5. 1 .. w 'V.)! 0j O ) -(; 0 2 O A-- (: . o .o 0 (Q) floontrm glacier. raTOaAt September a?, ido3 Mi . O & 0 I, t i' J '' t I. I I 'J ("J 1 : nOD RIVER GLACIER 'Ti.i.xl etrv 'llmrsdar If AKTMUK 0. MOB, PaMlsaaf. I iuloilptlo-l.Wf ear l aU 1DH. THURSDAY, SKIT. 20, 1900. Whilo ihere in lifu tliero la soap and Iho muwlo. A little of the latter ex erted judiclctmly on he city's BtreetH liy Hood Kiver reiideuts iu aure mo mentg will Bid very uuiob in cleaiiiuu np tbe towu for the fruit fair. From Now York to Hood River U a far orv. but K. P. Looiuiu delivered a message in the metropolis of the new world that lias reverberated all tbe way ud reached Hood Hirer with distinctness that convinces. Tbe Kaet Oregonian baa adopted a Djodillod form of a new code of spelling mid a shower of jourualiHliu brick bats. Tbe privilege of o,inK phonot io or any other kind of spelling is cer tainly within the fast Oregouiau'i rights, but some of its abruptness Is so startling that at 11 rut it makes about tbe same IrapreHHioii as a dog without a tail or a rooster with a rear plumage is conspicuous by its absence. Tbe industrial edition of the La Oiande Evening Observer comes to us this week. It is ii'led with most excellent pictures and interesting matter descriptive of tbe resources and industries of the Grand Konde valley and La Grande and is a worthy exponent of that beautiful valley and enterprising city. We can not have too many cities like La Uiande or too nanny editions like the industrial one of tbe Evening Observer. Addison Optimist lien net t, rightful loooessor to Josh Billings and Arte- mui Ward, lolled Into one, founder and sole owner of Rabbitvillc, ' sage, orator and edit.ir, is lifting bis mel lifluous voloe and wielding bl versa tile pea for tbe glory of Wasco conn ty, whioh is well. Having, however, presumbly exhausted all other topics, be is now engaged through the col unns of bis excellent papur In telling us how to grow apples. While award log the palm to Mr. Bennett as a de lineator of tbe doings in the oity drug store and of the Idiosyuorauiee of Sal llutterbottom, when it oomus to growing arples we fall back on tbe overworked phrase of the gentleman from Missouri, aud remark that be will have to show us. The lleppuer Gazette remarks that the Pendleton Tribune oalla attention to the unusual laok of talk about the election of a United States senator ut the next meeting of the legislature, and wide that there is no necessity of talking about a matter that has been already netted by the votes of tbe people lust June. Whilo this is do doubt tbe Intent of the aforesaid people and la as it shoud be, we have a sneaking idea that tbe lleppuer Ga zette will discover, liko Horatio, that there are more things In this world tban Its philosophy ever dreamt of and that when the opportune time ar rives candidates for tbe senatorial toga will uublushiugly step forth and announce themselves on the plea ot special "tltness" for the oltiee or oth er Impalpable reasons which are ever at baud for the political sophist. Has the Oiegon Editorial associa tion grown so tnsiguillcaut and its deliberations so uuimportaut that the Portland newspapers feel called upon to Ignore It, or if they aro what is commonly knowu as "sore" what Is the reason aud method of their madness? We are aware that the Or egonian is said to be engaged in a most troublous effort to keep the pop ulation of Poitlund dowu and that the Journal Is occupied in seeking to boost It up, but even so, a few lino might have boon spaiedtotbc knights of the pen from the backwoods by the Telegiam. Hut, "'twas ever thus," etc Oh I jealousy, thou at truly a green-eyed monster to allow the coun try edltoi to retire to bis olrsourity without mention for another year. New Law Kcgiilutliig I'iiskcm. J. C. Stubts, employed by the rail road Hues west of Chicago, to analyze tbe new law regulating the issulug ol passes and of granting reduced rates, has recently made a report ot bis in terpretation of the law. lie lias ap parently found what he was instruct ed to Jtlnd aud bat discovered these things which ho ought not to have discovered, and uot discovered those things which he ought to have discov ered and there is no health in Mm. While he thinks the law upccilleF that it Is distinctly legal to transport large bodies of government troops at reduced rates of fare, he is just as sure that it is perfectly propel that bomeseekrrs, who usually have not any more of this world's goods than they need, ought to pay full faie. The wandering Thcapiau must berefter also disgorge the proceeds of his 10. 20 and 30 cent performance or skip nimbly from tie to tie, la bis peregri nations, while employes of the 1'nited States geological survey and reclaim) tion service, nuns, sisters of charity, missionaries, national or state olllccis of religious organizations, teaoheis aud pupils in Indian schools, o'Ho.-n of the Salvation Army and Volunteer of America can recline oa the red plush cushions of the railroad compii ny's Jseats freCf charge. Members of unions uot employed by the rail Hd are likewise barred acvcidiiigoto Wr. fjtubbs, while persons engaged in charitable and mission iry wotk are not exempted. For straluiug at gnats and swallow ing camels either tbe law or Mr. Btubbs have broken all previous effoits. If it is the law it reflects the O uppusito of intelligence on ita makers, aud if it is Mr. --Stubba- it stamps tin) as the master hair-uliptti of tbe age. ANNUAL MEETING OF STATE IRRIGATIONISTS The fourth annual meeting of the Oregon Irrigation association will be held at Hood River iu connection with the Hood Hiver Valley Fruit Fair. October 11th and l'Jtb, l'JOti, aud all who aie interested In furter- ing the irrigation movement which at this time means so much to tbe development "f the stute, are invited to be present and particcipate in the work of this organization!). The apportionment of delegates will be as follows: All state nfHciialH, including mem hers of the legislative assembly, sen ators aud members ot conrgess, in cluiling members of congress-elect and senators nominated, the mayors of all cities, the presidents of the uni versity, state Hgricuit oral college and state uormal schools, shall lie consid ered ex-otllcio members of the asso ciation and delegates! shall bo np pointed us follows: Fifteen by the governor of the stute, ten by the may or of the oily of Portland, rlvo by tbe mayor of each other city in tun state, live by the couly judge of eucb o-iurity and live by each chaiulier tf commerce, hoard ot trade or other commercial body or regularly orga nized irrigation, agricultural, hnrtl cultnral or engineering society with in the state. It 's respectfully urged that in tbe appointment of delegates, person shall lie selected who are sinorely in terested hi the subect and who are likely to attend the convention, and that appointments shall be made eurlly us possible. The appointing potters will please have the full name and post office ud dress of their appointees mailed to the secretary ut his office in the Chamber of Commerce building, Protlund, immediately upon appoint me nt being made. I ufoi illation of eveiy character relative to this meet Ing will be furnished by such otll- cers. .Dated this l!)tb day of Sepember, 1900. Htephon A. Lowell, Piesident. A. King Wilson ,Sneretury. PAKTIAli PKOGUAM. Irrigation under the Carey Act in tbe Desjhutes valley Jesse Stearns, attorney for 1). I. & P. Co. Need ol legislation In Oregon on the subject of waters John 11. Lew is, state ungineer. Irrigation for bumld regions Oo- toher I2tb) Prof. F. L. Kent, dairy instructor, O. A. C. Irrgutinn conditions lu Malheur oounty, Oregon F. W. Mutoalf, man ager famous Arcadia farm. b ruit growing on irrigated lands Jndd (ioer, of Cove, Oregon. borne legal phases ot irrigation John II. Luwrey, attorney, Pendle ton, Ore. Irrigation In tre Willamette valley Grant II. Dimick, county judge, Clackamas county. Irrigation in liogue Uiver valley J. W. Perkins, member of legislature, Jackson oounty. Intercepting a Life Saver liy way of sympathizing with a fel low laborer who, being a victim of misplaced barley corn, had been plao oi 1 lu the "cooler" this morning, a man asked tbe privilege of nailing on him. This wus granted, but the re corder took tho precaution to "hap pen in" and caught the visitor in tbe act of handiug out a bottle of "fire water," by way of counterbalancing the cll'ect of tbe "cooler. " The olli- cer culled a halt ami invited the phil anthropist to cut his call short. Chronicle. Another Hear Kites the Dust. Percy II. Lurawny, Cbas. Weils ami ake Lents went bear hunting neai Mount Hood Monday aud us it seems impossible for any one to go into the woods these days without running across a bear, they soon located one and Lurawuy took his llrst shot at bruin and brought him to book. The animal was a ttood sized one and I.ai iiway is being congratulated by his friends for escaping an attack of buck lever" on his llrst attempt ut big gnuie shooting. Will Furnish Heather Reports. The United fftutes Weather liureuu, with headline! tors at Portland, has irruuged with the co-operation of the t'acillc States Telephone and Tele graph company to furnish tbe fanner -ailiscriliers of the company dally weather forecasts covering a period f I oin 5 p, m. of the day on which the forecast is issued to d p. m. of the following day. Tbe Pacillo States company is transmitting the forecasts free of c lunge over lines fioin Port laud to all sections ol the country and fanner subscribe! 8 may have the ben- tit of the weather forecasts by calling thblr central olllcn at any time during tho day alter S o'clock and requesting the information. This is something now in tbe way of telephone "ervioo and will undoubted ly prove popular with tho fanner sub- icrinors. The United States Weather Hureun service and tho I'ncilio States tele- hone and Telegraph company should lie given creilit for Introducing this valuable service. HamiltonBrowt Shots for the Family The Paris Fair 1 i. The Place to Sav Money - -1 - i We Close 7 O'cIocM Saturday Excepted Mew Goods are Still Arriving; Each day brings fresh, new und pivt ty merchandise, This last shipment con tained Millinery and Lai lies' Coats. This axld to our already large department, and any one wishing a i;ijv Fall I hit or Coat will find a large and up-to-date ri assorrnient Here Toclioosi' lroin. Men's 600 Underwear 350 Men's extra heavy fleece lined underwear, a suit that most bices sell for $1.00 or $1.1!"). Our IE, special price the garment 00, Men's 850 Shirt for 490 We have placed on sale an assortment of men's fancy shirts, made of gingham, madras, per- AQ cab-, etc. Win J up to 85c. Our social price "x 636c. Store that is Always Selling Merchandise Hats and Coats Never hue we bad this department aVcoiupli'tn now. Careful Study and careful Buying has made this de partment what it is, The Best in the City, Our goods are always satisfactory and our prices are the lowest of tbe lnw. ond- Ailvcrtiwl Letter Mat. Advertised Iettei list for week ing Sept. 21, l'.Htli. Allen, Mrs. Mile; Anderson, llrace; Carsord, Madame (1. ; Onpple, Mrs. Win. ; Harris, Mr. J. 11. ; Hess, lies- ie; liirams, Nellie; llolgatc, Mary; I luckier, Nettie M. ; Hunter, Martha K. ; Ncill, Hell; 'l'lsmi, Tula; Van lllaracciii, Olive; Wald, Jennie; Wag ner, .Insepnuie; liaruei, itnrry; nen nett, William; linckner, James; How man, Harry 0. (2); Hrown, William; use, ,1. 'V.; Crawford, li. K.;lill- iugiden, W. H. ; l'.wers, J. W. j Hana- guu, Joe; lias-Ion, M. ij. ; ueorgc, ,1'iniiird; llendeison, hum; Hunt, Ar thur; Johnson, 11. V. ; King, J. II.; ugliv, C. 1.. ;. Lintn, i. S ; Lozzi, Daineni ; Mi -lutrye, l. 0.; Pariott, hit; Katun, lieo. I. ; Knot, 1). ; Sti t -1 1 1. Kiitz; Stone, ! . K. ; Kt rub ber, NickloiiH; Snyder, James O. ; smith. Ilerrcld; Simpson, li. W. ; Taj lor, I lore; Van Hlaracoin, John ; anon, ('has.; Wilson, dreen; me, M. Win. Vates P. M. Fall Planted Bulbs Order taken pow for Kail I'laiitcd I'.ullisand riant. Ittiy your (ila.liola from the grower, ce Oakdale ilisphi in lielil now. (ilit&iola bulbs from 69l tn 7.V per dozen. Wyandotte Cocker els, the white kind, for sale now, $1.00 each. J. 1. r'l.fjrmj, K. K. No. 1, a Hood liiyer Vnnn-it At the telephone olttiv, iwi .voiing laitief for operators. L.adie Hose lOc ladles' fast black cotton hose, double heel and toe, a gnoll wearer at a small price lOc Sheets 75c KlxtIO pure white fbeeis, umde from' a heavy ipiality of soft finished muslin, has a three inch hem ami a sheet that w ill give satisfaction 75c Pillow Cases 11c 4L'x3ti extra heavy pillow cases, three inch hem, a case that in easily luundried and very sol ft 11c Long Kid Glovos $2.00 Ladics's black or white, long kid gloves, fine iinilitv and all sizes, l'rice only lj(!f.OO Men's Hose lOc Men's black or tan hose, heavy quality, price. . .lOc All Kinds of Rubbers ' Rubbers for men, "women and children. Prices range from 90c down to 35c Men's Tuits A splendid selection of men's suits, almost anv price you wish to pay. Suits from . . . .93.50 to 91500 Ribbon A ew Hbipnvet or ribbon in plain and fancy satin or tuff -In, it ti e-ilirsand all w idths. , ' MENS' UNDERWEAR The most particular people tit fiinl satisf.icti n i:i t'lh department, for we have all kinds lroin fleece lined In ;m all wtnil Derl' Kibbed, Oregon Fill. y ; . p "Wo aro ITeex TJ"zd.er-Sold. NEW PASS LAW HITS HOMESEEKER HARD A Chicago special to the Oregonian of September 21 savt : J. (J. Stubs, chairman of tbe execu tive olltoers' commiltee apointed about two months ago by all the rail roads west of Chicago to t-tudy the douhltul points in tho new rule law and to secure the advice of eoiiiiHcl regarding them, has completed the preparation of tbe committee inport on passengor matters, and it will bo formally submitted at a meeting or tbo Transcontinental Passenger associ ation on Wednesday. The report says: Free transportation cannot he giv en to laud or immigration ugoi.ts un less they are employes iu such sense that the carriers legally could give t Iihiii tiHiisportatinu. 'there is no authoiity in Jaw for making low rat s to landneekers and settlers than foi other travelers, this interpretation seems to abolish the boiiieseekeis' 'excursions, which all Western lines have been runuing for years. t he law commit tec advises that transportation cannot be issued in payment for advertising. It is gen erally acceptbd, however, that car riers my carry an open account with publishers and that publishers may carry an open nccoiuil with i hi. cur riers for ailvei tihing, and that tl.in accounts can be biilnnced periodical ly. Hie balance, wlitever it may bo, must bo paid in cash. Tbe trnnsai tion iniiHt be devoid of previous agieeu out that tbe servico lone by either party is to 1)0 paid 'or iu iu y other vu then by cash. Sptti'iul re Inc. 'd rates may be noide foi federal ai.d -t n i troops mi l cuts Hud employes; ot the United Slates geological survey, and iocl::m tiun seri ii e in li.o li.ture us in ilin past, I' he words of the lit a cxcci tin;; niatuM of hospitals aud charitable ;.n.l eleinosynary institutions ami per sons engaged in charitable ami mis sionary worn" from the tree puss prohibition are held not to apply to doctors, nurses, and othci en ii jes. Nuns, sisters of charity, missionar ies, national or state olllcers of relig ious oranizations, teachers and pu pils iu Indian scluols, olllcers of tiie Salvation Army and Volunteers of America, it is held, may be given free transportation. . Special lates tor theatrical compa nies, baseball clubs, etc , are held to bo discriminatory, " lhey should be taken cognizance of under the party rate rules," says the report. Special lates for army and naval otllers and their families, which al ways have been made in tbe past, are held unlawful for the same reason. Kegarding the interchange of trans portation Dy common carriers for the use of olllcers and employes ajnl their families, tbe committee decides such Interchange may lie made with sleep ing, expiess and steamphip compa nies, but not with telegraph and tele phone companies. It is held that free transportation may not be issiicd.to members of railroad employes' un ions, who are not iu the employ ot railroad company. Notice. If partiiw n vning tour ricks of Hi j inch wno.l i. lYIuiuhia street, n i it it ot hliov. A- I " ii s balcksmith ihopt. do not iciiiom' o It w 11 be sold to the highest bidder. ' W. (iiiiigei. City Maishnl, DR. F. W. HOGG We have 'made arrangements with lr. W. llogf, the celebrated Optom etrist, late of Chicago, 111., but now permanently located in l'oitland, to lie with us for three days, Sept., 27th, 2Mb and 2ltb. Conic in and meet tbe Hoc-; lor. Ho will examine your eyes free. ! Heincmber you do not have the oppor- j tuiiity every day of having your eyes' examined fey n celebrated ee specialist i J. AKTIIUi Cl.AliKK, Jeweler aud Optician i Hood liiver, Oregon. I .Nnliiv. No ordsrs will be delivered after 11.00 in the forenoon und 4.30 in the afternoon, coiiimeiicing Monday, Sep tember 17. Alotiulre liros. Kd. Mayes. A. S. limit LIGHT CONSUMERS TELE NOTICE r.eo-iimiii Oct. 1st, '00, nil i Jay 'litit.!; will be charged for at llie rate of 1 cents per cam Hp power per month Ilonr.sfroni H::KH.m.t.o4-:00 p. m. Hood Electric Light, Power and Water Co Notice of Sale of Bonds Notict' if hereby je'v'!! that (he Mount of IHtven.is ot Hit ll'ud Ktver Irrigation Ms t rift, to Whh'o County, Ort'soii. will soil Hi' builds of sal (1 (iihlrict in tho tuirn of ftii.uK', on Tliurntiny, the afrth dity of Ofhtlier, VMM, at the hour of two o'clock p. in. tit ttit! oillce ot the Boh id of 11 I'eetiU'H, at iherewNlenne of J. 11. Hhoenrnker, in t-nid Iitstrlet, md thai Healed proponalH lor Htild ImuhIm will be recelvetl by rh! i Itourd at mul pluce tor the urchHne of tHld bontln until (he day and hour above mentioned, at which tune tiie Itourd tdmll oen the proposal and iiutird the pmeiiHNf oftlie Ixindw tothe hluhcNl tesponsitde bidder, tiie Ktmrd resrvintc the rii; hi. (o reject any nd h 1 1 bldN. H(d to bj aci'ompanicd by a curtlflod check for five (icr cent of the ntiiount of thy ItoiidK for which the bid h submltled. Snid bondN shall be payable In United States Kold torn in ten seriPH, as IoIIowm, to-wit: At thu expiration of eleven yearn, live per cent ot ttie whole nuniher of said ooihIm; twelve years, six wr cent; thirteen yearn, seen per t-enl ; fourteen years, eijjht jwr cent ; lift ecu years, nm : percent; Hixtwn years, ten per cent; Kevenleen years, eleven Hr cent ; eighteen years, thirteen per cent; nine, teen years, Mfleen per cent; twenty yenra, sixteen percent, and shall bear Interest nt the intenf six per cent per minimi, payable seini-iuimmlly, on the first dtty of January and .liuy ot each year. The principal and hi lerest shall he payable at the place designated in ihe bonds, and bidders are iven I he op. (urn ol having Nit id bondti payable at Portland, Oregon, or New York City, N. Y., and faid Ih nuts wilt be Issued In accordance with the election of the successful bidden. Saul bonds hall be each of the denomluv (ton ot not less (ban 9100.00 and not more than I xm.ul, and sball be ncKotlable lu lonn, and i-ouptnts for the interest shall be attached to each and signed by the secretary. 1'atcd at 11hmI Uiver, Oregon, tills 17th day ol Sepletnber, W. J. It. Hhoemaker, '2tt ois Heci etary Notice Is Ii.ti'Iiv given Hint 1 did on the!!0th day of Si-iii-Tnlii r, l!v.. In the city of Hood Klver, Ink.' iii out- ww. White, with red nock, i-rop "II i luhl fur. unner hfl 111 lelt er. branded J. I', mi i-iL'IH hip, and that I will, on the i'9th day ot Sejitemher, I'.Hiii, at the hour of I o'cloek p. in. ol iiild day, In front ol my olHee In the i lly of lliiod Ki'vi r, (iri-uoii, Bell aald pmperly hi pulilii' aiieiloii Io I lie Inglieat bidder for i-asli lu hand. W. (JANUKK, flly Marshal Are You Being Poisoned ? e If your liver Is working right you probably are not. When the liver is overworked, as h fre quently is, Ihe system be comes clogged. It in then that willow complexion, bad taste in tin- nioulli, headaches, dizzy spelli, continuous languor, etc. indicate that tbe pomp ous matter which should be carried off is slowly tainting the blood. If not remedied at once this condition will cause se rious trouble. CLARLE'S PiL CASCARA COMPOUND p-ovidr8 jnst what is i ceded to quicken tbe li er into natural, healthy not luit. It you take those pills when needed all danger of this slow poison ing is avoided. Posi tive cure for constipation. Price 25 cents CLARKE THE DRUGGIST U IJJJJI1?11 ArlMf O s jvuuuie vaiiey jruu ELPPA ORCHASD CO., Inc ) Proprietors LUMBER MANUFACTURERS DEALERS IN Fir and Pine Lumber Rotdy for Business All orders Promptly Filled p. o.iiooi HivKit. Oheoox. M ii.i. Mt. Hood tStap' Road, 4 miles south Mi On'iion. L a Stsonley-Siiiith Lumber Go. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Etc Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley ARTHUR CLARKE PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Is now located in Chas. Clarke's Driif? Store, next door to the postofffre. A full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass All Goods Marked in Plain Figures Don't forget tiie name Clarke, the Jeweler Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT TIIE Hood River Box Factory and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone Main 71 fe. FP1 W. B. STROWBRIDGE SIGN WRITER Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty Phone 1313 For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale at a harrcaln, one mare, will drive Blnule or double, also two fresli cows, l monlliHold heilVr, one two year old heirer, two yearling steers, oue yearling pig, United Slates separator No. 7. M. Unman. fciOoJl Pn,Hul.nh.unUm,wl.nM f..Ml.n.A K f sideboard for iSi.fti; (HI eoneh lor tlO.IW;. Iiw hiuiikk MM oa.mi; 9IU.IV sewing ma ehlne (USUI; Jlii.OO dresser for tiu.uO; $10.(KI dresser, INI.IIO. A Iso Rtoves, table, elialrs, mmr mode, eenter tables, washing rnaehine and many ot her things at one half their value, f all at Week ley's Jewelry store. sO-oii KorHale A few small i Igs. L E. ( lark, east side, phone farmers Mis. sL0-oll Kor Sale or to let during tbe winter, a good driving horse. Also gKd for light farm work. I.. Goddard, route No 2. 820tf Kor Hale. One mountain back, one simile buggy, 1 set breiwt strap harness, I man' sad dle, 1 lady's saddle. uraln sseks, 1 set abso lutely new double woi k harness. Nell Itios. , Odell, Oregon. I'llono ut:!. s2".olS REAL ESTATE. For Hale. Forty aeres Hood River's best fruit land, live miles from town. 8HS per acre. A. M. Rahm. sJT ois Parties wishing to buy land In Wind River valley would do well to eall on t.'. (.'. Welherell, Carson. Wash. ,yiii:iiiti For Sale Hiek wood on the gronud, K. 1. Klenier, route No. 1. sT-olM For Hale. Four fisit slab wood at tbe Mid dle Valley Mill. Telephone two long and one shor. rings. si:i-i Kitr Mule li'nll hlra,14 llvn,nnil, li.u,l- eblekens from prize winning stis-k. We have some uiai win maae prize winners and be. fore sending elsewhere tie sure and visit tbe Yards at KtMkford store Wn .iiurnntiw v.... snllslaetloii. our sales last yar were very satisfactory. Mrs Brayford, Bockford Wore, near Harrett's Hrhool house. al3-o4 Kor Hale.-Baby buggy. Dr. C. II. Jenkins. sl;!.o4 Kor Hale Nice new rag carpet can be found at the 1'arls Fair. Kor Sale. Two wood sheds, suitable for ciiu aeu uouseor small barn. v. J. Baker. sl;-o4 For Hale A Jersey bull, years'old: fine sci view, rrice, ?.iu. fll. llllinas, MOIllll Hood. s27 For Sale Only 20 minutes walk from post otllee.lH acres of gisid rlcli lanil, Hue view, living aprlngs on place, flood new bouse, some land cleared; All for Sln:o. Kasy terms. Kmiulniat Ihisofllce. Kor Sale 10 acre Iraci-- In Mi-imt Hood Her tleinent, on ma'n rona. Timber on some tracts, also water. Pi i. e -,'5 ml to $C per acre. Half down, balane. li percent, ( lenr title to every tract. Address A. K. Veluth. Ill Sherlock lluilding, 1'o'lland. . re,, nwner a2;i m. For Sale Klght acres of land, J! ; mlii s from Hood Kiver on Helmont road ; 5 acres in strawberries, IM fruit trees, part full bciirim; and part one year; balance in clover, potatoes and vegetables, blackberries, red raspberries and black caps on place. Three room house, packing house iiixall, barn Hxlti and orber buildings, (.'all it I place, for further particu lars, jaitf L. J.Mulklns. Wanted. Wanted. Men to clear Ifl acres brush land. ). 1). V(Kdworth. ni;Ui4 Wanted.-Janilor work or odd Jobs. Will take care of horse or cow or other work on premises. T. W. care of (ilacier. slll-oi For Hale-One horse hack, either one or tw.i seats; suitable Tor family driving or market wagon. Also set ol harness. (1. H. Bobbins Fai mem' phone, Rome l. s27 For Sale Two milk cows and a saddle pony J. Wtckham. S27 far Hale-Barn 25xlii, IS toot posts. Mood as new. Inquire of O. 1. Woodwortu or O.K. Hartley. s27 For Hale-Pine wood, It; Inch and 4 foot lenglhs. Price, fc!.50 per cord for 1 inch and $1 per cord lor 4 fisit, on tbe ground at mv rancli at Odell. A. D. Moe. For Hale Knx te rler pnpii from my prize winner that took Hi st prize at Hon land show The pups are pure blood, very nicely ireirked black and tan heads and ears, white bodies Kvery one will make a winner if put up fur a show. These dogs make the best of compan ions and rat dogs. Kocklord store, Itood Kiver, Ore. S27 . ...... .no ii,m- WCIKMl HISMIl HMJ IDS. each; I one-horse spring wagon, carl ami bar- Wanted to exchange u nice 8 room bouse In Dallas, the county seat ofl'olk couniv for an apple orchard. Address with full partlc- uiara 10 . a .nci argar, ruiiitig lluilding. I'ortland, Oregon. Warned Teams to haul ties. Middlp Valley Mill, 4 miles south of Odell. Telephone two long and one short, si;i o4 Wanted Man or men to take -contract for clearing laud. Liberal pay. A. N. Kahiii. Wanled-Kellahle man to take agency for Oregon Kire Relief Assoclat on for llood River and Valley, address Kd. ,1. Perkins, tleneral Agent Eastern Oregon Department, Vogt Block, The Dalles, ore on. dsj; Wanted Immedlalely-Man to nil is ricks tf Irt l.w.li K ... ..r , . .... . ., .Mrs. Adams, Kandlse Farm. s-.7 Wanted fiiwtrl ltnl,t K, ... ... ..i.. trade. Koquirv at (ilacier otllce. Wanted-A washwoman. (Ilr-e. Knipilre at th's II KorHiile- ltellahle family bav horse, broke to work, rld.i or drive single or double Also harms and two-sealed rllf. Will luke cow mull or In mnralnf at farm on H rrctt i-oad rtli VI I II ii i. fierier. II..K. .... l . . Miuniui ri,i,T i Ktrp mil on I is ut m place lor service. Any one wishing ineuse m same must pay at the time service is rendered Service. SI. 1 also do dehorning at !'c pel 'i ii. ' i wi ' n" oeniiiini. a.i-novl. For Sale Bed tooni suit, cook stove chairs Mason fruit jars, hack aud twrness inxi aJ port lower planer, Kuthton - m, I'iir Huin AiluhlV...i.n..'i.:... i...:k. to work, ride and drive single or double with ; harness and two seated wagon. Price t3(M If taken this month. Apply mornings at I farm ou0rretl rosdMr, J. H. Mercer. si:tot j For Sale-Heavy wagon In good rendition i wo'l trade for light wagon, single han.ess ! taken in part pavmenu S. p. Kolph. K F D I No 1. Phone l.-s). ' j Pasture Plenty of meadow pasture on the ' -i..r r mt .-urn. per IIIOUIU. I'hOne No. 12HI. MaslkerHroa. siUtl Lost and Found I.OSI A package contalnl nu three uh.ioe tn.t repaired. Finder i. it-sue relurn to tbi mil J. A Malay. .17 anted to Sell or Tiade-Two lots. 5 ixlini ami lUxHm. one six-room house and loui-room cottage with fruit ou place. Box Hisid Kiver, Oregon. for Rent Fi r Kent one 8-ronin hotiae containing 5 hedriamis, parlor, dining room, kitchen aud pantry and large hallaoe. all phsiered and ... imiuiiiuu. tUUUIte Ol JirS. A. A. J?'n?i. ; vt Kor Ileot-i-ight-ruom inmiein I101 mi. will be .mnplete Oct. lsU Apply at First National nj S2l) For rent, lower story of ti rooms and bath with modern improvements, fr water, in Hlowers Addition. Also 4 rooms furnished and 4 iinlurnished In same building. Cull on onihank ,v otten. tor Kent. fifteen acre lannand house fur. nisiied or unfurnished f,.r rent till .March, with option to hhhI tenant, of longer time or purchase ot same. Situated miles ftom town, near schisil and iliiirch. Sixteen rick oaK and pine wood, chiekeiis, froli Jerry cow and calf, horse and buugy for sale. It ds 'anted on apple crop. F..r partii ulars applv bv ma: nrul luring.. II....... ..1 . - ' - - ' IHIII' ll llKrIIII K only alter Sepu irth, u.. . JJra. . U. Meieer al.-U 9 0 o o o o o o