The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 23, 1906, Image 4

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Last week O. S. Olsen Bold to B. F.
Strong, of Cooe county, bis 20 acre
ranch in Odell. Consideration,
000. Mr. Olsen bas been bere less
than ona year and bad made a pleas
ant home but will tiO back to church
work, be being a minister of tbe Hcan
dinavian M. K. church. Mr. Strong'!
plan now ia not to come to bis new
borne for two or three years an be ii
engaged in dairying and will lemain
in big present location and at tbe
same time have his new bome devel
oped. Mrs. Oaen baa been sick the past
week but ia thought to be slightly im
proved. M. D. Odell went to Tillle Jane
Thursday for a visit with bis broth t,
Lee, whose health bas been bad since
going lato camp there.
Prof. Crouse and family, of Hood
River, and a sister of Prof. Crouse,
from tbe Kant, viuited llortba Lalfer
ty Thursday.
Mrs. Jobn Kroeger, daughter Eu
nioe and son Jobn went to Vancouver
Thursday for a visit with Mrs. Kroe
ger 'a parents. Mr. Kroeger followed
them on Monday and will remain un
til Wednesday, when all will return to
their home at Odell.
B. T. Young reports that of the 1(H)
gallons of huckleberries in that pitch,
90 remain aa be picked but 4 gallons.
Tbe school house well is finished at
a depth of 25 feet, a strong vein flow
ing Into It. Tbe wall Is of brick, i
well that with proper oare should set
tie the water question for some time.
Margie Crockett invited a number
of ber frienda to ber bome for a pin
nio Friday afternoon. A very pleasant
time waa bad, marred at tbe close of
tbe afternoon by tbe audd.n Illness of
one or tbe number, Pbila Mao Dull ee,
At last report ahe waa improving.
Will and Dane Kemp are digging a
well at tbeii bome.
Koswell Shelley, of the Little White
store, bad runaway Saturday. Mr.
Shelley escaped with several scratches
and brnlses. The boggy was some
what damaged but all in all luck was
with Mr. Bbelley, as it might have
been much worse.
Tbe dance given by James Cook in
tbe I. O. O. F. baU at Odell Friday
night waa well attended.
Threshers are In evidence about
Odell these days. Couple, lilounher.
Eggert, Lafferty and Khrck are those
we know have bad grain threshed dur
ing tbe past week.
S. J. Eon is ia expected to be in
Odell on business this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Laltroty. Mrs. Dower
man and Mrs, Crockett went to (Ireen
Point Friday huokleberrying. They
oame home Muuday evening.
Mrs. Strong and sons, Lee, Archie
and Arthur, were at Ureen Point for
huckleberries, going up Thursday and
returning bome Friday.
W. A. Lock tn an has been under the
weather aeveral days, but la thought
to be much improved.
Tbe C. E. of Odell, Sunday evening,
August ID, bad tor a subject, "What
ia tbe aiu of phariseelsui? Edytlie
Copple, leader.
L. D. Boyd Is building a bridge
across Hood Kiver at The Punch
Bowl. C. K. Oalllsou is hauling lum
ber for this bridge. Mrs. Callisou and
aoua are In camp neat Wlueiis City.
Thursdy, Auxust 1(1, the lowans
held their annual picnic ou the
grounds In a grove at the Kobt. Hand
pleasure reaort, just as tine a place as
could be selected. By 12 o'clock
there were gathered together quite a
large crowd of people, when the pres
ident, Dr. Laraway, called the meet
ing to order. Afteiwards M. P. lsen
berg addressed tbe people. Several
others were called upon to give a brief
account of Iowa, then we adjourned
to partake of lunch. Tables were
loaded with lb good thlugs to ap
pease man's hunger. Vour scribe eat
dinner with the P. II. Martlu family
and a real pleasi.nt time we had. Af
ter lunch tbe uieetlug was called to
He wants you to have
modern and up-to-date
What the Doctor
3 C.
W. F.
Dr. of Ophthalmology
Understands the Kyes
their Defects, aud their
relation to human i
Glasses Made to Fit
order, when Mr. Martin, D. Cooper,
K. Shelley and several others made
short speeches. Election of officers
for tbe next year and other business
waa transacted, then benediction by
Rev. Kigby.
The lioekford merchant was seen
driving along th Belmont road on
Thursday with three vehicle strung
out. One was a new light two-seated
buck and we woudereil what was the
matter, as the wheels on the new hack
did not turn. We discovered they
bad a hot-box. Water was applied to
cool it olf, then Mr. II. Nicklesou
furnished axle grease so all was
righted. While waiting or the box
to cool oil lioekford received a good
order, so Providence smiles on the un
fortunate at times. The next time
you sell a rig, McDonald, be sure you
put some greme on it.
Kiscr & McCnistiou received a 00
gallon tank of gasnliue on Saturday.
Suppose things will he humming, the
saw will be buzzing and saw-dust Hy
ing next week.
Ralph Jarvis says he ban the finest
span of mules that waH ever put on
the road. All tint is the matter with
them is they have lung ears, and i' it
were not so be would get a top buggy
so that be could take bis best girl nut
riding Well, lialpb just trim those
ears a little.
F. P. Dean made a hoi so trade one
day last weeK, trading bis sorrel for
a bay. Of course v'nlouel drew the
boot money. Well we must have a
swap once in a wiiiie.
Ed Watts, the plasterer, wag a busy
man all last week, working on tbe
new passenger depot, so busy that be
could not go to the picnic
Fred Iugalla and his Ma drove out
injajbuggy on Haturday last to take an
other look at the old home.
T. Sbeare has gone to Mitcliels
Point, where bo will put In his time
for the Stanley -Smith Lumber Co.
The directors of the Hood Kiver Ir
rigation District are now asking lor
the district to be bonded for MO.WMi
I was pleasingly surprised when 1
visited the grounds and hotel belong
ing to ltobt. Band. Tbe hotel Is line,
being situated so as to look on tbe
Old Columbia ;l ben the.fallsjHie grand
to look upon ; the pond with ilsb in,
the well contrived fountain, which
sends forth a line stream, the shady
trees and shrubs, wbioli tend to make
tbe place much desired as a resort for
rest and pleasure. Ml. Baud is build
ing a lookout on a very elevated spot,
where you can see 20 miles down tbe
Politicians are beginning to make
theli appearance in White White Sal
mon. A number of them have been
here from Cloldendale. Mr. Barnes,
of that place, who is a candidate lor
county treasurer, was one of them.
The primaries will be held in a slioit
time now.
M. M. Main and Tlieo. Adams are
shipping their primes. They sold
them to Weber, the nurseryman, at
I he Dalles and are understood to have
secured a good price.
Fruit boxes are beginning to come
into White Salmon. Several loads
have arrived here from Trout Lake
and are being used for cauleloupes
and peaches.
B. Fields & Co, soli 40 aores of
lund for Leon Lal'Vance last week. It
was bought by Foreman McKluney,
who was in charge of tbe O. K. & S.
painting gang that recently went
tlirjiigb Hood Biver. Mr. McKlnney
lives at Pendleton.
A big crowd is expected tonight at
the dunce to be given in the new Odd
1' clows hall, it Is the opening affair
at the hall and Is expected to he the
largest social affair that has ever tak
en place at White Salmon.
The lawn festival held at tho fine
home of It. A. Jewutt last evening
was a great success. There was a
large attendance, the luwu being dec
orated for the occasion and mi inter
esting program piuvidoil. All hail an
enjoyable evening and the proceeds
which were for tho benefit of the
church are said to bare been consid
Mis. I). Main left White Salmon last
Friday for an extended visit to Wis
ring them
it iilled at a reliable store, whore the appliances arc
and the drugs are Pure and Fresh. We make this
a specially, and we assure you
puts on the Paper We put in the Medicine
consin. She went from Hood River
and took O. R. k N. train 4.
A good many people are on the sick
list at present note of them very ser
iously, however, and it ia hoped that
tbey will make a speedy recovery.
I. N. Hnyett eut to Portland on
Saturday of hn t w. i k.
Jasper WiaU.a-n, U. A. McCurdy,
Pi of.
Arueson hi d James Black went
to (Jreen Point 'limsday of this week.
on aXfishing mid camping excursion.
Theyj expu i. io be absent for several
days. Mis. (,Vt, M. A. Hackett and
daughter Margiet left for their home
in Poitland ou Monday of this week
after spending several days visiting
with relatives in this neighborhood.
Crapper i-i cm a hooui. The addition
to the school house m lioisbed, which
gives the b. i, doi..Je its former
seating capai i
Will Crapp i L built a new barn
ou bis lanch.
We have a i J e i.f telephone on
our streit 1 ,.i j irons ot the new
lino are Messi . 'ex Hooker, John
llakel, Jasper Viol I un, Fred Taylor,
A. Cunning. .1 !m .? iku, Prof. Arne
S03 and Mr.. Dunn.
A cons'. V."' ) i ,r. , r 0f Crapper
ites atteniic l.. v. ku picnic at Wau-Uiiin-Ouiu
last week, and It goes
wi'nom Baying that tbey bad a good
Bev. H. C. Clarke preached bis last
sermon for thin conference year at the
souooi nouse ou last Sunday after
The Strauahau girls passed tbrougli
tielmout last week ou the way
their claim near lone.
Mrs. Moore, who has been visitin
in lielmout some time, returned
her home near Portland.
rreil iilayloek, while at work uea
Mitchell's Point rolling logs, got b
toot mashed quite liadly.
Miss Julia Nickelseu, of Tbe Dalies
came down last week to spend a fe
days visiting ber cousin, Miss Marga
ret JNickelseu, of lielinont.
Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Church were i
Portland, "The Rose City" last wee
visiting friends and relatives.
Mis Helen Boornian is sufferin
from a severe case of blackberry poi
Miss Marge l'eatty, of Portlaud
spent Sunday in Belmont.
itev. ii, u. i iarne nas one mor
Sunday in Belmont before going
oonforeuce. All come out and ben
hliu next Sunday.
Mrs. L. V. Nealigh's mother, M
Beatty, has arrived from iiartweli
Nebraska. Sho also brings with bei
son and two daughters. They char
cerec a car and brought tbe large
part or their household goods so
think perhaps llnod Hirer will .gain
new resident. Up at Poaatolla, Mr.
I (catty got off the tiain to mail
letter auu It just weut right oil an
left him. "lis strange; although
called with all bis might it wouldu
come back.
Y.r. H. ( .K. Social.
At the home of George T. i'rather
Friday evening, August 24, the follow
ing menu will be sei vod in a novel
wuy. You order by number and pay
for what you get. Blind Menu: Firsl
course, oouauuime-a la-gnlGo: secou
course, pressed tongue; third course,
roast onioKeu ; luiirtu oouite, ripim
ish sauce; tilth course, nuts;
course, game.
Every body is Invited to come H id
have a good time, and if you do come
the young people will see that You
nave a time all right.
New School Publication at The Dalles,
The Literary Note Book is the tit
of a new publication issued by '1 In
Dalles high shnol aud is a neat little
nnigaziue of 10 pages. The first Hum
ber contains several views ot sceuei
near Tbe Dalles, a short sketch of
Dalles history, an excellent essay by
nigh shool pupil, and other timely
articles. It will be Instructive woi
for its promoters.
the editor, Wui. C. Walker, was i
Hood River the latter pait of the
week in the Interest of the publica
mrjts... .-.-iiraoa
A Hair
Nearly every one likes a fine
hair dressing. Something to
make the hair more manage
able; to keep it from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that will feed the hair at the
same time, a regular hair-food.
will remain where it belongs
on the head, not on the comb!
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
Mad by J O. Ayer Co., LowU,
Alio manunovurtri 01
Weather Repo t.
Observer fieal, of the U. S. weather
bureau at Portlaud, issues tbe follow
Ing summary for last week:
During the first day of tbe week
sbowers ooourred in tbe northern
ooast counties and in the northeast
portion of the northern coast counties
aud in the northeast poitiou of the
state. These showers, as a rul , were
light, and droughty conditions con
tinue in practically all portions of
the state. Forest fires are burning in
many places and the atmosphere baa
ttcoine very smoky. It Is not ex
pected that tbe forest Ores will be put
out or the atmosphere cleared of
smoke until good, soaking tains oc
our, and they are badly needed at the
present time the tempreturea aver
aged about six degrees lower than tbe
preceding week. The nights were
about three degrees cooler than usual
In the eastern counties. Tbe after
noon temporaries ceie about nnruu.l
in all parts ot the state. Lights Host
wore reported in a few exposed places
in liiiamoou counly the prevaljlu
winds were north ivobtoilv.
(overninent Kxpci ts at the Fair,
Visitors tit the Oregon State Pa
during the week Hept 1U-15) will
not only find the various lines of ag
riculture, horticulture, mechanical
and tine arts exhibits of interest, but
also a demonstration ot the leadiug
topics iu all of our rural districts at
this time, namely "good roads.
Just outside of the nci tb fence line of
tbe state fair grounds can lie seen
from beginning to end the building of
a modern highway. '1 he United States
government road experts are at work
upon a mile of experimental road.
This piece of woik la well under
way and a quarter of a mile is now
ready for uso. The plan is first
systematic grading and drainage
which Is thoroughly done, then a 5
inch coating of coarse crushed ioc
thoroughly rolled, whou wet and tbe
final coating of finer crushed rock
sprinkled and rolled until tbe prin
of a team and wagon cannot be noticed
after having passed over the finished
em face. This feature alone is worthy
of a tup to the fan.
Box Bar Thieve Caught.
Vesi.erday Marshal danger received
a wire from Wyeth stating that a man
bad been caught breaking into a bo
cur, and that he would be brought up
on the through freight. Mr. Uanger
met tne irelglit and locked t e man
ii A later message stated that Ho
tectlvo Mlzgernld would be up on No,
I and take the man back to Portland
the following account of the affa
is taken from yesterday's Oregonlan
Detective Fltzgorald, of the O. B,
A IN., last night apprehended at
Ircutdale a boxcar thief whom he be
lieves to be a niembot of an organize
gang that has been looting cais of val
uablo freight. Frank Graves, a brake
man, was taken Into custody, an
Fitzgerald very cleverly detected him
with stolon property on bis person
Nunieious thefts flora freightcara on
the O. it. Jr. N. east of Portland have
been reported of late, and the rail
road detectives bave been ou the look
out for the criminals.
Last night Fitzgerald was going
east on a passenger train. He dropped
off at Tioutdalo, where a freight was
ou the siding. Ihe conductor told
him that one of bis cars had beeu
broken into, so Fitzgerald iuimedi
ately got bis baggage and camped on
(lie scene, a search of tbe train re
veuled several large boxes and bun
dies of goods hidden ou tbe engine
tank. The conductor of the freight
nau detected tbe odor of Honor on
tbe breath of Graves, so a close watch
was mane ot mm. Soon be was
noticed iitilondlug the stolen good
from the tank, and Fitzgerald stepped
from a shadow and plaoed him under
arrest to the point ot a gun. At nrs
ho denied the theft, but when other
articles were found on his person he
confessed to the whole affair.
(irnves was brought to the oitv on
a rrcigm train and locked In the citv
jan on tne charge or larceuoy from
Doxcer. Colioeiuen were also detailed
to watch incoming tralua for other
1 he stolen goods consisted of sever
al large boxes of oigara and a buudle
of overcoats.
(raves has beeu living in the Mao-
kay building iu Lower Albina. His
home is iu Kansas, and Detective
1' it.zgerald says that be is now living
under an nssuuied name, aud that be
has turned previous tricks.
Had Accident Sear Menominee.
uauuuin. .una mbouiliujj bu
ins amies as hook tender, while hand
ling logs with a donkey engine at tbe
.cwuy a ivuutz camp, Albert laudell
lad bis left baud severed. It appears
nat tne sigual to start tho enigue was
:iven too soon, and bia baud was
caught between the cable and tbe log,
lining into the hand until hut a few
ndons remained. 1'be cable even
t into the log until it had to be
serered on eecb side of the band to
lease the unfortunate man. He was
mediately takeu to tho Hood Kiver
ispital, where the hand was anipu
ted at tiie wrist joint. Tbe th nib
is left, and it may lie possiblo to
ve it. Mr. Vandell stood tbe ehock
cry nell, and is out around, but will
ie unable tn work for some time.
Ail.pilise.l Letter I.M
Advertised hftr list for week en -
ng August li06: Anderson, Mr.
l.mily; llelene, Mr. J. II.; lien
rson, Mrt. L. II. : McClarv. Mrs
Obrist, Mrs. Nannie; Whitzel, Mrs.
KJ; Clark, Kd ; Case, Wesley ; Cham
bers, Kev. Mr. ; lironn.Chas. ; Carnis,
H. F. ; Dewey, C. H. ; Hunt, T. Mur
ray; Lind. Henry S. ; I.umpkins, Geo.
W. ; Parson, C. R, ; Pearson, (lus;
Pendleton, 15. K. ; Nelson, Cook ;
Chaa. ; Wiigbt, (J. W.
Wni. M. Yates. P. M. :
t ;
Extraordinary Low Price for August
Clearing Sale of Seasonable Goods
If you don't investigate this you will miss a golden
opportunity to clothe yourself and family for a very lit
tle money. Included in this Bargain Sale is
Boys' and Men's Suits, Ladies' Skirts,
Underwear for Men, Women and Chil
dren, Dress Goods Suitable for all Sea
sons, Hats and Caps for Men, Women
and children, Hosiery, Shoes, Gloves and
Hosts of Other Articles too Numerous to Mention
50 Suits for Boys from 5 to 1 1 years at HALF Price,
ranging from 75c up. 125 pairs of Shoes, almost all
kinds and sizes for men, women and Children. This
is your grand opportunity. Summer Underwear, the
10c kind for 5c, 15c kind for 10c, 25c kind for 18c, 35c
and 40c kind 25c, 50c and 75c kind for 40c.
IOO Shirts for Men
Worth from 50c to $1.00. Your choice
Forty Cents
Dress Goods. In this will be included Ginghams,
Lawns, Suitings, Percales, at such rediculouslv low
prices that you iui uiai are worm Trom $I.5U to $3.U0.
All Strawhats HALF Price Don't miss this sale. It
costs nothing to look and not much to buy
Measurements of the Days,
and Years.
A "solar day" Is measured by the ro
tation of tbe earth upon Its axla mid la
of different lengths, owing to the elllp
tlclty of tbe earth's orbit and other
causes, but a "mean solar day" Is
twenty-four hours long, aa reckoned by
tbe timepieces.
An astronomical day commences at
noon and Is counted from tbe first to
the twenty-fourth hour. A "civil day"
commences at midnight and Is count
ed from the first to the twelfth hour,
and then; again commences with one
and finishes with twelve. A "nautical
day" la reckoned the same as the "civil
day," only that tbe reckoning Is begun
nt noon Instead of tit midnight.
A "calendur month" vurles from
twenty-eight to thirty-one days. A
"mean lunar month" is twenty-ulne
days, twelve hours, forty-four minutes,
two and two-thirds seconds. A "year"
la divided Into 3(15 days. A "solar
year," wiiirh is the time occupied by
the sun in passing from one normal
equinox t the other, consists of 304.
24244 days, wbieh Is equal to 305 days,
6 hours, 48 minutes, 4l).5.'!0 seconds.
A "Julian year" ia 3(15 dcys even. A
'Gregorian year" la 3(15.2425 daya.
Tbe error In the Gregorian mode of
time reckoning amounts to but one day
in each 3,571 years.
Plenty of Reason.
T don't see why that tune haunts nie
constantly," complained a dull man
woo waa always bumming.
Because you are forever murderlnc
Itr came the qnlck reply from Foote.
tt hikes ten pounds of common nenw
to carry one pound of learning. Per
sian Proverb.
T. S. Weekely the jeweler, has opened
new jewelry store and repair ehon. ami
a miw rmuy 10 oo your watcn, clock
md jewelry repairing. All work fnllv
warranted. Prices reasonable. In tbe
real estate room with Outbank & Otten.
Box Wood
Box Factory
Phoue 71.
GINGNARD ROGER, Local AScMj, Hood Biver 1
We be ftn.tXK) Yel!o
Newtown Tip-
piiles for the i
n a .1 SpiUrnbun; Annies
niiiU' witiion. Also all the leadini? I
iiilarii varieties ol Ant.le. Peam I
riiini, Prime. IVach. Cbeir and Km.I I
li"h Walnut tree , Oriinuientitl trees,
Siirubs and Roses. Call or address N.
1 Harvey or August Ginitnard, Hood
River, Ore. Phone 1259.
cant help but see its
We have just received a car load of
Direct from th factory. We an
prices. We can save you money,
fittings and the largest stock of ;
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
.Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry Goods
Hay (irain
..Livery, Feed
We .1
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attend to.
a bargain. Men's 1
selling it at wholesale
Also have a full line of
;ar(en hose iu the city.
Ammunition Fioots and Slioos
Hardware (iranitcware
HmxI Full lino of (Iron
and Dravincr..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
parlies can secure Hrst-elass rigs.
il gi.-en to moving furniture am
every! hirg horses can do.