The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 20, 1906, Image 5

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The men were working on bridge
ahont a mile below Lyle and at It
o'clock Thursday afternoon were en
gaged iu moviug the pile driver.
While they were letting it down an in
oliue the anchor rope broke, allowing
it to sll mid turn over, burying un
derneath it the engineer, Mill Wil
liams. Another man, Cieorge Lund,
waa also caught, but after a half min
ute succeeded iu crawling out. Three
others who aere injured were M. L.
Potior, Edward (Jong and W. S. Dav
is. The scene was a distressing one, the
groans of the injured men uunerviug
their fellow workmen, who were en
deavoiing to assist them. Finall)
Williams was extricated from Ois aw
ful position, and juet as they were
debating wont to do with the injured,
the steamer Keling came iu eight and
they were placed on the boat land
brought to The Dalles, reaching here
at 4 o'clock, the trip boing made in
thirty minutes.
They were at once taken to the
hospital, where Drs. Ferguson and
Reuter and the eutire hospital corps
were kept busy during the eutire
Engineer Williams was found to he
in a pitiable condition his body be
ing simply oooked by the steam from
the engine. The wonder is that he
lived to. teach the hospital. All that
could be done for him waa to relieve
bis sufferings and he died 7 o'clock
iu the evening. lie is a single man
about 50 years of age and has a moth
er living In Santa Rosa, California,
with whom the undertaker communi
cated. George Lund was also badly scalded
about the back, hips and arms. A
finger of bis right hand was also brok
en. The doctors believe that be will
Edward (Joi.g has a broken leg aud
foot, five broken ribs and is injured
in the pelvis. He is in a critical con
dition, but his injuries are not con
sidered fatal.
M. L. Petier has a broken band and
arm and a cut on the he.d.
W. S. Davis, who received thu least
injuries, has bis right arm broken in
three places.
YV it 11 Imitate Hood River.
I'i ci uri.ged by the strides Hood is making in the fruit business,
the Dufur Dispatoh remarks:
The recent reports in the papers
shows what may be done, and is
being done, in the fruit industry by
our neighbors at Hood River, and !e
there any reason why we in the neigh
borhood of Dufur - should not do the
same thing? For the past two years
we have bad at least a partial failure
of the wheat crop, and it seems to ni
that it would be well to try the grow
ing of fruit. There is no plane along
Fifteeu Mile creek that will not raise
good fruit if properly taken care of.
U. P. ISaloh has some peaches this
year that cannot be beaten for lus
oiousness aud flavor, and the size
is very good for the amount of fruit
the trees bear. John Havely brought
us n sample of some esobes that were
raised on his plaoe in Dufur without
irrigation that were very One, and
George Johnson tells us that up Fif
teen Mile creek, in a fence corner,
are peach trees that bear fine fruit
which are not oared for at all If this
be true of trees without oare or water
what may we not do if the trees are
oared for in the proper way? The land
all along Fifteen Mile creek is well
adapted to the raising of fruit and if
planted to fruit trees would make the
laud worth $100 per aore where it now
is worth but from 140 to 50. Wbat
we have here said concerning peaches
may be said of apples and pears, both
of them are adapted to this climate
and country particularly the New
towns and Spitzenberg. With a 20-
acre pieoe of land planted to these
trees a yield of 1,500 may be realized
while from the present products of
the land at the best, we can get but
$50 returns.
"Elmdale two-four-ought
What la your name"
"Mr namn ia .Inhn HAnurr Miopia
I live at 65 Blicken street. Violet
Park, my bouse 'bone is Violet Park
eight seven-seven or eight-double sev
en, as you choose; 1 am married;
have no children; we keep dog and
a cat and a perpetual fern and Bos
ton fern and'
"All that is unnecessary, sir. Wa
Aud last summer we didn't have
a bit of luck with our rosea. 1 tried
to have a little gurdea too, but the
neighbors' chickens got away with
that; the house is green with red sa
bles ; there it m cement walk from the
street ; I am 40 years old ; my wife is
younger, and looks it ; we have a pi
ano; keep a cook and an upstairs girl;
had the front bedroom papered laBt
week aud I want to"
Did you want Elmdale two-ousht-
four seven"
"Yes." gasped Mr. MigglBS.
"Well, the oirouit is busy now.
Please call again."
Hut Mr. Migglea wrote a letter.
A Miner's Inch.
The Mining World savs: A miner's
inch is the anantitr of the water de
livered through each square inob of
opening, and which varies from 1.4 to
1.7 cubic feet of water er minute.
The custom among enginrera is to
take 1.5 oubio feet of water per min
ute as the equivalent of an inch. For
illustration: 1,000 miner's inches of
water (25 oubio feet per second) is
about the quantity which would be
carried by an ordinary wooden flume
30 inches wide, flowing 18 iucbes
deep if the flume had fall of oue
inch per box of 12 feet (36 feet per
mile) this giving a stream velocity of
0.7 feet per second
interests you because of the variety shown for your selec
tion, and the price impossible under ordinary buying.
We invite inspection
An Unconditional Guarantee with Every Stove
i selling thousands of these Universal in the
years we have never been called on to make
guaransee on a single Universal
Hlgrh Valuation Placed Sheep.
Many prominent shepnien of the
oounty appeired before tbe county
board of equalization and made pro
test against tbe increase of taxes on
their flocks, says the BakerCity Dem
orar. This year the assessment nat
been made on tbe basis of 94 bead
valuation. The sheepmen say tbe ani
mala are not worth that with tbe feed
bills added.
Tbe owners of flocks have decided
to carry the matter before the oouuty
court i'i an appeal for readjustment
of valuations.
A Serious Pest.
Wbat is the meaning of the word
"producer " as applied to tbe fruit
industry? Tbe man who plows up
pieoe of ground, digs holes, buys a
miscellaneous assortment of trees and
sticks them in the boles, grows any
old-kind of fruit, is careless in spray
ing, pruning and cultivating, gathers
half a dozen boxes of a kind, all
wormy, scaly, measly, tasteless, all
sizes, all colors, all worthless except
for bog feed, is a holy terror to the
middl -man and the despair of tbe
bnver and oonsumer. He is not a pro
ducerhe is a pest-breeder. Like tbe
lilv referred to in tbe Good Book, he
"toils not," neither does he produoe
fruit, and oerttainly "Solomon in all
his glory" was not arrayed a one of
these. He dumps bis - worthless
wares in the packing house and de
mands of the middleman top prices;
and, when be cannot get them, turns
"knocker" and runs down tbe Indus-t-y
aud everyone connected with it.
Let . as try to forget bis existence,
and hope for the happy days wben be
may no longer be tbe only fruit pest
that it is murder iu tbe 9rst degree
to deliberately kUl -W. a Offner.
One Thousand Year Old Roue.
One of tbe interesting horticultural
curiosities of Kildesbeim, Germany,
of which our staff correspondent, who
Is spending bis sunnier vacation
there, sends a photograph, is a thous
and year old rose ("1.000 jariger
Ro-enstock"). Judging from tbe il
lustration it is still vigorous, and
covers, or appears to do so, quite a
large building. It seems also to re
ceive .careful attention, and, quite
likely, is in charge of oue ot tbe rose
experts, for which Germany Is noted.
It would be a matter of interest to
know the history of this rose, as well
as of tbe political and social obanges
which have taken place since It was
first established iu - be fertile soil of
Ilidlesheim.-Gem State Rural
Urants Pass Fruit Growers' Association
A meeting of tbe Grants Pass Fruit
Growers' association will be held on
Saturday. September 22. at 1.30 p. m
One of the principal matters for ac
tion will be tbe adopting of a petltiou
to tbe county court asking for tbe Bp
pointment of a county fruit Inspector
and the reoom mending of a suitable
person for tbe position, to enforce tbe
new state law that makes It obligatory
on all owners of diseased fruit trees
to either free them of pests or destroy
them under penalty of it being done
by tbe Inspector annd thejoost beoom
Ing a lean upon tbe land.
When two strong men come to blows,
eveu if they are well matched, it is not
a pleasing sight, but if the man who
gets tbe worst of it will use DeWitt's
wich Hazel salve, be will look better
and feel better in short order. Be sure
you get Dewitt's. Good for everything
a salve is 'used for, including piles. Sold
by Williams Pharmacy.
Indians Violate dame Laws.
Tbe Salem Journal says County As
sessor Fred Kioe. who has lust re'
turned from an outing atCascadia
and in tbe mountains beyond, tells
bow the Indians from tbe Warm
Springs reservations are flagrantly
violating tbe game laws and playing
havpo with tbe deer Iu the mountains
around Trout Lake and all tbe ooun
try on tbe headwaters of tbe Santiam
Starving to Death
Because her stomach was so weakened
by useless drugging that she could not
eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of Ht. Clair
street, Columbus, Ohio., was literally
starving to death. She writes : My
stomach was so weak from useless
drugs that I could not eat, and my
nerves so' weakened Jtbat I could not
sleep; and not before I was given up to
die was I induced to try Electric Bitters
With the wonderful result that improve
ment began at once, and a complete
cure followed." Best health tonic on
earth. 50c. Guaranteed by Chas. N
Clarke, draggift.
Death of Charles B. Prathar.
Charles B. Pratbar died at tbe Sol
diers' Home at Roseburg, Septem
ber 10. aged 71 years. The deceased
was an old resident of tbe valley, liv
ine at Pine Grove several years ago.
and later took up a homestead in tbe
Mosier valley, on Rock ereek. .Health
failing him, and feeling tbe weight ot
years, be went to tbe Soldiers' Home
about a year ago where be remained
until bis death.
He was bora In Illinois, enlisted
June L 1861, was discharged Septem
ber 5. lau4. served in company u
Twepty fifth Illinois Infantry, and
was admitted to the borne uciooer in.
1905, from Hood Biver, Oregon. He
married Leah Thompson near Forest
Citv Mo. May 25. 1879. lie left a wid
OW ana (wo cnuaren.a ooy auu a giri.
In these davs of rush and hurry cour-
lesy is often forgotten. In the mad pell
mell rush of our life little tilings are
done which offend that we rather they
remained undone. A hastily ealtn
meal and its resu taut headache may
cause os social or fi ai cial loss. The
arse man or woman is the one who re
lieves little ills of this soil by a little
dose of Kodol For Dysj eptit. It digests
wbat you eat and puts your tniac
back into shape. Sold by Williait
Pharmacy. . . ,
(Jetting "Lons Distance."
Mr. Miggles was trying to call up a
frieud who lived in a suburban town,
savs tbe New Orleans Picayoune. Mr.
Mk'cliu looked uo the nuinier, thin
otit nMiitrnl
"Hello f lie taid "Give ine Eiiu-
dnln tn-nuulit-four-seien ''
"Kludale? I ll gne you the long
flihtflitfA '
Lonu di-tauce asked. "What is it?"
"Elindale Uo-ougbt-four-seren. -"Klmdale
"Yes." vthi.t is your number?"
"I jnst told you. Elirdale two
"1 n.ean your house uiinihei."
Sixty-five ulickeu ttrtet
"Oil, that isu't wbat 1 mesn
'nl.miA iiimihar "
"Whv didn't vou ear so?" asked
Mr. Minnies, who is uoted for his
quick temper.
"I did. What is it?"
"Violet Park eight-seven-seven.'
"Viol, t Park eight-double seven
"1 reckou so."
Coe's Addition the Market.
We have Disced in our hands for rate
all tbe lots belonging to H. C. Coe In
Coe's Addition to Hood Kiver.
Lota will be sold at the price ol saw
and uo for the next 30 days. I In is tli
best opportunity w secure iois in iui
beautiful portion of Hood Kiver ever
offered the DUblic.
The number is limited and the choice
should be made earlv. One lot wn
bouse, was sold last week, rive Ms
and house were sold yesterday. T
aiore to-day. They will not last lonji a
these prices.
For further information see
past 22
TTardwarft OTT7"r A "OrTC Tinware
Paints VJ 1 XL, W rM A 3 Crockery
Attoruey-at-Law and Notary Public
J. M. BCHMELTZER, Sec.-Treas.
Notary Public
True-to-Name Nursery
Have for the coming reason's paw
in a few thousand choice Newtown.
Sujlxenburg and a few other leading
varieties for poleinzera. Cherry, pear,
and peach of the Wading vari-tie,
adapted to this locality. All buds ami
scions used in propogating carefully
selected from vigorous, pnililiw trees.
Past seasons have been unable to supply
the demand and our stock fur tbi a-.-son
is limit-d. Would Ihett-fore u
uest you tile your orders at an early date
to gat choice stock, li. S. Galligsn.
Phona farmers 84
Vice President and Manager.
..Hood River Land..
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and have
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home in the city.
With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop
erty advantageously and will be
pleased to have you list same with us
The president of the company iH the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engineer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141.
We arc Making it Easy
For You to Buy Here
are pursuing different methods perhaps than you
have been accustomed to, selling goods on a different plan.
Why not become familliar with the idea iu
We will stand behind it with a broad
If we don't please we will pay
vour mon v back.
There is Nothing that Could be Fairer than This
This is the One-Price Store and that prii'e the
Lowest made in the city on Good nu-rcluutdise
GUIGNARD& ROSIGER, Local Ajtnts, Hood River
We will have for the Fall trade 5(1,000
one and two year old Yellow Newtown
Pippin and Spitzenburg apple trees,
also all the leading variedies of Apple.
1'ear, l'lum, 1'rune, Peach, Cherry and
EuglMi walnut tret'a, ornamental trees,
ahruiia and Rosea. Our trees are true
to iiaiiie and give good satisfaction. For
nrines call on Auiriint (iiiiunard, Hood
Kiver. or address N. B. Harvey, Milwau
kee, Oregon. Phone
If You Would Crow Choice
Fruits BUY of the
Russelville Nursery Co.
Careful and "reliable attention given to
filling evnry order with filBt-class trees
and plants. Hatisfacrlon Guaranteed
G. H. Wilson, Hood River, local agent.
Phone 1221 Box 52
ByloTalcum Powder
Whether you pay 2e or r0e you can get
I wish to say to all pur old friends and custom
ers who for so many years came to our shop for
their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce
Wood Bros., our successsors, as their 18 years in
the butcher business in Wasco county has made
them so widely known that un introduction is un
necessary. Being honest, capable business 'men,
they have the means and ability to rwn a business
as it should be run, and in a way that will be a
credit to our city.
I expect to stay with the new firni for awhile,
and will be glad to see-you all at the old stand. 1
will guarantee that you will get just as much meat
for your money, just as courteous treatment and
just as prompt service as can be had in the city.
We will have a full line of everything good to
eat for the Spring trade,
Respectfully yours,
Box Wood
Box Factory
Phone 71.
C. D. Thompson
We offer Hood River grown nursery
lock and do all kinds of Orchard and
Xnrsery work. Lay off, plant, prune,
trim and cultivate younu. orchards in
the most thorough and up-to-date man
) i. fflanj 0 Arabnmj
tki DAixxa. oaxooa.
t tt direction f Ui Ititan t tat Wtf
m uf Jhui ind lUry. Tb 4U MkcUMif
vH-ni StptrmlMr 4, ISO, t tmiotat M4
uuutli. AriAtmla, oaHMHMI,
rialtr. Uat lor huUim, m (44mm
Buptrur. .
utile iaciwd far
ftnM afialra (ml
yam to
Ton BMf lam tx colbctr
mi m layraanv nm w
tat aaiaafanaat of yarn fata
atof pew coaauk thai Comptay.
It also fcls atpoalta
auefcet tocjhatay aadaavinti
aaflRf canto! hilmal Ifccraoav
ailatlQMNOjtaVtof eacft-awvloiaj
toys asal ataa Bonds, afiacts ool
la aaaay osW vayt I can bs
fsarrtct. Crforvratkr frtt
ptfmm avtiaaj Kaih dm soqbv
To the Farmer
Do you know our Feed, .Fresh
from the mill has Double the feed
ingyalueof stale feed"? AH the pro
gressive Dairymen are buying
feed from us. Beware of Bargain
Feed. It is worth Less than they
charge for it. We will sell you the
right kind of feed for just what it
is worth. No more, no less. Our
prices are the Market prices. Pa
tronize Home Industry. ' It's to
your advantage and ours.
Headquarters for all Toilet Articles
Trices lowest in city on all sundries,
and qualify the best
Look at the Sponges in the Window
Registered Graduate Pharmacist
Thp Williflinc Phnrinacv
A aar T a s v a a aiar a aw n
CHARLES HALL, Proprietor, g
Don't Forget
When you want first-class work
done at home. All kinds of
Laundry Work and Cleaning
Lace curtains, 50c; blankets and
carpets, 25c to 50c. Phone mll-U
Clan Fabrlek, Prop.
Patronize Home
Our Work cannot be
I The Club Cafe
Meals at all Hours from 250 up
Best Two-Bit Meal in the City
T-Bone and Porterhouse
Steaks our Specialty
Next Door to Reed's Cigar Store, Hood Kiver, Ore.
Hood River Milling Co.
uuier in
Harness & Saddles
AH Repairing Promptly Attended to
Jj The Hood River Bakery pur- jj
chased 200 barrels of our Golden j
Tlrmim Flrmr fW 1 TW U
V1VII11 J. 1VU1. VXV. J.J A V V - AliVJ
have just placed another order
with us for 100 barrels more. At
Mr. Williams' Bakery can be found
the best bread in the city, and it
is made from our Golden Crown
flour. The bread speaks for itself.
Job Printing at the Glacier Office
Our White Kiver and Golden Crown flour
can be found for sale at all the lending gro
cers. Try a sack. Once used, always used
For Sale By
Hood River, Oregon