QOD RIVER GLACIER Isaurd every Tharsday bf AK1H18 D. MOB. PaMUasr. fanaiett IB sivas. j sbsorlptlon-l.M a 1 tm fU THURSDAY. SEPT. 13, 1906. A Miobigun millionaire lumbermim bag died leaving 27 wills. Tbo law yeri, will uo doubt orect a moniiuient to bim. Last year this conutry imported $10,000,000 worth of diamoudH. They ought to pretty nearly replace the one that were stolen from acti eases during the year. The increase in postal receipts moves the New Yoik World to remark that a nation's happiness and proB peilty can be measured ,by the letters it writes. But there isn't much hap plness in the kind we get the first of every month. A good solution of the question of cheap apples for poor people would b to buy some of "thVsurplus stock i tbe east and shin it out went. No. 1 Ben Davis apples are soiling for 50 cents a barrel, and commoner kinds are being left to rot on the 'ground. " Now that Emperor William and King Edward have kissed and made up, now that Senator Piatt and Chair man Odell have fallen into each oth er's arms; now that leader Murphy and Editor Hearst speak as they pass by j now all would be sweetness and light, if President Roosevelt and Hon ator Tillman would drop the big stick and pitohfork and rub noses. CMosier and Tbe Dalles are now busy in the packing and shipping of prunes. There will be none driod tbia year, or very few, the bulk going out in five-pound baskets to the east em market. Last year's returns for this method of shipment were very satisfactory, and it is being followed up tbia year on a more extensive scale. R. II. Weber says that there will be about 25 oar fiom The Dallas and 15 from Mosler. The shipments from Hood River will be small, as there are but comparatively few in the valley. ,:, An interesting experiment was tried In a small town of the East. A dollar was tagged and on the tag was tbe ro quest to note to whom It was paid and for what. In a few hours it bud passed through the hands of a grcoer, butcher, a collector, a bookstore li.uu, a hardware merchant and f preacher. In a few days it had paid over 8100 worth of debts. The idea was to show that a dollar spent at home does good to many each day and that its actual monetary value Is not its full measure of good lu a ooimiui ty. Spent with a catalogue house, it leaves tbe home town and does uo more good there. I - - - ... -! Rlnaido M. Hall Resigns. Riualdo M. Hall, who for several years was advertising agent of the O. It. t N, company, and when the offices were consolidated with the Southern Pacific, his rtuHoi were ex tended over tbe tatter's ' Hues in Ore gon, has resigned bis position, it tnk ing effect the first of the present month, Mr. Hall is uncertain at pies ent just what line line of work he will take up. Mr. Hall has set a high stamlaid on the work of the odloe, his publica tiona being the equvl of any of like character among the big railroads of the oouatry. Ills publications bare been original, unique and effective ns a meana of advertllsng the resource of the wonderful country traversed by tbe Ilarrlman system, and Hood Uivm baa never bad cause to feel slighted in any of these publications. The de mand for these books and foldeis has demonstrated their value, and the eagerness with which they are hoiikM as soon as Issued, is an a ided tribute to the high character of tho work. Mr. Hall has many friends Binong the newspaper profession who wIhIi him every tuooess in whatever lino of work he may take up. Htate Fair at Nulriii. Fair Grounds, Salem, Or., Sept. 10 Tbe weather could not have bitun more Ideal for the opeulng of tin State Fair. No sooner were the gatux thrown open at 7 o'clock than people began to tlook in, and up to noon lh crowd, was estimated at about u.lKHi, The opening could not have beeu more auspicious, and iudlcatlons are that the attendance tnrougnout tin week' will.be largei than expected. Exhibits, which are better in every respect thau ever before ,are in place in every department, and a large force of men Is engaged in putting tlie Mu lshing touches on. Livestock, dairy, maohinery aud agricultural exhibit are all above the standard of excel leuoe and scope, and are centers of at tractions among the displays. The greatest attraction at the fair is tbe racing programme, which Is composed of two regular harness vents and two running raes each day.with one or two special running or harness races sandwiched in. The best horses on the coast are entered in these events aud some fust time is expected to be tuade, if not roooiils broken, during the week. Tbe traok is in excellent condition and borsemeu prouounce it fanter than ever before. Kern. To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. at Viento, September, 10 a boy. True, To Mr. aud Mrs. A. 1). Hull, at Odell, September 8, a glrL To Mr.a nd Mrs. Ueo. llraitbwaito, September 9, a girl. A bath cleanses the skin and rid the pores of refuse. A bath makes fur bet ter fellowship and citizenship. Not only should the outside of the body lo cleansed, but occasional use of a laxa tive or cathartic ojieiis the bowelfc and clears tbe system ot effete matter, Jiost for this are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Pleasant little pills that do not gripe or sicken. Sold by Williams Pharmacy. ADVERTISING BY 0. R. & N. According to William McMurray, general passenger agent of tbe llarri tuan lines in Oregou the O. H. & N. company, the Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific will redouble theii efforts to advertise Oregon in the East in the future. Notwithstanding the excellent advertising given this state by the Ilarriman system in the past, new rent urea and now advertis ing departments will be aided to all tbe railioad publications ixsued by the Ilarriman people on tbe Pacific const. Mr. McMurray today secured a number nf bunting and range pnrto graphs from Majoi Lee Moorhouse, Hiid in the forthcoming edition nf the "Road of n thousand wonders," and tbe "Ovorliiiiii Route" to be issued by tbe Union and Southern Pacific roads, the bunting advantages of Ore gon will he featured. Thousands of eastern hungers come west every year in search of good hunting ami heretofore this feature of Oregon bus been neglected in all advertising. The Ilarriman people will now place this feature prominent ly before the east and photographs and views of hunting K'ones will have a prominent phice in all forthcoming publications. Major Alooi house had a number of excellent mountain scenes which Mr. McMurray 'ound suitable for the forthcoming books and these will ap pear with suitable reading matter in tbe advertising publications to be is sued by the Hi n in. so people in tin. near future. lu regard to the heavy t ratal over the Ilarriman lines, Mr. McMurray says it is unprccented in the history of western railroading. Every effort Is being made to tulil gre iter facili ties for handling this travel. The Union Pacific is being practically double tracked from end to end and several millions are being spent in improvements aud new equipment for tbe O. R. & N. and Hho tEine. With iu a limit time the en' ire Ilarriman system will be practically rebuilt, so vust are the improvements now being oompleted. East Oregoninn. itiilthcr Jews Like Rabbits. Siedlce, Sept. 10. A Jewish massa cre surpassing In seriousness all pre vious ones iu this vicinity, took place here Saturday and Sunday, it was carefully planned beforehand, the sol diers warning all the Christian popu liition in advance to hang out their ikons, in order that they might re main undisturbed. Saturday night somo Terrorists killed two soldiers, aud theieupon the Libau Regiment broke forth iu unre strained fury. They began murder ing Jews on every hand, and contin ued their work of slaughter all night Saturday and ail day Sunday. Tho ghastly work of murdering and pillaging continued until early this morning, when (lovoruor - Uenerul Skallou telegraphed for permission to use the artillery. Emir batteriesthen opened tire down Pienka, Wuisiiw and Aliena streets, which were inhabited by thousands of Jews. The destrun Mon was hoirilile. An a result of the tpuiornl slitughtei, it Is estimated that fully 2'KI Jews have been killed and l.txio wounded. There are :i,(J(X) pris oners in custody, a great many of whom uie wounded. Not a soldier was killed. Apple for l lie Orient, Hood River apples are soon to be come us famous iu the Orient as they are now iu New York and the Euro pean cities. Tbe Eastern importing oomjiany, which bus branch olllcoa in all of tho largo Asiatic ports and cities, lias eont.nicte I with the Hood Ulver Apple (rowers' union to handle the product in the Orient, The com pany will contiol nil ot the apples that go to Asia and will systematically in troduce them. So the famous Splzenb irgs and New towns will very shoitly be us easy to procure iu Shanghai, Canton, Hong kong, iokio, Port Arthur, Calcutta, liouibay and other big cities as right here lu Portland, except that there will be a (inference in price. It Is expected that the apples .will be read ily purchased liy the tourists, for eign oIIU'IiiIh and the higher class ot the Celestials. A Chinese or Japanese or an Indian enjoy a Hood River ap ple with as much relish as does at. inerican or European. it is thought that a largo business can lie woiked up iu the Orient and the brisk demand of the comparatively 'etv und small shipments of apples re ceived there justifies this belief. The nnstorn Importing company is famil iar with the territory, is in a position to advertise and augment tbe sale of the product, and for these reaanna it received a contract from the 'Hood River Apple Urowers' union. J. Hamilton Niiwynt, the Poll land repre sentutiveof the company, has been corresponding with the Hood Rivei fruit grmv rs for some time. A box of apples can be shipped to tue.Vsinllc ports for about it cents, while to bend a box to New York and Kugland costs fill cents and 75 cents respectively. 1 he apples will be shipped in specially made boxes, lined with paper. Every apple will be ivrupped. This will be done to iusuie complete preservation. Experiments will bo conducted by the Eastern Im porting company to ascertain what variety is le-t fitted to withstand the climatic clinics. Hood River apples are not eaten all tho way from l ho north pole to the south pole, hut they come very near being shipped dear around the worh', New markets are constantly beini opened. 1 hey are now shipped as far north an Alaska, as far south as Mexi co, and t hey go oust to Kurope. Ore- gouinu. liincaiillrowii. At the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Drown, Klamath l'tills.H Or., on Wednesday, August -J, llur r.ettu li. ihiucau aud Eiluu I'lors Drown were united in marriiigt) by Uuv. J. 1!. (Iri'llth. The bride was attended by her sister, Hazel Mae, .Albert Patlersou licing 1'iv-t, man. Af ter a dainty lunch . n ' veil the young couple left for a ten days' tiip to Pelican liny Lodge, Until young people an. well known in Portland whim liny have n wide circle ot I'lien.ls. i hey will be at home after I leceiul er l.i. at llreliatdorest. Hood liher, Hlieie Mr. Duncan has a line ranch and is just finishing a neat cot tage. Reduction In Hour ami Feed. Special i'ii-Ii price on Flour and Fred nt warehouse, bran $1 1 per ton; sh irts, $IH per ton ; Hour, $4 per barrel. 1. Mclioiiftl.l. Notice. There will be a special meeting of Kden laieitmpment, Monday evening, September 17, for centering (ioldon Rule and Royal Puplre degrees. A good attendance is expected. Hamilton-Brown SHOES First Arrival Some New Fall Goods fire in now. May be you want to hear tin? latent and see the newewT, in Ladies' Tai'or-Tade Suits or Woolen Dress Goods. Our sales people an chock full o( informal ion, and we always appreciate your visit whether you wish to buy or not. We a re always holding out economy. Saving money on nec essnrv purchases is Economy.- Buying floods that wear and look well is Economy. Trading ata store that t nables you to do these things is Eeondmy. THAT'S US LARGEST AND BEJT SELECTION OF TABLETS IN TdE CITY Men's $4.00 Hat $3.23 Men who appreciate high valuer ;n bat" will not fail to take advantage of this great t'fer. Tbe genuine John B. Stetson bat, tbe Standard f Kxcellence, sold regularly at $4.HI and 4.fi0, we will n-ll until tfO 09 the week ends at tbe special price of iDUtiLo Flat Iron. Mrs. Pott's celebrated iiickle-pla'y flat irons Three Irons, holder and handle, $1.0" Bath Druinei. Mug m ile "Mi a solid oak back, once is dilticiilt to do without. Stove Brushes.' Au article that all hoiihe keeper will have to tiae now P blacken tbe stove linn bin bad a vacation Ihr .ugh the summer months. Price lOc Toilet Soap. Y' lir choice of I'ucuniber, Out nieal. Am iinin' Violet or Witch Hazel toilet poap, sold regularly at 6c. a bar, yonrcbiuccof 3 ham, 25c Parasol. A new selection in Indies' Silk Para asols, in all tbe leading shades. These parasols are mnde from a fine quality of silk and have a silk cov ering. Your clioii,e..J11. . . . . . LUL: . 915o Long 5ilR Glove. We have just received a shipment ol ladies' long silk gloves, jn white and lilacs, niaoe who renuorcru linger lips, ninkind them very ourame. vv nne mey BOYS' SALT AND PEPPER SUITS. Hoy's 2-piece double breasted, square cut suits, in salt and pepper effects, made of hard finished worsted, son eihi-iv thut ihe dust will not p lietrate. A good alue ut reirular price $4 00 Kpeciat ale price 83.27 1 We are Never Undersold LARGEST ,nncisns!LVi DsovasDsosnsns, SOIL TO BRING HEAT AND POWER Washington, Hupt. li Socretary of Agrlonlture Wilson does ,uot join in the posaiuiistio views as to the na tion's economic destiny recently made publio by President J. J. Hill of the Great Northern railroad, who shudders to think of tbe days wheu our population trebles. The secreta ry makes an answer today that breathes the spirit of optimism and conlldeiice, aud assuiances of the fu ture. He admits tho aocuiucy uf the railroad magnate's statement of facts, hut he does opposes hi dedi cttons aud proguosloations. He duclaicn that it is true the British tarings nets a greater yield per acre thau the (ineri can, but it is because he has i d opted different methods. 'The sooreturt says the application of new method.- in the west and ill tbe Mississippi valley will yield enormous returns The tecre tary has no uueasiness about the lack of fuel. "Ihe farmers will meet condi tions, " he says. "Congress has tak on the first step iu giautiug free alco nol, aud thiVi department is at work learning what cun he done to develop its possibilities. "Chemists are working at a big miniiHty iu Illinois to learu how to produce cheaply from the waste pro ducts of that business, and an export has been sent to Kurope to study and bring back supplies of seed tor the pioduotiou of big stock potatoes raised there for alcohol and stock food. It is not the ordinary odible potato we know, but will give twicr the alcohol pel acre. Still other ex perts are studyiug the uiso of alcohol for heat and power. "We will Irrigate more The gov ernment is doing what it can to re claim laud whin 1 lien hclov the lovel of the ditch, llut what of tl.u land which lies above the ditch to which tho water cannot he tulien? W I', wo Bre working still nioie for i . Ve aie lliiding crops that will grow on it. ' are searching the ends of tho until for them. Durum wheat, tor cen turies raised iu Algeria aud dry parts of Hiinsla, was brought to us, ft will produce a good crop 011 10 inches of annual rainfall. Last your we raped 10,000,000 bushels of it, aud thu jear tho crop will lie much larger. Appointed Administrator. Koswell Shelley has been appointed administrator of the estate of Clms. M. Husey, deceased. D. S. tSnaey, of Haiisbiirg, Ore. brother of the de ceased, requested tbe appolntmeut of Mr. Shelley, aud spent several days here the latter part of the week look ing over the nroporty and taking care ot the personal elfects of his brother. Mr. iiusey lives so far away that he thought it better to have a local man take charge of the estate. There are nine hi others and sisters, scattered iiround in diff eroir states, w ho are heirs, and to whom the proceeds will go after final settlement. Notice. No orders will be delivered after 11. 00 in the forenoon ami 4.:t0 in Ihe afteruoon, commencing Monday, Sep temlier 17. Mctiuire liros. Kd. Mayes. A. S. lieut LOST On S'nte " I Hill, out of 11 1 ltiver, !.. . ew .'i-rlng halter with 1. pe stem. Also 1.01 p' tiii carriage blanki . Kinder will h.' p i l 75c by leaving it the Glacier oll'nv or at Hutler Hankii g Company. XOT1CK OK KIN A I. sI'.TTI.KMKNT In the matter of Ihees jite of llurvry J. R.vr ket I, deceased. . Notice Is hereby given thai the undersigned hna died hla final report and account as ad mlnlstriltor of Ihe elate of llarvi y J. Ilry ki il deceased, and Unit the roi.niy court or , the Stuie of on-gon, for Wiw,v county, has ' upiHiinted Monday, the sth day of November, j im!, at the hour of ten o'clock a. 111. of mi id day as the lime, and ihe county court room j in Ihe county court house In lHlles t'ily, VVssco county, Oregon, us the plie-e for the h. arlnx of salil final rejsrt. All ei sons hav ing objections to said report ure h.-reby no tltlcl 10 be present at subt time and pluce and pies, et Mich obleetlon. If any tber- tw. Dated I Ills Hill dill' of Septrllil-. . l!H',. RO. III. A Mil All, sltt Aduilulstruior The Paris Fair The Place to Save Money of New Fall Ladies' i50 Hose 90 We have plai-ed on special sale a''out 150- pairs of Ladies' Fast ISIack Cot 'on Hose, made wiih a hivrh spliced heel and a pure Maco foot. Au article that is seldom bought for 15c, and one that will wear f and give satisfaction. Regular price 15c, Special "., Children' Underwear. Odds and ends of c hildren's ,'ersey riblied, fleece lined underwear. JiiFt tho thing for this eld weather, its so soft and warm. We have lot, values up to 85c. Will eh.e Oil at, the garment, . ..15e An urticlo if ued Price 2Jc. Ladies' Suits. The first shipment of Lubes' Tailor-made Suits have arrived and are very stylish and effective. The coats are in islly short effects, mule of plaids and tourist suitings. A very pretty, assortment of pattern i with price ramimt from $7.50 to 915.00 Ladies' Underwear. New arrivals of Ladies' Perfect Fittin Jersey ribbed underwear. Tailor finished and a garment that is made to fit the form. Your choice 25c Knives and Forhi. Medium size knives and forks, made with a highly polished handle, and a good quality blade. Your choice per set of six, 50c making 91.15 lest, . . NANISM CLOTH SUITS. Ad sizes, 2-piece manish cloih suit" for boy, -imde with a sq mre cut double breasted. K iry h iv and servicahle "material. Reirul ir Price $2.75 Social price 91-98 AND BEST LINE OF SHOES IN THE STEEL SQUARE. HeTrj' of (be Invention of the Tool I'seil by Curitentera. The large steel squares used by car penters aro such common tools that perhaps few know when and where they were first wade aud bow they camo to be used or even give the mat ter a thought. The making of them is a great industry now, hut when the last century came In there was not one in use. The inventor was a poor Vermout blacksmith, Silas Howes, who lived in South Hhaftsbury. One dull, rainy day a peddler of tin ware called at his shop to have tbe blacksmith fasten a shoe 011 bis horse. Such peddlers traveled up and down the country, calling at every farmhouse, buying everything in the way of bar ter. This oue hud a number of worn out steel saws that be bad picked up in various places. Howes bargained for them, shoeing the peddler's horse and receiving tbe saws In payment, and each thought he had an excellent trade. Ills Idea wiis to polish and weld two saws together nt right angles and thus make a rule or measure superior to anything then lu use. After a few at tempts he succeeded iu making a square, marked It off Into Inches and fractions of inches and found that it answered every purpose that be in tended It for. Iu the course of a few weeks he made quite a number during bis spare hours. These he sent out by the peddlers, who found every carpenter eager to buy one. Soon be found orders coming in faster than ho could supply tbe de maud. One of his steel "squares" would sell for $5 or $0, which was five times as much as It cost him. lie applied for and obtained a patent on his invention bo that no one else could deprive him of the profit it gave him. It was just after the war of 1812, und money was source and difficult to get, but he worked early and late, and as he on rued money be bought iron and hired meu to help him. In a few years ho wus able to erect a large factory and put In machinery for the making of squares, which by this time had found their way all over the country and had made their Inventor famous. Such was the small beginning of a large and Important Industry. People came miles to see the wonderful forges, the showers of sparks flying from be neath the heavy hammers, and listen to the din of the thousand workmen. Silas Howes lived to bo n millionaire, aud he did 11 great ..l of b.h1 with his money.- Copgn g itl.iini!!- t. A IVIIIe. eiiev. He Don't jou iliink that some of Ml taylngs are smart? SheThey aren't, but they do. Brooklyn Life. Stanley-Smith Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Etc Limber Delivered to I Headquarters for! Dry Goods Merchandise We Close at 7.00 O'clock THE CITY Notice. To All VVh 'in it May Concern: Nu tice 1- heiehy gl' en thai Ira All ien is nob. g-r in my einphu, O' :is c.ated with me 111 any capacity whatsoever No one will in the future extend any credit to 1 1 i tn on my account, and he if not authorized to make any collection for me. A. S. lient. KKI'ORT OK THE CONDITION Or THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT HOOD RIVKR, IN THE KTATK OF OlltUOJV, AT THK CIjUHK Or BUHI NK88 8 KPT. 4, im. KKMOUKCES. I,' an and Dlwonnui H0 III;; im overilrans MMuireu and urHecureo 7,w:UM United Htutes lHinus to Heciir circu lation 12,500.00 Premium on II. H. bonds 4i.i.:il HoudH aud 8ecurltlt UM Furniture and fixtures s.iviu.n Due from Slate Hunks and Hankers... fl,4IS.;Ui Due from upproved reserve agenta.... 37,i:Vt.fie Checks and other cash Items I.Kd.'M Note uf other nuttonal bunks 1,145.11(1 fractional paper currency, nickels and cent HO.Uc Lawful Monlv Ukhkkvic In bank Viz: Rpecle 9,.187.TO Lexul tend, r mites 1,:ii0(M... 10,S1tT.7S Redemption mud with II. M. treasur er (n per cent of circulation) fii".tM) Total Jsll.'.'ifcj.ST i.iaiii J,l 1 IKS. Capital stork paid In s.vi Olift.dii HurplUHl'umi .l.iituK) Undivided profits, lc cxikmihcs unit tuxes psid 1 Nutlonul'llflnk notes outstanding.... on Ividenus unpaid .'jo. no liidividuul deposits subject tocheck 12 ,i;i'.t. DeniHIld certillcHtesof deKlslt i,777.;0 lime certificates ol deposit suit Suv- lugs Department 3,e4VI!l Cashier's cnecksouttumllii ai.U' Total ; SJ3I,22 87 Htnle of OrcKon, County of Wasco, as: I, K. O. Hlunchur, casbler ol tbe above named bnnk, do solemnly swesr that lie above statement Is true to the best of my snowieoiee uiiu ueoci. K. . lll.ANCHAK, Cashier. Corhkt. Attet-l: R. Sinllli, Joi n W. llln rlcbs, I , Stun ley, Directors. Huh l ibed snd sworn to brfor? me this ",0th day ol tlepl., Oeo. T. Prallier, Votary Publlo EXKi t ' IOR'8 NOTICE Not c I- if r. i, given that the undersigned has duly., 'i"l as 1 xecutor of the last will aud tests ; bonis 8. Rhoaries, deceased, ami an p - tiuviuK claims RKnien siioi eststeun t t. ,t to present the same duly verified 11 'i. ml. ce of A. A. Jayne, Hood River, Ore. u I'nin six monllis from lint dale Hereof. o. H. khoahkh. AUKU.t .'.'!, ll KSLKM Only a lew more of llnise splendid 10-acre tracts unsold on the M. H. l'otter furm I11 HiKid River valley, near tbe city. Huitable tor apples aud strawberries. I'rleea are placed below regular rates on similar prop erly In this vicinity. No better apple lund can be found. Look at It personally for the prooi. rite r runs jucrariand, iss i:uh st, Pish land, or see Mrs. M. H. hotter on tbe farm. miotf For Sale Oue team of horseli, weight 1400 rinnaacHcii, wen oroKen. single ordoutiie, and 12 years old. iood bumess and S', Huln wagon, wide Urea, Willi rack. I'rlce 13 0 Terms. WIU tske two or three good milch cows as purt payment. Write to or Inquire of 1 .. v , rt arisius, lascaue lsicks, ure. jntt Hulls lor r4ervlee 1 keep two bulla at my place for r-ervlce. Any one wishing tbe use ol same must pay at tbe time service Is tendered Service, $1. I also do dehorning at 2'o pet head. Uruno r'rans North Belmont. a&-uovl. Lumber Co. 1 Any Part of the Valley 3 a. Bartmes' Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS Malleable Iron Beds, guaranteed against breaks by the factory for 25 yenrs, and yet We get thein direct from the Kast. Call and look them over. S. E BARTMESS . Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. LICENSED Undertaker and Embalmer. FOR OREGON AND WASHINGTON K REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT ON ALMOST ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS A Large Lineof New Spring Goods MATTINGS and CARPETS At prices never before quoted Millinery Opening OF THE Latest Designs in Pattern Hats At Mme. Abbott's ...Thursday, Friday and Saturday... Sept. 13, 14 and 15 ARTHUR PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Is now located in Chas. Clarke's Drug Store, next door to the postoffice. A full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass All Goods Marked . . Don't forget the W. B. STROWBRIDGE SIGN WRITER Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty Phone 1313 For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. For. Hrtle. Four foot stab wood at the Mid die Vnliuy Mill. Telephone two long und one Klior ring". h13-o4 For Hale. Full blooded Plymouth Hork chickens from prize winning Htoek. We have g-mie that will nmke prlae winners and tie. fore sending elsewhere be sure and visit the ards ut K-kford suire. We g-uuranU-e yni S'ttlsfaclion. onr swles last yfai were very idshetory. Mrs Brayford. Bockford Store, nesr Hurrutt'i ISrlinol house. sl3-o4 Kor 8 lie. Haby bnggy. IT O. H. Jenkins. siaX ror Nrtle. i'wo wood Khcds, .ultnble for chUrken bouse or small barn- w. J. Baker. sia-04 For Kale-A 7 Je:sev bull, yesrs old sure service, price, IM). M. liumas, Mount lima. fa For Ssle One horse back, either one or two seats; suitable for family driving or market waKon. Also set ot harness. G. H. Bobbins, Fanners' phone, Itoute 1. s27 For Hale Two milk cows and a saddle oonv J. Wlckham. 827 Fer Sale Hsm iifijilii, IS loot pouts. Good as new. Inquire of O. L. Woodworth or U. B. Hartley. s27 For Hale Pine wood, 16 Inch and i foot leturths. Price, J2.A0 per cord for 16 inch and 92 per cord lor 4 foot, on the ground at my rancn ai imen. a. u. ais?. For Hale Fox t'rler pupa from my prlie winner that took first prize at Portland show. The pups are pure bUxd. very nicely marked black and tan ncaos ami ears, white bodies. FVerv one will make a winner if nut no for a show. These dogs make the best of compan. Ions and rat. dogs. Kockford store, Hood River, Ore. li For Hale-'A Faultless Grubber, nearly new. at a bargain. AIm two tents and camping out lit. Crescent Fruit Co., i miles out, east Hie. , . a.u-saj For Sale Italian prunes. One centarjonnd. Twin Oaks Farm. PhoueMxl. uMs!U For sale Team of light work horses, one a gimd single driver) set double harness; one uaca; one ouggy, atmosi. uew; one single nar nest; one saddle and bridle. A bargain. M-m . H.M.Huxley. Wanted N) families who can each use from 10 to lt lbs. of prunes, Choice of four varie ties. Phone lJSti. H.C Bateham. ajtii-sia For Sale-Two bursts, weight about 10(10 lbs. each; 1 one-horse spring wagon, cart and har ness, j. 11. Kinsey, aAi-nis For Hale Forty thoroughbred Brown Leg. horn bsua. J. I. Carter East Hide. Phone lit. 21-812 For Kale 10 acre tracts In Mouat Hood Set tlement, on main mad. Timber on some tract, also wster. Price 1761(1 to tls nr acre. Half down, balance 6 per cent! Clear title to every tract. Address A. K. Velnuth. 441 Sherlock Building, Portlaud, Ore,, owner at m. For Sale Reliable family bay horse. -broke to work, rid or drive single or double. Also harness and twrMieated rig. WHI take cow, hsy or farm wo 'k In exchange. Apply by mail or In mornings at farm on Rerrett road. s jura. i. n. Mercer. For Sale Only 80 minntea walk from noat. Oilice, IK acres of good rich land, tine view, 1 Hviug,.Npriug ou place, uooa new House, some land cleared. All for $100. Kasy terms. Enquire at this office. f For Sale Team of ruarea. New harness 1 snd heavy 'hack, cneap. Apply at Transfer j A Livery bsrn or W B. McLaughlin. s6 . For Hale-Bed 100m suit, cook skive, chairs. Mason fruit Jars, hack and harness good as new. Call or write Henry Statu m, lavvn port lower planer, Kutbtoiij ai cheaper than the cast bedn. CLARKE in Plain Figures name Clarke, the Jeweler For Hale. Reliable family bay borne, broke to work, ride and drive single or double, with harness and two seated wairon. I'rtee 4 ,5 IK) If taken this month. Apply mornings at fiiriii on Barrett road. Mr, J. B. Henwr. sl.t-ot Kor HBle NTi'e"newfiii aifpot esn be founJ al the Part Fair. 1.27 For Sale-Heavy wat'tm In K"od condition, will trade for ltxht waiton. ISiiikIh hari.ess taken In part payment. H. p. Holph, K. K. I). No. 1, Phone I29U. U9.-ti REAL ESTATE. Parties wlshln to buy Isnd In W ind River valley would do well to call on c. (;. Wstherell, Carson, Wash. jyitl niti for Hale Klght acres of land, miles from Hood Klver on Belmont road ; 5 acres in strawberries, 65 fruit trees, part full he:irimr and part one year; balance In clover, potatoes and vegetables, blackberries, red raspberries and black caps on place. Three room house, packing house lUxa), barn Hxlil and other bulldtugs. Call al place for further particu lars, jailf L. J. Mulkius. Wanted. Wanted. Men to clear m acres brush land. G. D. Woodworth. bI;uh Wanled. Janitor work or odd (ohs. Will take care or horse or cow or other work on premises. T. W. care of Glacier. ;sl:(.4 Pasture. Plenty of meadow pasture on t lie Kemp place at Odell. tlM per month. Phone No lim. Maslker Bros. si3 o4 Wanted to exchange a nice H-room house In Dallas, the county seat of Polk county, for an apple orchard. Address with full partic ulars to C. A McCargar, Failing Building. Portland, Oregon. B Wantec Teams to haul ties. Middle Valley Mill, 4 miles south of Odell, Telephone two iuuk anu one suori. si:i-o4 Wanted-Man or men to tske contract for clearing laud. Liberal pay. A. N. Hahm. s27 Wanted-KellablcmRn to lake agency for Oregon Fire Relief Assoclat on for ilond River and Valley, address Kd J Perkins General Agent Eastern Oregon Department, Vogt Block, The Dalles, Pie on. dsW Wanted Inimefiiyteivin n , of 16 Inch wood and S cords of 4 tout' wood. mis. Auums, raraaise rami. 7 Wanted-Oood bright tx,y to learn printer's trade. F.nquire at Glacier olllce. Wanted-A washwoman, inquire at this omee. , Lost imr unmt tnree shoes Just reP"Are?,' ,n'i,f P'se return to this otth-e. Wanled-A cook for the Kmploves Club, at the Warm Spring Indian Hehool. For fur ther Intor ation call ou or address W. II Bishop, Box 7'., City. a'i-i't Wanted Horse, harness nnH 11. inni, wagon. U. D. Ntc.kelsen. . -i Wanted Prune packers aud pickers, good camping ground, two weeks work. A poly to P. Henningsen, at the Dryer, Mosler, ore. ail ..iiniwrn-ii or iraue Two lots ftixIOO and 40x UKI, one si x-room house and lour-room Cottage with fruit, on !.., i.. cu, : River, Oregou. r """u For Rent -,f.Kr """l; lnwer to" of8 rooms and bath With niiMlcrn tnMimvun..,...- r . . u, " , r"'ririi w, 11 rw witter, til .ZfT? inn. Also 4 rooms furnished For llnt nrto.. t . . 1 , - . ...v. . , luiiunuu noitse lur- iHh ?,T anfurnl",'l for rent till Msrch, -..,.,, ,., ifiou lenant, or longer time .'rJii,r'h,u ' Situated 2 m.h-s from oak and pine wood, thickens, fresh J enter COW a till rsa I i hnnu n 4 1. .. ... wanted ou spple cn. For parttonlHrs apply only aner Sep iah;';uT Mr."i"'B sl."-o4