The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 13, 1906, Image 3

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1 l.e tUit of tlie editor of tbe
Por.liiucl 1 rmlesmmi In Hood Hiver
has calleed tot th the following uutlce
lu that estiimilile jouinhl:
Tlie big red ap le, which has matte
.Hood Kner Ihu.uub lu tlio iilucipai
B)le markets of tbe world, il Dow
tbe ceuter of iuturest. 'i'bo opeuiog
of the market inuy be said to date
with tbe oi euiug of hid for tbe dit
for. lit varieties wbicb icuurred on the
'201b. Tbe Apple tlrowera Union so
licited bids from kad'tig buyers in
KuglanQ, (JeriLuuy and South Africa,
and is pleated fcith tbe returns.
Tbe shipment of early apples to
Portland and nearby point has been
in progress for several weeks, but
with the inauguration of oar ship
ments to tbe account of tbe suooesstul
bidders business will be lively up to
Christmas. A large number of new
orchards have come into bearing tbU
year and tbe yield of apples will trore
than double that of lact year. Ibe
Apple Growers' Uuion ettiniates this
year's crop at l'2(i,0UU boxes as agaiust
tiO,(KK) boxes last year, but tbe David
son fruit Co. makes a much larger
estimate. The exact figures, of oourse
cannot be tecured until tbe crop is
marketed, but enough is known to say
that tbe crop will be a reoord-breaker
both as regards yield aud quality.
Ibe soil aud liuiate of this vicinity
is especially adapted to tbe production
of apples of the Newtown aud Bpitz
enbcrg varietit), which here excel, it
is cl limed, any other dis rict in the
world, and always bring tbe highest
prices in tbe great fruit markets ot
New York and Loudou. K. H. Web
or, ('(iimiiiFfdoner of hoilicultore, in
bis 10)011 l r l'JUl, iiitiiic tbo astouud
iug htuleu.ent tliat only ubi.ut Iku per
cent of the availHlile fruit laud in the
Hood Kiver vail, y was utilized. It
this be true (and we do not doubt it)
liorlU nltural ititeiests have abuudaul
room to expand lu Ibis vicinity. The
ine.-Hiit 1 0 ofllHiioti ot the city is es
timated at 2,IXKJ aud valley at 3,000 in
round numbers.
Hood Kiver is favorably located at
to tiausportatiou witb tbe O. K. A
N., and water transportation with by
tbe Columbia river. 'J tie Mount Hood
railroad now running seventeen miles
up the valley, is to be made an eleo
trio road, it is stated, and extended
to tbe bate of Mount Hood.
Die Hood Kivei Electric Light,
Water & Power Co. has a water power
on Hood River, only partially devel
oped, but capable of producing many
thousand horse power. The Jos. A.
Wi son Power Co. has developed 250
horse power on Indian creek. Tbe
water is conveyed through 3,000 feet
of pipe from the creek to a reservoir
holding a miJliou and a half of gal
lons ou au elevation in the ctntral
part of tbe city, and has a fall of 350
foet. About one-fourth of this power
is used in operating tbe flouring mill,
but tbe balauce, a tepresentntive of
the company says, is for side at one
half rate ch;ig d In Portland.
There are two large sawmills within
easy reach, but the only industries ot
note right in tbe city are the flouring
mill and hex lai toiy. The Hood Riv
er Milling Co. hut year erected a Hue
mill, which Is running day and night,
up to its lull rapacity ot 136 barrels.
So sncci-tsli.i I. as been this enti'iprise,
i inter the nun gement of (J J. (iets
liu, that next year tbe mill is to I e
li. created to 3iXJ linrel ch aciiy.
ill M rt Next e. r t Sat-raiti' nto
At tbo closing nsi( n of tbe Natlor-
ui irritation congietS atjUoisi tbe foN otiiueia ere ! Ctfn iortti
i utuuig year :
President, (Jovei'M r Ceorxe Chum-
builain. of Oieumi ; firtt ice iinn.1-
dent. John Hemy fcn.itli, Salt Lake
City; lecond ke resident, H. H,
Mhxxoii. Uno. Iseiaua; third ioe
pieddent, (ieorge W. Barrtow, Texas;
becretury, D. 11. Anderson, Chicago
It was decided to bold the session
ot the ccugrots next year at Sacra
n.ento. The resolutions adopted express the
hope that the governmental irrigation
works iu progress end in contempla
tion will be pushed to au early com
pletion; Bpprove the elUoieut and
th.iroueh work o" the le'lamation eer
v oe: indorse iho work of the either
bureau; recommend the appointment
to carrv on a publicity bureau in rt
lation to irrigation; pledge enruest
tin port of the federal forest service
in tlio maintenance aud improvement
of water sheds A resolution was Rl
so adopted protesting against any
further legislative concessions in fav
ot ot Unlit pine sugar aud urging
that attacks on tbe sugar pi od action
of this country cease, that this great
industiy Di arid America may be fully
Another resrlntion expressed ap
nreciation of tl e itite-et-t shown by
Prisi'leul, P.oosenlt in irrigation aud
rerlaiiialioii wcuk aud of Vice-neel
dent lalibai.k's courtesy In oou.ii g
to address tbe congre t.
, ro lotion inlioduced at the iu
tance of persons interested lu the At
kutisas river litigation and rccom
mended for adoption by tbe commit
tee. tavs: "We recommend that tbe
conuress of the United States oonsid
r the extension of tbe jurisdiction
of the federal courts to provide for
ji.dioialdeteimination of water rights
ou interstate si reams.
Do Not Lend to Stock (jambler.
Washington, Sept. d Secretary of
the ireasury Leslie M. Shaw today
issued the following to all depositary
Imnka: "I am adihed that many
banks are loaning their surplus
thrnouli Iho brokers in Mew York ou
call ot high rates of Interest. The
money leaned on ralis is well-nigh
universally used for speculation,
n-hnrn it la deposited for such a use
"PuMic deposits are made iu tbe
fid of legitimate business. If you
have more uioney than yoi commu
nitv rati absorb, it should be return
ed to 'he treasury to to placed where
it will do the u.ost good."
I'nreiiiii ii- Pats Dug to the Bad.
A . :o belonttinu to 8. f. Blytbe
bad nu encounter with a potcupine
luct Kiicdav niori.ioe and as Is usua
the dL' cot tne torsi of it Us nose
Mid I l were tilled with tbe nr.ii-on
" i mils lioui tbe animal aud it Has
ne:e-sarv lor Mr. HI tbe to;l.rii K him
,.. il, is city to have tbeiu exit acted.
Witb the aid of a physician the dog
was chloroformed aud relieved of bis
suiferiiias, nud he is now ready for
anotbei round with bis prickly antag
ou itt.
" Notice to Stnrkholders.
Tbe stockholders annual meeting ot
tbe Farmers Irrigating Co. will be
held Saturday, October 6, 19C6, at 10
a. m. at Artisan Hall, to elect a board
of ditectors to serve one year. All
stockholders are urged to be present.
Scree Important matter may come be
foiL u.eeliug.
M. H. Nickeleen, See. F. I. Co.
fk.r. Ar. PraeUraUr Imhu la
Tfcla Dtafeat Wrl4.
Taking the earth's mean distance
from the sun at 92,796,960 miles, th
mean dlstanoa of Jupiter from the sua
will be 482,803,970 miles. ' Tbe eccen
tricity of Its elliptical orbit belnr
.04825, Its distance from the sua at
perihelion Is 4o9.S07.700 miles and
at aphelion 506,100,180 mllaa. Between
Ita greatest and least distances, there
fore, there Is a difference of 46,092,420
miles, or about one-half the earth's
mean distance from the sun. Tbe In
clination of Jupiter's orbit to tbe plane
of the ecliptic being only 1 degree 18
minutes 41 seconds, or less than that
of any of the other large planets with
tbe exception of Uranns, the planet
never departs much from the ecliptic.
and hence It was called by the ancients
the "ecliptic planet." Its period of
revolution round tbe sun la 11 years
814.8 days.
The Inclination of Its axis of rotation
being nearly at right angles to the
plane of Ita orbit, there are practically
no seasons In this distant world, and
the only rarlatlon lu the heat and light
at any point on Its surface would be
that due to the comparatively small
variation In Its distance from tbe sun
referred to above. Its mean distance
from the sun being 0.2028 times the
earth's mean distance from the sun, It
follows that the heat and light re
ceived by Jupiter are 27 times (0.2
squared) less than the earth receives.
The amount of beat received from the
aun by this planet la very small, and
were It constituted like the earth Its
surface should be perpetually covered
by frost and snow. Far from this be-
Inti tbe case, the telescope shows Ita
atmosphere to be In a state of constant
and wonderful change.
These extraordinary changes cannot
possibly be due to the solar heat, and
they have suggested the Idea that the
planet may perhaps be In a redhot
state, a miniature sun In fact, glow
ing with Inherent heat. The great bril
liancy of Its surface, the "albedo," as
It Is called, and Its small density less
than that of the sun are facts In favor
of this hypothesis As the attraction
of Jupiter's enormous mass would ren
der the materials near Its center of
much greater density than those near
Its surface, the latter must be consider
ably lighter than water and may pos
sibly be In the gaseous state.
Let the child choose his Ideals from
the many that are presented to him.
Boys and girls saturated with low lit
erature form low Ideas, which cling to
them through life.
To teach concentration should be the
end and aim of all school Instruction.
New York World.
Study the child, find out what bis
capabilities are and show btm that you
take an interest In him.
Let the children see how ugly low
Ideals are and then encourage them to
study the lives of great men.
The whole life and future usefulness
of a child depend largely on tbe way
his mind Is trained at school.
Many a child's life Is mined by hav
ing parents or teachers who do not take
the trouble to nnderstnud his capa
bility. It Is more important for the mother
to superintend her son's reading than
to see that be wears the latest thing in
The character depends upon the
Ideals, and the Ideuls are tbe standard
whk.'h tbe parent or teacher sets before
the child.
The Hlaer's lath.
In California the miner's Inch Is the
flow of about 8,796 gallons of water
per minute. Fifty miner's Inches are
equivalent to one cubic foot per sec
ond. Tbe most common measurement '
la under a mean pressure of four j
Inches, throuirh an anerturo two Inches ,
high and two Inches above tbe bottom j
of the box, the plank being one and a
quarter Inches thick aud the height or
water above the aperture three Inches,
giving a mean pressure of four Inches,
Each square Inch of the aperture rep
resents one miner's Inch, or about l.J
cubic feet flow per minute. Maxwell's
Pepea aaa Their Bearas.
If we are to believe the old proverb,
prophets have always bad beard for
the faithful to ewear by. Not to with
the Dooes. From the time of Bt Peter
down to tbe year 1153 tbe popes all
wore full beards, but for the next four
centuries they were cleanly shaven.
Then came a period of two centuries
In which they again wore the beard,
but from the year 1700 until the pres
ent time tbe smooth face alone has
been seen In the papal line.
Itarrtmsr. kat Rat far Kraai .
A beggar who informed a foutlemaa
well known tor hla philanthropy that
be was dying of atarratlon waa pre
sented by tbe worthy man with loaf
of bread. Tbe would be benefactor
was considerably startled, however, at
tbe Indignant surprise of tbe emaciat
ed one. "I'm not bread hungry!" said
that Individual haughtily. - London
Ha4 Rat Obearvael It.
Mr. Cpjohn (at th banquet) Th
colonel Is a good after dinner speaker,
but did you notice bow queer ly he mix
ed bis metaphors? Mr. Strnckoyle
Why-r no. He's bea taking 'etn
straight, I think, so far. Chicago Trib
une. '
! Ia Bta Llae.
"Could yon do the landlord In the
'Lady of Lyons r " asked the manager
of the seedy actor. "Well. I ahould
think I might I hare done a good
many landlorda." Kansas City Inde
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Arts
A attire's I'laa
The most fuccexsul medicines are
i In .ne that aid natnn. Clismi'erlaiii's
l otuli Keniedy acts on this plan.' Tske
it when yon have a cold and it will allay
the coueh. relieve the limit", aid expe.
toration. open tbe wretions tand
aid nature in rert rinu' the system to
healthy condition. Thousands have
teetified to it superior excellence. It
counteracts auv tendency ol a cold to
result in pneumonia. Price 25c. Large
size, 50c tor sale by Keir Uass.
McGuire Bros, make their own leaf
ard nnder their own brand.
Tk. Ha-rl Crow.
The Hungarian crown, tbe royal head,
dress worn at their accession by all the
Austrian emperors, Is tbe tdeutlcal one
made for Btephen and used by him at
tbe time of his coronation, more than
800 years ago. It Is of pure gold and
weighs nine marks and six ounces
(about fourteen pounds avoirdupois).
It Is adorned with 63 sapphires, 60
rubtoa, 1 emerald and 338 pearls, but
no diamonds. It being a notion of the
royal Btephen that diamonds were un
Better Late Than Never.
"Intelligence has Just reached me"
began Mr. Blodger as be sat down to
tbe dinner table.
''Thank goodness If it has at lust!"
exclaimed Mrs. Blodger, and the food
was partaken of In silence.
Smreeaa In Baslaeu.
The path of success In business is In
variably the path of common sense.
Notwithstanding all tbat Is said about
"lucky hlta," the best kind of succesa
In every man's life Is not that which
iomes by accident S. Smiles.
Bred to It.
"He seems to see the worst side of
"He can't belp It. He's an amatew
photographer." Washington Star.
Miss Passay So she's twenty-five to
day. I guess It would surprise her If I
should tell her I was the same age.
Miaa Pepper Oh, no; she knows that,
of course. Miss Passay That I am
twenty-five? Miss Peppery No; that
you were.
sound discretion Is not so much in
dicated by never making a mistake i
by never repeating It. HotC.
Ironing lloiinl.
I have just made up an assortment
of these necessary articles, also have
tbe material to make tbem to order.
Experience has taught what kind give
the best service, also what to make
them of to prevent warping, obeoking
or extractiug pitch.
Yours for anything in the ;carpen
tei ing line.
F. G. COE,
Opposite O. B.Hartley's Res.
Phone 571.
Pain from a Burn Promptly Relieved
by Chamberlain's Pain Balm
A little child of Mlchnl Strauss, of
Vernon, Conn., was recently in great
pain from a burn on the band, and as
cold applications only increased the in
flammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr.
James N. Nichols, a local merchant,
(or something to stop the pain. Mr.
Nichols says: "I advised him to use
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and the first
application drew out the inflammation
and gave immediate relief. 1 have used
this linaiiient myself and recommend il
very often for cuts, burns, strains and
lame back, and have never known it to
disappoint." For sale by Keir & CasK,
We pay 4 on time deposits, current
rates on savings accounts, receive deposits
subjed to check, and do a general bank
ing bunnas-
You can have the advantages of
strong bank at your very door by using
the mails.
Send us your deposits. Acknowledg
ment will be sent you by return nvul
Savings accounts received from one
dollar up.
Open an account with its and note
how atpidly it will grow.
L L DURHAH Vaa PaaSaal
1 C CATOHWU Am Saakaj
J issaMba. B
When purchasing ticket to Chi
cago and the East, see that it
reads via the Chicago & North
western Railway. Choice of
routes via Omaha or via St. Paul
and Minneapolis.
It is ths rout of The Overland Limited
and the direct line to Chicago from the
Coast Four fast dallr Chicago trains
make connections vith all traaticontt
aental trains at St Pan! and Minne
apolis. Tht Bm of EVtrg thing.
All agents aell tickets via this line.
For farthar information apply to
a. v. holm, inmi at. o. a. .-w. ay
SS TMr St.,
aosruuio, .at.
They Stand Alone.
Standing ont In bold relief. ofl alone;
and as a conspicuous example of open,
frank and honest dealing with the sJek
and afflicted, are Dr. Pierce's isvunte
Prescription for weak, over-worked, de
bilitated, nervous, "run-down," pain
racked womon, and Ir. Pierce s Goklen
Medical Discovery, mo ibiwjiu remoir
for weak stomach. Indigestion, or dys
pepsia, torpid liver, or biliousness, all
catarrhal affections wether of the
stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nasal
passages, throat, bronchia, or other mu
cous passages, also as an effective remedy
for all disease arising from thin, watery
or impure blood, as scrofulous and skin
affections. . ,, .
Each bottle of the above medicines
bears upon its wrapper a badge of hon
cstr in the full list of iiinretilcnts com
posing It-print"! in plain InglUh.
This frank and open public tv places
these medicines in a cluti nil b tfirm
sctwa, atid Is the best guaranty of their
merit. They cannot be clnRfed as patent
nor secret medicines for they are neither
Mrw of knrn-n etimpotitlun.
Dr Pierce feels that he enn afford to
take the afflicted Into his full cmilidenco
and lay all the Ingredients of his medi
cines freely before them because these
Ingredients aro such as arc endorsed and
most strongly praised by scores of the
most eminent medical writers as cures
for the diseases for which these medl
clnes are recommended. 1 heretore, the
afflicted do not have to rely alone upon
Dr Pierce's recommendation as to the
curative vulne of his medicines for cer
tain easily recognlied diseases.
A glance at the printed formula on
each bottle will show that no alcohol and
no harmful or habit-forming drugs enter
Into Dr. Pierce's medicines, they being
wholly compounded of glyceric extracts
of the roots of native, American forest
plants. These are best and safest for
the cure of most lingering, chronic dis
eases. l)r.R.V. Pierce cn be consulted
ram, by addressing him at Buffalo,
N. Y., and all communications are ro--mAA
aa!lv ennfidelltlal.
It is as easy to bo well as 111 and
much more comfortable. Constipation is
the cause of many forms of illness. Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Toilets cure constipa
tion. Thev are tiny, sugar-coated irrun-
nl.u flnn "Utile "Pellet" lS S gClltlo lltXH-
tive! two a mild cathartic All dealers In
medicines sell them.
I ai t Worth Kuitw ..'
Our litile daughter tilatljf, mlluied
for eou.e tin e tor ohusos unknown to
us until we bad to keep her out ot
school We Dually took her to our
pbysioi u who reouiumended nerve
treatment of the eyes. So we t-iok
her to Dr. W. K Larnway t ml hed
glasses fitted. Soon alter she had one
slight attack and uow we oousider her
perfectly well.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crosby.
For sale by Emporium. Twenty acres
on Methodist lane, four miles southwest
from Hood Ui er, small house, some
land cleared. Only fr-tXH).
Not for vour dealer's sake, nor for
Benson's Take but Ir your own sake
get some of lletison's Kancy new
potatoes. They will maku you smile.
Nature's Wondrous Handiwork
fY: ornti4ysii
Through Utah and Colorado
t'a-tle titi'P, ("iiiuii! of Ilie (iticiil,
'ln-k I'm. of, .iar '.!'.!! atel Ten-w.-tKV
I'hi cs. in' tlie World
Famous) Kojal Uorjse.
Fnrdi'crlHlvo io"' iiiu-tralml )uiiib
let, vrlle to
W. C. McBRIDE, Genera! Agent
lit Third street, I'O ; I I. M), OH.
tints Faint $X
Wall Paper Co.
Have ndtictl a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH
Our (stock of paper includes Intent designs in Blanks, (iilts
and high Grades, From l()c up. A full stock of room
molding, Picture mil, Plate rail and a small line of
novelties in Framed Pictures. CAECIMO, the
latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order.
Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc.
Phone 071 . First and Oak Streets.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone 931
you are interested in having
Oliver Steel and Chilled Plows
Moline Orchard Disc
Sharpcis Tubular Cream Seperator
Kimball Cultivator
Bean Spray Pump, Aermoter Wind Mill
Syracuse Spring Tooth
Acme Harrow Buckeye Force Pump
Vehicles and Farm Machinery
Leave Hood River 8:00 a. m. Leave Dee 4:00 p. m.
On June 10th, and each Sunday there
after, Mount Hood Railroad will run an
Excursion Train between Hood River
and Dee.
A more pleasant trip than
a few hours ride through the
Beautiful Hood River Valley
cannot be taken and the
Fishing' in immediate
vicinity of Dee is unsur
passed. Round Trip $1 Round Trip $1
Tickets on Sale at Office, Mount Hood Hotel.
Dp It In your flutr to mk yourlf
UK- bi attrsK'ttve ttoMibl. If you fctve
UL wrinkled, ontlfhtlj
completion, Irani how to acquire prfct
klu hy harmUwa, unrntfpl method. I
will Mud you a fre pamphlet, In a plain
nTlop, firing all particular!. If you
write today. FWe ytara eatabllahed.
MADAME HTTDBOM, 2tT Maclaay bid-.,
Waihlngton at , Portland, Oregon.
Boardln mnd day aehool fop lounf laaias.
Muilc (Ltachtiilty mathod). Art; Comylota
Academic Coursa: apeclal Inducement. For
Information addraas SUtar Suparlar.
White Salmon-Hood llivw
Two big sail boats, two
bifi- jtorft'ctly salV gasoline
laniu'lios and two big ferry
Expert sailors in
l?outs leave at all
Lieenxnl Ferrymen.
C. P. R.
Next Door to MetJuirc Itrotliers,
Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired
All work done wi'li Klectrie
i ami iianinleeil
Best line of Cigars in
the City
Also handle line of
Pipes, Tobaccos and
I ishing Tackle
are many, too many
to print here, but if
the BEST g't acquainted with
uucneye uiaer mm
a M a. f 111
It. II. W I- I Kit, I'KM..
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation.
Houses and Lots
Coe's Addition
Cheap for
your own
is the
New Location.
We are now located in the Smith Building, in the
room formerly occupied by J. E. Rand, where we will he
pleuHed to nee all of our old customera as well as new ones.
This large and well-lighted store has been fitted up
with the best and most complete stock of
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour and Feed
ever displayed in the City. Fresh Vegetables received
daily. Call and inspect our stock.
WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
Bartmess' Furniture Store
Malleable Iron Reds, guaranteed against breaks by the
factory for 2o years, and yet cheaper than the cast beds.
We get them direct from the East. Call and look them over.
Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
A Large Linefof New Spring Goods
At prices never before quoted
and Shrubbery.
Cash or on
Time to
Phone Farmers 1233.
H. C. COE.
This Bank Free
Wliatotir men ami women ot fifty years
hence will le depends on the children of to
day. Is it not worth our while, evrn at the
cost of considerable efl'ort, if necessary to
teach tinr lioy or girl the valn of money, tlie
habits of thrift, economy and savings. Her
bert Spencer says "education Is the prepara
tion for complete living." One of our Home
Savings Hanks which you can have FREE
upon opening an account with one dollar or
more, if in your home, Is a constant appeal
ing educator, teaching the habit of saving
Hilenlly, forcefully, and not to &e denied.
Savings Department
First National Bank
V a.