The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 20, 1906, Image 6

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hoes, Shoes, Shoes
We have purchased at Bankrupt Sale a $2,000 j stock of
i Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes '
and as we were fortunate enough to secure these goods at about
Fifty Cents on the Dollar
we are in a position to meet any and all competition. Most of these shoes are Of the
well known SMI H, WALACE & CO. make, a line that has been sold in this
town for the past ten years, and is well and favorably known. When you want
anything in the Shoe or Clothing lines call on us. I ' WILL PAY YOU ,
Hotel Waucoma
Ya WmM Hardly Think H Maa
Travelta B,M Mile.
. Have you ever thought of the dla
tttpct you travel wbeu you are out op
lit hucr't stroll? Possibly you wsJ
three miles within the hour, hut tliat
doe not by any means represent ti
distance you travel. The enrtb turn
on Its axis every tweuty-four bourn.
For the sake of round figures, we wM
call the earth's clrcuniference 24,01)0
miles, and so you must have traveled
during the hour's stroll 1,000 miles In
the axial turn of the earth.
But this la not all. The earth makes
Journey around the sun every year,
and a long but rapid trip It Is. The dis
tance of our planet from the sun we
will put at 02,000,000 miles. This Is
the radius of the earth's orbit half the
diameter of the circle, as we call It
The whole diameter la therefore 184
000,000 miles, and the circumference,
being the diameter multiplied by
8.1416, Is about 678,000,000.
This amazing distance the earth trar
els In Its yearly Journey, and dividing
It by SUA we And the dully speed about
1,680,000. Then we get the distance
you rode around the sun during your
hour's walk, divide again by twenty'
four,; and the result Is about 00,000
mll. Hut this Is not the end of your
hour's trip. , The sun, with Its entire
brood of planets, Is moving In space at
the rate of 100,000,000 miles In a year.
That Is at the rate of a little more than
4.'18,000 miles a day, or 18,250 miles an
Bo, adding your three miles of leg
travel to the hour's axial movement of
the earth, this to the earth's orbital
Journey and that again to the earth's
excursion with the sun, and you find
you have traveled In the hour 83,233
miles. .
aeeUe Methods la England la taa
Fourteenth Century.
Carpets wore unknown luxuries, in
EngUnd In the fourteenth century, but
the fashion of strewing the apartments
with rushes was being gradually aban
doned. Bushes were still used In the
retainers' ball, but for the better rooms
weet scented herbs and fragrant twigs
were usually employed.,
Windows were apertures filled with
glass so as to admit light, but to ex
clude wind. The walls also were fre
quently bung with cloth or tapestry to
protect the inmates of the room from
the many currents of air that pene
trated the strong but badly built walls.
We learn from various ancient docu
ments that It was the duty of the serv
ing men and page to sweep out the
principal apartmeuts, but as the use
of water Is rarely mentioned dam?
and fragrant leaves and twigs must
have hided not only in collecting the
dust, but also toward refreshing the
atmosphere In such constantly closed
rooms, fresh air being only admitted
through the doors opening on to the
battlements or balconies.
From old Inventories at TburleJgh
and elsewhere we ascertain how scan
tily furnished were these ancient man
sions, although they seem to have been
abundantly supplied with flagons end
drinking cups In gold, silver and finely
engraved pewter, besides an Infinite
number of black Jacks or cups made of
leatherLondon Standard.
Otni aad Dlmu.
Many curious stories of the healing
of blindness and diseases by gems are
to be found In ancient works, and it Is
aid that the Emperor Tiieodoslus was
cured of blindness by a stone of gnrat
brilliancy which was laid on his eyes.
What this stone was history unfortu
nately does not say. The diamond,
ruby, emerald and opal were supposed
to warn the owuer of danger by chang
ing color, rilny says of the diamond
that It la not only an antidote to poi
son, but that it has the power to fnee
the mind from vain fears and to gtve
bravery. Worn In the ephod of the
high priest it determined Innocence or
guilt and was used to detect accused
persons. This gem Is dedicated to
April, and, worn by those born In that
month, Is lucky. Myerson's Magazine,
That Is Fleatr of Coal.
Every now and then some statistician
with too much liver utters figures show
ing that the world's coal supply will
lost only a few hundreds of years.
Make It many, many thousands. China
has coal to burn 400,000 square miles
of coal fields, some say. Japan has
plenty more. Kountaula hus enough
for the Balkan states if ever they stop
burning powder and one another's
houses. America's bin will be full for
centuries on centuries. Great Britain
and Germany will not be coal less soon.
Let OS worry about something elne, .
Everybody's Magazine.
"Acre" once meant any Md. It is
still used with thftf significance by the
Germans, who apeak of God's acre, al
luding to foe ciietery.
Volar Ceremony Performed Dally at
.' ''the Chinese Capital, , .,
The closing of (he gates In Peking
Just because It goes on dally and may
apparently go on dally for centuries to
come Ih prblmbly one of the "sights"
leuHt wltni'HHccl and talked of save by
those foreigners who may have cbanc
ed to "run for It" near cloning time.
The dally performance Is marked with
due ceremony which is iinlnt and
full of. Interest to tho Intelligent 01
looker, as the closing by no nieuui
signifies the more bringing together of
the heavy Wooden doors and barring
the emperor's highway against all
At the appointed hour a preliminary
Signal Is given by a liirifo gong or iron
shield being struck with n big Iron bar
fifty times in such quick succession at
almost to defy calculation. This it
followed by a signal of loo blows re
pented In precisely the same fashion
three times. When the third aud lasi
cycle of gong strokes la entered on
number of old urn I at this season very
much bewadded and uiullled up old
"Chnrlles" start a series of discordant
yells to all and sundry to "hasten" ot
they will be shut out. This comblna'
tlou of signals Is followed by a Jos
tling stream of people In both direc
Presently the rush slackens until
only a solitary pedestrian or possibly
a man on a donkey, full tilt, n beluted
rickshaw or a heavily laden cart strug
gles through. Then a movement is
mnde with the gates, yelling bursts oul
afresh and another rush ensues, the
gates being meanwhile half closed and
occasionally opened a little way ngaln
until, tho outgoers having meanwhile
ceased, there Is a final serlmmago to
get Into the city, and the process of
closing, which has taken some half
hour In all, is concluded.
The huge iron plated doors having
clanged to, a monster Iron pole la drag
ged tip and placed across them on Iron
supports, being retained In position by
a padlock of enormous proportions
and of the well known Chinese type.
Thero are in nil nineteen gates, and the
same ceremony Ih observed at each,
but at such thoroughfares as the Ilnta
mcn thero Is naturally more traffic,
and the process Is probably proportion
ately longer. reklng Times.
Aa Officer Tweaked II and Won a Bet
and Promotion.
Paul, the eccentric czar of nusslo
assassinated In 1801, was very particu
lar as to bis dress aud considered trl-
Qiug mutters as of supreme Impor
tance. This peculiarity wis once taken
advantage of by an Olllcer of the
guards, Major Vaksel, to win a bet
The major, tho wildest Joker in the ar
my, wagered several hundred rublei
that he would tweak the tall of the em
peror's wig on parade.
The very next day tho emperor hap
peued to le present at an early parade
and, as destiny ruled It, took a posi
tion for u moment immediately In front
of the darlug major. Breathless with
excitement and terror, Vaksel's com
paulons beheld that rash otllcer's right
hand steal slowly 'from his side, rlst
to the level of the czar's neck and
give the wig's banging tall a most da
elded tweak,
In an instant the emperor's face,
pule with fury, was turned upon Vak
eel's countenance., -which, however,
only rellocted an expression ot child
like Innocence, mingled with the most
deferential astonishment.
"Who dared to do that?" asked tin
enraged czar, his eyes giving flushing
evidence that his uio.! dangerous mood
was upon him.
I did, your mnJo.ty," said Vnksel
who, however his heart may have, flut
tered, managed to preserve outwardly
an uuruitled calm, together with an ex
presslon of innocent surprise. "It wai
crooked, your majesty," he added, In a
confidential undertone. "I straighten
ed It for fear the younger otUoeri
should see."
I'aul's countenance cleared at once.
lie stared fixedly, however, at Vak
sel's Innocent looking face for some
seconds. Vaksel admitted afterward
that this was the trying moment, and
be had snld to himself, "If I wavet
I'm lost!" Then the czar -;:,Ue, and
spoke so that all might hear.
"I thank you, colonel." he said.
If ever n idep in rank was gained by
the pint t effrontery It was so acquir
ed on this occasion, and Vaksel left
the field, not only promoted to a covet
ed position In the guards, but richer by
many hundred rubles as the result of
bis wager,
Teanyaon'a Predlettoa.
Tennyson predicted the day of his
death. Jtist a year before his death
friends of the poet were visiting Aid
worth House. The late Lord Sol borne
turned to Tennyson and remarked,
You ought to be happy here." "Ah,"
sighed the poet, "I have only a year
to llvef) His hearers laughed at the
remark, but It was a prophetic asset
tht wnlr' verified to the minute.,
Aa Odd Little Ee.ay oa the Sabjeet
ol Breadline.
Everything on, In and under the earth
breathes animals, minerals, vegeta
bles, etc. The tides are caused by the
breathing of the earth Itself. Tills old
globe must take two long breaths r.
day, each Inspiration requiring six
hours and each expiration the same
period of time. If Mother Earth did
not breathe she would tu all probabili
ty "bust" and blow up. When she
breathes too hard, as If In a panic, or
because of some geological excitement,
she cracks the ground and we have the
earthquake. Her ordinary respiratory
mpvemeut merely expands aud con
tracts the water volume.
Hlngularly enough, air Is the most im
portant element provided by nature.
A man can live forty-five days without I
food, several ibiva without wafer nn1 I
about three or four minutes without
air. Take away his lungs, as by pneu
monia, and death Is as certain as sin.
Does the heart beat make tho circula
tion of the blood or does the circula
tion niuke the heart beat? What
causes breathing? Does breathing
make the heart beat? Does breathing
make the circulation? Important, vi
tally Important, are these questions.
You' may remove n n"i;.'s liver, kid
neys, stomach, intestines; you may sev
er arteries and veins; you may even
stab hltn through tho heart or with
draw bis brains, and he will still live,
but take away his lung aud be Is
dead. The lungs are tho llfo'-New
York Press.
A First-Class House
Moderate Rates Good Service
Farmer's Dinner 25 cts
Hood foiver
I hold license from the
State Board of Oregon
and Washington, and am
qualified to ship bodies
to any point. Prompt
service either day or
night Hearse furnished
on ell occasions
Lady Assistant
Parlor Phone Main 1513
ttchiffler B lilding,
Residence Main 1511 5
Hood River, Ore.
DELIVERY DAYS i Mondays, Wednesdays
and Friday Mornings and Saturday
Afternoons ..
Order Direct from Factory
Phone Main 71;;-'
U. $. Commissioner Notary Public
' The Oldest Insurance and
J Real Estate Agent in town
Insurance . Loans Abstracting
Hood River, Oregon
Steamers leave Portland and The Dalles
daily, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock a. in.,
calling at Hood Kiver, ensthound, at
about 4 p. m.j westbound at about
8:30, p. m. Direct connection at Lyle
with the C. K. & N. Railway to und from
Goldendale and Klickitat valley points,
,' For any further information address
any agent of the company or
M TALUOT, V. P. & G. M.,
Portland, Oregon
...General Merchandise...
i -6
Park and Idlewild Additions
Easy Grades, Fine .View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building: Small Houses near Flour Mill
next to Waueoina Hotel
They Go Ton-aril It.
'There are some men," aul.l tli? Cimn-
Ic kicker, "whom good fortune K.vms
to follow always'
"I think you're wrong," ro)lje:l the
happy hustler. "You will Cm!. rod
fortune meets thorn; It docsu't f i'!ow
them." Philadelphia Press.
' force of Habit.
One time a Jail reporter was to
report a wedding. He began his t.-port
by saying:
'The condemned man ate a hearty
breakfast of ham and eggs."-Chicago
Tribune. , .
But Cured li t liuiiihorlulii's ( olic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
"When my boy was two years old he
had a very severe attack ol -bowel com
plaint, but by tho use of Cliauilwrlaln's
folic, Cholera' and Diarrhoea Remedy
we brought liiin nut all right," says
Maykiti Jlickux, ol Midland, Alich. Thi
remedy can bo depended upon In the
iioslVuVHre ea'H. Even cholera in
finitum is cured l.y it. Follow thu plain
p' inted din i in hi, tool h euie isivrtain,
for nale by Ktir it mw), druggn-ts.
.... i1 1 i .
Study telegraphy and (It four
self for salaried position, with
unparalleled opportunity for ad
vancement. Railroad construe
tlon now under way makes
great demand for trained oper
ators. Takes only I to months
to learn. Tuition, t moi, ttfk
Write for eatalos. Pad do Tel-
traph Institute, 6th floor. Com-
monweaun Dias.. roruana, ur.
IVaui'lfully located in Portland. Oregon.
ntlt ra uMuriusacd facilities for the cul
turr atd education of Tonr women. Special
!'..! t.i:i'it'ts in Music. Art. Languages aod Liter
s' " Wrll rcniiniH'd t'hrairal and Chemical Lab-
'i.i ret lirrlianuru and Mineral Cabinet. The
lr...i,t and uidi'il Ladiei' Seminary in the Pacific
Northwest, ittnjoraa national reputation for im
tarli.iir the hnt iihyiical. mental and moral train
ing .i;.il developing true womanhood. Equina
iui .iijy and educationally for the moil exalted
la-inn. Confera Academic and Collegiate Degree!
bv State Authority. Interfi-ruRC with conviction!
rf non-Catliolici iiacrut ulously avoided. Academy
is iilly located. ain:d inspiring scenic advan
tages. Social opportunities such as are avaiiahle
in no nther city on the Cnast. iiaild-nrs lr and L
i uidui, cirii,iiiva, ncHir-u anu venriiilTra;
d. motorics and private rooms nioplied with all
iii- ilern conveniences. The institution is liberal
t t: without sacr.iicing the character
.! traditions of age and ach.evement. Terim
: -t. 'atiifactory reference required. Write foi
" ci'.iiit hklet, B'ard . .1 ru; ', ;.J
:,...ii-ss ' .ii-rbu. i-r.or.M. Mary's. iur-ny
: rr.A r-' :. np rON. rj.s ,
Square Deal Store
"Honest Goods and Square
. . Deal for Every Han" .
The Ideal Weeder
Om McmO AT
UafrffrV r-KCFstaMMITiTTrliiir r.-
)solutely Pure
Furt Cream Tartar
. and
'Pure Bicarbonate. Soda
Only , . .
J. A. Folger. & Co. s f..
"""""" TTVIl C'lilaWiri aVTtfi I
ass a
SUMMER SCHOOL-liBi State Nfflialttl
si I
Arrival hiiiI llepariiiiv of Msilx.
The Kmtiirrlee Ixopvn dally totw.'-fi 8 a
nn 7 i . in.; Hnnna. trot Umlo'i-in k luil
lor the Kant clone at 1 1.21 t in., H 10 . i.i. and
i. in.: for Hie Went, at SU p. ni. hii.I ,. in.
meearrleron K. t. p. routen No. i mid S
irate ine poeioinre hi s.w n in. .Mali Inut
Kor Mt Hood, dally at 11 in.; arrive- ,u.a
a. m,
Kor Underwood, Wash., dally "exfjepi Sun
day, at li m., arrive, at II a. in.
rrr yi line rtaiinon, wain., (lally nt 1 m.:
I ri vrn Mb 11 a, II.
For Hood Klver, dally at a. in.; arrives at
p. in.
Kor H nan in, Trout take and Oilier, Waah.,
dally at7.3ua. m.;arrlvea( p. m.
For 41enwood, Kulda and Ulltner, Wash.,
uii,t i.wn. mi., isrri vvm Kl n p. m.
Kor Pine Flat and Snowilen, Wai-h., at 1 p.
m. Tuewtata and 8stnrdayn; arrlvea aanie
uaya ai iv tn.
Kor Hlnaeu, dully at 4.41 p. m.; arrives at
o.w a, ni. -
June 27 to August 7, and August 13 to Sept. 7. ' ;
First six weeks devoted to special preparation for Oottnty and State Exam
inations. Ki'Kular Nornnd sulijecis and methods nlo. Lftit four weeks s
continuation of Normal iimtrnetion and special attention to Pxiniary Metlv
ods with model pupil classes. ' - - . ., , . ,
Regular Normal faculty,
Faculty of Over Twenty Instructors,
assisted by noted college and public educators.
'. Tj'ition : First Term, 7.50; Second torm, $.r). For catalogue, summer
school circular or other information write to ' :
, Pres. E. D. RESSLER, Monmoth. Oregon.
rfsal hound
No. 2, Uiicuf"' Swll, :45 ..ui,
No. 4, HixikuHi- r Iyer, :3 pi la.
No.s, Mai' ii i h:prntH, 10:42 p. m.
No. , Mai-.n,. No mail. ,
Nu.2f.Wa l-'t . Ik lit. I2:15p.rn.
No.aUr! I ielKlii,4:05a, m. ,.
w eat uounii
No. 1, Poiuiini: !. lal. 2A1 p. nt.
No. , Hori! i . H et. ::. m.
No. f. Mat m kxpr. . 4:42 a. iu.
No. 7. 3:4" . in. No mall. ,
No. 23,Wa Krrlghl.srina. m.
No. 66, Knt KrelKht, 1.-U6 p. in.
Ulllon I euot Leave. Arrlva.
v.ioiTUKu-i-triiHiiu teeiHl lor
the Kat via HantlnKton. dally 9:H0am 5:00 pm
I Si okane Flyer for Kanteru
Wasiiiiiatoh. Walla Walla,'
! Lewtston,! oeurd'Aleneand
j llrni Northern points, dally HM put g.-Oo am
' "Atlantie liKiireMa ftir t.hM Kama.
vra HUntluKton, dally 1:16 pm 7:16 atn
Porlland hi local, lur all . '
iilnt Baiween Bias and " '
Fori land; dally,: 8:lSam 6:00 pn
C I Ml 1 f IV
t?aZ IrriRated Fruit lands at our saw town of Attalia, Washtnarton, 1
the Columbia Blvsr Valley in the western part ot Walls TVaUa County,
gton, opposite the Xennewick Irriajation canal, and at the Jnnotlon i
3 Trains to the East Dail
Is what its name implies, a Genuine Weed Killer
and the nearest 10 perfection of any orchard
iooi ye x introduced iu Jiood Kiver Valley. Try
oile and he convinced. Satisfaction Guaran
teed or no sale. -:
Odinm Sr&rinrf Ppd-Tnnth Hnrrnw
aVf M-aT H aVaT Bt M av . 1. 1I1IU I I V
Acme Harrows
Plows and Cultivators
Potato; Diggers
Wagons, Hacks aud Buggies
Flour, Feed, and a Full line of Groceries at all Times
: Car Load Stumping Powder just received
,1 f :. "Yours f(r.l$n8)ne88
3rd and Rlwr street. . . . m "- . Hood Rivsr, Or.
located I ,n",nn ruiiman atandarda and tnnrlst
Waah- - uHoy io umana. i-nicaao. Mpn-
. h. ! "" oMiei-i aieepina: cam oally to Kannaa
Morthitrn P&nlfln v..i,i... l , . . : . , ' lv; thntnyh Pll Iman tonrlat llMnln .r
Jjauoa C: Tutt .'.,0 atho ttnihXr. Ii
... uc" 9-m "cnesi ffio-.:tnr.U dlatrieta In the United States, and
P'"'y adapted to the ir. am? of berries, frnits and Tefetabjea,
which xipea earlier than la any other p,tt of the state.
.. wwln t0 ,th ;n?rlr railroad advun' ijfea it ia poeatble to market produce
as late as i 7 o clock p. in. and have ahlpm ta arrive la Seattle, Tacoma, Port,
land, fipokane and Intermediate points in t:e mornina;, travellnsT i" the cool of
the nljthV, which means the large.t incor.-c :-t to Northwest la received from
AWKVWl possible to CIZA I'EOiS $800 TO 700 PE ACBB PE
. Tf,rt,al, belnr made every year from Irrigated fcaoda. There are no
crop failures, and prlcea are always hisrh. these laada, vlaUt perpetual watea
rihts, can he seoured by making a small payment in cash, and the balance oa
favorable terms.
An Investnrnt of tt.s Kind Beats Life Insurance
r '
, T. a,0,na f money paid aa preminn s invested In irrla-ated lands will eoon
UmUifuJiSjaf whu S'1'1 t hia
You do not have t Die to Win,
r farther tatrtlcnktr, mapf and clrculaas addrcsai
tX V. Loose, President sal General Tanas-Ski
am SJlf KSSSkk uildlnf, ftawtle, or Attals Walls tMe. Co,
KliK ASTORIA andl. ar,S:U0"i".
way Klnra, ennnectlnal . Thtlly
wnn Kteomer ror ii aeoj except
and North Beach steam-' Sunday,
er HasKHln, Aah street Salnrdav.
da-k (water per.) -. IIOA) P. M.
roK larun, Oreirorn7K A. M
(Ity and Yamhill Ulv Dally
er iHilnla. Aah street, exeept
dork (water per.) Sunday.
Buy Your Fruit Boxes e
- ' - AT THE.,...:'. T'
Hooii River Box Factory
r ' nnd Patronize Home Indnstrj';.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Phone Main 71 P " s "
m f. m.
ejtcefit '
Sunday J-
Idaho, and way pnluta,; Pally ' Pallv .
fjnn til twin. Wart, f- exeepl I- eieo'pt'
.. j 8auirday-j Kaalay .
orrit-B Hocks "
FrelKht Honm-Sa. m. tn IS none; I In I a
in. No freiatat received or delivered artenS
raeeencer Depot-Hours Ibr delivery of e
press ana Daa;a(e win be S a. m. till 6 p. m
WM. mctfJURRAY.-,
General Paawitgkr Agent, PrJrtlrfSa, Or.
H. l. BOYUaV Ant,Uood River.
F. S. STANLEY, Pros.
E. LHllITII, Vi.e-Prt's."
K. O. BLANXHAR, Caslaier
V. C. BROCK, Aset. Cabhier
The First Natiottal Bank
' ' ' " " C o
well equlp'd bank? ffr iTU olpTom t&Mx
our careful attention.