u ' O i, o o O.'o a 1 3C 3C IBaCSa 3 C m9 u 3C i C3 U We do not have to Sell We Close at 6:30 p. m. g CRAMS Goods on Sunday EXCEPT SATURDAY icirzzz'rjcrjs?;',' 'r'nic ;:js mmmmwj mmmmm m ,0 mm mumm i amw mw RELIABLE LEADER i REJ0LVED THAT WHEN anyone reaches TriEToPcFmE LADDER ITrlEAriS HE If A SUCTEJS. SaAFPFfiPLT. ARE rooU5HYoUHTOTHINK of Course it is aot: juccess IS The result of hard work A(V0 ClVlrVG PEOPLE SontTHING TDRTHEInoEY WHICH PHOVCSTHAT HONESTr 15 THE BEST. POLICY ir UWANTToDRESS Go WHERE THErHAVC MADE A SUCCS5 AT DRELSSIfVCPEOPUC-fVD DRSSlS(JTHEnWELL AID CHEAPLY Styl TO EVERY YOUNG MAN .STYLI.SH CLOTHING S NOT A MATTER OF CHOICE; BUT NECEJITY. To CNEGLECT .STYLE 1-5 TO INVITE CRITICISM TOR CARELE J-5NEJ OR IGNORANCE OF WHAT S CORRECT. When we speak of a stylishly dressed young: man, we refer to one whose clothes look neat, proper and right; have the appearance of taste, refinement and grace No Clothing Can Look Right Unless it is Made Right No clothing can be made right unless it has style. It is the careful selections of wool ens and linings and the skillful cutting, sewing and adjusting that is the basis of all superior clothing, and particularly of lliekind we sell. Stylish clothes cost no more than inferior. If you get good clothes yon must pay a fair price. The more you pay the better your clothes, and if you buy the leading makes which we have selected and offer. You get style without paying for it; you pay for the goodness that makes style The Store that is Always uomg sometning DC 3C 3C THE UP-TO-DATE STORE mm Ifc-M-u 3C 3C We never Misrepresent. Our word is Dependable 3) C BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Kine corned beef at McGuire Bros. Mr. Bartmess is on a cash basis. Finishing f"r amateurs at I )eitz Stu dio New Orleans Molasses in bulk and cans at Jackson's. Halt mackerel, eastern white Huh and pickled niiI moil at Jackson's. M 'ile tyrup and New York State J'.m k iVheat at Jackson's. Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at Jackson's. (Jet your chickens for Sunday dinner at McGuire Bros. Fresh HhIi, crabs and shrimp, Thurs days, Fridays and Saturdays, at Al corn's City Market. It iB to your interest to refer to M. Bartmess' ad under the new system. The Dielz Studio for photos. Our work guaranteed. Deitz Studio. Full stock of harness to select from. Fancy riding bridles, etc. Davenport Harness Co. McGuire Bros, make country deliver ies Tuisdays nnd Thursdays and get irtsh egiis ilireet from the ranches. Order lor the country telephoned the day before will be delived, if on route. T. 8. Weckely the jeweler, has opened a new jewelry btoreand repair shop, and is now ready to do your watch, clock and jewelry repairing. All work fully warranted. Trices reasonable. In the real estate room with Onthank & Otten. Death of John Donohue. John Donohue, a well known and highly respected citizeu of Hood Kiv er, died at the residence of bis daugh ter, Mrs. Jeffreys, in Portland, Sep tembr 15. M r. Douobue bad recently been at a hospital in Portland for treatment and his death wag not un expected. The body, accompanied by rela tives, was brought to this city Mon day aud Tuesday funeral services were held at the Congregational cliur h Rev. W. C. Uilmore officiat ing. The pall beaters were A. IS, Blowers, Leslie Butler, A. A. Jayne, John Hinrichs, H. II. Bailey and D. McDonald. The interment was at ldlewilde cemetery. Mr. Donobue was born September 25, 1817, and was a native of tbe state of Pennsylvania, He came west in 1859 aud had beeu a resident of tbe counties of Wasco and Sherman for 21 vr. On March 17. 1887 be was mar ried to Mrs. Kin id a Taylor at The Dulles whom be survived ahout a year. , Children's Eyes. We ffiee especial care to childien's eyes. Consult Dr. Hogg, tbe Port land sneciul.st with U. Arthur Clarke, Jeweler aud Optician. Hood River, (.re. Notice. If parties owning four ricks of 1(5 inch wood on Columbia street, north of Snow & Upson's baloksuiitb shop do not iemove same it w 11 be sold to tbe highest bidder. W. Ganger, City Maisbal J. H. White spent Sunday in Port land. J. F. Batohelder oame op from Port land Thursday. Amos Underwood prrived Tburaday from Portland on No. 2. Julius Plans, manager of the Mount Hood Brewing Co., was at Hood Riv er Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Early went to Portland Thursday afternoon, for a few days' visit. Mra.C. E. Hemman is now clerking in tbe dry goods department of K. B. Bragg & Co. Mre. James DeBordelarrlved Friday, from Colorado much Improved in health. Horatio Frank Wood, who has been working in tbe St. Jobna Review olllce, is home ou a vacation. Mr. and Mr. Homer B. Woodwortb and daughter, of Portland, visited A. 1. Mason and family last weeK. Mr. aud Mrs. J. L. Tousey left Fri day for Portland, where Mr. Tousey resumes bis position in me anaver school. Frank Chandler and family have gone to roitlana tor me winter, where Willie will attend Itie mil Mili tary sohol. A. W. Reynolds, who has interests both at Hood River and White Sal . . t . : -. mon, returned rrom a uusiuena iny to Portland Tuesday. a. II. Sletten baa a badly swollen eye as tbe result of interfering witb a bonev bee wtilen was woraing id a cake of honey at Bragg's. Misses Stella aud Florence Brown, who bave been visiting their sister, Mrs. Dr. Sharp, left for their home in Ibe Dalles Thursday. Archie Lookmau, who has been spending tbe summer witb bis father, Douglas Lockman, at Odell, left Sat urday for Plortlaud to attend school. L. Clark aud wife went to Collins Sunday for an outing al tbe springs. They were aficouipanied by Mrs. U. A. Clark.wbo will lemaiu a few day Tbe new gold leaf window signs aiound town that are being turned out by Hunt & Co. are attractive and an Improvement to tbe looks of tbe business wiudows. E. H. Hartwig returned last wee from an extended visit to bis tld home in Wisconsin. Mr. Hartwig bad not been back there for several years aud greatly enjoyed tbe trip. Mel Foley moved bis family to Port land where they will make their fu ture heme. Mr. Foley has been work ing for tbe telephone company at Portland for a couple of mouths, eiuoe be left Hood River. Cbas. Hall has sold an interest in Williams Pharmacy to R. Esson, wbo has beeu clerkiug in the store since Mr Hall purchased the business from Ed Williams. Tbe new firm i Hall & Esaon. L. W. Wood and family bave gone tn Vancouver for a vUit with lela- tives, while deciding where to locate. Thv were aocompanieo vy Shanks, of Comatock, Neb., an who baa been vlsiung mem li. F. uncle We Prove Yliat He Say. Mr, aD(j Mrs. II. D. Smith left for We don't claim to know everything I Portland Thursday afternoon, re but we do know one thin well. W muinlug over Sunday. Mrs n. know bow to lit spectacles so as to re-1 Rogers left Thursday tor Salem 10 lieve imuy ills bud aihneuti that will visit ber pareuts. Mr. Rogers joined ittcftfl in unv other whv. i iiAf Sutiirdav. Mrs. 0. r. Hooter, or .utor f Mr. Rogers, re with (J. Arthur Clarke. Jeweler and maiued at tbe Rogers Optician, Hood River, Ore. borne during M. Sunderland and daugbtei came up from Portland Friday. Mr. and Mra. A. J. Oraham speut several days In Portland this week. Fred Bell wiU attend the Hill Mili tary school in Portland this winter. J. D. Culbertson went to TheDnllos Tuesday, where be was called on bus iness. O. A. MoCurdy's family returned from Portland, where tbey have been visiting. J. W. Nunnemaker returned Friday from Salem, where be atteuded the state fair. Lutheran services every two weeks. Sunday school, 2 p. m. preaohiug.JS p. m. W. W. Briacow, of Portland, wbh looking over tbe valley last week with veiw of looating here. H. W. Joplln, of the Arm of Oeb isoh A Joplln, of Portland, was a vis itor at Hood River Tuesday. O. H. Osborn, of Coloiado Springs, visited Hood River last week aud wus much pleased with the country. L. C. Weygaudt and sou, Cass Wi y gandt, bad business before the U. S. Laud Office at Tbe Dalles Thursday. P. S. Davidson weut to Portland Saturday and speut Sunday with bis wito ut ill uCi, v. ho is rti:tio Una nt tbe bpriugo. Mrs. J. H. Nickelsen, Mrs W. HaynesandMis W. K. Sheets went to Portland Saturday atteruoou to Unit trieudii. Cbas. and Johu Castuer, George Strauahau aud Oi in Gray were among those who ateuded tbe ball game at Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wallaoe and dangler, Margaret, weut to Portland Friday, where Miss Margaret will at tend St. Heieu8 Hall school thin win ter. One of the prettiest wiudows in towu is that of Lar. way's with ts new leaf gold signs aud its flue dit play of watches, jewelry, cut ylast, etc J. B. Phelps has accepted the posi tlon of nn il carrier for route 2, and begun his duties. It is hoped that lit) will coudiido to stay permaneutly and gorve I his populous part of the valley. MIiihk fcuithMobr, Audrey Maike ley mid Flora Wilson were passengers on the lncl going east Thursday, the two formor to Wamic to teach tobool and the latter to The Dalles. Cental le Ganger arretted a Dullos n an Sunday tor Ashing within tbe 600-foot distance from the.dam of tbe electric light company, but as he did not see him catch any fish, he was discharged by Judge lleudersou. W. J. Baker aud family weut to Portland Sunday morning. Mits Marjorie will remain and take a gen eral course in the St. Helens Hall Aoademy. Miss Cooper also takes a musical oourse in tbe same school. A. P. Batebam, of Mosier, went to Portland Saturday to meet his daugh ter Maude, who came direct to Port- ' . .. i, t h : 1 . laud from Hi. raui, iuiuu., m uwiuim ny with Portland friends She will attend school this winter at the Port land academy. The Laidos Aid soolety will meet - hnlr Hist Kensington of the sea son at the home of Mrs. J. R. Nick.,1 k'.l,l Bltnruoon. September 21. ! A cordial iuvitatinu is extended to all ladies of tbu city, we win i" and lunon win u mrrai. C. R. Hone weut to Portland Tues day. Dr. Geisondorfer, of The Dulles, was a visitor at Hood River Monday. Lou Morse drove a party over to Trout Luke Sunday, returning Mon day evening. The many frieudsof Miss Marie Mohr will regret to learn that she is very ill with typhoid fever. Dr. M. F. Shaw and Dr. J. A. (ieis ondorfer, of The Dalles, wore culled to Pine Grove Monday. L. II. Hugging loft ou the local Wednesday for Sherman county wbeie he will spend a day or two. For the next ton dnys 1 will make a reduction of 25 per cent on jewelry of all kinds. Come iu early and make your purchases. T. S. Weekley. The Ladies Aid society of the Cnn giegatioiial church will meet on Fri day afternoon ut tbe residence of Mrs. A. B. Can Held; Frank McFnrlaud, who has been at Hood Kiver for a week or ten days in connection with his business and Home property interests ho bus here, returned to his home in Portland Tuesday. L?e is a blank when sUrht is gone. Too Into to grieve then. There is dan ger in delays. Free examination. Dr. Hogg, the i'ortlaud specialist with G. Arthur Clarke, Jeweler aud Optician, Hood Kiver, Ore. Getrgo T. Prattler, who has been away from Hood Kiver for two weeks ou a pleasure trip, returned to this city Monday night. Mr. Prather has beeu visiting towns along the coast and iu the Willamette valley aud re ports a pleasant trip. Services in the Unitarian church every Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7.M0 p. in., J. A. l'aldrldge, minister. Topic for next Sunday morning, "Joy of the Religions Life." Evening, "Re ligous Training." All are oordially iuvited. Mark J. Sullivan, clerk at the Uma tilla House, at The Dalles and Miss Esther A. Todd oro married in that city Sunday ufternouu at il.ilO by Rev. A. A. Brongeest. The ceremony took place at tho Catholic chinch iu the presence of several witnesses. Real estate sales reported by J. 11. n,.,i. uhBAncA. uramuie. Wu.. GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES WASH TUBS ONEITA. That H.ands for KTOXKJAHS MAMiiLiw, very best quality In Ladies I mon jUONEJUGS WASH BOARDS Suits, medinU weight ImH) btiVF CHURNS wear. Sow readv. ll.OO suit STONE (11L K. WASH BOILERS Utile Prices I .rule Prio BOOKS. Don't you want an -Wringer.. We a.V.. Tracefuj TJr Ir E ( ?'"! Ihcr"6"' aTp'rnt. IP.. 13.. ic iron "; - mmm mmm UIT" TiMiw Plain and G.IW4ufcf 5Je5eWr7in?Jeryte. '- C.nT. Clove.. U-s-d Wmw Tal.le fets, atr gels w.rn8ufci"i. doilit and lunch quality apple packer's gloves boil boii dishes, vasea, JZ.. tittle Prices. JOc the pair. glasses, etc. Very beautiful and ,,ut high priced, MrtmSBmml Very buii- H ROOMS, ... fcCr l st pfer'8- China, 4Q. I "tile Pric-e. 0 .,i.i. rom.rkixl the other do that now here had fbe found a more Wautifu Souvenirs yp2Stt?H-od itiWHo...r b-.. i.-. 0Vellieg, muiaii & Co this week were: bouse and lot, 10. War- A. Hahershang; T. A. M. Thomas, live notes in ilbronnei ight-rooui reii t.o li. Schall to E. the Belmont district; John I'ivans to O. Mayor, 20 acres at Mosior. W. T. Weart and wife, form ry of Hood liiver, but now of Portland, ho have been visiting here for sever al days, returned to their homo luos day. While here Mrs. Weart received the news of the death of her sister at Kansas Citv. who was burned so liad- ly by an explosion ol gasoline that she could not recover. Rev. O. J. Nelson was summoned from Bellingham to Illinois by wire, on account of tho fatal illness of hlB father, who resides at Carbon Cliff. He urrivod on the local Monday morn ing and remained over until tho even ing train with bis wife, who is visit ing with her parent, Mr. ana ivirs. , L. Smith. On Sunday evening et l.'M "The Pink Rose" will be given at the U. B. church. This is the true story of Delia, "Tho Blue Bud of Mulberry Bend." Mrs. Nina loung preclier will bo the leader for the evening and the chorus will have chaige of the music. A silver olfering will be takeu for hmue missions. Rev. J. L. Heishner left on No. 2 last Saturday for points in eastern Washington in the interest or the Congregational Sunday School socie ty. Ou September IS to 21 Mr. llershner will tie at Walla v. ana in at tendance upon the annual sesion of the Congregational association. Dur ing these sessions tho association will visit, in a body l.ctb Whitman college aud Whitman monument. Mr. llershner will retu n on bepteinher 24. Mavor Blowers, who has been away for several weeks in attendance at the national encampment of the G. A. R., aud visiting relatives and tiiende in the Middle Western states, reiurneu to Hood River last Thursday. While at the convention .Mr. lilowers re ceived the appointment of c.eleit at lartte for tbe state of Oregon to repre- seut the national body in any matters that mav re inire its attention. It is uiideratood that tho mayor rmd ?ry eninvatjle trin and that Ins mauy frieuds are pleased to see mm uuin acting in bis capacity of chief execu tive of the Apple Hty. Ham Samson, who has been making Hood Kiver his homo for wvtrai weeks, started Monday for Seattl, where he will take staMnar loi Nome, Alaska, Before going Mr. Saoinn In vested somo of the gold be hat ten taking out of his far northern mine In ll.nl l.'irar liuviittf trillL?ht the 1 Noah Bom place in Blows addition. Ibe property comprises a tiuu auu two nnd m hull lilts. Ill' SlUS in U a great admirer of Hood Kiver d t' that if nothing happens to prevttt t wil return for a vilM btte r:t aoin-mer. II. S. Richmond made a business trip to The Dalles Monday. Koht. Diinsnioro was a caller at the Glacier olllco Tuesday. Mrs. E. P. Matthews was a passen ger on No. 2 Monday from Hood liiver. The Episcopal Sunday school will be opened Sunday morning at tbe usual lioin. li. F, Moses and .loo 1'ruzier went to Warm Spiingg Monday to do a job of plastering. Mrs. II. F. Duvldson and Mrs. Willis Van Horn spent Saturday in Pert land. Mirs Helen Daw Ihoii entertained a p .rly ot young folks ut her home S.itiirday atternoon. E. A. Fran attended tho ii ligation congress at Boise in the interest ol Better Fruit. The ladies of St. Marks Guild will moot with Mrs. L. Clark, Wednesday afternoon, Septombei 20. The dunce given by the Odd Follows Tuesday evening was well attended and an enjoyable time is reported. The proceeds are said to have been about 0. P. Johnson returned yesterday from taking a bund of goats to his Mount Hood ranch. He says he pick ed all the strawberries be wanted and loft plenty for the goats. Chronicle. Fred Council, a traveler for a jow elery house in Minneapolis, called on F. W. Laiaway Mouday, and said that the fume of Hood Kiver was known far aud wide by its fruits. Tho dining car conductor on the Northern Pacific said they were ill ways glud to get Hood Kiver straw berries, as they would keep during the entire trip if necessary, whilo berries obtained from tho St. Paul end of the route would not last more than a day or two going west. Prof. Ecclea and his assisstant, Mr. Kelley, of Philadelphia, who lectured before the undertakers meeting ut Poitland last week, spont Mouday iu lluod Kiver nnd were taken out t'oi a drive in the valley by S. E. Bartmess. They were simply ainuzod at the apple oruhar s, Hiid poi leclly delighted with the trip. They wont from hero to Walla Wullu to attend the meeting oi tho Washington association. .V n H-h l.a(U r at Light I e.'s Bum. The Hood River Eloeliiu Light & Power company hua just completed putting in u new fish ladder ut its (lain in the lluod Kiver. It is situat ed where the fish call easily find it and built so they can ascend without Oittioulty. It is said tho tlsb are II nd lug tlwir way over It In great uuiu- bers and that it Is an interesting slgtit to watch them. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY School Books AND School Supplies For this year's (ltMiiaiitl I have received the best line of Tablets, Pencils, Inks, in fact everything for School Use, ever brought into the city. It costs no more to please the children with a Fancy Cover at SLOCOM'S The Depot for School Books MILLINERY OPENING Saturday, Sept. 15 You are cordially invited to inspect our stock which in- udes all that is NEW, ELEGANT and Exclusive. Our P.lnck Pat tern Hats are trimmed iu in one grade ofostrich-THE BEST KNAPP'S its 2."th ourses of study. and other states. md life paper. iccial methods; Married ut White Salmon. A ipiiet family wedding took plane at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K Kuukin. ut White Salmon, ut lO) Wednesday morning, when theii duughter Chetiu was united In the ootids of matrimony to L. O. McLean, of (iuldendalo. The ceremony wut witnessed by only a few frieuds and the iiuniedialo relatives of the con traction parties aud the bride and groom alterward oame to this ( it) where they took the train tor Port land for a short wedding trip. The bride was formerly iu the mil liuerv business at (ioldondalo and the groom is well known throughout Klickitat county having tor a number ot vears been employed as head clerk in the large mercantile estaollslimeul of Sam Waters at (iolilemlalu. In liurtueiahip with Mr. Waters the groom will soon open u store ut trie uew town ot Koosoveiy opposite Ail ington 00 the .North Jiank railroad. Ferry Scow Hum An Accident. Lust Saturday Dean & Pearson loaded six dump curs, a team aud wagon at liiugen for the North hunk contractors, to transfer tliem down the river. Having a shipment to bring over to Hood Kiver, they came across tbe rtver with the whole loud Wheu hall way over they discovered bad leak in tbe scow, and made hBfcte to get to chore. Just as thj lauded the horse were driven oil. wheu the end of t tie scow sank, let ting the dump cars tilde olr in mx teen foe I ot wator. it apktars thgl luc liigli wind of few dats before tiUiodwt i.he scow on dome sliatp forks at the shore, mult lf.a abuls lajue euoiiKli to taku in con siaiXalile eater. 1'Dey did dot (lis coAiif it Witd tilt ay over ith the lueJ. & toiioi aa-t Ctfhle, wklli tcrnl hook, wote taken to tbo C0Be, ul ilieroDom ivere uot strong (oongb, and 4 ttntnii puUnt he J to be tJven to tbe idiioe tefor tli coull e tviiri out It van iiiukj that tl r,at was as is ar aburo as it wan, or a mftre it ion time woul?t bav resuiteil. year September 20, 1!W. Three full Higher course recognized iu Washington The best and shortest way to a state Additional work in both general aud Also school management for graded and ungraded nchools will be given this coming year. jonger terms, higher wages and better opportunities ire open to normal graduates. School directors appre- i.'ite the superior ability ot Momnot'i graduates and the mand tar exceeds the supply. Catalogue containing full information will be sent on application. Correspon- ence solicited. Address J. B. V. BUTLER, Registrar Horn. la Mr. a ad Mi. A. L. Davit e, Sep tembof ii, m boy. ChsM, Btantoo, li to Mr. nod Alia, JSwj. ir, tirt State Normal School at Monmoth Portland Behind the Times Kor the llrst time during County Clerk Holds' incumbency of olllce, a marriage license wus issued today on an ullldavit and mailed to the parlies for whom it is intended, and Depu ties l'rusp und Rose ure wondering if tliis action marks the beginning of a mail order business iu the Issuance of permits to wed iu this connection the following letter, rteoived today colon to bo sigiiillcunt : "Hood Rivei.Or., Sept. li. -Coun ty Clerk, MnlUiomuh county. I ear Sir: lnclos;d herewith I send applica tion for a marriage license. I 'lease issue the same and mail it to A. C. liuck, Hood Kiver. Would consider it a favor if you would kindly send me hluuk atlldavit for next one. Respect folly, "A. C. liuck, Notary I'ulilin. The marrage license requested was for Leo K. Ulrich, of Hood Kiver, ami Maud 1. (iee. The affidavit, made by J. V. Reynolds, states that Ulrich is pust 2T years of age and that Miss (ieo is over 21, and that sue lias been a resident of Miilinomuh county for the past six months. The proceed ing was oinethiiig unusual, nut inete wus nothing essentially ii regular ahout it. so the license wus mailed to Hood Kiver, where it la supposed the parties will be united Telegram. Inquiry at the otrlne o Mr. linca leveionoil the fait that there lr noth ing unusual Iu securing a marriage ticon.-e tiy mail, tin auys that be bus freniieutlv iimcmed thorn from Ibe f I ah us and othei county aoats and that tiit eivloni instead or rieing naw is d.-o.l"dy ancient and thiaka tnat t'urtlaad nnd bettor wake up. Of the unities BM'Iflaiif if Inn oar liago iirj'nee Mr. C'li ioh is employed ! tte tpp On iird cuii i cany uear Moiitit iLioJ and ttin yuio;lily, mbu istincnf htM, no f ira'lt livedl it llc4 RiT. i-eaidea iu i'nrr- tLi where she eill I carri4 at tbe rosi Jonce 'f bT pnrente ui thet tilt- Liken lluod River Product. ISolow will be founu a letter that is self explanatory : Fortlund, Ore., Sept. 17, l'.HKi. Hood River Milling Co. While ut llwano this sumuior 1 used flour from a Mr. Collins' grocery la belled "Cascade Mills, Cupid brand, Hood River Milling Co., Hood Riv er., Ore.'! 1 liuve enquired here iu l'orlund and can tlud no one who car ries "Cupid" brand. Will you kind ly let me know by return mail who oarits it here as I consider it the best Hour 1 have ever used. Mrs. .1. J. Allard, f).r)5 South Third street, Portland, Oie. We are informed that the teasou the lady could not llnd the brand of Hood River flour she wus looking toi wus because the Cupid brand is sold iu Portland under tbe uume of Ivoyal Itiiinl Issue Carried. Tbe meeting held at Barret last Sat urday to vote upon the question of Issuing li,iKHt 'additional bonds of continuing the work of constructing tha now ditch of the Hood River Irri Irriagtiou District was successful, the bond issue being cariied by (it to !!(i. Thia is sail to mean that work will go ou the large 11 ad ley ditch aud that the irrigation ayatein being installed above tbe lliuns and Hickle placoi will be puahel to completion until it intersect with the Dead Point ditch. The $:i,KK special aasoaiawut (or tbe purpi ot paying iutereat ou boadM and other nwiesiary expotisej consented with the work oa the ditch wul f iled dotu. Secretary SbomiekHT sy ke d" Kit tbink there wi'l be of dlrniiHv in nerket- ing tb niw tjouds and tbt work ou in fiiK-u wu piweea aa ripitny i pneaitle. Net''. I hate at mt plaoa imsn (or aal j both 1 tali ana ana rtktt t lomrofiaf Sight. Klievl.g nitr etrain. TUat'a what our filaBaes a;' do jug. No cbai'J for tft 3. Kant 'fcs tee tto(( gtaas ea.. ft. Hrejg, tine ir'irtiaiid apeeiftl let witb li. ArlUat Viarke. Jeweler ai d Of ticlan, IIoo4 River, Ore. ut ( vrA"4 if parties Vitt te caa ea I tic than. t reaif brj Set - UaUr 3. R. Cioitij, OrJeU. Bred Wheat. All kfada seel wbeel foe aak- by Uood biter Miltiog Vc, Sue iiifwt b fora yoa Uiy,