The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 20, 1906, Image 2

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n-siieXeMMr 1 lmrlr'br ' " "
AkTlrlLi! U. MOti. PubllshsT.
'farms ( lUbMriptloa-H M waaa fatf
to UlUK
Etigeue bai passed 1111 ordinance re
quiring cement wiilaa to be laid in
the buainewj diHtricta and adjoining
streets. Coment walks aro cheaper
tban board walks in the long run, il
properly laid, and are better in every
wav. Hood River world do well to
imitate be exumplo of Kiinene.
The new block 8yntem greatly les
sened the disaster from the recent
train wreck at Durkee. The pussenger
engineer dlwovered the rained arm of
the blocV tiignal and stopped the train
on time to discover the runaway
freight coming towards him. Had it
not been for this timely warning a
fearful collision would have been the
result and probably the loss of several
An exchange tritely says that "a
perfect town is one in which you see
the former patronizing the home mer
chant, the laborers spending money
they earn with their own tradesmen,
and all animated .by the spirit that
will not purchase articles abroad if
tlinv nan be hoinzht at homo. The
spirit of reciprocity between man and
the mechanic, tradesman and labor
ers, farmer and manufacturer results
very time in making the town a per
fect one to do business in."
I'nknown Mail Attacks Voung (ilrl
Nellie lliokox, a young girl aged 12
an was attacked bv an unknown
min nn the lonu hill near their
residenoe last Sunday and was force J
in run tn tiie bouse to escape net as
sailant. Miss lliokox says that the
man was unclothed but bad on shoes
and soaks and jumped out ot a clump
of bushes which she was passing and
onrWvnrnd tn take hold of her and
thut aim i mi awav from him. The
man. she says, followed her some dis
tance and then turned back and dis
appeared. On telling her story to
her mother, the lutter informed her
brother who took a gun and started
nut ta hud Miss Hickux's assailant
tnil. wiici unable to do SO.
The young lady says the man had
h iluik eomulexiou and urowu in us
Killed Itr Hear Falling On Him
Ray Filloon, who was at Trout Luke
when Hilly Fritz was killed last
Tiiiiisday, but baa since gone to The
Dulles where Is emulnved at the hpou
mir dock, told a reporter foi the
Illiinnicle that Fritz' companion had
warned him about sleeping under the
tree, wbiob was allre before be wont
to sleep. He again warnod him live
mi no e before the acccideut. Not
alone the limb of the treo, but the
bear as woll. fell on the unfortunate
man. The boar showed light and hud
It not boon for the douu Fritz' com
panion would never bad succeeded in
getting rid of the angry biuin. The
limb fell aoross Fritz' head and Hi'
lived but an bour afterward.
Slate Fair Wan a Success.
Destiite inclement weather and the
fact that the hop harvest was at it
heiuht. thiiB tireveuting many from
atteuding the State Fair, the exposi
tiou of VJOli was one of the most sue
nessful in the hUtory of the atuto,
Tue fair was marked by a good attend
anoe, equal to that of two years ago,
while the receipts from the sales ol
concessions and advertising space
were large. That the fair was a nun
cess financially is ovideuccd by the
statement that fuuds are on baud to
settle in full eveiy claim. Tho racing
card wai a good one and warrants hud
been drawn for the payment of all
racetrack premiums long before the
gules closed on the evening of the last
d y-
One marked feature of this year s
meeting was the poor business done
by fake shows and gambling games,
it being safe to say thut many of them
did not par expenses, being patro
nlzed chiefly by tho cappers, who
made poor progress in llioir elforts
to lure the crowds.
The Crapper school oiioned on Mon
da? morning of this week with Miss
Hums in charge.
Clarence Oosborg moved to the
BtelfenEOu place a few days ago.
Miss Hilj Hooker eutei tallied a doz
en of ber young friends on Fiiday
afternoon of last week, at the home
of her parents. It was a birthday
party, celebrating Hlh birthday,
and as a matter of course they all hail
a good time.
Miss Lucy Oiueg, of The 1) tiles, was
a welcome visitor in tins iiuuiuior-
hood a tew days ago. Hhe was the
guest of. Mrs. K. li. Lindsay.
J. J. Jordan and family returned
from the ooast on Thursday of last
Rev. H. C. Clark preached bis tlrsl
sermon for the present conference
year at the school house on lust Sun
day afternoon.
1'. 11. Martin is recovering very
nucly from tho elfecls of a Murgicai
operation performed on him recently
bv Drs. Humble and HroNius. J liey
removed a fatty tumor from his hi
that weighed '22 ouuees.
Some of the farmers in this neigh
borhood have commenced their tall
plowing since the rain.
Football Team I'racliclns-.
The Hood Kiver football team, mi
der the direction of Arthur rinrkc,
baa commenced piactice for the sen
sou. The team Is said hy its ' annuel
to be making good and hax every in
dicatiou of developing into a murt
belter eleven than has over lnou lo
catod at Hood River Dcforc Mr.
Clarke has had much experience in
football, having plnyeiKou some ot tin
beet teams in Oregon ana Is lookt'ti
upon as a most competent coach. A
game has been arranged with the team
of The Dalles at Columbia park
Notice Is herebyesfiven that t!n en
gineer's! rompbto estimate of coi-t ot
construction of sower for city of Hood
Kiver has been accepted by the under
signed sewer committee anl tmlauee
due (Jiehisch A Jiiplin for statement
rendered, will be paid to Cbem ten
days from date of this nut ire uuler
due cause for further delay be shown.
Any ohjeetiou It said action of sewer
committee must be in writing and
Hied wth the chairman of sewer com
mittee. L. E. Morse, chairman.
A. 1. Moe,
E. O. lilauchar.
All were present at the meeting ot
the council Monday evening, except
Recorder Nickelseu, and Councilman
i anchar acted as recorder.
A petition, signed by nearly all tne
property owners was presented, asK
ino for the opening of Columbia
street, and referred to the committee
on stieets and pniil.o properly.
11. . . milliard was present and hk
pd the council to build steps up ;the
hill from no' r the tlltfh school. Stat
iiii thut it wus a public lieuelit and
l.adlv needed. The matter was re
ittd to the street committee with
nnuier tn Hct.
The following bills were allowed and
ordered paid :
Norton 4 Smith, connecting p pe
to water trough and putting in closet
in jail room, (S.ui.lK).
Elootrio Light Co , llgutB ror june,
Jnlv and September. Siti.H.)
A. A. Juyue, (Hawing tnuiuauuea,
Transfer Co.. druviug ana tele
phone, i'i.C't.
Win. iaylor, night inaicn,
Win. (lunger, marshal, .").
,1. J. Luckey, ropaiia, 12 70.
E. Sexton, four days' labor, !).
N. J. Hevold feeding prisoners,
(llucler, pi intiug,
M riav Knv. audit utf sewer uc
count, 'ML
D. McDonald, ilX) days' work in
mieefciiii Hewer. &HHJ
Councilman Maves said that F. A.
wanted to nut an electi lo sign
over tue street, mid he thought it
would be a lieuelit, us it would help
light the street uud would be of a
mint dosiiu. The matter was left
with the stre.-t committee, witu pow
nr to net.
The sum of 2,liHI was transferred
from the general to tha road to no.
Councilman Walt urged that speo
Inl etlnrt tie made to ilosu up the
streets before tho fair n.ei ting, and
timt the citv sliobl.i do a much work
us nouuilile on the streets lit tore that
time. The mas or iurtructed the
marshal to that ell eel.
CoiinnilmHii Morse moved that ai
rangomeuts be made with the Electric
Light Co. for morofHliei't lignis, aou
recommended that lour more Incan
descent Hunts bo placed on river
street and severul others at needed
points, uud thut the aro light now at
the Davidson wuiehouse be placed on
the hill where it would do the most
1. TIih men i ink wa i carried.
The matter of requiring a bond
from the sewer contractors to ensure
tho makinu uood of any defects that
might sho'v up in tho sewer later, was
brought up, but it was stuted that the
original bond held goon ror a year,
ami h new bond was unnecessary.
Councilman Morse stated that the
boom across the old channel of Hood
River should be removed, so as to al
low a currout to How past the sewer
nutlet. Tho Oregon Lumber (Jo. have
nyiiiHuseil a willingness to have a sec
tion taken out at any tiipe, and this
will be done.
Shoes for the Family
The Paris Fair
The Place to Save Money
We Close 7 O'clock!
Saturday Excepted
(Newest Arrival for Fall and Winter WeaH
ur imiiieiiKeHtodi of Full hh1 Winter goods are arriving daily, so conse
quently each (lav brings forth a different appearance at the big store. We ex
pert a record-breaking lusineHH this Fall, because we have a large assortment of
goods, all bought in big quantity, which enables us to save you money in the
future iih we always have done in the past. Space forbids our quoting many
prices, there are a few:
All-Wool Venetian Cloth
Fifty inch, all wool Venitian Cloth in a mixture shade
of Ian, very suitable for ladies' tn'dor made suits, and
a good bargain at H5c. Special price 69c
Arctic Suiting
Thirty-four inch dark gray Arctic miilng, Btiitable for
suits or underskirt, coats, etc. A big value at 2.rc.
Sjieclal price I9c
Venitian Mixture
Thirtv-elgbt Inch Venetian mixture, in medium shade
of blue, Hiuicibing that will make a very snappy suit.
Regular price 4Sc, special price 39c
Tan Venetian Cloth
Forty inch Venitian cloth, a very wrvloablo piece of
liiaterinl for a dressy lailor-niaile sun or skirt. Keg.
price 60c, special 39c
Tricot Flannel
Thirty-eight inch Tricol Flannel, in a shu
brown, very durable for shirt waist or skirts,
price 50o, special
Long Silk Gloves
Ladies black or white long silk gloves, made
inforccd finger tips, making them very
of ligli
with re-
Ladies' Underware
Ijirue shipment of ladies' perfect fitting underwear,
Jersey ribbed,
llie form
tailor finished. A garment made to tit
Children's Underware
Odds and ends of Children's Jersey ribbed tlcece-lincd
underwear, a garment that is soft and warm, Values
up to 35c. Special price ljc
We have the largest and most complete Ladies' Ready-to-Wear department in the
city. Have the largest and best selections to chose from and also the lowest prices.
One visit will convince von.
! Special Sale of Bear's Clotlilng:
Men's Fancy Shirts
Odds and Ends ol Men's fancy shirts made from
Gingham, Madras, etc., all full length and a bargain
lor 80c. To close them all out we have 'I'lp
placed them on sale at OOVt
Your choice
Wi'ch Hazel So.
bur, we will sell
I luce ban" fur . .
Toilet Soaps
I Cucumber, Autumn, Violet or
p, soap that sells regularly at 5c. a
until the week ends at
"We --ze 2TeTrer TJrxclersolcl
lund. Mr. Grandma has a modern
seven-roul cottage of which be seems
very proud.
T. W. Dellusey, of Portland, who
recently bought the Phillips Park in
East Mosier. was with ns for several
A complaint having been filed about days during the week.
the erection of an outbuilding on the jm Lewig ,,Hg rotniued from bis
lailroad grounds near the foot ot uaK oml,p 0t near Mo;ut Defiance, Jim
1 1 imt. the mailer was relerred to the I -.,- ti,u killlnu of hii immense
Mil ui t committee for Investigation. 0la tilaok beai. Jack Goon, however,
loiter was read from Engineer g g tl mt narer lnvestigatioii the
lliickus asking that he wished to be C()lur 0UUnKd, likewise the animal,
informed as to the disposition of the ,,,) poor 0ij (jrua became a cojoto.
Ilniil reuort of the sewer, and tatiug ,,...,..!.. t i . iiii011
that a prolHe map of the sewer district I (
. i , i
was lieinsg mane aim wuuiu u uu
The Dual estimate of the sewer was
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
for the balance due, as soon as a few
bud places in the streets were fixed
mill couole of defects In the sewer
wiii'H 'remedied.
It wa: ordered that a competent
man bo euinloved to check over the
sewer assessment, ascertain the deflo
T. Kiohmaoud of The Little White
store in Hood Kiver, was in our town
ou Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowland, of Me
nominee, came up on triday to be
present at tho MoUliire-MiddlesHart
George Chamberlain is erecting an
additional building in his lumber
yard. Ibis denotes an ail of prospi-r-
ciunoj and report to theoouncll, with jty) jB0 ,, increase iu business.
the view of making a seooud assess-
nuiiit to cover the delloieuoy rieieen
the money received from the Hist as
sessment and tho final cost of tho sew-
A communication was received from
Seneca H. l-'outs. as attorney for wm.
Moody, stating that his lots were low
to be Bowered, uud asking tual tne as
MiiMHiimnt. ho ahated.
Councilman Watt stated that be
lniil imid his assessment iu full ou
lots adjoining and on motion the ap
plication was rejected.
Messrs. Green and flurlingame bave
returned from their outing In the
Ciiscado mountain-). No bears were
Allium; The Dalles passengers on
Wudnesdiiv the following were: N. P,
Stuivcss. Georuo Wood. Kolit. tlara-
wlek. Frank Ginger. HoUt. nunsmnre
and George llaer.
A merry crowd of Kebekkas, about
twenty iu number, took possession
of their "special" car ou ihursday
bound for Hood Kivor where they at
tended tho dedication services at that
Place. Wo do not mention toe Odd
hollows, us their wish was to be olass-
illud with tho liebokKas.
MIhs H. Godberson, who is sojourn
ing in The Dalles, snent Suuday with
the homo folks at Mouin w osier.
Dr. A. O. Maorum Bud wife, of
Portland, spant Sunday at their beau
tilul coiuitrv liome soum or town
I'hey were accompanied by Judge and
Mrs. 10. C. Hronaugh, who also are
interested in M osier.
Our mi to (late real estate dealer, is
kept busy at large and reports the
sides of various tn.cts ot land. The
good people of the Noithwest are be
Liiiiiitik! to realize and knew thut Mo
soir Is the land of famous prunes and
perfect big red apples, also that "Mo-
: .... I ! .. :..!... ..(..II1
sirr iiiil la nit' bliu,.
Mrs. P. Hughes (nee Anna Duns
moro .of Spokane, is making a fort
night visit with relatives in Knst Mo
sier. K.l. Howe aud wife, of Portland,
were seen in our lown last week. Mr.
mid Mrs. Howe spent a few days at
their home in South M osier. Mr.
Howe is making a specialty of or
charding. The infant Win of Mr. i i I Mrs. P.
Harvey, who i' ill t The Di lls hos
pital, is convi li scin.
(. 1 Moi l!;. u, our real estate man,
wits :i Hood Kiver passenger ou
I'. V. VlUuu, of The Dalles, visit
ed at Ins tnrui in South Mosier on
V(,I I ny. Mr. K. Weber, who has
rcV I us 'manager and overseer, ac-
c,. ii led Mr. Wilson to The Dalles.
Mr. Wtdicr will enter the hospital at
Hint place for medical treatment. "
in Suturday at the residence of the
bride's parents in Kast Mosier, Mise
Amelia McClnre and Mr. Arthur Mid
ill.'MWirt were united in mairiage.
Mr. uud Mrs. Middleswart will reside
al .Menominee, where the groom has
nimiilod a cozv cottage "just for
1 11 o. ' '
George Wood is painting the new
house recently built by Mr. E. Grau-
Mr. D. Duvall is grading prepara
tory for toe erection of a residence
on his town property.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McGiegor were
Portland passengers on Wednesday.
Miss Lead belter came up from Hood
River ou Wednesday to visit hon e
Mr. W'ile, of Tiout Lake, sold his
place last week. He Is thinking ot
coming to White Riiluion to live.
The sick people are gi tting nh r.g
nicely and will toon lieupitml mound
Fruit Inspector lngri.m mis up f nn
Goldendide aud lock ponin II m boxes
of prunes up wllb hi in for lee to
beheld there on the 201 h, 2st and
Capt. It. C Cook went nu lo Hui t-
tle this week us a delegate to i I t ii
oonveutiou aud from there he will j
to San Francisco to settle up with the
itiBUiauce coupany for the loss of
bis property by the earthquake.
J. U. MoGulre went to Portland
this week.
Stolen Coats Cause Much 1 rouble.
Two Hood River men who were
coming down from The Dalles on the
local lust week bought two coats from
a man who gave his name as William
Nelsonfand who told them a hard luck
story. ' A short timo afterward two
a ou came through the train looking
tor'the clothing , claiming it had been
si oIon. The coats were retur-ied to
the owneis mid t lie purchasers went
in search of the man who bad sold
thorn aud forced him to return the
When tho train reached Hood River
one of he men w(o bad bought one of
tie garments attemped to arrest Nel
scn, who went along peacefully
ei.oiu'h until he reaobed the car plat
form, when ho suddenly turned and
h( ''lick his would-be captor a blow
tint broke two of his teeth and
knocked him olf the car.
Nelson theu jumped from the car
a id started on a run up the track,
hut wus cuught by Marahal Ganger
who was standing on the station plat
form. Ho was arreted and spent
several days in jail hero awaiting wit
nesses to make a complaint aganist
him and as they failed to do so was
Pendleioii Mao litiytllood River Ranch
Wm. P Reavis. of Pendleton, a re
tired business man closed the deid
Mouday for the George W. Mcintosh
plaoo for wbiob be paid 111,500. The
purchase iucludes 30 acres all of
which is in cultivation except a Binnll
portion alougfa bluff wbiob is not till
able. It is st to apples and straw
berries and adjoins the land on which
the new school bouse at liar ret is lo
oated. Its new owner will take pos
session soon when it is expected he
will move his family to Hood Kiver.
The sale was oonsumated in the
office of J. L. Heuderso j who acted
as Mr. Reavis' attorney.
A bath cleanses the skin and rids the
pores of refuse. A bath makes for bet
tor fellowship and citizenship. Not
only should the outside of the body be
cleansed, but occasional use of a laxn
tive or cathartic opens the bowels and
clears the system ot effete matter. Rest
for this are HeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Pleasant little pills that do not gripe or
sicken. Sold by Williams Pharmacy.
Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Lath, Shingles, Etc
Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley
Millinery Opening
Latest Designs
in Pattern Hats
At Mme, Abbott's
...Thursday, Friday and Saturday...
Sept. 13, 14 and 15
Mays Retires to Tjgli Valley.
Mr. aud Mrs. V. P. Mays oaino up
from Portland Suuday aud lett at
once for the Mays rnuch at lygh. His
niaify friends in The Dalles were
pleased to see Mr. Mays feeling ns
well as be did atter the ordeal through
which he has passed and considering
his state of health. Chronicle.
Notice of Sale of Bonds
Notice Is hereliv ulven that the Hoard of
liirivliim nl llie Heoii Kiver Irrigation I)Ih
Hid, In Wiimo Coiinly, Oiegon. will sell
.the liomls or snlil illntrli't In the .um of
iil,MK, on Tlinrkduy, llie tli day of
I Oelnlier, r.Hi, lit Hie liour of two o'clock
I . in. id liie otllce of the Boiird of III
I lectors, lit the rculdence of .1. H. Mhocinulier.
i In mid lilsli let, Hint that sealed proposals for
; snlil IiiiiiiIh will he received by sal . Hoard al
wild place for llie purchase of said bonds until
the ilnv nn. I hour alsive mentioned, at wblcli
lime the Hoard shall open trie proposals and
award llie purchase ofthe bonds to the hlgliext
lesiHinslblH bidder, llie Hoard reserving the
rliilit lo reject any and all bids, llldn to lie
accompanied bv a certified check for five
per cenl of llie amount of the lkmds for wlilcli
the bid Is submitted.
Haiil bonds shall be payable In United Stales
old .din In ten series, as follows, to-wll:
At the expiration of eleven years, five
per cenl ol the w hole number of said bonds;
twelve years, six r cent ; thirteen years,
si veil per cent ; fourteen years, el;ht per cent ;
tlileeu years, nln per cent; sixteen years,
t n per cent ; seventeen years, eleven per
ecu I ; elfhleen years, thirteen per cent; ulne.
lien years, Hlieen per cent; twenty yesM,
s xteen percent, and shall bear Interest at
tne rate of six per cent per ml 11 mil, payable
si nil-annuallv, on the first day of January
and .In iv ol each year. The principal aud In
Ici est shall be payable at the place designated
In Ihe builds, and bidders are given the op.
I nn of having said bonds payable at Portland,
Oregon, or New York I'lly, N. Y., and
said iK.nds will be Issued In accordance
ullh llie election or the successful bidders.
aid bonds shall he each of th demmilna
I on of not less llisn 11110.(10 and not more
ilian t'i.ii. and shall be negotiable In lorni,
mid ,iuhius lor Ihe Interest shall be attached
to each iin1 sinned hythe secretary.
Haled al IIihhI River, Oregon, this 17th day
of September, mm;.
,1. U. Shoemaker,
ittVolS Secretary
OltKtloN, AT THK (1.08K OK lll'Hl
NKHS SUIT. -I, iwki.
Loans and lilscounts i iO.I'KI.i.ii
Overdralls swiiredand in secured . ;,U.II
I'nlied States Honds loswur elrcu
lailnn 1'.',."iii.(10
Plellllolns oil l .S. bonds II.VM
Honds and wcurlilcs (.-! .i6
Km nllure and lulures a.i. to 0."
Ime from state Hanks and Hankers...
line from approved reserve sgents..., ;fM:i.fiU
t'lus-ks and othercash items I.l.ii::!
Notes of oilier national bunks l.ltnUl
Kractlonal aH'r currency, nickels
and cents HJU.w
Specie O,:".
U gal tend, i noi. - 1..SIU.00 ... 10,Sli;.;.'i
Keileniptlnn lui.o iv i.i V. S. treasur
er th HT cenl ol , i. id illonl
Total tl,'.tt! s;
I.I Mill I I IKS.
Capital slock paid In .'um0O
Kurpl iih limit ll,'.'.lii
I'milvlded pnitlts, less expense
taxes iwld l.slN.TW
Nallonal!Hank noles oiHslati.liiu .... VJ.Mhi.iO
. Ivldenils unpaid ;
Individual deisisitsMibj.-, t loch, en ll.',l;w l
licmaud eerlltlcalesoi detHu. .. ;,;;7.ol
Time ,-,'rlltleates ol iIckimi himi say.
lm:s IH-pHrtiiii-iii :t'.,t'.."v.i
Cashier's ehivkNouiMtand lug. M.Ui
Total sai.vj.s;
Slate of Oregon, Count y of W'hm-o, ss:
I, K. O. Hlanchar. cashier ot Ihe alsive
nilined tiank, do aolemuty swear Ihsl the
Hlsiy e statement Is true to llie bc-l of ln
know ledge and tadlel
K. o. HI. WCH A K, Cashier.
Colt li Kit. Attest: U. MmiiIIi, Jo. n V . 11 In-
rielis, I s. Stanley, iiree!.is.
Sulisi rilHHl slid sworn lo liefor1 me llus ,0tb
dill ol rVpt,, l'.kl.
A. C. Iluek, Notary Public.
Kor Sale Nice new rag carpet can be found
it the Paris Kalr. -''
Pasture.- Plenty of meadow pasture on the
Kemp place nt o.iell. iiOO per mouth. Phone
No l-Jitl. Masiker Bros. IUA
jr ' - ''--i
iff $tM:S':.
LLlillJliJJJllllalU-jwiailll tiilWllI ifl T1M1 llillfilll I Uliilll II
Is now located in Chas. Clarke's Drug Store, next
door to the postoffice. A full line of
Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures
Don't forget the name
Clarke, the Jeweler
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Phone 1313
For Sale
For Sale at a bargain, one mare, will drive
single or double, also Iwo fresh rows, sli
monlhsold heifer, one two yeir old heifer,
two yearling steers, one yearling pig, United
States separator No. 1. M. Dumas. rJO-oli
For Sale cheap- Household furniture. ff. 00
sideboard for fJU.OU; tas.tlO ooueh for $10.00:.
Jl.OObed lounge for A.ttl; $40.10 sewing ma
chine 812 Oil; $lf IW dresser for $10.00; $10.00
dresser, Jtl.Oo. Also stoves, table, chairs, com
mode, center tables, washing machlue and
many oilier things at one half tbelr value.
Call at Weekley Jewelry store. sSO-oll
Kor Sale A few small t Igs,
east side, phone fanners 90s.
E. (Mark,
For Sale or to let during the winter, a good
driving horse. Also good for light farm
work. L, tloddard, route No 2. atfllf
For Hale. Four foot slab wood at the Mid
dle Valley Mill. Telephone two long and one
shor. rings. 13-o4
We lmve made arrangements with
Dr F. V. Hogg, the celebrated Optom
etrist, late of Chicago, III., but now
permanently located in Portland, to be
with tie lor three days, Sept., 27th, 2Kth
and 2ilh. Come In and meet the Doc
tor. He will examine yonr eyes free.
Remember yon do not have the oppor
tunity every day of having your eyes
examined hy a celebrated eye specialist.
Jeweler and Optician
Hood River, Oregon.
Middle Valley Mill
ELPPA ORCHARD CO., ( Inc) Proprietors
Fir and Pine Lumber
Ready for Business
All orders Promptly Filled
p. ().. Hood PvivKR, Oiii:;oN
Mn. i. Mt. Hood Stii"V Koad, 4 miles nouth of
(Klell, Oiv?on.
For Sale. Full blooded Plymouth Rock
chickens from prize wlmiin? stock. We have
some that will make prize winners and be.
fore sending elsewhere be sure and visit the
yards at Ruck ford store. We guarantee you
satisfaction, our sales last year were very
s itlsfactory. Mrs Hrayfnrd. Rockford Store,
near Barrett's Hehool house. si:i-o4
For 8le.-.Haby buggy.
Dr. (J. II. Jenkins.
For Hsle. Two wood sheds, suitable for
chicken house or smalt barn. W. J. Raker.
For Wale-A tj Jersey bull, years old;
sure service, price, $30. M. Duma, Mount
Hood. s27
For Hsle One horse hack, either one or turn
seats; suitable for family driving or market
wagon. Also set ot harness. U. H. Kobbins,
Farmers' phone, Route 1. s2T
For Kale Two milk cows and a saddle uonv
J. Wlcklmm. s
Fer Sale Bsrn 2Sxln, 18 loot posts. Uond as
new. Inquire of (1. I. Woodworth or O. B.
Hsrlley. b27
For Hale Plue wood, Is Inch and i foot
lengths. Price, 2..'i0 per cord for 16 Inch and
& ier cord tor 4 foot, on the ground at my
ranch at Odell. A. ll. Moe.
For Hale Fox Wrier pups from my prize
winner that took first prize at Portland snow.
The pups are pure blood, very nicely marked
black and tan heads and ears, white bodies.
Kvery one will make a winner If put np for a
show. These dogs make the best of oouipan.
Ions and rat dogs. Kockford store, Hood
River, ore. gi?
For Kale A Faultleas Grubber, nearly new,
at a bargain. Also two tents and camping
oultlt. crexceut Fruit Co., 4 miles out, east
side. slOs'JU
For Sale Italian prunes. One rent a pound.
Twin Oaks Farm. l'houe"4xl. aSU-KiO
For Sale Two horsi s, weight about 1000 lbs.
each; I one-horse spring wagon, cart and har
ness. J.R, Kinney ; SjWkiIs
For Sale 10 arfe tracts In Mrniut Hood Set
tlement, on main rond. Timber on some
tracts, also water. Price trSuo to $125 per
acre. Half down, balance a per cent. Clear
title to every tract. Address A. K. Velgulh.
Ill Sherlock Building, Portlaud, Ore,, owner
For Sale Reliable family txiy horse, broke
to work, rlda or drive single or double Also
harness and two-sealed rig. Will take cow,
Iih.v ur farm wo k In exchange. Apply by
mall or in mornings at farm ou H rrett road.
stl Mrs. 1. U. Merter.
Fur Sale Only SO minutes wslk from post-
oiuee, m Hen's oj gisni ricn lauil
tine view.
living springs on place, (food new bouse
some land cleared. All for $1800. F-usy
terms. Enquire at this office.
Hulls tor Service I keep two bulls at my
place for service. Any one w ishing l lie use ot
siune must pay at the time service is rendered
Service, $1. 1 sIm do dehorning at 2V, pel
hfiid. Hrnno Franz North Belmont a.Vnovl.
For Sale Bed nnm sult,coo! skive, chairs.
Mason fruit Jars, hack and harness good as
new. Call or write Henry Staiuin, Liavcn
port lower planer, KuthtunJ m
For Hale. Reliable family bay horse, broke
to work, ride and drive single or double, with
harness and two seated wagon. Price $'iu(H)
If taken this month. Apply mornings at
farm on Barrett road. M r, J. B. Mercer. sl3-ol
Heavy wagon In good condition,
ttiugie iiurr.esH
For Sale
will trade for light wagon
taken in part payment. S. p.
No. 1. Phone
Holpb, R. F. 11.
Parties wishing to buy land In Wind
Ittver valley would do well to cull on tl. l
Welherell, ( arson, Wash. Jyii.Mini
For Hale Klght acres of land, miles from
Hood River on Belmont road ; 5 ucres in
strawberries, OS fruit trees, part full hearing
and purt one year; balance In clover, potatoes
and vegetables, blackberries, red raspberries
and black caps on place. Three room house,
Clicking house l9x!A), barn 14x111 und other
ulldtugs. Call at place for further particu
lars. J2(itf L. J. Mulkins.
Wanted. Men to clear (10 acres brush land.
O. D. Woodworth. 8l;u4
Wanted. A washwoman who will come to
house and do washing once a week. Phone
Main S3. Frank Davenport, Jr. sa)
Wanted Have several buyers for Hood
River farms. If you wish to sell send panic
ularsloJ. A. Kpping, Second and Morrison
streets, Portland. sail
Wanted. Janitor work or odd Jobs. Will
take care of horse or cow or other work on
premises. T. W. care of Ulacler. l;t-ol
Wanted to exchange a nice -room house
In Dallas, the county seat of Polk county, for
an apple orchard. Address with full partic
ulars to C. A McCargar, Failing Building,
Portlaud, Oregon.
Wanted Teams to It In I ties. Middle Valley
Mill, 4 miles south of Odell. Telephone two
loug aud one short. sl3-o4
Wanted Man or men to take contract for
clearing land. Liberal pay. A. N. Rahm.
Wanted-Keliable man to lake agencv for
Oregon Fire Relief Assoclat on for llood
River and Valley, address Kd. J. Perkins,
General Agent Eastern Oregon Depart inent,
Vogt Block, The Dalles, Ore on. ds27
Wanted Immedlately-Man to cut IS ricks
of 16 Inch wood aud S cords of 4 loot wood.
Mrs. Adams, Paradise Farm,
Wanted Good bright boy to learn printer's
trade. Enquire at Ulacier otllce.
Wanted-A washwoman. Enquire at this
office. i
Lost and Found
Lost A package containing three shoes Just
repaired. Finder please return lo this olllce.
J. A. Malay. ds;!7
Found- -A lady's black Jacket and I and
kerehlef on the west side. Articles are at tins
office. sai-oll
Wanted Horse, harness and
wagon. U. D. Nickelseu.
Inch tire
Wanted Prune packers and pickers, good
camping ground, two weeks work. Apply to
P. llenningsen, at the Dryer, Mosier, ore. a&i
Wanted to Sell or Trade-Two lots, u 10)
and 40x 1(10, one six-room bouse and four-room
cottage with fruit on place. Box SON, H'd
River, Oregou.
For Rent
For Rent One 8-rooin house containing !
h,lr, n..l... I(
"-""" K".i"., uiuiub iwiii, Hiicueu aim
pantry and large hall space, all plasteVed and
... ufuuniuu, luquire ui inrs.
A. A.
For modern house, will
be complete Oct, 1st, Apply at First National
Bink. ka)
For reDt. lower story of 0 rooms and bath
with modern Improvements, free water, In
Blowers Addition. Also 4 rooms furnished
and 4 unfurnished In same building. Call ou
Onlliank AOllen.
tor Reiit.-tln.een acre farm and houae fur.
nlshed or unfurnished for rent till March,
with option to good tenant, or longer time
or purchase of same. Situated ' miles from
town, near school and church. Sixteen rick
oak and pine wood, chickens, fresh Jersey
cow and calf, horse and buggy for sale. Bids
warned on apple crop. For particulars apply
by mall or al farm ou Barrett road mornings
only alter Sept. i;th, (16. Mrs. I. B. Mercer