The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 06, 1906, Image 4

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F. II. Ingram returned to bis farm
today from the loutbern part of the
state, where he ban been employed on
tbe Southern Pacific railroad for the
past year. Mr. Ingram is pleated tu
get back to Mot-tar again Rnd mya
Mosier looVg good to li i in. He notic
es a great many change.
J. K. McGregor wag called to I'ort
land by pbone one day last week on
Frank Buckley baa returned from
Spokane where be baa been staying
tbia lummer, and while be aaya Spo
kane ii a good city be prefers to live
in Moflier. Mr. Buckley bag 80 acrea
of aa fine land as there is on the Co
lumbia, wbiob be is olearing and put
ting into apple trees.
Grant Stradley came down from
Sherman county witb bis family hint
week and aaya be la going to gut him
a home in Mosier wheie be oan get a
good drink of water, something be
cannot get when be is east of Mosier.
J. P. Carroll waa a passenger on the
local to Tbe Dalles one day lust weuk
to make bis kick before tbe commis
sioners ai usual.
Mr. Thomas brought a in load of the
finest onions one day last week that we
have seen. lie raised them close to
town on high land.
A. C. Buck, of Hood Kiver, was
seen on our streets Sunday and also
went Into tbe country witb our real
estate rustler., 0. D. Morgan.
Our roads are lined with fruit teams
nowadays brKging in prunes wbiob
ar packed and also being packed here
for shipment to Eastern points. Two
car shipments are going .out every
day. The farmed are reoeiviug 40
cents per crate for their prunes on
board oars or f 18 per ton delivered at
Henningsen's packing bouse. Mosier
prunes are flue.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. J. K.
MoUregor entertained a few of hei
friends at tea In honor of Mrs. Walter
MoUregor, of Victoria,' 11. C. Dainty
refreshments were served and a very
pleasant afternoon was spent. Those
present weie: Mesdumes Stewart,
llennlngsen, Harlin, Booth, Ward
and Morgan.
Tore land buyers are In Mosier
now from the pandhaudle of Idubo
and are very much impressed witb
our fine apples and the healthy look
of our apple trees, which are grown
without irrigation.
N. P. Stnrgei was on our streets
Saturday, also Mr. Huge, from the
Ireland ridge.
Oeorae Ireland was in town Hutu
day and reports Mrs. Ireland improv
ing nicely after her full, which came
very near being fatal. Mr. Ireland
surely has one of tbe finest farms to
be found along the Columbia. (lood
water, good land, good wood and bis
apples for flavor and keeping quultiUs
oan not be beat.
Qeorge Chamberlain has several
teams on the road hauling bis summer
cuttings of lumber from his mill to his
yards near Mosier.
Mr. Hand, of Hood Klver, hud a
team come ovei tbe hill to meet him
and some laud buyers In Mosier Sttt
urdaywho were to come by train, but
from some oause they did not make
connection so the team letumed by
wagon road. Come on Mr. Itaud, we
have a glad hand to otfor tbe nuttier
In our midst.
J. 11. tiroff, of tbe Upper Mount
Hood settlement, was a oaller at the
Kockford on Wednesday of last week.
J. II. brought some specimens of
apples which he raised ou his ranch
only a few miles from tbe suow line
and I must say that they are very
floe. In the near future that upper
country will be thickly settled and
thousands of boxes of apples will be
shipped out with the improved roads
aud the new ralh-oad which goes so
near that it will lie a desirable coun
try to live in. Any ou anticipating
buying laud In that upper settlement
had better get in on tbe ground tloor
at right prices.
Apple paokera are beainniiiu to cot
busy nowadays packing the ciop in
the Barrett diatri
O. D. Wood worth
closed a doul
lie wants you to have
modern and up-to-date
What the Doctor
W. F.
Dr. of Ophthalmology
Understands the lvves
their Defects, and t heir
relation to hnnian ills
Glasses Made to Fit
with tlm P.nrMrinl niiiii for Glghtecu
cords of very line lire wood.
Dr. Wright armed at Hood liiver
on Sunday evening. Dr. will be a,
very Limy mail dining tho next few'
weeks. Apples will have to he gath
ered, packed and delivered to Hood
Tho Barrett school opened tm Mon
day last, with l'rof. Murphy as iiiiu i
pal of the school. No hhkbioiis were
beard, jiiHt the names taken and class
es arranged.
Lumber is being hauled to the A.
Boatty place where u locksmith shop
will be put up ami soon wo expect to
bear the ring of the anvil. Sorry to
say that it is not beneath the spiead
ing chestnut tree hut it is on iJook
foid avenue. (Jood for Barrett dis
trict. CRAPPER.
Mr. and Mrs. Washington Barbee
and Mr. and Mrs. Oidway, of Hood
Kiver, visited witb Mr. ami Mrs. W.
C. Muitin on last Sunday ui'teruoou.
P. II. Martin and Dr. Dnuible are
having substantial improvements
made on the Van Johnson place.
Miss Kreidu I'reggo went to Port
land lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. King and
daughter. Miss Nettie, visited with
W. O. Martin and family on last Sun
Miss Swigert in building a new
bnm on her ranch in this neighbor
hood formerly known as the Shepard
Miss Mae King is making an ex
tended viriit in 1'oiUhiiiI. She is the
giie -it of Mr. anil Mrs. .enthaiier,
The U ra veil ste in apples are m istly
picked and shipped froin this neigh
borhood. lu picking lli'l lioes of (iraveiisteiu
apples on P. II. MaiLiu's place last
week only one wormy ipple was
found. Who c m beat that?
Miss Ooldio Jones, of Hood Kiver,
aooiiipaiiiud by her friend, Miss Jack
son, visited in this place a few days
last week.
Mrs. Fred Couch passed through
Friday taking her sick mother, Mrs,
Fuller, home with her to Hood Kiver.
Our school begins the first Monday
in Outuhor.
Mr. Smith had visitors from the
Locks Friday.
Dr. Watt was called over to attend
Mrs. Dun Sutter, who it is feared has
Mr. Kelley ami family returned to
Portland Friday after enjoying a few
weeks !t Acorn Lodge.
Will Underwood is off on a bear
hunt in the mountains.
Mrs. Cash is vistlng hi Portland
and Vancouver thu wuuk. . .
John Dark returned from tho miues
at McCoy creek Saturday. J
Flunk Thornton has returned to
Underwood, having disposed of his
rOKtuuraiit iu Hood Klvei,
Kev. Do Heart expects to hold ser
vices alter Sunday school ut the
school house Sunday.
I'ni'lei Brothers have bought forty
acres of the school section.
A steam shovel has been tecoived
ami lining tut up on thu railroad
grade near tho log .ihute.
C. D. Moore and Prof. Kollock were
ou a biiHliiess trip through Under
wood last week.
Miss Lottie Uiiderwood is visiting
her siB'er ut Chenowith.
Undo Ame and F.d Underwood
spent n fiuv days In Portlsnd aud
Vancouver ou road business lust
week, ,
The neighbors bad a working bee
Sunday at the dock and did what
they could to improve It.
(loorge Simdell came up from Port
land Saturday night to spend Labor
Pay ou Iiih ranch and visit triunds.
Miss F.lina Luthy a d party left
Monday for Portland to joiu bur aunt
aud childieu on u trip to the bop
Mr Ktelny left Monday for Portland
to see bis ocuulist who is treating his
eyes and Iiiih hones of testorlug Mr.
Keuny's eyesight.
Mr Henderson, of Hood Kiver, witb
ring them
it filled ut a reliable store, where tho appliances are
ami the drills are Pure and Fresh. AVe make this
ti specialty, and we assure you
puts on the Paper We put in the Medicine
'.ni,n,lmii ,j f V
rmjj "v ( ' . rVfx
a ,1.1 II
a (Tew of men commenced Monday to
survey and cut up into small tracts
tho ranch or Mr. E. C. Ooddard. Mr.
(Joddaid recently sold thirty acres to
Portland parties.
Mr. Kuapp lett Sunduy for Hillsbo
ro after a few days' visit witb bis
daughter, Mrs. Sorenson. His grand
daughter Selma, accompanied bim
and will sper i a few weeks in the bop
fields aud tl cii a lil to the coast.
Fred Luthy, jr., is slowly recover
ing from an attack of typhoid fever,
requiring the assistance of a trained
nurse from Portland who was able to
leave for home Monday.
School begun September 3 with the
following corps of teachers: S, .1. Kn
ots, principal, Margaret I'm, inter
mediate aud Mae Hull Fhrck, prima
ry. The school opened with almost
all the pupils in their places. This
being Lubor Day only a part of the
day was spent in getting ready for
tbe real work Tuesdiiy.
T ie ice cream social glveu by the
O. K. Thursay evening at tbe home of
Ms. Hattie Crockett was well attend
ed and enjoyed by nil present. Tbe
net receipts amounted to about (if
The dance given by Klmer Lafferty
in the I. O. O. F. halt at Odell Fri
day night was well attended, !IH num
bers lining sold. Those present report
a very pleasant time.
Koswell Shelley received returns
from bis luttweek's shipment of
wood the amount being $90. Pretty
good for what in the usual manner of
clearing land would bave been binned
oo the ground. Mr. Shelley shipped
a cur of wood again on Thursday.
John Kroeger made a trip to The
Dalles last last Friday on business.
The Muuut Telephone Co. is
putting in phones for A. Wood and
L. A. K. Clark.
M. I). Odell and L. A. K. Clark
bave been building a wood shed at
the school house. A famine in shin
gles caused a delay iu construction
no I ut this writing it Is still impossi
ble to procure a shingle iu Hood Kiv
er. (1 10. Bowermau is working ut
Green Point hauling logs.
W. C. Khrek came home Saturday
evening from Ureon Point where be is
at work. He wont buck Sunday even
lug. Miss Nettie Kemp is home from h'T
position with J. .11. ilellbrouucr A Co.
She is curing for her mothei, Mis.
Poole, who has beeu 111 of acute bron
chitis for some time.
Word came to Odeell last week r-f a
very serious accident which orci.irtd
at The Dalles. Charles Busey, a reU
dent of Odell, while iu The Dalles
stepped ulf a trei-tlo, l..Jili,g t-n .1 le
velling Injuries so serious that lo rub
unconscious when found aud bus re
mained so since und is In a critical
condition. His brut her was notified
and is with bim. He is being cared
for at The Dtdlus hospital.
Kev. Troy Shelley preached in the
church ut Odell Sunday, September 2.
His subject was "the Prodigal Sou
und be told the story plainly and
A traveling Holiness Preacher bus
been holding meetings Iu the church
ami ext ents to rontiniio thu meetings
tl is neck.
I'l... n v i. ..i i .,.,... ....... i !.,., , . t
lug Sunday night. Opal Caili on,
IT...... i..,.,.l,... I I ........
csling meeting.
.New Turntable far 0. It. it V.
Over at the lailioud shoes U u new
eighty-foot steel turntable which was
unloaded a few days ago and will lake
tbe plao ' of tho old sixty-foot, iron
table which is now iu use, I'll is
ohunge wi.s made necessary by the en
larged engines which it is impossibli)
to bundle ou tho present timitalile.
When two troim men come to blows,
even if they are well matched, it is not
a pleasing siuht, hut if the man who
gets the worst of it will use DeWitt's
Wirh Hjzel salve, he will louk bi ttei
und fcel'lietter in short order. Be sure
you get Hewitt's. Good for everything
a salve is used for, including piles. Sold
by Willitun- Pharmacy.
Something now Puffed HIco Candy,
at tbe tii'in Cunduy Kitchen.
r or i nni,
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 years ! Sixty years
of experience, think of thatl
Experience with Ayer's Sar
saparilla; the original Sarsa
parilla; the Sarsaparilla the
doctors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
Bnt even tltli grand old medicine cannot Ao
tt tH-at work It the liver 1 inactive and tbe
howvls fuitatifiatml. K'.r thw lt jioifttble re
milt, yon h. m id twite laxative tioeea ol Ayer'l
I'iila wlille taking tbe BantaiutiUla.
Ktd br J. C. A r Co.
T.nwAlL Mam.
.o m&nufaoturera of
We hay no aeoreta ! We publiaa
the formulae of all our oiedioinea.
A good many people bave bjeu
burning their hIuhIjuik last week aud
Saturday afternoon the tire trom one
of them sot into 1. Adams' place.
pluciiiK bis bono in danger. Tbe
whole town of White Salmon went to
belp i'Hrk lire bin 1 1 ice and succeeded
in keeping tbe lire from bii borne.
Mouday afternoon a tire started.from
the railroad contra "torr' woik and
went up tbe blurt iu Mr. Lauterbaob'a
aud fav. Overbaugh a places, making
tbe town ot Wbita Siiliuou In danger.
Tbe whole tiwn again went out light
inglllre and by bard work paved tbe
town. The wind carried tbe fire
towarda tbe town. Tbe anioke was
luffooating for a while but no barm
waa done except burning some fences
and a laige tract of wood and brush.
Mr. Fresbv, ol (iuldendale, who has
been a few dava in Western Klickit it
county ciin vanning nd is a cind'ih tt
for ntuio feniitni', 1 us gone back t
Uoldendnle wi b full courage tbat the
people will anppoit I iin in the com
ing county oon veil t i i u.
Tbe White Silimu Lumber Co. U
doing a b.n u;i mess m muc a lumber
la coining to toun every day.
Building is keeping up iu White
Salmon. U. Purser is builidng a new
barber abop for the use of . C. K
llranamau, wbo will occupy it within
ISO dnya.
Tbe primary of the republican
party will be held here next Sat
urday botAoun two an four o'clock to
elect six dulugiilts to go to Uoldeudale
September lf, . to nominate a full
Fall Planted Bulbs
Orders taken new (or Kail Planted
HiiIIjb and Plants. I'uy your tlluilinliis
from the grower. Sie Oukdale display
in lielil now. (iliuli iln bulbs from Mle
to 75c per dozen. Wyundotte Cocker
els, thu while kind, for sale now, 11.00
eueli. J. D. Fi.K'ii nun, li. K. No. 1,
' Hood River
1 As a dressing for tores, bruises and
burns, ('baiiilierlnin's halve is all that
can be desired. It is soothing and heal
ing Its effect. Price 2) cents. For sale
by Keir & Cas.
United HUteH Lup1 Odin', The Dulles, ( re,
Auk, li i, IWMJ. Noilri! U hctt'by given ihm. in
coin plliince with tlif proviniouH of the r1 of
(nKrertM of June 3, IhS, entillt'd "An for
HiHMHltt of ttiuher IhihU in the KlateH of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, hi id Washington Ter
rlt'iry," bm e.xlemtri to all the Fubllo I And
rtlHt-en, by net of Aiiunt 4, 1H92, the follnwliif
named (hthoiis have on April 2, iwttl, filed iu
thiHotllre thulr sworn HtaleinentH, to-wit;
of Heat tie, county of KImKi In the Htate of
WahiiiKton, fwoin stiiiement No. UMi.i, for
the puiflittMj of tiu;Hii!-i of Hwtion town
Hhlp 1 noitti, range U eHt W. M.
of Heattlo, comity of King, (Ktate of Washing
ton, sworn KUiU'iiMMit Jso. 2ftti7, for tlio pur
chase of the W'SK'i, N K4HKl4, Hectluu a-l,
and N W'iSWf'4 section Itf, townmhip 1, north
range 9 e., W. M.
Thai they will otfor proofto show that the
lands Hotight art more valuable for the
ti'iitHTitnil Hit me I he eon than for arlcul uial
ptinoNiN, ttnd lo t'NhtbllHh their claims to
Haiti IhihIn hctorullie Heglster and Heceiver.
hi the land oilice, in Tbe Dulles, Oregon, on
November (i, l'.tUf.
They name the following witness: NllsO.
Olsou, of 1'orlland, Oregon, Maude A. Kair
bnnkn and .Charle J, Fairbanks, of Seattle,
Any aud all persona claim lug adversely
atiy of the above deserlbed ands are reiuested
to tile thelrclainis in this oftie.o on or bwfo:e
SHid tub day ot November, IWKi.
MunH AIH'IIA h'.L T. fJOl.AN, Reglnter,
In the t'ireuit Court of the Htate of Ogon, f ( r
Kimna Koblnsou, Plaintiff,
Chan. (). It, Koblnmtn, Defendant.
T t has. o. li. KotiitiM)ti, defendant above
Iu the nameof the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to HpjH-ar ami answer the
complaint tiled against you in tthe above en
tll led cause on ttr before the expiration oi six
weeks alter tbe date of the first publication
of ttits suiuiuoiis, hm hereinafter stated, aud
In ease you tall to so Japper and Answer said
Complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the
iNuirt for the relief pmyed for in her com
plaint, nnmely: lor a decree of the court dis
solving the marriHge contract between the
pialntlframl delemlant tmu granting lo the
p'Mintitt'lhecare and custody of the minor
en no oi planum nmi ueiemiauu
This summons is served upon yon by nub-
Ib-atloii thereof lor six weekH In the Hood
Kiver Ulacier, by order of Hie court made on
the 1st .duy of Scpictiiber. UXtii, and vou are
n quireu ny saui order ot tue couri to appeal
and answer the oluintilt's comidaint on or be-
foit' six we'ks ftom the dale ol the first pub
lication, which dale is ihet'Ih day of Kcrttm-
t-ti-oi-H Attorney for Plaintiff.
I i the County Court of Wasco Comity
st tie o i tii'on.
In tbe matter of t he estate of (ieorue Owen
d- erased.
Notice Is heivby given that the under-
t. netl, the administrator of (he estate of
i orge Owen, deceased, Iihs duly filed with
the clerk of the County Court, for Wasco
O'unty, Oregon, bis tlnal account and report
in said estate; him that the ude oi the above
eiititled court, has duly fixed Thursday, Uw
V day of September, A P., U, at H o olm k
A. M. of said day hs (lie time, and the Count
urt room in tint Couulv Court houe in
Iilles City, Waseo I'ouuty, Oregon, as (he
place ltr hearing said tltu I account and re-
ri. Ait iH-rsHiis intervstea in said esiute.
ai hereby not tiled to appear at wild tin
antl place, and show cause, if any thcie he
wiiv snid ntiHi aceouut and reiHin stmulil
t in alt Ihiniis he allowed, ratified ami uo-
p:. veil, and an ortlei made, duly discharging
I Huniinlstrator irom further aeitng in
1 trust, and eontr,nin; lilm from mr
r liability lliceunder. Tills notice is pub-,
lUlied ty trtlir of the county judge of said j
in. dated me tui nay ol August, a. p.,
fttst iHiliiieai ion ol this noiMit isdaleu
tl. it Ui day ot Autriit. a. I . I'.'li, und the!
, er in w inch mho niiOt is ordered pub
i.ed is The Uoid i,itr tilMcier. putdiMied
k I v In said count ol Wa-ctt. in ibe cii
lio d Ui, r
1 ..ted Hoo.. K1m, t r gon. AugUsl t'dh,
KlA Aid' CHk.
Amini-tritior ot the estate of George Owen.
Aitorney fir said c-tatc.
t ce is hereby given tbat tbe undersigned
- duly una 11 licit a extvutor of the last will
i 1 testament of Louis S. Hhoadea, deceased, I
ni ail ersous having claims sgainst s
iateaie nudested to erest-nt tfte same dulv
v rifled at the othee of A. A. Jayue, Hisxi
lt:ver, Ore., withiu six months ft un the date
terror. o. H. KitOAlihS.
August 2 WKti aJS-sO
op Three
Sept 13,
On these three days we will show the largest and most
complete line of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Appearal at
prices much below the usual retail price. This line is
from one of the foremost manufacturers of the country.
An opportunity to the ladies of Hood River that may
not present itself again. This grand line consists of
New and Up-toDate Fall Coats as
Good Servicable Fall Suits
Covert Coats and Jackets
Silk Petticoats
This sale
oi an expenenceu ana competent, nign
I Class Designer who will give all the
j niiuimciuuii citiu cibsisLcince uesireu
After tho three days sale tli" rom iiniti"- suits, waists and jackets will be returned to
the manufacturer. If you are not tvady to luy at this sale, come in and make your
selection and leave your measure and hnvethe garments come later. Special dis
counts for this three days on all Dress (1 )d-i from "tOa p?r yard up You will need
an American beauty Corset to lit your garments over. They are tin best and
most comfortable 760, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Corset made. Remember the
date, September 13, 14 and 15.
BOX Factory
Phone 71 .
GUIGNARD4 ROSICER, Local Agents, Hood River
We will have for the Kali traile W 1,1100
mm ami to yrir ii il Yeilow Newtown
l'iipin and Siil,enburg apple tri'c?.
also all tlif Ii .mintf vaiieiliuH of Apple,
I'ear, I'luii , 1', line, l'each, Cherry Btnl
Kiiglieh wiihiim tiveH, ornuniental trees,
shrubs ami lio es. Our treeH are true
to name mi l -ivcjiooil Hatinfaction. For
prices call " Anyimt tiuignaril, Hood
Kiver, or H.uiress N. 11. Harvey, Milwau
kee, Oregon. Phone l'-'o'J.
If You Would Crow Choice
Fruit BUY of the
Russelville Nursery Co.
direful and reliable attention giveu to
tilling evry order with first-clasB trees
and plants. gatisfacrion Guaranteed
(i. II. Wilson, Hood Kiver, looal agent.
Phone llox 5li2
I'mler tbt dtrpctlon of the Bliten of th Hatj
Nami'i of Jeiut idJ Uirj. Tin 424 acbolutla
J,.r oprni Bt-ptcmbf 4, Wot, ta rMldrol n4
r puiillt. Aodnnlc, eoannlil, niun
(radra tn1 tnttrniltt huim. Maifo !.
riiltr. Bud foe oatalofM. r tiirm Blii
"Th Y! cf th Kortlit." "
' -li i- riiblii.-it. En! rr-inlr, ni, uu ,l
m n.Unl. ,if ,,rk the nani,, n nl ll.irvnnl ind
il,'. Uni luhrat,ir1i'. Illtrrv 111,1 cium,,.
;l iiii. I'lrpn. A. B.; B. 8 ; B. L.. ana 1).
nn. WUla for rtt.i,u.
You buy fmm Kv.i t.
Direct. I !:.- tr
.Tri.l a. I ITH.IT5, art. .1 fc.
prices art ;r t.
fl-4 3S1. P.ii.i..ei
Days Only
14 and 15
u a ti
ti t it
ii ii ii
will be under the
i i
iWe have Just received a car load of
"WatCF PipC
Direct from the factory. .We are selling it at wholesale
j prices. We can save you money. Also have a full 4iue of
, littinjrs and the lamest stock
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
Mount Hood Store
W. S. GRIBBLE. Proprietor.
Dry Goods Aminunition Hoots and Shoes
Hardware" Ornnitewnro '
Hay (irain Flour Fh,1 Full line of GroornVs
..Livery, Feed
CrT'D t
R. D. GOULD, ,
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
- 6.50
- 2.25
- 3.25
low as
supervision f
i i i t
of fmrden h
and Draying..
V TT I n n n .
Hood River, Ore.
" llorfes lioiijrht, sold or erlan;cd.
I'li-SMire parties can peeure firt-elnss rijfa.
Special attention given to moving furniture ain
piai'ii" ' . -
Ve d everyi liii g tores can do.