more than one year. Pro vided that f ir each repeated offense the person or persons ootiviotnd may bo punished liy a line of not less than WOO nor more than l$r00. or by im prisonment in the county tall not less than 00 days uoi more thau one year. Provided th.t tor each repeated IteiiHO the person ir persona convict ed tuny lie punished by a tine of not less than f J00, nor more ttiuu $N00, or by imprisonment not to exceed two years. "Jlie sale or wormy rruit lias been a much mooted question aud now that 1 have the opinion ot the prose cuting attorney 1 take this oppoit un ity ot informing fru't growers, com mission men and dealers that wormy and diseased lruit can no longer be -tol l in this county without violating the horticultural law." Spokesman Review. l air Well Attended. The Walla Walla Bulletin says of the opening of the Walla Wnllu fair Many people lroni 1 eudleton anu points in Umatilla county urrrived In the city this morning to visit the fair, and tho attendance totliiw far exceeds tliut of yesterday. Today was designated as the olllcitil day for the residents of Pendleton, Athena, Wes ton and all Umatilla county points, and people availed themselves of the Imv expulsion rates. All the exhibits were in place today and the exhibition fat exceeded the expectation of the visitors. A prom iueut resident of Pendleton stutod this morning that the exhibits and racing features were fur uud way ahead of what hud been expected. Oregon lan. San Dalles Football ('nine. Sen Fonts and several ot the Hood River bovs were in The Dulles Sun day to witness the football game, it was almost a icpeiition or the per formance ut llood River a week ago, only the sc.oie was larger. Sen says he has organized a liuse Lull team and will bring 1 lie Dullse team down to play during the fruit fair, aud hopes to get a little satisfaction for the inuny drubbings llood hlver Das re ceived of late. John Iceland llender son is said to be in the di al also. Op tiuiist. An An fill Cough Cured. "Two years ago our little girl had touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful cough. She had spells ,.f .wxurliini, lust liUn flllA with tllM VU j...- - - whooping cough and some thought she would not get well at all. We got a bottle of Chaiubo'laiu's Cough Rem oilo wh'nh. acted like u charm. She edy wh'ch, acted like u charm stopped coughing aou gut stout, auu r..4- I, ui.imj t r. Urn lllluflurrl It, II. lab, -1 " baker., III. This remedy for sale by IV1LT O. V-HTS, WHITE SALMON FRUIT DISPLAYED AT FAIR THERE AMAZES VISITORS (ood Attendance and Many Varieties of Apples Exhibited The Prize Winner;''' The White Salmon fruit fair opened Friday iu the Odd Fellows building with a good attendant and a fine display ot fruit. This is the first fair eter held at White Salmon, but it has proved such a success this year that it lias already been decided to make it an annual all air. About 25 boxes and several hundred plates of apples were on exhibition, and those iu a position to judge say that it is na line fruit as can be raised anywhere. Saturday, however, was the best day at the fair as a good ninny who did not exhibit on the first day brought iu exhibits and the attend ance wjh far larger than on Friday. A good many Hood River people vis ited the fair Saturday and all pro nounced the showing a Hue on . Among those who otossed therivii for the purpose of visiting the fair was K. L. Smith, who was request) d by several bite Salmon fruit grow er to make an i d. ress ou the cultiva tion of fruit, uhieb be did, telling the growers what they do, und what not to do, ami many oilier things that were ot gieat interest to them. In the display of apples there weie about 2o varieties, among which weiu Yellow Newtowns, Rhode Island (ireenings, Oreeu Newtowns, Jona thans, York Imperials, Lawvcrs, Klickitats, Arkausas Blacks, Kays, White ISolillowere, Winesaps, ("larks, Aikeu Reds, Kings, iialdwius, Spitz enbergs, Wolf Rivers, Oruveusteitis, Yakimas, Uloria Muudis, Northeiu Spies and several others. The largest exhibit was made by (1. A. 'Thomas, who look Uie first prhe for having the best orchard disph y und Fred W. llalsiger captured the prize for the best oumtneroial pack. Others who exhibited apples and fruit were M. Manley, Gilmer, Wusn. , K. Napper, A. R, Miller, Andrew Olsen, Mrs. McCloy. 8. Hunsaker, H. ,0. Cook, J. M. Overbaugh, F. R. t'atta, fine l'lat, M. M. Maine, rreu v.. llalsiger. U. W. Parsons, Pine l'lat. R. D. Cameron, A. it. Jewett. A line display was made by 11. U. Cook, who ia a horticultuilst of con siderable note, and baa originated several varieties ol apples, lhree va rieties which be had ou exhibi tion at White Salmon have never been exhibited befoie. Two of them bo has named after the fair held in Poit- lsnd last year, oue of them Lewis aud the other Clark, the ljewis la a cross between a Spitzenberg and a York Imperial, and the other la Hy bridized between a Jonathan and a Holland Pippin. Another apple be has originated ia known as the Klick itat, and all three are said to be high quality fruit. Owing to the lact that Mr. Cook did not tulllll tne require mneta of the schedule of exhibits he did not get auy of the prizes, but hie exhibit attracted much atteution. The other features ot the fair were an extraordinary display of White iltllllowers, 72 of which filled a box, grown by (). A. Thomas, a large ex hibit of grapes try A. 11. Jewell ana ft. Napper. The display also included peaches, prunes, pears ut several va rieties and vegetables, a basket of late tomatoes creating considerable inter est. A cuoumbei that weighed 2.4 pounds and a giant aauash divided . honors in the vegattile display. Canned fruit, jellies, homemade bread, butter and other things that the housewife takes pnrtioular prida iu weie also plentifully exhibited and were all so excellent that only the judgment of au expert could detect which waa the best, ftm broidery, fiincy work, and a ulco display of home-growu flowers were presided over by the ladles, seveial of whom also exhibited fruit. One feature of the fair for wbioh there waa no piize ottered, but which attracted much attention, waa a young bear which was chained to u tree near tne exhiint nan anil wmoii had been captured iu White Salmon. In judging the fruit aud othei ex hibits U. R. Castner, ii. A. Frauz aud K. W Angus, of Hood River, were asked to seive in that capacity ami after careful consideration awarded pries to the following: Host oichartl display, O. A. Thomas, 5. Best box commercial pack, (Spitz) F. W. llalsiger, l. Host box Spitz, R. 1). Cameron $2.50 Host box Newtowns, R. D. Camei on. 2.50. Second best box Newtowns, Morde cal Jones, 1.50. Hist plate display Spitz, Andrew Oheu, 2.50. Rest Ron Davis, R. D. Cameron, $1. Host box Yellow Hclltlowers, ii. A. Thomas, $1.50. Small tipples, best sample llyslop, A. R. Well, Pine Flat, 1.W). Best sample peaches, C. A. Shart, $1. Rest can of peachos, Mis. L. J. Wolfard, $1. Rest can of cherriei, Marietta Hun saker, $1. Rest can fruit, Miss M. Hunsaker, $1. Rest glass jelly, Miss M. Hunsaker, $1. Second, Mrs. M. Maine, lh)o. Rest can ot pears, Oeorge Smith, $1. Second Miss M. Hunsaker, oOc. Canned Leans, Miss M. Htiusalter, $1. Second, same, 50o. Rest loaf of bread, Mrs. J. II. Cin der, 1. Second, Mrs. L. Bowman, 50o. Best butter, M. Kmmons, $1. Sec ond, Mrs. F'ordyoe, 50o. Best sack of potatoes, J. II. Law, Pine F'lnt, 1. Rest display corn, O. A. Thomas, $1. Best display carrots, N. O. Cox, ?1. Best squash, O. Odor, Btngen, $1. Best display onions, J. Hunsaker, L Rest display cabbage, J. II. Hum phrey, oue year's subscription to F'n terprise. It is said that a movement will be made to hold the White Salmon fait every other year and have it held on the yeara in which llood River does not exhibit. 1 0 " o o O O o