The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 30, 1906, Image 7

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3 Cm
We do not Sell Goods
on Sunday
We Close at 6:30 p. m.
i i i . nvirKii it ,
New Dress Goods, Silks,
Trimmings, Dress Findings
Ladies' and Misses' New Fall
Coats, Waists and Skirts, New Shoes, Ho
siery, Underwear, Blankets and Bedding
See Cram befor Buy
ing' your Fall Outfit
Men and Boys' Suits
Overcoats and Rain Coats
Dress Shirts, Underwear,
Hosiery, Sweaters, Hats,
Shoes and Neckwear
Wonderful Values
all along the line
Nothing but the best of
everything at Cram's Q
The Dietz Studio for photos.
Mr. Bartmess ifl on a cash basis.
Finisning lor amateurs at Deiti Stu
dio. One or two good budders can And
employment at the nursery of Ross
&, Stanton.
Fresli Columbia river salmon at Mc
Guire Bros.
Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at
Freeh Olymiiia and Eastern oysters at
the Gem Candy Kitchen.
Finest line o( lap dusters ever shown
in the city at 8. J Frank's harness shop
Place your order for a nice chicken for
your Sunday dinner with McGuireBros.
New Orleans Molasses in bulk and
cans at Jackson's.
Three pounds halibut 25c at McGuire
Something new Puffed Rice Candy,
at the Gem Canday Kitchen.
Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and
pickled salmon at Jackson's.
The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh
candy every day.
Maple Syrup and New York State
Buck Wheat at Jackson's.
The Citv Market has installed a new
Silent Buffalo Meat Cutter, which is
one of the best and latest sausage ma
chines. They have an experienced man
in charge, and keep on hand a full sup
ply of sausage of all kinds.
A world of truth in a few words:
"Nearly all other cough cures are con
stipating, especially those containing
opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Honey
and Tar moves the bowels. Contains
no opiates." You can get it at Wil
liams' Pharmacy.
Constipation makes the cold drag
ahrng. Get it out of you. Take Ken
nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cough
syrup. Contains no opiates. Williams'
Axel urease, all brands on the market,
can be found at S. J. Frank's.
Peaches A fine lot of Yellow Craw
ford enches for canning, at Wood &
Smith Bros.' Spot Cash Grocery.
In this state it is not necessary to
serve a five (lays' notice for eviction of
a cold. Use the original laxative cough
svrup, Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar. No opiates. Sold by Williams
By Way of The llalles.
"He can't swim for sour apples,"
said a fellow at tbe contest swim last
Saturday, referring to John Leland
Henderson. "No, because he's got
the real thing in sweet apples at
home," retorted a Hood Riverite.
Summer Diarrhoea In Children.
During the hot weather of the sum
mer months the first unnatural loose
ness of a child's bowels should always
have immediate attention, so as to
check the disease before it becomes
eerious. All that is necessary is a few
doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
tind Diarrhoea Remedy fo lowed by a
dose of carter oil to cleanse the system.
Rev. M. 0. Stockland, Pastor of the first
M. K. Church, Little Falls, Minn.,
writes: We have used Chaimberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
for several years and find it a very val
uable remedy, es pec ally for summer
dividers in children." Sold by KeirA
Our work guaranteed. Deit Studio.
Fresh vegetables daily at Alcorn's
City Market.
Rev. Tioy Shelley will preach at the
Uncion church next Sunday at 11 :30.
Fresh rhubarb, lettuce, green onions
and cabbage, at McGuire Bros.
W. H. Wilson, of The Dalles, was
at Hood River Sunday.
E. E. Goff made a business trip to
Portland Thursday.
It is to your interest torefer to M
Bartmess' ad under the new system.
Fresh creamery butter and newly
laid Hood River egge at McGuire's.
M. P. Isenbeig made a business trip
to The Dalles Saturday returning on
the local.
Chas. Copple found it necessary to
so to Portland for treatment for his
eyes last week.
R. P. Orr, who has been at Port
land for some time, spent a few days
with bis family last week.
Miss Ethel Albright, of Oiegon
City, has been tbe guest of Mrs.
Chas. Hall for several days recently.
Miss Eugenia Morse, a teaober in the
Portland High school has been in
tbe valley tor several weeks visiting
E. A. Franz baa moved into his new
bouse whioh was recently completed
sufficiently for him to take up his resi
dence there.
Watch for the big circulars announc
ing Muggins & Co.'s immense stock re
duction sale. Prices and articles printed
in plain figures.
Tred Frazier, of Portland, who has
brieo spending bis vacation at tbe
borne of bis father, Joseph Frazier, at
Hood River, baa returned to Port
land. "All kinds of fresh and cured meats
have advanced, but we sre still selling
at the same old prices, and will con
tinue to do so. Yours for business, Mc
Guire Brothers.
Service will be sreumed In tbe Uni
tarian cbnrob next Sunday at 8 o'clock
p. m. Toplo of tbe lecture: "Denom
inational Religion." All will be made
V. C. Brock aud family, who have
been camniuB at Camp Overall for two
week, returned to their home in this
city Saturday. Mr. Brock has re
sumed bis position at the bnnk and
reports a very pleasant outing.
The Ladies' Aid society of tbe Bap
tist church will hold a wiudow sale
Saturday. September 1, in the vacant
store next to Carmlohael's. Pies,
cakes and home made pastry of all
kinds will be on sale.
Grant MoGulre and famiy, of Wood
burn, brother of the McGuire Bros.,
of this citv. oame back from a camp
ioa trio on the Littlle White Salmon
last week and returned to tbelr borne
after visiting here for a day or two.
Alter SDendiue their two weeks' va
nntinn at NewDort. Misses Rose and
Annette Mitchell returned home last
nlirht. bavins had a delightful time
and declaring that tbe most interest
ing of tbe three favorite seaside re.
sorts. .':
McGuire Bros, are making country
dpi i veriet of meat on the east side of
Hood river, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Country customers desiring orders
rilled should telephone their orders
Mondays and Wednesdays.
R. E. Harbison was a passenger to
Portland Saturday for a day or two's
Mrs. J. E. Nichols returned Mon
day from Cosmopolis where she had
been visiting friends for a week.
C. W. Moore, vice-president of the
Trout Lake Electric Railroad compa
ny, passed through Hood River Thurs
day on his way from Portland.
Mrs. H. C. Wortman and daughter,
of Portland, who have been spending .
several weeks at Cloud Cap Inn, re
turned to their home in Portland Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Eggert, of Portland,
wbo have a fruit ranch in the valley
and wbo have been spending some
time here this summer, went to
Portland Saturday on tbe local.
Rev. Mr. Baldrigde, pastor of the
Unitarin oburcb iu this city, went to
Portland Saturday aud Sunday con
ducted servicees in tbe Unitariuu
ohurch in tbat city. He returned to
Hood River Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith, who
have been at Uellinghm visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Nelson, returned to
their home last week. Mrs. Nelson
returned with ber parents and is
making them a return visit.
M. R. Noble went to Portland Sat
urday to visit his wife who has been
in tbat city lor several mourns in
delicate health. Mrs. Noble is said
to be much better and it is expected
that she will boou be able to return to
Hood River.
R. M. Imbler, formerly of Hood
River, but now at White Salmon,
where be is engaged in business, vis
ited us last Friday. Mr. Imbler was
for some time in tbe clothing depart
ment of Frank A. Ciam's store aud
has many friends here.
A. L. Phelps aud family will leave
next Monday for the Yakima valley
where they will spend some time iu
the hop fields. Tbe Phelps are going
to Tampion and expect to be absent
some time. Mr. Phelps has seoured
Suite a colony from here for the hop
There will be an Ice oream social in
the reading room of the gymnasium
Friday evening, nnder the auspices
of tbe U. B. Ladies Aid society. A
good program is being prepared.
Among other numbers will oe reaa
ings by Mrs. Sprecher. All are invited.
During ber visit in Hood River val-
lev. Miss Gertrude Kinney, wbo has
ho n a sufferer from long trouble.
which compelled ber to give up her
profession of nursing, found that the
climate agreed with ber so well that
after spending a snort time at ner
home in Wamic. she will return to
that place. Cbroniole.
Tbe cool nisbts we have been having
lately has cleared the water in tbe
Hood River and salmon trout have
commenoed to run. Several good
catches have been reported. W. M
Stewart recently caught eight nice
ones, two of which weighed four
pounds and Murray Kay succeeded in
landing l.r in a tew Dours last ween.
A. W. King went to The Dalles last
Thai sday to visit his brother, L. T.
King, who is confined iu tbe hospital
there. Tbe latter is flagman at tbe
John Day bridge and while riding out
tn hia rmst of dutv on a train which
was to (.low up in order to allow him
to aligl t. fell and broke his arm in
getting oft. He is reported as doing
nicely, however.
Chas. Kitohell, of Chehalis Wash.,
visited friends in Hood River Thurs
day. N. C. Evaus, C. R. Bone aud U. D.
Woodwortb took a trip up tbe road
on tbe local Tuesday.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. T. Laraway left
town on tbe No. 1 Tuesday for a
short visit iu the Willamette valley.
Frank Davenport and family, who
have been ou a trip of several days
down the road, returned home Tues
day. Dr. H. D. W. Pineo, who has been
visiting at Seaside for a week or ten
days, returned to Hood River Mon
day evening.
I Mrs. O. B. Gray and children re
named from Vancouver and Portland
j Sal iirday eveuiug where they have
1 Leon visiting friends and relatives.
A social and dance will be given at
the Odd Fellows ball at Odell Friday
eveuiug. Muslo will be furnished by
11 11. Mattson, vice president of
tbe Chapman Advertising compauy,
stopped over Saturday at Hood River
on business.
! Geo. Chamberlain, of MoBier, pro
pi ietor of tbe saw mill there, oame to
Hood River on a business trip Wed
nesday. J. H. Heilbronner took a vacation
of several days last week which he
spent at various watering places on
the coast, returning home Thursday.
Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Fred Shoe
maker, who have been spending a
week or ten days at the seashore, re
turned to Hood River last Thuisday
very much benefitted iu health.
Mrs. E. N. Blytbe, who has been
making quite an extended visit at tbe
borne of ber father-in-law, S. F.
Blytbe, went to Portland Satin day
where she will remaiu awhile before
leturnnig to her home at Lewistou.
Rev. Dr. E. L. House, of Portland,
oompleted the puicbase Monday of the the Tillmauy orobestra and Junius
vv n
Chopping Bowls made of Jelly Glaet, jar top.-, jar Boys' Knee Pants.
hard wax-polished maple. They rubbers, lin cans, aealm wax, (nod quality, well made, pretty
last a long time, all sizes from jar wrenches, etc. Little prices patterns, all mwjs
15c to 1.25 Special 4Qc
School Stationery. Pen La'rg'e's'iieTwiae kettles h or School StocKins. The
and pencil tabl. ts, slates, school lout tW a. 10 and 12 wwd kind I bey II wear I ike they
bags, pencil boxes, pen holders, qU.rtiilH.. Little price ...igliter, two pair, for a quarter.
pencils note books, rulers, etc. -
Little prices ... . . Fly Traps, poison and Tan-
. Water Filters. All t he in, ,eloot ny pr, wire fly killers,
Shoe Polish For black, purities from the faucet T bey re der a)(,
K and tan leathers. We keep worth tbe.r pncein piece of iu.n l Ut.lep.icei.
almost every kind made. -c
Little priceB
This Dusty Weather NEW SHEET MUSIC
STONE JARS, you might need a new lap rot, JUSTIN
ALL SIZES linen duster or h'P. Gel n nd ,t , d
LITTLE PRICES then, here. Little prices.
tweutv-Uve acre ranch of Joseph Rat-
son near Pine Giove. Pait of tbe
land is already under cultivation and
it is the intention of the new owner
to improve tbe rest of it in tbe near
C. U. Strajahan, who left here
August 9 for an extended trip to the
Middle West, arrived at his home
here Sunday evening. Mr. Stranabau
came home by way of the northern
route and while away visited friends
and relatives in Wisconsin, Minneso
ta and other states and bad a most
enjoyable trip.
L. N. Blowers Tuesday let the con
tract to J. M. Wright for the con
struction of a residence to be located
on Sherman avenue next to the new
home of Will Uiaham. Mr. Blowers
baa a fine lot there and it is expected
tbat tbe new house will cost in the
neighborhood of 82,700.
D. McDonald and family, wbo have
been camping in the upper Mount
Hood country for a couple of weeks,
oame home Saturday after having en
joys i a most pleasant outing. The
laigest trout that was oaptured there
this season was caught by young An
gus McDonald aud mesured 15 inobes.
C. W. Murphy, of Mount Hood, has
disposed of his ranch in tbat neigh
borhood and In company wun nis
wife, left Tuesday lor the southern
part of Missouri where it ts possible
he will locate. Mrs. Murphy was
formerly fiom Missouri and she and
her husband will visit with ber father
wbo is still living there.
John Ilaokel. of the Crapper dis
trict. Dresented the editor of the
Glacier with some peaches Tuesday
whioh are as flue as any be has seen
this year. Tbey were large, of line
color and as uniform in size as if
made in a mould. It is evident that
other things than apples can be grown
in tbe Crapper district.
Dr. Hall, au uncle of Chas. Hall tbe
druggist, reoently purchased toe dor
dan ranch at Crapper, in which dis
triot the latter and brother also own
ranches. Dr. Hall and his son, A
K. Hall, of Pennsylvania, who have
been visiting in Hood River for sever
al davs. returned to Portland Satur
dav. The Jordan ranch, for which
Ur. llall Daid sit.uuu. comprises
acres, is one of tbe best in the valley.
W. G. Snow, of Snow & Upson, re
turned to this citv Friday evening
from a two weeks' camping trip along
tbe White Salmon river. The camp was
situated about ten miles this side of
Trout Lake. Mr. Snow says tbat
while be had a good time and enjoyed
himself in bis outdoor retreat tbe
fishing in that vicinity this year was
very poor, tbe stream being too mud
Flint Bradford is at present suffer
in ii from a very painful atlection
his right hand. It was found necos-
sarv last week to perform quite
elaborate operation on the diseased
member in order to afford him relief,
anud it is now thought that tbe baud
p.h . m ancAil if no serious comnilca
tions set in. The trouble was caused
l.v his having run a splinter into
which is thought to have been poi
Cook will act as floor manager.
County Judge Lake and Assistant
District Attorney F'red Wilson, of
The Dalles, were guests at the Mount
Hood hotel last Friday. They were
here to visit the Judge's ranch In the
J O. Carter, of Portland, is the
new section boss and as soon as his
family arrives will go to bouse keep
in the house near the Mount
Hood depot furnished by the compa
5c and 10c Counters
In this store are constant sources of Interest to shoppers wbc
knnw liareain when they see it. Just come in and take a look
around. It will be time well spent.
Chas. Castner, who has been away
for two mouths ou an eastern trip,
arrived borne Sunday evening. M
Castner was accompanied by bis wif
until tbey reached Kansas on tbe re
turn trio, wheie she decided to re
main on a visit. While away tbey
took 'u Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland
Grand Raoids. Niagara Falls and sev
eral other cities aud had a royal
conduce visiting friends and rela
lives in Michigan, which is Mr. Cas
tner's native state
Gene Bush, a former resident
Hood River, in the days when it con
aisted of two cow paths and one Btore,
has been oaving his old borne a visit.
He has been staying at tbe residence
of Frank Button for tbe past two
weeks and pntting iu tbe time bunt
ing up bis relatives aud renewing rid
acquaintances. It is H cars since
Mr. Bush last saw Hood Hirer and he
was very much surprised at its rapid
growth. Tuesday he left for Wasco,
here be is at present liviug and will
engags in bai vesting.
(loos a long way toward making a poorly
written letter look well.
Wo art) showing a lino of the
in boxes, tablets, and bulk,
nil shapes and colors.
Envelopes in
Miss Vera Stewart, one of Hood
River's well known school teachers,
who has been away on a vacation for
several weeks, returned to thU city
Monday and is prepared to resume
her duties for the new school term.
Riverside Congregational chuicb.
Regular servies will be resumed next
Sunday, September 2. Sunday school
at 10 a. in. ; worsbipand preacning, it
m.; Fellowship servioe; Cbristln
endeavor, 6.45; Evening worship,
30. W. O. Gilmore, pastor.
Mrs. Howard Isenberg, who has
been making Ilcod River ber home
aring the summer, went to cascade
Locks Tuesday, wbere ber husband
as cbargn of the school at that place
and is engaged in making prepara
tions for the coming school term.
F. G. Fellows, of Portlend, who Is
interested in the Elppa orchard and
ho makes frequent t'lps to Hood
Rivei. baa been here for several days
accompanied by his wife, who is a sis
ter of Fred liowen. They returned to
their home iu tbe former city Tuesday.
L. Bragg, of Pullman, Wash , one
of the partners In tbe Arm of Bragg &
Co., the well known merchants of this
oity, made Hood River a visit of a
few days last weeK. monaay ne
started on bis return to Pullman, ac
companied by Miss Frances Bragg,
bo will visit at tbat place.
News was received here yesterday of
the death of the 6 months old child of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Morgan, which oc
curred at a hospital in Portland. The
oause of death Is said to be heart fail
ure and tbe body was brought to this
oity last evening. Funeral services
will be held bere today wbere tbe in
terment will take place.
Miss Linda Earl, of Indiana, sister
of Miss Kate Earl, wbo Is well known
bere, will arrive at Hood River Satur
day, and Monday will take a position
as teacher al the Pine Grove school.
She will be accompanied by her un
cle, S. E. Bartmess, wbo went east
with the body of bis father a snort
time ago.
Cecil Holmau and Chas. Foster have
onened a new chop house next to
Heed s cigar store and are prepared
to feed tbe hungry and tempt the fas
tidious to gastronomio efforts. Deli
cacies of all kinds are on tap from
bear steaks to watermelon, snd tbey
are receiving a good aeai or encour
agement in their new venture.
R. D. Gould, acompanied by bis
wiie and family, started luesday
evening on a week's trip to Wallowa,
Lostiue and Enterprise. Mr. uouia
has seoured ooutraota at these places
and while away will attend to some
details in connection with them. Mrs
Gould aud tbe little ones have but
recently returned from St. Martin's
Greene Wilson, a well known resi
dent of Pine Grove, died there Tues
dav evening aged 87 years. Mr. Wil
son has been living with bis son John
A. Wilsou, who is proprietor of the
Pine Grove store and from whose res
idence tbe funeral was held Wednes
dav afternoon. The funeral arrange
mitnts were in cbaree of Kail Bartmess
snd Rev. Troy Shelley conducted tbe
Mrs. Ida Thomas, a sister of Mrs.
Richard Lovins. who has been visit
ins at tbe home of tbe latter in this
citv. was taken seiiously ill a few
days ago and it was decided to remove
ber to tbe hospital at The Dalles for
treatment. Mrs. Thomas was taken
to tbat pla: Tuesday o i a cot wh'ch
was arranged tor hei in tbe baggage
oar of tbe local, being too weak to
stand tbe journey in a sitting position.
To the Farmer
Do you know our Feed, Fresh
from the mill has Double the feed
ing value of stale feed ? All the pro
gressive Dairymen are buying
feed from us. Deware of Bargain
Feed. It is worth Less than they
charge for it. We will sell you the
right kind of feed for just what it
is worth. No more, no less. OUT
prices are the Market prices. Pa
tronize Home Industry. It's to
your advantage and ours.
Hood River Milling Co.
If you want peaches for canning
ome to wood at Mnmi mos. npui
Cash Grocery who have a tine lot of
Yellow Crawfords.
At tbe services of tbe Christian
ohurob at K. of P. ball next Sunday
morning there will be special music
by Miss Gladys Hartley. Special in
vitation to the public.
N. W. Jackson, wbo lives about
seven miles from Hood River on the
way to M osier, killed four rattle
snakes ou his place recently, one of
which measured lour leet in lengtn.
At this oflloe cau be found pait of a
atnve that was lost ou the Hood Riv
er bridge. As it Is of more use to Its
owner than it is to us we would be
very much pleased to have It removed.
(. H. Wilson, of Odell, has taken
the local agency for the Kusselvllle
r atlr nf PnrMurwl Atltt ! nre-
pared to furnish all kinds of nursery
stock. AS will be seen oy its au else
where it guarantees satisfaction
Clarence Gilbert left town Friday
for a short vaoation which be will
atKttid at Seaside. Saturday be le
mained in Portland to witness tbe
swimming race between Judge Hen
dersou and Byrnes.
W. J. Baker Sl Co. report the fol
lowing sales for the past week: H. C,
Coe to Miss Wilcox, house and lot
II r. ta O. McDouald.16 lots; H
(1 Ooe to W. A. Burns, bouse and
lot; D. E. Church to W. II. Bishop,
W acres.
Juvenile Court Horn to Pick Hops,
Twenty boys wbo want an opportun
ity to work in the bop yards aud earn
ninnfir will beTsivM a chance by the
.Invnnile imorovenient associationlun-
der tbe direction of tbe juvenile
oourt. These boys will be taKeu next
Monday to the bop yards of Colonel
. I.' , f nh.M u
Haines. The Juvenile Improvement
association will see that the boys get
to the bopyard and that a competent
cook Is provided for them. Kach boy
will take his own blankets, ihey will
lie under the direct chaige of one of
the olilcers of the juvenile court,
probably Truant Officer S. D. White.
Die expenses of maintaining the on mp
will be determined at tho end of the
season aud each boy will pay bis
share. The oflloers of tho juvenile
oourt believe that the expense of each
boy will not exceed 2.) cents a day for
tbe entire trip. The arerage earnings
of boys In hop yards is said to he
about II. 50 per day, thus leaving
them a nice little prollt. Journal.
As Noted By the Optimist.
Mrs. Wui. Shackleford spent the
past week at Hood River the guest of
George Wiegel came up from tbe
Hood River district Monday, where
he has been camping with his family,
lie expects to leturu and spend sever
al weeks more in camp.
City Recorder John F'illoon, after
sptndUig two weeks at Trout Lake,
returned Monday aud will again take
bis position which has betn bald by
Colonel J. B. Cossen during hia ab
sence. John reports the fishing the
best at the lake in several years. Mrs.
Filloou will remain at tbe resort for
several we"ks more.
Haines, near Foiest Grove, wbere a
W 1..
camp will be established, l'bey
remain during tne nop picmug
Cooking utensils Slid building ts
p in will be furnished by Colonel hrouiU.
New Studio.
Miss Hartley bas opened up a neat
studio In tbe Smith building aud is
now piepared to give instruction iu
both vocal aud instrumental music
F'or partionuJrs call phone 1424 or call
at room 8, Smith buildiug.
"Wanes County" Metons.
Watermelons are becoming quite
plentiful and carloads are being
sboipped daily to other towns. Ihe
Dalles melon stand tbe highest of aay
In tbe markets of the Northwest
o o