The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 04, 1906, Image 7

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3 Cm
Friday, Oct. 5th
Friday, Oct. 5th
Cram's Entire lew Stock of Ladies' and Misses Tailored Suits,
v Coats, SMfts and Misses' Wool Dresses
Which have just arrived from FASHION'S CENTER, NEW YORK, Will be offered without reserve at
This offer is made in honor of our Fruit Fair soon to open. We are anxious to furnish every Lady and Child with a
Brand New Fall Cloak, Suit or Skirt, and . have the assortment and prices to render it easy to make proper selections.
Come Early and Stay Late. We are Ready to Show You
8 Friday, Oct. 5th
3C .: Jf" ,',":',',::jc. 1:,j.-i.,
-Date Store
err- gfyi ar??rarea ssrrr
Friday, Oct. 5th
At the Churches.
Methodist breaching at 11 u. m. and
8 p. m. Sahhath school 10 a. m.; Kp
worth (.eagiio 7 p. ni. l'rayer meeting
TliurHilay evening. All cordially invit
ed. V. V. hvans, pastor.
St Murk's Episcopal Cliurch. Holy
Communion ut 8 o'clock ; morning
prayer t 11. and evening prayer at
7 :30.
V. B. Church Sahlmth school, 10 a.
in.- pleaching, 11 a. m.; Y. I. C. K.
7:15 p. m.; preaching, 8 p. ru. Prayer
meetinu at 8 p. in. Wednesday. All are
cordially invited to attend all or any of
these services. Pastor, J. W. Sprecher.
Christian Church. Services at K. of
P. hall the first, third, fourth and fiftb
Sundays of each mi nth. Services at
Odell the second Sunday of each month,
V. A. WOOD, Pastor.
liaptist church Sunday school 10
a. in. ; preaohiug 11 a. m. ; Junior li.
V.P. U., 3 p. m. ; evening service, 7.30.
Riverside Congregational Church,
W. Ctliliuore, pastor. Services Sun
day at 11 a. m., Christian Endeavor
at 7 p. in., evening worship at H p. in.
lielmnnt M. K. Church. 11. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Helniont: Sunday
school at 10 a. m. ; Class meeting at 11
a. in. ; Kpworth League 7 p. m. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening ami 2d Sun
day in month ut'll a. m. ; Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p. in. Services at
Pine Grove same as above except preach
ing, w hich is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. m. Crapper. 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3:30; Sunday school at 2:30. Mourn
Hood. The 4th Sunday at U a.n t. ;
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Unitarian services every Sunday at
11 h. in. and 7.30 p. m., J. A. liald
ridge, minister. Topic for Sunday
morning, "The Plea ot Faith." Even
ing. "Purpose and Destiny. " Sunday
kchool at 10 a. hi. each Sunday. AH are
Culholic Church Regular services
every Sunday,
Children's Eyes.
We give especial care to ohildieu's
eyes. Consult Dr. Hogg, the Poit
land specialist with O. Arthur Clarke,
Jeweler aud Optician. Hood Kivei,
Card of Thanks.
Mr. aud Mrs. Munch desire through
the columns of the Glaoier to thank
tbo many friends and neighbors who
so kindly assisted them during their
recent trouble aud loss by fire.
N. M. Munch.
We Prove What We Say.
We don't claim to know everything
but we do know one tbin well. We
know how to Ot spectacles so as to re
liove mi.ny ills aud ailment that will
nevei be relieved in any other way.
Dr. Hogg, the Portland epe ialist
withG. Arthur Clarke, Jeweler aud
Optieiau, Hood Kiver, Ore.
To All Whom It May Concern: No
tice is hereby given that Ira Alcorn is
no longer in" my employ, or associated
with me in any capacity whatsoever.
No one will in' the future extend any
credit to him on my account, and he is
not authorized to make anv collections
for me. A. S. Bent.
True aud tried frends of the family
-DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Best
for results aud beet to take. Rosy
cheeN and sparking eyes follow the
nse of these dependable little pill1.
They do not gripe or sicken. Sold by
Wiliiams' Pharmacy.
Fine corned beef at McGuire Bros.
Mr. Bartmess is on a CMh basis.
Finishing for amateurs at Deita Stu-
I dio.
New Orleans Molasses in bulk and
cans at Jackson's.
Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and
pickled salmon at Jackson's. .
Maple Syrup and New York 8tate
Buck Wheat at Jackson's.
Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at
Get your chickens for Sunday dinner
at McGuire Bros.
Fresh fish, crabs and shrimp, Thurs
days, Fridavs and Saturdays, at Al
corn's City Market.
It is to your interest to refer to M.
Bartmess' ad under the new Bystem.
The Dietz Studio for photos.
Our work guaranteed. Delta Btudio.
Full stock of harness to select irom.
Fancy riding bridles, etc. Davenport
Harness Co.
McGuire Bros, make country deliver
ies Tuesdays and Thursdays and get
fresh eggs direct from thd ranches.
Orders lor the country telephoned the
day before will tie delived, if on route.
A cold is much more easily cured
when the bowels are open. Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar opeus the
bowels and drives the cold out of the
system in young or old. Sold by Wil
liams' Pharmacy.
For sale by Emporium. Five farmi
in one body, 320 acres, 5 improvement!
cleared land with each, 7 miles from
While Salmen on Goldeudale road,
plenty ot water, f 30 per acre. Can In
sold ill separate tracts f'r M das only.
Terms easy.
To Mr. and Mtb. R. W. Evans,
Sept. '22, at their home near Newhy &.
Kautz mill, a daughter.
Advertised Letter List.
Advertised letter list for week end
ing October 1, UKXJ:
Beard, Miss L. ; Bums, Miss Lou ;
Ciaudell, Laura; Crowell, Sylviuia;
Uaniniud, liertlia; Hunt, Beitha;
Jackson, Lulu; Jett, Rutb; Johnson,
Edna; Ledgewood, Mr. 8. L. ; Lun
deins, Lima; McBride, Maude; Mer
rill, Frances (2); Powell, Miss E. J. ;
White, Ida; Wind, Nellie A.; Bailey,
Roy; Bailey, R. M. ; Black, Mr. ; (Jul
leeu, R. L. ; Hazelwood Produce Co. ;
Hokplos, U. U. ; Johnson, H. C. ;
Jones. W. A.; Kuapp, Franois; Lew
is, Albert; Lestei, Jesse D. ; Mass,
Henry; Smart, H. A. ; Simpson, R.
W. ; Storie, Glen ; Thomas, Reymoud
R. ; Weygaut. (i. P. ; Weygaut, L. C. :
Weir, Bert; Wbetz6l, Chaa. ; (package
3rd class iDilsoier Warren.
Wm. M. Yates, P. M.
gCan you win? You realize that to
win in anything these days, requites
strength, with mind and body in
tune. A man or woman with disor
dered digestive organs is not in shape
for a day's work or a day's play. How
can they expect to win? Kodol For
Dyspepsia coutaios the digestive
juices of a healthy stomach and will
put your stomach in shape to perform
its important function of supplying
the body and brain with stiengtb
building blood. Digests what you eat,
relieves Indisgestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Palpitation of the Ileal t and
Constipation. Sold by Williams'
Capt. II. C. Coe went to Portland
on the local Monday.
U. D. Woodwortb went to The
Dalles on business Thursday.
II. D. W. Pineo went to Portland
Sunday tor a stay of several days.
M. T. Nolan, of The Dalles, spent
Sunday at the home of James Lacey.
W. II Moore and Mrs. Moore, of
Portland, were visitors at Hood Kiver
F. W. Angus made a business trip
to Portland last week returning borne
J. E. R and, who is now located in
Portland, spent Sunday with bis fam
ily in this city.
Miss Werner, who has been making
her home here tor some time, went to
Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Knapp and Mrs.
Knapp, jr., returned from a trip to
Grant oounty Saturday.
A J. Derby, who was called to San
Franoisco recently on business, re
turned borne Sunday evening.
C. L. Johnson, of While Salmon,
has sold bis ranch there and left from
Hood River Monday, for Los Angeles,
where be may locate.
The subject for next Sunday morn
ing at the I'nltarian church will he
"The Ideal l.n'e"; lor evening, "Woi-
ship of t tie Snrroiro." All are welcome.
Mr. aud Mis (i H Lynn, daugh
ter a d son ii.-l.w of I). N. Byerlee,
arrived at Hood River from Elgin,
Utah, I it-t week and will make their
home here in the future.
C. W. Murnhy, who recently went
to Missouri, having sold his place at
Mount Hood but returned a snort
time Hgo, will go to tue tuickitat
valley to look foi a location.
Louis Burkhert. of Mount Hood,
started Monday for New York where
he will take the steamer for Germany
for ii two n ouths' visit. He will visit
at Spielberg and Wurtemburg.
"Shudder" social Friday evening,
October, at K. of P. hall. Girls
bring jour l unoh baskets aid boys
youi i ocket books, a jony goou ume
for all and all are invited by tba Y.
P. S C. E.
' A speciel meeting of the Women's
Relief Corps, wbicb is called by the
president of the organization, Mis.
Ellen Blount, will be beld Sa'urday,
October 6, at 2 p. m., to prepare for
inspection. All membeis are request
ed to be present.
J. J. Joidan and family left Hood
River Saturday for Lake Os Odessa,
Mich., wbeie tbey will rsit relatives
and friends and expect to be gone two
months. Mr. Jordan reeeutly sold bis
place near Crapper and bis intentions
for the future are not known
Let all interested in'irrigation, no'
o lv bere. but in the state as well, at
tend tbe assooialion meetings. Judge
Lowell, of Pendleton, will act as pres
ident and A. R. Wilson, of Portland,
as secretary. Uuited States engineers
aud expert irrigationists are expected
to speak.
The lad es of tbe Unitarian church
will bold a bake sale at the stole of
Wood & Smith Bros. Wednesday, On
tober 10th, aud will receive orders for
cakes and pastry of all kinds up to
the day of sle. Orders can be tele
phoned to Mrs. T. J. Cunning. Mrs.
Sieitihofl and Mrs Thomas Calkins
will have cburge of the sale. Orders
for Indies who will entertain during
the fair will receive prompt atten
Watch for our Fcy Bcfttanas fo. njak- Fli are the most botherson e
nip h-i.ti; MTU1 nig ilressing saipus, p ons, cur.ii- now. I .i-on and Micky Hy
1T(. I AIR IXk SIKUAl.S jo Urge siieWt finish. pap r, ll tra,.s, fly killer, etc.
next week. There is money in " jjc Liitle prices
them for you. mmmm mm m
Can You Tell Goo H Faucets, krout enters. LH and hasMs,
Yarn from a) rone? We looping bowls, chair seats, towel down d fferei.Utyles. The new
handle Fleischers, the very best. n.llers, towel bars, butler awulds, Brown.elwxwitb wire lndlH are
Zephyr, Shetland FIops, Saxony, etc. Liltle prices tine tor school Uaa, Little pneaa
etc. Little prices. mmmmm
.. u&. k. Tllh(. hoards wringers. Tfcl We sell a lot. Our
UdiM'UndiWIf. W K'wW8"nf seu.nd shipment this sen. All
Silver gray Jersey km flee, "'W grades of pVn and pencil paper,
lined, vests and pants, nicely hn- ' wax. sad " - 35
ished comfortable garments. 35c Little r rices i i
r mi Don't Vail to t ki in our
Ladies' Hote. White foot- JT Wr, jar tops, seal- I ore during Fair week. I'mrMial
ed. Very comfortable if you aie mg wax, fruit presses, jelly glasses tlrctiii Thlire Is always
on vour feet moet of the ttuie. preserving kettles. Little prices something rew at this store.
Good wearing qualities. 3 pr. SO(y mmmmmimmp
When You Come to the Fair KSJiSK
.,,.!., . vour disnosal. Our store is centrally located, ana we wani you w ine
and feeling that you are welcome whether you buy or not
Vou vilX
every con-
habit of coming hew, i
Store specially deco.nted lor Fa.r Week, p
Rev. W. C. Oilmore made a pastor
al visit to Dee Monday.
Mrs. liuok and son, Sherman, start
ed for Wasco Thursday for a visit.
The Ladies Alliauoe of the Unitar
ian church will hold uu mntings until
tbe week succeeding the fruit fair.
Miss Iiaattie Jensen is again teach
ing school here, having returned from
a visit to hei fathr In the Willamette
Rev. J. W. Rigby has been appoint
ed as supply preacher in the Metho
dist church for places along the North
Bank road.
J. P. Thomson, of The Dalles, who
is interested in Hood River property,
has been spending several days here
looking after it.
The Ladies of the U. Ii. church will
serve dinner and supper in the Dallas
building Friday, October 12th. The
price of each meal will be 2T cents.
A. S. Rotbwell aud C. R. T. Baker
weie visitors in the valley Thursday.
Tbey were bere to gather some in
formation for the Portland Commer
cial club.
Miss Hulda Hinriohs, daughter of
Peter Hinrichs, went to Dufur Thurs
day where she will take charge of a
school 40 miles south of that place for
the winter teim.
K. D. Gould, who has been away ou
a business trip of ten days to Willo-
wa, Euteriirise and other Eastern
Oregon points, returned home Sun
day. - ,j
T. S. Weeuly and family left Thurs
day for Marysville, Cal., where they
will make their future borne. Mr.
Weekly has secured a position there
and will work at bis trade. 3
Please notice the change in time of
services in evening 7:30 preaching in
stead of 8 p. m. aud Y. P. 8. C. E.
6:45 instead of 7:15 p. in. i. e. for di
rectory. Siuoeiely J. W. Sprecber,
Cecil Green, who has been employ
ed at the store of Frank A. Cram, left
Hood River Tuesday for Portland,
where he will take a position in the
deparmeut of Meier it Frank, as as
sistant wind) w trimmer.
Mrs. L. C. Packard, who has been
visiting Rev. aud Mrs. Evans, her
parents, left Tuesday for her borne at
Mansfield, Ark. Mrs. Packard has
been at Hood River during tbe sum
mer and eaily fall.
E. L. Smitbl was requested by the
management of the Interstate fair,
being held at Spokane, to act as om
of the judges of fruiti tiling tbe exhi
bition, but declined owing to bis nu
merous duties in connection with the
coming fair at Hood River.
Mrs. S. F. lily the and ber niece,
Mrs. Leslie, who has been vsiting her,
returned from a visit to Tbe Dalles
Tuesday. While there they called on
many old friends, some ot tbeui for
mer sohoolinates whom tbey bad not
seen in many years.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Uiaham went
to Poitiand Thursday, where Mr.
(irabam took the Northern Paoiflo for
Vancouver, B. C. From there be will
goto Calgary, Can., for an texended
visit. Mrs. (indium ill remain in
Portland during her husband's visit
where her relatives teside and where
she has many fiiends.
Eugeue Sagers and Miss fjsjlie Belle
Cooper were married at the residence
of R. M. Huntuon, on the Heights,
S unday at 3 p. m., by the Rev. W.
C. Evans, in the presenoe of a few in
timate friends and members of tbe
Immediate famil'es. After the cere
mony end congratulations a sumptu
ous wedding dinner was served and a
very pleasant social time bed.
Mrs. Meroer has rented her ranch
and gone to live nt Portland for the
winter in order to be near liar chil
dren who have entered the high
school there. Mrs. before go
ing remarked that she rennet ted the
movement bere to have a consnlida-
ed high srboool was not successful
in that event it would not nave
hi on necessary for her to send her
children away from home.
The Bridges Concert ooinyeny, of
Chicago, will give a frea concert in
the Methodise church aet Taustfay
evening, (Mtotitir ', at 8 a'clock. Xb
company is composed of Frank K.
Bridgna, baritone, Frank B, Carman,
tenor, Edttb Hates bridge, eoofaflo
aud reader, and C lara A r Matron t ot
man, soprano, ihe Bridge aoaipaof
will org mil a class Ui vocal aod ia
strumeiital miisio here, ana groae ot
for wbtcb will be explained at tbe
Another largo businota DiiteK is to
be sret'ttdat White t-altftoa. Hurt tbe
ferita-pvtM, bloh wiU to 'tt largest
hutidiag that baa et bean laitt th.
ftowmau Roaeiriatit an 4 liUJiert
Kautsoo wilJertct it o tfrett ve
oa. wbra Hie oH ilaAwnitb sboi
ae4 t Maud. Ir (iimakaion will
be 70xJ fet al it plans provide fw
a tlimtie, wkictt will seat .'SHJ perKona
in! lta a stiigo 40 feat Hd uud 18
fa(4 dnap. AiongHidi) of it Kent boh
sritt afiKd bis btiildiilg wbicb will be
3)x4tifeet awl will be two etocies high
alrio. li the ground Moor a will
bav a trtalry store and on tbe sec
ond itora will lie provision made for
taix ottlnua.
M. Siiiidrland and daughter re
turned Thursday from a visit to Port
land. Mr. Soule shipped a beautiful piano
to Condon yesterday to a former
Hood liivn man.
-Sirs. W. S. (Iriblilo, of Ml. Hood,
is visHing with Mrs. W. il. Sharp,
her sister-in-law, at The Dulles.
Mr. Frank Chandler, Will Moigan
ami II. Clrei'ii purchased linn piano.',
at Soulo's Piano House lust week.
At the Methodist church Sunday,
October 7, at 11 a. m. "The Mnifei-ta-tious
of Cod"; 73:0 p. in., "The
chinch Banners." Come and see.
Mayor Blowers has appointed A. (',
Staten, M. II. Nickelsen, A. Butts, li.
II. Wallace and L. ri. Morse us dele
gates to the meeting of the Oregon Ir
rigation association.
An oyster supper will he given on
the grounds ot the East liarett school
1'rldav evening, Octolier fith. A pro
gramme of special songs has been ar
range! and an entertainment will also
be given All are in ited.
Mr. and Mrs. . II. l'eugh aio ut
present visiting in (iilliniii county
and will lie away several weeks. Mr.
Pengh has business interests there
which will also occupy his attention.
Dr. (tcisundorfer, of The Dalles,
was called to Hood liiver Wednesday
in consultation in the case of Miss
Maiie Molir. who is critically 111 with
typhoid fever. MisH Lizzie Mohr,
who is also sick with the same trou
ble, is reported as doing nicely.
F.lder Allen Jlickey, of Dns Moines,
Iowa, lather of Mrs. D. N. Byerlee,
wih pioach at the K. of 1'. hall next
Sunday at 11 a. m. Conic and lipo
some ot the ripened thoughts of near
ly half a century of active Christian
A b'g delegation of fruit growers
and others from Hood liiver will at
tend the fruit fair at White Salmon
Friday and Saturday. The oll'orts of
our neighbors across the river ate at
tracting a good deal of attention and
tniiuv feel that they deserve all the
encouragement possible in their new
Chas. T. Early is in receipt of a lnt
tei from the Hon. James Kyle taying
that he has received an invitation to
the fruit lair and that he will attend
and hopes to be able to bring several
friends with him, among whom he
mentions Col. Wm. Crooks, of the O.
R. & N. and the Hon. li. Oolfey and
the Hon. J. Driscoll, members of the
state legislature.
The last base ball game of the sea
son will be played at Columbia park
Saturday, October 13, the 1 st day of
tne Fruit Fair and it is expected that
it will be the best game of the season.
Both teams will have the best mater
ial that can be procured for the game
as it will decide the championship be
tween the Hood liiver team aud the
Wasco Warehouse boys of The Dalles,
and a big attendance is looked for.
L. W. Wood, formerly proprietor of
the Kandy Kitchen at this plaop, has.
purchased the saw mill owned by li.
li. Fields, seven miles back of White
Salmon and will operate it. Mr.
Wood is an old mill man and under
stands the business thoroughly. He
says that there is enough yellow pine
in tbo vicinity of the mill to keep it
busy fur some time, alter which he
expects to move to u more advantage
ous point on the Lyle road.
Mrs. J. B Wright, of St. Johns,
has been the guest of liobt. Hand ut
Wau (iiin-Cu in for a week. Mrs.
Wright says she had heard so much
about Hood liiver's apple oichardi
that ehe was very much interested in
them aud that when she took a drive
over the valley she had a itiont de
lightful triii. So many trees, large
and small, loaded with big rod apples
she had never seen anywhere before,
said Mrs. Wright, who returned home
on the boat Tuesday with :t number
of the apples she admires so uiiicb.
and expressed herself as dosirions of
spending the rust of her life ut Jlood
River. Mrs. Wright was at one time
editor ol a pater iu Iowa aud wus
formerly postanstrosH at St. Johi:,
but wa removed through poiilicaMn-
fluence amid the vlor iug ,ritests of
the citizens of that place.
Nothing Hrard from (loddr.
Xlie strango dtgapvearaiiiie of Gene
Coitdv. who was innlovod as Barren
dnf b Java Iwtiaon, is still treating
much nBiirehSilsloii On tlie I Bit of Ills
iriitnrt. OoQdy he not tinea liovord
from uinee a week seo S iliirdaT boo
be aaddaulf disappeared front II md
kiri. Ho Mill has clothir.ii and ot1.
r taknams here and a.i i3
filant tor the future that vo'Xiid
to tbe tielM tat he had no ilea: uf
laiug the oitr suddenly, twudy
foroiorly lived at l Jregon City til It
la aai 1 that he is not there, nod It is
feared that lie ln met with some un
known misfortune.
Jf slice. ,
No orders will be dolWersd a'ter
10.00 iu the hirontion and 4.?. i in t
aftatnoon, commending Monday, Sop
taw bar 17. Mel June Bros,
Ei. Mayes.
A. S. Bent
School Books
School Supplies
For this year's di'iimnd L have received tlm
liest line of Tablets, Pencils, Inks, in fact
everything for School Use, ever brought into
the city. It costs no more to please the
children with a Fancy Cover at
The Depot for School Books
You need one of our Up-to-Date
Hats. Our prices are especially
low, quality and style considered
Millinery Display v.
Latest Designs
in Pattern Hats
At Mme. Abbott's
S. 1. (larner having bought the .1. T. llohnandro
cery on the Heights, desires to call the attention of
his friends in the city and valley to the fact that
he will have the store stocked with new goods, and
intends to run a. clean, neat little Family (irocery
Give us a Call Phone 1401
A Disastrous Fire.
An early morning lire t tally d
st roved the homo of Mrn. Millie
Sti'lilit'iiHon, loiiatiid 011 the hill Mon
day. The contliiration occurred at
1.31 o'cloiiWf and the inniiiteH of the
I10JHC went awakened in time to es
cape fMCi their huriiiiiK dwidliiiB hy
the i.iirkiog of a faithful wafolidiiR,
ho was evidontly aiouned hy the
Uunitfl. Although no nturm of lire wa
turned In and muiiy citizens rcHj.ernl
ed iiy the time tbey ai rived couid: he
of in assiFHtantce, ng the Dre liail
Kuloe ltf such bond w "y that ii was tai
io8iHo to control it an 'l tle tmild
iOH was Imrood to the ground, ifb
Its coii.cnts. Ibc i rui'Mty was liiBiir
cd tor ih).
o . .
Mad Man r oiiml la JSoY Car.
MtchneiCJjii ',0 liai, was tnkofl
Iho iafc 'ij.v aiuroiog fa
(tarcaitt Lucks in n dmenfod caodlt
iio. i fo a fi'.n i ii 1 ft on oar thra
rliiVS 0" tojn IniTiPCliO to take fTft ot
nimeeic. ivmsiiii'ie t'ni mmms
sa clmrge anil took him to Ihe JJoiiea
fla wiitlKxaoiinel for iu8-odj bw
iiltoruoou. CUne riiil.i 8 to aliro
iii Knilaud jH ets ( ilo is JiaJW
1hm hut joilwicil.
C'ia re. ittsined, fir years has
beevr Bsiitt "wmntj tare. Io -diirj
hitin to aasilmietl in obuga
lt lbs imiu- J rot lioijSB. Ilp
peart'I fru 1'aRer toa- ffittia tiooa
fl'ijing s 'ictil lir-i if
111111 Kiutu tbori. As to r8 t'fela.
tr'el in that Ci.nnty lie will lie token
care ot tif the authorities here.
A ricasiint liccital.
The recital iriven lawt Wednesday
oveniiiK hy Mr. Sletten to mr pupils
and their paienta and (riniids at the
home of Mrs. H. 1'. Orr was luucn ap
preciated hy all whu were present. It
conaiutcd of veal and iiiHtriimeutid
BolectioiiH, which wire well rendured
and the poi formanoe was a highly
oreditahle one liolli to the pupils and
Mrs. Slettou. At its coiiciiinion re
freidimonU wore served and a vaiy
pieaaant evening conclinled iu sooii.l
TeairherN .Mont Bf 1'rescnt.
Wadnosday, Tlnirsilay and i'riday
of next weotc The liailerf will he lion
orod hy the (iroHenoe of hetwean Ho
and l'-IO school teachers from all over
the oounty. County .School Super iu
tT0iieot MtiU la not only invited but
inststod on avory teacher ia tbecoan
i lieiug in atteurlanoe. 6ill0(il8 will
lit oJoHdaiid i)ot a tea.-lifir will be e -ouned.
Chwn ifln.
, Wood l'olsnaing
rsxllta bum tbrynjc cooBtip atlou,
ahich is tjuioiily kw1 t Ut. King s
Tstw lite Ville. 'i-? reae 'to all poi
irooua germs frofti t'1 syteai aod m
f uf)) naw lift ami vig it; euraaoor
htoiofti'D, tiaMiiHiti, hcananU. dizines
an (J Colic, aithoiV grdpiug nr dls.10111
fort. l!4!euts. t.uarantaed Chat.
X. Clarke.
A. O. 4) oe (fest to Fottlaad thli
ttoinign tiilBis, lie toot along
witb him ad .'ertUiug inattt r tut tha
fruit fair.
---m' y- i - -,rr -ii ,nr 1 1 wf-Lti r rnm