' JL ' I ' r ' ... HOODBIVER GLACIER, THURSD AY, AUGUST 30, 1908 hoes, Shoes, Shoes We have purchased at Bankrupt Sale a $2,000 stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and as we were fortunate enough to secure these goods at about Fifty Cents on the Dollar we are in a position to meet any find all competition. Most of these shoes are of the well known SMITH, WALAGE & CO. make, a line that has been sol.l in this town for the past ten years, and is well and favorably known. When you want anything in the Shoe or Clothing lines cn.ll on us. IT WILL PAY YOU BLOWERS BED YETERAN SWIMMER SUFFERS DEFEAT Judse Henderson, who engaged in a swimming contest with J. J. Byrne in the Willamette river Saturday, re turned to bla bonie la the evening of tlmt dav none the worse for bla elfort and with no excuses to oiler. Tlie manv friends of the Judge took a very lively Interest In the content and of course wanted to aee bim win, A Hood many of them bad advised against bia entering the race owing to the Iocs spell of sickness from which be bad out recently recovered, think Inn it would Drove too much of an effort for the game old veteran. Home of them think that bad the coarse been a longer one be might have fared better in the contest, but the Judge bad no comment to make on this noint. When asked by the Glacier man why be was defeated be said : "1 failed to win because the other man was the fastest swimmer. I did not tbink that ltyrnes could keep up the Dace be set., but be did and when 1 turned the last point in the river and aaw bow ftr ahead he was i knew that it would be useless for me to at tain Dt to overtake bim and left the water opposite the Country Club house near Milwaukee. Byrnes is a tine swimmer. I do not, however, fanoy swimming in the Willamette river at least the part of the oourse 1 covered. The water la too foul, in many plaoei it was covered with a scum of oil and deoayed fish. 1 IihcI - aevera encounters with these disagree able features and the experience was anything but pleasant I oau assure you. In fact I feared that my stom ach would reovlt entirely as scvorai times I was almost nauseated." The following acoount is taken from the Oregon Inn : John L. ileudeisoii, the Hood Riv er veteran swimmer, was most decis ively beaten yesterday by J. J. Hyrues. an iustruotnr in swimming at The Oaks, ltyrnes fluished the long, gruelling swim after being 0 hours, 4mlnutes in .the water. Mr. Hen derson, after swimiiung gallant con test for about four miles, gave up the race near Milwaukee. At this time Uymes was mile in the lead and the veteran swimmer, realiizng that there would ba no obauoe to overtake his younger opponeut, loft the water near Milwaukee and returned to the city by tbe oar line. Aside from the two swimmers who were to measure utrokes with each other over the nine-mile oourse, a numiiei of local swimmers weie ut the starting point and took the water when the main contestants started. They were; Professor Keisnor, In st ruo' or at The Oaks; Professor Myers, swimming Instructor at the at tbe Y. M. C. A., and lion ilolladay. These swimmers, however, did not swim tbe entire distance, for after about four miles they took to the boata whioh were following the con testants. Professor Keisner Mulshed the last pait of the journey with ltyrnes. The swimmers entered the water at Oregon City at 8 o'clock, and the win ner crawled up the iron ladder at The Oaksjat 2 041,. Ahjut UK) yards from tbe tlulsh, llyroes, just to show the crowd of spectators that he was still slmmlug stiong, turned over on his back and spurted away fom Pofessor Keisner very easily, llyures was as sisted from the water by attendants of tbe swimming baths and was taken charge of by Allen ,T. Adorson, who baa trained and instructed the young swimmer in all of bla swimmiug leats. Afer a rubdown, tiyruea dressed him self aud was soon mingling with his many friends, who congratulated him upon bia auocesa. Uymes took his victory with becoming modesty and pxreased bis regrets that Mr. Hen derson bad withdrawn from tbe race. In speaking of tbe race Mr. llyrues said : "Henderson Is a game swimmer all right, and I am aorrry that we could not have finished together, so as to bave given the match the semblance of a raoe. I understand that 1 was bout a mile in front when be decid ed to quit. This must ;have been (II leotly otf Milwaukee, which, bv the way, was tbe woist part of the loug swim. There must be a lot of springs iu tbe river at this poiut, for it was there that I aulfered for the II rut time from the cold. It was so cold that for a time 1 was fearful of cramping. However, after swimming for a dis tance, I got out of tbe oold water and was all right again It was a long swim, but there novel was a time that I waa iu trouble. I thluk if X had been pushed by a rival over the route I could bave made it In much better time." 1 Chandler, of Hood River, who oHloiated as one of the judges fur Mr. Henderson, said after the contest that Mr. Henderson had given up the raoe, not because he waa tired, but because be knew that it would be Impossible for bim to oveitake the lead of his young opponent "I was surprised to aee Mr. Henderson swim as long and aa well aa be did," said Mr. Chand ler. "For a man who waa given up for dead last year by tbe doctors, he made a surprising showing. Then, too, It must be taken into considera tion that Mr. Henderson Is no longer young man. Mr. ltyrnes Is a great little swimmer aud one of remarkable nerve and endurance in the water." After swimming for,, about four miles, Byrnes took the lead from Hen derson, who up to that point bad been little in front. Onoe In the lead, Byrnes left bis opponent behind, aud be waa newr In tbe contest afterward. On tbe way down tbe river, Uyrues showed how mi ch ut home ho was In the water by eating two sandwiches, a couple of mars and drinking a bottle of milk. The oUlcials of the contest, were frank Olmndler, Joe Henderson, son of one of 'the contestants; Allen T. Anderson and A. L. Young. (old Near Mount AiIhuin. 1 or many jo..i if. has been known to a few that tilacor mini's existed in the vicinity of Mt. Adams ueiir the headwaters of Lewis river. Kvery summer pmtiea have goue from The Dalles, spent a week or so at tbe mines, and came back saying they hud takheu an outing. These trips bave dated as far back as ten or eveu rlr teen years; but nothing was thought of the mutter until quite recently. About twenlv veurs ago. Mr. N Mathlas lived In this city and bad his niHce of business east ol ttie L imit ma House, lie was well fixed as regards this world's goods, and made summer trips to Mt. Adams, coming back id ways In renewed health and iunreaseo weidth. Home yoais ago Mr. Mat hint loll The Dulles, having eulllcieiit mon ey lo satisfy him while sojour ning on this muadane sphere, and nothing has been board of him since. About two or tnree weeks ago, some Indians hunting berries near Mt. Adums found an abandoned cabin, with a full mining outlit iu it. The Indians brought some papers and let ters out, leaving no doubt that the oabln was the summer resort of our tailor, N, Muthius, and that this was the place where lie constantly replun Istied his hoarded gold, and which rlniilly gave hi in a coinpet.unce for lite. As soon us this was kuown in the vicinity of Trout hake, whore there were several persons camping, the milling fever spreuil, mid severul privpecting pai ties neie headed ill thin direction, llifme our informant lull, the Chapman biuthiis. two yoiiiig men from (ilenwood, lid re, turned Ml, Adams, having picked up I'rum the bed ol u illy creek m om, !-:M) worth of iiuggcls. m. lying In size Iron il to iflO chunks, ll.iysiiy t lift u it no cuter In the eieek mid the piece of (. 'ild can ho gouged out ut the crev ices in the rock witli an oi dinar j pocket kuile. Tin re can be no doubt that gold ex ists ul I lie headwaters ol Lewis rivei iu paying quantities, and t ut tlili has been known for years. Unonc- aso uibly tin re oie oi l or places equal y ii l ion in tins precious uivtul; but u is too near home to otuue much ex citement. If the Shine lopoits had been circulated about some niin ,)0U oi l.Otio inilis away, thomumW would have Mocked there from Hi Dulles before this tine. "Dihtami lends enchantment to the view" ii, gold mining, aa well as everything else. Wo do not believe this mine will re main a secret much longer. If there Is mi Eldorado within UK) miles id The Dulles, our people should know it and reap the uenclUs. The Mathius cabin has been located, and the wealth he dug out of the soil cau be acquired by others, 'ibis summer a party will leave The Dulles or the scene of these gold discoveries, and a correct report may be expected. Chronicle. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of biliousness and liBbiHuil constipation was it mystery that Dr. King's New Life I'ills solved lor nie," writes John N. I'W unt, of .Magnolia , lull. The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect B'ltislui'tion tu everybody or money re funded. Only Hoc at C'has. Clarke's drug store. Flirts north Knowing. Our little daughter (lludys, aulfered (or some time for causes unknown to ul until wn had to keep her out of school. We finally took her to our phytdoiim who reooininended uerve trout ineiit of the eyes. So we took her to Dr. W. l' Laruwuy nid hed glasses tltted. Soon after she had one slight attack and now we consider her perfectly well. Mr. and Mrs. 3. K. Crosby. The intense itching characteristic of suit rheum und eccuui is instantly allayed by applying ChamlierlaiiiV Salve. As a cure fur skin 'disease this salve is uiieqmilcd. l'nr sale by Keir & Cass. Car ifiiriicd on Trucks. Tuesday ufternooon u car belong ing to the C. K. & N. was burned to thu trucks at I.yle. When the car was found to be on fire it wi.s run up to tho tank, which was found to be dry, und no water could be obtained to fight the Manns. The car was loaded with 15,000 grain sacks, 40 barrels of sii;ar and a wagon, it is not kuowD ho the lire started, but it is sup posed thut some trumps de-iing iu the cur weie cureless in handling burning matches or in smokiug. The lots will be oousideiable, as tbe grain sucks letail ut 12 to Vl'.-3 cents a piece. -Coldondule Agriculturist. If you need screen doors, wiudow screens or meat safes, don't forget l' (J. Cue. Carpentering. Phone 071. Don't drug along with a dull, bilious, heavy feeling. You need a pill. Use DeWitt's Liltle Early Hirers, the fa little pills. not sicken or gripe, bid results urn im-k. Snlil bv Williams' I'll irinuey. Fur sale by Kmporlum. Twenty acres on .Methodist lane, four miles southwest from Hood Hi.er, small house, sonii' land cleared. Only L'0OO. Ironing Hoard. 1 have just made up an assortment of these necessary Articles, also have the material to make them to order. Experience lias tiiiiglithut kiud give tho best mi vice, uloo what to make them of to prevent warping, checking or extracting pitch. Voius for anything in thecarpen teiing line. F. O, COE, Opposite O. II. Hartley's lies. Phone 571. ELECiImp I INTITUTK Btndv tolcuraphy and flt jour self for salaried position, wltN unimnilleleil opportunity for ad' vancement. Itnllroad construe tlun now under way make reat demand for trained oper ators. Takes only t to I month tn learn. Tuition, t mos., HO, Write for catalog. Paciflo T.I Ti'ii lestltiilo, 5th floor. Com m.mwenlth bids.. Portland, Or. LL Hotel Waucoma A First-Class House Moderate Rates Good Service Farmer's Dinner 25 cts P. F. FOUTiS, Hood River Prop. J. E. NICHOLS, PURE CRYSTAL GE DAVIDSON FRUIT COMPANY MANITFACTCRKKS DELIVERY DAYS: Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday Mornings and Saturday Afternoons y UNDERTAKER! Order Direct from Factory FiiaiFDAJ 'rnDFrrno Phone Main 71 RANKING KTMA We pay 4 on time deposits, current rates on savings accounts, receive deposits subject to check, and do general bank ing business.. You can have the advantages of a strong bank at your very door by using the mails. 3end us your deposits. Acknowledg ment will be sent you by return mail. Savings accounts received from one dollar up. Open aa account with us and note how rapidly it will grow. J. FRANK WATSON, Mm R. L DURHAM. Vm PkJ W. H. FEAR, Sacmur & C CATCHING& Aml f. -1m.' j I I J if . A ii i imi iinmiinnii 247 Wash. St. Portland. Obi mflPITAL?T5c-a-QQo5 I THE MOST VALUABLE IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS Tt offrd for sal r now open for settlement near ATTa.UA, a new town located at tins Junction of three railri ! namely: The Waihuifrtun k Columbia fciver, the Northern tuciflo and Oregon Hallway ft Mavliratioa Couiiieuy. Then lands are tn the Columbia River Valley In the western Vrt of Walla Walla County, Wsiti, oppxeite the Kenuewick miration canal, and art abundantly watered by gravity MO PUMPING. A cert&ln tract lying immediately under the canal will be otTerM for ale until SEPTEMBER IS, l06, at $130 per acre. Including PERPETUAL WATER mUHTS, upon the very favorabls terms of 85', down, no pay ments at the end of tire first year except Interest and maintenance fee, and the balance in two, three aud four years. APTER SEPT. 15th, 1908, THE PRICE WXI.lt BE ADVANCED. THESE LANDS produce the EARLIEST BERRIES. FRUITS and VEGETABLES in the state, which, taken tog-ether with the fact that there rre three railroad over which to market this produce, making It possible to ship as late as 7 p. m. and have the shipments arrive In Portland, Se attle, Spokane, Tacoma and intermediate point In the morning;, traveling" in the cool of the night, mean that the largest Income from produce In tbe Northwest is received from thee lands. It being possible to clear from tftOO to $700 per acre per year; therefor with ordinary diligence the balance du on til land can be earned from them after the first pay l.ieut has been made. Owing; to the EXTREME FERTTLITT of these land not over ten r.cree will be old to any on pjrson at the low figures mentioned, and tnly tM to those who wiU put the Und UNDER CULTIVATION AT ONCE. For further particulars, mane, circulars, etc . address: U. X. LOOSE, Pre, ft Oen. Mgr., THE COLUMBIA CANAL COMPANY. 509-610 Marlon Bldg., Seattle, Wash. or Attaint, Walla Walla Co., Wash. "REGULTOR USE" Steamers leave Portland and The DatKs daily, eicept Sunday, at 7 o'clot-k a. in., calling at Hood Kiver, eimtuound, at about 4 p. ni ; westbound at about 8:80, p.m.. Direct con net-tion at Lyle witli the C. It. & N. Railway to and from Goldendale and Klickitat valley points. For any further information addreHS any agent of the company or M. TALHOT, V. P. & G. M., Portland, Oregon I hold licence from the stat Board of Oregon : U. S. Commissioner Notary Public nuu vr HHinugion, ana am qualified tn ship bodies to any point. Prompt service either day or night. Hearse furnished on all occasions Parlor Phone Main 1513 Schiffier Biiilditiic, Residj-nw Mnin 1511 Hood River, Ore. GEO. T. PRATHER Lady Assistant The Oldest Insurance and Real Estate Agent in town Insurance Loans Abstracting Hood River, Oregon L. M. WILSON PINE GROVE, ORE. ...General Merchandise... FLOUR, FEED, GROCERIES, WORK SHI KM, OVERALLS, NOTIONS, CIGARS. TOBACCO DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES MY GOODS ARE RIGHT, MY PRICES ARE RIGHT tilt MtT I t Ol' !' ! 1 ! 1 ''.-!.',, 1 I. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- Riverview Park and Idlewilde Additions Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON O. R. & N. TRACK WIlH DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill FRUIT LaND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Ofiice next to Waucoma Hotel HOOD RIVER Square Deal Store "Honest Goods and Square . . Deal for Every Han" . . IS MY MOTTO The Ideal Weeder Is what its name implies, a Genuine Weed Killer and the nearest 10 perfection of any orchard tool yet introduced in Hood River Valley. Try one and be - convinced. Satisfaction Guaran teed or no sale. Osborn Spring Peg-Tooth Harrows Acme Harrows Plows and Cultivators Potato Diggers Wagons, Hacks aud Buggies Flour. Feed, and a Full line of Groceries at all Times Car Load Stumping Powder just received Yours for Business Phone 74I D. M'DONALD 3rd and River Street. - - - Hood River, Ore. Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT THE Hood River Box Factory and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made IMiono Main 71 K. S. STAM.KY, l'res. K. I.. SMITH, Vice-l'irs. K. 0. BLAXCHAR, Cashier V. V. BROCK, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital $50,000 Surplus $12,000 Wo offoi' you the facilities of a well managed and well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive our careful attention. ISSt This Bank Free What our men ami women (if fifty years hetute will be depemls on the children of to day. Is it not worth our while, even at the eost of considerable edint, if necessary to teach our boy or girl the value of money, the habits of thrift, economy and siiviiitr". Her bert Siiencer says "education Is the prepara tion for complete living." One of our Home SavingK Hunks which you can have FRKE upon opening an account with one dollar or more, if in your home, is a constant appeal ing educator, teaching the habit of saving silently, forcefully, aud not to be denied. Savings Department First National Bank ! SUMMER SCHOOL- Iiift State Nmal Sell! June 27 to August 7, and August 13 to Sept. 7. First six weeks devoted to special preparation for County and State Kxam illations. Regular Normal subjects and methods alr-o. I.ait four weeks a continual inn of Normal instruction and special attention to Primary Meth ods with model pupil classes. Faculty of Over Twenty Instructors. Regular Normal faculty, assisted by noted college and public educators. Tuition: First Term, $7.50; Second term, $5. For catalogue, summer school circular or other information write to f res. t. u. KtsbLtK, iwonmotn, uregon. g Bartmess' Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT ON ALMOST ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS A Large LineSof New Spring Goods MATTINGS and CARPETS At prices never before quoted Malleable Iron Beds, guaranteed against breaks by the factory for 2" years, and yet cheaper than the cast beds. We get them direct from the East. Call and look them vvr. S. E. BARTMESS Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. Undertaker and Embalmer. New Location. We are now located in the Smith Building, in the room formerly occupied by J. E. Rand, where we will be pleased to see all of our old customers as well as new ones. This large and well-lighted store has bmi fitted up with the best and most complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour and Feed ever displayed in the City. Fresh Vegetables received daily. Call and inspect our stock. SPOT CASH GROCERY - WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors. o