flQCD tUYBR GLACIER, THtTKaDAY, AUGUST 3 0, 1000 TREATED TO COATING OP CIL llnkenlliiM's streets are fast hbbwiii in h (ileHsiiiK anient under (tie cout itiK ot oil wliiub Street Bupetiuteudeut laiicey u apply lag to tttom. At tie nieetiiiK of tbe city trustees three weeks ago it was decided to use tbe heavier grade of oil aud tbe oou tract for furnishing a 10.5 gravel qual ity was forthwith awarded to II. A. tilodget, bis being tbe only bid before the board for that grade. No time bae been lost in getting the oil aud applying it, and today more than balf the improved streets in Bukersfield have leoeived their annual baptism of the durk fluid. To say that there is a great improve ment in conditions is putting it mild ly. Where several weeks ago there was several inches of dust, tbe streets are now packed smooth in many places, assuming tbe appearanoe of as phalt. I he application of oil to tbe streets has been carried on in UakarsBeld lor a number of years and many streets have now reached e stage of perfec tion where little or no further expense is necessary. For a new Btreet that has never before been oiled the con tract calls for 115 bariels to tbe block, coBting at the present contiaot price about 975 per block foi the oil ap plied. This is (he maximum applica tion and tbe cost ranges from tbe above figure down to 112 or $10 per block, aceordiiig to the amiuut of oil used. A specially designed sprinkler is used in spreading the oil which bas been previously heated to a tempera ture of 200 degrees. After tbe oil bas lieeu allowed to soak into tbe surface for a short time a slide or drag con structs of timbers is used to thor oughly mix tbe oil and dirt. When this operatic has been completed sand is spread upon tbe stieet in places where too much oil bas col lected to thoroughly mix with the soil. Tbe toiegoiug pla'i of application has been found very successful in llak ersfleld with one or two exceptions, tbe failures being noted in localities where the streets have a loamy forma tion or where the soil is oomposed of clay Hud loam. In such cases the dirt fails to pack properly and has a ten dency to creep and form holes in the surface. Plans are under considera tion to remedy these objectionable features aud hopes are entertained that a successful method will soon be found to overcome them. Mr. Vancy, when seen last evening by a Californian representtive, stated that in the course of ten or twelve days the present annual oiling will be completed, which gives us the wel come assurance that for tbe balance of the suiumei liakerslield will be practically a duslless city. Bakers field CHlifornian. Special (.'ortvspondeKe. Undwwood, Aug. 20, 190G. Editor Glacier: Hood River people generally seem to think that they aie "it" wbeu it comes to getting big returns from their fruit, but that Is mainly du) to' tbe fact that Underwood is yet to be heard from. Our oouuty is new, aud we bare but few trees of bearing age, but what few we have are settiug a mark that otbet growers will find it difficult to urpass. While, when it comes to growing peaches. Underwood stands inacl tssby iUclf. Ketly 4 Dubois have three trees of Hales Early, 8 years old, that bave botue since iney were three years old, every year. Tbe trees now measure 20 feet in di ameter and 75 feet in circumference and 16 feet high. This year they picked 35 twenty-pound boxes horn each tree, which sold for $30 por tiee, t'M for the three trees, yielding a net profit from tbe three trees ol ?ia. Tbe trees aie planted 24 feet apart biob would allow 75 trees to tbe acre. Now figure out me returns from an acre if you dare. Ibe aver age retruu for the last three years is a trifle over 817.50 per tree. nd even this figure looks good to us, when we stop to think that we do not bave to irrigate or spray this crop, wnicn re lieves us of two very heavy items in the expense aooouut. Now wbv in tbe name ot all tuai ib wonderful will neonle even stop to see Hood River's $1,000 an acre land ben land that will vield over r-s.uuu per acre in our crop can be bad here for 150 per acre. Keeley & Diiuoia have 500 two-year-old trees, that is yearling trees planted two yeais ago, from which they can expect to begin ickiug peaches this week, to . R Cash baa a tree of Crawfords. 22 years old that is loaded to breaking itb Hue fruit, as it is every year, anu yet people outside of Underwood tall us this is an oif veai for ueaches. Underwood is certainly loe peacn section of tbe Hood Kivar fruit dis trict. Come and see for yourself, a oard to our post-master will secure you a rig. Milking Machines. Tbe dairy opertois of tbe Noith west will bave an opportunity to wit ness one of tbe latest applications for "milking mechanically" in oper ation daily in connection with the airv exhibit during Oregon State Fair week (Sent. 10-15). This is cer tainlv a wonderful machine, the work ing of which is perfect, toe lacteal fluid being extracted gently, speedily, aud thoroughly, therefoie removing great amount of tbe drudgery in connection with this very profitable adjunct of our growing agricultural district. Tbe dairy section of tbe fair has outgrown its building and addi tional space will be provided. Another "Needles Scheme. The Silencer Seedlesa Apple Co., bas taken ui p. new dodge and assumed a iin.iit.inii that cannot be maintained. The bave offered for sale the Seedless Sultana grape in tbe catalogue that is issued from their oliice in Buffalo, N. i.. nnd Dubliclv state that it is to cover the northeastern territory in nlndim New York and the New Bug' lain (.fates. The following is their published statement aud otter of out f.i iitsa fnr siile : "This new i nd absolutely seedless crane can now be grown successfully n our climate. Uood size, neb, sweet flavor, very proline and a nl.rniii grower. "Write us for particulars as to method of propagating this new aud rcnarkable variety." Now tbe Sul fUim nrnnn is liv no means "new,' fnr it has been known in the Old World for ceutuiieu and been grow ina iii America for many long years, 1 saw vineyards of it in Culifoinia about 20 years ago, where it is a most excellent grape. Nor is it suitable to any part of tbo eastern states much Ireine noitheastern part. It a nn of the varieties of the Viuifer species east of the liocky Mountain divide, except in a portion ot western IVxhh. 1 he nnce tor which tney as". for cuttiugs of this grape, $1 each, is enormous aud noi-itively extortion t They can be had for from $3 to $1 per thousand in ualitornia, or luipuumi from i'nrkev or an v where that the va- rietv is crown in Europe or Asia for about the same price. Hooted plants, ouhieli b worth far more than out tings, cuu be bought for less than 25 cents each, delivered postpaid to any address, aud I would guarantee to see H.m. t.liio In Hnnn. but would not aa- to rilant tbem east of Nuw Mavinn nnd Utah. Perhaps these "seedless" people will next offer the Washington naval nrunoH fnr sale (because it is seed luuul in Illinois and adjacent states, where it would meet tbe same fate as Um MnltHn urane in New England. A nrl w liv nnt the "seedlesss water melon" for AlaBka?-H. E. Van Ue man in Rural New Yorker. Remnant of Boom to Become Saloon. Tiia nlrl ahn factorv on the Wash ington side of the river is about to be changed into a saloon, and this will awaken in the minds of many tbe oft repeated story of tbe North Dalles and c:,-Un,i DiiliflH land boom when that ...k-rii-aH nnd sand and sun-scorcb ed region attracted tbe attention of of our Eastern cities. Corner lots there sold for all the wbv from $150 to KWU, and glass, enr. et. box and other factories were projected, all of which came i.Bi.uht Uatelv the building luan imml mi a rooming house for em ployes on tbe North Hank road which will In the near future have a saloon attachment. Chronicle. Borers Destroy 500 Tree. n V 1 .annum, a rancher north of t-'n ima n vouiia oicbard of 500 una 'l.urllv Affected with "borers," and thhc entire orchard will bate to i.o T-,r TIia trees were bougt last snring from an Oregon nursery. Mr, ill trv In torce the nursery He bas notified tbe t.n-f ixnitnml insnector of tbe condi tijn of the orcliara ana or mo that alfected trees bad been allowed the aiuto line, notwithstand ing tha ar.ntA inspection law Counoil Advance. Was Worth It. ti... .p. tpllinir this stotr on a cer tain pretty Trout Lake girl whose father was anxiotrt to get bis bay stacked. Tbe aforesaid pretty girl -h.a tr iriaana to tbe farm band who would haul the most bay to tbe stack In two dBys leoently, and ti nf the first day t p.a,i lioen prostrated, and tbe re- hurl tin lie declared off to save the lives of tbe balane. Reduction In Flour and Feed, Special cash price on Flour and Feed at warehouse, nran n v .,' - i i,,n- fl. .nr. 14 rjer barrel. V. McDonald. I'rof. Tyler, of Amherst college, said recently: "A man can live Comfortably ithout brains: no man ever existed without a digestive system. The dys- eptic has neither faith, hope or char ity. Day by day people realize the mpftrtance of caring for their digestion; realize the need of the use of a little corrective after overeating. A correc tive like Kodol For Dyspepsia. It di- ests what you eat. Sold by imams' harmacv Why does the pun bum? Why does mosmiito Bting? Why do feel un happy in tbe Hood Old Summer Time? Answer: we don t. ne use jJewiUB Witch llax'l Salve, and these little ills u t bother us. Learn to;look for the name on the box to gel the genuine. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. to bas fr. Usee's FimKi PftKiJpSafc It not a secret or patent medicine, af&iaft which most Intallsarat people art quiuikatarally averse because of the un certainty as to their harmless characMr, but U a medicine or mown compositkjB, a fall list of all Its Ingredient being printed, in ploin English, on every bottle wrapper. An examination of this list of Ingredients will disclose the fact that it is nou-alcohollc in lit composition, chem ically pure glycerine taking the place of the commonly used alcohol, in its make up. The "Favorite Prescription" of Dr. Pierce it in fact the only modlclne put up for tha sure of woman's peculiar weak nesses and ailments, told through drug- lists, that does not contain alcohol and ttattooin larat avttntitit. Furthermore, It It tbe only medlnlne for woman's special dlseasna, the Ingredients of which have the unanimous endorsement of all the leading medical wrltert and teachers of all the several schools of practlcs, and that too as remedies for the ailments for which "Favorite Prescription" it recom mend nd. A little book of some of these endorse ments will be sent to any address, post paid, and absolutely free If you request same by postal card or letter, of Dr. 14. V. Pteree, Buffalo, N. Y. Don't forget that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for woman's weaknesses and delicate ailments, is not a patent or secret medieine, being the "Favorite Prescrip tion "of a regularly educated and gradu ated physician, engaged In the practice of his chosen specialty that of diseases of women that lu ingredients are printed in plain EnglU en every bottl-wrappe,r; that It it the enly medicine especially de signed "for the cure of woman's diseases that contains no alcohol, and the only one that hat a professional endorsement worth, more than all the so-called "testi monials ever published for other med icines. Send for these endorsements at above. Ths.rareAfortbeatUlnf. If you lunar from periodical, headache, backache, ill ml nest, pain or dragging dowa sensation low down la the abdomen, weak back, have disagreeable and weak Ing, catarrhal, pelvlo drain, or are la distress from being long on your feet, then you may be sure of benefit from taking Dr. Plaree's Ftftoite Prescription. Dr. Pteroc'a Pleasant Pellelt the best lax fttlve ain4 regulator of the bowels. Thsy Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative; two or three a cathartic C. P. R. Next Door to McOuire Brothers. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired All work done with Electric I rou and guaranteed Not for vour dealer's pake, nor for Benson's sake but fr your own sake get some of liens n's Fancy new potatoes. They win mane you snuie. McGuire Bros, make their own leaf bird under their own brand. 9dUm, Boardlm and dr school for touuc ladica. Uuilo (LeschtiEky raatbod). Art: Compl.t Academic Count ; ipscta) inducement. For Information addrM SliUr Superior. Pacific University forest grove, oregon, high-grade College with Superior equipment. Beautifully located twenty-six milas from Portland Full regular collese courses. Academy gives strong preparatory and Hicrn School courses. Conservatory of Music and School of Art, with superior instructors. Business branches taught Gymnasium and Held Athletics under a rnysicai Director. Well-equipped L-boratories. Library of 13.(hk Volumes. Healthful social life; religious influences. All student enterprises active. THE SCHOOL THAT STANDS FOR TUB Btsi irf tuuvRiiun WRITE FOR CATALOGUE CHICAGO ANt) THE EAST When purchasing ticket to Chi cago and the Kaat, see that it reads via the Chicago & North western Railway. Choice of routes via Omaha or via St Paul and Minneapolis. It is the route of The Overland Limited and the direct line to Chicago from the Const Foot fast daily Chicago trains make connections with all transcoati aental trains at St Paul and Minne apolis. Tht Vest of EVerftfitng. AH agents aell tickets via this lint. Par further information apply to a. . Noteca, tmni t, e. a. aar. ay it a TMrS at., pwnui, eat. White Salmon-Hood River Two big sail boats, two perfectly safe faaolme launches and two lug ferry Expert sailors in charge. Uoats leave at all hours. DEiN & l'EAHSON Licensed Ferrymen. biff Wood For Sale All Kinds at T-owest Market Price. Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Leave Hood River 8:00 a m. Leave Dee 4.60 p. fsl On June 10th, and each Sunday there after, Mount Hood Railroad will run an Excursion Train between Hood River and Dee. A more pleasant trip than a few hours ride through the Beautiful Hood River Valley cannot be taken and the Fishing' in immediate vicinity of Dee is unsur passed. Round Trip $1 Round Trip $1 Tickets on Sale at Office, Mount Hood Hotel. SEE Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado (tattle Gate, Canon of the Gram!, Black Canon, Marshall anil Ten nessee Passes, anil the World FaniniH Knyal Gorge. For descriptive unci tllUHlrated pamph lelB. write to W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third street, PORTLAND, OR, Hunts Paint $1 Wall Paper Co. Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES and MtUSIIES. HEATH & MILLIGAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, (Jilts and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock o room molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CALC1MO, the latest thing in room tint ing, mixed t o order. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc. Phone 071. First and Oak Streets. WIIOMCNALH IlKTAll, THE DALLES NURSERIES R. II. WEBER, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. GROW KB AND DEAI.KB IN FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL Evergreena, GRAPE VINES SMALL FRUITS Roses and Shrubbery. TREES Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. Houses and Lots THEIR POINTS -IN- Arrival and Departure of Mails. HOOD RIVER. The pontorriee iHopcn dally between 8 a. m. nd 7 n. in.: BimrtRy Iror 2 to 1 o'clock. Mails for the KhhI cluxe at 11.21 i. in., 8.10 p. m. and t p. in.; for the Went, lit a) p. m. mid I p. in. Thecrrternn tt. K. 1). route" No. 1 and I! leave the poHUitllce at 8.80 a. m. Mall leaves f or ml iiiKiu, aauy m u m For Underwood, Wash., dav. at 12 in., arrives at 11 For White Hiilmon, Wash., arrives 10. aO dally.Jexcept Sua a. m. dally at 12 in arrives at II a. in WHITE HAI.MON. For Hood Itlver, dally at 9 a. in.; arrives at 2 p. in. ril Iiutllll, irouiiKe anu uuwr, nu.( dnll hi '.At a. in.; arrives 5 p. m. Fnr I'h'iiwood, Fuldu and Utlmer, wanii., dally at 7.3(1 u. in.; arrives at II p. m. ror rine r ihi idu nnowuen, n wu., i i. m. Tuesdays and Hulurdays; arrives same days at li in. For unwell, aauy at . P. m. arrives ai 8.45 a. m. OF SUPERIORITY are many, too many to print hero, hut if yon are interested in hn ving the BEST get acquainted with j Oliver Steel and Chilled Plows Moline Orchard Disc Buckeye Cider Mill Sharpels Tubular Cream Sepcrator Kimball Cultivator Bean Spray Pump, Aermoter wind mm Syracuse Spring Tooth Acme Harrow Buckeye lorce rump Vehicles and Farm Machinery (EXCLUSIVELY) J. R. NICKELSEN Coe's Addition O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. East bound No. 2, Chicago Kpeclal. 11:45 ft. in. No. 4, Hnokane Flyer, 8:Hn p. m. No. 6, Mall and Express, 10:42 p. ra. No. 8, IU:: a. in. No mail. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. m. No. 22. Kant Freight, 4:06 a. in. West bound No. 1, Portland Hpecial, 2:35 p. m. No. S, Portland Flyer, &:M a. m. No. 6, Mall and Kx press, 4:42 a. m. No. 7, 3:40 p. m. No mall. No. 23, Way Freight, :25 a. m. No. bh, Fast Freight, 1K p. m. Union Deuot- Leave. Arrive. (rhlcairo-Portland SDectftl for the Kst via Huntington, dally 9:30 am 5:00 pm Hpoaane Flyer rur lutstura Washington, Walla Walla, I .Awiwion. I wur d' Alene and Ureat Northern points, dally 6:15 pm 8KKI am Atlantic F.XDreas for I lie Kant via Hanllngton, dally 8:15 pm 7:15am Portland-biggs local, for all uoints between hiwts and Portland, dally 8:15 am 6:00 pin Oregon Sfioip Line a imon Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Thtniivrh Pullman PtandanlR nnd tourlxt lwplnir phd) (IhIIv to Omaha, rhlcmrn. Hr- kftm; tourtt uleepintf turn daily to Kan nan i li v. inmuffn ruilmnn lonrint Meeting car ipcn'onMiMy cnnaticwa) weekly 10 ijiiichko. RriMintng chlr earn (so.hU free) to the nftity. RIVER SCHEDULE FOR ASTOItIA andlMO P. M 5:11) P. M way iiolnts. connecting Iially with Htmmer for Il-Aaco! except and Nort h Beach steam.' Hunday, er Haiwalo, Ash street Saturday, V. M. dock (water per.) i 10:00 FOR Pavton, OmtnnlM A. M City and Yamhill Rlv- Dully er points. Ash street except dock (water per.) Sunday. FOR LEWI8TO!f, 1:40 A. M. Dally Idaho, Bd way points,! rrom tuparia, wasa. except Batarday Daily except Sunday. 730 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 4.00 P. M Dally except Friday ornca Borm Freight House H a. m. to 12 noon: 1 to I m. No freight received or delivered after p ni. Passenger Depot Honrs fbr delivery of ex press ana oaggsge win oe s a. m. mi p. m. WM. McMURRAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. H. W. BOYLE, Agent, Hood River. Now Cheap for Cash or on your own terms. is the Time to Buy. Phone Farmers 1233. H. C. COE. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phono 931 HOOD 111 VER, Oil. Summer Outing's 7 IN Yellowstone Park The Finest Place in America for a vacation of a week, a month or the season. Special Excursion Hilton East in July, August and September during Park season. Tickets will permit of Stopovers, affording an opportunity to visit the Park at u slight additional axpense. THE REGULAR ROUTE IS VIA TWO TRAINS DAILY TWO St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, and the Bast. TWO TRAINS DAILY TWO Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Joseph and the Batt. Livingston and Gardner Gateway is the Government Official Entrance Send Six Cents for Wonderland, 1906 Full particulars on Application at Ticket Office 255 Morrison Street, Corner Third Or by Letter to A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON