The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 20, 1906, Image 4

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A number of Odell residontH will
move tliis week. However, h11 will still
be of Odell, u the move are abort.
DoiirIhs LoekmHti, Win Jlibbard, W.
A. Lookmati, Thus, hany ami W. C.
Khrck are thoso who expect to be at
home in a dilleront iIhco by the time
The (Under la rend. DuiikIiib J.ook
man moves into the Chan. ISunt'y
house, Win milliard into Ills linuae,
V. A. ljockuiau into tlie iiouse re
cently purohaBed by him, Thoa. Lacy
into bis old home, but Mr. Lacey will
continue btmiueBS at his soro, only
vacating the living rooms in the
building in wliicli tne store is suua
O. B. Uoweruiau and W. O. Klirok
were down from Ureeu I'oiut lust
Frank Nelf expects to go to Port
land soon.
The little son of Chas. OaviH is re
ported sick of inflammatory rheuma
tism, Mrs. W. L. Carnes returned r'riday
from an extended vinit with her par
ents at Junction City.
Mrs. Hattie Crockett Ami dangl'tiTs,
Margie Crookott and Mabel Kemp,
are visiting lelatives in Portland.
M. I). Odell and brother In law.
Dr. Jones, aie spending a week near
Mount Defiance bunting.
H. E. Callison has sold his 20-acre
tract at Odell and expects to
Condon. The Callisotis will be iiiIhhix!
In cuuroh and scliool and good wishes
go with them to their new home.
Koswell Bhelley shipped a car of
wood from Odell station last week.
Jas. English and Kdward Klomer
shipped wood from JJukes Valloy sta
tion last week.
J. L. Tousey went to Portland Fri
day to be ready to begin bis year's
work as principal of the Shaver
school, Portland. Jle was accompa
nied by bis little daughter, Frances,
who will go to school in Portland.
U. W. Lafforty, A. Woods, L. A. K.
Clark, L. 1). Hoyed, K.T. Foltz, 0. It.
ISone, Mr. Watcrberry and F. A,
Massee are those who are new on the
Mount Hood Telephone lirie the pant
When you bave news of Importance
In a business way or company rrom
other point, or are making a trip of
interest to the neighborhood tele
phone Mount Hood No. 'Ml.
Elinor Latterly has taker tho agen
cy for the Oregon Fire Kelief associa
tion,' his territory being Hood lfivei
and Hood ltlver valley.
One going to The Falls of Hood
llivor will see a uumboi of 'mprove
munta s'uee the last visit there, July
4. At Wluaus City a noat little depot
la almost completed and a gaug of
Japs under Foreman Tbos. Laaey, of
Odell, Hie am facing the track of the
Mount Hood railroad. Above the
Punch Howl a bridge across Hood
Kiver 7(i feet above the water is of in
terest to Odoll, having been conHtruot
ed under the dlreotion of L. I. lioyd,
one of our citizens. This bridge is at
a point formerly crossed only by a
foot bridge, with all the Inconven
iences of so small a structure. Now a
roar leads awpy across the river anil
four horse teams take the place of the
E. O. Maxwell, of Wilson Creek,
Wash., is visiting the family of tl.
W. Latterty.
How often the quetlion confronts
us, "Does it pay to do wrong?" It
may pay to do wrong, but wo doubt
whether from that low standpoint tho
maxim is true. Of all the defaulters
who bave robbed theli employes,
there are few, It uny, who have pros-
ierel. The wrong doer is perpetual
y haunted by the droad of discovery.
It the defaulter takes the wings of the
morning and flees to the uttermost
part of the mil tli he Is found out, and
the law brings him back. Huch as
Ktenalund, the banker, or the gas
clerk of Portland, the iiuiepentunt
man may keep up a feeling of bravado
that dulls his conscience. We repeat
Ho wants you to have
modern and up-to-date
What the Doctor
W. F.
Dr. of Ophthalmotomy
I'lnli'i'.-t ! id- I In- I'.w -1h"ir
!) '" N -i" ! I !':
Glasses M
flade to in r '
the scripture lie sure your sins will
ttnd you out. How many have com
mitted suicide beeaiise of wrong done?
One, a president of a trust compa
ny, committed njicide in Philadel
phia, another is spending his time ill
the federal prison in Kansas, then our
laud fraud business lias wound up at
last with quite a lew being escorted
to McNoal's Island prison, and othcis
too numerous to mention. Were we to
visit those convicts' cells and inouire
of the occupants does it pay to do
wrong, invariably the reply would 1)0,
no. What sorrow, what woo; how
many he'art'a are broken, how many
grey hairs have been brought down to
the grave in sorrow, yet men will go
on doing wrong, not caring what re
flections nmy he cast upon their chil
dren, lint suppose the guilt is not
found out, or he may be so cunning
as to escape, verily there is a mon
itor, that little conscience, wbicb
comes in the still hours of the night
and says wrong; and ninny have been
haunted and at last confessed to ap
pease their guilty consccieucu. Men
become more during and move the
last checker on the b mrd, play the
lust oard, but wrong dually ends
where it belongs in dishonor, dis
giace, humiliation and finally separa
tion from all good society.
Will Nichols, south of itockford
avenue, has purchased a tine driving
horre, also a neat new buggy and bar
nesH. Will says that wife and himself
have got tired of riding lu strong
hacks and lumber wagons, and if
they are to have any pleasure they
had better commence to take it, as
life is but short, tiuppoue Will and
wife will take long buggy rides to
make up. Well let thine heart be
merry in the days of thy youth,
Frank Davenport, sr., was a caller
at the Itockford on Saturday of last
week. Frank seeiiM just as young as
ever. One would think so wheu you
see him mount his horse..
J. II, (irolf was down from Mount
Hood last week making preparations
to move to bis new Lome on Kockfoid
avenue lately purchased from Mra. K.
.1. Iugalls.
E. 1). London, representing Lang &
Co., wholesale grocery house of Port
land, was drumming up at the itock
ford on Saturday. Mr. London la a
native of the great city of London,
Fiwland; so being Kuglisb oursolvea
we are pleased to meet our old oouu
trymen some times.
J. Vanblarncntn, who is working at
the Oreen Point logging camp, was
home . with his family for a few days
labt week.
We have a now mail oarrier now on
our route. Let every one who sub
scribed for tiie carrier be sure aud
call ut the lintlei bank aud pay their
subscription. This putting your name
down, and then never paying your
Hubcriptlou makes it hard for the
rnuil carrier, besides giving our route
a bail name. Take the hint aud pay
save being looked up.
An Ice ciwitii social was given at
Mike Thornton' last week. A very
enjoyable time was had, there being
uiioiit tweuty present. Mrs. Jacob
Thornton, of Hood Kiver, is visiting
friends aud relatives in Underwood
and Thnrntoiivlle.
Mrs. Mike Thornton gave an apple
peeling party last Monday. F.vory
body must have bad a good time and
ate plenty of apples, as they after
wards weighed themselves to see who
had gained tho most.
The government fishermen will be
gin llshing in the Dig White Salmon
river tills week, as they have nearly
all their racks and traps in.'
People from Hood Kiver seem to
have great success In fishing for trout,
as they return the next day.
Miss Kluora Larsen, the chief dish
washer at the Ush hatchet y, seems to
have a vory enjoyable time of late.
There are not many bonrdors at pres
ent, but are expecting more soon.
Mrs. Mrs. Kebncca Woods and chil
dren are visiiting friends aud rela
tives in Thorutouville for a few days
Mis. Dora Thornton has been quite
sick hero of late, but ia recovering
Aaron Larson has been on the sick
list for the last tew days.
rina them Here
it filled at a reliable store, where the appliances are
and tho drugs are Pure and Fresh. We make this
;i Nitci;dty, and we assure you
puts on the Paper We put in the Medicine
Some 'people are ordoriug ' their
phones taken out. - We can't see why
they bm not worth bavin in the
houses, as they Beeui of ' a great value
to some.
Mrs. Olsen, of the Cottage hotel,
has been spending a week in Port
land. ' "
Pete Horensen has been spending
a Tew days with friends aud relatives
here. ', : (.. ' ' .! . 5 ;
Mr. Luthy has been attending gland
jury at Tacoma the pasneek, ,
C. : II. Croniscll wes nominated t
Stevenson for county commissioner
from this district. ,
Dr. aud Mrs. Ilrosltia were sightsee
ing along the Norb Hank road Bun
day. The people met Sunday at the
school house to talk on the subject f
running an independent man foi
county commissioner.
r-i i.. r .. : .1 l ., ,1 !
came up Sunday foi a few days visit
with A J. Huynes and family lie
expects to enter theO. K. & N. round
house ou his return to begin prepar
ing to become an engineer.
A Hit boat of the Dean Ferry . Co.,
loaded too heavily wii h diit cars and a
team from Joues' camp for the Hub
hatchery camp, sank lu about twenty
five feet of WHter 1 ist week. The team
swam ashore.
Nels Munch'a Iiouse and ooutents
were horned to ti e ground September
II. the fire caught from the stove
pipe at night. While Mrs. Muuob wag
slone wttb her little ones. TSe gen
erous people of Underwood responded
liberally lo a pbtitiort drawn and
headed by Surveyor J, L, Henderson,
of Hood Kiver, (here surveying the
Goddnrd property) and circulated-by
liert Veatob. ...
( From the Enterprise. )
Andy Thomas is down from Alaska
and is making a abort visit with his
parents. He will start for the north
again uext week. , ....... . ,
Desser Grot bong had the inisfort
one to fall aud break bis arm last Sat
urday, while apairing with hia broth
er, Fred. He received quite a bad
fracture of the wrist, wbicb compelled
him to leave blacksmith tools-like
wise, boxing gloves alone for some
time to come.
This week we were swamped with
ads Wolfard & Co.. Imbler.Tbe Par
is Fair and Heaman ilros., all brought
In copy for a change of ad after 4
o'clock Thuisday and expeotod us to
get out the paper the next morning
this was of course impossirue, so ne
just tieuted them all alike and did
not make any changes at ell. We do
not expect our advertisers to know
just how much f ime it take's to oiuine
their ads, so in order not to get hailed
up this way again we will set aside
Wednesday of each week us ad day,
in which to make all chanties. So be
sure and biing in your ada Wedues
day morning.
A .. .1 I l. V,,.-
nmiiQi. v. uBiiun. mio ut.itjiDu um
ber who worked in White Sulmou for
some time, and left here about a
year ago, died receutly in a jail up in
Idaho. Andy was a good barber, none
better, but it was absolutely impos
sible for bim to got along a week with
out getting drunk and he didn't seem
to care what he put iuto his stomach
so long as t had the desired ell' vet.
He had a habit of mixing up all kinds
of poise nous concoctions aud drink
ing thorn, and this is piobably what
caused his death, though we have no
particulars on the subject.
..School will oommnce in White Sal
mon uext Monday momma with Mrs.
Oeariu, of Portland, as priucipul and
two assistant teachers. The new
wing to the school house will bo com
pletod by that time and three rooms
will te occupied uy the sohooj
Whether another room and teacher
will have to be added later awaits to
bo seen, but the cougetted conditions
of last year will not be repeated. The
Hth grade will be added this year and
a high school gradually developed
Mrs. (Jearin was receutly principal of
the St. John schools, and conies high
ly recommended ; the other teachers
are unknown and all the rustling the
newspaper man could do did not even
develop their names.
Yesterday W. T. Frltta and Fred
Cutlip, of Trout Lake, went iuto the
The, Song
of the Hair
There are four verses. Verse 1.
Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling
hair. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair
Vigor makes the hair grow.
Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor
cures dandruff. Verse 4.
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the
scalp healthy, and keeps it so.
It is a regular hair-food ; this
is the real secret of its won
derful success.
The J)t kind of a testimonial
"Sold for oyer aixty year."
A Mad.
by J. O. Ayer Co.. bowu.
manufuturar. of
woods buntioa bear. Night came on
and they built a the and made camp.
About i o'clock thiH morning the
wind snrBDC up and biokealimb from
the tree under which they were aleep-
inK, aud the descending limb atruok
Fritta aquareW on the head, killing
b)m iuhtautly.
iloth men were Bleeping peacefully
at tbe time. Mr. Cutlip waa not in
jured though sleeping in tbe same
bed. The limb deweuded perpeudlo
ulnrly, the jagged end whiob'had juat
been brokeu . from the tree striking
Mr. Frltts on the temple, crashing
through the skull and entering the
brain. Cutilp made his way to tbe
settlement as soon aa possible and
summoned party of friends who
bave gone on to bring in tbe body.
William T. Frltts waa a piomineut
farmer or trout Liake, well known
aud respected by almost everybody.
He leaves a wife aud family.
A Scarcity of Wood In 1 he Dalles.
In tbe full .the bouseli.eeper'a fancy
seriously turns to thoughts . of
"wood, and "eeiinusly" just ex
presses tbe attitude of Dalles people
ou tout sunject at tue present Uun.
Nuw that the weather bus turned cool
er and a little Are feels "mighty com
fortably," liHBeiuentH and wood sheds
liave Ueon frequented. Home discov
ered tbe fact that there wasn't a stiok
left; others, with foresight, remem
bered tbat wood always increases in
price as the aonson advnnces, and
there is a general tun on the wood
dealers, who are not 111 a position to
meet their demands, and In -every
case consumers must be contented
with a cord at a time. This situation
Is not due to tbe faot that tbeie ia no
timber in the forest along the river,
nor, because me men wno lormerly
followed the occupntiou of wood chop
pers are now employed on the railroad
and it Is impossible to get the wood
cut, Later tbcre will be no wind to
bring tbe wood acows up and towiue
will have to be resulted to, which will
iiHtuiHlly moieass too price. Uealera
say they will be able to keep their pa
trons satislied with small lots, other
wive some must lull er for tbe lack of
fuel. . .
Another feature that makes the wood
situation more strained is the fact
thiitinrge consumers, such as hotela
it ml power plants, which securt their
I fuiil Iroui down tbe river points aud
have it shipped by train, bave been
unable to utock up ou account of the
scarcity of curs, lbrougn the erf oris
of Agent V. IS. lounge great reduc
Hon in t tie rate on wood haa been
made. Whereas formerly the rate on
a cord of wood waa 12.70 from Port
land to Tho Dulles, it ia now 11.25.
The rub, however, baa been to get the
oars in winch to etilp It.
The same clamor for wood ia being
miule all along toe line, and la apeak
ing of the situatiou in Sherman couu
ty a few (I ay a ago, a dealer said it
costs j list $:).2. to get a cord of wood
from tbe yards ft Casoade to Moro.
Dulles people are not therefoie, aa bad
oft a their neighbors. The price of
llr wood in this city at present is
t. 25, while ut Hood Kiver with the
timber neurer, it ia W.50 a oord. Tbe
same is true of other places about us.
MliiK uttt mHliK la mn.A ,lA,ttf.,l
is $l).25 a cord, and the best oak wood
H. A small amount of oak wood ia
brought in by farmers in the vicinity
of Tbe Dalies, but not to any great
Aud ao it will be seen tbat while
there is no danger of a Wjod famine
oonsumora are at the mercy of tbe
dealers uud the dealers at the mercy
of the laborer, tbe wind and wave aud
other uuforseen clicumstanoes.
Lumber for Sale.
We wish to state through the col
umns or your raper tnat we am now
ready to furnish anything in the line
of rough lumber. Wi aie cutting 25
per day and will be pleased to furnish
any orders on abort notice.
We expect to bave our planer run
niug within 30 dnya and oan then fui
uish uny Hi i iii? in the line of dressed
and matched lumber, lours truly,
Ulddle Valley Mill.
Flppa Orchard Co., Inc.
Resilience liunied at Mount Hood.
Lest Friday Mr. and Mrs, M. H.
Craft wore surprised ou returning to
ttieir tiotuo, "Sky fiancb. , at Mount
Mood to Hud that tbe bouse was
burned to the ground. They bad been
dowu to tbe settlement to visit Mra.
Craft's niece, Miss 'Nan Cooper, and
when ttier returned, found tbe borne.
with all its coutenta was in smolder-
ing luins. '
Mr. and Mri, Craft had been mar
ried but a utoutb,and d many beau
tiful weddios present in the heme-
stoud cabin, which were all lost. The
origiu of the tire ia not known, but it
is thought to bave started from tbe
Are plane chimney.
Mr. (Jruft talks of rebuilding soou.
When you have a cold it is well to b
very careful ubout uung anything that
ill c in constipation. Be paitiiMilnrly
I'if ii nli iiit prci ratiuiiM coiitaii iug
: i't". Csi' Ki iinl)' Laxative Honey
a t'r. which flops the Cv'inh und
v lie b.i,rl, tnld by Williams
I', .i in - i
Thi to on Hord " ol i e red
M ihIh)- t,nh M Nan(C ijr. iu
pi i ii i, il. ..ti l Mie
. i m I
A a ilti..-b g f- i ,.' -,"'irui-- nml
burn, liaiiil' i "Ihii.'h Si I ' ab Hint
i- .,i li il. -i.i ... Ii i;t so. iih ii d hi a -in
t its rffii-t I'rice 2i rt'iiK' For sale
by Ki-ir A ( :i a.
A Witten Order.
Message ' i ni the President to tbe
m rui t ii an : "1 ie le aend me a baf
tmrl ol hi i lus. a peo of -pares, sum
oiivuns. a he I ut letia, pint of i
PO.M, an be qulk. T.JKoeefelt,
Shoes for Men and Boys
We can recommend to our trade with the assurance
that our line of Shoes will give the best wear and most
satisfaction of any line of shoes on this coast. Ask to
see the Grand Rapids Shoe. We carrry them in high,
medium and low tops for loggers, cruisers and general
.and wearing garments, as well as mod
erate in price. We have it in silk and
wool, Fleece-ribbed, Cotton and Wool
ribbed, both in 2-piece and Union suits,
from 25c a garment up
ELITE. Buy Elite underskirts. They have all
UndCrSllirtS tne qualities of silk and wear much
better at less than half the price.
DrP rnnd as are extreemely popular. We are
11 Cjj UUUuj 0ffenng exceptionally low prices in all
Dress Goodsj and we invite your in
spection. We are sure you will readily
appreciate the values we are offering.
LII1CI1 Table Linen and Napkins see our line.
We can please you.
Beware of Ointments Per Catarrh
That Contain Mercury,
as mercury will snrely dentroy the sense of
hiiihI. mid completely deranire the whole sys
tem when enUirliiK It through the raucous
surfBoes. Boeh articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the dttmtu;e they will do Is tenfold
to the good you can posslhly derive from
them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, niunufucturi'd by
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio contains no
inurciiry, and Is taken Internally, acting di
rectly upon the blood and mucous surface of
the system. In buying Hall's Cstsrrh Cure be
sure you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally, and Is made lu Toledo, Ohio, by K.
J. cheuvy A Co. Testimonials free.
Hold by all driiKglsts, Vac.
Take Hall's Family rills for constipation. .
Demand a Better Road System.
Don't for a moment hesitate to
urge politioans to give attention to
improved road systems, in this mat
ter above all others we can uotlt by
older statea east. Massaohusettts,
Maryland, New Vork and Minnesota
all bave road lawa from whiob ooast
statea could copy with profit. Let
tbe primaries be turned into a sort of
publio school where the would-be pol
itician may attend and be instructed
in tbe course rural arfaira abould
take, particularly with reference to
the public highway. Horticulturist.
Good for the cough, removes the cold,
the cause I lie cough. That's tbe
work of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar the original laxative cough syrup.
Contains no opiates. Bold by Williams
, Setlce. .
No orders will be delivered after
11.00 iu the forenoon and 4.30 in the
afternoon, commencing .Monday, Sep
tember 17. MoUaire biros,
Ed,' Mayes.
A. 8. Bent
-: r .
Ketlee. .
To All Whom it May (Wiccrn : No
tice ia hereby given that Ira Alcorn is
no longer in my employ, or associated
with' me in any capacity whatsoever.
fJo one wilPIn the future extend any
cram to Miu on my account, and lie Is
not authorized to make any collections
for me. A. S. Hcnt.
The laxative effect of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver TaNets is ao agree
able and so natriral you i an hardly real
ize I hat it is produced by a medicine.1
These tablets also cure indigestion and
I'lliousnesc Price 25 cents, samples
free at Keir A Caaa' drug store.
"Tfc. Tl tt tfc. VorUmat.- . r
It DiakM for acUOLAKSllli' AMI CHAHAC.
TKR twnbjn4. Entrim- rtitltrrmlitB and
milliard, at work th aanw aa at Hartard and
lal. I'lna latwaturWa, library aud jmin
alum. IWarraa. A. B. 8.1 B. I. aud. B,
alua. Wrlia for MUkua.
I f 1 Yalbtryfrom Factor
t V Direct. Thtre fort our
IJ1- JAFI ax LOtr ta 1
El Real Underware for Women and
Children are excentionallv nice fiittiner
We have just received a car load of
Water Pipe
Direct from the factory. We are selling it at wholesale
prices. We can save you money. Also have a full line of
fittings and the largest stock of garden hose in the city.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Eeady.
Phone 131.
...Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry Goods Ammunition" Boots and Shoes
Hardware flraniteware
Iay Grain Flour . Full line of Groceries-
;.Livery, Feed
R. D. GOULD, " .
Steam and Hot Water Heating-
All johbing promptly atk-nded to.
&, C
and Dray ing..
oxrash AilANS & RATHBUN.
Hood River, Ore.
U'M..9 bought, gl,lor uxfliaiitre.!.
I'li-UMire imrliin on retire fir-t-clss ris.
S' iHl atti-titinn ttlvfti to nmviiiK furniture him
.. . i.