HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1906 CORRESPONDENCE WHITE SALMON. (From tbe Enterprine. ) Rev. B. F. Brown, of the M. E. church, and nowunplyliB the Gilmer nircnit. denaited Tuesday for confer ence, wbiob will be held at North Vakima, commencing September 5th. Mr. BrowD expect to be absent about three weeks. Grandpa Water went down to Port land and will spend some time in a hospital tbeie. Grandpa has been in lathei poor health all summer, and thinks that a season -in the hospital will do him good. He does Dot seem to be seriously afflicted. Fred W. Uuliger went to lone, Ore gon, last Saturday and returned Tii"S day. He went up on a business trip. The old soldiers and their wives gave an entertainmeut and dinner at Lauterbaoh'a ball last Saturday foi the purpose of starting a releif fuud for their port. A fund of ID. 50 was thus realized. One of the features was a floe cuke, presented by Mrs. liooiman, and which was auctioned off, bringing 75 cent. Tbe grand social event of the season was the ball at tbe new Odd Fellows hall last night. Tbe ball was given by some of tbe members of the order and tbe proceeds will be used to pur chase furniture for the new hall. A fine string band was procured from Hood Klver, which discoursed de lightful muRio during tbe evening, while fair ladies and brave men tripped the light fantastio to their heart's content. The supper wbiob was served in tbe banquet bull by mem bers of tbe Rebekab assembly was a joy to tbe heart and very satisfying to the appetite, and tbe laige orowd was very nicely taken care of in that de partment. Tbe floor in the new ball is splendid, and it is to be regretted that it la not to be used for tbat pur pose hereafter, but it Is probable tbat the first dance there will be the last, as it if to be used striotly for lodge imposes. Uigbty-aeveu numbers were given out at the ball and there were more ladies than gentlemen present, but even this large orowd was easily accommodated in tbe splendid new hall. Tbe net proceeds ot tbe nail, after all expenses were paid, was tl'25. This bull will long be remembered by many who attended as the most de lightful time of tbeir lives. BELMONT. Mr. and Mrs. Kalpb tills went to Wyeth last Saturday to see their eon and daughter. They returned vion day. Mr. Philips, of tbe flini of Closet & Devera, of Portland, was in liel- niont on bis ranch for couple of weeks . He returned to take up his work last xnursday. Alta and Kditb Ordway entertained their flreuds last Saturday evening by giving a nloe lawn party, loe cream and oaka were served at a late hour. Every body went home saying what a flue time we bad. Mr. John Hudson was called home last week by the illness of his daugh ter. She is on bar way to recovery now. Rev. Clark and wife have gone to oouferenoe. They will visit friends on tbe way. Those who lutend to go to the Yaklm bop fields be ready to start next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Summervllle, also their daugher May, are visitlug friends below Portland. Mr. Brown, of Ullmore, visited bis brother. Prof, llrowu, last week. Rev. Tuifts, of Portland, who has baeu oamplng in Belmont for some time , returned to his home this week. GILMER. Everybody has been harvesting. Crops have been fine and ranchers ate baling their bay now. Some are taking their summer vacation. Messrs. Armstrong and Tompkins' folks took in Trout Lake and the huckel berry patch lust week, but had fisherman's luck, hungry and lew ber ries, except what caught on a sliver dollar. Herman Jundt bad the misfortune He wants you to have modern and up-to-date line What the Doctor 0 KEIR CASS SMITH BLOCK W. F. LARAWAY Dr. of Ophthalmology Understands the Kyes their .Meets, mid their relation to human ills Glasses Made to Fit HOOD RIVER, OREGON to get cut on an eder Hflw 0,1 Httnr" day. Finn of his Hiikhis were cut. but not very badly. One of the Kaliimrs hoys, ngeil 10 years out his foot Siitii'diiy by letting the axe drop ou it and nearly nevuiiug his toe. He is gbtt'.ng ulong niuoly. M. Mauely, who has been ut the co st for a week, returned ludt week. Miss Ruff, of Portland, is visiting the Pittmans. Mrs. Earnest Faluier, of Sherman oounty, and daughter are visiting her cousin, Mrs. (Jiliuer and her broher, Mr. I'almer. Mr. Brown left last week for confer ence, lie does not niiw wnetner tie will reurn here or not, but w hope so. Miss Mattiel'evuolila has lieon in sk ins more improvements on her home stead by building an addittion to her bouse. Pete Ilnahes. son-iu law of John Robblne, has just returned from Kan sas lie says thin country is goou enough for him. J. Tilton is building a fine house on Oak Ridge. He can see out over Hood River valley from his uew house. Ruth Tompkins has returned borne from Hood River convalescent from her attuck of typhoid fever. ODELL. 1 bis day. August 27, marks the 38 years of life for the writer, SJ of those yeui'l were paaMsed in Douglas coun ty .Kansas, 10 years near iiuilington, In Uolley county, ot tne same scale, the two years junt passed in Odell, of the beautiful Hood kiver valley. These rdacesjtre all dear to me and will ever Sohol begins Moiiray, September 3. Mrs. M. I). (Jiltli bus as stylish a little buggy as one might wish to see, a new baroness also. Roswell Hbelley loaded two cars of wood at Pukes Val ley siding last week to be shipped to Poitalud. It is very inconvenient for Odoll shippers to haul to another sid ing instead of loading at Odell slut ion and tbey anixously await action of tbe Mount Hood Railroad company that will make Odell statiou a loading plane as good as the best. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ehrok spent last week at Oreeu Point. kMr. Klomer has a piece of laud, one hair of which was cleared by using dy nurnite. blowing evert thing out of ti e ground. This laud is entirely clear of fern while the other half clo.ired by grubliighasa good growth of fern. Mr, Klomer thinks this fact worth knowing. Marie Lockiuau ami Gertrude Cros by cleaned the school house last week and it is said the ladies going to church need not ask "is my hat on straight" as they ha e but to walk over to the school house and behold themselves relievted as in a niiiroi. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Knnis are onoe more residents of Odell being in camp on the U. L. Rogers place. This house is the one ooupied by Mrs. JO lines and family last winter and it is being en larged for their occupancy during the ensuing school year. Odell gladly wel comes this family. A number of triends were invited to the home of A. Woods Snturiiy even ing. Friay August 21, being Cilutou Woods' birthday. The allair was lu temled m a surprise on that occasion but as Clinton was expected home from Mosier on Saturday that even ing was choseu. Ice cream and cako were served. A pleaut time Is report ed. Mrs. O. E. liowerman outietaiued for Bertha Lalfrety Sunday. A num ber of young people were Invited and a pleasant time had. it was expected this would be Bertha's last Sunday herd before going to Welser, Idaho, but news of an expected visit from au aunt iu Missouri caused a change of plans and she will remain at home for a time. i I. U. Lullerty and family, of Mount Hood, visited Mr. Ijalferty'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Lullerty, Sun day. Elmer Lattrtey and friends, from Hood River, also visited at home as did Everitt Lallorty, or ureou Point. The C. E. of Odeil Sunday evening, August 20, had for their subject "Home missions among our island sing them Here WHEN THE DOCTOR WRITES OUT THE PRESCRIPTION it filled at a reliable store, where the appliances are and the drugs are Pure and Fresh. We make this a specialty, and we assure you puts on the Paper We put in the Medicine 30C iXiseessioiis. Mrs. Ida Young, ieac-i-r. A special song by the choir. Elmer Lafferty will give a dance in tho I. O. O. F. hall at Odell Friday night, August 31. Tbe full Tilimany oichestra of Hood River, will furnish music. Everybody invited. Hazel Rebekah Lodge No. ir6 initi ated two new members last Tueadty night. Rev. II. C. CUr'A, of Belmont, preached iu the cum eh at Onell Sun day afternoon. 'l'hi is his last ser mon here before conference. crapper! (1. A. McCurdy, Jaxpor Wickbam, Prof. Arnesou and James Black re turned from (iieen Point ou Fiiday of hut wiek aiter spending a few days lUliing. Up to date they have not oeeu telling hiiv marvelous fisli stor ies, but claim in . i. tl.uy hud a good time. Mrs. Jant.en i ml her daughter Miss Agues and (JJi.ir t Uher returned from Portluud in Thu '! y ot last week, af ter visiting several myi with friends in 'hut city. J. J. Jordau has Hold bis fine farm in West Crapi i'. I e oousidera1 .ion was (14,0)10. io rt.iet to have them leave the ueiglilmrht ..d Joe is a good citizen and m . .. mid accommo dating neiguLui. wuver he and his excellent family u.ay go t ur best wishes es will follow them. 1. N. Hutett it turned fiom Port- laud on last Saturday. Since the return of tbeir mother and sinter from Portluud, Henry and Carl Jauteo have smiles all Of or their faces, smiles that won't rub oft. 1'hey did not like baching just a lit tle bit. Rev. Henry Clem, "Holi ness" preacher from Ashland, Oregon, preached at the school houses on Sat urday evening, also ou Sunday morn iug mid evening. Mrs. F. S. Perry, of Portland, ac companied by her daughter Miss Lelia ami small sou Lester, are visiting with Mrs. E. Lyons and family. Mustet Fred Lyons entertained 23 of his young friends ou Wednesday ol last week, the usual courses of Ice oreum, cae, candy, nuts and fun weie iu evidence. UNDERWOOD Cora Ciarkson is on tbe sick list. Rev. llPi'slimtr visited our Sunday school last Mi, inlay and held services altcrw arils. Mr. Veatch and Mr Kelley and fa n ily, spent a few days camping on Lit tle Willie balm on last week. Mrs Cromwell proved np on lur homestead ou th HI tint White Salmon, Mr. Vatch and Mr. Hides woie wit uosses. The Norwegian consul and wife, of Portluud, spout a few days at the Cottage hotel recently. Road Supervisoi Uittiy and men returned last Saturday from a road working expedition iu tbe western part of our district. ( lilford Robards is again able to make bis regulur visits to Underwood and was a jolly addition to the social Saturday night. Mrs. Kd Underwood and party re turned last week from their trip to Huckleberry iniuiiiliilii having an en J..) able trip bin not very prntii ,i, The government nan bale! n y men thave ruturued and aie piepa lu, for their work. We learn that Mrs. Ini.Iyc, of White Salmon, had the mitl u ' r.ue to break her arm one day last wcci A number ot friends who eoi hi not atteud the social sent in conn bu tions. Among them were M iss ,' sile Ooildard, Uncle Amos and Kd Jn del wood. If the Underwood people would hand in any little item ot I nt ere tlitt v would lie anpreciutud. We pick up what we can with as little time as possible. A tint) little crowd attended the so cial last Saturday night and tlO.05 was domed and turned over to Mr. Cash as a payment ou the uew organ he having advnoed the money when the organ was received. A. J. ilayues and family expect to spend the witi'er on Kuapp's flat, to be closer to Mr. Ilayues work of ao- RHLIABLK IM'(i(SISTS Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for It's nature's way. The best kind ot a testimonial "Bold for over sixty years." A Mftde by J.O. Ajr.r Co., LowU, .a BUnufiMturtra ot f MBSAPARILU. yers PII.LS. CHERRY PECTORAL. inu the carpenter work preparatory to hu ilil i riK concrete work on the rail road here. I). N. ISvrlee. of Hood River, witb h's Sunday school class ot little boys, spent Saturday in a little picnic on this side ot the Columbia. Your cor respondent regrets that she could not ancept his invitation to join them witb a party of her friends. Comuiissiorer Coulter, of Steven son, lawyer Henderson, of Hood Riv er, Mr. Cameron, of the Menominee Lumber (Jo,, and a railroad represent; alive, were here ou the road businesr lent week tint notlilnu was settled and tbey contiuuded it Monday at Steven son. A few or the people bhk tne ran road to make a bridge over the old road, the other side waut a road over the track and down to the proposed dock. Ileiv About Your Fire Insurance! lu'lant Sturday's Journal was pub lished a clnesifled lint of tbe different inuiiranca companies Fhowinp tbeir stauiHiiK in rexard to the settlements of the 8un Franc boo losses. Only bout 115 companies were iu olass "A," that is, thoso that puid dollai for dol lar. Now is the time fur all those who carry iiiBuiauce and pay for protec tion to look over their policies and see that the copmany with whom tbey aie de illtig are reputable and honest. There are a great number of compa nies that are willing to take your yearly premiums and naturally you think you are protected in case of lire. The California oonllagratioD should teach us a lesson, and every policy not included in cIiihs "A" list should be cupelled. Why pay for protection nnd not get it? (ieorgo R. born in, Paoitlo Coast Me.nauer of the Hpriugfjeld, has ex pressed himself as follows: "Au insnranoecouipauy, like au in dividual, has a reputation to maintain it it would succeed. A man lu liusl ne.HS cauuot afford to have his stand iug jeopardized or ruined by dishon esty or failure to meet his just debts. Kvery policy holder in the Springfield will be paid their losses to tbe full amount of their policy without cute of anv kind. " lioth the Springlleld and the Law Union and Crown, of London, clauF "A" companies are represented in Hood River by J. 11. Heilbronuer A Co. Autos Will Keacli Snow Line, Dr. Markley. who bus just returned from an outing at tbe foot of Mount Uainior, stated that a government ap propriation of i 1500,(10 obtained through the elforts of tbe Tacoma chamber ot commerce is being ex pended in building a flue turnpike ro,.d to the base of the mountain, and that next season autOB may reach tbe h.iow line, if they don't delay tbe start too late iu the season. "That appropriatiou aud that road should be valuable pointers to our own chambe o commerce, which should use Its iu tlueuce with our representatives in congress to secure an appropriation for the road to Mount Baker," said the doctor. "We will never get any thing uules3 we ask for it aud go at tor it." Fruit 'Peddlers Cause Trouble. War has bioken out between some of the merchants and the horde of fruit peddlers that bawk their wares ou Third street between Morrison and WaMhiuKtuu. The mayor, the polioe aud the other city ottleial have been appealed to by both sides., but still the battle wages. The mayor says he is getting grayer every day beouse of it. Tho peddler who pays $200 a year for his licence to sell fruit Is permit ted to stand ouly 15 minutes in any one spot ou thesrteet at a time, when he must more to some othei place, utand there 15 minutes, then move on again. The hawkers have found that at certain spots along Third street busiuess is good, and they use these places alternately. The first man stands 15 in unites at the first statiou, then moves to the second, wbl e a sec ond peddler takes his place at stand .No. 1. The merchants aloug the route. some of wbmu sell fiuit also, nave objections . Ihey watch closely to see that no man lingers overtime, but frequently wlnle their attention la listracted a change takes place, but to the merchaut all peddlers look alike, ami when be sees a wagon still standing there he promptly seuds in a complaint to the mayor or tne cblef of police. 1 get those complaiuts until 1 dream ot them at night," said His Honor, "and the chief gets more than I do . The merchaut contends that the peddler stays in One place longer limn the law allows. The peddler and lie policeman on the lieat contend tlat they do not. Now witb this sort. f mi entlli'H rhiio operating, what a i I to do? Telegam. Jiotlce. Any person caught hunting or ties I nsMing on my property will lie pun-i-licd to the toll extent of the law. Mrs. Phrwbe Foes. $100 Reward, $100. n-:i!'in .t this iiiwr will b pleaml to it'iii n 1 hoi th.'iv is ill U'usl one drenileti (lln Ih u s.'ichv ha" '-,'i'n able to cur1 In ikll -lam's, aiut that Is Catarrh. Hall' t'HIarrh Om N Hie only eMiive cure now known to :in' nu'dn'iil iraimtiiy. Catarrh belnitaoon- s.ituliuntil ilKcse, ivuulres a 4"Onnlltutlona vntnietil. Hitli i Catarrh Cure la taken in. tt'rnally, lifting ittrtt'tiy upon the blood and iti'i.-oiiji MtttaeeM ot the nntem, thertby de sito iik the Imimtat 11.11 of th disease, and giving the patient strength by building up i!:econiiiutun and assisting u ittitv in doing Its woik. The proprielo a have no tntieh faith in its curative iwer that they otter One Hmiilreri lollars lor any oaae that tt nUb) to iiire. Send tor list ot lestlnionlala. Address K. 1. 1 H KNKY CO. .Toledo, O. Sold tiv alt druKists. :.v. Take ItaU a family l'llln for omsllpatlon. Extraordinary Low Price for August Clearing Sale of Seasonable Goods If you don't investigate this you will miss a golden opportunity to clothe yourself and family for a very lit tle money. Included in this Bargain Sale is Boys' and Men's Suits, Ladies' Skirts, Underwear for Men, Women and Chil dren, Dress Goods Suitable for all Sea sons, Hats and Caps for Men, Women and children, Hosiery, Shoes, Gloves and Hosts of Other Articles too Numerous to Mention 50 Suits for Boys from 5 to 1 1 years at HALF Price, ranging from 75c up. 125 pairs of Shoes, almost all kinds and sizes for men, women and Children. This is your grand opportunity. Summer Underwear, the 10c kind for 5c, 15c kind for 10c, 25c kind for 18c, 35c and 40c kind 25c, 50c and 75c kind for 40c. IOO Shirts for Men Worth from 50c to $1.00. Your choice Forty Cents Dress Goods. In this will be included Ginghams, Lawns, Suitings, Percales, at such, rediculously low prices that you cant help but see its a bargain. Men's Hats for $1.00 that are worth from $1.50 to $3.00. All Straw hats HALF Price Don't miss this sale. It costs nothing to look and not much to buy Box Wood FOR SALE AT THE Box Factory Phoue 71. MILWAUKEE NURSERIES MILWAUKEE, OREGON. N. B. HARVEY PKOl-KIKTOR CUICNARD4 ROSIGER, Local Agents, Hood River We will liuve for the Fall trade 50,(XX) one arid two vi ur mil Yeilow Newtown Pippin anil Spitzenburg apple trees, also all tin l toing variedies of Apple, I'ear, Plum, 1'iune, 1'eavh, Cherry ami Kuglipli WHi'Hit trees, ornamental trees, slirubs and lio es. Our trees are true to name and uivetiond satisfaction. For prices call 11 August Ouignard, Hood River, or addreBs N. 1!. Harvey, Milwau kee, Oregon. l'lione 1259. If You Would Grow Choice Fruita BUY of the Russelville Nursery Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. GROWERS OF FINE NURSERY STOCK VAKIKTIKS or SI'KOlAl, MERIT Careful and reliable attention given to filling evry order with Brst-clasa trees and plantc . SittefKriM Guaranteed (i. H. Wilson, Hood River, local agent. l'lione 122 Box 52 Bt. fflantfl Aratotmj iki waiiTa, ouoov. I'n4.r th. dtraetlaa tt tk Btotan f tk. Hoi; K.mv. at J.M 4 Hur. TW 414 MkoUatif j.-.r oim B.pt.mbOT 4, WO, ft na!4ot u4 Any pupil.. Ann. ma, mnnlil, (it ItiM .tin uuivMUtf toanm. Hnli . .p. ci.ltr. Srat tot muWu, t Utrm kUt WHITMAN COLLEGE "Th. TU H Ih. orthwt." It niku f, SCHOLARSHIP AND CHAHAC TICK combing. Bntrsnv. rulrem.nl. an4 tnsdaril. ot work th. Mm. .. .t air?inl .n4 V.I.. Mn. labor.torli. library ud Tmna lum. Pmpm, A. B.j B S ; B. U, .n4 B. Hm. ' Writ fur cuk(ii.. WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON S3? It AV cock ca 3 1. POKTLAMSlOM. I J( 8 YoUbuy from Pactorj I'i fV VDIrtct Therefore our W 1 price re lowest. . hi .swmnxtti SPEOAl IT BRAGG & CO. We have just received a car load of Water Pipe Direct from the factory. We are selling it at wholesale prices. We can save you money. Also have a full line of fittings and the largest stock of garden hose in the city. NORTON & SMITH HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 131. ...Mount Hood Store... W S' GmBBLE' Proprietor. Dry Goods Ammunition Poots and Shoes Hardware Ciranitewnre Hay (,rain Flour Fee.1 Full line of Groceries FASHIOH STABLE ..Livery, Feed R. D. 7 PLUMBI Steam and Hot Water Heating All johhino; Timt'nptl.v attnuled to. and Draying.. Q i-iwiix All A1NS & RATHBTJN. Hood River, Ore. Horws lMW(;ht. suld tr I'Xfhanged. ' I'l.'HMire j.anicrt can secure Hr-t-cluss ria. Special attention given to moving furniture aim piir'n- We d.i everyiiiiiij; horse ,::, ,u. GOULD, G N