The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 30, 1906, Image 5

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Attorney-at-Law and Notary 1'nl.lio Vice President and Manager.
J . M. SCH MELTZER, 8ec.-Tras.
Notary Public
..Hood River Land..
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and have
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home in the city.
With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop
erty advantageously and will be
pleased to have you list same with us
The president of the company is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engiueer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141.
San J one scale and rt her fruit pests
are said to bave infested the yard and
garden fruit trees or a greater portion
of the east side. In the older-settled
portiiitiB of the district full-grown
trees, such as toe pear,
cherry, are fouud in near
yards, and it is safe to say that more
than halt of them bave been practical
ly ruiuod by some sort of destructive
pest, lu most iostanoes it was found
to he San Jose scale. Au examina
tion of the fruit from soire of these
tree) showed it to be shriveled aud
lmlf developed. Especially was this
the case with pears, wbicb were found
to be covered with a scale, which is
said to o use them to drop before they
are mature. In u number of the
yards the ground was covered with
wormy apples ' ud half grown pears.
The district between Sunnyside and
Mount Tabor, which has always been
noted for its flue pears and apples that
were grown in the yards aud gardens,
has been so overrun witb tbe scale
and other pests that the flue, delicious
fruit produced tbere a few years ago
is a thing of tbe past. Out in tbe
Highland neighboibood there are sev
eral fine orchards tbat bave been al
lowed to go to ruin for want of a
timely spraying. The prune and pear
oichards beyond Woodlawn, on the
old Vancouver line, bave been better
taken care of in this respect, although
their owneie complain tbat it is al
most impossible to save tbeir orchards
ou account of tbe infected trees In
tbe vicinity. North of St. Johns, ou
tbe lower peninsula, tbere are seveial
fine old orchards, planted by early
settlers, tbat bave beeD utterly ruined
by the San Jose scale. Many of these
small orchards might yet be saved,
hut it will require persistent use of
the spraying pump to bring; them
back to tbe point where they will
grow tbe old time luscious pear and
apple. There is any amount of work
for the fruit tree inspector in tbat
district. A number of these infected
orchards have been abandoned, wbicb
oairht to be treated to a vigorous
wielding of the tree inspector's ax.
Varied Rill of Fare For Loggers
Two voung ladies from tbis city
who recently went to Washington to
preside over the culinary department
of a logging camp bave been the cause
of some solicitation on tbe part of tbe
friends, as tbey bave not until reoent
ly had any experiece in catering to
tbe huninv lumber-iaok. One lady
who is iu correspondence with one of
be newly made camp cooks wrote for
information nn tbe subject and re
ceived the following bill-of-fare in an
ewer, wbicb we think ought to be var
ied enough to suit the most fastid
Soup Lampwick, sponge, oork,
whalebone. land fraud, corncob.
Fish Ked herring, blind herring,
Jim Heuine.
Cold Dishes Broke ice, oold ice,
Weihard ice, iceberg.
Roasts Scarecrow, sea gull, chick
en 48 vears old. hot roast, cold toast.
loggers' roast, cooked roatt. Special-
All roast.
Uame Don Pedro, old maid, seven
up. smut euchre, casino, pitch, oiib-
affn. bounae.
Vegetables Tigbt boot corns, soft
corns, bard corns, sponge pie out
bias, leather Die with buckles, saw
dumst pudding.
Dessert (Jrindstone toe cream,
tauskys, yeast cakes, door jam.
Fruits, Nuts, etc Gum drops,
dew drops, burue aooms, raw onios,
horse chest nuts.
Liquids Bear oreek water, Wasco
County coHin varnish, Columbia riv
er water, local option fricassee, ice
water, wet water.
Patrons who report any inattentiou
on tbe part of the waiters will get
what's pomiug to them
Sfand Withont Hitching.
Trees are better and more to be de
fended nnnn than some men. Trees
will stand without being hitched, says
tbe Pnyallup (Wash.) Tribune.
Tbe man wbo will stick to bis colors
is a crown jewel. Whatever tbe pres
sure of influence, tbe tickle wind ot
public favor, be will be found nn
nhnni?nd. It is tbe imitation man-
not tbe real article wbo changes bis
oninion or his views as the ptrblio de
mands Tbe pilates, as one great
writar has said, are Dooular for a
time but they do not endore. It is
tbe man wbo stands wit bout bitching
wbo counts in tbe long run.
Reliability in man is a fine quality
most to be desired. It is fine trait,
"John Doe said so. and ifJoboDoe
said it tbe statement can be depended
nron." Sue! a commes upon an in
dividual's .reliability to splendid
tribute. A Kooa oooa speaKs of tbe
man "wbo swearetb to bis own buit
and changeth not." Tbat is a mag
nificent piaise. Unfortunate la be
who oan not truthfully merit snob
praise. Tbey are turned from tbeii
faith by criticism, or influence, or
predjudioe. Tbey are like tbe weather
cock for ohangeableness.
There are reliable men in every
oommunity, many and of Increasing
nnmhnp Tliav nan .1 una n oil nn.
apple ""J1! on. Their word is better than any
bond, lbey state tbe exact truth.
iney bave no fears, lbey are never
swayed from tbeir own principles by
tbe clamor of prejudice, tbe threat of
public disapproval or then own poc
ketbook. Tbey stand without being
bitched. Blessed above bis fellows
is be, on occasion it need be, "swear
etb to his own hurt aud changeth
not." He s a thoroughbred. He
has heart, brain, courage, principle.
Tbe scrub has neither.
Next Saturday meeting will be
bold in tbe Commeioial Club- rooms
for tbe purpose nt making arrange
ments for tbe Seventh Bi-eunial Fruit
Fair at Hood River. Tbe meetiug hps
been called by E. L. Smith, president
of tbe fair association, aud U. J.
Oessling, secretary.
The officers of tbe association and
members of it expect tbat tbe former
Que exhibits of fruit at tbe fair will
be eclipsed tbis year aud tbat tbis One
exhibition will add new laurels to
those already won by it. It is thought
that more interest will be shown in tbis year by fruit growers
aud those iuteieuted iu its culture
both at home aud abro d than ever
before. Already many fiom other
cities and towns iu various parts of
tbe state have signified tbeir inten
tion ot attending and for tbis reason
tbe fair assooiaion is anxious to out
do all previous ettors in tbe way of
making anangements for a satisfac
torily eutertainiug vlaitois.
The State Irrigation association will
bold its annual meeting here tbe first
two days ot the fair and it is ueoes-
sary tor residents of both city and
valley to devise means 01 entertaining
them. In tbis connection it is urged
by tbe association tbat as many bs
oan possibly do so atteud the meeting
Suturday so tbat tbe whole valley will
be represented and tne uesi memoa
seemed of showing tbe attractions,
resources and industries of tbe valley
to tbe visitors.
Tbe offloers of tbe fair association
say that the Hood Klver fruit fair is
being looked upon with more import
ance throughout tbe state at each suc
ceeding egxhibit and that it is proba
ble tbat It wilt De oniy a question ui
a few years when it will become an
annual affair and take rank as tne nn
est fruit exhibit in the United States.
"Sake Hay While the Sun Shines.
There is a lesson in the work of the
thrifty farmer. He knows that the
bright sunshine may last but a day and
he prepares for the showers which are
so liable to follow. So it should be with
every household. Dy Ben try, d arrhoea
and cholera morbus may attact some
member of the home without warning.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Kemedy, which is the best known
medicine for these diseases, should al
ways be kept at hand, as immediate
tn-alment is necessary, and delay may
prove fatal. Fur sale by Keir and
The Fart Tkrr Have Parlors.. la
ClTlltata the World.
"Poison," as a single word of the
English language, carries with It more
Instinctive warning and repugnance
than Invest any other word In the
glossary of English speech. Whether
spoken or written tbe word at once
challenges the attention and tbe Imag
ination to horror of evil. There are
only three poisonous serpents In the
geography of North America, yet be
cause of these three varieties alone
the whole reptilian family Is condemn
ed to death at sight
And yet, strangely anomalous as it
may nppear, the existence of active
poisons In the animal, vegetable and
mineral kingdoms of nature has dono
more for the development of modern
civilized mnn than have all the other
Innocuous elemental things which abo
riginal man found to his band. These
active poisons were man's first stim
ulus to thought Even In the figura
tive Eden there was one fruit of which
man might not eat. "Why notr was
bis first question, aud the only rational
answer was for him to eat and see.
Waving aside this literal Eden as
apochryphal and metaphorical, the
aboriginal man was confronted by the
same literal condition as to the things
which he should not eat or touch or
smell. Ills environment was that ot
the torrid zone. Nakedness was his
condition. Exposure to the venoms
and animal, plant and mineral life was
a consequence against which only a
quickened Intelligence could Insure Im
munity. The fruit of one plant he dis
covered to be life; the touch of another
was death. He could avoid the giant
carnlvora of the jungle which would
have searched hlra out with tooth and
claw, but he had little resource against
the creeping, crawling things whose
fangs and stings meant convulsive suf
fering, horrors and death to his kind.
He knew the sweet waters of the hills,
but must leurn to guard against the
brackish, excoriating waters of the des
erts. "Why?" because in this manner
bis first voiceless question aud the
stimulus of the Interrogation were the
making of the civilized mnn. Tech
nical World.
Now ready for you to
examine at your leisure
Ii you are wanting a tent
you to gut prices at S. J. F:
ness shop.
it will pay
rank's har-
Fresli fish at McGuire Bros, Tuesdays,
Thursdays aud Fridays.
Fall Planted Bulbs
Orders taken now for Fall l'lanted
Bulbs and Hunts. Buy your Gladiolus
from the grower. See Oakdale display
in field now. Gladiola bulbs from 50c
to 75c per dozen. Wyandotte Cocker
els, the white kind, for sale now, $ 1.00
each. J. 1). Flktchkb, K. K. No. 1,
Hood Kiver
Eat Horseflesh Says Prof. Brewer.
New Haven, August 24. Professor
William Brewer, professor in Sheffield
Soieutitlo school of Yale, iu a brief
speech at the banquet of tbe Ameri
can Veterinary Medical Association
last night, advocated horse flush as
food. About 30 years ago Professor
Berwer predicted tbe toining of the
twD-minute nice boise. In bis remark
last night he sai ' the rwp horse bas
about readied tbe liii It f its possible
speed development. V itb regard to
horses In general, rrofessor urewer
said tbey are less liable to dsiease
than bovine cattle that are now eatun
for food, aud the only tbiug wbicb
prevents tbe use of tbe flesh in this
oouutit is prejudice and lack of
knowledge of its wbolesomeuess. Tel
Is Hood Kiver Land High.
A Yakima fruit grower, whose 20
acre orchard six years ago coi-t Mm
$).r, has just refused an offer of 410,-
(-00, which is at tbe rate of $800 r
Advertised Latter List
Advretised letter list for week end
ing August 27, 1906: Bell, Miss Lit, ;
Berry, Katie; liery, Mamie; Boyd,
Millie; Clark, Stella; Din, Mrt.
(.eoige; Dunbar, Mrs;. Farley, Mrs.
Jas. ; Green, Mrs. C. W. ; Jones, Mre.
J. L. ; King, Maria; Kocbk, Mre.
Woo.; Lamberson, Carrie; Marias,
Estella; Miller, Mail; Moor, Mrs.;
Olsen, Carrie; Stattlenyer, Taylor,
Mrs. Win. ; inomas, Mrs. J. w. ; An
derson, A. ; Billingslen, Walter;
brown, Win. ; Brown, U. V. ; Bowman,
Harry D. (3); Bowman, J. T. ; Pock
(Cbiuaman); Clark, A. L. ; Da vies,
Dearv: Divies. Benny; Diamond, V.
C. ; Kobbaert. Chas. Bird; Eers., J.
W. ; Frakes, J. II. ; Gaston, W. L. ;
Uioranui, Dat Pra; Gibbons, Jas.;
Good, E. 11. ; Hafferman, Wm. ; Karr,
H. J. ; Kirbson, Mr. ; King, J. B, ;(2)
Kuhns, T; Lewis, F. M; Metrics, G. ;
MoMillen, J. P.; MoMahu, Chas;
Moore, Art; Nelson, William; Soueis,
Dell; Sbumway, Bray ford; Sinolair,
Eugene; Strait, Eugene; Spaikes, C.
It. ; Sterling, Geo. M. ; Stark, Man
lord L. ; Thomas; Umgr & Cleory;
Wilson, Green ; Wood, Frank ;. Wm.
M. Yates, P. M.
There wil be a mass meeting of the
citizens of the town and valley at the
Commercial club rooms Satuiday,
September 1, 1906, at 2 p m., to make
armgemeuts for tbe Seventh Bi-En-uiel
Fruit Fair.
It is neeasary for tbe people to toru
out and attend tbis meeting as
will also have to arrange for tbe State
Irrigation Aasoiatbm that will meet
here Ootber 11 and 12, tbe first two
days of the fair.
E L. Smith, Pies.
G. J. Gessling, Sec
Stomach Troubles and Constipation.
No one ran reasonably hope for g'Hid
diro-iinn when the bowels are coni-ti-pded.
Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of F..I
icNville, III., fays: "I suffered from
chfinic constipation and
ir rubles for several years, but, thanks
hi Chamberlain s Stomach ami Liver
Tatt'e'i", am almost cured." Why not
lit-t a package of these tablet and pel
veil ana stav wenr rncr to rem
Samnles free. For sale bv Keir A
True-to-Name Nursery.
Have for the coming ceacoii'. plai.t-
iim a few thousand choice &ewtown,
S(i!zenburg and a few other leading
varieties for polenizers. Cherry, penr,
and peach of the leading vanetl. s
..Untwt to this locality. All buds ami
scions nsed in propogating carefu'ly
alM-tmi from viiroroiu. proline twit.
Past seasons have been unable t supply
the ilenmnd and our stock lor luia aea
mi in im limited. Would Iherefor aug
upt vnn file vour orders at an early date
to get choice stock. II. 8. Galligan
Phone farmers 349.
The Club Cafe
Meals at all Hours from 250 up
Best Two-Bit Meal in the City
T-Bone and Porterhouse
Steaks our Specialty
Next Door to Hewl's Cigar Store, Hood Kiver, Ore.
The F.ntl of the World
of troubles that robbed K. 11. Wolfe, f
Hear Grove, la., of all unefullneHS, came
when he tx-gan taking Electric Bitters.
He writes:" Two years ago Kidney
trouble caused me great Buffering, which
I would never have survived had I not
taken Klectric Bitters. Thev also cured
nie of General Debility." Sure cure for
all Htomacb, Liver and Kidney com
plaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Diz
ziness and Weakness or bodily decline.
Pi ice 50c. Guaranteed by Chas. N.
Clarke's drug store.
jii"iF 1 Cm
Middle Valley Mill
ELPPA ORCHARD CO., (Inc) Proprietors
Fir and Pine Lumber U
i I li
Havt yea money to tnvtit
trapirtrtobcttrtdtor vuatts
Vm your htaltb. tin mi
rivets affairs ptrmk yon to
snansrs them properly ao4
Yon our iuvs Ih eoTftcttvs
vhdom of ttptrkactd nun la
As maa-femat of your aner
stslf you consult thltCompaiiy.
It alio rteelvts deposits
subject to chick, and stvlats
accounts (ram oos ootUr up,
psytnj: current Interest thtrtoo.
Aeti u trustee In ell property
stJitkieii rsquMof such services,
Cure tod eelli boode, eliecti col
lectioGt, lead maoey.
la many other wars k can be
fscrvics. Call or write for frtt
ptmpkltt eetttnf lorth the ecope
cj to operations.
M7 Wask. 8 FoftTiANO Ore.
Ready for Business
All orders Promptly Filled
P. O. Hood RiVEit, Oregon.
Mn.t Mt. Hood Stace 'Koari. 4 inileH south of
- '
Odell, Oregon.
th of
G. H. KoIibin
C. IX Thompson
We offer Hood River grown nursery
stock and do all kinds of Orchard and
Nursery work. Lay off, plant,' prune,
trim and cultivate young orchards in
the most thorough and up-to-date man-
Mixes and Kneads
Bread Thoroughly
In Three Minutes
Haads aot teach the doafh.
If you hear of anything new
and good for the comforts
and convenience of home
and see the goods, and get
ftill explanation. We are
your agents, it is your
protection we care for.
I wish to sny to all our old friends and custom
ers who for so many years came to our shop for
their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce
Wood Bros., bur successsors, as their 18 years in
the butcher business in Wasco county has made
them so widely known that uu introduction is un
necessary. Being honest, capable business men,
they have the means and ability to rwn a business
as it should be run, and in a way that will be a
credit to our city."
I expect to stay with the new firm for awhile,
and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. 1
will guarantee that you will get just as much meat
for your money, just as courteous treatment and
just as prompt service as can be had in the city.
We will have a full line of everything good to
eat for the Spring trade.
Itespectfully yours,
This is the Time of the Year
That Stomach and Bowel
Trouble is so Prevalent
Graduate Pharmacists in Charge
The Williams Pharmacy
CHARLES HALL. Proprietor.
Don't Forget
When you want first-claaB work
done at home. All kinds of
Laundry Work and Cleaning
Lace curtains, 60c; blankets and
cariiets, 25c to 50c. I'lione m(Ml
Clan rabrlck, Prop.
Patronize Home
Our Work cannot be
Dealer In
Harness Sz Saddles
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Magic in the Name
There is no delicacy that appeals to peoplo in general as does leecreum,
and there is no oilier delicacy so very, very good when it is or so
had when it is had.
Sweetland's Ice Cream
measure!. Try it once
is pure and wholesome, and delicious beyond
and you will understand why it is called the
Received fresh every day by exprexs at
When visiting Portland don't fall to call at "Swctland's" -'7:1 Morrison
One of Portland's llneHt stores and the beHt place in city for a lunch
jj The Hood River Bakery pur-
(I chased 200 barrels of our Golden J
U Crown Flour Oct. 1, 1905. They
U have just placed another order 1
" with us for 100 barrels more. At Jj
B Mr. Williams' Bakery can be found 1
Dthe best bread in the city, and it
is made from our Golden Crown j
flour. The bread speaks for itself.
Our WhitUiver and Golden Crown flour
can bo found for Halo at all tho loading gro
cers. Try a Hack. Once used, alwayused
For Sale By
Hood River, Oregon
3 C